
1.—It’s a great pity that David failed the English exam again.
—We’d better take ________ pity on him and help him instead of laughing at him.
A.the B.a C.an D./
2.After drinking for the whole night, Uncle John slept ________ the day without eating anything.
A.upon B.through C.across D.over
3.That’s a bad habit of learning. ________, it is never too late for you to get out of it.
A.Instead B.Anyway C.Otherwise D.Moreover
4.— Has your uncle arrived
— Yes. He ________ Nanjing for three days.
A.has arrived in B.has gone to C.has been to D.has been in
5.—I’ve tried my best, but I still failed.
—Don’t lose heart. You should learn to ________ the result and keep trying.
A.accept B.receive C.record D.prevent
6.Mr. White ________ his keys in the office, so now he has to call his wife for help.
A.has forgotten B.forgot C.has left D.left
7.—What will the weather be like this afternoon, Jane
—It ________ be fine. Who knows It’s always changing quickly.
A.must B.will C.may D.should
8.—What a wonderful match! I just can’t stop cheering and screaming.
—But you’d better ________. Being too excited isn’t good for your health.
A.break down B.calm down C.fall down D.turn down
9.—The trees in the garden are really short.
—Don't worry. ______time goes by, they are sure to grow taller.
A.Before B.Because C.While D.As
10.—Mum, I’m thirsty. Is there any juice in the fridge
—Sorry, dear! There is ________. Let’s go to the supermarket and buy some.
A.nothing B.none C.no one D.neither
11.—Tom, can you help me _________ the books I got a different number each time.
—With pleasure.
A.complete B.choose C.carry D.count
12.The sentence structure of “He painted the wall white. ” is ________.
13.—What do you think of the film The Battle at Lake Changjin
—I think it’s ________ film that I have ever seen.
A.the most exciting B.the most excited C.a most exciting D.a most excited
14.—Could you help us ________ some Christmas lights, Jimmy
—No problem. It’s a good idea to set an exciting feeling with colored lights.
A.put out B.put in C.put on D.put off
15.—I don’t think keeping dogs will make you feel lonely.
—________ In my opinion, dogs sometimes bring you a lot of trouble.
A.Not exactly. B.I agree with you. C.I’m afraid so. D.That’s a good idea.

Once upon a time, there was a little sparrow. This sparrow was always on the hunt for something to eat and one day he happened upon a big bean. But before he could 16 it, he had to wash his hands. He hid the bean on a bridge and flew down to the 17 below to clean up.
“I just can’t wait for my wonderful 18 ,” the sparrow said to himself. Then he 19 his way back up to the bridge. “I won’t have to work for a week!” But when he got back to his 20 place, the bean was gone!
As the sparrow flew around looking for his lost treasure, he saw a 21 coming over the bridge. “ 22 , can you help me find my bean ” the sparrow asked. “Please, do I look like I have time to find a tiny bean Find it 23 ,” said the farmer as he walked away.
Next, the sparrow saw a soldier coming over the bridge. He asked the soldier the 24 question. “Please, little bird, I have no time for you,” he said and walked on. Then a minister(大臣)came walking by, but 25 the sparrow could even ask, he laughed and walked away. The little bird had 26 given up hope, when the king came up the bridge, riding on an elephant. The sparrow repeated his question, but the king didn’t 27 him. The sparrow sat on the bridge, hungry and sad.
An ant came by. After he heard the sparrow’s story, he went up to the elephant. “Tell the king to find that poor bird’s 28 , or I will go inside your ear and bite you!” The elephant stopped, turned to the king and said, “Go help that sparrow, or I will throw you off.” The king was 29 . He called the minister over and the minister ordered the soldier. Then the soldier went over to the farmer, “Find that bird’s bean, or I’ll kick you off this bridge!” The farmer 30 all day and as the sun was setting, he finally found the bean. The sparrow was thankful, and he ate well for the next week.
16.A.plant B.sell C.drop D.eat
17.A.hill B.river C.tree D.forest
18.A.breakfast B.lunch C.supper D.dinner
19.A.lost B.felt C.made D.fought
20.A.sleeping B.playing C.working D.hiding
21.A.farmer B.soldier C.minister D.king
22.A.Thank you B.Excuse me C.I’m sorry D.Come on
23.A.myself B.herself C.yourself D.himself
24.A.same B.different C.opposite D.common
25.A.while B.after C.before D.until
26.A.again B.almost C.already D.always
27.A.get on with B.catch up with C.take notice of D.think highly of
28.A.meat B.drink C.fruit D.food
29.A.scared B.satisfied C.excited D.bored
30.A.regretted B.thought C.waited D.searched
Tell us who inspires you — and then draw. And we are giving away prizes worth more than $125 to 11 winners! Heroes can be different but they all have one thing in common. They inspire us to do better. They could be a creative artist or dancer, a wise scientist or a skillful sports star. And heroes don’t have to be famous. They could be someone like a parent, brother, friend or teacher, who quietly goes about making the world a better place. Whether your hero is known around the world, or is someone closer to home who simply makes you laugh or is kind to you, we can’t wait to see your drawings of them and read about who inspires you! See below for instructions on how to enter the competition. Good luck! Download and print out templates (模板) to draw your picture on by visiting kidspic.com.au. On the blank postcard template, draw a picture of your hero. On the line in the center,tell us who your hero is and how you are inspired. The competition is open to 1-3 graders. You can ask your parent to take a photo of your drawing and email it to us at competition@kidspic.com.au. Please send in only ONE picture,and note that it closes on 22 June. Each winner will receive a fantastic prize worth more than $125, including: a box of 24-colored pencils a cool desk set a set of comic books a fine basketball
31.What do heroes have in common according to the poster
A.They are clever. B.They are brave.
