
二、单项选择 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。将代表该答案的字母在答题卡上相应的位置涂黑。
17.(1分)—Would you mind if I turn on the radio now?
— __________.My baby is sleeping.(  )
A. Yes,please B. Of course not
C. Never mind D. You'd better not
18.(1分)—You're confident about the job interview,aren't you?
— __________.I'm well prepared for it.(  )
A. Hard to say B. Sure
C. Not really D. I hope so
19.(1分)—It's really nice of you to give me a ride on such a rainy day.
— __________.(  )
A. With pleasure B. I'm afraid not
C. My pleasure D. The same to you
20.(1分)—Have you tried the "Optics Valley Photon" air rail train (光谷量子号空轨) yet?
—Yes.It is amazing!It has become the __________ of Wuhan.(  )
A. pride B. center C. effort D. design
21.(1分)More and more communities have made a strict warning that dog owners must keep their dogs __________while walking.(  )
A. connected B. tied C. stuck D. covered
22.(1分)—Have you decided what to do next?
—No,we're still in the __________ of discussing.(  )
A. search B. pattern
C. process D. background
23.(1分)—How many students present could work out this problem?
— __________.It's far beyond what they've learned.(  )
A. Either B. Any C. Neither D. None
24.(1分)—I made little progress in math though I've tried many ways.
—Be more __________.It takes time.(  )
A. patient B. careful C. active D. helpful
25.(1分)—What will you do after finishing this project?
—I'm going to __________ myself to a big meal.(  )
A. change B. treat C. rush D. guide
26.(1分)—Must he embarrass (使…尴尬) Peter in front of the public?
—He meant no harm.But you must get used to his __________ way of speaking.(  )
A. direct B. polite
C. correct D. interesting
27.(1分)—Mum,you __________ sweep the floor,for I have done that.
—Thanks,Tommy.(  )
A. needn't B. shouldn't C. can't D. mustn't
28.(1分)—How about trying the East Lake Eye this weekend?
—Good idea.Let me __________ the opening time on the Internet.(  )
A. look up B. take up C. make up D. think up
29.(1分)—Have you watched the opening ceremony of the 19th Asian Games?
—Yes,it __________ for nearly one and a half hours.(  )
A. lasts B. will last
C. lasted D. has lasted
30.(1分)—Guess what?This pair of chopsticks is made from potatoes.
—Oh,it's really hard to tell __________ the look.(  )
A. on B. by C. at D. with
31.(1分)The famous saying "Long as the journey is,we will surely reach our destination (目的地) when we stay the course." tells us __________.(  )
A. why we should keep trying
B. where we should go
C. how can we become successful
D. what lessons we can learn
三、完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
(15分)My 12﹣year﹣old niece (侄女) was staying with us for a little while.One night we stayed up talking about how we used to(32)   and take part in acts of kindness.We talked about how so much had(33)   and how it would be difficult to do so many of those things now,(34)   when it came to helping out strangers.
The next day,I needed to(35)   something from downtown and took her with me.As we walked around,we heard a beautiful voice(36)   .We turned around to see a middle﹣aged man sitting on a corner with his guitar.A couple was sitting on a bench nearby and(37)   his music.
After I finished shopping,we(38)   to sit at an outdoor restaurant across from him on the other side of the street.My niece kept(39)   and saying how wonderful his singing was.(40)   how she was moved by this,at the end of our(41)   I gave her a $100 bill and asked her to put it in his bowl.
Though feeling(42)   ,she still headed over.As she got closer,the man was just finishing a song.and they had a talk.She told him how(43)   she was by his music,and he told her she(44)   his day.As she was excitedly talking about the(45)   with me,she mentioned, "He didn't even know how much it was.He just(46)   that someone was enjoying his music.That's what really matters."
