题型四:短文语境提示填空 (2) 初中英语2024年中考专题练河南专版(含解析)

Johnny’s best friends are good at painting. 1 , he couldn’t draw a nice picture after a year’s hard work. Having a terrible feeling, he walked in a park and sat in a corner. There he met an 2 man that had only one arm. He told the old man his feeling, “Why can’t I paint well Everybody does better than me.” The old man looked at him 3 a smile. He said nothing but began to whistle(吹口哨). Soon he saw many birds 4 to them quickly and then land on a tree beside them. Then the old man stopped and said, “Everyone has got one thing 5 no one else can compare, so have you.”
The boy was touched by those 6 . He said to 7 , “I must have something better than 8 people.” Year after year, he found that he was talented at gardening and brought beauty to the places where he worked.
Actually, people may have totally different talents. Focusing on the strengths(力量)makes it easier for a person to succeed. On the other hand, 9 you keep pushing yourself hard on the things you are not good at, you may lose confidence. As a 10 , you will have less courage to achieve your dreams. So focus on and develop your strength!
As a new way to spread ideas and information, short videos are gaining popularity in China. Some of 11 are about five minutes long, while some are just a few seconds. Most people kill time by watching short videos or by sharing their daily lives, especially funny things 12 happen to them. They not only enjoy watching them, but also 13 interested in making them.
14 are short videos so popular For one thing, they can help people learn new things easily and quickly. For another, they can even help people 15 money. For example, lots of farmers now use short videos to promote(宣传)their products.
However, every coin has 16 sides. The popularity of short videos can also cause 17 . Spending too much time watching or making short videos takes time away from studying, working and other important things. What’s worse, we might get 18 information from the videos.
In my opinion, short videos can help us have closer relationships 19 the rest of the world. But we have to think carefully about how much time we should spend 20 them. We also need to be careful about the information we get from them.
Boys and girls, As we know, World Reading Day falls on 21 23rd every year. It’s set up to encourage people, especially teenagers, to discover the pleasure of reading. Nowadays a lot of students prefer to 22 much time on the Internet instead of reading books. However, reading plays a very 23 role in our daily life. It can not only make our life colorful, but 24 help us to know more about the outside world. So I strongly suggest that we should read at least one or two books every month. Let’ s develop a good reading 25 together.
Greetings from Madrid!
I can’t believe I’m finally here! The trip from Hong Kong 26 long and tiring, but I made it.
My hotel is nice and I am staying in a guesthouse in the central area of Madrid. I got a cheap and simple room, much smaller than 27 own room back home. It only has a small bed and shower, 28 it is quite comfortable to stay in.
The 29 here is wonderful. It’s warm and sunny, with clear blue skies every day. It’s great for sightseeing, because 30 are a lot of things to see and do. I’ve found a friendly guide here and yesterday I was showed 31 the city. Tomorrow he will take me to Andalusia to visit the city of Granada. I can’t 32 to see the Alhambra Palace and other places of interest. Also, I really want to try the 33 there, especially gazpacho, 34 kind of cold soup which I hear is special, very different from anything else in Spain.
I 35 bring you back some presents. See you next month!
Susan is a comedian (喜剧演员). It is her job to be funny three nights a week. She has been a comedian 36 three years and she enjoys it very much, “it’s very exciting,” says Susan. “it’s good to make people happy.” But she always feels nervous before she goes on stage 37 the job is not easy. If people don’t 38 , she feels very sad.
Susan always had a good sense of 39 . At school she often tell jokes and made her friends laugh. All of her classmates thought she was humorous. She loved watching comedians like Jim Carrey, and wanted to be like him 40 she grew up. “At first I wanted to be a clown (小丑) .” She says, “because they have big red 41 and funny clothes. But it’s quite difficult to get a job as a clown.”
Susan got her first job as a comedian when she was twenty. “It was terrible!” she says. “ 42 laughed at my jokes. I was very sad. I cried for two days!” But she didn’t give up. She went 43 the next week and tried again. This time she did well and everybody laughed. So Susan knew she would certainly be a good comedian.