C.They are famous. D.They are inspiring.
32.What should you do before drawing if you want to enter the competition
A.Print out the templates. B.Take a photo with your hero.
C.Send in one or two pictures. D.Buy a box of 24-colored pencils.
33.Who might be most interested in the poster
A.A cartoon artist. B.A computer scientist.
C.A second-year pupil. D.A fifth-grade teacher.
Searching for parking spaces has long been a headache for many office workers in many big cities of China, especially for those working in central business districts. Parking near their companies for five days a week could cost them a lot of money. At the same time, even with prices for parking lots in residential areas(居民区) rising, most of their spaces remain idle during workdays.
Now a new form of sharing economy has appeared in China—the shared parking space. It has become a huge market in some big cities. In Qingdao, a coastal city in Shandong, up to 10,000 personal parking spaces have been turned into shared ones with the help of “Airparking”, an online shared parking platform developed by a network company from Guangzhou.
Users can share and order a parking place by downloading and using a special app. Owners who have idle parking spaces can share some information, including the parking position, license number and time limit on the platform. With the information, users can easily find the nearest place to park. The average parking cost for shared parking is 4 yuan each hour, almost the same as the service cost in traditional parking spaces.
Qingdao is one of the Chinese cities that encourage shared parking. Some other big cites, including Beijing, Shanghai and Hefei, have also begun to try this idea. The Shanghai government, for example, has set up more than 6,500 shared parking spaces to encourage the public to use. Shared parking will be more and more helpful to the drivers.
34.The underlined word “idle” probably means ________ in Chinese in Paragraph 1.
A.懒散的 B.降价的 C.闲置的 D.废弃的
35.If you want to use shared parking in Qingdao, you should ________.
A.download and use a special app
B.share your personal information
C.have a parking space of your own
D.work in central business districts
36.The structure(结构) of the passage is ________.
A. B. C. D.
37.What can we infer from the passage?
A.Qingdao has fewer shared parking spaces than Shanghai.
B.Shared parking will probably become more and more popular.
C.Shared parking is less expensive than traditional parking service.
D.It’s hard to find parking spaces in residential areas during workdays.
At about noon one weekday in Maizidian, a busy business area in Beijing, office workers come in and out of a convenience (便利) store just as usual. Nearly all carry packaged (包装的) meats and drinks before hurrying back to work.
The store, owned by the Bianlifeng, sells 800 to 1,000 packaged meals, usually including rice and several smaller dishes, at lunchtime every workday. About 80 percent of the buyers are white-collar workers according to Bianlifeng. Reasonable (合理的) prices, convenience and quality of ready-to-eat meals have changed convenience stores into “kitchens” for many city workers.
Zhang Hui, 32, a manager at a foreign company in Shanghai, goes to these stores for most of her meals. She spends less than 10 yuan on breakfast, including steamed stuffed buns, porridge or soybean milk, and about 20 yuan on packaged meals for lunch and dinner each day. “When I’m in hurry, or when I have to eat alone, I will choose ready-to-eat foods in convenience stores, which are fast and make buying easy. This also saves me from feeling uncomfortable about eating alone in a restaurant.” Zhang said. “Moreover, the taste of such foods is acceptable.”
China has about 122,000 convenience stores, mainly in first-tier and second-tier cities (一线二线城市). With the changes of modern society, people seem to have faster lives. Most of them now don’t have as much time to cook as before. With more disposable income (可支配收入), people are more willing to spend on convenience. And now they are giving more importance to the environment and food safety. Ready-to-eat foods in convenience stores can meet these needs, mainly for a large number of young single people. Half of the buyers at convenience stores are those from 20 to 29, and more than 30 percent of them are office workers.
38.The following are the reasons for choosing convenience stores EXCEPT ________.
A.real convenience B.modern kitchens
C.acceptable taste D.ready-to-eat quality
39.What does the underlined word “This” mean in paragraph 3
A.Zhang Hui’s self-cooking at home.
B.Zhang Hui’s eating alone in a restaurant.
C.Zhang Hui’s choice of ready-to-eat foods.
D.Zhang Hui’s hurry to work without having meals.
40.Which of the following sentences is TRUE
A.China’s convenience stores are only in big cities.
B.People care more about the environment and food safety.
C.People in big cities have as much time to cook as before.
D.Zhang Hui spends less than 20 yuan in convenience stores every day.
