
考生须知 1. 本试卷共 页,共两部分,共 题,满分 分,考试时间 分钟。2. 在试卷和草稿纸上准确填写姓名、准考证号、考场号和座位号。 3. 试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。 4. 在答题卡上、选择题用2B铅笔作答,其他试题用黑色字签字笔作答。 5. 考试结束,请将本试卷、答题卡和草稿纸一并交回。
1.Whose soccer ball might it be
A.Bob’s. B.Jane’s. C.Paul’s.
2.What will the woman do for the man
A.Get a letter. B.Buy some stamps. C.Post a letter.
3.Who is the tallest of the three children now
A.Helen. B.Sue. C.Tim.
4.What does the woman mean
A.She won’t go to enjoy the play.
B.She will go to enjoy the play.
C.She doesn’t like the play at all.
5.How is the weather this afternoon
A.Sunny. B.Rainy. C.Snowy.
6.What did Lingling help her grandmother do
A.Water the flowers. B.Do some housework. C.Pick the bananas.
7.How often does Lingling visit his grandparents
A.Once a week. B.Twice a week. C.Three times a week.
8.What does Frank usually do in his free time
A.He listens to music. B.He uses the internet. C.He watches movies.
9.How does rock music make Kate feel
A.Bored. B.Relaxed. C.Excited.
10.What did Bob think of Chinese at first
A.Beautiful. B.Interesting. C.Difficult.
11.What is Jenny going to do next summer
A.Take a course. B.Earn money. C.Go traveling.
12.How’s the weather today
A.Cool. B.Cold. C.Hot.
13.What is the boy’s favorite drink
A.Yogurt. B.An apple milk shake. C.Orange juice.
14.Where are the boy and the girl probably going
A.To the shoe store. B.To the clothes store. C.To the supermarket.
15.What are they talking about
A.New Year’s resolutions. B.The coming Christmas. C.The history about the promise.
16.How is Cindy going to be healthier
A.By reading more.
B.By spending more time on tennis.
C.By taking more exercise and eating healthily.
17.Which of the following is not Frank going to do
A.Making a plan for Physics. B.Staying in good health. C.Spending more time on Piano.
听一段材料, 回答下面几个小题。
18.Why does Susan leave a message to Jackie
A.Because she wants him to cook a meal.
B.Because she wants to invite him to go shopping.
C.Because she wants to invite him to a birthday meal.
19.How will they go to the cinema
A.By bus. B.On foot. C.By subway.
20.How long will the movie last
A.Half an hour. B.An hour and a half. C.Two hours.
21.How long is each swim lesson for a group of three
A.30 minutes. B.40 minutes. C.One hour.
22.Who can take the swim lessons
A.Tom, a 3-year-old boy.
B.Sally, a 24-year-old college student.
C.Gina, a 16-year-old high school student.
Windsor Castle is the world’s largest and oldest castle. It’s used for state occasions, and it’s a royal(王室的) home. The Queen uses it as a private home where she usually spends the weekend there and it’s also a working palace.
Roman Baths were designed for bathing and relaxing, including many different rooms with different temperatures. Today, more than a million visitors come to see its historic finds, pools and imaginative displays every year.
Westminster Abbey is a royal church. There’s something for all, like special services, concerts, lectures, events for families and more. Many of the events are free and open to anyone. It’s considered the finest example of Early English Gothic(哥特式)with a long history.
*Please note: Entry is timed and tickets must be booked online in advance. For more information, you can visit our website www..
23.What is the largest and oldest castle in the world
A.Windsor Castle. B.Roman Baths. C.Royal Castle.
24.How popular are Roman Baths today
A.People like to spend the weekend there.
B.People don’t have to buy tickets to go there.
C.There are over a million visitors there every year .
25.Which of the following is true
A.Visitors can book the tickets online.
B.Visitors can enter the three places any time they want.
C.All concerts in Westminster Abbey are free to everyone.
