题型二:完形填空 (1) 初中英语2024年中考专题练福建专版(含解析)

A wealthy man loved his son very much. As he wanted his son to lead a happy life, he decided to send him to see a wise old man for his advice on happiness.
When the old man learnt about his 1 , he handed the boy an empty bowl and said, “Go to the river miles away and 2 it with water. I will tell you about it 3 no water is spilt when you reach here.” Although the boy was very surprised at this, he had no choice but to 4 this task.
The boy 5 on foot for the river and some time later came back with a bowl of water. The old man asked him, “Did you notice the beautiful flowers along the road and the birds singing in the trees ” The boy could say nothing about them because he gave his 6 attention to the bowl in his hands.
The old man smiled and said, “Bring me 7 bowl of water, but this time enjoy the flowers and the singing of birds as well.”
When he returned, the boy was able to 8 everything he had seen to the old man. But when he looked down at this bowl, he found 9 that most water was gone. He forgot all about his bowl while enjoying the beautiful things along the road.
“Well, young man,” the old man said, “enjoy the beauty of the world, but never forget the water in your bowl. This is the 10 of happiness.”
1.A.ability B.purpose C.experience
2.A.wash B.fill C.connect
3.A.if B.until C.although
4.A.look out B.point out C.carry out
5.A.set out B.took away C.moved in
6.A.public B.quick C.full
7.A.any B.another C.the other
8.A.change B.imagine C.describe
9.A.sadly B.lazily C.luckily
10.A.result B.cause C.secret
从每小题所给的 A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白的最佳答案。
I had my backpack on my back and a leash (狗链) in my hand. It was “Bring Your Pet to School” day! My dog Jax was happily walking 11 me as we headed for the bus stop. The other kids had their pets, too. We were all 12 to have our pets with us.
13 we got on the bus, however, things started to go downhill. The bus was full of noise! And the smell was 14 ! Jax’s nose was trying to sniff (嗅) all the new smells, and it was hard to get him to follow me into a seat. The bus driver’s 15 came over the speaker, “Please hold on to your pets! It is dangerous to have them running all over the bus!”
Finally, we were at school. It looked like a 16 ! There were animals everywhere! Dogs of all shapes and sizes. Colorful birds in cages. And some animals running free through the grass, with kids 17 them in every direction!
They were making a 18 .Their food was spread over the grass. Fur was floating (飘浮) through the air. Then, something crazy 19 my eye. I saw a kangaroo jumping in the grass!
And a peacock (孔雀) walking slowly up the stairs! I didn’t know people could have them as pets.
And I 20 , comfortable in my bed. Wow, no wonder our school doesn’t have a “Bring Your Pet to School” day! I was really glad I wouldn’t have to worry about Jax all day at school.
11.A.into B.beside C.towards
12.A.excited B.worried C.surprised
13.A.When B.Since C.Before
14.A.sweet B.fresh C.awful
15.A.sound B.voice C.noise
16.A.zoo B.garden C.park
17.A.taking after B.looking after C.running after
18.A.mistake B.mess C.joke
19.A.shut B.caught C.hurt
20.A.gave up B.stayed up C.woke up
Watching Christmas light shows has been one of children’s favorite Christmas traditions. However, many of the shows were 21 due to COVID-19.
Hoping to light up the dark nights again, Nicholas Martin planned a five-week car 22 across the country this Christmas season. He would cover his car 23 more than 2,000 Christmas lights! The purpose was to help 24 people and also to raise money for charity.
This was not the first time Nicholas lit up his car to share Christmas happiness. People in his hometown have been able to admire his special light shows since 2017. This year, more people would watch the shows sitting on their doorsteps 25 going to the streets.
“This is 26 for me. In 2019, I was asked to take the lights in car to 27 a sick boy. When I saw the look of 28 on his face, I realized that I had done something truly special. Ever since meeting him and learning about his condition, I’ve wanted to support him as possible as I 29 ,” Mr. Martin said.
