【河南专版】2024年中考英语专题练题型三:完形填空 (2) (含解析)

I walked into a restaurant and ordered some food. 1 about 20 minutes, a large group of people came in and placed their own orders.
To my disappointment, the group got 2 before me. I watched as they began to eat and 3 heartily. I overheard one of them bragging about (吹嘘) how he was 4 to someone who worked at the restaurant. Unable to take it anymore, I decided to leave. I called the waiter over to 5 my order.
He calmly told me, “ 6 is a special order being prepared by the head chef himself. It’ll take a little more time. Please have a drink while you are 7 .”
I calmed down and waited 8 . Shortly after, my meal was served by six waiters.
To my surprise, the owner of the restaurant 9 to be a long-lost friend of mine. He’d seen me as I walked in and decided to 10 me. He upgraded (升级) my simple meal to a five-star meal for free. The people at the other table were 11 and couldn’t stop staring. Suddenly they started murmuring (低声抱怨), asking 12 they didn’t get that kind of service.
Such is life! Some people are ahead of you, laughing at you and talking about how they are smarter, wiser and 13 than you, how they are well-connected and blessed (幸福的). You are working hard tirelessly, 14 why it’s taking so long for you to be rewarded the way they have.
You just 15 wait longer because your reward is more special.
1.A.Before B.After C.During D.Since
2.A.served B.caught C.jumped D.heard
3.A.clean B.leave C.forget D.laugh
4.A.provided B.connected C.protected D.remembered
5.A.refuse B.agree C.cancel D.change
6.A.You B.Your C.Yours D.Theirs
7.A.eating B.thinking C.leaving D.waiting
8.A.patiently B.angrily C.fearfully D.carefully
9.A.paid attention B.looked forward C.got used D.turned out
10.A.encourage B.expect C.discuss D.surprise
11.A.shocked B.grateful C.tired D.excited
12.A.what B.why C.whether D.which
13.A.wider B.taller C.better D.harder
14.A.believing B.accepting C.wondering D.receiving
15.A.dare to B.have to C.would D.could
A young mother had three sons. Unluckily, the 16 son developed slow thinking skills. He was not as clever as his brothers. With double duty as the mother of the household, she was tired 17 , the youngest was often the target (目标) of anger. 18 words, such as “you little fool” and the like, were repeated from morning to night.
Every morning, he 19 with his own face staring from the mirror reflection, he started to say quietly and 20 , “The fool is going to school.”
As adults, people have to join the army when they 21 a certain age. The youngest son also signed up and 22 hard for all kinds of tests. 23 the day of the announcement, he was called into the board of examiners (审查委员会).
In his mind, he believed that he was the fool and 24 pass the tests as he entered the room with his head down. The tests turned out to have the highest 25 from the board of examiners. It was not expected at all.“Congratulations, young man! Your test results are unbelievable! You re really a great and 26 young man.” Words from the board of examiners helped him find 27 unknown before about him. 28 kept echoing (回荡) in his mind, such as “The great man washed his face.” His confidence improved beyond usual.
20 years later, the youngest established (确立) himself as a 29 businessman who was admired and respected, and 30 many prizes. The attitude and belief are the power behind the success that is within us.
16.A.oldest B.youngest C.best D.worst
17.A.but B.and C.so D.or
18.A.Bad B.Good C.Sad D.Happy
19.A.put down B.lay down C.woke up D.stayed up
20.A.sadly B.quickly C.happily D.carefully
21.A.make B.achieve C.reach D.become
22.A.studied B.waited C.left D.paid
23.A.Before B.During C.After D.On
24.A.needn’t B.couldn’t C.shouldn’t D.mustn’t
25.A.gift B.cheer C.praise D.promise
26.A.friendly B.talented C.confident D.honest
27.A.nothing B.anything C.something D.everything
28.A.Noise B.Voice C.Memories D.Songs
29.A.successful B.common C.popular D.valuable
30.A.created B.received C.included D.took
One day, I was walking back home at around 12:15 p.m. during my lunch break. Suddenly, an apple core(果核)came 31 toward me. It landed just before my feet. 32 , I was not hit by it.
The apple was thrown over a wall by a school student. I live opposite a school. The wall 33 my apartment building(公寓楼)from the school.
Thinking it was a one-off (一次性的) experience, I told my friends, and we just 34 about it.
Then, the week after, I was walking along exactly the same place at exactly the same time and bam! Again, an apple came over. This time it 35 on the roof of a shed(棚屋). I thought to myself, “Is it my destiny(命运)to get hit by an apple ”
Last week, I was walking back home. I checked my watch. It was 12:15 p.m.. My mind wandered(开小差) to those 36 experiences about fruit. But suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted(打断)by 37 flying apple! This one was a(n) 38 one. Only one bite had been taken out of it, and it was thrown with speed.
Enough was enough. 39 could be really hurt by these apples. Did the students not realize that people live across the wall Or do 40 not care
I told my friend about it. “You should just throw the apple back over the 41 . That will 42 them a lesson.” my friend suggested. 43 , I don’t want to play that “game”. As they say, an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. Besides, I might end up hurting someone 44 I throw it back.
Maybe I’ll call the school and let them know. The students need to know that they might end up hurting someone if they keep throwing their 45 . What’s more, waste belongs in the bin, not anywhere else.