(32) A.exercise B.communicate C.volunteer D.research
(33) A.changed B.reached C.improved D.invented
(34) A.probably B.specially C.usually D.especially
(35) A.buy B.learn C.find D.choose
(36) A.crying B.singing C.shouting D.calling
(37) A.admiring B.creating C.playing D.completing
(38) A.failed B.happened C.expected D.seemed
(39) A.joking B.asking C.arguing D.smiling
(40) A.Wondering B.Seeing C.Hearing D.Doubting
(41) A.meal B.visit C.play D.shopping
(42) A.tired B.worried C.excited D.surprised
(43) A.relaxed B.touched C.proud D.lucky
(44) A.made B.spent C.wasted D.ended
(45) A.song B.event C.conversation D.accident
(46) A.treasured B.remembered C.required D.promised
四、阅读理解 (本题共3小题,每小题10分,共30分) 阅读下面三篇材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Let Dogs In! Many homes in Western countries have a dog door.But it can be unsafe.Strangers or other animals could get inside through it.Not with this smart dog door!It stays closed.Your dog wears a special dog collar (项圈).When it nears the door,the door "knows" and then opens.Or Many people forget to drink or don't know how much to drink during and after exercise.Now with the Nix Hydration Biosensor,it is easy.Simply stick the sensor (传感器) to your skin (皮肤)(汗液) in real time and send messages to your phone or watch.It tells you when,what and how much to drink. Find a Place to Sleep Some people in Japan can't find places to take a nap (小憩).In August,some "nap boxes" appeared in Japan and were soon widely accepted.They are as big as public phone boxes.The person will not fall over and some designs are comfortable.If people want to use them
(47)In which section of the newspaper can we read the news?    
(48)The smart dog door is mainly used to    .
A.send messages in time
B.protect dogs from danger
C.keep the house closed
D.work out safety problems
(49)The best heading for the second news would be    .
A.Drink More Water
B.Live an Easier Life
C.Remind You to Drink
D.Learn about Drinks
(50)From the third news,we can know that the "boxes"    .
A.are popular in Japan
B.serve as phone boxes
C.are useful but uncomfortable
D.are used for free
(51)All the news above has something to do with    .
A.social problems
C.daily life
D.big events
(10分)"I really want to,but I can't because."It hurts every time I hear someone say it.I see it as an excuse.Everyone has hopes and goals.We talk about how we will achieve them,but when it's time to do them,we use that sentence.
During my teen years,I wanted to learn many things and achieve my dreams,yet I couldn't.Living in an underdeveloped country,electricity,safety and chances.
One day,I decided to use the resources(资源)I had.I planned to get the Japanese Monbusho Scholarship(奖学金),I could have a simple conversation in Japanese.I realized that I needed money.I built a hedgehog (刺猬) care website.After school
You may expect a sprint﹣lifting ending where I traveled to Japan and fed on my website.That's not how the story ended.In fact,I didn't even get the chance to apply for the scholarship. Unwilling to accept the facts,I started an online university the next year.And the hedgehog website made me $60.
I tried,but it didn't work out.It did﹣just not the way I expected.I'm not in Japan.My hedgehog website didn't succeed.But I know how to speak Japanese and have met many interesting people along the way.
Anyone can accept the cards they've got and create their own way to make them into a winning hand.
(52)The underlined sentence is mentioned to    .
A.explain when to use it
B.lead to the writer's opinion
C.show how often people use it
D.offer an excuse for the failure
(53)Why did the writer fail to achieve his dream in his teen years?    
A.He set big goals.
B.He didn't' take action.
C.He was in a poor country.
D.He gave up easily.
(54)The underlined word "Unwilling" in Paragraph 5 means    .
(55)From the passage,we can know the writer    .
A.won a scholarship in Japan
B.kept fighting for his dream
C.earned a lot by his website
D.often got help from others
(56)What does the writer want to tell us?    
A.Chances never knock twice.
B.Failure is the mother of success.
C.The more you want,the less you'll get.
D.The weak wait for chances,the strong create them
(10分)Have you ever been in a conversation that you wish you could run away from?Scientists have shown that you might not be alone.