As we know, we all need clothes. There are all kinds of clothes to 44 people’s needs. So “smart clothes” came into being.
“Smart clothes” are used not only for covering your bodies, but for many other kinds of uses. A German clothing maker has invented the “MP3 blue jacket”. This kind of jacket can be used as 45 an MP3 player and a mobile phone. An English company has developed a cloth keyboard that can be put onto your pants. You can control your computer 46 it easily anywhere. If 47 gets dirty, the keyboard can be washed and even ironed (熨) .
With the technology improving, smart clothes will get much smarter. Inventors are developing clothes that can 48 your body temperature and heat you up before you feel cold. Other smart clothes are special medical ones. They can tell the 49 when you are in danger. This technology can also provide important information about your environment. Shirts can warn you of high pollution levels. Jackets with GPS (全球定位系统) technology can keep you from 50 lost.
People have begun to love the idea. Maybe smart clothes will be 51 in our life one day.
The best piece of advice that my dad has given me is this: You get out of it what you put into it. At first, I 52 no idea what it meant. But the older I get, 53 more I understand the meaning of his words.
The first time I heard this advice was in high school. At that time, I entered an English speech 54 . My grammar and writing 55 excellent, but I couldn’t express my ideas clearly and fluently. So I always stayed up 56 practicing it. One day, I was so tired 57 I wanted to give up. My father came to me and kindly reminded me that I’d get out of it what I put into it. He said, “The point isn’t to win the competition, Kaley. The point is to learn to work hard at something. That’s what you’re getting out of it.” After listening to 58 words, I cleared my mind and concentrated on practice. Although I only won third place, I had no regrets 59 I learnt more in the process of preparation.
What I understand now is that, 60 my childhood, my dad has taught me to see the value in everything and try to smile at everything. “You get out of it what you put into it” is something my father has said a million times—and I’ll always keep it in 61 .
On a terrible winter day, I was returning to the office when I saw a man walking towards me with two big boxes of papers. Suddenly he dropped 62 all! It was an awful mess with hundreds of papers all over the road! The man started trying to pick up all the papers. Many people walked 63 him without even a look at him. I knew I would be late for work if I stopped to help him, 64 I didn’t mind at all. So I stopped to help him collect the papers and carried one of the boxes for him. Though it was heavy, I just followed him with 65 big smile on my face. He thanked me a lot for helping him out. Luckily, I wasn’t late when I reached my office! In my opinion, the 66 we help others, the better the world will be. Sometimes your help can really make a difference to people in need.
Dear Jim, I’m writing to tell you something about my experience last month. Last weekend, I went for a 67 at the North Hill Park along with Mr. Li and my classmates. We 68 at the school gate at 8:00 a.m. and started out at 8:30 a.m. We went there 69 . It took us about thirty minutes to get there. The hill was very beautiful with many flowers, trees and weed. The sun was bright and the air was 70 . We had a picnic. We ate much food, such as meat, chicken and vegetables. We 71 after the picnic. We were all tired but happy. Yours, Li Hua
My parents give me a dog 72 my birthday’s gift. So I had a lot to learn about how to take 73 of a dog. Dogs have to learn many things. For example, they need to learn things like “sit”. They also need a lot of love. One way to show love is to play with them. Sometimes they like playing with a ball 74 a shoe. Sometimes they might want to be left alone so that they can sleep. It is hard for a dog to be quiet 75 he’s having fun. He might want you to pet(抚摸) him to help him 76 quiet.