41.The main idea of the passage is ________.
A.what convenience stores sell
B.how people like convenience stores
C.why convenience stores are popular
D.where people can find convenience stores
Charles Darwin
Early years
Charles Darwin was one of the six children from a big family. His grandfather and father were doctors and the young Darwin went to Edinburgh University to study medicine. However, he hated to see blood and he soon realized that he couldn’t be a doctor. He then went to Cambridge University and discovered that he had a great interest in studying plants, insects and animals. Luckily, one of Darwin’s university teachers helped him, join the perfect trip for a biologist: a voyage around the world to study nature.
The Beagle
In 1831, Charles Darwin left Plymouth on The Beagle, a ship that took him around the world for five years. While he was travelling, he studied the plants and animals in the countries and on the islands that the ship visited. Darwin also spent his time on The Beagle writing notes about the things he had seen. When he finally arrived back in Britain, Darwin was already starting to create his famous theory that all living things had a common ancestor (祖先).
Down house
At home at Down House, a place that you can still visit today, Darwin wrote many articles and books about his travels, but he didn’t want to make anything about his theory known to the public. He worked in his study, where he wrote 250,000 words about his theory of evolution (进化论), but he was frightened about what people might say about his idea that monkeys were the ancestors of humans. He thought the public would be against it and was so frightened that he became ill with worry. However, when another scientist started to write about similar ideas, Darwin decided to print his book, On the Origin of Species.
Most scientists accepted Darwin’s theory and people continue to study it today. On 12th February, the day he was born, Darwin Day is celebrated around the world to encourage more people to study the natural world.
42.What caused Darwin to give up his study of medicine
A.He didn’t like seeing blood. B.He found the studies too difficult.
C.He was pushed to give up by his family. D.He was advised to study natural science.
43.Why was the trip on The Beagle important to Darwin
A.It helped him to finish his study at the university.
B.It allowed him to change his mind about his future.
C.It gave him ideas about the beginnings of human life.
D.It got him to complete his most famous book on the ship.
44.In what order did the following happen in Darwin’s life
a. He arrived back in Britain in 1836.
b. He thought the public would not support his ideas.
c. He became interested in studying the natural world.
d. He printed his famous book, On the Origin of Species.
e. He received help to get a place on a trip around the world.
f. He studied the plants and animals on the islands he visited.
A.e→f→c→a→b→d B.c→e→f→a→b→d C.e→f→a→c→d→b D.c→e→f→d→a→b
45.Why did the writer include the last paragraph
A.To introduce Darwin’s famous book.
B.To tell how people celebrate Darwin Day.
C.To explain why people accept Darwin’s ideas.
D.To show Darwin’s influence on natural science.
Once in a while, there lived a king (国王). 46 One day, a businessman sent two beautiful birds to the king. The king told the trainer (驯兽师) to make them feel comfortable in their country.
One day, the king saw one bird fly very high, very quickly. 47 The trainer said that he had tried everything he could but still couldn’t make the bird move.
Soon, the king announced (宣布) that he needed someone to make the other bird move and fly.
A few weeks later, an old man reached the king’s palace and told him that he would make the bird fly like the other one. The king asked the trainer to take the old man to train the bird.
The next day, the king went to visit the old man. 48 The king was very happy and gifted the old man a handful of gold coins (金币) and asked the old man what he had done to make the bird fly in a day. The old man simply replied, “ 49 ”
Some of us are like this: 50 Still we sit doing nothing or doing something to make us worse than others.
A.Don’t sit still when we have wings (翅膀) to fly.
B.He was surprised to see the other bird fly like the first one to great heights in fast speed.
C.We have wings to fly, we know how to fly and where to fly.
D.He loved birds and animals and had a very big bird sanctuary (禁猎区).
E.The old man was more experienced and glad to say hello to the king.
F.Just cut down the branch of the tree where the bird sat on.
G.However, the other bird just sat on the branch and didn’t move even a step.
51.I don’t go out much (主要) because I have to look after kids.
52.We should remember that love and (交流) between people are a two-way street.
53.“Mengzi’s mother makes three moves” tells a story about a mother who did what she could to (give or offer) the best environment for her child.
54. (at last or in the end), I would like to thank you all again for coming here today.
55.—Oh, no! We are lost and have come to a wrong place.
—Sorry, but I have no sense of especially in a new place.
far fisherman nature correct twenty
56.It’s for a 3-year-old child to be interested in what happens around her.
57.Jack, you are careless again. Many of your answers to the questions are .
58.Near the end of the class, my teacher asked us, “Do you have any questions ”
59.—Whose hat is this, Mike
—I have no idea. You can ask one of the over there.
60.—Tomorrow it will be warm and cloudy with the daytime temperature in the .
—A lovely day again. We can fly kites in Ziwei Park.
introduce not attend drop prepare go
61.I don’t want him to help me these days because he for his exams.
62.Who will speak at the meeting if White tomorrow
63.—Where are Cindy and her parents recently
—They to the countryside already to visit their relatives and old friends.