A research team surveyed 806 people about a recent conversation they had with someone close to them.They were asked about the actual length and their expected length of the conversation,and how long they thought the other person wanted to talk for.
About one﹣third of the conversation length was unwanted.Also,more people believed that they wanted to end the conversation first.They kept talking for about 4 minutes before they realized that the other speaker wished the same thing.Situations are similar when it comes to strangers.Only about 1.6 percent of the conversations really ended when both sides wanted to.
The survey pointed out that when people talked to strangers,what made people hide their feelings may be their politeness.When talking to close friends and family,it may be their kindness as ending the chat too soon may hurt the other's feelings.
So, ★ ?Saying the exact time you can talk at the beginning is a good way. "Conversations don't end because people don't know when the other person wants to go," Adam Mastroianni who led the study said.You should make your partner feel good about the end of the chat by "clearly expressing that you had a nice time and would like to talk again".
However,in some ways,this dilemma (困境),and conversation is a good way to make these connections happen.
(57)The research team asked the people about their    .
A.favorite conversation topics
B.ways of ending a talk
C.expected length of a conversation
D.opinions about chatting
(58)People fail to end a talk with strangers probably because of    .
(59)Which of the following can be put in ★?    
A.what can we talk about in a chat
B.how can we end a conversation
C.why should we end a talk in time
D.when should we end a conversation
(60)According to Paragraph 5,which is a proper way to end a talk?    
A.It's time to end the talk.
B.Your friends are waiting for you.
C.Nice talking to you,but I have to go now.
D.I'm very tired of talking with you for so long.
(61)The best title for the passage would be    .
A.Caught in A Talk
B.You Are not Alone
C.Showing Politeness
D.End a Talk as You Want
五、词与短语选择填空 仔细阅读下面五个句子,然后用下面方框中所给的单词或短语填空,使每个句子在结构,句义和逻辑上正确。 (提示:选项中有两个是多余的。)
require / secret / agree with / influence / forms / suggest / deal with
(1)Li Wen's unhappiness began to     his schoolwork.
(2)You really     a lot of talent and hard work to succeed.
(3)Listening to something interesting is the     to language learning.
(4)Candy used to be really shy and took up singing to     her shyness.
(5)Each different part of China has its own special     of traditional art.
六、综合填空 阅读下面短文,根据上下文、所给首字母或括号内单词等提示,在空白处填入适当的单词。每个空只能填一个单问。
63.(10分)You may find that lion status (雕像) are always put outside of buildings in China.It was quite c(1)   since ancient times.They can especially be seen in many places.The statues are usually(2)   (make) of stone.People believe they can scare away evil (邪恶的) spirits and b(3)   good luck.
H(4)   ,the lion is not local in China.It was not until about 2,000 years ago that lions were(5)   (give) to Chinese emperors as gifts.Then the animal could be seen in China.Emperors loved lions and kept them(6)   pets because they looked strong.It was also a s(7)   of power.The animals were also believed to look like Suan Ni (狻猊),one of the nine sons of the dragon in Chinese fairy(8)   (story).
Since ancient times,people have put lion statues outside their houses to please their families.They usually put a pair of stone lions on(9)   side of the gate.A male lion stands on the left playing with a ball.It m(10)   being powerful.A female lion is on the right with a baby lion under her paw.She stands for a large and happy family.
七、书面表达 (共1大题,满分15分)
64.(15分)学校英语社团举行一场征文比赛,需要同学们以 "I have changed"为主题,谈论自己步入初三以后的变化
What changes do you have?
Why do you have such changes?
What do you think of your changes?
Something more about your changes
I Have Changed
I have changed a lot since I entered Grade 9.
二、单项选择 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。将代表该答案的字母在答题卡上相应的位置涂黑。
17.(1分)—Would you mind if I turn on the radio now?
