题型六:补全对话 (1) 初中英语2024年中考专题练河南专版(含解析)

A: Hello, this is Mary. May I speak to Linda
B: This is Linda.
A: Oh, Linda. 1 .
B: What’s up
A: Our friend David has just come back from the USA. 2 .
B: Sounds great. I haven’t seen him for many years. When and where will the party be held
A: At the Double Happiness Restaurant at 6: 00 tomorrow evening. I hope you will be there.
B: No problem. I also want to see him. Has he changed a lot
A: Yes. 3 .
He must be happy to see you. You have been desk mates for a year.
B: Sure. 4
A: Jessica, Tony and Mike. I also want to invite John, but I don’t have his telephone number.
B: Yes. I know his telephone number. I’ll call and tell him about the party.
A: Great. See you tomorrow evening.
B: See you.
A: Hey, John, can I talk to you for a minute
B: Sure. 6
A: I want to let you know about a book club I joined a few months ago. I know you do a lot of reading, so I thought you might want to come with me next month.
B: 7 . When does the group meet
A: Usually the last Saturday of the month at 7:30 in the evening. Is that too late for you
B: No, I think that’s OK. 8
A: Well, every month we choose a new book, and then during the next meeting, we discuss it.
B: 9
A: Quite a lot. Recently we have read The Beautiful Mind and The Great Gatsby. Now we’re reading The Kite Runner.
B: The Kite Runner I’ve heard that’s a good book. What’s it about
A: It’s about a boy who grows up in Afghanistan during the 1980s.
B: That sounds interesting. 10 .
A: Great! The next meeting will be held in two weeks, so you still have time to read the book.
A: Hi! Liu Yang. Long time no see. Why do you look so full of energy
B: 11 .
A: How can you do that I remember you don’t sleep well.
B: Yes, That’s because of my homework. I used to have much homework.
12 .
A: Good news! 13
B: Of course not. I go to the same school. The difference is that the government has made rules to cut down homework.
A: So you can have more free time! This Sunday I will go to the Shoushan Park. 14
B: I’d love to. What can we expect to do there
A: First, we can fly kites, and then we have a picnic.
B: That sounds very good. 15
A: We will meet at 8: 30 on Sunday morning at the park gate.
B: OK! Good-bye.
A: Bye.
A: Hi, Mary. Where did you go during the holiday
B: I went to Yan’an, Shaanxi with my family.
A: I hear it is a nice place. 16
B:Yes. I visited the Baota Mountain.
A: 17
B:It was wonderful. The mountain is very beautiful.
A:Really 18 .
B: OK. It is the holy land of revolution(革命圣地).
A:Wow! It’s really an educational place.
B: 19 . I can show them to you.
A: Great. Thanks.
B: 20 .
A: Excuse me, I am a reporter from CCTV. Can I ask you some questions
B: Sure, please.
A: 21
B: I am from Germany.
A: 22
B: I have been in Beijing for three weeks.
A: Three weeks And how’s it going so far
B: It’s really good, uh, very, very different from where I came from.
A: So what’s the best thing you’ve noticed so far
B: 23 .
A: Yeah, I couldn’t agree more. 24
B: Of course. I come here for watching Beijing Winter Olympics. And then I’m planning to go to the Great Wall for a tour.
A: Great. Thank you for answering my questions. 25 .
B: Thank you.
A: Hello, Bob! 26
B: Hello, Kate! I’m OK. And you
A: Very well. 27
B: I had a Chinese course last year, and I’d like to go on with it this summer.
A: How was the course 28
B: Yes. It seemed that way at first. But after a while it became easier.
A: You were the best in the class, right
B: I did get an A. Well, could you tell me your summer plan 29
A: No, not this summer. But I plan to go to Africa next summer.
B: 30 . Can I go with you
A: No problem. Oh, here comes the bus! Good-bye!
B: Bye-bye!
A: Hi, Jane. You made great progress in English during the the 3-year middle school life. 31
B: Just by listening to the teachers carefully and finishing my homework in time.
A: But I didn’t make full use of the time. So I feel worried and hopeless about the final exam.
B: Come on and believe yourself! 32 .
A: Good idea. I’ll have a try.
