2023-2024新疆乌鲁木齐市重点中学高一上学期期中英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版)

乌市第三十六中学 2023-2024 学年第一学期
期中英语试卷高一年级 问卷
第 I 卷(选择题)
一、阅读理解(本大题共 15 小题,共 30 分)
DAY 1: London to Roses: We travel on a Eurostar from St Pancras International to Paris, where we join the direct service to figures in Spain. From figures we take a short trip by coach to our hotel, set within the beautiful Hay of Rosas, our base for the next seven nights. Located on the Catalan coast. Rosas is a Spanish fishing port (港口) with an almost endless stretch of sandy bench.
DAYS 2 — 3: Coastal cruise (乘船游览) & at leisure (休闲) Today we explore (探索) the fantastic coastline with a wonderful cruise to Cadaques, a beautiful fishing village. After free time toexplore the village, we cruise back along the coast to Rosas. On Day 3 you are free to spend the day relaxing in Rosas
DAYS 4 — 5: Barcelona & at leisure: On Day 4 we travel to the beautiful city of Barcelona. Ourguided city tour takes in the main sights, Following the tour you have plenty of time to explore the city; take the chance to discover the great Picasso Museum in the Barri Gotic, Day 5 is free to spend relaxing on the beach.
DAYS 6 — 7: The Gala-Salvador Dali Foundation We travel to Figueres today where we visit thefantastic Gala-Salvador Dali Foundation, After time to see the works of the famous artist, you are free to continue exploring Figueres, Day 7 is a leisured day to relax. or to further explore the local area.
DAY 8: Homeward bound: We transfer by coach to Figueres for the high - speed train to Paris, where we board a Eurostar service to London
between 12th Apr & 25th Oct
1 How will tourists get from Figueres to Rosas
A. By car B. By coach C. By train. D. By boat
2. What will tourists do on Day 4
A Tour the city of Barcelona B. Relax on the bench.
C Travel to Figueres. D. Visit the village of Cadaques
3. What do we know about the trip
A. It doesn’t include return travel. B. It lasts for a week.
C. It starts on 25 th April. D. It costs 755,
The first week of September was a week that I had been expecting all summer. I didn’t want summer to end. But I was excited about going to high school for my first week.
When I got to school in the morning on the first day I realized how large the school was, and how many students went there. I ended up in the wrong classroom because of the size of the school. Luckily, a kind senior showed up and guided me to my homeroom before I was late. I was happy to see that in a class of unfamiliar (不熟悉的) faces, the only open seat was next to my good friend, Casey. My science teacher seemed like a good teacher. She was exciting and fun.
After finishing four periods without too much of a challenge, I didn’t feel too bad about ninth grade.
However, the fifth period changed everything. I didn’t feel ready after all. My teacher’s name is Mr. Valassidis but he told us to call him Mr. V. Mr V told us that we would have to write 40 essays (文章) and read AP-level books such as The Odyssey this year. I love reading and writing, but come on, 40 ESSAYS AP-level books Now I was afraid.
The courses in high school seem like they’re going to get much harder, but they haven’t yet. Even though my classes look hard, they look really exciting too.
The first week passed quickly. Although a lot of things left me at a loss: the size of the campus, the crowds (人群) and the seniors, having a totally different experience than I had ever had before was really exciting. Now, I’m really happy about high school. I have lots of friends in my classes, I really like my teachers and I’m glad to meet new people.
4. How did the writer feel when his high school life was about to start
A. Anxious. B. Happy. C. Helpless. D. Relaxed.
5. What happened to the writer on his first day of high school
A. He was praised by Mr. V. B. He was late for class.
C. He met Casey for the first time. D. He got lost on the campus.
6. What made the writer afraid
A. The strict rules in classes.
B. How his science teacher behaved.
C. What he was expected to do with his studies.
D. It was difficult to get on with his new classmates.
7. Which of the following can best describe the writer’s first week of high school
A. Different and exciting. B. Hard and frightening.
C. Busy but eye-opening. D. Tiring but meaningful.
The Winter Olympics is also called the White Olympics. At this time, many colorful stamps are published to mark the great Games. The first stamps marking the opening came out on January 25, 1932 in the United States for the 3rd White Olympics. From then on, publishing stamps during the White Olympics became a rule. During the 4th Winter Olympic Games a group of stamps were published in Germany in November 1936. The five rings of Olympics were drawn on the front of the sportswear. It was the first time that the rings appeared on the stamps of the White Olympics. In the 1950’s, the stamps of this kind became more colorful.
When the White Olympics came, the host countries (东道国) as well as the non-host countries published stamps to mark those Games. China also published four stamps in February 1980, when the Chinese sports men began to take part in the White Olympics. Japan is the only Asian country that has ever held the White Olympics. Altogether 14,500 million stamps were sold to raise money for this sports meet. Different kinds of sports were drawn on these small stamps. People can enjoy the beauty of the wonderful movements of some sportsmen.