64.My daughter was so careless that she her watch onto the ground and it was broken.
65.I myself to the new class when Tom rushed into the classroom and stopped me.
Maybe many of us like reading. But how many books do you read in a day Caleb Green, a little boy f 76 the USA, read 100 books in a day at the age of 4.
Caleb likes reading a lot. One day, he told his parents he d 77 to read 100 books in a day. They were very surprised b 78 that was too much for a 4-year-old child. So they a 79 him to read fewer books, but he wanted to have a try. Then they collected 100 books and live- streamed(在线直播) Caleb’s reading. Lots of people were i 80 in the boy and watched him reading. Caleb did a little dance every time he finished 10 books.
Caleb finished the reading marathon(马拉松) successfully. Everyone was h 81 for him. His father said, “After watching Caleb achieve his goal(达成目标), I’m p 82 to do the same. I will set(设定)some high goals for myself in the coming years. And then Caleb’s sisters and brothers also set high goals for t 83 . They said Caleb was their e 84 . They should learn from him.”
Everything is p 85 if you put your heart into it.
For pupils at a village school in Yiyuan county, Shandong province, Ren Jilan has not only been teaching them but also showing them how to face life bravely, especially when things just don’t seem to be working out.
Ren came from a poor family in a Yiyuan county village. She had to do more housework than other children when she was young because both her father and mother were in bad health.
With support from her relatives and villagers, Ren completed her 12-year school study and was accepted by Qufu Normal University. But the four year university experience didn’t go well. Her father died and then she had to care for her mother. At the difficult moment, it was her teacher, Li Zhenhua, who came to her and offered help.
After graduation (毕业), Ren was faced with chances to work as a teacher in cities, but she chose to return to her hometown and work as a country teacher at Fuluping Primary School.
“Teacher Li gave up a well-paid job in a big city to teach children at the village school. I’d like to follow his path to play my part for the education in my hometown.” Ren says.
Fuluping Primary School is 50 kilometers away from downtown Yiyuan county. It was once among the schools with the worst conditions in the county. But the school has its own beautiful and comfortable playground now.
Ren works hard on teaching and taking care of her students. She also spends a part of her money helping two poor students. She received the China Youth May 4th Medal-the country’s top honor for excellent young people.
“Life was not easy for me, but luckily I had nice people around me. They gave me a helping hand when I was in need, and it encouraged me to go on.” says Ren.
86.Who helped Ren complete her 12-year school study
87.Where did Ren choose to work after graduation from university
88.How is the playground of Fuluping Primary School now
89.According to Ren, what encouraged her to go on
90.What can you learn from Ren Jilan (请自拟一句话作答)
91.你校“The Wildlife Protection Society”协会正在招募新成员,假如你是Daniel,请你以“Protect the Earth and Love Wildlife”为题写一篇演讲稿,申请加入协会。
Your information 1. 八年级学生,诚实友善; 2. 热爱自然,喜爱动物,乐于和其他生物共享一个家园。
Reasons for joining the Society 1. 希望更多了解野生动物; 2. ……
Problems that wildlife is facing 1. 生存区域丧失; 2. 自然灾害频发; 3. ……
Hopes 1. 政府:…… 2. 我们学生:……
1. 短文必须包括所有内容要点,要点顺序可调整,需适当发挥,使短文连贯通顺;
2. 词数:90词左右,开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数;
3. 短文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。
Protect the Earth and Love Animals
Good morning, everyone! Today I am very happy to be here to give a report on protecting the Earth and loving wildlife. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