“Oh, woe is me, to have seen what I have seen, see what I see.” says Hamlet in Shakespeare’s play. “Woe” means “unhappiness”, Hamlet was a very unhappy man. Even when he was given a chance for happiness with the lovely Ophelia, he turned it down. He just liked being unhappy.
Today we may say the unhappy prince had an attitude(态度)problem. Most people in the world want to be happy. An international study has found that happiness is what most people desire(渴望). But what is happiness How can we get it It turns out that happiness can be many different things. It depends on each different person as to what makes him or her happy. For some, happiness comes from success. For others, it is just having a positive attitude. Their glass is always half-full, rather than half-empty. When bad things happen, they don’t fall into a state of “woe”.
When I think of happiness, I think of children. They just enjoy the simple joys of being alive. Seeing them happy makes me happy. One of the secrets I’ve found to being happy is to enjoy people’s happiness. Nothing makes me happier to see people find their own happiness, like going to a good college, getting good jobs, getting married, having children...
We do live in a “world of woe”. We see war, poverty and sickness in the news every day. We have our own problems. But happiness is always there, even in our darkest moments. We can choose to be happy, with an open heart.
26.What does “woe” mean
A.Me. B.Hamlet. C.Unhappiness.
27.What do most people desire according to the study
A.Money. B.Happiness. C.Success.
28.How may someone feel if he sees the glass as half full instead of half empty
A.Sad. B.Joyful. C.Regret.
29.What “woes” are mentioned in the passage
① War in the news.
② People’s sickness.
③ World weather on TV.
A.①② B.②③ C.①③
30.What is this article mainly about
A.Shakespeare’s play.
B.Hamlet’s problem.
Global warming (全球变暖) is a big problem we are facing now. It’s very hot outside. Do you want to be cooler It’s a good idea to enjoy the air conditioner (空调) in the room. But do you want to take an air conditioner with you If your answer is yes, you can try Sony’s mini air conditioner.
The name of the mini air conditioner is Reon Pocket. It is not as big as the air conditioner in your room. It is very small, so it is easy to carry. In fact, it is as small as a business card. You can put it in the pocket of a special T-shirt.
It is very useful. It makes the air around you cooler. It takes around two hours to charge (充电) the battery (电池) and you can use it for about 90 minutes each time. It’s easy to use Reon Pocket. You need to download an app on your mobile phone. Then, you can use the app to set the temperature you want. Lots of people can’t wait to buy it.
31.The underlined word “download” in the passage means “________” in Chinese.
A.下载 B.上传 C.研发
32.It’s ________ to use Reon Pocket.
A.difficult B.expensive C.easy
33.You can use Reon Pocket ________ after charging.
A.less than one hour B.about one hour and a half C.more than two hours
34.Reon Pocket is ________.
A.just like a business card
B.the same size as the air conditioner
C.bigger than the air conditioner
35.What’s the best title for this passage
A.A Mobile Phone B.A Mini Air Conditioner C.A Useful App
There is a sad truth when you bring home some beautiful flowers. 36 . Luckily, this can be sort of avoided by pressing them completely flat.
This is what Anna Zarova has been doing for years. The Russian artist fell in love with nature when she was a little girl. 37 . When she graduated from college, she started a career as a journalist(记者). However, her dream of becoming an artist has always been there.
Seven years ago, Anna began growing flowers in her garden. She also began looking for ways to make their color and beauty last. After trying several different ways, the artist decided to press them.
Flower pressing actually was a popular hobby during Victorian era (1837—1901). Today, 38 . She carefully presses each flower in a flower press. And she makes sure each and every one of its petal (花瓣) kept is in its original shape.
Once the flowers are dry, the artist put them on white or black paper. 39 . They can be hung on a wall or be used to decorate a table. The flowers and leaves will stay protected forever and the beauty of springtime can be enjoyed all year around.
40 and also brings people closer to nature. It gives people the joy of being able to communicate with nature and to create beauty.
A.Soon, they’ll dry up and die
B.Anna is helping to keep this tradition alive
C.She also enjoyed drawing about its beauty
D.Flower pressing helps people discover the beauty
E.The finished works are then placed inside of glass frames
The Malaysian(马来西亚的) actress Michelle Yeoh is already in her sixties. However, you might see her differently once you read about her story.