8. The White Olympics and the Winter Olympics _______.
A. are the same thing B. are different games
C. are not held in winter D. are held in summer
9. The world made it a rule to publish stamps to mark the great world games _______.
A. after the year 1936 B. after the 3rd White Olympics
C. before the 3rd White Olympics D. before the year 1932
10. The Winter Olympics is held once _______.
A. every two years B. every three years
C. every four years D. every five years
11. Which of the following is true
A. Only the host countries can publish stamps to mark those Games.
B. Only the non-host countries can publish stamps to mark those Games.
C. All the countries can publish stamps to mark those Games.
D. Japan can’t publish stamps to mark those Games.
12. What may appear on the stamps of the White Olympics
A. Basketball. B. Table tennis. C. Football. D. Skating.
I worked in a small company with about thirty-five employees (雇员). We had a good-sized kitchen with a fridge that several employees used. But people would often go to the fridge to surprisingly find either their whole lunch missing, or in my case, my can of Cherry Coke gone. I usually kept it in my lunch bag. At times when I bought takeaway food, I would get two—one for lunch and one for dinner—so I didn’t have my lunch bag. Even so, I often couldn’t find the food. It was a shock to everyone.
We doubted who was stealing, but could never prove (证明) it. One day, a good idea came to my mind, and I couldn’t wait to try it.
It was break time at noon. I headed down to the kitchen about five minutes early and gave my Coke such a hard shake that I feared it may actually go off in my hands. I placed it back in the fridge. Then, I hid into a cupboard in the kitchen, waiting for the right moment.
BINGO! A lady came in and took the Coke. I put my hand over my mouth for her to open it, but she took it with her and left. I thought she would open it in the hall. No!
As I left the kitchen, I heard her yell (叫喊). I passed her office, and Coke was everywhere: the walls, the floor, all over her desk, computer, her work, and all over her—everywhere!
Well, food has never gone missing again since then because the lady got fired.
13. Why did the employees feel surprised
A. Their lunch was often lost.
B. The fridge was full of free food.
C. The kitchen was never clean.
D. The company was small-sized.
14. Why did the author hide in the kitchen
A. To play a joke on the lady.
B. To carry out some repairs inside.
C. To find out who was stealing.
D. To prove who was the best worker.
15. What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 3 refer to
A. The kitchen. B. The drink C. The hand. D. The fridge.
16. What is the text mainly about
A. A small company. B. An honest lady.
C. A special lunch. D. An office story.
二、阅读七选五(本大题共 5 小题,共 10 分)
With the cold weather drawing nearer, few people will choose swimming as a daily or usual activity. ____17____ Here come the reasons.
Good for your brain.
Swimming is one of the best activities you can do all year round, which benefits your body and your mind. Swimming has been found to increase blood flow to the brain, which leads to more oxygen. ____18____
Work your muscles.
Every time you swim, it is like doing a mini-resistance workout. Each kicks and pull works your muscles more than you could imagine, especially your arms, shoulders and gluteus — the muscles that are inactive all day when you’re sitting at your desk. _____19_____ So along with building fitness, it is a wonderful full body exercise.
Lift your spirits.
_____20_____ They can cause a positive feeling into your body which makes you happy. Swimming has been shown to reduce stress and tension. The repetition, movement and the breathing can help you to relax , and that’s why swimming is also regarded as a relaxing exercise.
While swimming is an individual sport, it is also very social. You can meet people from all walks of life when swimming. Have a chat in the lap pool, join a swimming club or get involved in social water sports to get to know people in your community. Besides, the great thing about swimming is that you can do it — rain or shine. Although your backyard pool, the river or beach cools down over winter, most inside swimming pools run heated pools year round, so you’ve got no excuse to stop swimming.
A Benefit your body.
B. Meet new people.
C. These chemicals can control your thought and action.
D. Swimming also works your abs (腹肌) and will reduce your waist line.
E. Exercise gives off chemicals in your body called endorphins (内啡肽).
F. And that means you’re experiencing better memory and sharp mind.
G. However, swimming in winter is of great benefit in cold days.
三、完形填空(本大题共 15 小题,共 15 分)
The most unforgettable thing during my long summer holiday last year, of course was my trip ___22___ England. This was my first time to go abroad, so it really made me ___23___.
There were quite a lot of interesting places in England, ___24___ Oxford. When we walked around Oxford, we saw quite a lot of ancient buildings on ___25___ sides of the streets. One of the most famous tourist ___26___ in Oxford is Christ Church, it’s ___27___ one of the Oxford University’s 39 colleges. There is a huge hall in Christ Church, ___28___ was used as the dining hall at Hogwarts in the Harry Potter ___29___. I felt really excited when I heard this.
___30___ place that impressed me ______31______ during my trip was a place called Stratford upon Avon. It was a small town. Maybe you haven’t ______32______ it, but I’m sure you have heard about William Shakespeare — it’s the great man’s ______33______. In Stratford upon Avon, I could ______34______ Shakespeare’s Birthplace, Shakespeare Countryside Museum, the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, and a lot of places that are connected with _______35_______.
I went to Shakespeare’s Birthplace. It was the house _______36_______ Shakespeare was born and spent his early years. Its sitting room, hallway (走廊), bedrooms, and kitchen were furnished (布置) in 16th century style. I also went to see the Shakespeare Exhibition. It illustrated (以图解说明) Shakespeare’s life and career in both Stratford and London.
I really enjoyed this nice trip to England, from which I learned a lot. I’m very happy that I could visit such an interesting country. I want to go there again in the future.