— __________.My baby is sleeping.(  )
A. Yes,please B. Of course not
C. Never mind D. You'd better not
【解答】Yes,please是的,请 course ;Never ;You'd not你最好不要 you if I on radio ?(你介意我现在打开收音机吗 baby sleeping.(我的孩子在睡觉,D项。符合语境。
18.(1分)—You're confident about the job interview,aren't you?
— __________.I'm well prepared for it.(  )
A. Hard to say B. Sure
C. Not really D. I hope so
【解答】Hard to ;Sure当然 really不是真的;I so我希望如此 confident the interview.aren't ?(你对面试很有信心?)以及下文I'm prepared it.(我已经做好了充分的准备,B项。符合语境。
19.(1分)—It's really nice of you to give me a ride on such a rainy day.
— __________.(  )
A. With pleasure B. I'm afraid not
C. My pleasure D. The same to you
【解答】A.With pleasure乐意效劳 afraid ;C.My ;D.The to 。根据It's nice you give a ride such a day.(你能在这样一个雨天搭我一程真是太好了,此处说的是对对方的感谢表示"不用谢"。
20.(1分)—Have you tried the "Optics Valley Photon" air rail train (光谷量子号空轨) yet?
—Yes.It is amazing!It has become the __________ of Wuhan.(  )
A. pride B. center C. effort D. design
【解答】A骄傲;B中心;D设计 have tried "Optics Photon" rail (光谷量子号空轨) ,此处是它已成为武汉的骄傲。
21.(1分)More and more communities have made a strict warning that dog owners must keep their dogs __________while walking.(  )
A. connected B. tied C. stuck D. covered
【解答】connected连接;tied捆绑;covered覆盖 owners keep dogs" ,此处是狗主人在遛狗时必须把狗拴起来。
22.(1分)—Have you decided what to do next?
—No,we're still in the __________ of discussing.(  )
A. search B. pattern
C. process D. background
23.(1分)—How many students present could work out this problem?
— __________.It's far beyond what they've learned.(  )
A. Either B. Any C. Neither D. None
【解答】A两者之一;B任何;D三者或三者以上都不 many present work this far what learned"这远远超出了他们所学的范围"可知,how many提问的用none来回答。
24.(1分)—I made little progress in math though I've tried many ways.
—Be more __________.It takes time.(  )
A. patient B. careful C. active D. helpful
【解答】patient耐心的;careful细心的;helpful有帮助的 takes 。
25.(1分)—What will you do after finishing this project?
—I'm going to __________ myself to a big meal.(  )
A. change B. treat C. rush D. guide
【解答】A表示改变;B表示治疗,款待,赶紧做,带领 will do finishing project?应该是treat myself犒劳自己。
26.(1分)—Must he embarrass (使…尴尬) Peter in front of the public?
—He meant no harm.But you must get used to his __________ way of speaking.(  )
A. direct B. polite
C. correct D. interesting
27.(1分)—Mum,you __________ sweep the floor,for I have done that.
—Thanks,Tommy.(  )
A. needn't B. shouldn't C. can't D. mustn't
【解答】A不必;B不应该;D禁止 I have that"因为我已经扫过了"可知。
28.(1分)—How about trying the East Lake Eye this weekend?
—Good idea.Let me __________ the opening time on the Internet.(  )
A. look up B. take up C. make up D. think up
【解答】look up查阅,查找 up开始从事 up编造 ;think ,都是动词短语,后句句意为"好主意,要填"查阅,其它选项语意不通。
29.(1分)—Have you watched the opening ceremony of the 19th Asian Games?
—Yes,it __________ for nearly one and a half hours.(  )
A. lasts B. will last
C. lasted D. has lasted
【解答】根据Have you the ceremony the Asian ?判断下面说的时间应该已经过去,使用动词过去式lasted;will last用于一般将来时。
30.(1分)—Guess what?This pair of chopsticks is made from potatoes.
