Module8 Unit1 I always like birthday parties分课时课后作业(含答案共3课时)外研版七年级上册

Module 8 Choosing presents. Unit 1(含3课时)
1.Tom's uncle likes reading and he reads lots of books and m    .
2.My sister always s     a lot of money on clothes.
3.Daming's father likes watching football on TV, but he never goes to football m    .
4.She often goes to c     to listen to music.
5.This pair of shoes is very e    . I don't have too much money to buy them.
6. I have a (幸福的) family.
7. It’s my (秘密).
8. Lisa (从不) plays computer games.
II. 单项选择
1. Let’s send a present.
A. he B. his C. him D. /
2. She often watches TV Saturday evening.
A. at B. on C. in D. from
3. —Would you like the magic show with us
—Sure, I’d love to.
A. watch B. to watch C. watching D. watches
4. Tony always football matches on TV.
A. looks B. reads C. looks at D. watches
5. —Happy birthday, Mike.
— .
A. Thank you B. Good idea C. I’d love to D. Goodbye
6. —Would you like to go to the movies with me
— . I can’t wait to go.
A. Yes, I can B. No, thanks C. Sure, I’d love to D. Yes, please
7. —Did you go to the cinema last night
—Oh, no. I go to the cinema. The tickets, you know, are too expensive. A. always B. hardly C. usually D. often
III. 根据汉语提示完成句子
1. 你想来我的生日聚会吗?
Would come to my birthday party
2. 我一直喜欢生日聚会。
I birthday parties.
3. 在中式的生日聚会上,你们通常做什么?
do you at a Chinese birthday party
4. 但是我妈妈从来不做生日蛋糕。
my mother a birthday cake.
5. 你生日想要什么,大明?
you like for your birthday, Daming
IV. 补全对话
A: Good morning, Sam!
B: 1 Alice! Where are you going
A: I want to go to the food store and buy a birthday cake for my brother. B: 2
A: His birthday is on January 27th. B: 3
A: He was born in 2003.
B: So he is fifteen years old now. Do you want to have a birthday party for him A: 4
B: Can I go to your brother’s birthday party
A: 5 You are also his good friend. Welcome to the party.
A. Sorry.
B. Yes, you can.
C. Which year was he born in D. Sure.
E. When is your brother’s birthday F. May I help you
G. Good morning,
Module 8 Choosing presents. Unit 1(含3课时)
I. 根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词
1. Here is a birthday (卡片) for you.
2. Let’s have a (聚会) this evening.
3. My mother wants to make a (蛋糕) for me.
4. He uses a knife to (切) it.
5. Can you (唱) the English song
6.My aunt likes music. My uncle also likes music.(合并为一句)
My     and          music.
7.Students can watch TV on Saturdays and Sundays.(改为同义句)
Students can watch TV          .
8.Don't spend much time playing computer games.(改为同义句)
Don't spend much time     computer games.
9.It's rainy all day, so I have to stay at home.(改为同义句)
     it's rainy all day, I have to stay at home.
10.They buy him a book as a present.(改为同义句)
They     a book     him as a present.
(  )11.Many old women get some     in the park. They dance a lot.
A.milk B.presents
C.exercise D.books
(  )12.This dress is too    . I want to buy a cheap(便宜的) one.
A.interesting B.expensive
C.big D.small
(  )13.Mr Wu spends about an hour     books every day. B.reads read D.reading
(  )14.—So many dresses! Which one do you want to wear
—I'll     the white one.
A.choose B.check D.give
(  )15.Tony     gets to school at 7:00 and he is     late for school.
A.never; never B.always; sometimes
C.always; often D.always; never
Tomorrow is Susan's mother's birthday.Susan wants to give a present to her mother.Father tells her to go to the shop and try to find something.Susan hurries(匆忙) to the shopping centre and goes to the women's store.She has $3 with her.First she wants to get her mother something to wear.Then she wants to buy something for her to use.
But she only has $3. She can't buy the nice dress.She sees a nice red hat.She knows her mother will like it.But it is too expensive.It is $10.
The salesgirl looks at her and then looks at the hat.She takes off the price tag(标签) and says, “That's exactly(恰好) $3.”
(  )16.Why does Susan want to give a present to her mother
A.Because she loves her mother.
B.Because her father asks her to do that.
C.Because tomorrow is her mother's birthday.
D.Because she is a good girl.
(  )17.Where does Susan go
A.To the food store.
B.To a bookshop.
C.To the women's store.
D.To the supermarket.
(  )18.How much money does Susan have
A.$3. B.$10.
C.¥3. D.¥10.
(  )19.What is the price of the red hat on the price tag
A.$2. B.¥3.
C.$10. D.¥15.
(  )20.Why doesn't Susan buy the dress
A.Because she doesn't like it.
B.Because her mother doesn't like it.
C.Because the dress is not beautiful.
D.Because she doesn't have much money with her.
Module 8 Choosing presents. Unit 1(含3课时)
1.Let's     (play) basketball after school.
2.Would you like     (stay) at home at weekends
3.It's nice     (hear) from my pen friend in America.
4.    (do) your grandfather get up early in the morning
5.I often     to the cinema but my sister often     to the concert.(go)
6.I'm glad to       (收到……的来信) you.
7.      (恐怕) I can't go to your birthday party.
8.We often go to concerts       (在周末).
9.Do you often       (踢足球) after class in the afternoon
10.I sometimes       (去购物) with my mother on Sunday.
(  )11.Tony is a good student and he is     late for school.
A.always B.often
C.usually D.never
(  )12.It's great     a good present from you.
