Module 6 Unit 1 If I start after dinner, I'll finish it before I go to bed.含3课时同步练习(含答案)外研版九年级英语上册

Module6 Problems Unit 1(含3课时)
Ⅰ. 根据语境,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,注意形式变化,每词限用一次。
reason, repair, true, honest, bill
1. —Do you think he is telling the _______
—Yes. I believe him.
2. My dad _______ the fridge and now it’ s working again.
3. In China young people often pay _______ through the Internet.
4. I have listed several _______ why I don’ t like this book.
5. Paul is a(n) _______ boy. You can trust him.
6. Tom is going to buy either a ______ (吉他) or a piano.
7. I do not know how to operate this ______ (仪器).
8. It is both important and ______(必要的) to note this difference.
9. The ______(知识) of history is important to all of us.
10. Let them see how you help in your ______ (社区). ( http: / / dict. / example / blng / eng / community / " \o "点击发音 )
Ⅱ. 单项选择
11. The young lady teaches the children to play guitar on weekends.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
12. —I don’t know where to go this summer vacation.
—Why not visiting Jingzhou There are many places of interest.
A. regard B. consider C. wonder D. suggest
13.— How do you keep fit
—Living on the twelfth floor, I walk upstairs ______ taking the lift every day.
A. as for B. thanks to
C. instead of D. according to
14. We wonder if our parents will come to our graduating party next weekend. If they ______, we’ll be very glad.
A. come B. comes C. are coming D. will come
15. —My uncle hasn’t been back to our hometown for years.
—______. He must miss his family very much.
A. It’s a shame B. No way
C. Good job D. No problem
16. 你最好不要养成喝酒的习惯。
You’d better not _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ drinking.
17. 我应当在学校,而不是在这儿躺在床上。
I should be at school _____ _____ lying here in bed.
18. 我试着和他达成协议。
I’ll try to _____ _____ _____ _____ him.
19. 我现在是对你们俩说最后一次了。
Now that’s my _____ _____ to both of you.
20. 我认为这辆汽车坐不下你们这些人。
I _____ _____ the car _____ _____ you all.
Ⅳ. 补全对话
I’m a doctor.Where are you now This is Scott Smith.How will you come What’s happening Stay with her and don’t move her.How long will I have to wait
A: Hello! This is 911. Who is that speaking
B:  21  Help! Help! Please help me!
A: Yes, sir.  22  
B: My wife is seriously ill. She’s having a heart problem.
A: Now relax, sir.  23  
B: I’m on Lincoln Highway, about 15 miles from Washington Tunnel.
A: OK. I’ll send an ambulance(救护车) as soon as possible.
B: 24  
A: For about ten minutes.
B: All right. What should I do while waiting
A:  25  
A: OK. Thank you and please hurry.
Ⅴ. 短文改错
Dear ladies and gentlemen,
I’m Zhao Wei. I’m an junior student. I’d like to become one of your volunteer.
I have learned English for 6 years. I spend a lot of my free time listen to English news and watching English movies, but I’m good at English. That is to say, it’s not difficult for me talk with people in English.
I’ve been interested on science since I was a child. My favorite books are about science. I often have new ideas which have encourage me a lot.
Besides, I like that making friends with different people, no matter where they come from. I’m sure that I will get along well with it.
I would be very thankful unless you could give me the chance.
Thank you!
Module6 Problems Unit 1(含3课时)
Ⅰ. 根据句意及汉语提示写出单词
1. Mary comes from a ______ (音乐的) family.
2. I will have a try even though I may ______ (失败). ( javascript:void(0); )
3. I want to be a ______(志愿者) like that some day.
4. We’ve always understood your ______(观点) of view.
5. We did a ______(协议) with the boss on overtime.
Ⅱ. 根据语境,从方框中选择恰当的短语填空,注意形式变化。
come round, try out, no longer, pocket money, at least
1. I used my ________________ to buy a schoolbag yesterday.
2. May I ________________ this computer before I buy it
3. Katie loves drawing. She spends ________________ one hour drawing every day.
4. Mr. Wang ________________ works in this hospital. Now he works in a medical lab.
5. I was doing my homework when Lisa ________________.
Ⅲ. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限。
1. 你可以给Mr. Green写信寻求建议。
You can write to Mr. Green to ____________.