22. A. at B. for C. from D. to
23. A. excited B. appointed C. stubborn D. determined
24. A. for example B. such as C. as such D. for instance
25. A. both B. either C. neither D. each
26. A. views B. scenes C. sites D. interests
27. A. also B. too C. still D. yet
28. A. that B. which C. who D. where
29. A. novels B. records C. films D. songs
30. A. Other B. Every C. Each D. Another
31. A. deep B. deeply C. high D. highly
32. A. thought about B. heard about C. listened to D. dreamed about
33. A. hometown B. office C. play D. theatre
34. A. speak B. say C. talk D. see
35. A. Shakespeare B. Oxford C. England D. Harry Potter
36. A. who B. that C. when D. where
第 II 卷(非选择题)
四、语法填空(本大题共 1 小题,共 15 分)
Chinese teenager Quan Hongchan is the___37___ (young) of 431 athletes that China sent to Tokyo for the Olympics. If the Games had gone on as scheduled, she would have been too young___38___meet the minimum age (14) to compete in the diving competition. At such a young age, Quan was relatively unknown until winning the 2020 Chinese___39___ (nation) championship at 13 years old. Now, she’s made Olympic history. Each of Quan’s dives was the highest of the five rounds of competition at the 10-meter platform.
Two scored perfect 10s from all seven___40___ (judge).
Quan Hongchan___41___ (amaze) the world with her perfect performance. ___42___ (surprising), it was____43____ (she) first time to take part in the Olympic Games. For us, it was___44___unexpected win, but for her, it wasn’t. It is her hard work___45___brings her success. If the Tokyo Olympics had not been postponed by a year, we would have been robbed of____46____ (see) her stunning flush.
五、书面表达(共两节,共 30 分)
第一节(满分 20 分)
47. 假定你是李华,你英国笔友Conrad发邮件给你,询问你暑假的计划。你打算趁假期去外地看望亲戚,然后游览当地的旅游景点。请你给他回一封邮件,告诉他你的旅行计划。(注意:词数不少于 80)
第二节(满分 10 分)
48. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和段落开头续写一段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。(注意: 至少写 5 句话)
One day, a hare(野兔) and a tortoise(乌龟) decided to have a race to see who was faster than the other. They agreed that the one who first got to the bid tree in the distance was the winner. So they started at the same time.
The hare thought, “My legs are much longer than the tortoise’s. I’m sure to be the winner.” Of course the tortoise was much slower than the hare, but he never gave up and kept moving forward as fast as he could.
As the hare ran a few kilometers, he found the tortoise far behind him.
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________乌市第三十六中学 2023-2024 学年第一学期
期中英语试卷高一年级 问卷
第 I 卷(选择题)
一、阅读理解(本大题共 15 小题,共 30 分)
DAY 1: London to Roses: We travel on a Eurostar from St Pancras International to Paris, where we join the direct service to figures in Spain. From figures we take a short trip by coach to our hotel, set within the beautiful Hay of Rosas, our base for the next seven nights. Located on the Catalan coast. Rosas is a Spanish fishing port (港口) with an almost endless stretch of sandy bench.
DAYS 2 — 3: Coastal cruise (乘船游览) & at leisure (休闲) Today we explore (探索) the fantastic coastline with a wonderful cruise to Cadaques, a beautiful fishing village. After free time toexplore the village, we cruise back along the coast to Rosas. On Day 3 you are free to spend the day relaxing in Rosas
DAYS 4 — 5: Barcelona & at leisure: On Day 4 we travel to the beautiful city of Barcelona. Ourguided city tour takes in the main sights, Following the tour you have plenty of time to explore the city; take the chance to discover the great Picasso Museum in the Barri Gotic, Day 5 is free to spend relaxing on the beach.
DAYS 6 — 7: The Gala-Salvador Dali Foundation We travel to Figueres today where we visit thefantastic Gala-Salvador Dali Foundation, After time to see the works of the famous artist, you are free to continue exploring Figueres, Day 7 is a leisured day to relax. or to further explore the local area.
DAY 8: Homeward bound: We transfer by coach to Figueres for the high - speed train to Paris, where we board a Eurostar service to London
between 12th Apr & 25th Oct
1. How will tourists get from Figueres to Rosas
A. By car B. By coach C. By train. D. By boat
2. What will tourists do on Day 4
A. Tour the city of Barcelona B. Relax on the bench.
C. Travel to Figueres. D. Visit the village of Cadaques
3. What do we know about the trip
A. It doesn’t include return travel. B. It lasts for a week.
C. It starts on 25 th April. D. It costs 755,
【答案】1. B 2. A 3. D
细节理解题。由 DAY 1: London to roses部分中的“From figures we take a short trip by coach to our hotel, set within the beautiful Bay of Rosas, our base for the next seven nights.(从费盖莱斯,我们乘坐长途汽车去了坐落在罗萨斯湾内的酒店,我们接下来七个晚上的基地。)”可知,按照行程安排,游客将从费盖菜斯 (Figueres) 乘坐长途公共汽车去罗萨斯 (Rosas)。故选B项。
细节理解题。由 DAYS 4-5: Barcelona at leisure部分中的“On Day 4 we travel to the beautiful city of Barcelona. Our guided city tour takes in the main sights. Following the tour you have plenty of time to explore the city. (第四天,我们前往美丽的城市巴塞罗那。我们有导游带领的城市之旅游览了主要的景点。接下来的四天你将有足够的时间去探索这个城市。)”可知,按照行程安排,游客在第四天去游览美丽的巴塞罗那。故选A项。
细节理解题。由文中的“8 DAYS, 755”可知,本次旅行共持续八天,费用是755英镑。故选D项。
The first week of September was a week that I had been expecting all summer. I didn’t want summer to end. But I was excited about going to high school for my first week.
When I got to school in the morning on the first day I realized how large the school was, and how many students went there. I ended up in the wrong classroom because of the size of the school. Luckily, a kind senior showed up and guided me to my homeroom before I was late. I was happy to see that in a class of unfamiliar (不熟悉的) faces, the only open seat was next to my good friend, Casey. My science teacher seemed like a good teacher. She was exciting and fun.
