
南京卷01 备战2024年中考英语仿真模拟押题卷
考生须知 1. 本试卷共 页,共两部分,共 题,满分 分,考试时间 分钟。2. 在试卷和草稿纸上准确填写姓名、准考证号、考场号和座位号。 3. 试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。 4. 在答题卡上、选择题用2B铅笔作答,其他试题用黑色字签字笔作答。 5. 考试结束,请将本试卷、答题卡和草稿纸一并交回。
1.—Can I borrow some books, please
—Yes. But you ________ return them on time.
A.may B.must C.might D.could
2.Make a note of the questions you want to ask. ______, you will probably forget some of them.
A.However B.Otherwise C.Finally D.Moreover
3.In the literature class, our teacher asked us to read the poem and ________ all the words that described the natural beauty.
A.find out B.depend on C.make up D.hear about
4.Dr. Ma, thank you for your ________. Now I have known a lot about ORBIS.
A.tradition B.situation C.introduction D.condition
5.—I feel a bit nervous. We’re going to have a big exam at the end of the term.
—There’s ________ to worry about if you work hard.
A.everything B.something C.nothing D.anything
6.There are many new inventions that make our life much ________ and more interesting.
A.easy B.easier C.easiest D.the easiest
7.Kunqu opera is one of the oldest Chinese opera forms. , fewer young people want to learn or enjoy it.
A.Sadly B.Simply C.Specially D.Certainly
8.Which word is formed in the same way as “weekend”
A.unable B.invention C.helpless D.noticeboard
9.I really like taking a boat on Xuanwu Lake, so I ______ it again last weekend.
A.visit B.visited C.will visit D.have visited
10.—Eric, you seem very excited.
— I won the first prize in the singing competition.
A.What’s up B.Who cares C.Guess what D.Pardon me
11.If you keep on studying customs, you will behave in ________ way when travelling to foreign countries.
A.a more proper B.the most proper C.a less proper D.the least proper
12.The school library seems to be full of readers. Let me check if there are ________ seats.
A.spare B.absent C.sudden D.private
13.—Why didn’t you answer my phone, Dad
—I in the kitchen then. I didn’t hear the sound.
A.cooked B.have cooked C.am cooking D.was cooking
14.You won’t know how the beauty of this classical work _________ unless you read it again and again.
A.express B.expressed C.is expressed D.has expressed
15.China has achieved great ________ in managing water resource over the past 10 years.
A.pride B.period C.pioneer D.progress
阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
I used to think the whole purpose of life was looking for happiness. What truly makes people happy What I discovered changed my life. Looking for happiness may make people stressed and 16 . Even though life is getting better by nearly every standard, more people feel hopeless, sad and alone. According to the research, what causes this is not a lack(缺乏) of happiness but a lack of having 17 in life.
Many psychologists(心理学家) think of happiness as feeling comfortable or good in the moment. Meaning, though, is deeper. The famous psychologist Marin Seligman says meaning comes from belonging(归属感), achieving something beyond yourself and 18 from the best inside you. Belonging, purpose, transcendence(超越), telling stories—these are the four parts of meaning. We need to build them inside our families and organizations to help people 19 an excellent person. But living a meaningful life takes work. There’s a long way to go. As each day goes by, we’re creating our lives, 20 to our story.
I remember a powerful experience I had with my father. Several months after I graduated from college, my dad had a 21 heart attack. He survived, and when I asked him what was going through his mind as he faced death, he said all he could think about was needing to live, 22 he could be there for my brother and me, and this gave him the courage to fight for life. When doctors were giving him an operation, he didn’t feel afraid. 23 , he repeated our names. He wanted our names to be the last words he spoke on earth if he died.
My dad lives a common, but a good life. Lying there facing death, he had a 24 to live: love. His sense of belonging inside his family, his purpose as a dad, his unusual thinking, repeating our names—these are why he survived. That’s the story he tells himself. That’s the 25 of meaning. Happiness comes and goes. But whether life is good or bad, having meaning gives you something to hold on to.
