黑龙江省哈尔滨市重点学校2023-2024高一上学期11月月考英语试题(含答案 含听力音频 无听力原文)

试卷满分:150分 考试时间:8:00-10:00
1.What will the woman probably do on Saturday
A. Go to the zoo. B. Do some shopping. C. Visit her grandparents.
2. What is the man's opinion about the painting
A.It's peaceful. B. It's colorful. C.It's boring.
3.Where does Barbara live
A.In Italy. B.In Chile, C. In England.
4. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. Outside a shop. B.Outside a bank. C.Outside a restaurant.
5. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. What the woman's family is like.
B. How many brothers the woman has.
C.Whether the woman is from the U.S.
6. What does the man want to buy
A.A pen. B.A toy panda. C. A toy elephant.
7. How much should the man pay
A.$ 16. B. $ 20. C.$ 27.
8. What does the woman do after school
A. She stays with her classmates.
B. She goes home right away.
C. She works part-time.
9.Where does the man work
A. In a computer company.
B. In a dance club.
C.In a school.
10.What can the speakers do at Mary's party
A. Enjoy flowers in the garden.
B.Cook in the backyard.
C.Swim in a pool.
11. What is the relationship between the woman and Mary
A. Co-workers. B. Strangers. C. Neighbors.
12.When will the speakers meet at the man's house
A. At 2:30. B. At 3:00. C. At 3:30.
听第9段材料,回答第 13至第16题。
13. Why won't the speakers see the next show of Dangerous City
A. The tickets are sold out.
B. They're not interested in it.
C. They have something else to do.
14.What will the woman do tonight
A. Visit James.
B. Study with Jenny.
C. Go to the new museum exhibit.
15.What kind of movie is Beyond Everest
A. An action adventure. B. A science fiction. C.A comedy.
16. What does the man think of Star Wars
A. Amazing . B. Exciting. C. Boring.
听第 10段材料,回答第 17 至第20题。
17. When did Europa Park open
A. In 1442. B. In 1957. C. In 1975.
18. Where do most visitors come from
A. Germany. B. France, C. Switzerland.
19.When is the best time to visit Europa Park
A. In March. B. In July. C. In October.
20.What does the speaker say about Europa Park in winter
A. It is often open until midnight.
B. It is closed most of the time.
C. It hosts many events.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
China now has 53 sites included on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Let’s have a look at four of them, which may give you some advice on your next travel plan.
Huangshan Mountain
Huangshan, known as “the loveliest mountain of China”, lies in the south of Anhui Province in eastern China. The scenic area covers 154 square kilometers, and is famous for its peaks, rocks, pines, clouds and springs. It also has a rich cultural heritage.
Longmen Grottoes
The Longmen Grottoes (石窟) lies in the south of Luoyang city, Henan Province. It includes the largest collection of Chinese art of the late Northern Wei and Tang dynasties, and show the achievements of Chinese stone carving (雕刻).
Gulangyu Island
Located on the entry of the Jiulong River, the island was occupied by at least a dozen countries, including Great Britain, France and Japan. With such a harmonious mixture of Western music and Eastern culture, Gulangyu is naturally referred to as the” island of music”. It is famous for its outstanding musicians and musical instruments.
Ancient villages in southern Anhui
Lying in southern Anhui, Xidi and Hongcun have a high historical and artistic value in architecture. The villages show the architectural features of the Huizhou-styled living houses in the period of the Ming and Qing dynasties. Xidi and Hongcun were added onto the list on November 30, 2000.
21.In which place can you admire the western music according to the writing
A.Huangshan Mountain B.Gulangyu Island
C.Longmen Grottoes D.Ancient villages in southern Anhui
22.Who will probably choose the Ancient villages in southern Anhui to visit
A.A couple who want to see natural scenery.
B.A college student who loves the history of Tang and carving.
C.A professor who plans to admire the Huizhou-styled architecture.
D.A family who’d like to experience the mixture of Chinese and Western cultures.
23.Where does the passage most probably come from
A.A travel guidebook B.A history textbook
C.A scientific fiction D.An entertainment magazine
It was a typical summer day in my small town, with the sun shining and the sky clear. I was sitting on my porch, enjoying the peaceful view of the rolling hills and the calm lake, when suddenly a strong wind blew in from the west. The peaceful sky turned dark as a storm approached.
I went inside, grabbing my raincoat and heading to the barn to secure the animals. The cows were nervous, sensing the approaching storm. I quickly tied them up and ran back to the house, just as the rain started to pour down. The wind was howling and the rain was pounding against the windows. Lightning and thunder followed, making the atmosphere even more electric. I sat by the window, watching the raging storm and praying that everything would be okay.