After finishing four periods without too much of a challenge, I didn’t feel too bad about ninth grade.
However the fifth period changed everything. I didn’t feel ready after all. My teacher’s name is Mr. Valassidis but he told us to call him Mr. V. Mr V told us that we would have to write 40 essays (文章) and read AP-level books such as The Odyssey this year. I love reading and writing, but come on, 40 ESSAYS AP-level books Now I was afraid.
The courses in high school seem like they’re going to get much harder, but they haven’t yet. Even though my classes look hard, they look really exciting too.
The first week passed quickly. Although a lot of things left me at a loss: the size of the campus, the crowds (人群) and the seniors, having a totally different experience than I had ever had before was really exciting. Now, I’m really happy about high school. I have lots of friends in my classes, I really like my teachers and I’m glad to meet new people.
4. How did the writer feel when his high school life was about to start
A. Anxious. B. Happy. C. Helpless. D. Relaxed.
5. What happened to the writer on his first day of high school
A. He was praised by Mr. V. B. He was late for class.
C. He met Casey for the first time. D. He got lost on the campus.
6. What made the writer afraid
A. The strict rules in classes.
B. How his science teacher behaved.
C. What he was expected to do with his studies.
D. It was difficult to get on with his new classmates.
7. Which of the following can best describe the writer’s first week of high school
A. Different and exciting. B. Hard and frightening.
C. Busy but eye-opening. D. Tiring but meaningful.
【答案】4. B 5. D 6. C 7. A
细节理解题。根据第一段的“But I was excited about going to high school for my first week.”(但我对第一周上高中感到兴奋)可知,当高中生活即将开始时,作者感到很高兴,故选B。
细节理解题。根据第二段的“I ended up in the wrong classroom because of the size of the school”(由于学校的规模,我走错了教室)可知,上高中的第一天作者在校园里迷路了,故选D。
细节理解题。根据第三段的“Mr. V told us that we would have to write 40 essays and read AP-level books such as The Odyssey this year. I love reading and writing, but come on, 40 ESSAYS AP-level books Now I was afraid”(V先生告诉我们,今年我们必须写40篇文章,阅读《奥德赛》(The Odyssey)等AP水平的书籍。我喜欢阅读和写作,但是得了吧,40篇散文 AP-level书吗 现在我害怕了)可知,老师希望学生做的事情让作者害怕了。故选C。
推理判断题。根据最后一段的“having a totally different experience than I had ever had before was really exciting”(有一种与以前完全不同的体验是非常令人兴奋的)推知,“不同”和“兴奋”最能描述作者的高中第一周,故选A。
The Winter Olympics is also called the White Olympics. At this time, many colorful stamps are published to mark the great Games. The first stamps marking the opening came out on January 25, 1932 in the United States for the 3rd White Olympics. From then on, publishing stamps during the White Olympics became a rule. During the 4th Winter Olympic Games a group of stamps were published in Germany in November 1936. The five rings of Olympics were drawn on the front of the sportswear. It was the first time that the rings appeared on the stamps of the White Olympics. In the 1950’s, the stamps of this kind became more colorful.
When the White Olympics came, the host countries (东道国) as well as the non-host countries published stamps to mark those Games. China also published four stamps in February 1980, when the Chinese sports men began to take part in the White Olympics. Japan is the only Asian country that has ever held the White Olympics. Altogether 14,500 million stamps were sold to raise money for this sports meet. Different kinds of sports were drawn on these small stamps. People can enjoy the beauty of the wonderful movements of some sportsmen.