“I can’t wait to get out on the road to spread the Christmas 30 —love and kindness. It’s a wonderful idea that will bring people together, make them smile, and also collect money for some amazing charities.”
21.A.connected B.canceled C.chosen
22.A.tour B.race C.course
23.A.by B.up C.with
24.A.cheer up B.pick up C.wake up
25.A.because of B.ahead of C.instead of
26.A.safe B.meaningful C.boring
27.A.surprise B.advise C.interview
28.A.shyness B.joy C.pride
29.A.should B.must C.can
30.A.spirit B.news C.song
In 1971, I was teaching elementary school. Freddy was an average(普通的) 31 , but not an average person. He had the unusual balance of fun and compassion(同情). He would 32 the loudest over fun and be the saddest over anyone’s misfortune.
Before the school year ended, I gave the kids a special 33 , T-shirts with the words “Verbs(动词)Are Your Friends” on them. I had advised the kids that while verbs may seem boring, most of the 34 things they do through their lives will be verbs.
Through the years, I’d run into former students who would 35 information on old classmates. I learned that Freddy did several jobs after his graduation from high school and remained the same 36 person whom I met forty years ago. Once, while working over night at a store, he let a homeless man 37 in his truck. Another time, he lent a friend money to buy a house.
Just last year, I was teaching when someone knocked at the classroom door. A man handed me an envelope(信封). I stopped and opened it up. Inside were the “Verbs” shirt and a 38 from Freddy’s mother. “Freddy 39 on Thanksgiving. He wanted you to have this.”
I told the story to the class. 40 Freddy was taken from us, we all took something from Freddy.
31.A.driver B.student C.worker
32.A.speak B.sing C.laugh
33.A.gift B.lesson C.message
34.A.simple B.clever C.interesting
35.A.produce B.provide C.afford
36.A.brave B.caring C.humorous
37.A.wait B.sleep C.live
38.A.picture B.diary C.note
39.A.passed away B.ran away C.went away
40.A.When B.But C.Although
In the Suzhou Olympic Sports Centre, 13 000 fans of China’s women soccer team cried burst into cheers and applause. The team members hugged each other and cried tears of 41 as they won the game.
On April 13, in the second leg of the Asian Qualification playoffs (季后赛), the Chinese team finished their match with a 2-2 draw 42 South Korea. Along with their score in the first leg, they won 4-3 overall and got a ticket 43 the summer’s Tokyo Olympics.
The win didn’t come 44 . In the first half of the second leg, Team China was still 2-0 45 . Luckily, player Wang Shuang scored two goals later.
“We never 46 , even when we were 2-0 down, and we always believed we could come back,” Wang said. “We deserved (值得) the victory 47 we’ve run over 10 000 meters every day and trained together for over 100 days. The 48 we train, the luckier we can be…We had to fight to the last minute.”
The fighting spirit has always been a tradition for the team. It 49 them the nickname “Steel Roses” in the 1990s, when they won runner-up at both the 1996 Olympics 50 the 1999 World Cup.
The team struggled a bit later during the global development of women’s soccer. However, the girls never hold back and their latest victory bodes (预兆) well for them in the future.
41.A.sadness B.anger C.joys
42.A.against B.for C.with
43.A.to B.by C.in
44.A.easy B.easily C.easiest
45.A.behind B.ahead C.final
46.A.gave away B.gave out C.gave up
47.A.so B.because C.though
48.A.more difficult B.less C.harder
49.A.won B.asked C.called
50.A.or B.but C.and
从每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。
Penguin (企鹅) is a kind of lovely animal. Many people like the black and white bird very much. But perhaps no one’s 51 for it is stronger than an old man’s. Years ago, an old man called Joao Pereira 52 a penguin and let it go back to the sea at last. Then, the penguin 53 over eight thousand kilometers every year to come back to meet its human friend.