2. 我摔坏了姐姐的相机,所以她对我生气了。
My sister was ____________ because I broke her camera.
3. 你应该向你妈妈道歉。
You should ____________ your mum.
4. 你最好把游戏从电脑上卸载掉。
You’ d better ____________ the computer.
5. Mrs. Xu经常警告我们不要在马路上玩耍。
Mrs. Xu often ____________ on the road.
IV. 阅读理解。
Three students are giving their opinions about what a good friend should be like.
Cindy I think a good friend should be honest(诚实的).That's more important than any other thing. And it is where a real friendship starts. If a friend isn't honest,he may lose his friends' trust.
Jerry I think a good friend has to be generous(慷慨的).Here being generous doesn't mean he has to give his friends money or clothes. It means he should share his ideas and feelings with his friends. In fact, his friends can know him better in this way.
Mary In my opinion, a good friend should understand his friends. When there's something wrong between him and his friends,he must put himself in his friends' places and think more for his friends.
1. What does the underlined sentence mean
A.To be honest is the most important.
B.To be honest is as important as other things.
C.To be honest is not very important.
D.Honest people get more things than others.
2. What does the underlined word “trust” mean in Chinese
A.夸奖 B.批评 C.理解 D.信任
3. Jerry would like to make friends with people who .
A.give him much money B.know him very well
C.tell him their ideas and feelings D.give him some clothes
4. Mary thinks friends should .
A.often visit each other B.often go to different places
C.understand each other each other
5.Which of the following is NOT true
A.The three students are talking about what they think a good friend should be like.
B.Cindy thinks to be honest is the base (基础)of a good friendship.
C.Mary would like to make friends with people who think more for others.
D.Being generous means being very clever.
Module6 Problems Unit 1(含3课时)
1. Bill, stop smoking, ______ you’ll get better soon.
A. But B. after C. or D. and
2. To keep children safe, we _____ put the things like knives and medicine away in our house.
A. may B. should C. can D. might
3. Please wait. She ______ to you in a few minutes.
A. talk B. talked C. have talked D. will talk
4. _____ we continue to kill elephants for their ivory, we humans will lose them in the end.
A. If B. Before C. Until D. Although
5. _____, you guys! You don’t want to miss the train, do you
A. Look up B. Give up
C. Hurry up D. Grow up
6. If you don’t hurry up, you will be late.
______ ______! ______ you will be late.
7. If there is no water, fish may die.
Fish may ______ ______ water.
8. Come early, and you will see her.
______ you ______ early, you ______ ______ her.
9. Use your head, then you will have an idea.
______ you ______ your head, you ______ ______ an idea.
10. Study hard, or you will fail the exam.
If you ______ ______ hard, you ______ ______ the exam.
Ⅲ. 根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空一词
11. 上半场结束时,双方均未得分。
_____ _____ _____ _____ the first half there’s no score. ( javascript:void(0); )
12. 人人都为自己的国家感到自豪。
Everyone _____ _____ _____ his own country. ( javascript:void(0); )
13. 我妹妹拿了我的书,我很生气。
I _____ _____ _____ my sister for taking my book. ( javascript:void(0); )
14. 我不是来听你抱怨的。
I’m not here to _____ _____ your complaints. ( javascript:void(0); )
15. 我想没有人会想留下来用餐的。
I _____ _____ anyone _____ _____ for dinner. ( javascript:void(0); )
Ⅳ. 补全对话
A: Hi, Jack. Our speech competition about sports is coming.
B: Yeah. I’m ready for it. 16. _______________________________
A: I have no idea about it. Could you give me some good advice
B: Well, it depends on our hobby. What’s your favorite sport
A: 17. _______________________________________________
B: Then, you should collect some information about football.
A: 18. _________________________________________
B: You can collect the information by reading newspapers and magazines. And you can also talk about the World Cup in Russia these days.
A: 19. ____________________________________ Thank you very much.
B: 20. ______________________________________ Bye.