16.A.amazed B.cheerful C.unhappy D.comfortable
17.A.ability B.meaning C.progress D.direction
18.A.hiding B.accepting C.promising D.developing
19.A.do B.make C.invent D.succeed
20.A.adding B.changing C.attending D.continuing
21.A.crazy B.gentle C.unknown D.serious
22.A.so B.but C.though D.whether
23.A.However B.Instead C.Perhaps D.Otherwise
24.A.chance B.reason C.attention D.beginning
25.A.power B.symbol C. secret D.method
Free eBook Library from Oxford Owl for Home Welcome to our free eBooks collection, developed for children aged 3-15 years old. If you like to learn more about how to support children’s reading, visit our Reading pages. All our eBooks are easy to get. Just click the icon “Log in” and you can start reading. Learning to read with pronunciation Click the “ ” for advice. Not reading to practise pronunciation Are you a teacher Find out about the Oxford Owl for School eBook Library. Are you looking for your class reading club Look through the library Display all eBooks
26.The reading material above is .
A.a story B.a web page C.a book review D.a travel guide
27.If you want to quickly search for a book, you should .
A.enter keywords and click the icon “GO”
B.just click the icon “ ” for some advice
C.look through Reading pages one by one
D.pay some money to join the library first
28.The eBook library displays its ebooks according to different items EXCEPT .
A.ages B.levels C.prices D.series
Lilly’s grandmother used to leave gifts for the whales—a perfect shell or a beautiful stone when she was young. She told Lilly if whales liked you, they would take your gift and give you something in return.
Lilly’s Uncle Frederick thought it was nothing but a silly old tale. He said whales were important for their meat, bones and blubber(鲸脂).
Lilly dreamt about whales. In her dreams she saw them, as large as mountains and bluer than the sky. In her dreams she heard them singing and their voices were like the wind. They jumped from the water and called her name.
In the morning, Lilly walked to the sea. The water was calm. She took a yellow flower out of her pocket and dropped it in the water. “This is for you,” she called into the air.
Lilly waited till it was dark when Uncle Frederick came down the hill after her. “Enough of this stupid behavior,” he said. “You can’t be dreaming your life away.”
That night, Lilly woke up suddenly. The room was bright with moonlight. She sat up and heard something in the distance, on the far side of the hill.
She rushed outside and down to the sea. Her heart was beating fast as she reached the sea. In the sea were lots of whales. They jumped and turned around across the moon. Their singing filled up the night. Lilly saw her yellow flower dancing on the spray(浪花).
Minutes passed, or maybe hours, Suddenly, Lilly felt the wind blowing her dress and the cold biting her feet. After a while, the sea seemed to be calm again and the night dark and silent.
29.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.Grandmother used to send food to whales.
B.Lilly’s family all liked eating whales’ meat.
C.Frederick enjoyed the old tale about whales.
D.Lilly would really like to see whales for herself.
30.What does Lilly think of whales
A.Silly. B.Noisy. C.Lovely. D.Lonely
31.What does the passage mainly tell us
A.Humans should often send animals gifts.
B.Whales like singing and dancing at night.
C.Whales’ bodies are very useful for humans.
D.Humans should live with animals peacefully.
Highly productive people have certain habits that other people don’t. How are they getting so much done and achieving their purposes We all want success, but what are we doing wrong Here are a few habits you really need to avoid if you want to be highly productive.
Not seeing the bigger picture
Starting with the end in mind can help you to imagine what you are trying to create. When you can see the bigger picture, you can begin to break the course down in steps, to see exactly how you’re going to get there. ① Thinking of the end helps you keep your eye on the prize, especially when you get less confident.
Working without priorities (优先事项)
When deciding what steps to take to reach the end, highly productive people don’t waste time on details that influence the course. ② Make your path simple. Pay attention to what’s important.
Procrastination (拖延症)
③ Though it is true, it can be the hardest thing. If we wait for the right time, it may take us a very long time to finally feel confident to begin something. Many things can pull us away from starting our project.