Joao is a part-time fisherman. He lives on a(n) 54 off the coast of Rio De Janeiro in Brazil. In 2011, he 55 a dying penguin on the beach. He took it home, named it Dindim and fed it fish every day. When Dindim was 56 enough to return to the wild, the old man took it to the sea, never thinking he would see it again. To his surprise, Dindim returned to the island just a few months later. It has come back to visit Joao several times 57 it went back to the sea four years ago.
Now, Dindim spends eight months of a year living 58 Joao and the rest of its time living off the coast of Argentina and Chile. “It usually arrives in June and leaves in February,” Joao said 59 , “I love the penguin like it’s my own child and I believe the penguin loves me.” Dindim doesn’t let 60 people touch it except Joao. When it sees Joao, it wags (摇) its tail like a dog.
51.A.love B.trust C.research
52.A.bought B.saved C.needed
53.A.swims B.flies C.walks
54.A.farm B.town C.island
55.A.followed B.found C.checked
56.A.clever B.large C.healthy
57.A.since B.after C.when
58.A.on B.for C.with
59.A.bravely B.happily C.rudely
60.A.other B.others C.the other
In the Zhou Dynasty (1050-221 BC), the emperor led his officials to stage a welcome rite (仪式) for the 61 of Summer and encouraged his people to make use of the key time to do farm work. It’s said that 62 of the decorations were arranged in the color red, including the emperor and the officials’ dress, the horses and the flags, in order to show respect to the god of summer and pray for a good 63 .
They put leftover tea into boiled water together with 64 and the first “tea egg” was created. Later people improved cooking methods and added more ingredients to the eggs to make them taste 65 . Today tea egg has become a traditional snack in China.
When at school, children 66 together to play egg competitions by colliding (碰撞) each other’s eggs in pairs and the one whose egg is not 67 wins.
After lunch on the day of Start of Summer, the young and old 68 to get weighed while the person calculating the weight will offer good wishes and words. It is said those who are weighed would stay 69 in the hot summer.
When the weather grows hotter, dampness and heat can affect human health. Food rich in vitamins and cool in nature is 70 recommended (推荐). Vegetables, such as cucumber, tomato, and fruits are top recommendations.
61.A.Start B.Middle C.End
62.A.few B.little C.most
63.A.day B.rest C.harvest
64.A.eggs B.sugar C.leaves
65.A.bitter B.salty C.delicious
66.A.study B.gather C.hide
67.A.colored B.broken C.fallen
68.A.take up B.take place C.take turns
69.A.healthy B.weak C.poor
70.A.slowly B.highly C.quickly
Orion Jean, a little boy in the United States, has a big goal. He wants to spread 71 to as many people as he can.
It all started in August 2020. Jean 72 $500 in prize money after winning the U.S. National Kindness Speech Contest. He could have spent the money on Legos, but he 73 realized that it was not enough to just speak about kindness. The boy set up the “Race to Kindness” project.
Jean 74 by helping children in hospital. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, these children were not able to see their family members very often. Jean wanted to put a smile on their faces. He used his money to buy as many 75 as he could while calling on people to do the same. In only a month, he had collected 619 toys. The boy sent them to a local children’s hospital. “It is one of the most 76 experiences of my life,” he said at the time.
Not long after, in October 2020, Jean set the ambitious (宏大的) goal of donating (捐赠) 100,000 free Thanksgiving meals to poor 77 . With the help of a local charity (慈善组织), he was not only able to reach his goal but to go 78 it.
As a book lover, Jean knows 79 reading can change a person’s life. Last May, after he discovered the fact that two out of three kids from poor families had no books of their own, the boy decided to collect 500,000 books for them.
Will he take a break after this “Who knows Maybe something even 80 will come,” Jean says. “Maybe we’ll do a ‘race’ to a million.”
71.A.happiness B.kindness C.safeness
72.A.received B.borrowed C.raised
73.A.happily B.seriously C.quickly
74.A.started off B.showed off C.took off
75.A.toys B.meals C.books
76.A.interesting B.difficult C.wonderful
77.A.hospitals B.families C.charities
78.A.into B.through C.beyond
79.A.how B.what C.why
80.A.harder B.bigger C.brighter
In August 2021, 14-year-old Katie McCabe, from Devon, England, succeeded 81 sailing around Great Britain.
