Unit 7 Will people have robots? Section B 练习(含答案)

Unit 7 Section B 练习(含答案)
1.We'll live in a new a________ next year.
2.Robots can do s________ jobs and don't get bored.
3.What's the s________ of the tree
4.Koalas usually sleep d________ the day.
5.Where will you spend your h________?
be, fall, play, possible, mend, look
1. It’s ________ for the monkeys to get the moon from the water.
2. My father will help me ________ my bike.
3. The boy ________ off the bike yesterday.
4. There ________ an English test next Wednesday.
5. Dick was able to ________ football when he was very young.
1.Wang Yaping is ________ Chinese astronaut.I want to be ________ astronaut like her.
A.a;the B.an;the C.an;a D.a;an
2.There are many workers in the paper ________.
A.planet B.word C.college D.factory
3.I don't agree ________ you.I think she has something to do ________ it.
A.to;about B.with;with C.with;to D.to;about
4.The college is so famous that ________ people come and visit it every term.
A.hundreds of B.hundred C.hundred of D.hundreds
5.—Do you ________ what he said
—No,he is always making up stories.
A.promise B.improve C.believe D.choose
6.Look!There are a lot of kids ________ games in the park.
A.play B.playing C.to play D.plays
7.—Will Jane appear at the party tonight
—________.She is already on the way.
A.Yes,she will B.Yes,she is C.No,she isn't D.No,she won't
8.It's ________ to remember all the names in a few minutes.It's too difficult.
A.simple B.possible C.lucky D.impossible
9.I lost my new watch yesterday.I ________ it everywhere,but I couldn't ________ it.
A.found;find B.found;look for
C.looked for;find D.looked for;look for
10.________ a basketball match next Wednesday
A.Will have B.Will be C.Will there be D.Will there have
1.I will live in Shanghai in ten years.(对画线部分提问)
________ ________ will you live in Shanghai
2.What will teenagers do for fun twenty years from now?(改为同义句)
What will teenagers do for fun ________ ________ ________?
3.There will be lots of cars in the town in five years.(改为否定句)
There ________ ________ lots of cars in the town in five years.
4.Will there be more pollution in the future?(作肯定回答)
Yes,________ ________.
5.There is a girl in the room.She is dancing.(合并为一句)
There ________ a girl ________ in the room.
even, servant, factory, human, possible, part, already,danger,help,different
On TV, we often see robots. In real life, we also see robots in 1.________. They do some 2.________ or boring jobs for 3.________.
Do you know that robots can also 4.________ disabled people (残疾人)
Robot guide dogs can help blind people (盲人) now. One kind of robot guide dog moves in front of its owner (主人). It is very smart. It 5.________ knows how fast its owner walks.
In the United States, another kind of robot 6.________ helps disabled people. It plays an important 7.________ in their daily lives. The robot hears the sound of its owner's voice. Then it “turns the page” or “makes a cup of tea”. It is just like their 8.________.
Robots can help people in many 9.________ ways. But I think it's 10._______ for them to take the place of humans. After all they're robots not humans. Humans will always be smarter than them. Don't you think so
1. 吉娜反复地播放着同样的歌。
Gina played the same songs ________ ________ ________ ________.
2. 杰里,你在床底下找什么呢?
Jerry, what are you ________ ________ under the bed
3. 这个湖里有成百上千条鱼。
There are ________ ________ fishes in the lake.
We ________ ________ them ________ the moon.
I will ________ just ________ a bird.
I.1.apartment 2.simple 3.shape 4.during 5.holiday
II.1. impossible 2. (to) mend 3. fell 4. will be 5. play
IV.1.How soon 2.in twenty years 3.won't be 4.there will 5.is dancing
V.1. factories 2.dangerous 3. humans 4.help 5. even
6. already 7.part 8.servant 9.different 10. impossible
VI.1. over and over again 2. looking for 3. hundreds of 4.will fly 5.probably keep
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