考查冠词的用法。the这个/这些,定冠词,表特指;a/an一个,不定冠词,表泛指,表示数量,a用在以辅音音素开头的单词前,an用在以元音音素开头的单词前;/表示不填,零冠词。take pity on“对……表示同情”,因此此处不填,用零冠词。故选D。
考查介词。upon在……上;through(内部)穿过、自始至终;across(表面)穿过;over在……上方。through the day“一整天”,此时through意思是“自始至终”。故选B。
考查副词。Instead相反;Anyway无论如何;Otherwise否则;Moreover而且。根据“That’s a bad habit of learning.”及“it is never too late for you”可知,这里指无论如何不会太迟,故选B。
考查持续性动词的用法。has arrived in已经到了;has gone to去了某地(还未回来);has been to去过某地(已回来);has been in待在某地。for+一段时间要与持续性动词一起连用,ABC三个选项都是短暂性动词,故选D。
考查动词辨析。accept接受;receive收到;record记录;prevent预防。根据“the result and keep trying”可推知,是指接受结果。故选A。
考查动词辨析及动词时态。“怀特先生把钥匙落在办公室”的动作已经完成,并且对现在“请求妻子帮助”产生了影响,故为现在完成时,故排除B、D两项。forget与leave均可表示“遗忘”,但forget不与表示地点的副词或短语连用,leave要与表示地点的副词或短语连用。本句中有地点状语“in the office ”,故用leave。故选C。
考查情态动词辨析。must必须;will将会;may可能;should应该。根据“Who knows It’s always changing quickly.”可知,今天下午的天气“可能”很好,表示肯定推测用may。故选C。
考查动词短语。break down停止运转;出故障;calm down冷静下来;fall down跌倒;turn down拒绝(请求、提议等);调低(音量、热量等)。根据“I just can’t stop cheering and screaming.”和“Being too excited isn’t good for your health.”可知,此处应该是你最好冷静。故选B
考查连词辨析。Before在……之前;Because因为;While当……期间;As随着。结合句意可知,空后“time goes by”“时间推移”,与连词As连接,构成状语从句,表示“随着时间的推移,他们肯定会长高的”。故选D。
考查不定代词。nothing没有什么;none一点没有;no one没有人;neither两者都不。根据juice可知,空格处指的是物,排除C项;再根据“Let’s go to the supermarket and buy some.”可知,冰箱里没有果汁了,针对数量,因此填none。故选B。
考查动词辨析。complete完成;choose选择;carry携带;count数。根据“I got a different number each time.”可知要帮忙数一下数有多少本。故选D。
考查句子结构。S+V+O即:主语+及物动词+宾语;S+V+IO+DO即:主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语;S+V+DO+OC即:主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语;S+V+P即:主语+系动词+表语。根据句子成分可知,he为主语; painted为及物动词;the wall为宾语;white是形容词,对宾语the wall加以补充说明,为宾语补足语;因此此句的句子结构为S+V+DO+OC。故选C。
考查动词短语。put out扑灭;put in安装;put on穿上;put up张贴,举起。根据“some Christmas lights”可知要安装一些圣诞彩灯。故选B。
考查情景交际。Not exactly.不全是,未必见得;I agree with you.我同意你的观点;I’m afraid so.恐怕是这样;That’s a good idea.那是一个好主意。根据“dogs sometimes bring you a lot of trouble.”可知答句中并不同意这个观点,应该不全是。故选A。
16.D 17.B 18.A 19.C 20.D 21.A 22.B 23.C 24.A 25.C 26.B 27.C 28.D 29.A 30.D
plant种植;sell卖;drop掉落;eat吃。根据前句“one day he happened upon a big bean”可知,是吃豆子,故选D。
hill小山;river河;tree树;forest森林。根据“he had to wash his hands”可知,要洗手,所以是去河边,故选B。
breakfast早餐;lunch午餐;supper晚餐;dinner晚餐。根据“The farmer...all day and as the sun was setting”可知,找了一整天,所以麻雀打算把豆子当早餐,故选A。
lost失去;felt感觉;made制作;fought打仗。根据“Then he...his way back up to the bridge.”可知,此处是“make one’s way back up to sp”短语,意为“设法回到某地”,故选C。
sleeping睡觉;playing玩;working工作;hiding隐藏。根据前文“He hid the bean on a bridge”可知,把豆子藏起来了,故选D。
farmer农夫;soldier军人;minister大臣;king国王。根据“said the farmer as he walked away”可知,是一位农夫,故选A。
Thank you谢谢你;Excuse me打扰;I’m sorry抱歉;Come on加油。请对方帮忙,应说“打扰了”,故选B。
myself我自己;herself她自己;yourself你自己;himself他自己。根据“Find it...”可知,农夫让麻雀自己找,故选C。
while当……时;after在……之后;before在……之前;until直到。根据“but...he sparrow could even ask, he laughed and walked away”可知,麻雀还没开口,大臣就笑着走开了,故选C。
again再;almost几乎;already已经;always总是。根据“The little bird had...given up hope”和前文可知,没人愿意帮助麻雀,他几乎放弃希望了,故选B。
get on with和……相处;catch up with赶上;take notice of注意;think highly of高度评价。根据“but the king didn’t...him”可知,国王没注意到麻雀,故选C。
scared害怕的;satisfied满意的;excited激动的;bored无聊的。根据“Go help that sparrow, or I will throw you off.”可知,大象威胁要把国王仍下去,所以国王很害怕,故选A。
regretted后悔;thought认为;waited等待;searched搜寻。根据“The farmer...all day and as the sun was setting, he finally found the bean.”可知,农夫找了一整天才找到豆子,故选D。
31.D 32.A 33.C
31.细节理解题。根据“Heroes can be different but they all have one thing in common. They inspire us to do better.”可知英雄是激励你的人。故选D。
32.细节理解题。根据“Download and print out templates to draw your picture on by visiting kidspic.com.au.”可知绘画之前先打印模板。故选A。
33.推理判断题。根据“The competition is open to 1-3 graders.”可知此次比赛针对的是一到三年级的学生。故二年级学生会感兴趣。选C。