B: I believe the harder you work, the better you will be.
A: 33
B: No problem. I am always there if you need help.
A: 34 . By the way, what about your good-bye party
B: Besides some delicious snacks and fresh fruit, we are preparing some exciting party games. Saying good-bye shouldn’t be something sad.
A: 35 . After all, we are fighting for a better future.
B: Hope everyone in our class can be better.
A: Good morning.
B: Good morning. 36
A: Yes, please. I’m looking for a jacket.
B: 37
A: The one like those in the shop window. Can you tell me something about those two jackets
B: 38 . The black one is for the winter. It is thick and will keep you very warm. That blue one is for the fall. It may look thin, but it will also keep you warm.
A: 39 . So I prefer the blue one, but I wonder how it is in the rain. I’m going camping next week.
B: It’s great! It will keep you dry.
A: 40 I need to take a large size.
B: Sure. The fitting room (更衣室) is over there.
A: Thank you.
A: Good morning, sir. 41
B: Yes. I want to buy a book for my grandpa.
A: 42
B: He likes mystery novels.
A: I see. 43 It has been very popular since last year.
B: It looks interesting.
A: Do you know if your grandpa has read it
B: I’m not sure, but he probably doesn’t remember if he has! He’s very forgetful!
A: Ah! He has a bad memory. 44
B: He’s eighty-seven.
A: I suggest you take this book. 45 .
B: Thank you. My grandpa likes exciting books.
A: Are you free tomorrow, Jane
B: Yes. What’s up
A: 46 .
B: A picnic Sound great! 47
A: Let’s go to Zhongshan park, OK
B: How far is it from here
A: 48 .
B: Great. What should I take besides some food
A: 49 . We can listen to some music.
B: 50
A: Light music.
B: Then I’ll bring it and some CDs for you tomorrow.
A: OK. See you then.
B: See you.
1.I wonder if you can join us tomorrow evening/I wonder if you are free tomorrow evening 2.We will/want to/would like to hold a welcome party for him 3.He’s taller than before/He looks stronger than before/He becomes more humorous 4.By the way, who else will go to the party 5.Do you know his telephone number
1.根据“What’s up ”和“When and where will the party be held ”可知,此处应该是询问对方是否有时间,因为想要进行一次聚会。故填I wonder if you can join us tomorrow evening/I wonder if you are free tomorrow evening。
2.根据“Our friend David has just come back from the USA.”和“Sounds great. I haven’t seen him for many years. When and where will the party be held ”可知,应该为David举办一个欢迎会。故填We will/want to/would like to hold a welcome party for him。
3.根据“Has he changed a lot ”和“Yes.”可知,此处叙述他的变化情况,答案不唯一,合理即可。故填He’s taller than before/He looks stronger than before/He becomes more humorous。
4.根据“Jessica, Tony and Mike. I also want to invite John”可知,此处询问还有谁参加这个聚会。故填By the way, who else will go to the party。
5.根据“Yes. I know his telephone number. ”可知,此处询问知不知道他的电话,为一般疑问句。故填Do you know his telephone number。
6.What’s up/What happened
7.Oh, that sounds like fun/Sounds great
8.What do you often do in the club/What do you often do when the group meets
9.What books have you read 10.I’d love to come/I’ll join the club
6.根据“Hey, John, can I talk to you for a minute ”以及“I want to let you know about a book club I joined a few months ago.”可知是问对方有什么事情,故填What’s up/What happened。
7.根据“I want to let you know about a book club I joined a few months ago. I know you do a lot of reading, so I thought you might want to come with me next month.”(我想让你知道我几个月前加入的一个读书俱乐部。我知道你读了很多书,所以我想你下个月可能想和我一起去。)可知此处应表示自己的看法,可以是“听起来有趣/很棒”。故填Oh, that sounds like fun/Sounds great。
8.根据“Well, every month we choose a new book, and then during the next meeting, we discuss it.”(每个月我们都会选一本新书然后在下次会议上讨论。)可知是问你们在这个俱乐部一般做什么。故填What do you often do in the club/What do you often do when the group meets。