—Oh,it's really hard to tell __________ the look.(  )
A. on B. by C. at D. with
31.(1分)The famous saying "Long as the journey is,we will surely reach our destination (目的地) when we stay the course." tells us __________.(  )
A. why we should keep trying
B. where we should go
C. how can we become successful
D. what lessons we can learn
【解答】why we keep ,陈述语序 we go我们应该去哪里 can become ,疑问语序 lessons can ,陈述语序,空格部分作宾语,排除C项 as journey ,we surely our when stay course.(路途再长,就一定能到达目的地,此处是告诉我们为什么要继续努力。
三、完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
(15分)My 12﹣year﹣old niece (侄女) was staying with us for a little while.One night we stayed up talking about how we used to(32) C and take part in acts of kindness.We talked about how so much had(33) A and how it would be difficult to do so many of those things now,(34) D when it came to helping out strangers.
The next day,I needed to(35) A something from downtown and took her with me.As we walked around,we heard a beautiful voice(36) B .We turned around to see a middle﹣aged man sitting on a corner with his guitar.A couple was sitting on a bench nearby and(37) A his music.
After I finished shopping,we(38) B to sit at an outdoor restaurant across from him on the other side of the street.My niece kept(39) D and saying how wonderful his singing was.(40) B how she was moved by this,at the end of our(41) A I gave her a $100 bill and asked her to put it in his bowl.
Though feeling(42) D ,she still headed over.As she got closer,the man was just finishing a song.and they had a talk.She told him how(43) B she was by his music,and he told her she(44) A his day.As she was excitedly talking about the(45) C with me,she mentioned, "He didn't even know how much it was.He just(46) A that someone was enjoying his music.That's what really matters."
(32) A.exercise B.communicate C.volunteer D.research
(33) A.changed B.reached C.improved D.invented
(34) A.probably B.specially C.usually D.especially
(35) A.buy B.learn C.find D.choose
(36) A.crying B.singing C.shouting D.calling
(37) A.admiring B.creating C.playing D.completing
(38) A.failed B.happened C.expected D.seemed
(39) A.joking B.asking C.arguing D.smiling
(40) A.Wondering B.Seeing C.Hearing D.Doubting
(41) A.meal B.visit C.play D.shopping
(42) A.tired B.worried C.excited D.surprised
(43) A.relaxed B.touched C.proud D.lucky
(44) A.made B.spent C.wasted D.ended
(45) A.song B.event C.conversation D.accident
(46) A.treasured B.remembered C.required D.promised
【解答】(32)考查动词。句意:一天晚上。A.锻炼;C.当志愿者。根据take in of ,可知是当志愿者。
(33)考查动词。句意:我们谈到了有这么多改变,尤其是当涉及到帮助陌生人时;B.到达;D.发明 used take in of ,可知当志愿者带给我们很多改变。
(34)考查副词。句意:我们谈到了有这么多改变,尤其是当涉及到帮助陌生人时;B.特别地;D.尤其是 it be to so of things ,可知尤其是当帮主陌生人的时候。
(35)考查动词。句意:第二天,就带着她;B.学习;D.选择 I finished ,可知我需要买东西。
(36)考查动词。句意:当我们四处走动时。A.哭;C.喊叫。根据 a man on a with guitar(一个中年男人抱着吉他坐在角落里)。故选B。
(37)考查动词。句意:一对夫妻坐在附近的凳子上欣赏他的音乐;B.创造;D.完成 couple sitting a bench (一对夫妻坐在附近的凳子上)。故选A。
(38)考查动词。句意:购物结束后,就在他的对面;B.碰巧;D.似乎 sit an restaurant from (坐在一家户外餐厅,可知我们碰巧坐在他的对面。故选B。
(39)考查动名词。句意:我的侄女一直微笑着说他唱得有多好;B.问;D.微笑 how his was(说他唱得有多好)。故选D。
(40)考查现在分词。句意:看见她多感动,我给了她一张100美元的钞票。A.想知道;C.听见。根据I her a bill asked to it his ,让她放进他的碗里)。故选B。
(41)考查名词。句意:看见她多感动,我给了她一张100美元的钞票。A.一餐;C.玩。根据sit an restaurant ,可知我们在吃饭。故选A。