Working long hours without breaks
You can’t do your best job if you’re very tired. ④ If you take care of yourself, you are better prepared to be in top form to do the job at hand. According to studies, the ability to give attention becomes weaker after about an hour, and then you will become less productive. So if you’re tired, don’t work harder. You need at least a 15-minute break to give your brain a rest and be ready to do more of your best work.
Listening to people who say “no”
Never be limited by other people. Highly productive people are not prevented by difficulty and other people’s ideas about what they're doing. They find a way to get started, and they find a way not to give up.
32.What does the underlined word “productive” in Paragraph 1 mean
A.实际的 B.繁忙的 C.乐观的 D.高效的
33.To be productive, you should avoid ________.
A.starting with the end in your mind
B.keeping your eye on important things
C.waiting for the right time to get started
D.paying no attention to what others think
34.Which can help do your best work when you are tired
A.Try the hardest project. B.Spend a quarter resting.
C.Work harder than before. D.Spend more time on details.
35.The sentence “The secret of success is getting started.” most probably comes from _______.
A.① B.② C.③ D.④
Recently Google has announced a series of new artificial intelligence (Al) (人工智能) tools designed to help users in organizing emails and creating business writings and meetings. These tools display important AI development progress in recent years. The tools are built by putting a great deal of data (数据) into machine learning computer systems. The data trains the AI systems to develop skills and produce human-like results.
The technology received wide attention last year after a company called OpenAI announced a free writing tool called ChatGPT. That tool can quickly produce human-quality writings. Experts(专家) say such systems may bring great changes to many different industries and jobs. Now some companies are able to test Google’s new tools in their development and business activities.
Like ChatGPT, Google’s AI tools are designed to create completely written texts for many different purposes. For example, an office worker could enter some keywords of a kind of text they want. The tools could then create a full marketing email, training materials or a business plan in a while. Google sees the system being able to offer an “AI Helper” to help human workers in real time. Google wants to have its AI change the work of lawyers, scientists, teachers and more.
However, Google says it keeps developing AI products of high quality. That is why the company is inviting groups of “trusted testers” to use its AI tools rather than widely selling its new products. Google’s new AI tools are the company’s latest move to fight for panies like Microsoft and Meta are also working on products about AI.
Technology experts have warned that while the new AI tools can produce human-like writings, the systems can also make mistakes.
Last month, Bard, Google’s new AI tool designed to give a better online search, made a mistake and caused a $100-billion drop. Microsoft users said the company’s new AI tools produced unfriendly and rude results.
36.Which company offers an AI tool producing human-quality writings for free
A.Meta. B.Google. C.Microsoft. D.OpenAI.
37.Google’s new AI tools can help users _________.
A.develop skills and produce human-like robots
B.create a complete business plan in a very short time
C.put a lot of data into any company’s computer system
D.send and receive emails at different business meetings
38.Google keeps developing AI products of high quality by _________.
A.asking experts from all industries for help
B.working together with Microsoft and Meta
C.allowing trusted testers to use new products first
D.widely selling its new products as soon as possible
39.What is the relationship between the last two paragraphs
A.Paragraph 6 gives an example to support Paragraph 5.
B.The two paragraphs have different ideas about AI tools.
C.Paragraph 5 gives a good example to support Paragraph 6.
D.Paragraph 5 is the purpose of what happens in Paragraph 6.
40.From the passage, we know _________.
A.“AI Helper” cannot change scientists’ work
B.Google’s AI tools display recent AI development
C.few companies can test Google’s new tools in business
D.Google will stop fighting for business with new AI tools
41.Our path in life will not always be (平坦的), so we should learn to deal with all kinds of difficulties.
42.Traditional Chinese medicine is welcomed in China and (在国外).
43.The film The Wandering Earth II has won high (赞扬) from the public.
44.Sun Wukong, or Monkey King, learned to be very good at (魔法) and fighting.
45.—What’s your pretty pleasant experience, Han Xue
—I remember (曾经) it snowed on my birthday, and I was so excited.
46.Tom was looking forward to (work) with the new manager.
47.Li Jun was (lucky) because his car broke down yesterday.
