Module 10 Unit 1 I have some photos that I took in Australia last year.同步练习(3课时含答案)

Module 10 Australia Unit 1(含3课时)
1.There are many koalas and    (袋鼠) in Australia.
2.He is going to invite all his    (亲戚) to the party.
3.I’m unhappy with the    (懒惰的) way you do your homework.
4.They believe that his    (灵魂) lives on after death.
5.The    (关系) between them is being improved.
Ⅱ. 根据语境,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。
1. A new library will be built in the _______(centre) area of the city.
2. There are some _______(ant) on your cookies.
3. Jack washed his face and _______(brush) his teeth, and then he went out.
4. I have two _______(hat) but neither fits me properly.
5. The famous writer’s letters and _______(diary) will be shown next month.
Ⅲ. 根据括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空一词(含缩略形式)。
1. A young man saved little Nancy in the car accident. His name is Paul. (合并为一句)
A young man _______ Paul saved little Nancy in the car accident.
2. I like the photo. Mike took it yesterday. (合并为一句)
I like the photo _______ _______ _______ yesterday.
3. The doctor said that the old man was in good condition. (改为同义句)
_______ _______ the doctor, the old man was in good condition.
4. China is well known for the Great Wall. (改为同义句)
China _______ _______ _______ the Great Wall.
5. The tower is about 63 metres high. (对划线部分提问)
_______ _______ _______ of the tower
Ⅳ. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。
1. 这是一座三面环水的小镇。
his is a small town with water _______ _______ _______.
2. 你能控制一艘帆船吗?
Can you manage a(n) _______ _______
3. 父母应该让孩子们远离车辆多的马路。
Parents should _______ their children _______ from the busy street.
4. 那段时间我不在英国。
I was not in Britain _______ _______ _______.
5. 这位作家小时候就养成了写日记的习惯。
This writer got into the habit of _______ _______ _______ when he was young.
Ⅴ. 根据对话内容,从方框中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。
A: Oh, you look good in this photo. (1)_______
B: In Canada. I spent my holiday there last month.
A: Did you enjoy yourself there
B: (2)_______ I had a great time there.
A: (3)_______
B: I went sightseeing all over. I visited Niagara Falls, one of the natural wonders of the world. I visited different museums too.
A: (4)_______
B: I didn’t like the food there. But luckily there are many Chinese restaurants.
A: You must have taken many photos. Can I have a look at them
B: Of course. (5)_______ This one was taken in Ottawa ...
A. Here we go.B. No, not at all!C. Yes, of course!D. Where was it taken E. What did you do there F. How was the weather there G. What did you think of the food there
Module 10 Australia Unit 1(含3课时)
Ⅰ. 根据语境及所给首字母提示补全所缺单词。
1. The tree is 30 metres in h_______.
2. My mum is cutting paper with a pair of s_______.
3. It was cold outside. Jenny put on a sweater that is made of w_______ to keep warm.
4. Mary won’t drive to London because she h_______ driving.
5. This island is a m_______ place for a holiday. People enjoy themselves here.
He ran so fast that the other runners were all       .
I          their winning the basketball match.
We were all caring for our children, each             .
The boss but not his secretary          Beijing.
He is a happy-go-lucky sort of person as if he had            in the world.
III. 短文改错
  During the summer vacation, my parents and I went to Beijing for a trip. On the first day, we visited the Palace Museum and took many pictures at there. On the second day, we went to climb the Great Wall. It is one of the greatest wonder in the world. We saw lots of tourists and learned much information about it under the help of the tour guide, Miss Yang. At last we went shopping in the city centre of Beijing Wangfujing Street. We bought a lot gifts for our friends.
We enjoyed our trip very much. It was an excited experience and I will never forget it.
A: Hi, Mike! You look so happy, don’t you
B: Yes. Today is 16 . It’s my favorite day.
A: Why
B: Because tomorrow is Saturday.
A: 17 your plan for tomorrow
B: I have nothing much to do. I only want to stay at home.
A: What about taking a trip to the Sun Island
B: Good idea! We can go there by bus.
A: Why not ride a bike 18 of taking a bus It’s good for our health and the environment.
B: Great! But 19 shall we meet
A: In front of our school gate.
B: When shall we meet
A: Let’s meet 20 8:00 tomorrow morning.
B: OK. I can’t wait to take the trip with you.
16.    17.    18.    19.    20.  
A growing number of Chinese stories are being told by foreigners through the Internet.
Recently, a video made by an Australian on Douyin swept the screen, followed by more than 2 million zans and 110, 000 comments (评论). In the video he said, “I’m pleased with the Chinese lifestyle. It’s really difficult to live in a country like Australia, especially after you have spent so much time in China. If you don’t drive a car in China, you just ride a bike. You can get anywhere easily, and there are subways. But in Australia, if you don’t have a car, you can do nothing.”