31.A.walking B.flying C.running D.jumping
32.A.Luckily B.Unluckily C.Suddenly D.Quickly
33.A.connects B.separates C.divides D.compares
34.A.thought B.dreamt C.heard D.laughed
35.A.landed B.arrived C.floated D.lay
36.A.one B.two C.three D.four
37.A.another B.the other C.other D.others
38.A.small B.big C.new D.old
39.A.Everybody B.Anybody C.Somebody D.Nobody
40.A.it B.I C.we D.they
41.A.wall B.school C.building D.road
42.A.hurt B.help C.encourage D.teach
43.A.Moreover B.However C.Otherwise D.Instead
44.A.since B.unless C.if D.until
45.A.waste B.books C.food D.money
The day before my daughter Norah’s fourth birthday, I picked her up from preschool. On the way, she said, “I like old people best because they walk slowly like I walk slowly and they have soft skin like I have soft skin.” What she said marked a 46 beginning.
The following day, her birthday, again on the way home, she asked 47 we could stop at the store to buy cakes for her. How could I say 48 to a birthday girl After paying for the bill, I noticed that Norah was standing up in the cart, 49 announcing, “Hi, old person! It’s my birthday today!” However, the old man in front of her didn’t show he was 50 by my talkative child. He 51 with a smile, “Well, little lady! And how old are you today ” After a few minutes’ chat, Norah offered to take a photo with the old man called Mr. Dan, his expression changed from surprised to delighted. We exchanged our phone numbers. There was magic happening in the store that day, and we could 52 feel it.
During our first visit in Mr. Dan’s home, we walked with him to his front door. He pulled out a knife and 53 the only blooming red rose. He spent ten minutes cutting every thorn(刺) 54 the stem(茎)before handing it to his new friend. Norah keeps that rose, now 55 as a bone, under her pillow for a long time.
Norah asks about Mr. Dan every day. She worries about him. She wonders if he’s 56 , or cold. She wants him to be OK. She wants him to feel loved. Mr. Dan thinks about Norah too. After 57 recent visit, he said that he had 58 had a whole night’s sleep since his wife died. “Norah has healed me since meeting her.” he said. That left me 59 and my eyes wet with tears. Somehow, their hearts and souls seem to recognize each other from long ago. Sometimes talking to strangers can 60 beautiful new beginnings.
46.A.broken B.beautiful C.boring D.busy
47.A.what B.that C.if D.when
48.A.hello B.no C.yes D.thanks
49.A.excitedly B.sadly C.luckily D.carefully
50.A.treated B.trained C.trapped D.troubled
51.A.realized B.replied C.repeated D.recorded
52.A.neither B.both C.all D.none
53.A.let B.get C.put D.cut
54.A.off B.down C.into D.up
55.A.wet B.white C.dry D.red
56.A.surprised B.excited C.lonely D.silly
57.A.the other B.another C.other D.others
58.A.never B.always C.often D.usually
59.A.useless B.meaningless C.careless D.speechless
60.A.belong to B.lead to C.thanks to D.speak to
I grew up in the countryside. I didn’t understand what it brought to me until I became an adult. It helped me learn more 61 skills than my peers who grew up in cities.
I learned to cook at around 10 years old. The first skill I mastered was making dough. Since my parents often came home 62 , a prepared dough would help my family have supper sooner. I thought it would be 63 because I often see my mom do it—just mix water and flour, right Not quite It turned out to be a mess for a while. First I made the dough too soft. Then I made it too hard. But as I kept 64 , I learned the trick.
Later, I cooked fried dishes and things like dumplings. I fell in love with cooking. It’s a good way to relax. More importantly, thanks to my cooking skill, I live 65 during the pandemic. Now working from home, I cook every meal instead of ordering delivery. It saves money and I don’t have to 66 delivery drivers to feed me.
Besides cooking, I did a lot of farm work in my childhood. I got to know how to plant vegetables. Though it was hard work, the experience taught me things that many of my 67 still don’t know. I once discussed this with my friends from the city. They thought it was a pity that they didn’t have the 68 to learn these things in their lives.
I’m so happy to hear that labor education will be 69 in China. Starting with the upcoming fall semester, students in primary and middle schools will have at least one class every week to learn basic household skills like cooking and cleaning. 70 me! These practical skills will help you for the rest of your life.
61.A.practical B.perfect C.difficult D.unexpected
62.A.suddenly B.angrily C.late D.lonely
63.A.secret B.delicious C.easy D.complicated
64.A.eating B.trying C.seeing D.training
65.A.cleverer B.richer C.longer D.better
66.A.wait for B.think about C.learn from D.relate with
67.A.peers B.relatives C.students D.parents
68.A.plan B.chance C.method D.necessity
69.A.overlooked B.discussed C.required D.forbidden
70.A.Contact B.Please C.Value D.Trust
The Power of Determination
The little country schoolhouse was heated by an old coal stove. A little boy had the job of coming to school early each day to start the 71 and warm the room before his teacher and his classmates got there.
One morning they 72 to find the schoolhouse burning. They dragged the little boy out of the building more dead than alive. Then he was 73 taken to a nearby county hospital.
The doctor told the boy’s mother that 74 the lower part of his body was seriously burnt, he couldn’t use his legs anymore. However, the 75 boy made up his mind that he would walk. Unluckily his thin legs 76 hung there, all but lifeless.