(42)考查形容词。句意:尽管感到惊讶。A.疲惫的;C.兴奋的。根据I her a bill ,可知侄女感到惊讶。
(43)考查形容词。句意:她告诉他她对他的音乐有多感动,她让他快乐;B.感动的;D.幸运的 she moved this(她有多感动)。故选B。
(45)考查名词。句意:当她兴奋地跟我谈到这次对话。"A.歌曲;C.对话。根据He even how it just...that was his 。他只......有人喜欢他的音乐,侄女和我谈到的是她和中年男人的对话。
(46)考查动词。句意:他只重视有人喜欢他的音乐,珍视;C.要求。根据He even how it 。)可知。故选A。
四、阅读理解 (本题共3小题,每小题10分,共30分) 阅读下面三篇材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Let Dogs In! Many homes in Western countries have a dog door.But it can be unsafe.Strangers or other animals could get inside through it.Not with this smart dog door!It stays closed.Your dog wears a special dog collar (项圈).When it nears the door,the door "knows" and then opens.Or Many people forget to drink or don't know how much to drink during and after exercise.Now with the Nix Hydration Biosensor,it is easy.Simply stick the sensor (传感器) to your skin (皮肤)(汗液) in real time and send messages to your phone or watch.It tells you when,what and how much to drink. Find a Place to Sleep Some people in Japan can't find places to take a nap (小憩).In August,some "nap boxes" appeared in Japan and were soon widely accepted.They are as big as public phone boxes.The person will not fall over and some designs are comfortable.If people want to use them
(47)In which section of the newspaper can we read the news?  D 
(48)The smart dog door is mainly used to  D .
A.send messages in time
B.protect dogs from danger
C.keep the house closed
D.work out safety problems
(49)The best heading for the second news would be  C .
A.Drink More Water
B.Live an Easier Life
C.Remind You to Drink
D.Learn about Drinks
(50)From the third news,we can know that the "boxes"  A .
A.are popular in Japan
B.serve as phone boxes
C.are useful but uncomfortable
D.are used for free
(51)All the news above has something to do with  C .
A.social problems
C.daily life
D.big events
(49)标题归纳题。根据第二个发明It tells you when,喝什么。)可知最佳小标题是"提醒你如何喝水"。
(50)细节理解题。根据第三个发明 In August,日本出现了一些"午睡盒"。)可知这个发明在日本很受欢迎。
(51)推理判断题。根据小标题Let Dogs In! You Drink a Place Sleep可知都与生活息息相关。
(10分)"I really want to,but I can't because."It hurts every time I hear someone say it.I see it as an excuse.Everyone has hopes and goals.We talk about how we will achieve them,but when it's time to do them,we use that sentence.
During my teen years,I wanted to learn many things and achieve my dreams,yet I couldn't.Living in an underdeveloped country,electricity,safety and chances.
One day,I decided to use the resources(资源)I had.I planned to get the Japanese Monbusho Scholarship(奖学金),I could have a simple conversation in Japanese.I realized that I needed money.I built a hedgehog (刺猬) care website.After school
You may expect a sprint﹣lifting ending where I traveled to Japan and fed on my website.That's not how the story ended.In fact,I didn't even get the chance to apply for the scholarship. Unwilling to accept the facts,I started an online university the next year.And the hedgehog website made me $60.
I tried,but it didn't work out.It did﹣just not the way I expected.I'm not in Japan.My hedgehog website didn't succeed.But I know how to speak Japanese and have met many interesting people along the way.
Anyone can accept the cards they've got and create their own way to make them into a winning hand.
(52)The underlined sentence is mentioned to  B .