After what seemed like hours, but was only a few minutes, the storm passed. The clouds moved away, revealing a bright and sunny sky. I walked outside, taking in the fresh air and surveying the damage. The trees were bent over and some branches had been blown off. Our vegetable garden was flooded, but other than that, everything seemed to be fine. I breathed a sigh of relief as I realized that no serious damage had been done.
That evening, as I sat by the fireplace with a cup of hot coffee, I reflected on the experience. It reminded me that nature can be both powerful and unpredictable, but that we must persevere and adapt to whatever it throws at us. The next morning, as I watched the sun rise over the now-calm landscape, I felt a sense of pride knowing that my family and I had weathered the storm together.
24.What does the word “weathered” mean in the last paragraph
A.enjoyed B.survived C.forecasted D.changed
25.How did the author feel after the storm passed
A.Angry B.Relieved C.Scared D.Sad
26.How is the passage organized
A.Problem and solution B.Cause and effect
C.in order time D.by Comparison
27.What is the main idea of the passage
A.The author explains how to prepare for and cope with a storm.
B.The author describes how a storm ruined his day and his garden.
C.The author compares and contrasts the different weather conditions in his town.
D.The author recounts how he and his family withstood a sudden storm and learned a lesson from it.
People can experience loneliness for many reasons and many life events may cause it, like the lack of friendship relations during childhood and adolescence, or the physical absence of meaningful people around a person. At the same time, loneliness may be a symptom of another social or psychological problem, such as chronic depression.
Many people experience loneliness for the first time when they are left alone as infants. It is also a very common, though normally temporary, consequence of a breakup, divorce, or loss of any important long-term relationship. In these cases, it may result both from the loss of a specific person and from the withdrawal from social circles caused by the event or the associated sadness.
The loss of a significant person in one’s life will typically start a sadness response; in this situation, one might feel lonely, even while in the company of others. Loneliness may also occur after the birth of a child, after marriage, or following any other socially disruptive event, such as moving from one’s home town into an unfamiliar community leading to homesickness. Loneliness can occur within unstable marriages or other close relationships in a similar nature, in which feelings present may include anger or bitterness, or in which the feeling of love cannot be given or received.
Loneliness may represent a dysfunction of communication, and can also result from places with low population densities in which there are comparatively few people to interact with. Sometimes, loneliness is capable of spreading like a disease. When one person in a group begins to feel lonely, this feeling can spread to others, increasing everybody’s risk for feelings of loneliness. People can feel lonely when they’re surrounded by other lonely people.
28. What is the text mainly about
A. The influence of a specific person in life.
B. The harm caused by loneliness.
C. The reasons for loneliness.
D. The importance of mental health.
29. Which of the following may not cause loneliness
A. The regular attendance at social events.
B. The physical absence of meaningful people.
C. The breakup of a marriage.
D. The lack of friendship relations.
30. The underlined phrase “disruptive event” in paragraph 3 refer to things that ______.
A. bring to a family extra unexpected financial burdens
B. prevent one’s life from continuing in a normal way
C. make people too excited to control their feelings
D. replace the feeling of love with anger and bitterness
31. What can we learn about loneliness from the last paragraph
A. Loneliness can have a certain social effect.
B. Loneliness won’t occur in crowded places.
C. Loneliness is a disease spreading among people.
D. Loneliness can be the result of losing important relation.
Organic food, grown without artificial chemicals, is increasingly popular nowadays. Consumers have been willing to pay up to twice as much for goods with organic labels. However, if you think paying a little more for organic food gets you a more nutritious and safer product, you might want to save your money. A study led by researchers at Stanford University says that organic products aren't necessarily more nutritious, and they’re no less likely to suffer from disease-causing bacteria, either.
The latest results, published in the Annuals of Internal Medicine, suggest that buyers may be wasting their money. “We did not find strong evidence that organic food is more nutritious or healthier,” says Dr. Crystal Smith-Spangler from Stanford. “So, consumers shouldn’t assume that one type of food has a lower risk or is safer. ”
For their new study, Smith-Spangler and her colleagues conducted a review of two categories of research, including 17 studies that compared health outcomes between consumers of organic against traditional food products, and 223 studies that analyzed the nutritional content of the foods, including key vitamins, minerals and fats.