Finally he returned home from the 77 . Every day his mother would press his little legs, but there was no feeling, no control, 78 . Yet his determination that he would walk was as 79 as ever.
When he wasn’t in bed, he would sit in a wheelchair. One sunny day his mother wheeled him out into the yard to get some fresh air. This day, instead of sitting there, he 80 himself from the chair and pulled himself across the grass, dragging his 81 behind him.
He worked his way to the white fence around the yard. With great effort, he raised himself up on the fence. Then, he began dragging himself along the fence, 82 that he would walk. He started to do this every day. There was nothing he 83 more than to develop life in those legs.
In the end, through his determination he did 84 . Gradually he began to walk to school, then to run to school, to run 85 the joy of running. Later in college he made the running team.
Still later in Madison Square Garden this determined young man, Dr. Glenn Cunningham, ran the world’s fastest mile!
71.A.fire B.class C.game D.story
72.A.left B.waited C.arrived D.hid
73.A.clearly B.quickly C.suddenly D.nearly
74.A.when B.unless C.before D.since
75.A.honest B.brave C.careful D.rude
76.A.just B.also C.once D.ever
77.A.school B.yard C.hospital D.square
78.A.everything B.anything C.something D.nothing
79.A.strong B.simple C.strange D.similar
80.A.helped B.threw C.picked D.enjoyed
81.A.arms B.chair C.legs D.mother
82.A.believing B.doubting C.promising D.suggesting
83.A.afforded B.hated C.forgot D.wanted
84.A.set off B.get back C.stand up D.hang out
85.A.to B.for C.from D.without
Our beautiful daughter Lara had been very unhappy for months, and her action had become more and more radical(极端的). She was 86 all the time and hurtful to the whole family. Her brother couldn’t 87 being in the same room with her. 88 home was no longer a home but a camp under siege(包围).
After careful consideration, we had to send her to a wonderful 89 in northern Idaho. What a beautiful and alive place! The teachers greeting us were like warm clothes on a 90 day. But “I never want to see your face again” were Lara’s parting words. They hurt my heart.
For five months we didn’t 91 Lara — not a card, not a call, nothing. I called the school almost every day.
92 , a written letter arrived from Lara, thanking me for her new clothes, I’m sure that was the teacher’s order. I was excited to have it. Gradually, our communication got better, leading to our first 93 .
The love and teaching of the 94 were beginning to pay off. Each time we came for a visit we saw more improvement in our 95 . I could see her face softening, the anger and the hardness were gone. Her girlish face was beautiful and soft, 96 and caring. And she discovered she had a beautiful voice. With encouragement, she began to 97 every chance she got. The more she sang, the more confident she felt. She 98 began to love herself.
Lara’s graduation from the school was a time of pride and love. She wore a dress knitted(编织) for seven months herself. Her grandmother, her father, brother and I excitedly watched 99 she made her graduation speech.
Lara truly found her 100 . She graduated with honors, getting a bachelor’s(学士) degree in music and singing performance.
86.A.busy B.sleepy C.separate D.angry
87.A.stand B.help C.mind D.consider
88.A.His B.Her C.Our D.Their
89.A.camp B.school C.factory D.hospital
90.A.cold B.cloudy C.hot D.sunny
91.A.ask for B.hear from C.look for D.talk about
92.A.Luckily B.Naturally C.Finally D.Honestly
93.A.card B.call C.letter D.visit
94.A.teachers B.neighbors C.humans D.parents
95.A.son B.grandmother C.daughter D.friend
96.A.warm B.pale C.tidy D.smooth
97.A.speak B.dance C.read D.sing
98.A.carefully B.wisely C.suddenly D.slowly
99.A.until B.as C.since D.after
100.A.symbol B.family C.voice D.music
Max stood at the window, watching his brother’s car slowly disappear down the driveway. His parents were both outside, still waving at his brother. He couldn’t believe that his brother had just left for college. He and Camden had always been close 101 they are at different ages. Sure, sometimes Camden had given him hard time, but then that’s 102 big brothers were supposed to do. Most of the time, Camden was nice to Max. And now, Camden was gone. Max knew Camden would come back when he had vacations, but he also knew it would 103 be the same as it was.
As the door opened, his parents came in. Max could hear his mother crying. His parents were going to miss Camden just as much as he was. He needed to be there for them, but now, he just wanted a 104 alone.
Opening the door to his room, he was 105 to see a box sitting on his bed. He went over and saw a card beside it. He 106 knew it was Camden’s handwriting even with the very first word. Surprise!
He ran downstairs to show his parents the 107 . They opened it together. Camden had written a handbook on what they should do for the first ten days 108 he left, so they wouldn’t miss him so much. Max quickly saw one day about going to a movie and getting pizza and then 109 the happiness on the phone with Camden. Max was glad to see that his parents smiled as they left the house to begin enjoying the 110 Camden had given them.
