
1.画线字母e发音为[e]的单词是 ________。
A.secret B.present C.ticket
2.下列单词中画线部分与单词room 画线部分读音相同的是 ________。
A.afternoon B.good C.football
3.画线字母s发音不同于其它两个的是 ________.
A.comes B.likes C.loves
4.My sister never plays computer games. ________ doesn’t like it.
A.He B.Her C.She
5.I want to choose some presents ________ my family.
A.to B.for C.at
6.—How often do you go to the cinema
—________. I only watch movies at home.
A.Never B.Sometimes C.Often
7.It’s great to ________ my friend, Mike. He is my best friend.
A.search for B.hear from C.turn on
8.—________ do you talk with your pen friend
—By sending email.
A.What B.When C.How
9.My sister likes seeing films ________ she never watches sports.
A.and B.but C.because
10.—Would you like some juice
—________ I want some water.
A.Yes, I would. B.No, thanks. C.Yes, please.
I’m Daniel. Today is my birthday. I’m fourteen. My family hold (举办) a birthday 11 for me at home this morning.
I get many presents from my family. Do you want to have a look
I like playing basketball very much. I get a new basketball from my dad. My little sister 12 me a birthday card. She makes it by herself. My uncle buys me a pair of shoes. He buys them in Shanghai. He 13 800 yuan on them. I think they’re 14 , but I like them very much. My aunt buys me some books about English. She knows I love English. My cousin buys me a sports 15 . Blue is my favourite colour and the number—14 is on it. It’s my age. I can 16 it when I play basketball. I think it’s cool.
Oh, what is my 17 present I don’t know. She says, “It’s a 18 . You will know it at night.” But I can’t wait to see it.
11.A.dinner B.card C.party
12.A.saves B.buys C.gives
13.A.spends B.chooses C.checks
14.A.important B.expensive C.great
15.A.scarf B.T-shirt C.shoe
16.A.wear B.watch C.see
17.A.mother’s B.teacher’s C.friend’s
18.A.film B.secret C.song
Hello, I’m Sam. I ask some people in Green Zoo.
John I’m John. I work in the zoo. My work is to look after the elephants. There are five elephants in our zoo. Every day I clean their cages(笼子), give them food and wash them. Elephants love playing with water.
Carl My name is Carl. I am a doctor for the animals in the zoo. This is not an easy job, because animals can’t talk. I have to do many tests(测试) to find out what is wrong with the animals. But I like my job. I can help many animals.
Molly Hi, I’m Molly. I am a scientist(科学家). I work in the zoo too. Miss Sissy is my friend. She has a big family and she is good at climbing trees. She is smart and naughty (淘气). I love her and I learn a lot from her. My job is to study Miss Sissy’s life. I also study many other animals.
19.John doesn’t ________ in the zoo.
A.play with the elephants in the water B.give food to the elephants C.wash the elephants
20.When an animal doesn’t feel well, we should take it to ________.
A.John B.Carl C.Molly
21.Carl thinks his job is ________.
A.easy and helpful B.difficult but helpful C.difficult and boring(无聊的)
22.From the passage, we can guess(猜测)Miss Sissy is a ________.
A.zebra B.monkey C.giraffe
23.Which sentence is TRUE (正确的)according to the passage
A.Sam works in the zoo. B.Carl can teach animals to talk. C.Molly makes friends with Miss Sissy.
In many English homes, people usually have four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner.
People in China have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. They usually have porridge, eggs or bread. But English people drink tea or coffee for breakfast.
Lunch usually comes at about 1:00 p.m. Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon. For this meal, people don’t eat much. They usually eat some snacks when they drink tea or coffee. And dinner is at about half past seven in the evening. First they have soup, and then meat or fish with vegetables. After that, they eat some other things, like bananas, apples or oranges.
But not all English people eat like that. Some of them have three meals a day. Their meals are breakfast, lunch and dinner.
24.English people drink ________ for their breakfast according to the passage.
A.porridge or tea B.porridge or coffee C.tea or coffee
25.When do English people have dinner
A.At about 8:00 a.m. B.At about 7:30 p.m. C.At about 7:30 a.m.