A: Bye-bye.
overcome other say return failure smile it happy confident language
As the 21 goes, smiling is sunshine in everyone’s heart. When I started to go to primary school, my teacher, Mr. Wei told me the importance of smiling. He told me that 22 was a simple behavior which was very powerful. It can give people warm feelings, show your respect to 23 . Since a smile is a positive (积极的)attitude, we can often smile to ourselves to become 24 and happy. Although there are some situations where we may experience hardship or even
25 , we can always smile to ourselves. It can help us 26 many difficulties as well as succeed in the end. Learning to 27 to others is also beneficial. When we smile to others, we can get a smile in 28 . Then it can put us in a good mood. What’s more, it can also help us build a good relationship with others. In one word, smiling is a 29 which can help others understand us better. Therefore, let’s start to smile and live a better and 30 life.
21._______ 22. _______ 23. _______ 24. _______ 25. _______
26. _______ 27. _______ 28. _______ 29. _______ 30. _______
Module6 Problems Unit 1(含3课时)
Ⅰ. 1. truth 2. repaired 3. bills
4. reasons 5. honest
6. guitar 7. instrument
8. necessary 9. knowledge munity
Ⅱ.11. 答案 C 考查冠词的用法。句意:这个年轻女士在周末教孩子弹吉他。动词play后跟表示“西洋乐器”的名词时,名词前用定冠词the,故选C。
12. 答案 B 考查动词辨析。句意:——我不知道这个暑假去哪儿。——为什么不考虑去荆州?那里有许多名胜古迹。regard看作;consider考虑;wonder想知道;suggest建议。由句意可知选B。
13. 答案 C 考查介词短语辨析。句意:——你怎么保持健康?——我住在十二层,我每天步行上下楼代替乘坐电梯。as for至于;thanks to多亏;instead of代替;according to根据。由句意可知选C。
14. 答案 A 考查动词时态。句意:我们想知道我们父母下周末是否会来参加我们的毕业聚会。如果他们来了,我们会很高兴的。在含有if引导的条件状语从句的主从复合句中,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时,从句主语是they,谓语动词用come。故选A。
15. 答案 A 考查交际用语。句意:——我叔叔好几年没回家乡了。——真可惜。他一定很想念家人。It’s a shame真遗憾,真可惜;No way不行,没门;Good job干得好;No problem没问题。根据“他一定很想念家人”可知,“好几年没回来”是一件令人遗憾的事。故选A。
Ⅲ. 答案 16. get into the habit of 17. instead of 18. make a deal with 19. last word 20. don’t think; will hold
Ⅳ. 答案
21. C 由问句“Who is that speaking ”可知,答语应该是介绍自己。故选C。
22. E 根据答语中的“My wife is seriously ill.”可知,此句询问“发生了什么?”。故选E。
23. B 由答语中的“I’m on Lincoln Highway.”可知,此句应该是在问“你在哪里?”。故选B。
24. G 根据答语“For about ten minutes.”可知,此句应该是在问“需要多久能到?”。故选G。
25. F 根据问句“What should I do while waiting?”可知,此句应该是指导B怎么做。故选F。
Ⅴ. 答案
26.第一段第二句:an改为a junior不是以元音音素开头,且表示泛指,故用a。
27.第一段第三句:volunteer改为volunteers one of后面加可数名词复数形式。
28.第二段第二句:listen改为listening spend some time (in) doing sth.为固定结构,故应用listening。
29.第二段第二句:but改为so 前面提到自己在听英语新闻,看英语电影,所以自己的英语很好。故用so。
30.第二段最后一句:me后添加to It’s+adj+for sb.+to do sth.为固定句式。
31.第三段第一句:on改为in be interested in sth.对某事感兴趣。
32.第三段最后一句:encourage改为encouraged 从句为现在完成时,动词用过去分词形式。
33.第四段第一句:删除that like doing sth.喜欢做某事。