McCabe arrived back in Exmouth, Devon, after a 52-day journey. She sailed on a wooden boat called Falanda 82 her father, David, sailed five miles behind her. McCabe 83 on her parents’ converted fishing trawler (拖网渔船) and has been interested in sailing from a young age. She wanted to sail across the Atlantic (大西洋). “But my parents wouldn’t 84 me,” McCabe told The Times. “So I thought, ‘Why not go around Britain ’ ”
Setting off in an anti-clockwise (逆时针的) 85 , McCabe covered a total distance of 1,840 miles. Her journey went through the Caledonian Canal (喀里多尼亚运河), which 86 the east coast of Scotland with the west coast. This means that she didn’t go the 87 way round the north of the country. Upon her return, McCabe wrote 88 on social media, “I can say I have sailed alone around Britain, 89 I have been dreaming of doing, since forever!” She added that for the past seven and a half weeks, “I have been living the dream.” McCabe hopes to be the 90 person to sail around Britain. That record is now held by Timothy Long, who sailed around Britain last year at the age of 15.
81.A.on B.in C.at
82.A.while B.since C.before
83.A.cleaned up B.fixed up C.grew up
84.A.allow B.control C.push
85.A.competition B.direction C.instruction
86.A.connects B.includes C.creates
87.A.direct B.right C.whole
88.A.excitedly B.politely C.luckily
89.A.everything B.nothing C.something
90.A.smartest B.tallest C.youngest
从每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。
People got very excited when China’s Eileen Gu won the women’s big air free-skiing gold in Beijing. After two times’ jumping, Gu jumped into the top position with her 91 run, scored 94.50. Her total score was 188.25 in the event’s debut (首次亮相) at the Winter Olympics. “That was the 92 moment of my life,” said Gu after the race.
The 18-year-old, whose Chinese name, Gu Ailing, is a freestyle skier, model and grade-A student. She grew up in the United States. It was there that she grew to love 93 . By 2018, she was representing (代表) the US in the world cup for the sport. Then, she decided to switch (转换) from representing the US 94 representing China. It was hard for her. Her fans were 95 by her decision. They were very confused, but she did it finally.
“This was a 96 hard decision for me to make. Through skiing, I hope to 97 people, promote (促进) common understanding, create 98 , and forge (锻造) friendships between nations. 99 I can help to inspire (激励) one young girl to break a boundary (国界), my wishes will 100 .” She said.
91.A.second B.third C.fourth
92.A.worst B.least C.best
93.A.skating B.skiing C.cycling
94.A.of B.about C.to
95.A.shocked B.moved C.thanked
96.A.suddenly B.finely C.really
97.A.cheat B.unite C.add
98.A.communication B.attraction C.protection
