Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag? Section A 基础知识专练(附答案)

Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag 同步练习
Section A第1课时(附答案)
Ⅰ.用in, on或under填空
1.—Where is my schoolbag, Mom
—It’s     your grandparents’ room.
2.Linda’s English book is     the desk,     the floor.
3.Some birds(鸟) are     the tree.
4.A map is     the wall.
5.Here are two c    . Please sit down.
6.My sister is reading in her own(自己的) r    .
7.The t     is green. And a dog is     (在……下) it.
8.—Where is his     (书柜)
—It′s next to the bed.
9.Hi, Kate!     (来) here. I need your help.
10.—What is on her     (头)
—It′s a nice flower(花).
11.My books are on the desk. How about my two      (pencil)
12.     rulers are yellow. What about yours (they)
13.It′s my     room.(grandparents)
14.—Where     your schoolbag and books (be)
—They are on the table.
15.These     are Gina′s brothers′.(bed)
16.She     the ring is Ms. King′s. (think)
17.I can see some     on the sofa. (hat)
18.His     are in the bookcase. (CD)
19.Mike and Lily are     the next room.
20.This set     keys is his grandparents′.
21.Her computer game and baseballs are     the bed.
22.Thanks     your watch. I can know the time.
23.There is a picture of my family     the wall(墙).
24.My dog′s name is Coco. How     yours
(  )25.—     is my watch
—It′s on the table.
A.What B.Where C.How D.Who
(  )26.Mary and Alan are my cousins.     mother is my aunt.
A.Her B.His C.Their D.I
(  )27.—Where is your school ID card
—     in my schoolbag.
A.They′re B.I′m C.It′s D.She is
(  )28.—Where     Jim and Mike
—     in the classroom.
A.is; He′s B.is; They′re C.are; They′re D.are; It′s
(  )29.—Where is     schoolbag
—It′s      the sofa.
A.Ann; on B.Ann′s; on C.Ann′s; at D.Ann; at
(  )30.—Is the ball on the chair
—    . It′s under the chair.
A.Yes, it is B.No, it isn′t C.Yes, she is D.No, he isn′t
(  )31.—Are your keys in your bookcase
—No, they′re on my     bed.
A.sister B.sister′s C.sisters′s D.sisters
(  )32.—Come    , Tom!—OK, Mom!
A.on B.of C.to D.at
(  )33.Some apples are     the tree and a cat is     the tree, too.
A.on; on B.in; on C.on; in D.in; in
(  )34.You can see a     of my grandparents on my desk.
A.bed B.table C.room D.photo
35.The computer is on the table. (改为否定句)
The computer         on the table.
36.His ID card is in the schoolbag. (改为一般疑问句)
                 in the schoolbag
37.This yellow key is on the chair. (改为复数句)
     yellow         on the chair.
38.Is your notebook in the bookcase (作肯定回答)
    ,         .
39.The map is on the sofa. (对画线部分提问)
         the map
Hello! I am Tommy. This is my classroom. 33 desks and 32 chairs are in it. These are my desk and chair. They are yellow. What′s on my desk It′s my schoolbag. It′s green. What′s on my chair It′s my jacket. It′s blue. What′s under my desk It′s a white school ID card. Is it my school ID card No, it′s David′s. His name is on it. Is it a hat under the chair Yes, it is. It′s my new(新的) hat. It′s black. My mother buys(买) it for me.
(  )40.     chairs are in Tommy′s class-room. 
A.34 B.33 C.32 D.31
(  )41.What color are Tommy′s desk and chair
A.Yellow. B.Green. C.White. D.Black.
(  )42.Tommy′s     is blue.
A.schoolbag B.jacket C.school ID card D.hat
(  )43.What′s under Tommy′s desk
A.A schoolbag.
B.A hat.
C.Tommy′s school ID card.
D.David′s school ID card.
(  )44.Tommy′s     buys the hat for him.
A.father B.mother C.grandfather D.grandmother
Dear Emma,
Thanks for sending(寄) me the photo of your room.
Here is a photo of my room. Look! A bed, a desk, a chair and a bookcase are in my bedroom. My bed is blue and it is near the window(窗户). My desk is near the bed and it′s black. My books and computer are on it. Where is my pencil box It′s on the desk, too. My two pens and three rulers are in the pencil box. My schoolbag is on the chair. The bookcase is yellow. An English dictionary is in it. My brother′s white baseball is under my bed. And you can see a dog in the photo. Its name is Sam.
My room is tidy, isn′t it
(  )45.Jack′s bed is     .
A.red B.black C.blue D.white
(  )46.The underlined word “it” refers to(指代) “    ”.
