Unit 5 What does he do?易错题强化检测A卷(含答案)

to, at, of, like, after
1.My father often takes me the park.
2.What does your little sister look
3.My good friend John is good football.
4.My uncle works at sea. He sees lots fish every day.
5.I often do my homework school.
1、 Is (you) father a doctor
2、 Where (does / do) your mother work
She works at sea.
3、 My grandpa often (go) running in the morning.
4、 (How / What) do you feel today
5、 My grandma is a (science).
1、 I want to ________ a reporter.( )
A.am B.is C.be
2、 Guo Wei is a pilot, and he works on a rescue ______.( )
A.plane B.gym C.sea
3、 My grandfather writes stories. He’s a ______.( )
A.writer B.worker C.pilot
4、 Her sister works at _______ university.( )
A.a B.an C./
5、 —________ does your father work ( )
—He works in a hospital.
A.Where B.What C.How
6、 —What does your father do ( )
A.He’s a factory worker B.He works at sea C.He goes to work by car
7、 —Is your sister a singer ( )
—________ She is a nurse.
A.Yes, she is. B.No, she isn’t. C.Yes, she does.
8、 —Mum, what ______ your brother do ( )
—He’s a coach.
A.does B.did C.do
9、 My uncle works in a gym. He is a _______.( )
A.fisherman B.factory worker C.coach
10、There are many ______ in the world.( )
A.country B.countries C.any country
1、 They are good at singing. (对画线部分提问)
2、 She works in an office. (对画线部分提问)
3、 My aunt works in the hospital. (对画线部分提问)
4、 My uncle is a businessman. (对画线部分提问)
your uncle do
5、 He is good at football. (变否定句)
1、 当你想告诉别人你的妈妈是科学家时,你应该说:_______( )
A.My mother is a teacher.
B.My mother works in a hospital.
C.My mother is a scientist.
D.My mother goes to work by bike.
2、 想告诉对方自己想当飞行员,你说:( )
A.I want to be a coach.
B.I want to be a pilot.
3、 当你想知道对方的母亲是做什么工作时,你应该问:( )
A.What does your mother do
B.What is your mother like
C.Where does your mother go
4、 当飞飞想问朵朵“你的爸爸是做什么的”时,飞飞可以说:( )
A.What does your father do
B.Is your father a reporter
C.What does your father look like
5、 你想询问约翰的哥哥是从事什么职业时,应该说:( )
A.What is your brother doing
B.What does your brother do
A. B. C. D. E.
( )1.My mother goes to work by bus.
( )2.Tim works at sea. He is a fisherman.
( )3.My sister is a nurse.
( )4.I am going to be a coach.
( )5.Amy's uncle is a TV reporter.
A: Look at the photo of my family.
B: OK. 1
A: He is my father.
B: 2
A: He is a coach.
B: 3
A: He works in a gym.
B: 4
A: He goes to work by bike.
B: 5
A: She is a teacher in Songshan School. She goes to work on foot every day!
A.How about your mother
B.How does he go to work
C.Who is the man
D.What does he do
E.Where does he work
八、Read and number.(给下面的句子标序号, 使它们成为一段完整的对话。)
( )She’s a teacher.
( )She works in a middle school.
( )What does your mother do
( )She usually goes to work by bus.
( )Where does she work
( )How does she go to work
Dear Li Ping,
I'm happy that you can be my pen pal. My home is in Canberra, Australia. I like dancing and swimming. I have a brother and a sister. They like reading and playing sports. My father is a businessman. He goes to work by car. He likes reading books, too. My mother is an English teacher. My mother and I go to school on foot every day. What about you
( )1.Where does Amy live
A.In Australia. B.In China. C.In South Island.
( )2.What's Amy's hobby
A.Reading and playing sports.
B.Dancing and swimming.
C.Reading and cooking.
( )3.What does Amy's father do
A.A teacher. B.A businessman. C.A doctor.
( )4.What does Amy's mother teach
A.English. B.Chinese. C.Maths.
( )5.How does Amy go to school every day
A.By car. B.By bus. C.On foot.
to; like; at; of; after
1、 your
2、 does
3、 goes
4、 How
5、 scientist
题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
答案 C A A A A A B A C B
1、 What are they good at
2、 Where does she work
3、 Where does your aunt work
4、 What does
5、 He isn’t good at football./He is not good at football.
题号 1 2 3 4 5
答案 C B A A B
C; D; E; B; A
2 4 1 6 3 5




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