A.get B.gets get D.getting
(  )13.—Can you come to my birthday party tomorrow
—    . I have a lot of homework to do.
A.I think so B.I'm afraid not
C.I'd like D.Yes, I can
(  )14.     to go to a football match
A.Let's B.Would you like
C.What about D.Shall we
Jane shakes her saving box. It is not heavy. She shakes it again. It makes a very little sound.
She sighs. How can she buy Dad a present Father's Day is coming. She goes to talk to Mum.
“Mum,” says Jane, “I need money.”
“What do you need money for ” asks Mum.
“I need to buy Dad a present for Father's Day.”
“I will not give you the money,” says Mum. “I will help you to earn(赚) it.”
“What do I have to do ” asks Jane.
“You can help me,” says Mum. “You can help with housework. I will make a list of jobs.When you do a job well, I will give you the money according to the list.”
“OK. That's a good idea,” says Jane.
Mum quickly makes a housework list: sweeping the floor,$2; washing socks, $1; making the bed, $1; washing the dishes, $2; taking out the rubbish, $1; cutting the grass in the garden, $3; tidying the room, $3.
After that, Jane helps with housework every day happily. “What a pleasant surprise my father will have when he gets the present!” Jane often thinks.
(  )15.From Paragraph 1, we may know that     . 
A.Jane is a quiet girl
B.Jane doesn't look heavy
C.Jane has much money in the saving box
D.Jane has little money in the saving box
(  )16.What does Jane want money for
A.She wants to save more money.
B.She wants to buy a present for her father.
C.She wants to buy a gift for her mother.
D.She wants to get some books for herself.
(  )17.How can Jane get the money
A.By asking Mum for it.
B.By getting good grades.
C.By doing housework.
D.By borrowing some from friends.
(  )18.Jane can get     by making her room tidy.
A.$0.5 B.$1 C.$2 D.$3
(  )19.What can we know from the passage
A.Jane will make lots of money.
B.Jane will buy her dad a nice gift.
C.Jane will become a lazy girl.
D.Jane will get good grades in the exams.
Today is Mary's birthday. Her parents have a birthday 20.    (聚会) for her. At the party, she gets many 21.    (礼物). Her mother makes her a big cake. Her aunt 22.    
(买) a 23.    (丝绸) scarf for her. Mary likes music, so her uncle gives her two CDs and a 24.    (音乐会) ticket. Her friends also 25.    (选择) a lot of presents for her, like books, 26.    (杂志) and a box of chocolate. Mary's grandfather doesn't come. But she hears from her grandfather. He says he will take her to 27.    (参观) China next week. It's great for her to get this 28.    (特别的) present. Today Mary has a 29.    (高兴的) birthday and all her family and friends have a good time.
Module 8 Choosing presents. Unit 1(含3课时)
Ⅰ.1.magazines 2.spends 3.matches
4.concerts 5.expensive 7. secret 8. never
答案 C send sb. sth.意为“送给某人某物”。其中 sb.要用人称代词的宾格。
答案 B 在具体某天的上午、下午、晚上,介词要用 on。
答案 B would like 后跟动词不定式,would like to do sth.意为“想要做某事”。故答案为 B。
答案 D “看足球赛”要用 watch football matches。
答案 A 当别人祝你生日快乐时,要以“Thank you.”来回应。故答案为 A。
答 案 C 根据答语中的“我都等不及要去了”可推断,说话人接受了邀请,故正确的答语是
“Sure, I’d love to.”。
答案 B 考查频度副词的用法。结合本题中的“你知道,电影票太贵了”可推断,我“几乎 不”去看电影,故 hardly 符合题意。
答案 1. you like to 2.always like 3.What;usually do 4.But;never makes 5. What would
答案 1—5 GECDB
Module 8 Choosing presents. Unit 1(含3课时)
答案 1. card 2. party 3. cake 4. cut 5. sing 6. happy
Ⅱ.6.aunt; uncle like weekends
8.on 9.Because; for
Ⅲ.11—15 CBDAD
Ⅳ.16—20 CCACD
Module 8 Choosing presents. Unit 1(含3课时)
Ⅰ stay hear
4.Does 5.go; goes
Ⅱ.6.hear from 7.I'm afraid weekends football
10.go shopping
Ⅲ.11.D 12.C
13.B 根据空后句意“我有许多作业要做”可知,此处表示“我恐怕不能(参加明天的生日聚会)”,故选B。
14.B “Let's”后用动词原形; “Would you like to do”是固定句型; “What about”后用名词或动名词形式; “Shall we”后用动词原形。
Ⅳ.【主旨大意】 父亲节快到了,Jane想给爸爸买个礼物,但是储存罐里并没有多少钱,妈妈建议她做家务赚钱,Jane愉快地接受了。
15.D 推理判断题。 从第一段的“不重”和“声音很小”以及下文的叹息和向妈妈要钱可知,储蓄罐里面的钱不多。故选D。
16.B 细节理解题。从Jane对妈妈说的“I need to buy Dad a present for Father's Day.”可知,她需要给爸爸买父亲节的礼物。故选B。
17.C 细节理解题。从妈妈对Jane说的“You can help with housework”可知,Jane可以帮助做家务来挣钱。故选C。
18.D 细节理解题。根据妈妈列的家务清单的价格的最后一项可知选C。
19.B 细节理解题。根据短文最后一段最后一句“‘What a pleasant surprise my father will have when he gets the present!’ Jane often thinks.”可知,Jane将会用她挣到的钱给父亲买礼物。故选B。
Ⅴ 21.presents 22.buys 24.concert 25.choose
26.magazines 27.visit
28.special 29.happy



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