26.What do English people have after dinner
A.Fruit. B.Meat. C.Vegetables.
27.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.All English people have four meals a day.
B.English people have a long time for lunch.
C.English people usually have a good dinner.
28.What is the best title(标题) for the passage
A.English Life B.English Meals C.English Food
In Jayda’s family, there is a special tradition—Grandmother needs to make a piece of clothes as her grandchildren’s twelfth(第十二) birthday gift. And the clothes must be in the child’s favorite color.
Time flies, and Jayda’s twelfth birthday comes. On that day, Jayda gets up early and goes to visit her grandmother. It takes Jayda an hour to walk there. Once she walks into the house, her grandmother says, “Happy birthday, my child! I want to make you a skirt for your twelfth birthday. What color do you like best ”
Jayda thinks for a while and says, “Grandma, how can I pick just one I love all the colors of the rainbow(彩虹)!
—Red is the color of love and luck. When I wear red, I feel like I’m on top of the world.
—Orange makes me feel warm and comfortable. When I wear orange, I feel like I’m right at home.
—Yellow makes me want to be a kid forever. When I wear yellow, I feel like I’m the happiest girl in the world.
—Purple(紫色) is the color of wisdom. When I wear purple, I feel clever.
—Green is the color of life. When I wear green, I feel relaxed.
—Blue is the color of sea and sky. It’s quiet but strong. When I wear blue, I feel free.”
Hearing this, the grandma says, “________ Just wait for me here!” Hours later, she comes back with a rainbow-colored skirt in her hand. Jayda is so happy.
“Wow! I have a skirt with all the colors of the rainbow now!”
29.What’s the tradition of Jayda’s family
A.Seeing the rainbow together.
B.Getting clothes from Grandmother on one’s twelfth birthday.
C.Having a birthday party at Grandmother’s house.
30.How does Jayda go to her grandmother’s house
A.On foot. B.By bike. C.By bus.
31.What color makes Jayda feel at home
A.Blue. B.Orange. C.Green.
32.The underlined(画线) word “wisdom” means ________ in Chinese.
A.勇敢 B.诚实 C.智慧
33.Which of the following(以下) can we put in ________
A.I don’t know what to make for you.
B.I know what to do now.
C.I will give you a colorful shirt.
Tony: Hi, Lingling. This is Tony speaking. 34 Are you getting ready for the Spring Festival
Lingling: Yes, we are. We are quite busy now.
Tony: 35
Lingling: I’m making lanterns.
Tony: I like them. Is your father helping you
Lingling: 36 He’s still at work.
Tony: What’s your mum doing
Lingling: She is cleaning the house.
Tony: 37
Lingling: Yes.
Tony: What are Daming and Betty doing
Lingling: They are learning a dragon dance with my grandpa.
Tony: Can I join them
Lingling: Of course. 38
A.Hurry up!
B.What are you doing at the moment
C.She’s working so hard!
D.What’s happening
E.Yes, he is.
F.No, he isn’t.
G.May I speak to Betty
39.My sister likes reading / m ɡ zi:nz/ very much.
40.Her father always /we z/ a T-shirt in summer.
41.We / e / the earth with animals, so we should love them.
42.The Spring Festival usually comes in / febru ri/.
43.The plant is / spe l/. Few people know it.
44.Children stand in line and /we t/ for the school bus every morning.
45.I have got two beautiful (scarf). They are presents from my mother.
46.I’d like (save) some money to buy my favourite CD.
47.Don’t spend lots of time (stay) in front of the computer.
48.My father often (search) for some information on the Internet.
49.—Where is Paul
—He (have) afternoon tea in a restaurant.
50.—Mrs. Lee teaches us English.
—You are so (luck). She is a very nice teacher.
hard, check, be, minute, but
When you go to a supermarket or visit another city, you don’t need to show the results (结果) of nucleic acid tests (核酸检测) now. This makes it easier for people to travel. 51 this can also make people catch the virus (病毒) easily. What should we do if we have COVID-19
Don’t worry too much
The virus 52 as strong as before. You might have a fever (发烧) or a cough (咳嗽). It can feel like a cold or the flu (流感).