8. The White Olympics and the Winter Olympics _______.
A. are the same thing B. are different games
C. are not held in winter D. are held in summer
9. The world made it a rule to publish stamps to mark the great world games _______.
A. after the year 1936 B. after the 3rd White Olympics
C. before the 3rd White Olympics D. before the year 1932
10. The Winter Olympics is held once _______.
A. every two years B. every three years
C. every four years D. every five years
11. Which of the following is true
A. Only the host countries can publish stamps to mark those Games.
B. Only the non-host countries can publish stamps to mark those Games.
C. All the countries can publish stamps to mark those Games.
D. Japan can’t publish stamps to mark those Games.
12. What may appear on the stamps of the White Olympics
A. Basketball. B. Table tennis. C. Football. D. Skating.
【答案】8. A 9. B 10. C 11. C 12. D
细节理解题。由第一段中的“The Winter Olympics is also called the White Olympics. (冬季奥运会也被称为白色奥运会)”可知,白色奥运会和冬季奥运会是一样的东西。故选A项。
细节理解题。由第一段中的“The first stamps marking the opening came out on January 25, 1932 in the United States for the 3rd White Olympics. From then on, publishing stamps during the White Olympics became a rule. (1932年1月25日,为第三届白色奥运会在美国发行了第一套纪念开幕式的邮票。从那时起,在白色奥运会期间发行邮票成为一项规则)”可知,是在第三届白色奥运会以后才开始发行纪念开幕式的邮票。故选B项。
细节理解题。由第一段中的“The first stamps marking the opening came out on January 25, 1932 in the United States for the 3rd White Olympics. (1932年1月25日,为第三届白色奥运会在美国发行了第一套纪念开幕式的邮票)”和“During the 4th Winter Olympic Games a group of stamps were published in Germany in November 1936. (在第四届冬奥会期间,德国于1936年11月发行了一组邮票)”可知,1932年是第3届冬季奥运会,1936是第4届冬季奥运会,那么相隔了4年才举办冬季奥运会。故选C项。
细节理解题。由第二段中的“When the White Olympics came, the host countries (东道国) as well as the non-host countries published stamps to mark those Games. (白色奥运会到来时,主办国和非主办国都发行了纪念这些奥运会的邮票)”可知,所有的国家都可以发行邮票。故选C项。
推理判断题。由第二段中的“Different kinds of sports were drawn on these small stamps. People can enjoy the beauty of the wonderful movements of some sportsmen. (这些小邮票上画了各种各样的运动。人们可以欣赏一些运动员精彩动作的美)”可知,冬奥会的邮票上都是印刷的是冬奥会的运动项目,4项中只有D项“滑冰”是冬奥会的项目。故选D项。
I worked in a small company with about thirty-five employees (雇员). We had a good-sized kitchen with a fridge that several employees used. But people would often go to the fridge to surprisingly find either their whole lunch missing, or in my case, my can of Cherry Coke gone. I usually kept it in my lunch bag. At times when I bought takeaway food, I would get two—one for lunch and one for dinner—so I didn’t have my lunch bag. Even so, I often couldn’t find the food. It was a shock to everyone.
We doubted who was stealing, but could never prove (证明) it. One day, a good idea came to my mind, and I couldn’t wait to try it.
It was break time at noon. I headed down to the kitchen about five minutes early and gave my Coke such a hard shake that I feared it may actually go off in my hands. I placed it back in the fridge. Then, I hid into a cupboard in the kitchen, waiting for the right moment.
BINGO! A lady came in and took the Coke. I put my hand over my mouth for her to open it, but she took it with her and left. I thought she would open it in the hall. No!
As I left the kitchen, I heard her yell (叫喊). I passed her office, and Coke was everywhere: the walls, the floor, all over her desk, computer, her work, and all over her—everywhere!
Well, food has never gone missing again since then because the lady got fired.
13. Why did the employees feel surprised
A. Their lunch was often lost.
B. The fridge was full of free food.
C. The kitchen was never clean.
D. The company was small-sized.
14. Why did the author hide in the kitchen
A. To play a joke on the lady.
B. To carry out some repairs inside.
C. To find out who was stealing.
D. To prove who was the best worker.
15. What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 3 refer to
A. The kitchen. B. The drink C. The hand. D. The fridge.
16. What is the text mainly about
A. A small company. B. An honest lady.
C. A special lunch. D. An office story.
【答案】13. A 14. C 15. B 16. D
细节理解题。根据第一段第三句“But people would often go to the fridge to surprisingly find either their whole lunch missing, or in my case, my can of Cherry Coke gone. (但人们经常会去冰箱,惊奇地发现他们的整个午餐都不见了,或者就我个人情况而言,樱桃可乐罐不见了。)”可知,员工总是发现自己的午餐消失。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“One day, a good idea came to my mind, and I couldn’t wait to try it.( 有一天,我想到了一个好主意,我迫不及待地想试试。)”可知,作者急切想知道纠结是谁偷午餐,于是他想出了一个办法;此外第三段最后一句“Then, I hid into a cupboard in the kitchen, waiting for the right moment.( 然后,我躲在厨房的橱柜里,等待合适的时机。)”可知他藏在橱柜里是为了等偷午餐的人出现。故选C项。
词句猜测题。根据第三段第二句“I headed down to the kitchen about five minutes early and gave my Coke such a hard shake that I feared it may actually go off in my hands. (我提前五分钟来到厨房,把我的可乐狠狠地摇晃了一下,我担心它可能会在我手里爆炸。)”可知,代词it指代前文提到过可能会爆炸的物品;此外,根据第五段第二句“I passed her office, and Coke was everywhere (我经过她的办公室,到处都是可乐)”可知,可乐被偷后爆炸了,故可推测代词it指代的是作者的樱桃可乐饮料。故选B项。
主旨大意题。根据第一段前三句“I worked in a small company with about thirty-five employees (雇员). We had a good-sized kitchen with a fridge that several employees used. But people would often go to the fridge to surprisingly find either their whole lunch missing, or in my case, my can of Cherry Coke gone. (我在一家有35名员工的小公司工作。我们有一个很大的厨房,里面有一台冰箱,几个员工都用过。但人们经常会去冰箱,惊奇地发现他们的整个午餐都不见了,或者就我个人情况而言,樱桃可乐罐不见了。)”可知,本文主要记录了在公司里大家的午餐被偷这一件事,即一件发生在办公室的故事。故选D项。
二、阅读七选五(本大题共 5 小题,共 10 分)
With the cold weather drawing nearer, few people will choose swimming as a daily or usual activity. ____17____ Here come the reasons.
Good for your brain.
Swimming is one of the best activities you can do all year round, which benefits your body and your mind. Swimming has been found to increase blood flow to the brain, which leads to more oxygen. ____18____
Work your muscles.
Every time you swim, it is like doing a mini-resistance workout. Each kicks and pull works your muscles more than you could imagine, especially your arms, shoulders and gluteus — the muscles that are inactive all day when you’re sitting at your desk. _____19_____ So along with building fitness, it is a wonderful full body exercise.
Lift your spirits.
_____20_____ They can cause a positive feeling into your body which makes you happy. Swimming has been shown to reduce stress and tension. The repetition, movement and the breathing can help you to relax , and that’s why swimming is also regarded as a relaxing exercise.