A.explain when to use it
B.lead to the writer's opinion
C.show how often people use it
D.offer an excuse for the failure
(53)Why did the writer fail to achieve his dream in his teen years?  C 
A.He set big goals.
B.He didn't' take action.
C.He was in a poor country.
D.He gave up easily.
(54)The underlined word "Unwilling" in Paragraph 5 means  A .
(55)From the passage,we can know the writer  B .
A.won a scholarship in Japan
B.kept fighting for his dream
C.earned a lot by his website
D.often got help from others
(56)What does the writer want to tell us?  D 
A.Chances never knock twice.
B.Failure is the mother of success.
C.The more you want,the less you'll get.
D.The weak wait for chances,the strong create them
【解答】(52)推理判断题。根据第一段"I want ,but I because."It every I hear say see as excuse.Everyone hopes goals.We about we achieve ,but it's to them use sentence.("我真的很想,因为,我都很难过。每个人都有希望和目标,但当该实现它们时。)可知。故选B。
(53)细节理解题。根据第二段During teen ,I wanted learn things achieve dreams I couldn't.Living an country didn't training or were of ,electricity and ,我想学习很多东西,但我做不到,我们没有培训课程。我们缺少水、电。)可知。故选C。
(54)词义猜测题。根据第四段That's how story fact,I even the to for scholarship. Unwilling to accept facts,I an university next the website me 。事实上。由于不愿接受事实。刺猬网站让我赚了60美元,第5段中带下划线的"Unwilling"一词的意思是"拒绝"。
(10分)Have you ever been in a conversation that you wish you could run away from?Scientists have shown that you might not be alone.
A research team surveyed 806 people about a recent conversation they had with someone close to them.They were asked about the actual length and their expected length of the conversation,and how long they thought the other person wanted to talk for.
About one﹣third of the conversation length was unwanted.Also,more people believed that they wanted to end the conversation first.They kept talking for about 4 minutes before they realized that the other speaker wished the same thing.Situations are similar when it comes to strangers.Only about 1.6 percent of the conversations really ended when both sides wanted to.
The survey pointed out that when people talked to strangers,what made people hide their feelings may be their politeness.When talking to close friends and family,it may be their kindness as ending the chat too soon may hurt the other's feelings.
So, ★ ?Saying the exact time you can talk at the beginning is a good way. "Conversations don't end because people don't know when the other person wants to go," Adam Mastroianni who led the study said.You should make your partner feel good about the end of the chat by "clearly expressing that you had a nice time and would like to talk again".
However,in some ways,this dilemma (困境),and conversation is a good way to make these connections happen.
(57)The research team asked the people about their  C .
A.favorite conversation topics
B.ways of ending a talk
C.expected length of a conversation
D.opinions about chatting
(58)People fail to end a talk with strangers probably because of  A .
(59)Which of the following can be put in ★?  B 
A.what can we talk about in a chat
B.how can we end a conversation
C.why should we end a talk in time
D.when should we end a conversation
(60)According to Paragraph 5,which is a proper way to end a talk?  C 
A.It's time to end the talk.
B.Your friends are waiting for you.
C.Nice talking to you,but I have to go now.
D.I'm very tired of talking with you for so long.
(61)The best title for the passage would be  A .
A.Caught in A Talk
B.You Are not Alone
C.Showing Politeness
D.End a Talk as You Want
【解答】(57)细节理解题。根据第二段They asked the length their length the ,and long thought other wanted talk ,以及他们认为对方想谈多长时间。故选C。
(58)推理判断题。根据第四段The pointed that people to ,what people their may their ,当人们与陌生人交谈时。)可推断出人们无法结束与陌生人的谈话可能是因为礼貌。
(59)推理判断题。根据第五段Saying exact you talk the is a way.(一开始就说你能说话的确切时间是个好办法。故选B。
(60)推理判断题。根据第五段Conversations end people know the person to ," Adam who the said.You make partner good the of chat "clearly that had a time would to again".(这项研究的负责人Adam Mastroianni说:"对话不会因为人们不知道对方什么时候想去而结束,想再聊一次"。)可推断出"很高兴和你谈话。"是结束谈话的恰当方式。
(61)标题归纳题。通读全文 you been a conversation you you run from?)可知文章主要讲述了如何结束谈话。故选A。
五、词与短语选择填空 仔细阅读下面五个句子,然后用下面方框中所给的单词或短语填空,使每个句子在结构,句义和逻辑上正确。 (提示:选项中有两个是多余的。)
require / secret / agree with / influence / forms / suggest / deal with
(1)Li Wen's unhappiness began to  influence  his schoolwork.