A.the bed B.the desk C.the chair D.the bookcase
(  )47.In the bookcase is     .
A.a Chinese dictionary
B.an English book
C.an English dictionary
D.a Chinese book
(  )48.Jack′s pencil box is     .
A.on his bed
B.on his desk
C.under his bed
D.in his bookcase
(  )49.Which of the following is TRUE
A.Sam is Jack′s brother.
B.An eraser is in the pencil box.
C.Jack has a photo of Emma′s room.
D.Jack′s brother doesn′t have a baseball.
Look! What′s this Oh, it is 50.        (一张……的照片) a boy. Do you 51.    [n ] who he is It′s me!What′s my name My name is Tony Hand.
52.W     am I now I′m in the classroom. Some books and 53.     English dictionary are on my chair. A pencil box is on it, too. My pen, pencil, eraser and ID card 54.a     in the pencil box. But now I can′t find my schoolbag. A watch, a baseball and a jacket are in it. Is it 55.        (我的书桌下) No, it isn′t. I must 56.f     it. Please help me. My phone number is 8333-4567. You can call 57.     if you see it. And my 58.e     address(地址) is tony1122 . 59.        (谢谢) your help.
Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag 同步练习
Section A第2课时(附答案)
1.—Jack, is this your     [h t]
—Yes, it is.
2.—What can you see on the     [bed]
—A quilt and a pillow(枕头).
3.Linda′s little dog is     [ n] the bed.
4.—What color is the s     in your room
—It′s yellow.
(  )5.—    
—They’re in the schoolbag.
A.Where is the book B.What’s in the bag
C.What is on the desk D.Where are the pencils
(  )6.The boy     the first picture is me.
A.in B.of C.under D.on
(  )7.—    
—No, it’s in the bookcase.
A.Where is his dictionary
B.Where are his books
C.Is his book on the desk
D.Is his pencil box in the bookcase
(  )8.Please look at the pears     that tree.They are big.
A.of B.in C.on D.to
(  )9.—Where are Lucy and Lily
—    .
A.Yes, they are
B.Sorry, I don’t know
C.No, they aren’t
D.Yes, they are in the room
10.—W     are my keys, Mom
—They’re on the table.
11.—What’s her telephone number
—Sorry, I don’t k    .
12.My books are in the     (书柜).
13.—I can’t find my pens.
—They are on the     (沙发).
14.—Are your computer games on the table
—No, they aren’t. They are on my     (椅子).
in, photo, at, where, under, be, on
15.The baseball is     the bed.
16.Those are the boy’s family     .
17.     is your hat Is it on the sofa
18.     your books in the bookcase
19.There is a cat     the tree.
20.Look     this picture     the wall!
21.My books are in the bookcase.(对画线部分提问)
22.Her notebooks are on the table.(改为一般疑问句)
     her notebooks             
23.They know my English name.(改为否定句)
They         my English name.
24.Helen’s watch is on the bed.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)
—     Helen’s     on the bed
—Yes,         .
25.An English book is on the desk.(对画线部分提问)
         on the desk
My keys         desk.
Is your book         
I         that boy’s name.
Those pens         the book.
         is my schoolbag
Welcome to my home. There are(有)  31  bedrooms in my home, one for my  32  and one for me. Look! This is my bedroom. A bed, a desk and a chair are  33  it. My favorite color is  34 . The bed, desk and chair are all blue. 35  is my parents’ bedroom. A  36  is in their room. Some books are in it. A(n)  37  of my parents is on the wall. 38  look(看起来) so happy(开心). Oh,  39  that under the bookcase It’s  40  dog. We love it very much.
(  )31.A.two B.three C.four D.five
(  )32.A.brother B.sister C.parents D.grandparents
(  )33.A.on B.in C.at D.under
(  )34.A.blue B.brown C.purple D.green
(  )35.A.These B.First C.This D.Last
(  )36.A.radio B.sofa C.clock D.bookcase
(  )37.A.quilt B.photo C.e-mail D.table
(  )38.A.I B.You C.She D.They
(  )39.A.what B.what’s C.where D.where’s
(  )40.A.your B.yours C.our D.ours
  Good morning! 41.     My first name is Jenny. My last name is Green. I am an English girl. 42.     I love China. This is my room. 43.     You can see many things in it. My ruler and my pen are on the desk. 44.     Oh, it is on the sofa. Where are my pencils 45.     I love my room.
A.I like the eraser.
B.My name is Jenny Green.
C.It is nice.
D.Now I’m in China.
E.Where is my schoolbag
F.The pencil is black.