While swimming is an individual sport, it is also very social. You can meet people from all walks of life when swimming. Have a chat in the lap pool, join a swimming club or get involved in social water sports to get to know people in your community. Besides, the great thing about swimming is that you can do it — rain or shine. Although your backyard pool, the river or beach cools down over winter, most inside swimming pools run heated pools year round, so you’ve got no excuse to stop swimming.
A. Benefit your body.
B. Meet new people.
C. These chemicals can control your thought and action.
D. Swimming also works your abs (腹肌) and will reduce your waist line.
E. Exercise gives off chemicals in your body called endorphins (内啡肽).
F. And that means you’re experiencing better memory and sharp mind.
G. However, swimming in winter is of great benefit in cold days.
【答案】17. G 18. F 19. D 20. E 21. B
根据上一句“With the cold weather drawing nearer, few people will choose swimming as a daily or usual activity.(随着寒冷天气的临近,很少有人会选择游泳作为日常和经常性的活动)”和下一句“Here come the reasons.(原因如下)”及下文中列出的几点原因“Good for your brain.(对大脑有好处)”、“Work your muscles.(锻炼肌肉)”和“Lift your spirits.(振奋精神)”可知,下文主要解释了冬泳的好处,故空处与上一句应为转折关系,表明冬泳是有好处的,故选项G. However, swimming in winter is of great benefit in cold days.(然而,在冬天游泳在寒冷的日子里有很大的好处)符合语境,起到了承上启下的作用。故选G。
根据上一句“Swimming has been found to increase blood flow to the brain, which leads to more oxygen.(研究发现,游泳可以增加流向大脑的血液,从而产生更多的氧气)”可知,选项F. And that means you’re experiencing better memory and sharp mind.(这意味着你会有更好的记忆力和敏锐的思维)是对上一句内容的进一步解释说明,并与本段主题句“Good for your brain.(对大脑有好处)”呼应,其中“that”指代上一句中的“increase blood flow to the brain, which leads to more oxygen”,承接上文,符合语境。故选F。
根据上一句“Each kicks and pull works your muscles more than you could imagine, especially your arms, shoulders and gluteus — the muscles that are inactive all day when you’re sitting at your desk.(每一次踢腿和拉扯都比你想象的更能锻炼你的肌肉,尤其是你的手臂、肩膀和臀肌——当你整天坐在办公桌前时,这些肌肉都不活跃)”可知,游泳可以锻炼手臂、肩膀和臀部肌肉。由此可知,选项D. Swimming also works your abs (腹肌)and will reduce your waist line.(游泳也能锻炼你的腹肌,还能缩小你的腰围)补充说明了游泳还能锻炼腹肌,缩小腰围,承接上文;下一句“So along with building fitness, it is a wonderful full body exercise.(所以除了健身,它还是一种很好的全身锻炼)”对游泳的锻炼功效给出了总结,语意衔接合理。故选D。
根据下一句“They can cause a positive feeling into your body which makes you happy.(它们可以给你身体带来一种积极的感觉,让你快乐)”可知,空处应提到了某种可以让人感到快乐的物质。由此可知,选项E. Exercise gives off chemicals in your body called endorphins (内啡肽).(运动在你体内释放一种叫做内啡肽的化学物质)符合语境,下一句中的“They”指代选项E中的“chemicals”。故选E。
根据第二、三、四段主题句可知,空处应为祈使句,为段落主题句,故答案选自A或B。根据下文中“While swimming is an individual sport, it is also very social. You can meet people from all walks of life when swimming. (虽然游泳是一项个人运动,但它也是一项社交运动。在游泳的时候,你可以遇到各行各业的人)”可知,本段主要说明了游泳可以结识很多朋友。由此可知,选项B. Meet new people(结识新人)符合语境,适合作本段主题句。故选B。
三、完形填空(本大题共 15 小题,共 15 分)
The most unforgettable thing during my long summer holiday last year, of course was my trip ___22___ England. This was my first time to go abroad, so it really made me ___23___.
There were quite a lot of interesting places in England, ___24___ Oxford. When we walked around Oxford, we saw quite a lot of ancient buildings on ___25___ sides of the streets. One of the most famous tourist ___26___ in Oxford is Christ Church, it’s ___27___ one of the Oxford University’s 39 colleges. There is a huge hall in Christ Church, ___28___ was used as the dining hall at Hogwarts in the Harry Potter ___29___. I felt really excited when I heard this.
___30___ place that impressed me ______31______ during my trip was a place called Stratford upon Avon. It was a small town. Maybe you haven’t ______32______ it, but I’m sure you have heard about William Shakespeare — it’s the great man’s ______33______. In Stratford upon Avon, I could ______34______ Shakespeare’s Birthplace, Shakespeare Countryside Museum, the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, and a lot of places that are connected with _______35_______.
I went to Shakespeare’s Birthplace. It was the house _______36_______ Shakespeare was born and spent his early years. Its sitting room, hallway (走廊), bedrooms, and kitchen were furnished (布置) in 16th century style. I also went to see the Shakespeare Exhibition. It illustrated (以图解说明) Shakespeare’s life and career in both Stratford and London.
I really enjoyed this nice trip to England, from which I learned a lot. I’m very happy that I could visit such an interesting country. I want to go there again in the future.