48.It is about 20 (minute) walk from my home to school. So I don’t need to take a bus every day.
49.With binoculars, watchers can watch the moon more (clear).
50.The Silk Road played an important role in the (develop) of the world.
only indeed enemies awful at a time
Here are some interesting seahorse facts to surprise you!
Though they look nothing like fish, they are fish 51 . They live in water and breathe like fish. But unlike other fish, they have a tail and a neck.
They are 52 swimmers. In fact, they are the slowest moving fish in the ocean and swim about 5 feet per hour.
Seahorses hide from 53 by changing colours to look like the things around them. They can do this because they have special cells in their skin that allow them to change colours.
Male seahorses are the 54 male animals that can give birth! Babies grow inside dad seahorse’s pouch (a soft bag on his body). After two to four weeks, it gives birth to 100 to 1,000 babies 55 . They are a lot of cute, tiny seahorses! How amazing!
The world is always full of surprising things. Everyone expects to see the beautiful eye-pleasing flowers and plants. It is reported that there are about 390,900 plants in the world. The following may not be so eye-pleasing, but are certainly eye-catching.
Baseball Plant
This ball-shaped plant used to be only found in South Africa. It is thought to be endangered(濒临灭绝的)in the natural environment in which it lives, yet it’s commonly planted around the world. Luckily, some special gardens have started to grow this plant to make sure that it no longer needs to be got from the wild so that it does not die out.
African Starfish Flower
Don’t fall for its beautiful flowers. It smells like bad meat, and its colors and hairs really look like those from a dead animal. This works wonders for attracting insects, even from a great distance. This is also a plant in danger as the result of less and less living space. This has been a problem for collectors hoping to have the plant at their home, as well as the Zulus, a group of people in Africa who use the plant as medicine.
Bat Flower
The black bat flower is an unusual flower that grows in the wild of Yunnan Province in China. It needs a special environment to grow. This is the reason why it is an endangered plant. As a result, the bat flower attracts a lot of attention from collectors and gardeners. It is famous for its bat-shaped black flowers. Its leaves look like the wings of a bat. There’s no question how the plant got its name.
Venus Flytrap
Venus flytrap can be easily found in many places. It lives mainly on meat. It survives like other plants by getting energy from gases in the air and the soil. However, it also eats insects. It opens its mouth wide and the hairs inside try to attract any insect that might land. As soon as it senses an insect, it shuts the mouth and begins to enjoy the food.
Plants take in CO from the air and make oxygen. They help keep soil in their place. Many of them are commonly used for making our environment look better, and some of them are also used as medicine, food and so on. You are lucky if you see one of the plants mentioned above.
Eye-catching plants
Introduction The 56 of plants in the world is around 390,900.
Baseball Plant ● In the past, people could only see it in South Africa while it is a 57 plant now. ● It is 58 in special gardens so that it can survive.
African Starfish Flower ● The colors and hairs of this plant are 59 to those from a dead animal, so it’s attractive to insects. ● It can be 60 as medicine by people, especially the Zulus.
Bat Flower ● This plant got the name because of the bat-like 61 . ●It’s hard for the environment to 62 its needs for growth.
Venus Flytrap ● Gases and the soil can 63 energy for it. ● Unlike most plants, meat becomes its main 64 .
Conclusion Plants help improve air quality and our environment. Also, they can help feed and 65 people.
You may have seen this photo before: an old fisherman with a bamboo hat standing on a boat. This was how Huang Quande looked in his photos with visitors. He became famous and was a 66 the most well-known characters of the Lijiang River in Guilin. Many people b 67 the fisherman on the back of the 20-yuan renminbi is based on his image (形象). Huang passed away at the age of 94 this year.
Fisherman Huang’s life s 68 the true spirit of the Lijiang River. He was a man full of kindness and energy. For example, in his nineties, Huang could s 69 row his boat. After becoming a photo model in 2008, he took photos with tourists from all over the world.
The picture is not just about one man, but c 70 as a special cultural symbol of the Lijiang River. In fact, the most beautiful landscapes in the country a 71 on the different backsides of the fifth series of renminbi. Moreover, they all carry their own cultural v 72 as well.