If you are not badly ill, you can stay at home
Open the windows for over 30 53 every day. Disinfect (消毒) things you touch in time.
54 your temperature (体温) twice a day in the morning and evening.
Take some medicine (药) if you have a fever or a cough.
Take two virus tests in more than 24 hours. If the results are negative (阴性的), you can leave your room.
Go to a hospital if you ...
Have a fever of more than 38.5 C for over two or three days. Feel sick and don’t want to eat anything.
Find it 55 to breathe (呼吸).
56.Her parents usually read books at weekends. (一般疑问句)
her parents usually books at weekends
57.His father buys him a birthday cake. (同义句)
His father a birthday cake him.
58.She does her homework in her room. (否定句)
She her homework in her room.
59.There are five pictures on the walls.(对划线部分提问)
pictures are there on the walls
60.the school trip, we, a lot, are, enjoying (连词成句)

—No, it doesn’t. It eats plants.

—Let’s get some.
考查单词发音。secret/ si kr t/;present/ preznt/;ticket/ t k t/。根据发音可知,划线字母e发音为[e]的单词是present。故选B。
【详解】句意:下列单词中画线部分与单词room 画线部分读音相同的是afternoon。
考查语音。room/ru m/;afternoon/ ɑ ft nu n/;good/ɡ d/;football/ f tb l/。根据音标可知,afternoon中的画线部分与单词room 画线部分读音相同。故选A。
考查辅音字母的发音。comes/ k mz/;likes/la ks/;loves/l vz/。likes中画线字母s发音不同于其它两个,故选B。
考查代词。He他,人称主格;Her她的,形容词性物主代词;She她,人称主格。根据“My sister never plays computer games. …doesn’t like it.”可知,此处表示我妹妹从来不玩电脑游戏,因此空处表示我的妹妹不喜欢它,故应用she。故选C。
考查介词辨析。to朝;for为;at在。根据“I want to choose some presents…my family.”可知,此处表示为我的家人选一些礼物。故选B。
考查频度副词词义辨析。Never从不;Sometimes有时;Often经常。根据“I only watch movies at home.”可知,“我”从来不去电影院看电影。故选A。
考查动词短语辨析。search for寻找;hear from收到某人的来信;turn on打开。根据“It’s great to…my friend, Mike. He is my best friend.”可知,此处表示很高兴收到我朋友迈克的来信。故选B。
考查特殊疑问句。What什么;When何时;How如何。根据答语“By sending email.”可知,对方式提问,故选C。
考查连词辨析。and和;but但是;because因为。根据“My sister likes seeing films...she never watches sport.”可知,前后构成转折关系,用but连接,故选B。
考查日常交际用语。Yes, I would是的,我会的;No, thanks不,谢谢;Yes, please是的,请。根据后文“I want some water.”可知,是不想喝果汁。故选B。
11.C 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.B 16.A 17.A 18.B
dinner晚餐;card卡片;party派对。根据“My family hold (举办) a birthday...for me at home this morning.”可知,是举办生日派对,故选C。
saves节约;buys买;gives给。根据“My little sister... me a birthday card. She makes it by herself.”可知,妹妹亲手做了一张贺卡给我,故选C。
spends花费;chooses选择;checks检查。根据“He...800 yuan on them.”可知,花了800元买它们,故选A。
important重要的;expensive昂贵的;great极好的。根据前句中“800 yuan”可知,价格有点贵,故选B。
scarf围巾;T-shirtT恤;shoe鞋子。a修饰可数名词单数,结合“I can...it when I play basketball.”可知,应该是一件运动T恤。故选B。
wear穿;watch观看;see看见。根据“I can...it when I play basketball.”可知,打篮球的时候穿着T恤,故选A。
