Module8 Sports life Unit 1同步练习(附答案)

Module8 Sports life Unit 1(含3课时)
Ⅰ. 根据语境及所给汉语提示语写出所缺单词。
1.Caroline is good at running. Last year she won gold medals in the 200m, 400m and 800m _______(赛跑).
2.Mike always has enough _______( 勇气) to face troubles.
3.Sally _______(经受) a lot when her grandfather died.
4.My sister looked with _______(自豪感) at the result of her work.
5.Ken has lived in _______(日本) since he was ten.
6.This book ________(write) in Chinese two years ago.
7.Yesterday, Class One ________(beat) by Class Two.
8. After New China was________ (found), people lived a happy life.
9.—Who is the little boy in the photo
—It's me. The photo ________(take) ten years ago. 
10. Even the smallest thing can make a big________ (different).
11.He's looking forward to the________ (chance) to join the club.
12.Face the________ (true) and take action from now on.
13.The fans arrived there in time________(cheer) for their team.
(  )14—Tony, come over. What do the letters “KIT” mean in the text message
—Don't you know that, Amy They________ “keep in touch”. for B.ask for C.go for D.stand for
(  )15.She had to marry the old man even though it was ________ her own will.
A.above B.for C.on D.against
(  )16.I lost my schoolbag. That made my parents ________ at me.
A.sad B.mad C.pleased D.happy
(  )17.—Who ________ the match
—SPURS ________ CUPPERS.
A.beat; won B.won; won C.beat; beat D.won; beat
(  )18.There is no________ for you not to keep in touch with us.
A.why B.cause C.excuse D.result
A: Hey, Tony. You look so excited. What's up
B: 19.________ And we will be in the final(决赛).
A: You mean the school soccer games
B: Yes. It was quite hard for us to beat Class Two.
A: Congratulations to you all!
B: 20.________ But now I am a little nervous.
A: Take it easy. You should be confident and believe in your team.
B: But sometimes I feel that we don't work well enough as a team.
A: Teamwork is very important.21.________
B: Sounds good. I'll do it right away.
A: 22.________
B: Next Tuesday.
A: 23.________ I will be free then and I can watch the game.
B: See you then.
A: See you!
A.By the way, when is the final
B.That would be nice!
C.We have just won a game!
D.Thanks, Cindy.
E.What about next Tuesday
F.Maybe you can talk with your teammates about that.
G.What should I do
Module8 Sports life Unit 1(含3课时)
1.We always have a simple lunch at ________ (中午).
2. Wang Feng showed his super _______(记忆力) in the programme Super Brain.
3. Each time when you make a________(决定), you should think carefully.
4.The girl offered the s________ to an old man on the bus.
5.Don't k________ the ball on the road. It's too dangerous!
Ⅱ. 根据语境,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,注意形式变化。
method, Asia, break, ability, record
1.Little Bill has the _______ to explain things clearly.
2.Mrs Lin is a good teacher because she is always learning new teaching _______ to help students.
3.Jenny _______ my favorite cup this morning, so I was angry with her.
4.In this year’s school sports meeting, Daniel set a new _______ in the 100m hurdles race.
5.In some _______ countries, children live with their parents until they get married.
Ⅲ. 根据语境,从方框中选择恰当的短语填空,注意形式变化。
high jump, suffer from, first place, take pride in, a symbol of
1.Betty trained very hard and finally she won ________________ in the music competition.
2.The color red is ________________ good luck in China.
3.My father ________________ a terrible headache yesterday, so he couldn’t attend the meeting.
4.Sophie is a successful writer and her parents ________________ her.
5.Billy jumps the highest in his class. He takes part in the ________________ competition in the school sports meeting every year.
Ⅳ. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。
Last year a new band _______ _______ _______ in our school.
Lucy _______ _______ _______ competitions around the world.
The girl _______ often _______ _______ her sister when she was a child.
You should _______ _______ smoking.
_______ _______, I don’t agree with him.
1.我父亲总是鼓励我努力学习。 (encourage sb. to do sth.)
2. 他用那个工具挖了一个洞。 (use sth. to do sth.)
3. 我们应该阻止孩子们在图书馆喊叫。 (stop sb. from doing sth.)
4.Mr. Wang总是建议我们多读英文书籍。 (advise sb. to do sth.)
5.很遗憾你不能和我一起去度假。 (It’s a pity that ...)
Module8 Sports life Unit 1(含3课时)
neck race sudden method ability Asia win
1. The doctors say that his thinking    and memory
have returned.
2. We    realized that everything seemed to have
changed in one night.
3. Of course, you should then test those smaller    .
4. The Spring Festival is celebrated in many   
5. The boy    high praise for his efforts to help his
classmates last term.
6. You can see the   in our faces when we talk about the great achievements in the past 70 years.
A.doubt  B.pride  C.regret  D.ability
7. A 3-kilometer-long bridge    in our hometown three years ago.
A.has built built   C.was built
8.—Who    the tennis game yesterday
—Jack, he    all the others.
A.beat;won  B.won;won
C.beat;beat  D.won;beat
9. —Ms. Wang, I’m afraid I can’t finish the work in two days.
—Don’t worry. I’ll give you    days.
A.two another   B.two more C.more two  D.two many
10. —Why didn’t you come to Jenny’s birthday party yesterday
—Because I   .
A.didn’t invite   B.isn’t invited
C.wasn’t invited   D.haven’t invited
11. 多一个人就多一份力量。
If we get       person, we will become stronger.
We should       whether the museum is open.
13. 他有很长时间来准备晚会。
He has got plenty of time to       the party.