For example, on the back of the 5-yuan banknote (钞票) is Taishan Mountain in Shandong Province. For thousands of years, many emperors would go there and pray (祈祷)for p 73 and good luck. The renminbi pictures have helped make the classic Chinese landscapes even more p 74 . Many love to find out where the pictures were taken. Pan Jinyu from Chongqing went on a “banknote tour” of China when he was 21 years old, enjoying all the sights w 75 are on renminbi banknotes from 1 yuan to 100. “I want to finish this meaningful journey and feel the beauty of our country.” Pan said.
Welcome to our radio program. This week we invite you to say something about Tangping(躺平): ● what Tangping means for teenagers ● whether you choose Tangping and why ● your advice to teenagers who choose Tangping We hope to hear from you.
1. 内容涵盖所有要点,全文连贯通顺。
2. 词数80左右(已给出的文章开头,不计入总词数)。
3. 文中不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何信息,如校名、人名等。
In my opinion,
考查副词词义。however然而; otherwise否则; finally最终; moreover而且。根据开头祈使句要求记下问题,后面说会忘记一些,可知,中间用表转折的词。故选B。
考查动词短语。find out弄清楚,查明,找出;depend on依赖;make up编造;hear about得知。根据“all the words that described the natural beauty”可知是在诗中找出描述自然美的单词。故选A。
考查名词辨析。tradition传统;situation情况;introduction介绍;condition状况。根据“Now I have known a lot about ORBIS.”可推知前句应是马博士介绍了关于奥比斯的相关信息,应填“介绍”,故选C。
考查代词辨析。everything每件事;something某事、某物;nothing没有什么;anything任何事物。根据“There’s...to worry about if you work hard.”和选项可知,此处指的是如果你努力学习,就没什么好担心的。故选C。
考查动词时态。根据“last weekend”可知,动作发生在上周末,应使用一般过去时。故选B。
考查交际用语。What’s up最近怎么样,用于熟人之间寒暄;Who cares谁在乎,用于表达不关心或者不认同的观点;Guess what猜猜看,用于紧接着向对方描述一件惊讶的事;Pardon me请再说一次,用于没听清想要对方再说一次。根据“Eric, you seem very excited.”可知,讲述者让对方猜猜看,紧接着描述了自己获奖的事。故选C。
考查形容词比较级。more proper更合适;the most proper最合适;less proper不太合适;the least proper最不合适。根据“keep on studying customs”和句意可知此处表达“将会表现得更得体”,应用比较级。故选A。
考查形容词辨析。spare空闲的;absent缺席的;sudden突然的;private私人的。根据“seems to be full of readers”和“check”可知此处表达“查看是否有空闲的座位”。故选A。
考查被动语态。“the beauty of this classical work”和动词express“表达”之间是被动关系,所以应用被动语态结构:be done,表示“这部经典作品的美被表达”,故选C。
考查名词辨析。pride自豪;period时期;pioneer先驱;progress进展。根据“China has achieved great ... in managing water resource over the past 10 years.”可知,在水资源管理方面取得了巨大进展。故选D。
16.C 17.B 18.D 19.B 20.A 21.D 22.A 23.B 24.B 25.A
amazed吃惊的;cheerful欢乐的;unhappy不开心的;comfortable舒适的。根据“make people stressed and…”可知让人感到压力,说明不是开心的事情,故选C。
ability能力;meaning意义;progress进步;direction方向。根据“Meaning, though, is deeper.”可知此处指的是生活的意义。故选B。
18.句意:著名心理学家Marin Seligman说,意义来自归属感,超越自我,从内心深处发展。
hiding躲藏;accepting接受;promising承诺;developing发展。根据“achieving something beyond yourself”和备选词汇可知指的是从内心深处发展,故选D。
do做;make使成为;invent发明;succeed成功。根据“ to help people…an excellent person”可知是帮助人们成为一个优秀的人,故选B。
adding添加;changing改变;attending参加;continuing继续。根据“we’re creating our lives,…”可知我们正在创造我们的生活,而我们的故事则会变多,故选A。