Yeoh entered show business in the 1980s. After winning Miss Malaysia, she started to do movies with Jack Chen and Jet Li. At that time, most female characters in movies were women who needed protection. Yeoh wanted to do what men did, like jumping off the motorbike onto speedy trains. The martial arts(武术)moves were difficult, but Yeoh managed to pick them up. Slowly, she became a pioneering female action star.
After gaining popularity in Asia, Yeoh got calls from Hollywood. She called it a “dream come true”. However, people in Hollywood cared little about the world beyond. “Minority”(少数民族)actors and actress were unfairly treated. Yeoh tried to make a difference. Her first Hollywood movie was Tomorrow Never Dies, of the James Bond series. The actress completely changed the image(形象) of what a “Bond Girl” could be. In the movie, her character saved 007’s life, instead of waiting to be saved. The man and woman were seen as equals.
In Everything Everywhere All at Once(瞬息全宇宙), Yeoh was finally given the best role. In fact, the role was written for a man. But the movie creator rewrote it for Yeoh. The actress has been highly praised for her performance in the movie. After bagging many other rewards, Yeoh won this year’s Oscar for Best Actress on March 13. It is the first time that an Asian actress had received this major reward.
The actress spent forty years fighting her ways to the peak(巅峰)of her career. Now she is being “seen” by the whole world, finally.
41.Where is Yeoh from
42.When did Yeoh start her career in show business
43.Did Yeoh ever want to go to Hollywood
44.How did Yeoh’s character completely change the image of a “Bond Girl”
45.What can you learn from the actress Michelle Yeoh
Once there was a poor village. People there often locked their doors and windows tight and kept the food they had to themselves.
A stranger came one day. He was really tired and hungry. He stopped at the first 46 to ask for some food. “There is hardly any food here!” the woman inside the house said and closed the door. But the traveler was not ready to 47 . He picked up a large, round 48 and knocked once more. The lady opened the door only half way. “Since you are poor like me, perhaps you would like to have some of my 49 stone soup.” said the traveler. Though the woman felt it was impossible, she was hungry too, so she invited him in. She lit the fire to boil the water, and opened her windows to let out some heat. The traveler 50 the stone inside the water until it boiled. He tasted a little, “It’s almost done, but if you had just a little salt and butter, it would taste much better!” The lady did so.
Just then the lady’s husband returned with carrots and potatoes. “Impossible!” shouted the husband when he knew what happened. “It’s almost finished but it would be even nicer if we added some carrots and potatoes.” the traveler assured. The husband 51 and handed over the carrots and potatoes. Soon, the smell of the soup drifted (飘) out through the window and down the village. One neighbor followed the smell to the first house and watched from the window. The traveler said it could be better if some beans were added. “I have some!” shouted the neighbor. He couldn’t wait to taste the soup so he 52 returned with beans, and poured them into the pot. The smell drifted even 53 down the village.
Word about a strange traveler making soup out of a single stone drew many villagers out of 54 homes there. The traveler finally said, “It’s done!” He served a bowl of stone soup for every villagers. From that day on, villagers still remembered the finest soup and they didn’t locked their doors and windows tight any more, 55 they finally understood the meaning of share.
46.A.house B.road C.window
47.A.stand up B.give up C.put up
48.A.leaf B.meat C.stone
49.A.traditional B.medical C.delicious
50.A.placed B.washed C.used
51.A.agreed B.expected C.shouted
52.A.sadly B.likely C.quickly
53.A.further B.higher C.longer
54.A.its B.his C.their
55.A.and B.because C.or
What Jobs Are We Going to Need
People have to work. They need jobs. What fields have jobs The most important thing is that we need to know what jobs will 56 (need) in the future
The medical field is going to need 57 (work). In 2010, there were 524 million people over the age of 65 in the world. In 2050, the number of older people will be three times 58 (big) than before. We need nurses and other medical workers to care for them. We also need family doctors. Family doctors have to work for many 59 (hour). Because of this, not very many medical students study to be family doctors. In addition, there are jobs for medical researchers. They do research and develop new medicine and technology 60 (help) people. Businesses want to sell this medicine and technology to people 61 need them.