34.C 35.A 36.B 37.B
34.词义猜测题。根据“even with prices for parking lots in residential areas(居民区) rising, most of their spaces remain idle during workdays.”可知,即使居民区的停车价格上涨,但是大部分的车位在工作日都是闲置状态,因此划线单词表示“闲置的”。故选C。
35.细节理解题。根据“Users can share and order a parking place by downloading and using a special app.”可知,如果你想使用共享停车位,你应该下载和使用一个特殊的软件。故选A。
37.推理判断题。根据“Shared parking will be more and more helpful to the drivers.”可推知,共享停车位将越来越受欢迎。故选B。
38.B 39.C 40.B 41.C
38.细节理解题。根据“Reasonable prices, convenience and quality of ready-to-eat meals have changed convenience stores into ‘kitchens’ for many city workers.”及“Moreover, the taste of such foods is acceptable.”可知选择便利店的原因有真正的便利、可接受的味道和即食食品质量,不包括现代化的厨房。故选B。
39.词义猜测题。根据“When I’m in hurry, or when I have to eat alone, I will choose ready-to-eat foods in convenience stores, which are fast and make buying easy. This also saves me from feeling uncomfortable about eating alone in a restaurant.”可知选择即食食物避免了张慧一个人在餐馆吃饭时感到不舒服。This意为张慧对即食食品的选择。故选C。
40.细节理解题。根据“And now they are giving more importance to the environment and food safety.”可知人们更加关心环境和食品安全,B项正确。故选B。
42.A 43.C 44.B 45.D
42.细节理解题。根据第一段“he hated to see blood and he soon realized that he couldn’t be a doctor”可知,达尔文讨厌看到血,所以放弃了学医。故选A。
43.细节理解题。根据第二段“Darwin also spent his time on The Beagle writing notes about the things he had seen. When he finally arrived back in Britain, Darwin was already starting to create his famous theory that all living things had a common ancestor”可知,达尔文在“小猎户号”船上的旅行,让他开始创造他有名的理论,他认为所有的生物都有一个共同的祖先。故选C。
44.推理判断题。根据“he had a great interest in studying plants, insects and animals”可知,他对学习自然世界感兴趣。根据“one of Darwin’s university teachers helped him, join the perfect trip for a biologist: a voyage around the world to study nature”可知,他得到帮助可以去环球航行。根据“he studied the plants and animals in the countries and on the islands that the ship visited”可知,他在岛上研究植物和动物。根据“When he finally arrived back in Britain”可知,他回到英国。根据“he was frightened about what people might say about his idea that monkeys were the ancestors of humans”可知,他认为大众不会支持他的想法。根据“Darwin decided to print his book, On the Origin of Species”可知,他出版了他的书《物种起源》。正确的顺序是c→e→f→a→b→d。故选B。
45.推理判断题。根据最后一段“Darwin Day is celebrated around the world to encourage more people to study the natural world”可知,达尔文日是为了鼓励更多的人研究自然科学。可推断最后一段是为了展示达尔文在自然科学上的影响。故选D。
46.D 47.G 48.B 49.F 50.C
46.根据“Once in a while, there lived a king (国王)...One day, a businessman sent two beautiful birds to the king”可知此处是和国王与鸟有关,选项D“他喜欢鸟类和动物,有一个很大的鸟类禁猎区。”符合语境,故选D。
47.根据“One day, the king saw one bird fly very high, very quickly.”以及“The trainer said that he had tried everything he could but still couldn’t make the bird move.”可知这里讲述了两只鸟中的另一只是怎么样的情况,选项G“然而,另一只鸟只是坐在树枝上,一步也不动。”符合语境,故选G。
48.根据“The king was very happy and gifted the old man a handful of gold coins (金币)”结合前文介绍有一只鸟不飞可知,老人让鸟飞了起来,国王很高兴,选项B“他惊讶地看到另一只鸟像第一只一样飞快地飞向很高的高度。”符合语境,故选B。
49.根据“asked the old man what he had done to make the bird fly in a day.”可知此处是介绍老人是如何让鸟飞起来的,选项F“把那只鸟停落的树枝砍下来。”符合语境,故选F。
50.根据“Some of us are like this...Still we sit doing nothing or doing something to make us worse than others.”可知此处是文章展示出的哲理,选项C“我们有翅膀去飞,我们知道如何飞,也知道去哪里飞。”符合语境,故选C。
【详解】根据所给英语句子可知,本句是含有宾语从句的复合句,“love and communication betweeb people”作宾语从句的主语,因此此处要用名词形式。communication,名词,意为“交流”。故填communication。
【详解】句意:《孟母三迁》讲述了一位母亲尽其所能为孩子提供最好环境的故事。根据“give or offer”可知用provide“提供”。provide sth. for sb.“为某人提供某物”。动词不定式表目的,to+动词原形。故用provide原形。故填provide。
【详解】句意:最后,我想再次感谢大家今天的光临。根据英文解释“at last or in the end”可知,是指“最后”,此处是副词finally修饰句子,且空格处位于句首,首字母要大写,故填Finally。
【详解】句意:——哦,不!我们迷路了,走错了地方。——抱歉,但我没有方向感,尤其是在一个新地方。根据“I have no sense of …especially in a new place”可知,此处指在新的地方,没有方向感,direction“方向”,故填direction。
56.natural 57.incorrect 58.further 59.fishermen 60.twenties