crazy疯狂的;gentle温和的;unknown未知的;serious严重的。根据后文“He survived, and when I asked him what was going through his mind as he faced death…”可知作者的父亲突发了严重的心脏病。故选D。
so这样;but但是;though虽然;whether是否。根据“he said all he could think about was needing to live,…he could be there for my brother and me”可知他想活着,这样就可以在我们身边。故选A。
However然而;Instead相反;Perhaps或许;Otherwise否则。根据“When doctors were giving him an operation, he didn’t feel afraid.”及“…he repeated our names.”可知他做手术不感到害怕,相反,他重复我们的名字,故选B。
chance机会;reason原因;attention注意;beginning开始。根据后文“these are why he survived”可知这就是他活下来的原因,说明上文在讲他活着的理由是爱,故选B。
power力量;symbol象征;secret秘密;method方法。根据“Happiness comes and goes. But whether life is good or bad, having meaning gives you something to hold on to.”可知讲述的是意义的力量,故选A。
26.B 27.A 28.C
26.推理判断题。根据图片内容及“Free eBook Library from Oxford Owl for Home”可知,本文是一个网页。故选B。
27.细节理解题。根据图片中的“Enter keyword”及“GO”可知,如果你想快速搜索一本书,应该输入关键词,点击图标“GO”。故选A。
28.细节理解题。根据“All ages”、“Levels”、“Book types”及“Series”可知,不包括价格。故选C。
29.D 30.C 31.D
29.推理判断题。根据“Lilly’s grandmother used to leave gifts for the whales—a perfect shell or a beautiful stone when she was young.”可知选项A表述错误;文章未提及莉莉的家人都喜欢吃鲸鱼肉,选项B表述错误;根据“Lilly’s Uncle Frederick thought it was nothing but a silly old tale.”可知选项C表述错误;根据“Lilly dreamt about whales.”可知莉莉梦见了鲸鱼,说明她很想亲自去看鲸鱼,选项D表述正确。故选D。
30.推理判断题。根据“In her dreams she saw them, as large as mountains and bluer than the sky. In her dreams she heard them singing and their voices were like the wind. They jumped from the water and called her name.”及文中莉莉的行为可知,她应是觉得鲸鱼是可爱的,故选C。
31.主旨大意题。根据“Lilly’s grandmother used to leave gifts for the whales—a perfect shell or a beautiful stone when she was young. She told Lilly if whales liked you, they would take your gift and give you something in return.”及通读全文可知,文章主要讲了莉莉如何对待鲸鱼,选项D“人类应该与动物和平相处”符合主题。故选D。
32.D 33.C 34.B 35.C
32.词句猜测题。根据“How are they getting so much done and achieving their purposes ”可知,完成这么多工作并且能够达到他们的目标,证明他们做事情效率很高。故选D。
33.细节理解题。根据“If we wait for the right time, it may take us a very long time to finally feel confident to begin something.”可知,我们不应该等什么合适的时间才开始,因为会花很长的时间,慢慢的我们就会失去信心。故选C。
34.细节理解题。根据“So if you’re tired, don’t work harder. You need at least a 15-minute break to give your brain a rest and be ready to do more of your best work.”可知,当我们感到疲倦时,我们应该休息一会。故选B。
35.细节理解题。根据“Many things can pull us away from starting our project.”可知,许多事情会影响我们开始我们的项目,而题目的意思是“成功的秘密是开始”,与之相对应,我们不能拖延,必须先去做才有可能成功,这句话应该放于③处。故选C。
36.D 37.B 38.C 39.A 40.B
36.细节理解题。根据“The technology received wide attention last year after a company called OpenAI announced a free writing tool called ChatGPT”可知OpenAI提供人工智能工具,可以免费编写与人类质量相当的文章。故选D。
37.细节理解题。根据“Google’s AI tools are designed to create completely written texts for many different purposes. For example, an office worker could enter some keywords of a kind of text they want. The tools could then create a full marketing email, training materials or a business plan in a while.”可知谷歌的新人工智能工具可以帮助用户在很短的时间内创建一个完整的商业计划。故选B。
