Unit 6 Do you like bananas?阅读理解专练 (精编word版 带答案)

Unit 6 阅读理解专练 2023—2024年人教版英语七年级(上)
Name_________ Grade_________
第一节 短文理解。
Dear friend, My name is Li Ying.And my English name is Sophia.I’m 13.I’m from Lanzhou, but now I’m in Xi’an.I am a student in a middle school here.And I am in Class Five.I like apples, oranges, strawberries and bananas.For sports, I like playing ping-pong best.It’s really interesting for me.I can play tennis, too.What fruit do you like What sports do you play Yours, Li Ying
Dear Li Ying, I’m happy to be your friend.My name is Peter.My Chinese name is Leilei.I’m from London.Now I’m in Guangzhou.We are of the same age.I’m in Class Six.I like apples and oranges, too.But I like bananas best.And my favorite sport is soccer.I think it’s easy and fun.I always play soccer with my classmates after school. Yours, Peter
(  )1.Li Ying thinks ping-pong is     .
A.boring B.fun C.difficult D.easy
(  )2.How old is Peter
A.11. B.12. C.13. D.14.
(  )3.Sophia is from     .
A.Lanzhou B.Guangzhou C.London D.Xi’an
(  )4.Peter     .
A.always plays basketball after school B.doesn’t like hamburgers
C.is in a middle school in Xi’an D.is an English boy
(  )5.Which of the following is TRUE
A.Peter’s favorite fruit is the apple. B.Li Ying is a student in Class Six.
C.Li Ying likes four kinds of fruit. D.Li Ying’s favorite sport is tennis.
It′s Sunday today. It′s time for lunch(午餐). Li Ming and his parents go to a house of noodles(面条) for lunch. The waiter(服务员) shows them the menu(菜单).
Name Ingredient(配料) Price(yuan)
Special (特色菜) Ⅰ onions(洋葱), potatoes, beef(牛肉), broccoli 8.0
Special Ⅱ cabbage(洋白菜), tomatoes, mutton(羊肉) 7.0
Special Ⅲ tomatoes, eggs, onions 6.0
porridge(粥) 2.0
orange juice 3.0
green tea 3.0
ice-cream 5.0
  Li Ming′s father orders(点餐) Special Ⅰ and a cup of green tea. His mother orders Special Ⅲ and two bowls(碗) of porridge. Li Ming orders Special Ⅱ and an ice-cream.
(  )6.What′s the time
A.In the morning. B.At noon.
C.In the afternoon. D.In the evening.
(  )7.If you don′t like tomatoes, you can choose(选择)     .
A.Special Ⅰ B.Special Ⅱ C.Special Ⅲ D.nothing
(  )8.Li Hua has 9 yuan, and she doesn′t like onions. What can she order
A.Special Ⅱ and a glass of orange juice.
B.A glass of orange juice and Special Ⅲ.
C.Special Ⅱ and a bowl of porridge.
D.Both A and B.
(  )9.What does Li Ming like for lunch today
A.Beef. B.Mutton. C.Pork(猪肉). D.Chicken.
(  )10.Whose(谁的) lunch is the most(最) expensive
A.Li Ming′s father′s. B.Li Ming′s mother′s. C.Li Ming′s. D.We don′t know.
Sally has two brothers. They are Peter and Allen. Now they are in Beijing with their parents. Peter is 13. He likes milk and bread for breakfast. And he likes chicken for dinner. Allen is 7. He likes hamburgers and chicken. He doesn’t like milk. He likes Coke(可乐). He is fat(肥胖的). Sally is 4. She likes bananas and strawberries. She eats(吃) ice-cream after dinner. But her mother doesn’t let her eat too much. What does her mother like eating She likes eating vegetables and fruit. They are healthy(健康的). She eats eggs and some fruit for breakfast. And she eats salad for lunch. Does their father like vegetables and fruit, too Well, he likes vegetables, but he doesn’t like fruit. And he eats tomatoes and carrots for dinner. He likes chicken, too. He thinks it’s delicious.
(  )11. How many people are there in Sally’s family
A. Four. B. Five. C. Six. D. Seven.
(  )12. Allen likes     .
①bread ②hamburgers ③chicken ④milk ⑤Coke
A. ①②③ B. ②③⑤ C. ③④⑤ D. ②③④
(  )13. The underlined words “too much” mean “    ” in Chinese.
A. 极少 B. 非常 C. 太多 D. 多少
(  )14. Who eats vegetables for dinner
A. Sally’s cousin. B. Sally’s brother. C. Sally’s mother. D. Sally’s father.
(  )15. Which of the following is TRUE
A. Sally’s mother eats salad for lunch.
B. Peter doesn’t let Sally eat hamburgers.
C. Allen eats ice-cream after dinner.
D. Sally’s father likes eating fruit.
Mary and Linda are classmates. They go to school five days a week. And they have seven classes a day. After school they play volleyball.
The two girls’ mothers are good friends, too. They like sports. They can play sports with the two girls on the weekend because the two girls have no classes in these two days. Linda’s mother likes tennis and Mary’s mother likes tennis, too. Can the two girls play tennis Sure, they play it well. Mary, Linda and their mothers always play tennis in the morning, and watch TV in the afternoon. It’s relaxing. The two girls like eating fruit. They like apples, strawberries and oranges. But they don’t like pears. After playing tennis, the two girls and their mothers always make some fruit salad.
(  )16. How many days a week do Mary and Linda go to school
A. Five. B. Seven. C. Six. D. Four.
(  )17. What do Linda and Mary do after school
A. Play sports. B. Have classes. C. Watch TV. D. Play computer games.
(  )18. The underlined word“weekend” means “    ” in Chinese.