9.根据“Quite a lot. Recently we have read The Beautiful Mind and The Great Gatsby. Now we’re reading The Kite Runner.”可知是问对方读了哪些书,故填What books have you read。
10.根据“Great! The next meeting will be held in two weeks, so you still have time to read the book.”可知是表示自己乐意来/加入。故填I’d love to come/I’ll join the club。
11.Because I sleep well every night 12.But now I have less homework 13.Do you go to different schools 14.Would you like to go with me 15.When and where shall we meet
11.根据“Why do you look so full of energy ”以及“ How can you do that I remember you don’t sleep well.”可知因为自己因为睡眠很好,所以看起来很有精力,故填Because I sleep well every night。
12.根据“I used to have much homework.”可知过去作业很多,现在应该是作业少多了,故填But now I have less homework。
13.根据“Of course not. I go to the same school.”可知是对方是否去了不同的学校,故填Do you go to different schools。
14.根据“I’d love to. ”可知是邀请对方和自己一起去,故填Would you like to go with me。
15.根据“We will meet at 8: 30 on Sunday morning at the park gate.”可知是问见面的时间和地点,故填When and where shall we meet。
16.Did you enjoy yourself 17.How did you like it 18.Please tell me more about it 19.We took many photos there 20.You’re welcome
16.根据答语“Yes. I visited the Baota Mountain.”可知,问句是一般疑问句,询问B是否玩得开心,故填Did you enjoy yourself。
17.根据上句“ I visited the Baota Mountain.”和答语“It was wonderful.”可知,此处询问对宝塔山印象如何。故填How did you like it。
18.根据答语“OK. It is the holy land of revolution(革命圣地). ”可知,此处A询问B关于宝塔山的事情,故填Please tell me more about it。
19.根据后句“I can show them to you.”可知,B向A展示东西,根据语境猜测是照片,故填We took many photos there。
20.根据上句“Thanks.”可知,对别人的感谢答语为“不客气”,故填You’re welcome。
21.Where are you from/Where do you come from 22.How long have you been in Beijing 23.I think the food in Beijing is very delicious/There are many places of interest/The people here are friendly 24.Can you tell me why you come here/Do you come here for Beijing Winter Olympics 25.Have a good trip/Have a good time
21.根据答语“I am from Germany.”可知,上句在问他来自哪?故填Where are you from/Where do you come from。
22.根据答语“I have been in Beijing for three weeks.”可知,上句在问他在北京多长时间了?故填How long have you been in Beijing。
23.根据问题“So what’s the best thing you’ve noticed so far ”可知,在问你在北京注意到的最好的事情是什么?这是一道开放性试题,可结合北京的一些特征进行回答。故填I think the food in Beijing is very delicious/There are many places of interest/The people here are friendly。
24.根据答语“Of course. I come here for watching Beijing Winter Olympics.”可知,上句应是一般疑问句,并且问的是来北京干什么或根据答语进行推测你来北京是看冬奥会吗?故填Can you tell me why you come here/Do you come here for Beijing Winter Olympics。
25.根据答语“Thank you.”可知,上句是句祝福语。故填Have a good trip/Have a good time等。
26.How is it going/…
27.What’s your plan for the summer/…
28.Is Chinese very difficult/…
29.Will you travel somewhere interesting/…
30.That sounds interesting/…
26.根据“Hello, Kate! I’m OK”可知上文询问对方过得怎么样。故填How is it going/…
27.根据“I had a Chinese course last year, and I’d like to go on with it this summer”可知此处询问对方暑假有没有什么计划。故填What’s your plan for the summer/…
28.根据“Yes. It seemed that way at first. But after a while it became easier.”可知此处询问汉语难不难。故填Is Chinese very difficult/…
29.根据“No, not this summer. But I plan to go to Africa next summer.”可知此处询问对方暑假是不是要去旅行。故填Will you travel somewhere interesting/…
30.根据“But I plan to go to Africa next summer”以及“Can I go with you”可知此处对对方的计划表示积极的评价。故填That sounds interesting/…
31.How did you do that/it/ How did you improve it/ What did you do to improve it.... 32.Listening to English (songs) every day is useful/You can ask your teacher for help/You could watch English movies/You’d better keep diaries in English /t’s good to read English novels ....
