Module 10 The weather 分课时作业(3课时含答案)

Unit 10 The weather(含3课时)
Unit 1同步练习(附答案)
1.Fujian Province is in the     (东南) of China.
2.Would you like to go to the     (海岸) with me
3.His home is five     (英里) from the school.
4.California is on the Pacific coast, and the weather is fine all year     (围绕地).
5.Leaves turn     (棕色的), red or yellow and start falling from the tree.
1. I wish __________ (have) a big house with a beautiful garden.
2. In winter, we often go __________ (skate) on the river. It’s great to play on the ice.
3. It’s __________ (probable) hot and wet in their home town.
4. It’s __________ (sun) today. Let’s go out for a walk.
5. You’d better wear warm clothes. It will be__________ (wind) soon.
1. —How do you like the story
—Interesting, __________ the end of it is kind of sad.
A. so B.although C. or D. because
2. Jim and Tom didn’t study hard, so __________ of them passed the exam.
A.both B. all C. neither D. none
3. —What about skating on the ice this weekend, Tony
—__________! We’ll have a good time.
A. Not at all B. No, thanks C. Sounds great D. You’re right
4. Rock music ___ sound popular with the young, but it’s not the favor of the aged people.
A. must B. need C. should D. may
5. __________, and you will catch the next bus.
A. Come out B. Come up C. Come on D. Come in
1. What’s the weather like today (改为同义句)
__________ __________ the weather today
2.Greeting each other with a smile is necessary in our daily life.(改为同义句)
__________ is necessary __________ greet each other with a smile in our daily life.
3. I like skating and Lucy likes it too.(改为同义句)
I like skating and Lucy likes it __________ __________.
4. It may be cloudy this evening.(改为同义句)
__________ it __________ __________ cloudy this evening.
5. The temperature is minus two degrees.(就画线部分提问)
__________ __________ the temperature
6.我也来自上海。I come from Shanghai ______ ______.
7.冬天这儿常常下雪。It snows ____ ______ here in winter.
8.今天在5度到8度之间。It's ________ five and eight ________ today.
9.你能给他量一下体温吗?Can you ______ ______ ____________?
10.他喜欢和孩子们开玩笑。He likes ________ ______ ______ children.
11. 我希望现在我在澳大利亚。I __________ I __________ in Australia now.
12. 快点儿,该走了!Come on, better __________ __________!
It’ll __________ __________ cold tomorrow.
Everyone cares about the weather. Different people like different weather. We can do different things in different weather. People want a fine day if they go to have a picnic. The farmers need water for their crops, so they hope it will rain. What about you
Here is a radio weather report of next week.
Date Morning Afternoon
Monday December 25th
Tuesday December 26th
Wednesday December 27th
Thursday December 28th
Friday December 29th
Saturday December 30th
Sunday December 31st
1. The sunniest day will be __________.
2. You want to climb mountains on Sunday, December31st, and you know the weather over the radio. And you know it will be __________ in the morning and cold in the afternoon.
3. You have a day off on Wednesday. Then you’d better __________ and watch TV.
4. __________ will be cloudy in the morning but sunny in the afternoon, and it will be windy all day.
5. There will be __________ rainy days from December 25th to December 31st.
Unit 10 The weather(含3课时)
Unit 2同步练习(附答案)
1. The t__________ is between minus five and two degrees. You’d better put on warm clothes.
2. You must be j__________! There can’t be snow today!
3. He was w__________ from head to foot because of the heavy rain.
4. There are many c__________ in the sky. It’s going to rain.
5. The ice is t__________ enough for us to skate on safely.
6.I often help my uncle pick apples in     .
7.In spring, the     starts to get warm.
8.     is the coldest season in the north of China.
9.This kind of     looks beautiful and sells well.
10.When autumn comes, the leaves on the tree     yellow.
The             come to Qingdao is in May or October.
     an umbrella and a raincoat     it     rain soon.
I like to go for a walk in the park                 .
It             in winter here.
It’s often rainy here         many other places.
(  )16.You’d better     on your coat. It’s very cold outside.
A.put put C.putting D.puts
(  )17.In order to pass the maths exam, we have to study hard     .
A.all years round B.all a year round
C.all year round D.all round year
(  )18.Don’t forget     the rubbish outside. It smells too terrible. take bring C.bring D.taking
(  )19.It snows     in winter, so there is     snow.
A.a lot of; a lot B.a lot of; a lot of
C.a lot; a lot of D.a lot; a lot
(  )20.Bill’s house is like a big palace     our small flat.
A.looked like B.named after
C.because of D.compared to
(  )21.I didn’t know anyone at the party,     I felt a bit lonely(孤独的).
A.or C.and D.but
(  )22.When spring comes, trees begin to     green.
A.sound B.taste C.keep D.turn
compare, snow, dry, visit, cold, might,
depend, weather, sun, temperature
The weather in England changes quickly. You 23.     experience four seasons in a day. In spring, the 24.     is getting warmer and you can hope for more 25.     days. Summer and autumn are the best time in a year. It is 26.     in winter.