99.A.If B.Until C.Though
100.A.come back B.come true C.break out
1.B 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.C
ability能力;purpose目的;experience经历。根据“As he wanted his son to lead a happy life, he decided to send him to see a wise old man for his advice on happiness”可知,这是富人的目的。故选B。
wash洗;fill充满;connect连接。根据“an empty bowl”可知,此处指“用空碗装水”。故选B。
if如果;until直到;although虽然。根据“no water is spilt when you reach here”可知,此句是上句的肯定条件,it引导条件状语从句。故选A。
look out小心;point out指出;carry out执行。根据“Although the boy was very surprised at this, he had no choice but to…”可知,男孩对这个要求感到惊讶,因此不得不去执行。故选C。
set out出发;took away拿走;moved in搬进。根据“on foot for the river and some time later he came back with a bowl of water”可知,男孩徒步去了河边过了一会儿就回来了,空处表达的是“出发”的意思。故选A。
public公共的;quick快速的;full完全的。根据“The boy could say nothing about them”可知,注意力全部都放在了手里的碗上。故选C。
any 任何一个;another泛指三者及三者以上的另一个;the other两者中的另一个。根据“…bowl of water”并且结合前面老人的要求可知,老人要求他再次带回来一碗水,此处表示的三者及三者以上的另一碗水,表泛指。故选B。
change改变;imagine想象;describe描述。根据“everything he has seen to the oldman”可知,此处指描述到的一切。故选C。
sadly悲伤地;lazily懒惰地;luckily幸运地。根据“most water was gone”可知,大多数水都没了,因此男孩是悲伤的。故选A。
result结果;cause原因;secret秘密。根据“enjoy the beauty of the world, but never forget the water in your bowl”可知,这是幸福的秘诀。故选C。
11.B 12.A 13.A 14.C 15.B 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.B 20.C
into到……里面;beside在……旁边;towards向,朝着。根据“My dog Jax was happily walking ... me”可知,此处指狗走在“我”的旁边;故选B。
excited兴奋的;worried担忧的;surprised惊讶的。根据“have our pets with us”可知,带着自己的宠物去学校,心情很激动。故选A。
When当……时候;Since自我;Before在……之前。根据“we got on the bus”可知,此处当我们上了公交车,应用when引导时间状语从句。故选A。
sweet甜蜜的;fresh新鲜的;awful糟糕的。根据“The bus was full of noise!”可知,车上有很多宠物和学生,推知车上的味道很糟糕。故选C。
sound泛指一切“声音”;voice指人的“嗓音”;noise噪音。根据“The bus driver’s”可知,此处指司机的声音,应用voice。故选B。
zoo动物园;garden花园;park公园。根据“There were animals everywhere!”可知,学校到处都是动物,看起来就像一个动物园。故选A。
taking after与……相像;looking after照顾;running after追逐。根据“some animals running free through the grass”可知,动物们自由地奔跑,作为主人的孩子们应是在后面追着跑。故选C。
mistake错误;mess脏乱;joke玩笑。根据“Their food was spread over the grass. Fur was floating (飘浮) through the air.”可知,学校被动物们弄得一团糟。故选B。
shut关闭;caught抓住;hurt伤害。根据“I saw a kangaroo jumping in the grass!”可知,一些疯狂的事情吸引了作者的注意;故选B。
gave up放弃;stayed up熬夜;woke up醒来。根据“comfortable in my bed”可推知,此处指作者从梦中醒来了。故选C。
21.B 22.A 23.C 24.A 25.C 26.B 27.A 28.B 29.C 30.A
connected接通,联结;canceled取消,撤销;chosen选择,挑选。根据“due to COVID-19”可知新冠不让聚集,这些节目被取消了,故选B。
tour旅行,旅游;race比赛;course课程。根据“Nicholas Martin planned a five-week car …across the country this Christmas season”可知,是一场为期五天的汽车旅行,故选A。
by通过,经过;up向上;with用,有,和。根据“cover his car…more than 2,000 Christmas lights”可知“with用”符合题意,cover…with…:用……覆盖……,固定搭配。故选C。
cheer up振作起来,(使)高兴起来;pick up拾起,捡起;wake up唤醒。根据第一段可知由于疫情原因,孩子们喜欢的圣诞灯光秀取消了,由此可知,尼古拉斯 马丁旅行的原因是帮助人们高兴起来,故选A。