1.However 2.old 3.with 4.fly 5.that 6.words 7.himself 8.other 9.if 10.result
2.句意:在那里他遇到了一个只有一只手臂的老人。根据后文“He told the old man his feeling”可知应该是遇到一位老人。故填old。
4.句意:很快,他看到许多鸟飞向他们,然后降落在他们旁边的一棵树上。分析语境可知此处指看到很多鸟飞过来。fly意为“飞”,see sb. do sth.看见某人做某事。故填fly。
5.句意:每个人都有一件别人无法比拟的东西,你也一样。此句为定语从句,先行词是one thing,用that引导。故填that。
7.句意:他对自己说:“我一定有比其他人更好的东西。”分析句子结构可知空处缺少宾语,结合语境可知此处指Johnny自言自语,say to oneself表示“对自己说”,主语是he,应用he的反身代词himself指代Johnny自己。故填himself。
10.句意:结果,你实现梦想的勇气就会减少。as a result意为“结果”,此处指如果一直强迫自己做不擅长的事情,结果会导致自己没有实现梦想的勇气。故填result。
11.them 12.that##which 13.are 14.Why 15.make##earn 16.two 17.problems##troubles 18.wrong##incorrect 19.with 20.on
11.句意:其中一些大约五分钟长,而有些只有几秒钟。根据“short videos are gaining popularity in China”可知,空处指一些短视频,用them“它们”指代前文中的“videos”。故填them。
13.句意:他们不仅喜欢看它们,而且对制作它们感兴趣。be interested in...“对……感兴趣”,主语是“They”,时态是一般现在时,be动词用are。故填are。
14.句意:为什么短视频如此流行?根据“For one thing, they can help people learn new things easily and quickly.”可知,本段讲述短视频流行的原因,用why“为什么”引导特殊疑问句,引出下文。故填Why。
15.句意:另一方面,他们甚至可以帮助人们赚钱。make/earn money“赚钱”,固定短语,符合语境,help sb do sth“帮助某人做某事”。故填make/earn。
16.句意:然而,事物都有两面性。此处是习语“every coin has two sides”,表示“事物都是有好有坏”。故填two。
17.句意:短视频的流行也会带来问题。根据“What’s worse”可知,本段讲述短视频带来的问题,problem/trouble符合语境,造成的问题不止一个,用复数形式。故填problems/troubles。
19.句意:在我看来,短视频可以帮助我们与世界其他地区建立更密切的关系。根据“have closer relationships…the rest of the world”可知,表示和世界建立联系,with“和”。故填with。
20.句意:但我们必须仔细考虑我们应该在它们上面花多少时间。“spend+时间段+on sth”,表示“在某事物上花费一段时间”。故填on。
21.April 22.spend 23.important 24.also 25.habit
21.句意:我们知道,每年的4月23日是世界读书日。根据“World Reading Day”可知,世界读书日是在4月23日,即April 23rd。故填April。
22.句意:现在很多学生喜欢花很多时间在网上而不是读书。根据“a lot of students...much time on the Internet ”可知,此处是sb spend time on sth“某人花时间在某事上”的结构,结合prefer to do sth可知,此处用动词原形。故填spend。
23.句意:然而,阅读在我们的日常生活中扮演着非常重要的角色。根据“It can not only make our life colorful, but ... help us to know more about the outside world. So I strongly suggest that we should read at least one or two books every month.”可知,此处是强调阅读的重要性,important“重要的”,作定语修饰名词role。故填important。
24.句意:它不仅可以使我们的生活丰富多彩,而且帮助我们更多地了解外面的世界。根据“ not only make our life colorful, but ...”可知,此处考查not only...but also“不但……而且”,固定搭配。故填also。
25.句意:让我们一起养成良好的阅读习惯。根据“develop a good reading...”可知,空处应填可数名词单数,养成的应是阅读习惯,habit“习惯”。故填habit。
26.was 27.my 28.but 29.weather 30.there 31.around 32.wait 33.food 34.a 35.will
26.句意:从香港来的旅程又长又累,但我还是做到了。根据“but I made it”可知时态是一般过去时,主语是第三人称单数,所以用was,故填was。