G.They are in the pencil box.
Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag 同步练习
Section A第1课时(附答案)
Ⅰ.1.in 2.under; on 3.in 4.on
5.chairs 6.room 7.table; under
8.bookcase 9.Come 10.head
Ⅱ.11.pencils 12.Their 13.grandparents′14.are 15.beds 16.thinks 17.hats
Ⅲ.19.in 20.of 21.under 22.for 23.on 24.about
Ⅳ.25.B 由“It′s on the table.”可知,问句询问的是地点,故选B。
27.C “your school ID card”为第三人称单数形式,答句中应用it代替。
29.B 根据“schoolbag”可知,第一空考查名词所有格,用Ann′s;on the sofa意为“在沙发上”,为固定搭配。故选B。
30.B 答句中用it代替名词ball;由后句中的“under the chair”可知用否定回答。
31.B 句意:“你的钥匙在你的书柜里吗 ”“不, 它们在我妹妹的床上。”“妹妹的”要用名词所有格sisters′或sister′s, 故选B。
32.A come on 意为“快点儿”。
33.C 34.D
Ⅴ.35.is not 36.Is his ID card 37.These; keys are 38.Yes; it is 
39.Where is
Ⅵ.A 40—44 CABDB
B 45.C 细节理解题。根据文中“My bed is blue and it is near the window.”可知, Jack的床是蓝色的。故选C。
46.B 细节理解题。根据画线词前面的“My desk is near the bed and it′s black.”可知, 前面描述的是书桌。故选B。
47.C 细节理解题。根据文中“The bookcase is yellow. An English dictionary is in it.”可知, 一本英语词典在书架上。故选C。
48.B 细节理解题。根据文中“Where is my pencil box It′s on the desk, too.”可知, Jack的铅笔盒在他的书桌上面。故选B。
49.C 推理判断题。根据文中“Thanks for sending me the photo of your room.”可知, Emma寄给Jack一张自己房间的照片, 因此可知Jack有一张Emma房间的照片。故选C。
Ⅶ.50.a photo/picture of 51.know 52.Where 53.an 54.are 55.under my desk 56.find 57.me 58.e-mail 59.Thank you/Thanks for
Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag 同步练习
Section A第2课时(附答案)
Ⅰ.1.hat 2.bed 3.on 4.sofa
Ⅲ.10.Where 11.know 12.bookcase
13.sofa 14.chair
Ⅳ.15.under 16.photos 17.Where 
18.Are 19.in 20.at; on
Ⅴ.21.Where are your 
22.Are; on the table
23.don’t know
24.Is; watch; it is
25.What is
Ⅵ.26.are on the 27.on the table
28.don’t know 29.are under
Ⅶ.31.A 句意:我家有两间卧室。根据后半句“one for my…and one for me”可知,有两间卧室。故选A。
32.C 句意:我家有两间卧室, 一间是给我父母的, 一间是给我的。brother意为“哥哥;弟弟”;sister意为“姐姐;妹妹”;parents意为“父母”;grandparents意为“祖父母”。由下文“     is my parents’ bedroom.”可知,一间卧室是父母的。故选C。
33.B 句意:一张床、一张书桌和一把椅子在里面。on意为“在……上”;in意为“在……里”;at意为“(表位置)在……”;under意为“在……下”。根据句意可知it指my bedroom。表示“在卧室里”, 需用介词in。故选B。
34.A 句意:我最喜欢的颜色是蓝色。blue意为“蓝色”;brown意为“棕色”;purple意为“紫色”;green意为“绿色”。根据下文“The bed, desk and chair are all blue.”可知,作者最喜欢蓝色,故选A。
35.C 句意:这是我父母的卧室。these意为“这些”;first意为“第一个”;this意为“这个”;last意为“最后一个”。故选C。
36.D 句意:一个书柜在他们的房间里。radio意为“收音机”;sofa意为“沙发”;clock意为“钟表”;bookcase意为“书柜”。根据下一句“Some books are in it.”可知,是书柜,故选D。
37.B 句意:墙上挂着我父母的一张照片。quilt意为“被子”;photo意为“照片”;e-mail意为“电子邮件”;table意为“桌子”。on the wall意为“在墙上”。根据句意和语境可知选B。
38.D 句意:他们看起来很高兴。I意为“我”;you意为“你,你们”;she意为“她”;they意为“他/她/它们”。根据句意和语境可知此处指代“我”的父母。故选D。
39.B 40.C
Ⅷ.41—45 BDCEG



上一篇:广东省江门市台山市新宁中学2023-2024八年级上学期期中考试物理试题( 无答案)