101.A.so B.though C.unless D.because
102.A.why B.which C.what D.how
103.A.never B.sometimes C.usually D.always
104.A.present B.friend C.moment D.company
105.A.embarrassed B.sad C.excited D.amazed
106.A.slowly B.finally C.immediately D.suddenly
107.A.handbook B.card C.box D.letter
108.A.before B.after C.when D.since
109.A.explaining B.competing C.comparing D.sharing
110.A.college B.handwriting C.ideas D.vacations
Guangdong Lion Dance is a mix of dance, music and kung fu. It was added to the national intangible cultural heritage(非物质文化遗产) 111 in 2016. Cute lion heads, gongs(锣)and drums, an excited crowd—these are all parts of the lion 112 you often see during Chinese holidays or at the openings of new shops.
Ancient Chinese people thought of the lion 113 a symbol of braveness(勇敢). It can drive away scary things and bring 114 luck. As one of the most famous folk dances in China, the lion dance has been 115 for more than 2, 000 years.
Wang Rentao, who is 41 years old, has performed the lion dance for 28 years. He was born in a 116 in which the lion dance is a tradition. When he was young, he often watched villagers perform it 117 . Now, Wang is in control of his village’s lion dance group. He feels 118 of its achievements. “We’ve 119 many prizes and taken part in many important events. The events included the celebration of the seventieth birthday of New China at Tian’anmen Square, ”Wang said 120 .
The lion dance is popular not only in China but also in Chinese communities outside China. Many Chinese living abroad agree that the lion dance reminds them of the culture of their homeland.
111.A.list B.line C.sign D.story
112.A.songs B.expressions C.instruments D.dances
113.A.like B.as C.of D.for
114.A.bad B.terrible C.good D.silent
115.A.performed B.made C.requested D.repeated
116.A.town B.city C.station D.village
117.A.carelessly B.carefully C.suddenly D.politely
118.A.proud B.afraid C.busy D.free
119.A.beat B.prevented C.won D.failed
120.A.sadly B.happily C.quietly D.clearly
A man once visited an art museum. He saw a sculptor(雕塑家)making a sculpture. He stopped to watch the man work on the sculpture. 121 , he noticed that there was a similar sculpture lying nearby.
He felt it was 122 and asked the sculptor,“Why are you making two of the same sculpture Do you need two to put in 123 places ”
“No,” the man said without looking up. “We need only one, but the first one is not 124 so I’m making a new one.”
The visitor 125 the imperfect sculpture and checked it. But he couldn’t find 126 wrong with it.
“ 127 is the flaw(瑕疵) ” he asked.
The sculptor continued his work and told the man that there is a scratch(擦痕)on the sculpture’s 128 .
The man then asked, “Where are you going to 129 the sculpture ”
The sculptor replied that it would be placed on a 20-foot-high platform. “If the sculpture is up that high, who is going to 130 that there is a scratch on the nose ” the man asked.
The sculptor 131 his work, looked up at the man and said, “I will know it, 132 other people didn’t notice it.
The sculptor chose to keep a high 133 of excellence in his work. “Excellence” stands for a kind of 134 to be great and excellent. “Excellence’”is not for someone else to notice but for your own to 135 . And this is what we should all work hard to keep.
121.A.Luckily B.Immediately C.Recently D.Suddenly
122.A.strange B.difficult C.common D.exciting
123.A.high B.right C.possible D.different
124.A.heavy B.tall C.perfect D.expensive
125.A.picked up B.put up C.hung up D.gave up
126.A.nothing B.anything C.something D.everything
127.A.Where B.Why C.When D.Which
128.A.eye B.ear C.nose D.face
129.A.throw B.hide C.collect D.place