The Australian uncle also complained about (抱怨) the price of Uber, an Australian taxi-hailing app. “My God, one kilometer is almost 20 Australian dollars (about 97 yuan RMB) .”
The blogger of Beijing Expat Guide, Paul Stoker, compared life in Beijing with life in America. He said, “Life is usually controlled by cars in the US. There’s no cheap and good public transportation, so it’s so difficult to get somewhere. You always have to borrow or rent a car or ask for a ride.” “Compared to the colorful life in Beijing, life seems so boring in America. It seems nothing has changed at home,A except for you.”
Coming back to America, Cynthia Lopez said at eChinacities. “The number of mass shootings in the US has quickly increased in recent years. You don’t have to worry about your safety in China—guns are not allowed by law in China. Because of America’s gun culture, guns will never be illegal in the US.”
  Many foreigners who have spent so much time in China are happy about the Chinese lifestyle. And they 21 living in China. They think public traffic in China is very fast and cheap, which can take them anywhere 22 .
However, in their hometowns like Australia and America, public traffic is not so convenient, but 23 . They can hardly go anywhere without a car.
In their eyes, life in China is 24 , while the lifestyle in their own countries
seems so boring. Another good thing in China is that they don’t have to worry about their 25 because guns are not allowed by law.
In fact, there must be something good both in China and any other foreign country. It’s important to understand and learn from each other.
21.    22.    23.    24.    25.  
Module 10 Australia Unit 1(含3课时)
1. —Many doctors and nurses went to Hubei in February.
—Hubei is far from Heilongjiang. It’s    the south of China,    the south of Henan.;to   B.on;to;on
2. The glass bridge in Shijiazhuang is    than any other one in China.
A.long    B.the longest
C.longest   D.longer
3. —My mobile phone doesn’t work, but I can’t find a shop to repair it.
—Oh, let me show you    near our school.
A.that   B.those
4. I like history, so I    to Hunan Museum many times.
A.have been   B.have gone  C.went
5. My mother doesn’t like stories    have sad end-ings.
A.that   B.who   C.where   D.those
She is       her son’s health.
7. 我们在碗上铺了白的覆盖物防止苍蝇。
We spread white covers over the bowls to          .
How old was Mary          she was chosen
9. 站起来,拂去膝盖上的灰尘,继续往前走。
Get up and             your knees and move on.
            make a plan than to carry it out.
West Lake is suitable for visiting all year round. The scenery
is different ac-cording to the weather, and season.
Spring (from March to May) is the best season to visit West Lake. In Spring, green 11 (leaf) and flowers make West Lake more beautiful. Lots of visi-tors choose to visit West Lake in March and April.
Summer(from 12 to August) is the season of Lotus(莲花) flowers. The lotuses attract many people. “Lotus in the Breeze at Crooked Courtyard” (曲院风荷) is one of the 13 famous sights of West Lake. It is also the best place to visit in summer. It is an area by the 14 (west) bank of the lake. Every summer, there 15 (be) hundreds of kinds of beautiful lotuses 16 are enjoyed by millions of visitors from home and abroad.
Autumn(from September to November) is cool at West Lake. In Autumn, the enjoyable weather is right for 17 (walk) round or going boating on the lake. West Lake is also a popular place for enjoying the 18 moon in the sky at the Mid-Autumn Festival.
Winter(from December to February) at West Lake is very cold and wet. Sometimes it snows. The snow makes West Lake white and beautiful. “Melting Snow at Broken Bridge” is beautiful scenery in winter. The bridge is famous not 19 for its snowy scenery, but also for its romantic tale. It was on the Broken Bridge that Bai Suzhen first met her 20 (love), Xu Xian.
11.    12.    13.    14.    15.  
16.    17.    18.    19.    20.  