because of因为,由于;ahead of在……前面,领先;instead of而不是,代替。由于疫情不能外出,人们会会坐在家门口看灯光秀,而不是上街,“instead of而不是”符合语境。故选C。
safe安全的;meaningful有意义的;boring没趣的,无聊的。根据“In 2019, I was asked to take the lights in car to...a sick boy.”和前文内容可知,对于作者来说,去帮助一个生病的孩子是一件很有意义的事,故选B。
surprise惊喜;advise建议;interview采访。根据“In 2019, I was asked to take the lights in car to…a sick boy. When I saw the look of…on his face”可知,是给男孩一个惊喜,故选A。
shyness 害羞;joy喜悦;pride 自豪,骄傲。根据上文“a sick boy”和句中“I realized that I had done something truly special”可知,生病的男孩高兴了,故选B。
should应该;must必须;can能。根据“as possible as I…”可知“can能”符合语境, as possible as sb. can“尽可能地”,固定短语。故选C。
spirit精神;news新闻;song歌曲。根据“love and kindness”可知是圣诞精神,故选A。
31.B 32.C 33.A 34.C 35.B 36.B 37.B 38.C 39.A 40.C
driver司机;student学生;worker工人;根据“was teaching elementary school.”以及“Freddy did several jobs after his graduation from high school”可知,他是一名学生,故选B。
speak讲话;sing唱歌;laugh笑;根据“the loudest over fun”可知,笑得最开心,故选C。
gift礼物;lesson课程;message信息;根据“Before the school year ended, I gave the kids a special ...T-shirts with the words”可知,给了学生特别的礼物,故选A。
simple简单的;clever聪明的;interesting有趣的;根据“while verbs may seem boring”可知,此处是转折的意思,与“boring”意思对立,指的是“有趣的”,故选C。
produce生产;provide提供;afford买得起;根据“I’d run into former students who would...information on old classmates.”可知,以前的学生给他提供一些其他学生的信息,故选B。
brave勇敢的;caring关心他人的,体贴的;humorous幽默的;根据“He had the unusual balance of fun and compassion(同情). He would...the loudest over fun and be the saddest over anyone’s misfortune.”可知,弗雷迪是关心他人的人,故选B。
wait等待;sleep睡觉;live生活;根据“a homeless man...in his truck”可知,他让无家可归的人睡在卡车里,故选B。
picture图片;diary日记;note便条;根据“Freddy...on Thanksgiving. He wanted you to have this.”可知,信封里有便条,故选C。
passed away去世;ran away逃跑;went away消失;根据“He wanted you to have this.”可知,弗雷迪去世了,故选A。
When当……时;But但是;Although尽管;根据“Freddy was taken from us, we all took something from Freddy.”可知,两句之间是让步关系,此处用although引导让步状语从句,故选C。
41.C 42.A 43.A 44.B 45.A 46.C 47.B 48.C 49.A 50.C
sadness悲伤;anger生气;joys快乐。根据“they won the game”可知赢得比赛会很开心。故选C。
against对抗;for为了;with和。根据“the Chinese team finished their match with a 2-2 draw...South Korea”可知是和韩国队对抗。故选A。
43.句意:他们以 4-3 的总比分赢得了夏季东京奥运会的门票。
to到;by通过;in在……里。the ticket to...“……的门票”。故选A。
behind在……后面;ahead提前;final最终的。根据“Luckily, player Wang Shuang scored two goals later”可知刚开始时中国队是落后的。故选A。
gave away捐赠;gave out分发;gave up放弃。根据“even when we were 2-0 down, and we always believed we could come back”可知她们不放弃,相信自己可以赢。故选C。
47.句意:我们配得上这场胜利,因为我们每天跑过10000 米,一起训练了100 多天。
so所以;because因为;though虽然。根据“We deserved (值得) the victory...we’ve run over 10 000 meters every day and trained together for over 100 days”可知前后两句是因果关系,前果后因,用because引导原因状语从句。故选B。
more difficult更困难的;less更少;harder更努力。根据“we train, the luckier we can be”可知是训练得越努力,就会越幸运。故选C。
49.句意:它在20世纪90年代为她们赢得了“铿锵玫瑰”的绰号,当时她们在1996年奥运会和 1999 年世界杯上均获得亚军。