130.A.remember B.notice C.hear D.agree
131.A.stopped B.cared C.practised D.started
132.A.so B.and C.though D.because
133.A.value B.degree C.standard D.power
134.A.advice B.spirit C.courage D.feeling
135.A.require B.follow C.solve D.achieve
1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.D 10.D 11.A 12.B 13.C 14.C 15.B
Before在……之前;After在……之后;During在……期间;Since自从。根据下句“To my disappointment, the group got…before me.”可知,应是在作者来饭店20分钟后,这一大群人走了进来。故选B。
served服务,上菜;caught抓住;jumped跳;heard听见。根据后句“I watched as they began to eat”可知,应是这群人比我先得到了服务。故选A。
clean打扫;leave离开;forget忘记;laugh笑。承接空前“as they began to eat”语境和and提示可知,应是尽情地吃东西和笑着。故选D。
provided提供;connected联系;protected保护;remembered记住。根据“bragging about”和“someone who worked at the restaurant”可知,此处应为其中一个人吹嘘他怎么同餐厅的工作人员联系。故选B。
refuse拒绝;agree同意;cancel取消;change改变。根据前句“Unable to take it anymore, I decided to leave.”可知,应是取消订单。故选C。
You你;Your你的,形容词性物主代词;Yours你的,名词性物主代词;Theirs他们的。根据后句“It’ll take a little more time.”可知,应是你的订单是特殊的,由厨师长亲自做,此处缺少名词性物主代词作主语。故选C。
eating吃;thinking考虑;leaving离开;waiting等待。根据“It’ll take a little more time.”可知,应是在等待的期间喝杯饮料。故选D。
patiently耐心地;angrily生气地;fearfully害怕地;carefully仔细地。根据前句“I calmed down”可知,应是耐心地等待。故选A。
paid attention集中注意力;looked forward向前看;get used习惯;turned out结果是。根据空前“To my surprise,”及语境可知,应是餐馆老板结果是我失散多年的朋友,turn out“结果是”,表示出乎意料。故选D。
encourage鼓励;expect期待;discuss讨论;surprise惊喜。根据下句“He upgraded (升级) my simple meal to a five-star meal for free.”可知,应是饭店的老板想给作者一个惊喜。故选D。
shocked震惊的;grateful感激的;tired疲倦的;excited激动的。根据后句“and couldn’t stop staring.”可知,应是另一张桌子上的人感到很震惊。故选A。
what什么;why为什么;whether是否;which哪一个。根据前句“Suddenly they started murmuring (低声抱怨),”可知,应是抱怨他们为什么没有得到这种服务。故选B。
wider更宽广;taller更高;better更好;harder更困难。根据空前“how they are smarter, wiser”和and提示可知,应是比你更好。故选C。
believing相信;accepting接受;wondering想知道; receiving接受。根据“why it’s taking so long for you to be rewarded the way they have”可知,此处应为想知道为什么你需要花很长时间才能得到回报。故选C。
dare to敢;have to必须;would将会;could可以。根据“just”和“wait longer”可知,此处表达你只需要等待更长的时间。故选B。
16.B 17.C 18.A 19.C 20.A 21.C 22.A 23.D 24.B 25.C 26.B 27.C 28.B 29.A 30.B
oldest最老的;youngest最年轻的;best最好的;worst最坏的。根据“the youngest was often the target of anger.”可知应是最小的儿子,故选B。
but但是;and并且;so所以;or或者。根据“With double duty as the mother of the household, she was tired”可知是原因,故选C。
Bad糟糕的;Good好的;Sad难过的;Happy高兴的。根据“such as ‘you little fool’ ”可知是糟糕的词语,故选A。
put down放下;lay down躺下;woke up醒来;stayed up熬夜。根据“Every morning”可知是醒来,故选C。
sadly难过地;quickly迅速地;happily高兴地;carefully认真地。根据“The fool is going to school.”可知应是难过地,故选A。
make制作;achieve成就;reach到达;become成为。根据“a certain age”可知应是到达一定年龄,故选C。
studied学习;waited等待;left离开;paid支付。根据“for all kinds of tests”可知应是为考试而努力学习,故选A。
Before以前;During在……期间;After在……之后;On在……上。根据“the day of the announcement, he was called into the board of examiners”可知是具体的某一天,故选D。
needn’t不必;couldn’t不可能;shouldn’t不应该;mustn’t禁止。根据“he believed that he was the fool”可知他认为他不可能通过,故选B。
gift礼物;cheer欢呼声;praise赞扬;promise诺言。根据“Congratulations, young man! Your test results are unbelievable! You re really a great...”可知应是赞扬,故选C。
friendly友好的;talented有天赋的;confident自信的;honest诚实的。根据“Your test results are unbelievable”可知应是有天赋的。故选B。
nothing没有什么事;anything任何事;something某事;everything一切。根据“unknown before”可知应是一些不知道的事,故选C。
Noise噪音;Voice嗓音;Memories记忆;Songs歌曲。根据“The great man washed his face.”可知应是好听的声音,故选B。
successful成功的;common普通的;popular受欢迎的;valuable有价值的。根据“who was admired and respected”可知是成功的商人,故选A。
created创造;received得到;included包含;took带。根据“many prizes”可知应是得奖,故选B。
31.B 32.A 33.B 34.D 35.A 36.B 37.A 38.B 39.C 40.D 41.A 42.D 43.B 44.C 45.A
walking走路;flying飞行;running跑步;jumping跳跃。根据“an apple core(果核)came…toward me”及“flying apple”可知,苹果核飞向了作者,故选B。
Luckily幸运地;Unluckily不幸地;Suddenly突然;Quickly快速地。根据“I was not hit by it”可知,没有苹果核打中,是一件幸运的事,故选A。
