Unit 2 This is my sister. Section B 分课时练习(附答案)

Unit 2 This is my sister同步练习
Section B第1课时(附答案)
一 连词成句,注意标点符号。
1. your here the is photo of family(.)
2. your is brother Paul ( )
3. are not these parents his (.)
4. she aunt his is ( )
5. my a photo this of is family (.)
6. Anna your is friend brother’s ( )
7. sister’s is his what name ( )
8. is family my in the dog (.)
1. ________ are her sisters.
A.Those    B.This     C.That     D.It
2. I have ________ uncle.
A.a B.an C.the D./
3 — Mom,________ my friend,Linda.
— Nice to meet you,Linda.
A.this is B.that is C.these are D.those are
4. — Is this your ________,Emma
— Yes,she's my uncle's daughter.
A.daughter B.sister C.son D.cousin
5. — Are they your parents
— ________. They are my uncle and aunt.
A.Yes,it is B.No,they aren't C.Yes,they are D.No,it isn't
Alice and I are in the middle school. She is my good friend. Her telephone number is 15178956686.Her last name is Black. This is a photo of her family. These are her grandparents,Jack and Cindy. They have a son and a daughter,David and Sally. These are Alice's parents,David and Jane. This is her brother Bob Black. He is eight. Alice has an aunt. Her name is Sally. John Brown is her uncle. They have a son,Tom Brown. He is five. He is Alice's cousin. What's this?Oh,it's a dog. It's black.
1. What's Jack's last name
A.Smith. B.Brown. C.Miller. D.Black.
2. Who is David and Jane's daughter
A.Alice. B.Cindy. C.Sally. D.John.
3. Who is eight years old
A.David. B.John. C.Bob. D.Tom.
4. Who is Alice's cousin
A.Bob. B.Tom. C.Jack. D.Sally.
5. What color is the dog
A.Yellow. B.White. C.Black. D.Brown.
Hello! My name is Aria. I am from the USA.I have a big family. My mother's name is Laura and my father's name is Peter. My parents are very nice. They have black hair. My parents have three children. They are my brothers Tim and David, and me.
My father has a sister. Her name is Olivia and she is my aunt. ①我妈妈有两个兄弟。Their names are Richard and William, and they are my uncles. I also have my grandparents and my cousins Jacob, Kevin and Chloe.
I have a dog. Its name is Sera. ②I love my family and my dog.
1.What's the name of Aria's mother
2.How many brothers does Aria have
3.Who is Olivia
Unit 2 This is my sister同步练习
Section B第2课时(附答案)
1.Jack is my father. I'm his s___.
2.My a____ and my mother are sisters.
3.Your father's mother is your g___________________.
4.I am my mother's _________(女儿).
5.She has two _______(堂妹).
二 完型填空
1. This is 1.______ of Jim’s family. This man 2. Mr. Green. 3. is Jim’s father. 4. woman is Mrs. Green. 5. is Jim’s mother. Who
6. this boy and 7. girl The 8. is Jim, Mr. Green’s son. The 9. is Kate, Mr Green’s daughter. Kate is 10. sister. Jim and Kate are brother and sister.
1. A. book B. photo C. map D. room
2. A. is B. am C. are D. be
3. A. She B. Her C. He D. His
4. A. A B. An C. These D. This
5. A. She B. Her C. He D. His
6. A. is B. am C. love D. are
7. A. a B. these C. this D. an
8. A. girl B. boy C. boys D. girls
9. A. girl B. boy C. boys D. girls
10. A. Jim B. Jims C. Jim’s D. a Jim
三 句型转换,将下列句子变为一般疑问句,并作简要的肯定及否定回答。
1. This is Gina.
2. That is his brother.
3. He is my good friend.
4. These are nice pictures.
5. Those are school things.
四 单项选择
( )1. Are these Jeff and Jack .
A. Yes, they aren’t B. No, these aren’t
C. No, they aren’t D. Yes, these are
( )2. Here is my family.
A. a photo of B. photo of
C. a photo at D. photo at
( )3. He is my grandparents’ son, but he isn’t my father. He is my .
A. father B. son
C. grandfather D. uncle
( )4. Is your aunt What’s name
A. he; his B. she; her C. he; her D. she; his
( )5. His friends not in the picture.
A. is B. do C. are D. does
Unit 2 This is my sister同步练习
Section B第3课时(附答案)
1.This is my own car. (改成同义句)
This is a car ________ my ________.
2.A nice kite is here.(改为倒装句)
________ ________ a nice kite.
3.Those are my parents.(改为一般疑问句)
_______ _______ your parents
4.It is his dog.(改为复数句)
_______ _______ his_______.
5.Those are her grandparents.(对画线部分提问)
_______ are those
1.My father’s brothers are my u ________.
2.Jane's father is my uncle, so Jane is my c_______.
3.Jane and Jenny are my father's sisters. So they are my a________.
4.Today is Monday, and the n______ day is Tuesday.
5.My aunt’s d________ is my only cousin. She is also my good friend.
6.Who is he He is my ________ (堂兄).
7.In the ________ (下一个) photo are my grandparents.
8.We can see a man swimming in ________ (图片) 5.
9.Ms Brown’s __________ (女儿) is in Jinan.
10.That man is my _______________ (叔叔).
A: Hi, Betty. 1.
B: It’s not very big but very nice. I like it.
A: 2.
B: There are sixteen classrooms.
A: 3.
B: There are seventeen desks and sixteen chairs in my classroom.
A: Oh, are there 17 students in your class
B: 4. There are sixteen students in my class. One of the desks is for our teachers.
A: Well, is there a library in your school
B:5. But there is one near my school. We often go there after school.
A.How many classrooms are there in your school
B.No, there aren’t.
C.There are a lot of books in the library.
D.What is your new school like
E. No, there isn’t.
F. What’s in your classroom
G. Where’s the library
Come and look at the picture. It is a picture of an American family. The man in the hat(戴着帽子)is Mr. John white. He is a teacher. He teaches(教)English in a middle school in China. You can see Mrs. White,too. She is Dora white. She’s from Canada(加拿大). She’s a doctor. Mr. and Mrs. White have two children,Tom and Mary. Tom is ten and Mary is six. They love China very much.
( )1.Tom’s father in the picture is in the hat.
( )2.Mary’s father is Canadian and her mother is American.
( )3.Mrs. White is a teacher,too.
( )4.Tom,Mary and their father and mother are in China.
( )5.Tom is eight and Mary is eight,too.
Unit 2 This is my sister同步练习
Section B第1课时(附答案)
一 连词成句,注意标点符号。
1. Here is a photo of your family.
2. Is your brother Paul
3. These are not his parents.
4. Is she his aunt
5. This is a photo of my family.
6. Is Anna your brother’s friend
7. What is his sister’s name
8. My dog is in the family.
3.Peter's sister./Aria's aunt.
4.My mother has two brothers.
Unit 2 This is my sister同步练习
Section B第2课时(附答案)
1. on
2. unt
3. randmother / randma
4. daughter
5. cousins
二 完型填空
1-5 BACDA 6-10 ACBAC
三 句型转换,将下列句子变为一般疑问句,并作简要的肯定及否定回答。
1. Is this Gina Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
2. Is that his brother Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
3. Is he your good friend Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.
4. Are these nice pictures Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.
5. Are those school things Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.
四 单项选择
Unit 2 This is my sister同步练习
Section B第3课时(附答案)
1.of own
2.Here is
3.Are those
4.They are dogs
1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F



上一篇:Unit 1 My name's Gina. Section B 同步练习(附答案)

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