won赢;asked问;called呼叫。根据“them the nickname”可知是她们赢得了“铿锵玫瑰”的美誉。故选A。
50.句意:它在20世纪90年代为她们赢得了“铿锵玫瑰”的绰号,当时她们在1996年奥运会和 1999 年世界杯上均获得亚军。
51.A 52.B 53.A 54.C 55.B 56.C 57.A 58.C 59.B 60.A
love喜爱;trust信任;research研究。根据“let it go back to the sea at last…every year to come back to meet its human friend.”可知,讲述了企鹅和这位老人之间的爱,故选A。
bought买;saved救;needed需要。根据“a dying penguin on the beach. He took it home, named it Dindim and fed it fish every day”可知,救了这只企鹅,故选B。
swims游泳;flies飞;walks散步。根据“over eight thousand kilometers every year to come back to meet”及常识可知,企鹅是在水里游,故选A。
farm农场;town城镇;island岛屿。根据“To his surprise, Dindim returned to the island just a few months later. ”可知,住在一个岛屿上,故选C。
followed跟随;found发现;checked检查。根据“ a dying penguin on the beach”可知,发现了这只受伤的企鹅,故选B。
clever聪明的;large大的;healthy健康的。根据“enough to return to the wild”可知,恢复健康可以回到大自然,故选C。
since自从;after在……以后;when当……时。从句went是一般过去时,主句has come是现在完成时,用since引导时间状语从句,故选A。
on在……上;for为了;with与……一起。根据“living … Joao”可知,此处指与Joao住在一起,故选C。
bravely勇敢地;happily开心地;rudely粗鲁地。根据“I love the penguin like it’s my own child and I believe the penguin loves me”可知,他是很开心地描述与这只企鹅的感情,故选B。
other其他的,后接复数名词;others其他的人或物;the other另一个(两者之间)。此空后接复数名词people,应填other,故选A。
61.A 62.C 63.C 64.A 65.C 66.B 67.B 68.C 69.A 70.B
Start开始;Middle中间;End结束。根据“After lunch on the day of Start of Summer”可知,此处指的是“立夏”,故选A。
few几乎没有,修饰复数名词;little几乎没有,修饰不可数名词;most大多数。根据“including the emperor and the officials’ dress, the horses and the flags”可知,是大多数装饰品都是红色的,故选C。
day日,天;rest休息;harvest丰收。根据“encouraged his people to make use of the key time to do farm work”可知,人们做农活是要祈求有好的收成,故选C。
eggs鸡蛋;sugar糖;leaves树叶。根据“tea egg”可知,把鸡蛋和茶放在一起,故选A。
bitter苦的;salty咸的;delicious美味的。根据“Later people improved cooking methods and added more ingredients to the eggs”可知,在鸡蛋中添加了更多的配料,使其味道鲜美,故选C。
study学习;gather聚集;hide隐藏。根据“together to play egg competitions by colliding(碰撞) each other’s eggs in pairs”可知,孩子们聚集在一起玩“鸡蛋比赛”,故选B。
colored给……着色;broken打破;fallen掉落。根据“colliding(碰撞) each other’s eggs in pairs and the one whose egg is not”可知,鸡蛋没有破的就是赢家,故选B。
take up占据;take place发生;take turns轮流。根据“the young and old...to get weighed”可知,年轻人和老年人轮流称体重,故选C。
healthy健康的;weak虚弱的;poor贫困的。根据“get weighed while the person calculating the weight will offer good wishes and words”可知,称体重的人会在炎热的夏天会保持健康,故选A。
slowly慢慢地;highly高度地;quickly快速地。根据“When the weather grows hotter, dampness and heat can affect human health. Food rich in vitamins and cool in nature”可知,炎热的夏天强烈推荐富含维生素且性质清凉的食物,故选B。
71.B 72.A 73.C 74.A 75.A 76.C 77.B 78.C 79.A 80.B
happiness幸福;kindness善良;safeness安全。根据下文中“after winning the U.S. National Kindness Speech Contest.”和“it was not enough to just speak about kindness.”可知Orion Jean认为对于善良只说是不够的。故选B。
received接收;borrowed借; raised筹集。根据“in prize money after winning the U.S. National Kindness Speech Contest.”可知是接收了大赛奖金。故选A。