January and February are the coldest months of a year, while the warmest months are often July and August. The average 27.     for winter is about 4.5℃, and for summer is about 15.5℃.
28.     to England, it is 29.     in summer in China. Sometimes people 30.     on groundwater to water plants. And in winter it is 31.     than that in England. But in China, the weather in spring and autumn is often pleasant. It’s the best time for foreign tourists
32.     China.
Unit 10 The weather(含3课时)
Unit 3同步练习(附答案)
come on, between…and…, from time to time, make sure, come out
1.There are storms ________________ in summer and fall.
2.________________! It's time for class.
3.________________ you bring an umbrella because it might rain.
4.There is a post office ________________ the shop ________________ the library.
5.When the flowers ________________ in spring, let's go to the countryside.
Ⅱ.用possibly, probably, may, so, because或but的适当形式填空
6.I think John might be joking ________ he smiled at us.
7.It's ________ for us to finish the job before 7 o'clock.
8.The twins said they would ________ go to Australia for the winter holiday.
9.Jim got up late, ________ he got to school on time.
10.Mr King lost his wallet(钱包), ________ he had no money to buy the ticket for the bus.
11.Miss Yang isn't at the office. She ________ be in our classroom.
(  )12.—Where is Linda
—She ________ be in the school library, but I'm not sure.
A.might B.need C.must
(  )13.The movie is ________ boring ________ no one likes it.
A.too; to; that C.enough; to
(  )14.Look! It's a________ day today. Remember to take an umbrella with you when you go out.
A.sunny B.rainy C.windy
(  )15.—________?
—It's 20 degrees, and it is very warm today.
A.What's the weather
B.What's the weather like
C.How is the weather like
Everybody talks about the weather. It's the most popular topic of a conversation(谈话). For example, people may say to each other “Isn't it a nice day?”, “Do you think it's going to rain?” or “I think it is going to snow.” 16.________
Many people think they can tell what the weather is going to be like. 17.________ One man may say, “Do you see how cloudy it is in the east It is going to rain tomorrow.” But another man may say, “Yes, it's cloudy in the east, so we are going to have a fine day tomorrow.”
18.________When a farmer needs water, he looks for something to tell him it is going to rain; he won't believe other things. When people are having a picnic but it begins to rain, they will be so sure about something that shows the weather is going to be fine very quickly. 19.________
Almost everyone listens to what the weatherman says. But he does not always tell us what we want, and sometimes he makes a mistake. 20.________
A.People often hope for the weather they want.
B.However, he still probably comes closer to being correct than most people.
C.But they don't always agree with each other.
D.They don't believe that they will finish their lunch in the rain.
E.All these are the common ways to start a conversation.
F.They often have the same opinion about the weather.
G.People always know nothing about the weather.
Unit 10 The weather(含3课时)
Unit 1同步练习(附答案)
Ⅰ.1.southeast 2.coast
3.miles 4.round 5.brown
Ⅱ. 1. to have 2. skating 3. probably 4. sunny 5. windy
Ⅳ. 1. How is 2. It, to 3. as well 4. Maybe, will be 5. What is
1. Friday
2. windy and cloudy
3. stay at home
4. Tuesday
5. two
三、11. as well
12. a lot
13. between , degrees
14. take his temperature
15. playing jokes on
Ⅳ. 1. What’s, like 2. or; Me neither 3. wish, were
4. get going 5. probably be
Unit 10 The weather(含3课时)
Unit 2同步练习(附答案)
Ⅰ. 1. temperature 2. joking 3. wet 4. clouds 5. thick
8.Winter 9.sweater 
Ⅲ time to
12.Take; because; may/might
13.from time to time
14.snows a lot
pared to/with
Ⅳ.16.A had better后接动词原形。
17.C all (the) year round是固定词组,意为“一年到头;全年”。
18.A take意为“带走”,bring意为“带来”;forget to do sth.意为“忘记要做某事”,forget doing sth.意为“忘记做过某事”。根据句意可知选A。
19.C a lot of意为“许多”,修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词;a lot意为“非常,十分”,修饰动词、形容词或副词。句意:在冬天经常下雪,因此有许多雪。故选C。
20.D 句意:和我们的小公寓相比,比尔的住所看起来像一座大宫殿。compared to…意为“和……相比较”。故选D。
21.B 22.D
Ⅴ.23.might 25.sunny
26.snowy 27.temperature
pared 29.drier 30.depend
31.colder visit
Unit 10 The weather(含3课时)
Unit 3同步练习(附答案)
Ⅰ.1.from time to time 
2.Come on
3.Make sure 
4.between; and 
5.come out
Ⅲ.12—15 ABBB
Ⅳ.16—20 ECADB
weather, winter, turn, autumn, sweater