29.句意:这里的天气很好。根据后面“It’s warm and sunny, with clear blue skies every day.”可知空处指天气好,weather“天气”。故填weather。
30.句意:它非常适合观光,因为有很多东西可以看和做。这里是there be句型,表示“有……”,故填there。
31.句意:我在这里找到了一位友好的导游,昨天带我参观了这座城市。根据“ I’ve found a friendly guide”可知,空处指“带我参观”,show around“带某人参观” 。故填around。
32.句意:我迫不及待地想看看阿罕布拉宫和其他名胜。can’t wait to do sth“迫不及待地想做某事”,固定短语。故填wait。
33.句意:还有,我真的很想尝尝那里的食物,尤其是西班牙凉汤,我听说这是一种很特别的凉汤, 与西班牙的任何其他汤都不同。根据“especially gazpacho...cold soup ”可知,空处指 food“食物”,不可数名词。故填food。
34.句意:还有。我真的很想尝尝那里的食物。尤其是西班牙凉汤。我听说这是一种很特别的凉汤。与西班牙的任何其他汤都不同。a kind of “一种”,固定表达。 故填a。
35.句意:我会给你带回一些礼物。根据“bring you back some presents. See you next month!”及语境可知,用一般将来时,构成是will do,故填will。
36.for 37.because 38.laugh 39.humor 40.when 41.noses 42.Nobody 43.on
36.句意:她已经做喜剧演员三年了。后面“three years”是一个时间段,且主句用了现在完成时,因此此处应是“for+时间段”。故天for。
37.句意:但是她上台之前总是感到紧张,因为这个工作并不容易。根据逻辑关系可知,后面的“the job is not easy”应是Susan紧张的原因,因此用连词because。故填because。
38.句意:如果人们不笑,她会很伤心。根据“It is her job to be funny three nights a week.”可知,Susan作为喜剧演员当然主要是为了逗笑人们。后文“It is her job to be funny three nights a week.”也提示了应用单词“laugh”。故填laugh。
39.句意:Susan总是很有幽默感。根据后文“At school she often tell jokes and made her friends laugh.”和短语搭配“a sense of”可知,这里应指“幽默感”,因此用名词“humor”。故填humor。
40.句意:她喜欢看像Jim Carrey这样的喜剧演员,并且长大后希望成为像他一样的人。此处应是“时间状语从句”,表示“当……时候”,因此用“when”引导。故填when。
42.句意:没有人因我的笑话而大笑,我非常伤心,我哭了两天。根据后文“I was very sad.”可知,是“没有人”笑。因此用nobody,注意首字母大写。故填Nobody。
43.句意:她下一周继续尝试。根据前文“But she didn’t give up.”可知“她没有放弃而是继续尝试”,继续用“go on”。故填on。
44.satisfy##meet 45.both 46.with 47.it 48.show##take 49.doctor 50.getting 51.common##popular
44.句意:有各种各样的衣服来满足人们的需要。根据“As we know, we all need clothes...people’s needs”可知,有各种各样的衣服满足人们的需要,空前有to,此处动词应该用原形,故填satisfy/meet。
45.句意:这种夹克既可以用作MP3播放器,也可以用作手机。根据“an MP3 player and a mobile phone”可知,此处是both...and...的结构,故填both。
46.句意:你可以在任何地方用它轻松地控制你的电脑。根据“You can control your computer”可知,此处说的是“可以用键盘控制电脑”,此处用介词with“用”,故填with。
47.句意:如果键盘脏了,可以清洗甚至熨烫。此处指代的是前面提到的“cloth keyboard”,作主语,应用it代替,故填it。
48.句意:发明家们正在开发一种衣服,它能在你感到寒冷之前显示你的体温并使你升温。根据“your body temperature”可知,它会显示/测量你的温度,空前有can,动词用原形,故填show/take。
49.句意:当你有危险时,它们可以告诉医生。根据“Other smart clothes are special medical ones”可知,此处说的是特殊的医疗服装,应该是有危险时可以告诉医生,故填doctor。
50.句意:带有GPS技术的夹克可以防止你迷路。根据“Jackets with GPS”可知,此处是防止迷路,get lost“迷路”,空前有from,此处动词用doing形式,故填getting。
51.句意:也许有一天,智能衣服会在我们的生活中随处可见。根据“People have begun to love the idea.”可知,以后智能衣服会变得普遍受欢迎,故填common/popular。
52.had 53.the 54.competition 55.were 56.late 57.that 58.his 59.because 60.from 61.mind