(2)You really  require  a lot of talent and hard work to succeed.
(3)Listening to something interesting is the  secret  to language learning.
(4)Candy used to be really shy and took up singing to  deal with  her shyness.
(5)Each different part of China has its own special  forms  of traditional art.
【解答】(1)考查名词。句意:李文的不开心开始影响他的学业 Wen's 可知,influence影响,begin to do sth.开始做某事。
(2)考查名词。句意:要成功真的需要很多才华和努力 lot talent hard to ,此处是要成功真的需要很多才华和努力,是东西,主语是you。故填require。
(3)考查名词。句意:听一些有趣的东西是语言学习的秘诀 to interesting"可知,secret秘密。故填secret。
(4)考查动词短语。句意:坎迪过去非常害羞。根据Candy to really 可知,deal with处理,动词不定式to后加动词原形。
(5)考查名词。句意:中国的每个地方都有自己独特的传统艺术形式 different of has own ,此处是中国的每个地方都有自己独特的传统艺术形式,此处用每个地方的。故填forms。
六、综合填空 阅读下面短文,根据上下文、所给首字母或括号内单词等提示,在空白处填入适当的单词。每个空只能填一个单问。
63.(10分)You may find that lion status (雕像) are always put outside of buildings in China.It was quite c(1) ommon since ancient times.They can especially be seen in many places.The statues are usually(2) made (make) of stone.People believe they can scare away evil (邪恶的) spirits and b(3) ring good luck.
H(4) owever ,the lion is not local in China.It was not until about 2,000 years ago that lions were(5) given (give) to Chinese emperors as gifts.Then the animal could be seen in China.Emperors loved lions and kept them(6) as pets because they looked strong.It was also a s(7) ymbol of power.The animals were also believed to look like Suan Ni (狻猊),one of the nine sons of the dragon in Chinese fairy(8) stories (story).
Since ancient times,people have put lion statues outside their houses to please their families.They usually put a pair of stone lions on(9) each side of the gate.A male lion stands on the left playing with a ball.It m(10) eans being powerful.A female lion is on the right with a baby lion under her paw.She stands for a large and happy family.
(2)考查动词。句意:这些雕像通常是由石头制成的,此处使用be made of...,固定搭配。
(7)考查名词。句意:它也是权力的象征,此处使用a symbol of...。故填symbol。
七、书面表达 (共1大题,满分15分)
64.(15分)学校英语社团举行一场征文比赛,需要同学们以 "I have changed"为主题,谈论自己步入初三以后的变化
What changes do you have?
Why do you have such changes?
What do you think of your changes?
Something more about your changes
I Have Changed
I have changed a lot since I entered Grade 9.
【分析】 【高分句型一】
I'm taller and stronger now because I pay more attention to building up my body.我现在更高更强壮了,因为我更注意锻炼我的身体。because引导的原因状语从句。
I believe that as long as we try,we'll achieve more than we expect.我相信,只要我们努力,我们会取得比预期更多的成就。I believe that+宾语从句。
I Have
I have a lot I entered 9.I'm taller and stronger now because I pay more attention to building up my body. ,I'm brave to answer questions in class and has become more active.(我有什么变化和为什么会有这样的变化)I believe that as long as we try 【高分句型二】(我对我的改变有什么看法)



上一篇:Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? (词法句法过关练)