Another popular field is the computer field. It is a field with different kinds of jobs. Some people, like IT managers, help people in schools, hospitals, and companies 62 they have computer problems. Other people design and create new technology. For example, 20 percent of people in the world have 63 smartphone. This is a phone that can do the same things computers do. More and more people 64 (use) technology, so businesses are always designing newer computers and phones 65 (quick).
What do these jobs have in common People need the help of these workers. This is why these fields are growing. When there is a need, there is a job.
One day, Ammaar Reshi was playing around with a chatbot called ChatGPT. It’s a computer program. It uses artificial intelligence (AI) to imitate thinking and writing. 1. He decided to make a children’s book with this program. The chatbot helped Reshi come up with a story about a girl named Alice. Reshi created artwork(插图)using another AI program, Midjourney. It could translate words into images. The book, Alice and Sparkle, was done in just a couple of days. “Anyone can use these AI tools,” Reshi said. “They’re there for people to use. And it is not hard to use.”
2. 但不是每个人满意. Some people praised him, as he was intelligent. But artists were critical. They said the artwork was poor. And actually in one drawing, hands look like claws. 3. The way that the artwork was made was a problem, too.
Midjourney searches millions of images on the Internet. It uses algorithms(算法) to find patterns in those images and create new ones. 4.Artists often post their work online to get attention. Midjourney could use their work without their permission(同意).
5. 许多艺术家和作家对未来感到有点紧张。 Will people pay for their work if it can be done cheaper using AI Reshi says tech companies should protect artists and authors: “It’s really important that the tech industry that’s working on these tools involves artists in the process of creation.”
my first birthday present; a baby doll with a white sweater and hat... my football shirt; had it since the first school football game... a great book tells me that I should never judge one by his or her looks...
Something I treasureThere are some things to keep from our childhood. We’ll always treasure them because they bring the best memories in our life. I have a... _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
【原文】M: Look, Jane. Whose soccer ball is this
W: It might be Bob’s. He is on the school soccer team.
【原文】W: I’m going to the post office to buy some stamps.
M: Could you help me post a letter on your way
W: Sure.
【原文】M: Helen, you’ve changed a lot. You are taller than me!
W: That’s true, Tim. But Sue is much taller than both of us.
【原文】M: There will be a Children’s play at Changsha Concert Hall at 7:20 pm. tomorrow. How about going with me, Jane
W: I’d love to, Mike.
【原文】M: Mom, the sun is shining. Can I go to the Yuelu Mountain with my friends this afternoon
W: I’m afraid not. The weather report said it would rain heavily in the afternoon.
6.B 7.A
【原文】M: Lingling, did you have a good time yesterday
W: Yes. I visited my grandparents and my uncle in the village. It was so much fun.
M: Sounds good. What did you do there
W: I went fishing with my grandpa, picked bananas on my uncle’s farm and helped my grandma do some chores.
M: So nice. How often do you visit them
W: Every Saturday. I like staying with my grandparents and chatting with them.
M: What a kind girl you are!
8.A 9.C
【原文】W: What do you usually do in your free time, Frank
M: I usually listen to music at home.
W: Really What kind of music do you like
M: Pop music. What about you, Kate
W: I like rock music.
M: Wow, such a quiet girl like you enjoys rock music
W: Yes. It always makes me feel excited.
10.C 11.C
【原文】W: Hello, Bob! I hear you studied Chinese this summer.
M: Yes, Jenny. I took a Chinese course.
W: Wow. How was the course Chinese is pretty difficult, isn’t it
M: It seemed difficult at first. But after studying a few days, I found it easier and more interesting. How about you Did you travel around
W: No. I worked to earn money. I’m preparing for the trip to Europe next summer.