52.句意:一开始,我不知道这是什么意思。have no idea “不知道”,固定短语,由meant可知,时态是一般过去时,空处用动词过去式。故填had。
53.句意:但随着年龄的增长,我越来越明白他的话的含义。根据“ the older...more...”可知,此处是the+比较级...,the+比较级...“越……就越……”的结构。故填the。
54.句意:那时,我参加了一个英语演讲比赛。根据下文“to win the competition”可知,此处指参加英语演讲比赛,competition“比赛”,an后跟单数名词。故填competition。
55.句意:我的语法和写作都很好,但我不能清晰流利地表达我的想法。本句是主系表结构,excellent是形容词,所以空处应填be动词,主语是My grammar and writing,由“couldn’t ”可知,时态是一般过去时,所以be动词用were。故填were。
56.句意:所以我总是熬夜练习。根据“ stayed up ... practicing”可知,此处考查stay up late doing sth“熬夜做某事”。故填late。
57.句意:有一天,我太累了以至于我想放弃。“I wanted to give up”是“太累”导致的结果,所以此处是so...that...“如此……以至于……”引导的结果状语从句。故填that。
58.句意:听了他的话,我清空了思绪,集中精力练习。根据上文“My father came to me...He said....”可知,此处指听了父亲的话后,用his指代“father’s”作定语修饰名词。故填his。
59.句意:虽然我只获得了第三名,但我没有遗憾,因为在准备的过程中我学到了更多。空后“I learnt more in the process of preparation.”是作者不后悔的原因,所以空处用because引导原因状语从句。故填because。
60.句意:我现在明白的是,从孩提时代起,我的父亲就教导我要看到一切事物的价值,并试着对一切事物微笑。根据“....my childhood, my dad has taught me to see the value in everything and try to smile at everything ”可知,时态是现在完成时,所以时间状语表示延续的时间,此处指从孩童时代起,from表示“从……起”。故填from。
61.句意:“付出多少,收获多少”,这是我父亲说过无数次的话,我将永远记住这句话。根据“and I’ll always keep it in... ”可知,此处指keep sth in mind“记住某事”。故填mind。
62.them 63.past##by 64.but 65.a 66.more
62.句意:突然,他所有的东西都掉了!根据“It was an awful mess with hundreds of papers all over the road!”可知,此处表示报纸都掉在地上了,代指two bigs boxes of papers,作宾语,用代词them,故填them。
63.句意:许多人从他身边走过,连看都不看他一眼。walk past=walk by“走过”,故填past/by。
67.trip 68.met 69.by bus 70.fresh 71.played games
67.句意:上个周末,我和李先生以及我的同学去北山公园旅游。根据中文提示中的“北山公园郊游活动”可知是去北山公园旅游,go for a trip“去旅行”。故填trip。
68.句意:我们早上8点在校门口集合,8点半出发。根据“at the school gate at 8:00 a.m. and started out at 8:30 a.m.”可知是在校门口见面,meet“见面,集合”,与started保持一致,用过去式met。故填met。
69.句意:我们坐公共汽车去的。根据“乘公共汽车去北山公园”可知是乘坐公共汽车去的,by bus“乘坐公共汽车”。故填by bus。
71.句意:野餐后我们玩游戏。根据“野餐之后做了游戏”可知用play games表示“做游戏”,结合上下文可知用一般过去时,play的过去式为played。故填played games。
72.as 73.care 74.or 75.when##while 76.be##become##keep
72.句意:我父母给了我一只狗作为生日礼物。根据“My parents give me a dog...my birthday’s gift”可知父母给了作者一只狗作为生日礼物,as“作为”,介词,故填as。
73.句意:所以我要学习很多关于如何照顾狗的知识。固定短语take care of“照顾”,故填care。
74.句意:有时它们喜欢玩球或鞋子。根据“Sometimes they like playing with a ball...a shoe.”可知此处是表示选择关系,应用or,故填or。
75.句意:狗在玩的时候很难保持安静。根据“It is hard for a dog to be quiet...he’s having fun.”可知两句是时间关系,表示“当狗在玩的时候”,when/while“当……时候”符合语境,故填when/while。
76.句意:它可能希望你抚摸它,让他安静下来。根据“quiet”可知是保持安静,be/become/keep在此都可以表示“保持”,再根据help sb do sth“帮助某人做某事”可知动词用原形,故填be/become/keep。