38.细节理解题。根据“Google says it keeps developing AI products of high quality. That is why the company is inviting groups of ‘trusted testers’ to use its AI tools rather than widely selling its new products”可知谷歌通过让值得信赖的测试人员首先使用新产品,不断开发高质量的人工智能产品。故选C。
39.推理判断题。根据“Technology experts have warned that while the new AI tools can produce human-like writings, the systems can also make mistakes.”可知第五段讲述了技术专家警告说,虽然新的人工智能工具可以产生类似人类的文字,但这些系统也可能出错。根据“Last month, Bard, Google’s new AI tool designed to give a better online search, made a mistake and caused a $100-billion drop”可知第六段讲述了上个月,谷歌新的人工智能工具Bard犯了一个错误,导致了1000亿美元的损失。所以第六段给出了一个例子来支持第五段。故选A。
40.推理判断题。根据“Google’s AI tools are designed to create completely written texts for many different purposes. For example, an office worker could enter some keywords of a kind of text they want. The tools could then create a full marketing email, training materials or a business plan in a while. Google sees the system being able to offer an ‘AI Helper’ to help human workers in real time”(谷歌的人工智能工具旨在为许多不同的目的创建完整的书面文本。例如,办公室职员可以输入他们想要的文本的一些关键字。然后,这些工具可以在一段时间内创建完整的营销电子邮件、培训材料或商业计划。谷歌认为该系统能够提供一个“人工智能助手”来实时帮助人类工人)可推知谷歌的人工智能工具展示了最近的人工智能发展。故选B。
【详解】句意:汤姆盼望着和新经理一起工作。look forward to doing sth“盼望着做某事”,是固定短语,空处用doing形式,故填working。
【详解】句意:李军很不幸因为他的车昨天坏了。lucky“幸运的”,形容词;由“his car broke down yesterday”可知,应该是不幸的,lucky的反义词是unlucky“不幸的”。故填unlucky。
51.indeed 52.awful 53.enemies 54.only 55.at a time
51.句意:虽然它们看起来一点也不像鱼,但它们确实是鱼。“Though they look nothing like fish”表示让步,由此可推出虽然看起来不像鱼,但确实是鱼,indeed“的确”。故填indeed。
52.句意:它们游泳游得很糟糕。根据“In fact, they are the slowest moving fish in the ocean and swim about 5 feet per hour.”可知游得非常慢,是糟糕的游泳者,awful“糟糕的”。故填awful。
53.句意:海马通过改变颜色使其看起来像周围的东西来躲避敌人。根据“by changing colours to look like the things around them”可知变成和周围很像的颜色来躲避敌人,enemies“敌人”。故填enemies。
54.句意:雄性海马是唯一可以分娩的雄性动物!根据“male animals that can give birth”可推出是唯一可以分娩的雄性动物,only“唯一的”。故填only。
55.句意:两到四周后,它一次能产下100到1000个婴儿。根据“it gives birth to 100 to 1,000 babies ...”可推出是一次产下100到1000个小海马,at a time“一次”。故填at a time。
56.number 57.common 58.grown##planted 59.similar 60.used 61.shape 62.satisfy##meet 63.provide 64.food 65.treat##cure
56.根据“ It is reported that there are about 390,900 plants in the world.”可知,世界上有390,900种植物。the number of“……的数量”。故填number。
57.根据“This ball-shaped plant used to be only found in South Africa.It is thought to be endangered in the natural environment in which it lives, yet it’s commonly planted around the world.”可知,在过去人们只能在南非看见这种植物,但现在很普遍了,此处需用形容词修饰plant。故填common。
58.根据“Luckily, some special gardens have started to grow this plant to make sure that it no longer needs to be got from the wild so that it does not die out.”可知,它生长或者被种植在一些特别的花园里面,它不能自己种在花园里,句子用被动。故填grown;planted。