22. A. at B. for C. from D. to
23 A. excited B. appointed C. stubborn D. determined
24. A. for example B. such as C. as such D. for instance
25. A. both B. either C. neither D. each
26. A. views B. scenes C. sites D. interests
27. A. also B. too C. still D. yet
28. A. that B. which C. who D. where
29. A. novels B. records C. films D. songs
30. A. Other B. Every C. Each D. Another
31. A. deep B. deeply C. high D. highly
32. A. thought about B. heard about C. listened to D. dreamed about
33. A. hometown B. office C. play D. theatre
34. A. speak B. say C. talk D. see
35. A. Shakespeare B. Oxford C. England D. Harry Potter
36. A. who B. that C. when D. where
【答案】22. D 23. A 24. B 25. A 26. C 27. A 28. B 29. C 30. D 31. B 32. B 33. A 34. D 35. A 36. D
考查介词词义辨析。句意:我去年暑假最难忘的事当然是去英国的旅行了。A. at在……;B. for为了……;C. from从……;D. to到……。表示“到某地的旅行”为a trip to a place。故选D项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这是我第一次出国,所以真的让我很兴奋。A. excited兴奋的;B. appointed约定的;C. stubborn固执的;D. determined坚定的。根据前文“The most unforgettable thing”和“This was my first time to go abroad”可知,作者第一次出国,很兴奋。故选A项。
考查固定短语词义辨析。句意:英国有很多有趣的地方,比如牛津。A. for example例如;B. such as例如;C. as such像这样的;D. for instance例如。such as用来进行列举,并直接放在列举的名词之前,常常列举的是同类人或事物中的例子,符合此处语境和语法;for example等于for instance,用来举例说明某一种情况或论点,其后常有逗号,不符合句意。故选B项。
考查限定形容词词义辨析。句意:当我们在牛津散步时,我们在街道两旁看到了相当多的古代建筑。A. both两个都;B. either两个中的任一个;C. neither两者中任何一个都不;D. each每个。根据句意和后文名词复数“sides”可知,此处应用both限定。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:牛津最著名的旅游景点之一是基督教堂,它也是牛津大学39个学院之一。A. views视图;B. scenes场景;C. sites地点,场所;D. interests兴趣,利益。根据前文“tourist”及后文“Christ Church”可知,此处表示旅游景点。故选C项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:牛津最著名的旅游景点之一是基督教堂,它也是牛津大学39个学院之一。A. also也(用于句中);B. too也(通常用于句尾);C. still仍然;D. yet (用于否定句)还。根据前后文可知,此处表示“也是39个学院之一”,also用于句中,符合语法;too一般放于肯定句句末。故选A项。
考查定语从句引导词。句意:基督教堂里有一个巨大的大厅,在《哈利波特》系列电影中,它曾被用作霍格沃茨的餐厅。A. that关系代词,指人或物;B. which关系代词,指事物;C. who关系代词,指人;D. where关系副词,指地点。分析可知,此处引导非限制性定语从句,关系代词which引导从句,在从句中作主语,指代先行词a huge hall。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:基督教堂里有一个巨大的大厅,在《哈利波特》系列电影中,它曾被用作霍格沃茨的餐厅。A. novels小说;B. records记录;C. films电影;D. songs歌曲。根据前文“There is a huge hall in Christ Church, ___7___ was used as the dining hall at Hogwarts”的实体介绍可知,此处为电影。故选C项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:旅途中给我留下深刻印象的另一个地方是埃文河畔的斯特拉特福德。A. Other其他的;B. Every每一个;C. Each每个;D. Another另一个。根据前文“One of the most famous tourist ___5___ in Oxford is Christ Church”可知,前文介绍了旅游景点牛津,此处介绍另一个景点。故选D项。
考查形容词/副词词义辨析。句意:旅途中给我留下深刻印象的另一个地方是埃文河畔的斯特拉特福德。A. deep深的;B. deeply深深地;C. high高的;D. highly高度地。修饰前文动词“impressed”应用副词deeply,表程度深,符合句意。故选B项。
考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:也许你没听说过这个地方,但我相信你听说过威廉·莎士比亚——这就是这位文学巨匠的家乡。A. thought about考虑;B. heard about听说;C. listened to听;D. dreamed about梦想。根据后文“you have heard about William Shakespeare”可知,此处指“读者可能没听说过这个地方”。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:也许你没听说过这个地方,但我相信你听说过威廉·莎士比亚——这就是这位文学巨匠的家乡。A. hometown家乡;B. office办公室;C. play戏剧;D. theatre剧院。根据后文“In Stratford upon Avon, I could _____13_____ Shakespeare’s Birthplace, Shakespeare Countryside Museum, the Royal Shakespeare Theatre”可知,这里是莎士比亚的家乡。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:在埃文河畔的斯特拉特福德,我可以看到莎士比亚的出生地,莎士比亚乡村博物馆,皇家莎士比亚剧院,以及许多与莎士比亚有关的地方。A. speak说话;B. say说(强调内容);C. talk交谈;D. see看到。根据语境和后文“Shakespeare’s Birthplace, Shakespeare Countryside Museum, the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, and a lot of places”可知,游客可以看到这些地方。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:在埃文河畔的斯特拉特福德,我可以看到莎士比亚的出生地,莎士比亚乡村博物馆,皇家莎士比亚剧院,以及许多与莎士比亚有关的地方。A. Shakespeare莎士比亚;B. Oxford牛津;C. England英格兰;D. Harry Potter哈利波特。根据前文“Shakespeare’s Birthplace, Shakespeare Countryside Museum, the Royal Shakespeare Theatre”可知,这些都是与莎士比亚有关的地方。故选A项。
考查定语从句引导词。句意:这是莎士比亚出生并度过早年时光的房子。A. who关系代词,指人;B. that关系代词,指人或物;C. when关系副词,那时;D. where关系副词,在那里。分析可知,此处引导限制性定语从句,先行词为地点名词the house,关系副词where引导从句,在从句中作地点状语。故选D项。
第 II 卷(非选择题)
四、语法填空(本大题共 1 小题,共 15 分)
Chinese teenager Quan Hongchan is the___37___ (young) of 431 athletes that China sent to Tokyo for the Olympics. If the Games had gone on as scheduled, she would have been too young___38___meet the minimum age (14) to compete in the diving competition. At such a young age, Quan was relatively unknown until winning the 2020 Chinese___39___ (nation) championship at 13 years old. Now, she’s made Olympic history. Each of Quan’s dives was the highest of the five rounds of competition at the 10-meter platform.