While the researchers found little difference in nutritional content, they did find that organic fruit and vegetables were 20% less likely to have chemicals remaining on the surfaces. Neither organic nor traditional foods showed levels of chemicals high enough to go beyond food safety standards. And both organic and traditional meats, such as chicken and pork, were equally likely to be harmed by bacteria at very low rates. The researchers did find that organic milk and chicken contained higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, a healthy fat also found in fish that can reduce the risk of heart disease. However, these nutritional differences were too small, and the researchers were unwilling to make much of them until further studies confirm the trends.
Organic food is produced with fewer chemicals and more natural-growing practices, but that doesn't always translate into a more nutritious or healthier product. The U.S. Department of Agriculture(USDA) states that “whether you buy organic food or not, finding the freshest foods available may have the biggest effect on taste.” Fresh food is at least as good as anything marketed as organic.
32. What does the new research question
A. Whether organic food should replace traditional food.
B. Whether organic food has been overpriced by farmers.
C. Whether organic food is grown with less harmful chemicals.
D. Whether organic food is really more nutritious and healthier.
33. What did Smith-Spangler and her colleagues find
A. Organic food could reduce the risk of heart disease.
B. Traditional food was grown with more natural methods.
C. Both organic and traditional food they examined were safe.
D. There was not a presence of any forms of bacteria in organic food.
34. Which of the following is relatively healthier according to the passage
A. Organic chicken and pork. B. Organic milk and chicken.
C. Traditional chicken and pork. D. Traditional fruit and vegetables.
35. What is the author’s attitude toward organic food
A. Doubtful. B. Neutral. C. Unconcerned D. Approving.
If you want to be confident at interview and get the job, body language will be important.
Here are some useful tips for your body language during a job interview.
Make a great entrance. A job interview actually starts before you get to the interview room. You don’t know who could be looking at you from a window or standing next to you in the elevator. Your body language should tell others that you’re confident and calm. 36 .
Don’t go for direct eye contact. 37 . A more effective way to make sure you look interested is to look at different parts of an interviewer’s face every two seconds such as their nose, eyes and lips.
Use hand gestures while you’re speaking. If you’re not sure what to do with your hands, go ahead and gesture while you’re speaking. When you’re really nervous, you may want to hide your hand because they express your anxiety. 38 .
Stay positive. Your body language follows your mind. If your mind is negative, your body will consciously create negative energy. However, stay positive and you feel confident in your body language. 39 . And your smiles will be more likely to leave a good impression on the interviewers.
Work on your walk. Interviewers often make a hiring judgment within the first 10 seconds of meeting you. 40 . When walking directly toward the interviewer, your had better make your body point in his direction and maintain eye contact with him occasionally.
A.Instead, make “direct face contact”.
B.How you walk into the room is a part of that judgment.
C.At this time, it’s a good choice for you to hide your hands.
D.Instead, using your hands gesture can make you feel relaxed.
E.If your have a positive mind, you will wear a smile on your face.
F.It’s very important to review your information you have prepared.
G.It’s improper to crazily search your file for your resume at this time.
第三部分 语言知识运用
第一节 完形填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
Michael Coyne has autism(自闭症), He began searching for jobs when he was 21 years old, but he had no ____41___ . It was hard for his mother Sheila Coyne to see her autistic son get ___42___ repeatedly in his job search. She suggested to him that he take a ___43___ path in life. That's when Michael began ___44___ business classes that were provided by a state-funded program for ___45___ people. Shortly after completing his course work, he ___46___ a coffee shop of his own. Coyne says that the business is growing.
The store has a Facebook page that describes the ___47___ of the business. “We are a family. owned coffee shop serving up ___48___ a cup of coffee. We employ people with development a disabilities, encourage community engagement, and ___49___ the way the world sees those with disabilities. "
People have left ___50___ reviews on the company's Facebook page praising the service they have received at the coffee shop. They also ___51___ the outstanding work that the family has done in succeeding with their business and in the transformative message their company has ___52___.
Families who have children with disabilities have found the place to be a ____53___ spot to visit in their community. Seeing the success that Michael has had with his coffee shop. parents have renewed ___54___ that their own disabled children will find success in their ___55___ as well.
41. A. choice B. answer C. luck D. confidence
42. A. punished B. cheated C. praised D. rejected
43. A. different B. unique C. convenient D. familiar
44. A. organizing B. designing C. taking D. choosing
45. A. lonely B. disabled C. brave D. kind
46. A. searched B. advertised C. entered D. founded
47. A. potential B. future C. mission D. development
48. A. more than B. at least C. anything but D. something like
49. A. create B. change C. explain D. adopt
50. A. humorous B. doubtful C. divided D. positive
51. A. recognized B. conducted C. assigned D. sponsored
52. A. gathered B. received C. sent D. conveyed
53. A. friendly B. similar C. quiet D. secret
54. A. curiosity B. interest C. hope D. imagination
55. A. education B. career C. research D. communication
第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Many people take the idea of saving money very seriously. Back in 1924, in Italy, a group of people ___56___ (think) the inability to resist spending a major social problem. They had the idea of starting a day to remind people to put away some money for a rainy day. This is how World Saving Day, held on Oct. 31st ____57____(annual), was started, and it's still going strong in 2019.