connects连接;separates分离;divides划分;compares比较。根据“my apartment building(公寓楼)from the school”可知,作者住的公寓楼和学校隔开了,故选B。
thought思想;dreamt梦想;heard听说;laughed笑。根据“Thinking it was a one-off (一次性的) experience”可知,对于这种一次性的经历,作者和朋友一笑了之,故选D。
landed着陆;arrived到达;floated漂流;lay躺。根据“on the roof of a shed”可知,苹果核这次落在了一个棚屋的屋顶上,故选A。
another另一个(三者以上);the other另一个(两者之间);other其他的,后接复数名词;others其他的人或物。此处指三者以上的另一个,应填another,故选A。
small小的;big大的;new新的;old旧的。根据“Only one bite had been taken out of it, and it was thrown with speed”可知,这次被丢过来的苹果核是大的,故选B。
Everybody每个人;Anybody任何人;Somebody某个人;Nobody没有人。根据“Did the students not realize that people live across the wall”可知,有人可能因为这个被弄伤,故选C。
wall墙;school学校;building大楼;road马路。根据“Did the students not realize that people live across the wall”可知,苹果核是从墙那边扔过来的,故选A。
hurt伤害;help帮助;encourage鼓励;teach教。根据“them a lesson”可知,要给他们一个教训,teach sb a lesson“给某人教训”,故选D。
Moreover并且;However然而;Otherwise否则;Instead反而。“You should just throw the apple back over the”与“I don’t want to play that…”是转折关系,故选B。
since自从;unless除非;if如果;until直到。根据“I might end up hurting someone…I throw it back”可知,如果把苹果核扔回去可能会伤害到别人,用if引导条件状语从句,故选C。
waste废物;books书;food食物;money金钱。根据“waste belongs in the bin”可知,到处扔垃圾可能会伤害到别人,故选A。
46.B 47.C 48.B 49.A 50.D 51.B 52.C 53.D 54.A 55.C 56.C 57.B 58.A 59.D 60.B
broken打破的;beautiful美丽的;boring无聊的;busy忙碌的。根据下文“Sometimes talking to strangers can ...beautiful new beginnings.”可知,这篇短文首尾呼应,因此这里是一个美好的开始,故选B。
what 什么;that引导宾语从句时,没有意义,在从句中也不做成分;if 是否;when什么时候。根据asked可知,是问“是否可以在商店停一下来给她买蛋糕”,用if引导宾语从句,故选C。
hello 你好;no不,没有;yes是的;thanks谢谢。根据下文“After paying for the bill”可知,作者答应了给女儿买蛋糕,所以是怎么能说“不”呢,故选B。
excitedly 兴奋地;sadly伤心地;luckily幸运地;carefully仔细地,认真地。根据Norah所说的话“Hi, old person! It’s my birthday today!”可知,今天是她的生日,所以她非常的开心,故选A。
treated 对待;trained训练;trapped被困;troubled使忧虑。根据下文“He... with a smile”可知,这个老人很友好,他并没有被孩子弄得心烦意乱,故选D。
realized 意识到;replied 回答,回应;repeated重复;recorded记录。上文讲到作者的女儿对前面的老人说“今天是我的生日”,所以推断这里是老人的回答,故选B。
neither 两者都不;both 两者都;all三者以上都;none一个也没有。根据“After a few minutes’ chat, Norah offered to take a photo with the old man called Mr. Dan, his expression changed from surprised to delighted. We exchanged our phone numbers. ”可知,这次跟老人的对话让作者的女儿和老人成为了熟人,而且还对这个老人有很大的影响,这就是这个神奇的事情,作者、她的女儿以及这个老人都能感受到。故选C。
let 让;get得到;put放; cut切割。根据前面“He pulled out a knife”可知,老人是拿刀把玫瑰花剪了下来,故选D。
off 离开,脱落;down向下;into 进入;up向上。根据“cutting every thorn(刺)... the stem(茎)”可知,这里说的是老人把茎上的刺去掉,cut…off“剪下”,是固定短语,故选A。
wet 湿的;white 白色的;dry干的;red红色的。根据“Norah keeps that rose …under her pillow for a long time.”可知,这朵花Norah保存了很长时间,所以花都干了,故选C。
the other两者中的另一个;another不定数目中的另一个;other其他的;others其他人或物。根据上文“During our first visit in Mr. Dan’s home,”可知,上面介绍了去Dan先生家的第一次拜访,这里说的是另外一次,故选B。
never 从不;always总是;often经常;usually通常。根据文意“...since his wife died. “Norah has healed me since meeting her”可知,Dan先生的妻子去世了,后面又提到Norah治愈了Dan先生,由此我们可以推测到,自从他的妻子去世以来,他都没有睡过整晚的觉,故选A。
useless 没用的;meaningless没意义的;careless粗心的;speechless无语的,无话可说的。根据“my eyes wet with tears.”可知,作者很受感动,她没有想到自己的女儿会对Dan先生有这么大的影响,所以是说不出话来,故选D。
belong to 属于;lead to导致;thanks to幸亏,由于;speak to和某人说话。结合作者和女儿以及老人之间的经历可知,此处指和陌生人说话会导致一个美丽的新开始,故选B。
61.A 62.C 63.C 64.B 65.D 66.A 67.A 68.B 69.C 70.D
practical实用的;perfect完美的;difficult困难的;unexpected出乎意料的。根据“...skills than my peers who grew up in cities.”可知农村生活提供的是实用的技巧。故选A。
suddenly突然;angrily生气地;late迟地;lonely孤独。根据“a prepared dough would help my family have supper sooner.”可知是回家晚。故选C。
secret秘密;delicious美味的;easy容易的;complicated复杂的。根据“because I often see my mom do it—just mix water and flour, right”可知此处指做面团很容易。故选C。
eating吃;trying尝试;seeing看见;training训练。根据“I learned the trick.”可知是不断地尝试才会知道技巧。故选B。
cleverer更聪明;richer更富有;longer更长;better更好。根据“thanks to my cooking skill, I live...during the pandemic.”可知掌握了烹饪技巧,在疫情期间能生活的更好。故选D。