Two scored perfect 10s from all seven___40___ (judge).
Quan Hongchan___41___ (amaze) the world with her perfect performance. ___42___ (surprising), it was____43____ (she) first time to take part in the Olympic Games. For us, it was___44___unexpected win, but for her, it wasn’t. It is her hard work___45___brings her success. If the Tokyo Olympics had not been postponed by a year, we would have been robbed of____46____ (see) her stunning flush.
【答案】37. youngest
38. to 39. national
40. judges 41. amazed
42. Surprisingly
43. her 44. an
45. that 46. seeing
考查形容词最高级。句意:中国青少年全红婵是中国派往东京参加奥运会的431名运动员中最年轻的一位。根据空前的the和空后的of 431 athletes可知,这里表示431名运动员中最年轻的一位,应用形容词最高级youngest。故填youngest。
考查不定式。句意:如果奥运会如期举行,她就会太小而无法达到参加跳水比赛的最低年龄(14岁)。too...to do sth.意为“太……而不能做……”,为固定结构,不定式作状语。故填to。
考查名词的数。句意:七位评委中有两位打了满分10分。judge意为“裁判员”,为可数名词,且空前有all seven,所以这里应用名词复数。故填judges。
考查代词。句意参考上题。根据空后的first time可知,这里应用形容词性物主代词作定语。故填her。
考查强调句。句意:是她的努力带来了她的成功。去掉It is和空处,本句结构和意思均完整,所以这里是It is...that/who...强调句型。被强调部分是指物的主语her hard work,所以应用that。故填that。
五、书面表达(共两节,共 30 分)
第一节(满分 20 分)
47. 假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Conrad发邮件给你,询问你暑假的计划。你打算趁假期去外地看望亲戚,然后游览当地的旅游景点。请你给他回一封邮件,告诉他你的旅行计划。(注意:词数不少于 80)
【答案】Dear Conrad,
How are you recently I’m writing to tell you about my travel plan during the summer vacation.
I’ve decided to take a train with my family to visit my relatives who live in Beijing. And then we’ll visit the famous scenic spots, such as the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and so on. Of course we will not miss the local cuisine, especially Beijing Duck. I have been longing to have a taste of Beijing Duck for a long time.
We’ll stay in Beijing for five days and then return. Do you have any travel plan during the holiday Write and tell me about it.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
【详解】1. 词汇积累
暑假:summer vacation→summer holiday
拜访:visit→call on
景点:scenic spot→place of interest/attraction
渴望:long to do…→be eager to do…
2. 句式拓展
原句:Of course we will not miss the local cuisine, especially Beijing Duck. I have been longing to have a taste of Beijing Duck for a long time.
拓展句:Of course we will not miss the local cuisine, especially Beijing Duck, which I have been longing to have a taste of for a long time.
【点睛】【高分句型1】I’ve decided to take a train with my family to visit my relatives who live in Beijing.(使用了不定式作宾语和目的状语、who引导定语从句)
【高分句型2】I have been longing to have a taste of Beijing Duck for a long time. (使用了不定式作宾语)
第二节(满分 10 分)
48. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和段落开头续写一段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。(注意: 至少写 5 句话)
One day, a hare(野兔) and a tortoise(乌龟) decided to have a race to see who was faster than the other. They agreed that the one who first got to the bid tree in the distance was the winner. So they started at the same time.
The hare thought, “My legs are much longer than the tortoise’s. I’m sure to be the winner.” Of course the tortoise was much slower than the hare, but he never gave up and kept moving forward as fast as he could.
As the hare ran a few kilometers, he found the tortoise far behind him.
【答案】 As the hare ran a few kilometers he found the tortoise far behind him. There was a long distance between the hare and the tortoise. The hare was confident that he would win the game easily even if he took a nap. Then the hare stopped and sat beside a tree to rest. At the same time, the tortoise insisted on crawling. When the hare woke up, he could only watch the tortoise nearly reach the destination ahead of him. No matter how fast he ran, he couldn’t make it. In the end, the tortoise won.
【详解】1. 续写线索:
2. 段落续写:
3. 词汇激活
对……有把握:feel confident that/be sure that
休息:rest/have a rest/break
同时:at the same time/in the meanwhile
坚持做:insist on/stick to
【点睛】【高分句型1】The hare was confident that he would win the game easily even if he took a nap.(使用了that引导宾语从句、even if引导让步状语从句)
【高分句型2】When the hare woke up, he could only watch the tortoise nearly reach the destination ahead of him. (使用了When引导时间状语从句、省略to的不定式作宾补)