A. 周一 B. 暑假 C. 晚自习 D. 周末
(  )19. What fruit don’t Mary and Linda like
A. Oranges. B. Pears. C. Apples. D. Strawberries.
(  )20. What do the four people do on the weekend
①watch TV  ②play volleyball  ③make fruit salad  ④play tennis
A. ①②③ B. ②③④ C. ①③④ D. ①②③
Mary and Linda are classmates. They go to school five days a week. And they have seven classes a day. After school they play volleyball.
The two girls’ mothers are good friends, too. They like sports. They can play sports with the two girls on the weekend because the two girls have no classes in these two days. Linda’s mother likes tennis and Mary’s mother likes tennis, too. Can the two girls play tennis Sure, they play it well. Mary, Linda and their mothers always play tennis in the morning, and watch TV in the afternoon. It’s relaxing. The two girls like eating fruit. They like apples, strawberries and oranges. But they don’t like pears. After playing tennis, the two girls and their mothers always make some fruit salad.
(  )21.How many days a week do Mary and Linda go to school
A.Five. B.Seven. C.Six. D.Four.
(  )22.What do Linda and Mary do after school
A.Play sports. B.Have classes. C.Watch TV. D.Play computer games.
(  )23.The underlined word “weekend” means “________” in Chinese.
A.周一 B.暑假 C.晚自习 D.周末
(  )24.What fruit don’t Mary and Linda like
A.Oranges. B.Pears. C.Apples. D.Strawberries.
(  )25.What do the four people do on the weekend
①watch TV  ②play volleyball ③make fruit salad  ④play tennis
A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①③④ D.①②④
Some food has more fat, sugar or salt(盐). Most people, especially(特别是) kids, like these kinds of food, and they like drinking sugary(含糖的) drinks. That’s why there are lots of fat people now.
To make people keep healthy, the UK will stop the “buy one get one free” sale if they want to buy some unhealthy food. It will stop free refills(免费续杯) of sugary drinks in restaurants. These rules will start in April, 2022.
The government says being fat is one of Britain’s biggest public health problems. About two-thirds of adults in England are overweight(超重的) and one in three children are overweight or get fat.
The UK also makes other rules. People can’t have big sales of unhealthy food at checkouts(付款台), shop entrances or at the end of aisles(过道). The government will restrict(限制) the advertisements(广告) of the big sales of unhealthy food in the shop.
(  )26.Most people are getting fat because they eat     .
A.more food high in fat, sugar or salt
B.a lot of bread and vegetables
C.less sugar
D.lots of healthy food
(  )27.The UK will stop the “buy one get one free” sale to make people     .
A.save money(节省钱) B.stay healthy
C.stay fat D.sell more
(  )28.If there are 100 children in England, about   children are overweight or get fat.
A.30 B.50 C. 60 D.100
(  )29.Which of the following is NOT true
A.People can’t enjoy the “buy one get one free” sale if they want to buy some unhealthy food after April, 2022. 
B.People can’t have big sales of unhealthy food at the end of aisles.
C.People will see more advertisements of the unhealthy food’s big sales in the shop.
D.Being fat is one of the Britain’s biggest public health problems.
(  )30.The writer wants to tell us     .
A.some food rules in the UK
B.how to eat healthily
C.not to get fat
D.how to buy food in a shop
English people have a very big meal(餐) for breakfast. They have eggs, tomatoes, tea and coffee. For many people, lunch is a quick meal. In cities(城市) there are a lot of sandwich stores. People can buy sandwiches there. Many students take a sandwich, a drink and some fruit from home, and have them at school.
“Tea” means two things. It is a drink and a meal! Some people have afternoon tea with cakes and a cup of tea. They usually have supper quite early, between 6:00 and 8:00, and often all the family eat together(一起).
(  )31.Many people in England have a     breakfast and a     lunch.
A.quick; small B.little; big C.big; quick D.slow; big
(  )32.Where do many students eat their lunch
A.At home. B.At school. C.In a park. D.In the restaurant.
(  )33.What do they eat when they have afternoon tea  
A.Chicken. B.Sandwiches. C.Cakes. D.A bottle of cold water.
(  )34.They usually have supper     .
A.late B.quick C.slow D.early
(  )35.The passage mainly talks about     .
A.English breakfast B.English food
C.English meals D.English people
Jane is a school girl.She is 12.She studies at a middle school.She is in Grade Seven.She is a good girl.For breakfast,she has eggs and milk.She doesn't have ice cream for breakfast.
After breakfast Jane goes to school.At twelve she has lunch with her mother at home.For lunch she has hamburgers and salad.She likes salad,but she doesn't like hamburgers.
At seven she has dinner with her father and mother.They have chicken and vegetables.Her father likes chicken,but Jane doesn't.
(  )36.Jane is a school girl at a________.
A.primary school B.middle school C.university D.college
(  )37.Jane has________for breakfast.
A.eggs and milk B.eggs and tea
C.tea and milk D.vegetables and milk
(  )38.Jane eats lunch________.
A.at school B.at home
C.in the classroom D.in the library
(  )39.Jane likes to eat________for lunch.
A.hamburgers B.milk C.salad D.eggs
(  )40.Jane has dinner with________.
A.her mother B.her parent C.her father D.her parents
Unit 6 阅读理解专练 2023—2024年人教版英语七年级(上)
参 考 答 案
第一节 短文理解。
1-5 BCADC 6-10 BACBC
11-15 BBCDA 16-20 AADBC
21-25 AADBC 26-30 ABACA
31-35 CBCDC 36-40 BABCD
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