M: Wow, you really have a great plan.
12.C 13.B 14.C
【原文】M: It’s very hot today. Would you like to have a drink
W: Good idea! I like yogurt. What about you
M: My favorite drink is an apple milk shake.
W: Oh, look! What’s that
M: It’s a kind of juice.
W: Juice Do you know how to make it I really want to learn.
M: Yes. We only need to buy a watermelon. Let’s go to buy one.
W: OK!
M: Let’s go.
15.A 16.C 17.C
【原文】W: Merry Christmas, Frank!
M: The same to you, Cindy.
W: How time flies! One year has been a history already.
M: Yeah, it is time to say bye-bye to the year of 2022. Did you make some resolutions for the coming new year
W: Resolutions Yes, I want to be healthier this year. So I think I should take more exercise, and eat more healthily. How about you
M: I am going to play tennis more to keep healthy, and I think I will do more reading to improve myself.
W: Anything else You know resolutions are the promise you make to yourself.
M: Yeah. Or, maybe I should make a plan about learning Physics. My Physics teacher said that I should spend more time on it.
W: Sounds great! Let’s go to make our plans!
M: Let’s go!
18.C 19.B 20.B
Hi, Jackie. Today is my 14th birthday. I called you but nobody answered the phone. I’d like to invite you to my birthday meal today. I’m going shopping with Amy and Clara this morning. Then we’ll have lunch. Please join us at lunchtime if you can. My birthday meal will be held at MacDonald’s near the IFS at one o’clock. We are meeting at the gate of the restaurant at 12: 45. We will wait for you for 15 minutes before we go inside. I hope you can come. There will be a lot of friends. We will have our favorite MacDonald’s food. Oh, I nearly forget. After lunch we’re going to watch a movie together. The cinema is near the restaurant. So we won’t have to walk far. The movie will start at 3: 00 and finish at 4: 30. I really hope you can join us. It will be a wonderful afternoon.
21.A 22.C
21.细节理解题。根据“30 minutes in water classes—3 students per class”可知,三人一组每次游泳课30分钟,故选A。
22.细节理解题。根据图片中的年龄限制“Ages 4—17”可知,吉娜,一个16岁的高中生可以参加游泳课程,故选C。
23.A 24.C 25.A
23.细节理解题。根据“Windsor Castle is the world’s largest and oldest castle.”可知,温莎城堡是世界上最大、最古老的城堡。故选A。
24.细节理解题。根据“Today, more than a million visitors come to see its historic finds, pools and imaginative displays every year.”可知,如今,每年有超过一百万的游客前来参观它的历史发现、水池和富有想象力的展览。故选C。
25.细节理解题。根据“Please note: Entry is timed and tickets must be booked online in advance.”可知,游客可以在网上订票。故选A。
26.C 27.B 28.B 29.A 30.C
26.细节理解题。根据“ ‘Woe’ means ‘unhappiness’ ”可知,“woe”的意思是“不幸福”,故选C。
27.细节理解题。根据“An international study has found that happiness is what most people desire(渴望).”可知,根据这项研究,大多数人想要幸福,故选B。
28.推理判断题。根据“For others, it is just having a positive attitude. Their glass is always half-full, rather than half-empty. When bad things happen, they don’t fall into a state of ‘woe’.”可知,如果一个人看到杯子是半满而不是半空,他会感到开心,故选B。
29.细节理解题。根据“We do live in a ‘world of woe’. We see war, poverty and sickness in the news every day.”可知,文章中提到的“不幸”是战争,贫穷和疾病,故选A。
31.A 32.C 33.B 34.A 35.B
【导语】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了一种迷你空调——Reon Pocket。