33.Could you help me/Could I go to you for help... 34.Thank you/ It’s very kind of you... 35.I agree with you/ You are right
31.根据“Just by listening to the teachers carefully and finishing my homework in time.”可知回答的是学好英语的方法,故应询问如何学好英语,故填How did you do that/it/ How did you improve it/ What did you do to improve it...
32.根据“Good idea. I’ll have a try.”可知回答的是尝试一下好的学习方法,故上句应给出一个学习英语的方法,故填Listening to English (songs) every day is useful/You can ask your teacher for help/You could watch English movies/You’d better keep diaries in English /t’s good to read English novels ....
33.根据“No problem. I am always there if you need help.”可知是在提供帮助,故上文应询问是否能够帮忙。故填Could you help me/Could I go to you for help...
34.根据“I am always there if you need help.”可知对于别人提出的帮助应表达感谢,故填Thank you/ It’s very kind of you...
35.根据“After all, we are fighting for a better future.”可知对上文“Saying good-bye shouldn’t be something sad.”是同意的观点,故填I agree with you/ You are right。
36.Can I help you/What can I do for you 37.What kind of jacket would you like 38.No problem/With pleasure/Certainly 39.It is the fall now/It’s fall time now 40.Could I try it on
36.根据下文A的回答“是的,我正在找一件夹克”可知,A是一名顾客,B是一名售货员,有顾客进店,售货员首先应该问的是“我可以帮助你吗?”或者“我能为你做些什么?”。故填Can I help you/What can I do for you。
37.根据下文顾客A的回答“像橱窗里的那些。”可知,此处售货员B询问的是顾客喜欢的夹克的种类,“what kind of”什么种类,“would you like”想要,因为本句位于句首所以首字母需要大写。故填What kind of jacket would you like。
38.根据上文顾客A的问题“你可以给我说说这两件夹克吗?”以及下文售货员对两件夹克的介绍可知,售货员很乐意给这个顾客介绍这两件夹克,“No problem”没问题;“With pleasure”很乐意;“Certainly”当然。故填No problem/With pleasure/Certainly。
39.根据上文售货员对两件夹克的介绍“黑色的那个适合冬天。它很厚而且保暖。蓝色的那个适合秋天。它可能看起来很薄,但是也会保暖。”以及下文顾客的回答“所以,我更喜欢蓝色的那个。”可知,现在的季节正是秋天。故填It is the fall now/It’s fall time now。
40.根据下文售货员的回答“当然可以,更衣室在那边。”可知,顾客想要试穿一下那个夹克,try on“试穿”,当试穿的宾语用it代替时,it需要放在try on之间,情态动词could用来表达礼貌的请求许可。故填Could I try it on。
41.Can I help you 42.What kind of book does he like 43.What about this one 44.How old is he 45.It is really exciting
41.根据“Yes. I want to buy a book for my grandpa.”可知想要买书,在书店服务员问需要帮助么。故填Can I help you。
42.根据“He likes mystery novels.”可知询问喜欢什么类型的书。故填What kind of book does he like。
43.根据“It has been very popular since last year.”可知此处推荐了一本书。故填What about this one。
44.根据“He’s eighty-seven.”可知问多少岁了。故填How old is he。
45.根据“My grandpa likes exciting books.”可知推荐这本书很令人兴奋。故填It is really exciting。
46.Let’s go for a picnic/We shall go for a picnic/... 47.But where will we go/Where are we going/... 48.It’s only 15 minutes’ walk from here/... 49.You can take a CD player 50.What kind of music do you like/What music would you like...
46.根据“A picnic Sound great”可知,此处提出建议去野餐,故填Let’s go for a picnic/We shall go for a picnic/...
47.根据“Let’s go to Zhongshan park”可知,询问去哪里野餐,故填But where will we go/Where are we going/...
48.根据“How far is it from here”可知,此处应回答距离,故填It’s only 15 minutes’ walk from here/...
49.根据“What should I take besides some food”及“We can listen to some music.”可知,可以带着听音乐的CD播放器,故填You can take a CD player。
50.根据“Light music”可知,此处询问对方喜欢听什么音乐,故填What kind of music do you like/What music would you like...。



