Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? Section A 易错题专练(3课时含答案)

Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball 同步练习
Section A第1课时(附答案)
1.—Let′s play     , David.
—Good idea.Let′s go.
2.I have a     ball.
3.This is my sister′s     .
4.Let′s play     .
5.I want to play     .
1._____ you _______(have) a computer
2.Lucy ____(have) a ping pong bat.
3.Five ping pong ______(ball) are on the sofa.
4._______ Tom _______(have) a dictionary
5.—Does he have a baseball
—No,he _________(not).
( )1.—Do you have a computer? —________.
A.Yes,you do     B.No,you don‘t     
C.Yes,I do      D.No,I have
( )2.—________ your friend ________ a soccer ball
—No,he doesn't.
A.Does;has B.Does;have C.Do;has D.Do;have
( )3.—Do you play ________ guitar in your free time
—No.I like sports.I often play ________ soccer with my friends.
A./;the B.the;/ C.the;the D.a;a
( )4.________ your friend like English
 A.Does B.Do C.Is D.Has
( )5._______ they have any sports collections Yes, they _______.
A.Are, are B.Do, do C.Can, do D.Do, can
1.I have a math book.(改为一般疑问句)
you a math book
2.Tom has a TV.(改为一般疑问句)
Tom a TV
3.Does he play sports every day (作肯定回答)
, he .
4.Do you like playing basketball (作否定回答)
,we .
5.Lucy has a ping-pong ball.(改为否定句)
Lucy a ping-png ball .
6.He has a pencil box.(改为复数句)
They _____some _____________.
7.Her baseball bat is in_the_bag.(对画线部分提问)
____________her baseball bat
______ ______tennis bats
A:What's this in English
B:Yes,I do.
B:It's in my room.
A:Do you have a ping pong bat
A:Haha. I have two bats,but I don't have a ping pong ball.
A:Great!Let's go.
A.Do you have a ping pong ball B.Where are they C.It's a ping pong ball. D.Well,let's play (打) ping pong now. E.Where is it F.No,I don't. G.Yes,it's a ping pong ball.
Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball 同步练习
Section A第2课时(附答案)
I 看图说出下列物品的英语单词。
1. _______ 2._______ 3._______ 4._______
5. _______ 6._______ 7. _______ 8._______
6.Let     (we) play soccer.
7.    (do) he have a basketball
8.Let him     (get) it.
9.Linda     (not have) a soccer ball.
10.Does Mary     (have) two books
11.My sister     (have) a nice room.
12.Her friends     (help) us with our English.
13.These     (volleyball) are his.
14.She     (go) to school early every morning.
15.Where are     (we) ping-pong bats
Ⅲ.用have或has 填空
16.A: Do you     a soccer ball
B: No, I don′t.
A: What about Billy
B: I think he     one.
17.The students     new books, but they don′t     any computers.
18.Mike     a big pencil box. Jenny     a big one, too. Nancy     a small one.
19.Does your brother     a ping-pong bat
20.Mary and her sister     some ping-pong bats.
let′s, late, go, have, get
21. Come on! We are     for school.
22.—Does your sister have a tennis ball
—No, she doesn′t. But she     a soccer ball.
23. Helen,     go.
24.—Do you     to school at seven
—No, I don′t. I go to school at eight.
25.—Where is the volleyball
—It′s under the desk. Let me     it for you.
26.Let′s go! We are late.

27.Your jacket is on the bed.Let me get it.




