Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to词汇专练(精编word版 带答案)

2023—2024学年人教版英语九年级Unit 9—词汇专练
Name___________ Grade___________
第一节 词汇。
1.There is no wind and the water is as s__________ as glass.
2.As teenagers, we are s__________ to learn how to look after ourselves.
3.We can get relaxed by listening to music in our s__________ time.
4.Lily, an A__________ girl, has been living in China since three years ago.
5.In my mind, Feng Xiaogang is an excellent d__________.
6.We felt very d__________ after the party was over.
7.Our hometown is becoming more and more beautiful. P__________ of visitors come here on weekends.
8.No matter how terrible the weather was, they s__________ to making their way to the final place.
9.Amazing China is an 87-minute d__________ about the development of China.
10.There is a need for friendly d__________ between leaders.
11.Our English teacher p__________ Jane because of her great progress.
12.The d__________ of the movie is very famous. And we like him very much.
13.It is a r__________ that you didn't pass the English exam.
14.I like to listen to s__________ music when I am tired.
15.—Which do you p__________ , milk or coffee
—I like coffee better.
16.Joan's childhood was filled with pain and s__________ .
17.My teeth are still in p__________ . I think I need to go to a dentist.
18.Their actions can r__________ their thoughts clearly.
19. Linda p________ skating last year, but now she doesn't.
20. Sometimes life is filled with s________. No matter what happens, we should face it bravely.
21. The singer has ever p________ in several foreign countries.
22. A child should be p________ when he is successful and encouraged when he fails.
23. The doctor put some medicine on his w________ just now.
24. Bill seems a bit d________ today. What's wrong with him
25. Now everybody should m________ some basic computer skills.
26. Wu Jing is one of the best ________(direct) in China.
27. Jack is an ________(Australia) boy and he comes from Sydney.
28. Michael became an ________(electricity) engineer when he was twenty-five years old.
29. The Greens enjoy music that has great ________(lyric).
30. Peter prefers ________(swim) to playing basketball.
31. The teacher will p________ you because you do well in all the subjects.
32. After the doctor cleaned the w________,she felt much better.
33. I don't think Mike will get lost in the forest because he has a good s________ of direction.
34. You should m________ the grammar rules before making sentences in English.
35. Their choices can usually r________ their hopes and interests.
36. The woman used to live a very lonely and ________(pain) life,but she has a happy life now.
37. Sandy,did you sense a strong ________(sad) and pain from the music
38. At first,we didn't think it was a ________(move) movie.
39. The children ________(perform) a dance for the old people at People's Home. They were very happy.
40. These old photos made me ________(call) my happy childhood in the country.
41. The sea looks calm and s________.
42. S________ you had a million dollars,what would you do
43. Feng Xiaogang is one of the most famous d________ in China.
44. Tim finished the hard work on time. The boss p________ him.
45. The house has a good p________. I like the pleasant surroundings.
46. —How many students are there in your class
—Let me see. Oh, there are 50 in t_________.
47. In that c________, we have to stop our decision.
48. We don't need so hurry. We have p__________of time to catch the train.
49. S________to working hard, and you'll be successful.
50. Make sure to s_________off the gas when you finish cooking.
51. The sea looks calm and s________.
52. S________ you had a million dollars,what would you do
53. Feng Xiaogang is one of the most famous d________ in China.
54. Tim finished the hard work on time. The boss p________ him.
55. The house has a good p________. I like the pleasant surroundings.
56.His face was r     in the mirror.
57.It's such a p     that his mother who hardly ever fell ill died of COVID-19.
58.Jackson remained calm and was always the m     of his passions.
59.All the ladies are full of p     for the staff and service they received.
60.When watching this new movie yesterday, I s     a strong sadness and pain.
2023—2024学年人教版英语九年级Unit 9—词汇专练
参 考 答 案
第一节 词汇。
1.smooth  2.supposed  3.spare/free 4.Australian  5.director
6.down  7.Plenty  8.stuck 9.documentary  10.dialog/dialogue 
11.praised  12.director  13.pity 14.smooth  15.prefer 
16.sadness 17.pain  18.reflect 19. preferred 20. sadness
21. performed  22. praised  23. wound  24. down  25. master
26. directors  27. Australian 28. electronic  29. lyrics  30. swimming
31. praise  32. wound  33. sense  34. master  35. reflect
36. painful  37. sadness  38. moving  39. performed 40. recall
41.smooth  42.Suppose  43.directors  44.praised  45.position
46.total  47.case  48.plenty  49.Stick  50.shut
51.smooth  52.Suppose  53.directors  54.praised  55.position
56.reflected  57.pity  58.master 59.praise   60.sensed
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)




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