started off从……开始;showed off炫耀;took off脱下。根据语境和备选项可知应是从帮助医院里的孩子开始行动,故选A。
toys玩具;meals餐;books书。根据“In only a month, he had collected 619 toys.”可知是买和收集玩具,故选A。
into进入;through通过;beyond超越。根据“he was not only able to reach his goal but...”可知是在达到目标的基础上有所超越,故选C。
harder更难的;bigger更大的;brighter更聪明的。根据“Maybe we’ll do a ‘race’ to a million.”可知他也许将做更大的事。故选B。
81.B 82.A 83.C 84.A 85.B 86.A 87.C 88.A 89.C 90.C
【导语】本文主要讲述了14岁的英国女孩Katie McCabe独自航海环游英国的故事。
81.句意:2021年8月,来自英国德文郡的14岁的Katie McCabe成功地在英国周围航行。
on在……上;in在……里面;at在……。根据文中“McCabe arrived back in Exmouth, Devon, after a 52-day journey.”可知,此处是她成功地在英国周围航行,短语succeed in doing sth.“成功做某事”。故选B。
while然而;since自从;before在……之前。根据“her father, David, sailed five miles behind her.”可知,此处是while引导的从句,表示转折关系。故选A。
cleaned up打扫干净;fixed up修理;grew up长大。根据“and has been interested in sailing from a young age.”可知,此处是McCabe在父母改装的拖网渔船上长大,故选C。
allow允许;control控制;push推。根据“She wanted to sail across the Atlantic (大西洋).“可知,她想横渡大西洋,但父母不允许。故选A。
competition比赛;direction方向;instruction指令。根据“Setting off in an anti-clockwise (逆时针的)“可知,此处是她沿逆时针方向出发。故选B
connects连接;includes包括;creates创造。根据“the east coast of Scotland with the west coast”可知,此处是连接苏格兰东海岸和西海岸的喀里多尼亚运河,故选A。
direct直接的;right正确的;whole整个的。the whole way“整个路程”,故选C。
excitedly令人兴奋地;politely礼貌地;luckily幸运地。根据“I can say I have sailed alone around Britain, something I have been dreaming of doing, since forever!”可知,此处是兴奋地在社交媒体上写到。故选A。
everything一切;nothing没什么;something某物。根据“I have been dreaming of doing”可知,此处是这是我一直梦想着做的事情,此处是表示肯定意义用something。故选C。
smartest最聪明的;tallest最高的;youngest最年轻的。根据“to sail around Britain.”及the加形容词最高级,此处是成为英国最年轻的航海者。故选C。
91.B 92.C 93.B 94.C 95.A 96.C 97.B 98.A 99.A 100.B
second第二;third第三;fourth第四。根据“After two times’ jumping”可知,此处指第三轮跳跃,故选B。
worst最糟糕的;least最少的;best最好的。根据“Eileen Gu won the women’s big air free-skiing gold in Beijing”和“Her total score was 188.25 in the event’s debut (首次亮相) at the Winter Olympics.”可知,谷爱凌认为这是她人生最好的时刻,故选C。
of属于……的;about关于;to向,朝。根据“Then, she decided to switch ( 转换) from representing the US ... representing China.”可知,switch to“转到”,固定短语,故选C。
shocked震惊;moved移动;thanked感谢。根据“They were very confused, but she did it finally.”可知,粉丝都对谷爱凌的决定感到震惊,故选A。
suddenly突然;finely微小地;really真正地。根据“This was ...a hard decision for me to make”可知,此处指“一个很艰难的决定”,副词修饰形容词,故选C。
cheat欺骗;unite团结;add添加。根据“promote (促进) common understanding”可推知,此处指团结人们,故选B。
communication交流;attraction吸引;protection保护。根据“promote (促进) common understanding”和“forge (锻造) friendships between nations”可知,此处是创造交流,故选A。
If如果;Until直到;Though尽管。根据“I can help to inspire (激励) one young girl to break a boundary (国界)”和“my wishes will...”可知,前一句是后一句的条件,应用if引导条件状语从句,故选A。
come back回来;come true实现;break out爆发。根据“my wishes will...”可知,此处指愿望实现,应用come true,故选B。