31.I have basketball and a volleyball.
32.She don′t have three ping-pong balls.
33.Where is her father′s soccer′s ball
34.A baseball bat are at the Lost and Found.
35.Let me to get it for you!
36.I have a soccer ball.(改为否定句)
I         a soccer ball.
37.Bob has a baseball.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)
—     Bob     a baseball
—Yes,         .
38.Lucy doesn′t have a tennis ball.(改为肯定句)
Lucy     a tennis ball.
39.Do Bob and Jack have any tennis balls (作否定回答)
    ,         .
40.He has a baseball bat.(改为复数句)
         baseball    .
Ⅷ.口语交际 情景七选五
A: Hey, Nancy! Do you have a soccer ball
B: 41.    
A: Where is it
B: It′s in my room.42.    
A: I don′t have one.43.    
B: Is your volleyball in your room
A: No.44.    
B: Let′s play volleyball.
A: OK.45.    
B: Let′s go!
A.My sister Anna has it.
B.No, I don′t.
C.Yes, I do.
D.Let′s go and ask Anna for my volleyball.
E.What about you
F.I think Jenny has one.
G.But I have a volleyball.
  Hello!I′m  46 . I′m an English boy. I 47  two sisters.  48  are Sonia and Linda.Sonia has a great sports(运动) collection(收藏).She has a soccer ball, three volleyballs  49  four basketballs.But she 50  play sports—she only 51  them on TV. Linda has a sports collection,  52 .She has two tennis balls and 53  baseball.And she has many ping-pong balls 54  her drawer. She  55  ping-pong every day.
(  )46.A. Lucy B. Alan C. Sonia D. Lily
(  )47.A. have B. do C. has D. does
(  )48.A. He B. She C. They D. It
(  )49.A. and B. but C. so D. or
(  )50.A. isn′t B. aren′t C. don′t D. doesn′t
(  )51.A. look B. watch(观看) C. looks D. watches
(  )52.A. please B. too C. there D. here
(  )53.A. three B. two C. a D. an
(  )54.A. with B. of C. on D. in
(  )55.A. plays B. play C. comes D. needs
  David and John are good friends. They are in No. 5 Middle School. They′re in the same class, so they are classmates. But they like different sports.
David loves basketball. He has two basketballs. They are orange. John loves ping-pong. He has five ping-pong balls and three ping-pong bats.
Can David play ping-pong Yes, he can. But he thinks it′s not very interesting. Can John play basketball Yes, he can. Basketball is easy for John. But he always plays ping-pong with his classmates after school. He thinks it′s interesting to play ping-pong.
David and John love doing sports. And they love watching them on TV, too!
(  )56.The underlined word “different” means “    ” in Chinese.
A.激烈的 B.相互的 C.不同的 D.流行的
(  )57.What sport does David love
A.Baseball. B.Volleyball. C.Soccer. D.Basketball.
(  )58.David and John are    .
①friends ②brothers ③classmates
A.①② B.①③ C.②③ D.①②③
(  )59.What does John always do after school
A.He always plays ping-pong.
B.He always plays basketball.
C.He always watches TV with David.
D.He always watches TV with his classmates.
(  )60.The second paragraph mainly tells us     .
A.who has basketballs
B.what sports David and John can play
C.what David and John have
D.who has ping-pong balls
Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball 同步练习
Section A第3课时(附答案)
Ⅰ.用have或 has填空
1.Tom     many ping-pong balls.
2.Does your friend     an English dictionary
3.Linda and Mary     many ping-pong balls.
4.Their father     a sister.She is their aunt.
5.Maria doesn′t     a brother.



9.“他们有什么 ”“对不起,我不知道。”