59.根据“It smells like bad meat, and its colors and hairs really look like those from a dead animal.”可知,它的气味颜色头发看起来像死掉的动物。similar“相似”,look like的近义词。故填similar。
60.根据“This has been a problem for collectors hoping to have the plant at their home, as well as the Zulus, a group of people in Africa who use the plant as medicine.”可知,the Zulus的人拿它用作药,情态动词的被动语态,填过去分词。故填used。
61.根据“It is famous for its bat-shaped black flowers.”可知,它的得名是因为它的形状。故填shape。
62.根据“It needs a special environment to grow. This is the reason why it is an endangered plant.”可知,满足它的生长需要特殊的环境,那很难。故填satisfy;meet。
63.根据“It survives like other plants by getting energy from gases in the air and the soil.”可知,气体和土壤可以给它提供能量。故填provide。
64.根据“It lives mainly on meat.”可知,肉是它的主要食物。故填food。
65.根据“and some of them are also used as medicine, food and so on.”可知,植物可以当做食物吃也可以做药材来治疗人类,feed对food;treat、cure对medicine。故填treat;cure。
66.(a)mong 67.(b)elieve 68.(s)howed 69.(s)till 70.(c)onsidered 71.(a)ppear##(a)re 72.(v)alue 73.(p)eace 74.(p)opular 75.(w)hich
66.句意:他一举成名,是桂林漓江最知名的人物之一。根据“the most well-known characters of”可知,此处考查“among+the+形容词最高级+名词复数+范围”的用法。故填(a)mong。
68.句意:黄渔夫的一生展示了漓江的真正精神。分析句子成分可知此处应填入谓语动词,show...spirit意思是“展示……的精神”,结合下文“He was a man full of kindness and energy.”可知,此处应使用一般过去时,动词使用过去式。故填(s)howed。
69.句意:例如,在黄老九十多岁的时候,他仍然可以划船。根据“in his nineties...row his boat.”可知,虽然他年事已高,但仍在划船,still“仍然”,副词。故填(s)till。
70.句意:这张照片不仅仅是关于一个人,而是被看作是漓江的一个特殊文化符号。短语consider as为固定搭配,意思是“把……看作”,此处应用动词过去分词,与前面的be动词构成被动语态。故填(c)onsidered。
71.句意:事实上,全国最美丽的风景都出现/在第五套人民币的不同背面。此句时态为一般现在时,主语为“the most beautiful landscapes”,是复数形式,使用动词appear“出现”或be动词are表状态均符合语境。故填(a)ppear/(a)re。
73.句意:几千年来,许多皇帝都会去那里祈求和平和好运。根据“and good luck”可知,此处应填入名词与“good luck”并列,结合首字母分析,不可数名词peace“和平”符合语境。故填(p)eace。
74.句意:人民币图片使得中国古典山水画更加流行。根据“Many love to find out where the pictures were taken...”可知,人们喜欢去人民币背面的地点旅游,人民币照片使中国经典景观更加流行;popular“流行的,受欢迎的”,形容词。故填(p)opular。
75.句意:来自重庆的潘金玉在21岁的时候进行了一次中国“钞票之旅”,游览了从1元到100元人民币的所有景点。此句为定语从句,关系代词指代先行词“the sights”,在从句中作主语,且先行词为事物,应使用先行词which。故填(w)hich。
In my opinion, Tangping means not studying hard for teenagers. I don’t choose Tangping because it can only give us pleasure for a short time. My friend Tom once chose Tangping during the summer holiday. At first, he had fun playing online games. But later, he failed the exams. He was not happy any more!
I have some advice for those who choose Tangping. First, you should have a purpose for your life, such as going to college or being a doctor in the future. Second, stay away from mobile phones. If you feel bored, play sports instead of playing computer games or watching short videos on the Internet.
①have fun doing sth做某事很有趣
②such as例如
③instead of而不是
①I don’t choose Tangping because it can only give us pleasure for a short time.(原因状语从句)
②I have some advice for those who choose Tangping.(定语从句)



上一篇:Module9 l computers be used more than books in the future?含3课时同步练习(含答案) 外研版九年级英语上册