31.词义猜测题。根据下文“Then, you can use the app to set the temperature you want.”可知,应是先在手机上下载才能使用软件设定温度。故选A。
32.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“ It’s easy to use Reon Pocket. ”可知,使用Reon Pocket很容易。故选C。
33.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“It takes around two hours to charge (充电) the battery (电池) and you can use it for about 90 minutes each time. ”可知,充电以后可以使用90分钟。故选B。
34.细节理解题。根据文章第二段“it is as small as a business card”可知,这个迷你空调的大小就跟一张商务名片一样。故选A。
35.最佳标题题。根据文章第一段“you can try Sony’s mini air conditioner”以及全文内容可知,本文主要介绍这种迷你空调。故选B。
36.A 37.C 38.B 39.E 40.D
36.根据“There is a sad truth when you bring home some beautiful flowers.”以及“Luckily, this can be sort of avoided by pressing them completely flat.”及选项可知,此处说的是买完花之后花会干枯,选项A“很快,它们就会干枯死亡”符合,故选A。
37.根据“This is what Anna Zarova has been doing for years.”可知,此处应是说Anna的故事,与大自然有关的情况,选项C“她还喜欢描绘它的美丽”符合,故选C。
38.根据“Flower pressing actually was a popular hobby during Victorian era (1837-1901).”以及“She carefully presses each flower in a flower press. And she makes sure each and every one of its petal (花瓣) kept is in its original shape.”可知,此处应是说Anna正在做有关压花这个传统的情况,选项B“Anna正在帮助保持这一传统”符合,故选B。
39.根据“Once the flowers are dry, the artist put them on white or black paper.”以及“They can be hung on a wall or be used to decorate a table.”可知,此处应是说把干花装饰起来,选项E“完成的作品然后被放置在玻璃框架内”符合,故选E。
40.根据“and also brings people closer to nature.”可知,此处应是说压花的好处,选项D“压花帮助人们发现美丽”符合,故选D。
41.(From)Malaysia. 42.In the 1980s. 43.Yes. 44.Her character saved 007’s life instead of waiting to be saved. 45.She is an actress who dares to take risks.(答案不唯一)
41.根据“The Malaysian(马来西亚的) actress Michelle Yeoh is already in her sixties.”可知,杨紫琼来自马来西亚,故填(From)Malaysia.
42.根据“Yeoh entered show business in the 1980s.”可知,杨紫琼在20世纪80年代进入演艺圈。故填In the 1980s.
43.根据“After gaining popularity in Asia, Yeoh got calls from Hollywood. She called it a ‘dream come true’.”可知,杨紫琼曾经想去好莱坞,故填Yes.
44.根据“The actress completely changed the image(形象) of what a ‘Bond Girl’ could be. In the movie, her character saved 007’s life, instead of waiting to be saved.”可知,在电影中,她的角色救了007的命,而不是等待被救,从而改变了“邦女郎”的形象,故填Her character saved 007’s life instead of waiting to be saved.
45.根据“Yeoh wanted to do what men did, like jumping off the motorbike onto speedy trains. The martial arts(武术)moves were difficult, but Yeoh managed to pick them up. Slowly, she became a pioneering female action star.”可知,她是一个敢于冒险的女名星,故填She is an actress who dares to take risks.(答案不唯一)
46.A 47.B 48.C 49.C 50.A 51.A 52.C 53.A 54.C 55.B
house房子;road马路;window窗户。根据“‘There is hardly any food here!’ the woman inside the house said and closed the door.”可知,他在第一家停下来要食物,第一家的主人拒绝了他。故填A。
stand up站立;give up放弃;put up张贴。根据“He picked up a large, round...and knocked once more.”可知,他没有放弃,他又再次敲门。故选B。
leaf树叶;meat肉;stone石头。根据“picked up a large, round...”可知,他捡起来一块又大又圆的石头。故选C。
traditional传统的;medical医疗的;delicious美味的。根据“ have some of my...stone soup”可知,此处指喝美味的石头汤。故选C。
placed放置;washed洗;used使用。根据“...the stone inside the water”可知,他把石头放到水里。故选A。