mother’s母亲的;teacher’s教师的;friend’s朋友的。根据“She says ... You will know it at night.”可知,应该是妈妈的礼物,故选A。
film电影;secret秘密;song歌曲。根据“It’s a... You will know it at night.”可知,妈妈说这是个秘密,故选B。
19.A 20.B 21.B 22.B 23.C
19.细节理解题。根据“Every day I clean their cages, give them food and wash them. Elephants love playing with water.”可知,John不和大象在水里玩耍。故选A。
20.细节理解题。根据“My name is Carl. I am a doctor for the animals in the zoo.”可知,Carl是动物医生,所以动物不舒服时,我们应该带它去找Carl。故选B。
21.细节理解题。根据“This is not an easy job, because animals can’t talk. I have to do many tests to find out what is wrong with the animals. But I like my job. I can help many animals.”可知,Carl认为他的工作不容易,但是可以帮助到动物,故选B。
22.推理判断题。根据“Miss Sissy is my friend. She has a big family and she is good at climbing trees. She is smart and naughty.”可知Sissy擅长爬树,聪明且调皮,由此推断她应该是只猴子,故选B。
23.细节理解题。根据“Hi, I’m Molly. I am a scientist. I work in the zoo too. Miss Sissy is my friend.”可知,Molly和Sissy是朋友,故选C。
24.C 25.B 26.A 27.C 28.B
24.细节理解题。根据“But English people drink tea or coffee for breakfast.”可知,英国人早餐喝茶或咖啡。故选C。
25.细节理解题。根据“And dinner is at about half past seven in the evening.”可知,晚餐是在晚上七点半左右。故选B。
26.细节理解题。根据“After that, they eat some other things, like bananas, apples or oranges.”可知,在那之后,他们吃一些其他的东西,像香蕉,苹果或橙子。故选A。
27.推理判断题。根据“And dinner is at about half past seven in the evening. First they have soup, and then meat or fish with vegetables. After that, they eat some other things, like bananas, apples or oranges.”可知,英国人通常吃一顿丰盛的晚餐。故选C。
29.B 30.A 31.B 32.C 33.B
29.细节理解题。根据“In Jayda’s family, there is a special tradition—Grandmother needs to make a piece of clothes as her grandchildren’s twelfth(第十二) birthday gift.”可知,杰达家的传统是祖母会在孙子女12岁的生日时为他们做一件衣服作为生日礼物,故选B。
30.细节理解题。根据“It takes Jayda an hour to walk there.”可知,杰达是走去祖母家的,故选A。
31.细节理解题。根据“When I wear orange, I feel like I’m right at home.”可知,杰达觉得穿橙色的衣服让她感到舒适,就像在家一样,故选B。
32.词义猜测题。根据“When I wear purple, I feel clever.”中的clever“聪明的”可知,杰达认为紫色代表智慧,故选C。
33.推理判断题。根据“Just wait for me here! Hours later, she comes back with a rainbow-colored skirt in her hand.”可推测,此处表示祖母知道要做什么了,故选B。
34.D 35.B 36.F 37.C 38.A
34.根据“Are you getting ready for the Spring Festival ”可知,你准备好过春节了吗?此处询问发生什么事,选项D“发生什么事情了?”符合语境,故选D。
35.根据“I’m making lanterns.”可知,询问正在做什么,选项B“你现在在做什么?”符合语境,故选B。
36.根据“Is your father helping you ”和“He’s still at work.”可知,此处应作否定回答,选项F“不,他没有。”符合语境,故选F。
37.根据“She is cleaning the house.”可知,妈妈正在打扫房子,选项C“她工作很努力!”符合语境,故选C。
38.根据“Can I join them ”和“Of course.”可知,让对方快点一起来,选项A“快点!”符合语境,故选A。
【详解】句意:她父亲夏天总是穿着一件T恤。根据音标/we z/可知,英文表达是wears,表示“穿”,为动词wear的第三人称单数形式,在句中作谓语。故填wears。
【详解】句意:我们和动物共享地球,因此我们应该爱它们。根据音标提示可知,英文表达是 share,意为“分享”,句子主语是We,且为一般现在时态,用动词原形。故填share。