wait for等待;think about考虑;learn from向……学习;relate with与……相关。根据“...delivery drivers to feed me.”可知是等待外卖。故选A。
peers同龄人;relatives亲戚;students学生;parents父母。根据“...still don’t know.”及“...skills than my peers who grew up in cities.”可知作者和同龄人在比较。故选A。
plan计划;chance机会;method方法;necessity必要。根据“they didn’t have the...to learn these things in their lives.”可知在城市长大的孩子没有机会了解乡村的一些经历。故选B。
overlooked忽视;discussed讨论;required要求;forbidden禁止。根据“Starting with the upcoming fall semester, students in primary and middle schools will have at least one class every week to learn basic household skills”可知劳技在中小学被要求实施。故选C。
Contact联系;Please请;Value重视;Trust信任。根据“...me! These practical skills will help you for the rest of your life.”可知是祈使句,作者用自己的经历使读者相信农村的经历有助于之后的生活。故选D。
71.A 72.C 73.B 74.D 75.B 76.A 77.C 78.D 79.A 80.B 81.C 82.A 83.D 84.C 85.B
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了身残志坚的Glenn Cunningham的励志故事。
fire火;class班级;game游戏;story故事。根据“The little country schoolhouse was heated by an old coal stove.”及“… warm the room”可知,这个小男孩每天早上早到学校是为了点火生炉子。故选A。
just勉强;also也;once一旦;ever一直。根据“…hung there, all but lifeless.”可知,他的双腿毫无生命力,仅仅勉强悬挂在那儿。故选A。
strong强壮的;simple简单的;strange奇怪的;similar相似的。根据下文“With great effort, he raised himself up on the fence. Then, he began dragging himself along the… would walk.”可知,他有着强烈的信念,坚信自己一定能走。此处用strong修饰determination表示坚定的决心。故选A。
arms胳膊;chair椅子;legs腿;mother母亲。小男孩的两条腿不能动,只能拖行,drag his legs“拖着他的腿”,符合语境。故选C。
set off出发;get back回来;stand up站起来;hang out闲逛。根据下文“Gradually he began to walk to school… running.”可知,最后,他凭借毅力,终于站起来了。故选C。
to位于……;for为了;from从……起;without没有,缺乏。重新站立起来使他很享受跑步带来的快乐。run for为……而奔跑。故选B。
86.D 87.A 88.C 89.B 90.A 91.B 92.A 93.D 94.A 95.C 96.A 97.D 98.D 99.B 100.D
busy忙碌的;sleepy困倦的;separate分开的;angry愤怒的。根据“Lara had been very unhappy”以及“hurtful to the whole family”可知劳拉经常生气,故选D。
stand忍受;help帮助;mind介意;consider考虑。根据“hurtful to the whole family”可知哥哥受不了她了,故选A。
His他的;Her她的;Our我们的;Their他们的。根据“Our beautiful daughter Lara ”以及“home was no longer a home but a camp under siege(包围).”可知本文主要是以第一人称口吻写的,应用our,故选C。
camp营地;school学校;factory工厂;hospital医院。根据“The teachers greeting us”说明是学校,故选B。
cold冷的;cloudy多风的;hot热的;sunny晴朗的。根据“What a beautiful and alive place!”以及“The teachers greeting us were like warm clothes on a...day. ”可知老师的问候,就像寒冷天气里温暖的衣服,温暖了人心,故选A。
ask for要求;hear from收到某人的来信;look for寻找;talk about谈论。根据“not a card, not a call, nothing. I called the school almost every day.”可知五个月没有收到劳拉的消息,故选B。
Luckily幸运地;Naturally自然地;Finally最终;Honestly诚实地。根据上文“For five months we didn’t...Lara — not a card, not a call, nothing. I called the school almost every day.”以及“a written letter arrived from Lara, thanking me for her new clothes”可知作者整整五个月都没有收到劳拉的来信,而且一直打电话到学校,但是幸运的是,劳拉终于寄了一份信,此处用luckily形象地表示作者心里的那种喜悦,这么久了终于有女儿的回信了,心里有一种谢天谢地的感觉,故选A。
card卡片;call打电话;letter信;visit拜访。根据下文“Each time we came for a visit”可知是两人见面了,故选D。
teachers老师;neighbors邻居;humans人;parents父母。根据“The love and teaching of the...were beginning to pay off.”可知是指老师们的爱和教导,故选A。
son儿子;grandmother奶奶;daughter女儿;friend朋友。根据“Each time we came for a visit we saw more improvement in our”可知是指劳拉的进步,劳拉是作者的女儿,故选C。
warm温暖;pale苍白的;tidy整洁的;smooth顺利的。根据“face was beautiful and soft...and caring”可知与caring并列的应该是warm,故选A。
speak说;dance跳舞;read阅读;sing歌唱。根据“The more she sang”可知是指唱歌,故选D。
carefully仔细地;wisely明智地;suddenly突然地;slowly缓慢地。根据“The more she sang, the more confident she felt. She...began to love herself.”可知是指劳拉慢慢地爱自己,故选D。
until直到;as当……时候;since自从;after在……以后。根据“Her grandmother, her father, brother and I excitedly watched...she made her graduation speech.”可知前后是时间关系,应用as引导时间状语从句,符合语境,故选B。