Don’t put off till tomorrow what can       today.
This cannot be allowed to       .
or, about, me, hear from, win, interesting, usually, be, create, reason Dear Sally,
Thanks for your letter. It was great to 16 you. You asked me to tell you 17 my favorite day of the week. Well, it’s definitely Friday.
One 18 I like Fridays is because I have my favorite subjects at school: PE and chemistry. Chemistry’s great because we do experiments in the science lab and our teacher, Mr. King, is so funny. In PE we 19 play basketball, which is my favorite sport. I’m good at it because I’m quite tall. Our team always 20 .
We also have French on Fridays, which is actually my least favorite subject,
but after that we have ICT which is much 21 . At the moment I’m 22
a webpage for our basketball team. After school I hang out with my friends, and then in the evening I play football at the sports center. On Friday nights we sometimes go to someone’s house for a party 23 to watch a film. We can relax a bit on Friday evenings because there 24 no school on Saturday.
Tell 25 about your favorite day in your next letter. Write soon.
16.  17.    18.    19.    20.  
21.    22.     23.     24.     25.   
Module8 Sports life Unit 1(含3课时)
1. races
2. courage
3. suffered
4. pride
5. Japan
Ⅱ.6.was written 7.was beaten
8.founded 9.was taken
10.difference 11.chance
12.truth cheer
Ⅲ.14—18 DDBDC
Ⅳ.19—23 CDFAB
Module8 Sports life Unit 1(含3课时)
Ⅰ.1.noon 2.memory 3.decision 5.kick
1. ability
2. methods
3. broke
4. record
5. Asian
1. first place
2. a symbol of
3. suffered from
4. take pride in
5. high jump
1. was set up
2. was invited to
3. was; compared with
4. give up
5. In fact
1. My father always encourages me to study hard.
2. He used that tool to dig a hole.
3. We should stop children from shouting in the library.
4. Mr. Wang always advises us to read more English books.
5. It’s a pity that you can’t take a vacation with me.
Module8 Sports life Unit 1(含3课时)
1.ability 句意:医生说他的思维能力和记忆力都恢复了。设空处前由his thinking修饰,设空处应用名词,故填ability。
2.suddenly 句意:我们突然意识到,一切似乎都在一夜之间改变了。设空处修饰动词realized,应用副词,故填suddenly。
3.methods 句意:当然,您应该接着测试那些较小的方法。由句中those可知method用复数形式,故填methods。
4.Asian 句意:许多亚洲国家都庆祝春节。形容词作定语修饰名词coun- tries,结合常识可知填Asian。
5.won 句意:这个男孩赢得了高度赞扬。因为他上个学期努力帮助他的同学。win high praise 赢得高度赞扬。根据“last term”可知,动词win用过去式,故填won。
6. 答案 B 考查名词辨析。句意:当我们谈论过去70年的巨大成就时,你能看出我们脸上的   。doubt怀疑;pride骄傲;regret后悔;ability能力。通常情况下,在谈到巨大成就时,我们总是感到骄傲。故选B。
7. 答案 C 考查时态和语态。句意:三年前,一座三千米长的桥梁在我们的家乡建成。由句意可知,句中主语是动作build的承受者,应用被动语态;由时间状语“three years ago”可知,本句用一般过去时态。故选C。
8. 答案 D 考查动词辨析。句意:——昨天谁赢了网球比赛 ——杰克,他打败了其他所有人。beat打败,战胜,后接人或集体。win赢,获胜,后接事或物。上句指谁赢得了比赛,用won,后句指他打败了所有对手,用beat。故选D。
9. 答案 B 句意:——王女士,恐怕两天内我完不成这项工作。——别担心,我会再给你两天(时间)。another不可以直接修饰可数名词复数;more表示“又,再”时应放在数词后、名词前;many前不可以有具体数字修饰。此处填two more。故选B。
10. 答案 C 考查时态和语态。句意:——昨天你为什么没来参加珍妮的生日聚会呢 ——因为我没被邀请。根据问句中的didn’t可知用一般过去时,结合句意可知主语I和invite构成被动关系,应用一般过去时的被动语态。故选C。 more 12.find out 13.prepare for done
15.go on
16.hear from It is + adj.+to do sth.为固定句型,hear from sb.“收到某人的来信”,为固定搭配。故填hear from。
17.about tell sb. about sth.“告诉某人关于某事”,为固定搭配。故填about。
18.reason 此处意为“我喜欢周五的一个原因是在学校有我最喜欢的科 目”,根据设空处前的One可知填reason。
19.usually 句意:在体育课上,我们通常打篮球,这是我最喜欢的运动。句子结构完整,故填副词usually修饰动词play。
20.wins 句意:我们队总是赢。句子缺少谓语,且主语是第三人称单数,故填wins。
21.more interesting 此处表示,信息与通信技术课(ICT)和法语课相比更有趣,much后加形容词的比较级,表示“更……”。interesting为多音节形容词,其比较级在词前加more,故填more interesting。
22.creating 句意:目前我正在为我们的篮球队创建一个网页。此处应用现在进行时,故填creating。
23.or 句意:在星期五晚上,我们有时去别人家参加聚会或看电影。or“或者”,表选择。 句意:我们可以在星期五晚上放松一下,因为星期六不上课。
“There be +主语+其他.”为固定句型。根据“no school ”可知填is。 句意:在你下一封信中告诉我你最喜欢的一天。tell sb. about sth.为固定搭配。tell后的宾语若为人称代词,要用宾格。故填me。




下一篇:人教版八年级物理下册 8.3.2《摩擦力的综合应用》分层训练 (原卷版+解析版)