【详解】句意:我有两条漂亮的围巾。它们是我妈妈送给我的礼物。根据“two beautiful”可知,此处应用名词复数,scarf意为“围巾”,其复数形式为scarfs/scarves。故填scarfs/scarves。
46.to save
【详解】句意:我想存一些钱买我最喜欢的CD。save“储存”,would like to do sth“想要做某事”,故填to save。
【详解】句意:不要在电脑前花太多时间。spend time doing sth“花时间做某事”,故填staying。
49.is having
【详解】句意:——保罗在哪里?——他正在餐厅里喝下午茶。根据句子可知,问句询问保罗在哪里,回答应是他现在在干什么,时态应用现在进行时,其结构为:be动词(am/is/are)+现在分词;由于主语He为第三人称单数,be动词用is,have的现在分词形式是having。故填is having。
【详解】句意:——李老师教我们英语。——你们很幸运。她是一位很好的老师。根据“You are so…”可知空格处应填入形容词作表语,luck“幸运”,名词,其形容词为lucky“幸运的”,符合语境,故填lucky。
51.But 52.isn’t 53.minutes 54.Check 55.hard
51.句意:但这也容易使人感染病毒。根据上文“This makes it easier for people to travel.”以及“… this can also make people catch the virus (病毒) easily.”结合备选词可知,两句之间构成转折关系,因此此处应用but,转折连词,意为“但是”,句子开头首字母大写。故填But。
52.句意:病毒不像以前那么强了。根据小标题“Don’t worry too much”和“The virus…as strong as before.”结合备选词可知,此处表示病毒不像以前那么强了,因此此处缺少be动词,主语The virus为第三人称单数,且时态为一般现在时,因此用isn’t,意为“不是”。故填isn’t。
54.句意:每天早晚各检查两次体温。根据“Open the windows…”、“Take some medicine…”、“Take two virus…”以及“…your temperature(体温) twice a day”结合备选词可知,此处应用动词原形,表示检查两次体温,因此用check,意为“检查”,句子开头首字母大写。故填Check。
55.句意:感觉呼吸困难。根据“Find it…to breathe.”结合备选词可知,此处表示呼吸困难,find+it+adj.意为“发现做某事怎么样”,因此用hard,意为“困难的”。故填hard。
56. Do read
【详解】句意:她的父母通常在周末读书。原句为一般现在时,主语“Her parents”为复数人称,因此改为一般疑问句时,需要在句首加助动词Do,后面用动词原形read。故填Do;read。
57. buys for
【详解】句意:他爸爸给他买了一个生日蛋糕。buy sb sth=buy sth for sb“给某人买某物”,故填buys;for。
58.doesn’t do
【详解】句意:她在房间里做作业。根据原句子可知,句子时态为一般现在时,She为第三人称单数,does在此处为实义动词,意为“做”,因此改为否定句时,借助助动词doesn’t,后加动词原形do。故填doesn’t do。
59.How many
【详解】句意:墙上有五幅画。划线部分表示数量,用How many“多少”提问,故填How many。
60.We are enjoying the school trip a lot
【详解】根据所给标点可知应用陈述句的形式。分析所给单词,we作主语;are enjoying作谓语;the school trip作宾语;a lot“非常”,修饰动词enjoy。故答案为:We are enjoying the school trip a lot“我们非常享受这次的学校旅行”。
61.How do I do my homework on the computer
【详解】怎样:how;在电脑上:on the computer;写我的作业:do my homework。结合语境可知,此题是一般现在时,且主语是I“我”,因此助动词是do。故填How do I do my homework on the computer
62.Does the elephant eat meat
【详解】句意:——大象吃肉吗?——不,它不。它吃植物。the elephant“大象”,eat meat“吃肉”,句子是一般疑问句,主语是第三人称单数,助动词用does。故填Does the elephant eat meat
63.We’re out of tomatoes.
【详解】句意:——我们没有西红柿了。——让我们买一些吧。我们we,没有西红柿了are out of tomatoes。故填We’re out of tomatoes.
64.On Monday afternoon, we have P.E. class.
【详解】由汉语可知,此句为一般现在时,Monday afternoon“周一下午”,on“在具体某天上午/下午”;we“我们”;have“有”;P.E. class“体育课”。故填On Monday afternoon, we have P.E. class.
65.At the moment, the children are taking pictures on the Great Wall.
【详解】at the moment此刻,the children孩子们,are taking pictures正在拍照片,on the Great Wall在长城上。故填At the moment, the children are taking pictures on the Great Wall.




下一篇:第一章 运动的描述 精品卷(含解析)