【解析】56. 句意:对于一个三岁的孩子来说,对发生在她周围的事情感兴趣是很自然的事。根据“for a 3-year-old child to be interested in what happens around her”及备选词可知,这里指对发生在她周围的事情感兴趣是很自然的事,nature“自然”,名词,根据句型“It’s+形容词+for sb. to do sth.”可知,空格处应该填形容词,nature的形容词为natural。故填natural。
57.句意:杰克,你又粗心了,你许多问题的答案都是不正确的。根据“you are careless again”及备选词可知,此处表示Jack犯了很多错误,所以答案是不正确的,correct“正确的”,其反义词为incorrect“错误的”。故填incorrect。
58.句意:在课堂结束时,老师对我们道:“你们还有任何进一步的问题吗?”。根据“Do you have any...questions ”及备选词可知,这里指进一步的问题,far“远的”符合语境,far的比较级有farther和further,其中farther表示路程上更远,further表示程度上更远,本题表示问题的程度上更进一步,故填further。
59.句意:——这顶帽子是谁的,迈克?——我不知道。你可以去问那边渔夫们中的一个。根据“You can ask one of the...over there.”及备选词可知,这里指问那边渔夫,fisherman“渔夫”符合语境,根据句型“one of +the+可数名词复数”表示“……之一”可知,空格处应填fisherman的复数为fishermen,故填fishermen。
60.句意:——明天将会是暖和且多云的天气,白天温度二十多度。——又是一个可爱的天气。我们可以去紫薇公园放风筝。根据“temperature”可知,这里表示大概温度,结合所给单词,基数词twenty“二十”符合语境,in the +基数词的复数,表示“几十多”,故填twenties。
61.will prepare 62.doesn’t attend 63.have gone 64.dropped 65.was introducing
【解析】61.句意:这些天我不想让他帮我,因为他要为考试做准备。根据“I don’t want him to help me these days ”并结合选项可知,从句要表达的意思是“因为他要为考试做准备”,prepare“做准备”,根据语境可知,用一般将来时,其构成是“will +动词原形”。故填will prepare。
62.句意:如果怀特明天不出席,谁将在会议上发言?根据“Who will speak at the meeting”并结合选项可知,句子的意思是“如果怀特明天不出席,谁将在会议上发言?”,attend“出席,参加”,if引导的条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时,所以从句用一般现在时,主语White是第三人称单数,否定句加助动词doesn’t,后跟动词原形。故填doesn’t attend。
63.句意:——辛迪和她的父母最近在哪里?——他们已经去乡下探亲访友了。根据问句“Where are Cindy and her parents recently ”并结合选项可知,此处指已经去乡下探亲访友了,应用用现在完成时,have/has gone to sp. 表示“某人去某地了”,主语是复数they,助动词用have,故填have gone。
64.句意:我女儿太粗心了,把手表掉在地上,手表坏了。根据“she...her watch onto the ground and it was broken”并结合选项可知,此处表示“把手表掉在地上”, drop“掉下”,根据“My daughter was so careless”可知从句用一般过去时。故填dropped。
65.句意:我正在向新班级作自我介绍,这时汤姆冲进教室拦住了我。根据“I...myself to the new class”并结合选项可知,此处意思是“向新班级作自我介绍”,又根据“when Tom rushed into the classroom and stopped me”可知,主句用过去进行时,其构成是“was/were +动词现在分词”,主语为I,be动词用was,故填was introducing。
66.make the fewest mistakes 67.take a direct flight to Australia 68.look through this form quickly 69.because of the sudden shower 70.invite more people to describe birds 71.be used to living in the village 72.find a way out as soon as possible 73.cause more and more accidents 74.can’t wait to play chess 75.feel a bit nervous
【详解】1. 犯错误:make mistakes,mistakes是可数名词复数; 最少的:the fewest;形容词作定语一般放在被修饰的名词之前。故填make the fewest mistakes。
2.搭乘直达航班:take a direct flight;去:to;澳大利亚:Australia。故填take a direct flight to Australia。
3.浏览: look through;这张表格:this form;快速:quickly,此处修饰动词”浏览”, 所以用副词。故填look through this form quickly。
4.由于:要用介词词组because of,后接名词词组;突然的:sudden,形容词,后接名词;阵雨:shower。故填because of the suden shower。
5. 邀请某人做某事:invite sb. to do sth. ;更多的人:more people ;描述鸟:describe birds。故填invite more people to describe birds
6.习惯于做某事:be used to doing sth;住在村子里:live in the village。故填 be used to living in the village。
7.找到:find out;出路:a way;尽快:as soon as possible。故填find a way out as soon as possible。
8. 导致:cause;越来越多:more and more;事故:accidents。故填cause more and more accidents。
9. 迫不及待地做某事:can’t wait to do sth.;下棋:play chess。故填can’t wait to play chess。
10. 感到紧张:feel nervous;有点儿:a bit,修饰形容词。故填feel a bit nervous。
76.(f)rom 77.(d)ecided 78.(b)ecause 79.(a)dvised 80.(i)nterested 81.(h)appy 82.(p)reparing 83.(t)hemselves 84.(e)xample 85.(p)ossible
76.句意:来自美国的小男孩Caleb Green在4岁的时候一天读了100本书。根据“Caleb Green, a little boy f...the USA”可知,男孩来自美国,from“来自”符合语境。故填(f)rom。
77.句意:有一天,他告诉他的父母他决定在一天内读100本书。根据“he told his parents he d...to read 100 books in a day”可知,他决定在一天内读100本书,decide“决定”,时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填(d)ecided。
78.句意:他们非常惊讶,因为这对一个4岁的孩子来说太多了。“that was too much for a 4-year-old child”是“They were very surprised”的原因,用because引导原因状语从句。故填(b)ecause。