symbol象征;family家人;voice声音;music音乐。根据“She graduated with honors, getting a bachelor’s(学士) degree in music and singing performance.”可知是指音乐,故选D。
101.B 102.C 103.A 104.C 105.D 106.C 107.C 108.B 109.D 110.C
【导语】本文讲述了马克斯的哥哥卡姆登离开家去上大学。 马克斯打开房间,惊奇地发现床上放着一个盒子,里面放着卡姆登写的一本手册,告诉他们在他离开后的头十天应该怎么做,这样他们就不会那么想念他了。
slowly缓慢地;finally最后;immediately马上;suddenly突然。根据“He went over and saw a card beside it”可知,他看见了旁边的卡片,因此马上看出是卡姆登的笔迹,故选C。
handbook手册;card卡片;box盒子;letter信。根据前文的“he was...to see a box sitting on his bed.”可知,此处表示给父母看这个盒子,故选C。
before在……之前;after在……之后;when当……时候;since自从。根据“so they wouldn’t miss him so much”可知,他们不会那么想念他,应是在他离开之后,故选B。
explaining解释;competing竞争;comparing比较;sharing分享。share sth with sb“和某人分享某物”,故选D。
college大学;handwriting书写;ideas想法;vacation假期。根据前文的“Camden had written a handbook on what they should do for the first ten days...he left”可知,卡姆登告诉他们该怎么做,因此这是他给他们的想法,故选C。
111.A 112.D 113.B 114.C 115.A 116.D 117.B 118.A 119.C 120.B
list列表;line队;sign迹象;story故事。根据“ It was added to the national intangible cultural heritage(非物质文化遗产)...in 2016”可知广东舞狮被列入国家非物质文化遗产名录,故选A。
songs歌曲;expressions表达;instruments乐器;dances舞蹈。根据“Guangdong Lion Dance”可知是指舞狮。故选D。
like像;as作为;of……的;for为了。根据“Ancient Chinese people thought of the lion...a symbol of braveness”可知是古代人把狮子认为是勇敢的象征,as符合语境,故选B。
bad坏的;terrible糟糕的;good好的;silent沉默的。根据“It can drive away scary things and bring...luck”可知是指舞狮可以带来好运,故选C。
performed表演;made制作;requested请求;repeated重复。根据“the lion dance”可知此处是指表演舞狮的历史,故选A。
town城镇;city城市;station车站;village村庄。根据下句“villagers ”可知是指出生在一个小村庄,故选D。
carelessly粗心地;carefully仔细地;suddenly突然;politely礼貌地。根据“When he was young, he often watched villagers perform it...Now, Wang is in control of his village’s lion dance group.”可知他现在是村里舞狮团的负责人得益于小时候仔细观看村民的表演,故选B。
proud骄傲的;afraid害怕的;busy忙的;free免费的。根据“He feels...of its achievements”结合前句可知他很自豪,故选A。
beat打败;prevented阻止;won赢得;failed失败。根据“many prizes”可知是赢得奖项,故选C。
sadly悲伤地;happily开心地;quietly安静地;clearly清楚地。根据“The events included the celebration of the seventieth birthday of New China at Tian’anmen Square”可知在天安门广场庆祝新中国成立70周年是很开心的事情,故选B。
121.D 122.A 123.D 124.C 125.A 126.B 127.A 128.C 129.D 130.B 131.A 132.C 133.C 134.B 135.D
Luckily幸运地;Immediately立即地,马上地;Recently最近;Suddenly突然地。根据“He stopped to watch the man work on the sculpture”和“he noticed that there was a similar sculpture lying nearby”可知,他是突然注意到附近躺着一个类似的雕塑。故选D。
strange奇怪的;difficult困难的;common普通的;exciting兴奋的。根据“asked the sculptor,‘Why are you...”可知,他在问雕塑家问题,故他感到很奇怪。故选A。
heavy重的;tall高的;perfect完美的;expensive昂贵的。根据“the imperfect sculpture”可知,第一个雕像不完美。故选C。
picked up捡起,拿起;put up建造;hung up挂起来;gave up放弃。根据“checked it”可推测出,参观者拿起了那件不完美的雕塑。故选A。
nothing没有什么;anything任何事物;something某些事;everything一切。根据“But he couldn’t find”可知,他找不出这个雕塑有任何问题。故选B。
Where哪里;Why为什么;When什么时候;Which哪一个。根据“...told the man that there is a scratch(擦痕)on the sculpture’s...”可知,在询问瑕疵在哪里。故选A。
eye眼睛;ear耳朵;nose鼻子;face脸。根据“there is a scratch on the nose”可知,雕塑的鼻子上有一个抓痕。故选C。
throw扔;hide藏;collect收集;place放置。根据“The sculptor replied that it would be placed on a 20-foot-high platform”可知,是询问雕塑放在哪里。故选D。
remember记住;notice注意到;hear听见;agree同意。根据“other people didn’t notice it”可知,雕塑在那么高的地方,没有人会注意到鼻子上的抓痕。故选B。
stopped停止;cared在意;practised练习;started开始。根据“looked up at the man and said”可知,雕塑家停下了手中的活。故选A。
so所以;and并且;though虽然;because因为。根据“I will know it”和“other people didn’t notice it”可知,空格处引导让步状语从句。故选C。
value价值;degree程度;standard标准;power权利。结合全文和“I will know it, though other people didn’t notice it”可知,雕塑家因为雕塑鼻子上的一个不易被人看到抓痕而选择重新做,表明他对作品保持卓越的高标准。故选C。
advice建议;spirit精神;courage勇气;feeling感觉,感受。根据“to be great and excellent”可推测出,“卓越”是一种追求伟大、追求卓越的精神。故选B。
require要求;follow跟随;solve解决;achieve实现。结合全文和“‘Excellence’ is not for someone else to notice but for your own to”可知,“卓越”不是为了让别人注意到,而是自己要去实现。故选D。



