外研(新标准)版七年级上册 Module 9 Unit 2 They're waiting for buses or trains.同步练习(共3课时含答案)

Module 9 People and places Unit 2(含3课时)
1. Mr Wang is tired, but he is     (仍然) working there.
2.—Daming! What are you doing at the     (时刻)
—I'm doing some housework.
3.    (大多数) students usually go to school by bus, and few walk to school.
4.—Is your father very busy
—Yes. He has many     (事情) to do.
5.There are a lot of     (星星) in the sky in the evening.
6.There are some old    (东西) in his room.
7.He is very old, but he is    (仍然) active.
8.In different    (地方), people like to do different sports.
9.They are doing different things    this moment.
A.for   B.of   C.in   D.at
10. What kind of food is it in the picture
A.A hot dog.  
B.A hamburger.
C.A sandwich.
D.An ice cream.
11.—I'm a little hungry and want to eat some food, Mum.
—There is a    near here. Let's have lunch there.
A.hospital   B.restaurant   C.school   D.factory
12.—Lily, where is my dog
—Look! It    under the bed.
A.sleep   B.sleeps
C.is sleeping   D.are sleeping
13.—Oh, you eat so little food every day.
—Yes, but I am    fat.
A.still   B.only   C.even   D.also
14.How careless I am! I often    my homework at home. Sometimes I have to get back home to get it.
A.forget   B.remember
C.leave   D.catch
15.I'm going to the museum. I will    the bus at the next station.
A.put off   B.get off
C.turn off   D.take off
What are you doing         
They       afternoon tea.
They       homework now.
It's 6 pm now. They          .
20. 一些人正在下公共汽车或火车。
Some people are       buses or trains.
Martin:Hi, Mum!
Mum:Hi, Martin. What are you doing now
Martin: 21
Mum:Who is with you
Martin:Daming and Tony.  22
Mum:Are there many people in the Forbidden City
Martin:Yes, some people are enjoying the sun.  23
Mum: 24
Martin:Yes, we are enjoying the trip a lot.
Mum:Please take some photos and send them to me by email.
Martin:OK.  25 Bye, Mum.
A.They are writing postcards.
B.It's time to go back to school now.
C.We are visiting the Forbidden City.
D.She often goes to the cinema.
E.You're playing basketball!
F.Are you having a good time
G.Some people are looking at the buildings.
21.    22.    23.    24.    25.  
Module 9 People and places Unit 2(含3课时)
1.The young man wants to learn to    (驾驶) cars.
2. We can't    (离开) here until our teacher arrives.
3.Can you see the    (星星)in the sky They are beautiful.
4.    (大多数) students are in the playground.
5. In a    (餐馆), people usually choose food and
drink from the menu.
6.Peter wants to travel to China's different     (place).
7.Look! The woman     (drive) so fast.
8.Thank you for     (send) me the nice postcard on my birthday.
9.It's six o'clock in the morning. Danny     (get) up.
10.They     (listen) to music at the moment.
leave work, get off, play games,wait for, movie star
11.Jackie Chan is one of my favourite       .
12.Tony is       me in the park.
13.The children       on the computer at the moment.
14.Jenny is       and going home now.
15.Miss White is       the train with her luggage(行李).
(  )16.Don't forget to take your bag when you     the bus.
A.get off B.take off C.turn off D.put off
(  )17.—What are you doing, Davis
—I am     a football match on the playground.
A.watching B.looking
C.seeing D.looking at
(  )18.Miss Xu is going to     the car to see the new movie tonight with her friends.
A.make B.choose
C.share D.drive
(  )19.It's very late. But Tom is     working in the office.
A.never B.anyway
C.still D.also
(  )20.—Thank you for     me English.
—You're welcome.
A.teach B.to teach
C.teaching D.teaches
(  )21.—    
—He's watching TV at home.
A.What does he do
B.What is he doing
C.How is he doing
D.Who is he
It's seven o'clock on Tuesday. Linda's friends are 22.    (举行) a party with her at her home. 23.    (他们) are Peter, Sara, Tony and Karl. Linda can sing and 24.    (跳舞) well. Now she isn't singing. She is washing 25.    (苹果) for her friends, because they like fruit. 26.    (看) at the other children. Peter is playing the piano. The piano is in front of the window. Karl 27.    (和) Tony are playing the drums. 28.    (在哪里) is Sara Oh, 29.    (她) is putting on her nice dress in the room. She's going to dance 30.    
(和……在一起) Linda. What are you doing Are you 31.    (看) films on the Internet Are you sleeping Anyway, we are having a good time.
Module 9 People and places Unit 2(含3课时)
1.After dinner, they often go to the park near here and take a    (散步) there.
2. In my class,    (大多数) of my classmates love to listen to pop music.
3.Be quiet!The children are    (睡觉) now.
4.—What time do you want to    (离开) the office
—At nine o'clock.
5. Tony is very tired after a day's work in the    (餐馆), so he wants to have a good sleep.