79.句意:所以他们建议他少读些书,但他还是想试一试。根据“So they a...him to read fewer books, but he wanted to have a try.”可知,他们建议他少读些书,advise“建议”,时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填(a)dvised。
80.句意:许多人对这个男孩很感兴趣,看着他读书。根据“Lots of people were i...in the boy and watched him reading.”可知,许多人对这个男孩很感兴趣,be interested in“对……感兴趣”。故填(a)dvised。
81.句意:每个人都为他感到高兴。根据“Caleb finished the reading marathon(马拉松) successfully.”可知,他成功了,所以大家为他开心,happy“开心的”,在句中作表语。故填(h)appy。
82.句意:在看到Caleb实现了他的目标后,我也准备这么做。根据“After watching Caleb achieve his goal(达成目标), I’m p...to do the same.”可知,作者也准备这么做,prepare“准备”,时态是现在进行时。故填(p)reparing。
83.句意:Caleb的兄弟姐妹们也为自己设定了很高的目标。根据“And then Caleb’s sisters and brothers also set high goals for t...”可知,Caleb的兄弟姐妹们也为自己设定了很高的目标,themselves“他们自己”符合语境。故填(t)hemselves。
84.句意:他们说Caleb是他们的榜样。根据“They said Caleb was their e... They should learn from him.”可知,Caleb是他们的榜样,example“榜样”符合语境。故填(e)xample。
85.句意:只要你用心,一切皆有可能。根据“Everything is p...if you put your heart into it.”可知,一切皆有可能,possible“可能的”,在句中作表语。故填(p)ossible。
86.Her relatives and villagers. 87.She chose to return to her hometown and work as a country teacher at Fuluping Primary School. 88.It is beautiful and comfortable. 89.Nice people around her encouraged her to go on. 90.People should be friendly and helpful and know how to be thankful.
【导语】本文介绍了Ren Jilan在亲戚和村民的帮助下完成大学学业,然后回报社会,放弃大城市的高薪工作,到乡村学校教孩子们。
86.根据“With support from her relatives and villagers, Ren completed her 12-year school study and was accepted by Qufu Normal University.”可知,她的亲戚和村民帮助她完成了她12年的学业。故填Her relatives and villagers.
87.根据“After graduation (毕业), Ren was faced with chances to work as a teacher in cities, but she chose to return to her hometown and work as a country teacher at Fuluping Primary School.”可知,Ren Jilan选择了回到家乡,在富平小学当一名乡村教师。故填She chose to return to her hometown and work as a country teacher at Fuluping Primary School.
88.根据“But the school has its own beautiful and comfortable playground now.”可知,操场又漂亮又舒适。故填It is beautiful and comfortable.
89.根据“Life was not easy for me, but luckily I had nice people around me. They gave me a helping hand when I was in need, and it encouraged me to go on.”可知,她周围的好人都鼓励她继续前进。故填Nice people around her encouraged her to go on.
90.根据“Life was not easy for me, but luckily I had nice people around me. They gave me a helping hand when I was in need, and it encouraged me to go on.”可知,她周围的人都很友好,鼓励她坚持下去,且她很感恩。因此我们可以从中学到既要乐于帮助他人,又要在接受他人的帮助时懂得感恩。故填People should be friendly and helpful and know how to be thankful.
Protect the Earth and Love Animals
Good morning, everyone! Today I am very happy to be here to give a report on protecting the Earth and loving wildlife.
I’m an eighth grader. I’m honest and friendly. I love animals and nature. I am willing to share a home with other living things. However, our environment is becoming worse and worse. I hope to learn more about wild animals. Besides, we can make more friends in this club. People cut down trees and forests, so many animals have nowhere to live. And we make more space for farms and buildings, many wild animals lose their living areas. Some hunters hunt animals for money, then many wild animals died because of this. Many natural disease outbreaks, such as COVID-19. Now, the government takes actions to protect environment and wild animals. And we should make laws and plant more trees to protect them. As students, we should try our best to do something to protect them. If we do something to protect them, we will have a better world.
That’s all. Thank you very much!
②be willing to do愿意做某事
③takes actions to do采取行动去做某事
①Now, the government takes actions to protect environment and wild animals.(动词不定式做目的状语)
②If we do something to protect them, we will have a better world.(if引导条件状语从句)




下一篇:Unit7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. SectionA(2a-2e) 同步训练( 含答案)