Module 10 Australia Unit 1(含3课时)
1. central
2. ants
3. brushed
4. hats
5. diaries
1. named
2. 2. that Mike took
3. 3. According to
4. is famous for
5. 5. What’s the height
1. on three sides
2. 2. sailing boat
3. 3. keep; away
4. at the time
5. 5. keeping a diary
Module 10 Australia Unit 1(含3课时)
1. height
2. scissors
3. wool
4. hates
5. magical
6.left behind 
7.was surprised at our own way flying to worries and cares
11.第二句:删掉at 副词here、there、home前不加介词,故删除at。
12.第四句:将wonder改为wonders one of the...后加名词的复数形式,故wonder后需要加-s。
13.第五句:将under改为with with the help of sb.“在某人的帮助下”,为固定短语。
14.第七句:lot后加of a lot of“许多”,为固定短语,修饰名词。
15.第九句:将excited改为exciting excited意为“兴奋的;激动的”,exciting意为“令人兴奋的;使人激动的”。一般来说,excited修饰人,exciting修饰物或事。此处修饰experience,故用exciting。
16.Friday 根据下文“Because tomorrow is Saturday.”可知今天是“星期五”。故填Friday。
17.What’s 根据下文“I have nothing much to do. I only want to stay at home.”可知,此处是询问“你明天的计划是什么 ”,故填What’s。
18.instead 根据上文“We can go there by bus.”和下文“It’s good for our health and the environment.”可知,此处表达“为什么不骑自行车来代替坐公共汽车呢 ”,故填instead。
19.where 根据下文“ In front of our school gate.”可知,此处是询问在哪里见面,故填where。 根据语境可知此处指“明天早上,我们八点见面”。时间点前用介词at,故填 at。 根据第二段中“I’m pleased with the Chinese lifestyle.”可知,他们喜欢住在中国,故填like/love/enjoy/prefer。
22.easily/conveniently 根据第二段中“You can get anywhere easily, and there are subways.”可知,在中国可以“容易地/方便地”去任何地方,故填easily/conveniently。
23. .expensive/dear 根据第三段“The Australian uncle also complained about(抱怨) the price of Uber, an Australian taxi-hailing app. ‘My God, one kilometer is almost 20 Australian dollars (about 97 yuan RMB).’”以及第四段中“There’s no cheap and good public transportation”可知,在澳大利亚和美国,公共交通不是那么方便,并且“很昂贵”,故填expensive/dear。
24.colorful 根据第四段中“Compared to the colorful life in Beijing, life seems so boring in America.”可知,北京的生活是“丰富多彩的”,故填 colorful。 根据第五段中“You don’t have to worry about your safety in China—guns are not allowed by law in China.”可知,在中国不必担心自身“安全”,故填safety。
Module 10 Australia Unit 1(含3课时)
1. 答案 C 考查方位介词的用法。句意:——很多医生和护士在二月份去了武汉。——湖北离黑龙江很远,它在中国南部,河南南部。方位介词in意为“在……里”,表示在某个范围之内;to表示“在范围之外”,不相邻;on表示接壤相邻。湖北是中国的一个省,第一个空填介词in;根据地理常识可知,湖北与河南接壤相邻,第二个空填介词on。故选C。
2. 答案 D 考查形容词比较等级的用法。句意:石家庄的玻璃桥比中国其他任何一座玻璃桥都长。由句中的than可知,这里要用形容词long的比较级longer。故选D。
3. 答案 D 考查代词辨析。句意:——我的手机坏了,但我没找到手机修理店。——哦,让我指给你我们学校附近的修理店。it指前面提到的同一事物,one指同类事物中的一个;that那个,指较远的;those那些。由句意可知选D。
4. 答案 A 考查动词时态。句意:我喜欢历史,所以我已经去过湖南博物馆许多次了。have been to去过(已回);have gone去了(未回)。故选A。
5. 答案 A 考查定语从句。句意:我妈妈不喜欢有着悲伤结局的故事。定语从句的先行词是stories,指物,关系词在定语从句中作主语,定语从句要用that或which引导。故选A。
6.worried about 
7.keep flies away the time
9.brush the dust off 
10.It is easier to
11.leaves 句意:春天,绿叶和花使西湖更加美丽。根据后面的and flowers和生活常识可知,绿叶应不止一片,故填leaf的复数形式leaves。
12.June 句意:夏季(六月至八月)是荷花盛开的季节。根据第二段第一句中的“Spring (from March to May)”及第四段第一句中的“Autumn(from September to November)”可知,夏季的起止时间是六月到八月。故填June。
13.most 句意:“曲院风荷”是西湖最著名的景点之一。“one of the+
最高级为most famous。故填most。
14.western 句意:它是湖西岸的一个地区。由后面的名词bank可知,此处应用形容词作定语。western意为“西部的”。故填western。
15.are 句意:每年夏天,这里都有数百种美丽的荷花,受到来自国内外数百万游客的喜爱。there be句型的主语hundreds of kinds of beautiful lotus-es为复数,故谓语动词应用复数形式are。
16.that/which 句意:每年夏天,这里都有数百种美丽的荷花,受到来自国内外数百万游客的喜爱。分析句子结构可知,先行词是指物的名词lotus-es,关系代词在定语从句中作主语,故填that或which。
17.walking 句意:秋天,宜人的天气适合在湖边散步或划船。介词for后应用动名词形式。故填walking。
18.bright 句意:西湖也是一个中秋节欣赏天空中明月的受欢迎的去处。由设空处后的名词moon可知,此处应用形容词作定语。由常识可知,中秋节的月亮是明亮的。故填bright。
19.only 句意:这座桥不仅以雪景闻名,而且以其浪漫的故事而闻名。not only...but also...为固定短语,意为“不仅……而且……”。故填only。
20.lover 句意:白素贞是在断桥上第一次见到她的爱人许仙。由前面的形容词性物主代词her及后面的单数名词Xu Xian可知,此处应用单数名词。lover意为“爱人”。故填lover。



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