6. I want to be a    (drive) in the future.
7. My classmates and I enjoy    (draw).
8.We usually enjoy    (us) at parties.
9.Listen! Someone    (sing) in the next room.
10.My grandfather often    (go) to the park after dinner.
11. —Do you know    girl over there
—Yes, she likes playing    basketball a lot.
A.the; /   B.a; the   C.a; /   D.the; a
12.—Is there a    near here
—Yes, there is. It's on Bridge Street. Lots of people love its good food.
A.restaurant   B.hospital
C.station   D.library
13. He enjoys    country music.
A.listens to   B.listening to
C.listening   D.to listen to
14.—Where is your brother I can't find him.
—Maybe he    flowers with his friends in the garden.
A.waters   B.water
C.is watering   D.are watering
15.The bus is coming. Oh, my God! It's full. I'm afraid we can't    it.
A.get up   B.get on   C.get off   D.get back
16.—Mum, can I go to the party with Alice this evening
A.Here you are!   B.I'm fine.
C.Have a good time!  D.That's for sure.
In       of the world, people       different things.
Many people are       buses.
Some people are       , calling home or shopping.
They're       at home or in    .
Where do you want to       the bus
A:Hi, Mrs Green.
B:Hi, Ben.
A: 22
B:She is in the garden.
A: 23
B:She is playing with her cats.
A:How many cats are there in the garden
B: 24
A:Is Tony in the garden too
B: 25 He is in his bedroom.
A:In the bedroom  26
B:He is doing his homework.
A.No, he isn't.
B.What is he doing
C.Where is Lisa
D.What is she doing
E.She is reading a book.  
F.There are two.
G.She has two dogs.
22.    23.    24.    25.    26.  
Module 9 People and places Unit 2(含3课时)
Ⅰ.1.still 2.moment 3.Most
4.things 5.stars
6.things 7.still 8.places
9.答案 D at this moment是固定搭配,意为“此刻;现在”。
10.答案 A 四个选项提到的食物分别是:热狗、汉堡包、三明治和冰激凌。图片中的食物是“热狗”,故答案为A。
11.答案 B 根据题干中的“我有点儿饿了,想吃一些东西”以及答语中的 “让我们在那里吃午饭吧”可知,合适的地点是“餐馆”,restaurant符合题意。
12.答案 C 根据本题语境可知,它正在床下睡觉,时态要用现在进行时;主语是It,对应的结构是is sleeping。故答案为C。
13.答案 A 题干中提到了“你每天吃的东西这么少”,由此可推断,但是我还是很胖,表示“仍然;还是”要用still。
14.答案 C 根据本题语境可知,我太粗心了!我经常把我的家庭作业忘在家里,leave常表示把某物遗忘在某处,故答案为C。
15.答案 B 根据本题语境可知,我打算去博物馆,我将会在下一站下车。get off符合题意,故答案为B。
16.at this moment 17.are having 18.aren't doing 19.are having/eating
dinner 20.getting off
21.C 根据问句“你们现在正在做什么 ”可推断,合适的答语是C,该句
22.A 根据上文的描述可推断,他们正在写明信片,所缺的句子是A。
23.G 设空前提到了“一些人正在享受阳光”,此处所缺的句子是G,该
24.F 根据答语中的“Yes”可知,所缺的句子是一般疑问句,故所缺的句
25.B 此处所缺的句子是B,该句的含义是“现在该回学校了”。
Module 9 People and places Unit 2(含3课时)
1.drive 2.leave 3.stars  4.Most 5.restaurant
Ⅱ.6.places 7.is driving 8.sending
9.is getting 10.are listening
Ⅲ.11.movie stars 12.waiting for
13.are playing games 14.leaving work
15.getting off
Ⅳ.16.A get off意为“下车”; take off意为“脱下”; turn off意为“关上”; put off意为“推迟”。根据前文“不要忘记带上你的包”可判断,此处应为“当你下车的时候”,故选A。
17.A 表示“看电影、看电视、看球赛、看戏等”用动词watch或see。但see通常不用于进行时,故选A。
18.D 19.C 20.C 21.B
Ⅴ.22.having 23.They 24.dance
25.apples 26.Look 27.and
28.Where 29.she
30.with 31.watching
Module 9 People and places Unit 2(含3课时)
1.walk 2.most 3.sleeping 4.leave 5.restaurant
6.driver 句意:我将来想当一名司机。此处要填的是drive的名词driver。
7.drawing 根据设空前的enjoy可知,此处要填的是draw的动名词,即drawing。
8.ourselves enjoy oneself意为“玩得开心”,和we相呼应的反身代词是ourselves。
9.is singing 根据“Listen!”可知,时态是现在进行时,主语是Someone,故答案为is singing。
10.goes 根据often可知,时态是一般现在时,主语是My grandfather,故所缺的词是goes。
11. 答案 A 句意:——你认识那边的那个女孩吗 ——是的,她很喜欢打篮球。特指那边的那个女孩要用定冠词the,先排除B和C;play basketball意为“打篮球”,basketball前不必加冠词,故答案为A。
12.答案 A 根据题干中的“许多人喜欢它的美食”可知,对应的地点
13.答案 B 根据enjoy doing sth.的固定搭配可先排除A和D;表示“听音乐”时,要用listen to和music搭配,故答案为B。
14.答案 C 根据本题语境可知,或许他正和他的朋友在花园里浇花,时态是现在进行时,主语是he,对应的结构是is watering。
15.答案 B 本题考查get的常见短语。get up起床,起来;get on上车;get off下车;get back回来。根据题干中的“公共汽车来了”以及“人满了”可推断,恐怕我们上不去。故答案为B。
16. 答案 C 题干中提到了“妈妈,我今天晚上能和艾丽斯一起去参加聚会吗 ”,根据答语中的“OK.”可推断,所缺的句子是C,该句的含义是“祝你玩得开心!”。
17.different countries;are doing 18.waiting for
19.seeing/visiting friends 20.having dinner;restaurants
21.get off
22.C 根据下文“她在花园里”可知,所缺的句子是C。
23.D 根据下文“她正在和她的猫一起玩耍”可知,所缺的句子是D。
24.F 根据问句“花园里有多少只猫 ”可推断,合适的答语是F。
25.A 根据问句“托尼也在花园里吗 ”可推断,所缺的答语是A。
26.B 根据下文“他正在做他的家庭作业”可推断,所缺的句子是B。




下一篇:人教版八年级物理下册 9.1.2《压强的综合应用》分层训练 (原卷版+解析版)