Not surprisingly, a movement targeting the poor was started. People in the ___58____ (underdevelop) world are more open to calls to be careful ____59____ money. But ____60____ idea of being thrifty (节俭) has also become popular among the rich. Take Mark Zuckerberg for example. The Facebook founder, one of the world's ___61___(rich) people, doesn't spend very much money on himself.
Other people don't spend money because they don't like the culture of consumption. This is connected to the view ____62____ we should make ourselves happy through the ____63____(activity) we take part in, rather than with what we buy.
But however we view money, moderate spending is certainly a good idea when we are still too young to get a job. There is a British saying that ____64____(offer) some good advice in this situation: “Look after the pennies, and the pounds will look after _____65_____(they).”
A. apologize B. reflect C. deliver D. prefer
A. location B.appearance C.account D.atmosphere
refer B.seek C.determine D.migrate
A.freeze B. concentrate C.found D.approach
A.design B.material C.character D.variety
71. bebefit
A.益处 B.包含 C.总结 D.香味
A.尽管 B.恢复 C.凝视 D.伤害
73. significantly
A.重大地 B.焦虑地 C.慷慨地 D.数字地
74. inspiring
A.大写的 B.简单的 C熟悉的 D .鼓舞人心的
最后地 B.坚定地 C.惊人地 D.最初地
remind of B. rob sb. of C. inform sb. of D. lose track of
ought to B. refer to C.be similar to D. devote to
turn up
开 B.关 C.出现 D.拒绝
after all
后来 B.因此 C总之 D.毕竟
Hold your horses.
倾盆大雨 B.说话困难 C慢点别急 D.显而易见
我迟到的原因是错过了首班车。(the reason…why…)
是长途汽车来接送宾馆里的游客。(强调句it is…that…)
除了散步之外,他还喜欢钓鱼和打猎。(as well as…)
85. 作为一名学生,我们应该尊重我们的传统文化。
第三节 书面表达(满分15分)
假设你是晨光中学李华,请给你的外教Jim写一封邮件,邀请他参加你们年级举行的英语读书会(reading circle)活动。
Dear Jim,
Li hua哈 4中学 2023~2024 学年度高一上学期 11月考试
注意事项 高一 班; 姓 名
1.答题前,考生先将自己的姓名,准考证号填 填涂样例
2.选择题必须使用 2B 铅笔填涂;非选择题必 正确填涂: 考号:
须使用 0.5 毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字
3.请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内答, 错误填涂:

不准使用涂改液、刮纸刀。 条码粘贴区
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55

66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

语法填空(每空 1.5 分,共 15 分)
56. 57. 58. 59. 60. ________________
61. 62. 63. 64. 65. ________________

英语第 1页(共 2页)
翻译句子(每题 2分,共 10 分)
81. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
82. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
83. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
84. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
85. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
写作(共 15 分)
Dear Jim,
Li Hua
英语第 2页(共 2页)
1-5 BCABA 6-10BACAC 11-15 BACBA 16-20 CCABB
41-45 CDACB 46-50 DCABD 51-55 ADACB
56. thought 57. annually 58. underdeveloped 59. with 60. the
61. richest 62. that 63. activities 64. offers 65. themselves
66-70 CACBD 71-75 ABADA 76-80 DACDC
81.The reason why I was late was that I missed the first bus.
82. It is the coach that picks up tourists at the hotel.
83. As well as walking, he likes fishing and shooting.
84. With the development of technology, our life has changed a lot.
85. As a student, we should show respect to our traditional culture.
Dear Jim,
I hope that everything goes on well with you. I’m writing to invite you to join us in the English reading circle to be held in our school. We’ll feel honored if you are present.
The activity is scheduled at 8:00 am this Friday in the auditorium. Aiming to improve the students understanding of the beauty of foreign literature, the reading circle will allow students to communicate with each other face to face, sharing their own reading experience together. As we consider that you can give us some professional introductions to English literature and some valuable suggestions on English reading, we sincerely hope that you can come to join us.
Would you be kind enough to spare some time for us Thank you in advance. Hope to hear from you soon.
Li hua