34.第四段第二句:it改为them 这里表示与多人相处,且作宾语,用人称代词they的宾格形式them。
35.倒数第二段:unless改为if 句意:如果你能够给我这个机会,我会很感激。根据句意可知应用连词if。
Module6 Problems Unit 1(含3课时)
Ⅰ. 答案 1. musical 2. fail 3. volunteer 4. point 5. deal
Ⅱ. 1. pocket money 2. try out 3. at least
4. no longer 5. came round
Ⅲ. 1. ask for advice
2. angry with me
3. apologise to
4. take the game off
5. warns us not to play
Module6 Problems Unit 1(含3课时)
Ⅰ.1.答案 D 考查连词的用法辨析。句意:比尔,停止吸烟,你很快就会好起来的。but表示“转折”;after意为“在……之后”;or表示“选择”;and表示“顺承或增补”。由句意可知,前后两个分句是“顺承”关系,故选D。
2. 答案 B 考查情态动词的用法。根据状语“为了保护孩子们的安全”可推知,此空表示“我们应该把屋子里像刀子和药物这样的东西收起来”。故选B。
3.答案 D 考查动词时态。句意:请等一等,她过一会儿要和你说话。in a few minutes常与将来时连用,故选D。
4. 答案 A 考查连词的用法辨析。句意:如果我们为得到象牙而持续杀死大象,我们人类最终会失去它们。if如果,引导条件状语从句;before在……前,引导时间状语从句;until直到……为止,引导时间状语从句;although尽管,引导让步状语从句。根据句意可知选A。
5. 答案 C 考查动词词组辨析。句意:快点,伙计们!你们不想错过火车,对吧?look up查询;give up放弃;hurry up快点;grow up长大。由“你们不想错过火车”可知是催促他们快点。故选C。
Ⅱ. 答案 6. Hurry up; Or 7. die without 8. If; come; will see 9. If; use; will have 10. don’t study; will fail
Ⅲ. 答案 11. At the end of 12. is proud of 13. am angry with 14. listen to 15. don’t think; will stay
Ⅳ. 答案
16. What about you/How about you/What about your speech/How about your speech/And you/How is your speech going/… 根据答语“我没有想法”可知,横线处应该询问对方关于比赛的想法和观点。
17. My favorite sport is football./Football is my favorite (sport)./ Football./ Soccer./ I like football best./ I love football best./… 根据上句“你最喜欢的运动是什么 ”可知,这句话回答最喜欢的运动。
18. How can I collect the information/How can I do it/What can I do/How can I prepare for it/…
19. (That) sounds good./(That’s) (a) good idea./ (That’s) great./ OK, I will do that./ OK, I will try./ You are right./ I agree (with you)./ That would be great./ I will do as what you say./ That makes sense./… 根据设空处后的“Thank you very much.”可知,此处表示“同意对方建议、观点”。
20. You’re welcome./ That’s all right./ It’s my pleasure./ Not at all./ That’s OK./ Don’t mention it./ No problem./… 根据上句“Thank you very much.”可知设空处是感谢的应答语。
Ⅴ. 答案
21. saying 根据句子结构可知,“the+n.”作主语,句意:俗话说/常言道,微笑在每个人心中就是阳光。所以要把say变成saying。
22. it 句意:他告诉我它是一种有影响力的简单的行为。根据上句他告诉“我”微笑的重要性可知此处应为“微笑”。前面刚提到smiling,再次提到避免重复应用it代替。
23.others 句意:他会给人温暖的感受,展现你对他人的尊重。此处用名词或者代词,根据所给词,要用others, 他人。
24. confident此处become后接形容词和happy并列,故填confident,变得“自信和快乐”。
25. failure/failuresor在此处连接两个并列名词,与“艰难”对应,要用名词,故填failure/failures。
26. (to)overcome 根据help sb. do / to do sth. 及语境,帮我们克服许多困难,故填overcome或to overcome。
27. smile 根据learn to do sth.意为“学习做某事”,根据下文“When we smile to others”可知此处填smile。
28. return 句意:作为回报,我们也可以得到一个微笑。固定搭配in return。
29. language 句意:总之,微笑是一种有助于他人更好地理解我们的语言。根据冠词a可知此处要用名词。故填language。
30. happierlive a better and happier life,and连接词性或词义相近的词,与better对应,要用比较级happier。



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