(  )11.—Let′s play volleyball.
—    . I like it very much.
A.Sorry, I don′t B.Sounds good
C.Yes, I do D.Sounds bad
(  )12.Your hat is in my room. Let me     it for you.
A.to get B.gets C.getting D.get
(  )13.Peter     a baseball, but he doesn′t     a baseball bat.
A.have; has B.has; have C.have; have D.has; has
(  )14.—     your father have a car
—Yes, he     .
A.Does; do B.Do; does C.Does; does D.Do; do
(  )15.I have     soccer ball, but I can′t play     soccer.
A.a; the B.the; the C.the; / D.a; /
  My name is Cindy. I have a  16 . Her name is Grace. This is our room. It′s a nice  17 . In the room, we  18  a bookcase, a desk, two chairs and two beds. Our computer is on the desk, and  19  books are in the bookcase. Grace has two basketballs.  20  are under her bed.  21  is the clock It′s on my bed.
Grace and I go to the same school. Grace likes basketball,  22  I don′t. I like ping-pong. After class, I play ping-pong  23 my classmates. It′s really  24 . Grace plays basketball for  25  hours every day, from 3:30 to 5:30.
(  )16.A.brother B.sister C.family D.dog
(  )17.A.watch B.photo C.skirt D.room
(  )18.A.are B.have C.play D.think
(  )19.A.our B.his C.your D.their
(  )20.A.You B.She C.We D.They
(  )21.A.What B.When C.Where D.Who
(  )22.A.so B.and C.but D.because
(  )23.A.on B.at C.in D.with
(  )24.A.relaxing B.big C.small D.short
(  )25.A.one B.two C.three D.four
Ⅴ.阅读理解七选五 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项
  Mr.Smith is from the UK.He works in Shanghai now.He has two daughters.26.     Mr.Smith calls them Lily and Lucy.
Jim is Mr.Smith′s friend.27.     He often buys something for Lily and Lucy.One Sunday, he goes to Mr.Smith′s home.When the twins see Jim, they are happy.Jim asks Lucy, “How old are you, Lucy ” “Three,” she answers.
Jim says, “28.     I know you like bananas.Well, I have a small question.29.
     I have two bananas, and now I eat one.How many bananas do I have, then ”
“One,” says Lily.
Lucy answers, “Two.”
“Two ” Jim asks.“Why ”
“30.    ”
A.One is inside(在里面) and the other is outside(在外面).
B.He often goes to see the Smiths.
C.They are delicious.
D.They are twin sisters.
E.I am very sad.
F.These bananas are for you.
G.If one of you can answer it well, I will give her one.
Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball 同步练习
Section A第1课时(附答案)
一.1.basketball 2.soccer 3.volleyball 4.tennis 5.ping-pong
二、1.Do have 2.has 3.balls 4. Does have 5.isn’t
三、1. C 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. A
四、1. Do;have 2. Does;have 3. No,isn’t 4. No;aren’t
5. doesn’t;have 6.have;boxes 7. Where's 8. Do;have
五、1.C 2.A 3.B 4.F 5.D
Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball 同步练习
Section A第2课时(附答案)
2.soccer ball
5.baseball bat
6.ping-pong ball
7.ping-pong bat
Ⅱ.6.us 7.Does 8.get 9.doesn′t have 10.have 11.has 12.help
13.volleyballs 14.goes 15.our
Ⅲ.16.have; has 17.have; have 18.has; has; has 19.have 20.have
Ⅳ.21. late 22. has 23. let′s 24. go 25. get 
28.My father/dad has a basketball.
29.Where is my tennis ball
30.Does Jack have a baseball bat
Ⅵ.31.I have ∧ basketball and a volleyball.(a)
32.She don′t have three ping-pong balls.(don′t→doesn′t)
33.Where is her father′s soccer′s ball (soccer′s→soccer)
34.A baseball bat are at the Lost and Found.(are→is)
35.Let me get it for you!(删)
Ⅶ.36.don′t have 37.Does; have; he does 38.has 39.No; they don′t
40.They have; bats
Ⅷ.41.C 42.E 43.G 44.A 45.D
Ⅸ.46.B 47.A 48.C 49.A 50.D 51.D 52.B 53.C 54.D 55.A
Ⅹ.56.C 57.D 58.B 59.A 60.C
Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball 同步练习
Section A第3课时(附答案)
Ⅰ.1.has 2.have 3.have 4.has 5.have
Ⅱ.6.Does your friend have a basketball
7.I think his schoolbag is on the desk.
8.Great! Let′s play basketball.
9.—What do they have
—Sorry, I don′t know.
10.—Let′s play volleyball.
—That sounds great.
Ⅲ.11.B 考查情景交际。由空后的“I like it very much.”可推知表示同意,故选B。
12.D 考查非谓语动词。let sb. do sth.意为“让某人做某事”,let后跟动词原形,故选D。
13.B 14.C 15.D
Ⅳ.16—20 BDBAD 21—25 CCDAB
Ⅴ.26—30 DBFGA




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