agreed同意;expected期盼;shouted大喊。根据“and handed over the carrots and potatoes”可知,丈夫也相信了旅行者的石头汤,所以同意把胡萝卜和土豆放在锅里。故选A。
sadly悲伤地;likely可能;quickly快速地。根据“He couldn’t wait to taste the soup”可知,因为他迫不及待想尝尝汤,所以他快速地回家拿着豆子回来放到汤里。故选C。
further更远;higher更高;longer更长。根据“The smell drifted even...”可知,此处指汤的气味飘得更远。故选A。
its它的;his他的;their他们的。根据“many villagers out of...homes”可知,此处指把村民们从他们的家吸引过来。故选C。
and并且;because因为;or否则。根据“they didn’t locked their doors and windows tight any more,...they finally understood the meaning of share”可知,因为村民们明白了分享的意义,所以他们不再把门窗紧锁。故选B。
56.be needed 57.workers 58.bigger 59.hours 60.to help 61.who##that 62.when##if 63.a 64.are using##use 65.quickly
56.句意:最重要的事情是我们需要知道未来需要什么工作。该句为一般将来时态被动语态,结构为will be+过去分词,need过去分词为needed。故填be needed。
57.句意:医疗领域需要工人。根据“We need nurses and other medical workers to care for them”,可知空处为名词复数“工人”workers作宾语。故填workers。
58.句意:在2050年,老人的数量将会是以前的三倍。根据“than before”,可知空处应为比较级,big比较级为bigger。故填bigger。
60.句意:他们研发新药和技术来帮助人们。结合句意,空处应为不定式表目的。故填to help。
63.句意:例如,世界上20%的人有智能手机。根据“This is a phone that can do the same things computers do”,可知空处表泛指,且samrtphone是辅音音素开头,用a。故填a。
64.句意:越来越多的人使用技术,所以企业总是快速地设计更新的电脑和手机。该句可为现在进行时,主语是集合名词people,谓语用are+动词现在分词,use现在分词为using;也可为一般现在时,谓语用原形。故填are using/use。
66.他决定用这个程序编一本儿童书。 67.But not everyone was satisfied. 68.插图的制作方法也是个问题。 69.艺术家们经常把他们的作品放在网上以吸引注意。 70.Many artists and writers are a little nervous about the future.
66.He他,decided决定,to make a children’s book制作一本儿童书籍,with this program用这个程序,故填:他决定用这个程序编一本儿童书。
67.但but,表示转折,不是每个人not everyone,满意be satisfied,故填But not everyone was satisfied.
68.The way方法,that引导定语从句,无意义,the artwork插图,was made被制作,was a problem是一个问题, too也,故填:插图的制作方法也是个问题。
69.Artists艺术家们,often经常,post their work online把他们的作品放到网上,to get attention引起别人的注意,故填:艺术家们经常把他们的作品放在网上以吸引注意。
70.许多艺术家和作家many artists and writers,对……感到紧张be nervous about,有点a little,未来future,故填Many artists and writers are a little nervous about the future.
Something I treasure
There are some things to keep from our childhood. We’ll always treasure them because they bring the best memories in our life. I have a blue football shirt. It has a number “34” on it. This is my lucky number. I have treasured the football shirt for many years.
I remember when I was in my first year of junior high school, there was a football match held at the school. I am very happy to take part in the match because football is my favorite sport. My father bought it for me. I wore it on the day of the game and played very hard. In the end, our team won the game. It’s like my lucky clothes. I wear it whenever I play the games.
Although it is just a football shirt, it encourages me to work hard and learn new kicking movements and skills. I will always treasure it.
① 题材:本文是一篇材料作文;
② 时态:时态为“一般现在时”和“一般过去时”;
③ 提示:根据所给提示完成写作,注意标点符号及大小写等问题,不要犯语法错误。注意上下文之间的逻辑关系,语意连贯。
① take part in参加
② junior high school初中
③ encourage sb to do sth鼓励某人做某事
① Although it is just a football shirt, it encourages me to work hard and learn new kicking movements and skills.(although引导的让步状语从句)
② I am very happy to take part in the match because football is my favorite sport.(because引导的原因状语从句)



上一篇:人教版八年级物理下册 9.3《大气压强》分层训练 (原卷版+解析版)
