Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected. Section B 基础知识精练(共3课时含答案)

Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected(含3课时)
Section B第1课时同步练习(附答案)
1.The     (发现) of artemisinin(青蒿素) made Tu Youyou win the Noble Prize.
2.    (女士) and gentlemen, let me introduce myself to you first.
3.The brave     (军官) always led his army to get victory over their enemies.
4. Many Chinese people had to     (取消) their trips in February because of COVID-19.
5.We need to make more young people learn Shadow Play so that it won’t     (消失) in China.
Yesterday was my friend Ken's birthday. He invited me to his house for his birthday party. Another friend Guy had offered to take me to the party by car.
Well,I was getting dressed __1__ Guy rang and said he was ill. So I decided to go by train. Unluckily,while I was talking __2__ the phone,the cat walked over my shirt,so I had to __3__ a few minutes finding another one.
As I was walking to the station,it started snowing and I got very cold. I just __4__ a train and I had to wait at the station for half an hour. When the train finally arrived,I was frozen! I was so cold and tired that during the journey I __5__ and I missed my station.
Well,I got off at the next stop and decided to walk __6__ to Ken's. I walked for half an hour and then I realized I was __7__.Luckily I found a telephone box and telephoned for a __8__.When I finally arrived at Ken's house,it was __9__ midnight and people had left. What a __10__ evening!
1. A. then B.when C.and D.as
2. A. on B.at C.to D.about
3. A. take B.lose C.spend D.pay
4. A. got off B.caught C.got on D.missed
5. A. enjoyed talking B.fell asleep C.played games D.looked out
6. A. up B.forward C.back D.along
7. A. tired B.mad C.sad D.lost
8. A. taxi B.bus C.train D.ship
9. A. even B.nearly C.still D.hardly
10. A. lovely B.relaxing C.bad D.cold
Life is colorful. However, life sometimes plays jokes on us, especially when one has a bad day. Ryu is an unlucky one.
Ryu got up late in the morning. He set the alarm clock at 8:00 a.m. the night before because he had a job interview at a company today. But the alarm clock didn't ring. How strange!
Then Ryu sat at the kitchen table where his breakfast usually was, but it wasn't there. Instead, he found a note left by his sister, “I am really busy today. Make breakfast yourself.” So Ryu had a quick breakfast of bread and milk. Then he rode his bicycle to the company for the interview.
When Ryu arrived, he was scolded (责骂) by the angry boss for being five minutes late. But he still got the job after the interview. Also, he was told to get to work at 9:00 a.m. the next day. That night Ryu went to bed earlier at 11:00 p.m., in order not to be late the next day.
The next morning, Ryu's sister woke him up at 8:00 a.m. But he wanted to stay in bed for five more minutes. He finally had to get up when the sunlight shone down on his eyes. He did everything like any other normal day. When he finished his breakfast, he found it was already 9:05 a.m. He was late again.
1. Ryu got up late for the interview because he was very tired.
2. Ryu's mother usually cooked breakfast for him.
3. Ryu was 5 minutes late for the job interview.
4. Ryu's sister forgot to wake him up the next morning.
5. Ryu should get to work at 9:00 in the morning.
Jack was disappointed when he _______ ___ they had gone to the amusement park without him.
I left for the subway station when my alarm clock _____ ___.
Li Qiang ______ us ____ ______ the mountain with him the day before yesterday.
After Mark ____ ________,he went to the park with his camera.
Don't ______ ___ too late. Or you'll feel tired in class.
Life is full of unexpected things. 1.________ A dog called Romeo was pulled from the rubble (瓦砾) five days after an earthquake.
Years ago,a terrible earthquake happened in a country near Pacific Ocean. Romeo's owners were on the second floor of their house at that time. 2.________ But Romeo was sleeping on the first floor and was trapped (困住) inside. After the earthquake,they tried their best to search for Romeo,but failed. After a few hours,they had to leave the village for their own safety.
3.________ They thought it had died. Five days later,they returned to their village with a group of firemen. Almost as soon as they came into the village,Romeo heard their voices and began barking (吠叫). 4.________ The firemen began digging at once. It was lucky that the dog was not hurt.
After Romeo was saved,it drank its first drops of water in more than 120 hours. Then he looked better. When Romeo's owners saw him,they couldn't help crying.“We thought we had lost him forever!” said one of Romeo's owners. 5.________
The unexpected thing also cheered those firemen.“We believe there must be many more that are still alive. We'll try our best to save them,” one fireman said.
A. They managed to get out.B.This is even true to a small pet dog.C.The couple couldn't believe their ears.D.Then Romeo left happily with his owners.E.All hope of finding Romeo alive seemed to disappear.
Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected(含3课时)
Section B第2课时同步练习(附答案)
show, fool, costume, realize, embarrass
1.What I did yesterday made me look like a ________ before my friends.
2.You can't imagine how ____________ I was when I fell over in front of so many people.
3.Mary promised to come yesterday,but she never ________ up.
4.Is your class preparing for a(n) ________ party these days
5.When I got to the airport,I ________ I had left my passport at home.
6. Chinese New Year is a     (celebrate) marking the end of winter and the beginning of spring.
7.One of the most famous     (hoax) ever was a broadcast by BBC itself in 1957.
8.We can trust what he said. He is a     (believe) person.
9.The professor was asked     (give) a talk to the new students.
10.The new government has     (announce) plans to create 10,000 new jobs.
find out, by the time, lose weight,run away, run out of
11.I’m afraid that we have         all the salt, so you’d better buy some more.
12.We         later that we had been at the same school.
13.The boy quarreled with his father and         from home a week ago.
14.         John was nine years old, he had begun painting with watercolors.
15.She makes up her mind to         .
When in the English club, we always         talking in Chinese, which makes me disappointed.
The albums of the singer were         overnight.
It’s normal to         others on April Fool’s Day in Western countries.
        firms went out of business because of COVID-19.
The doctor wanted to save         people’s lives         he could.
More and more young people choose to         at the late age.
By the end of last year, we         about 2,000 English words.
Ⅴ 完形填空
When I was 12, my home burnt to the ground in the middle of the night.  23 , my parents, brothers and I escaped(逃脱) along with our pets. We had nothing but the clothes we’d been sleeping in. I spent the rest of that summer night with my family  24  for help. We didn’t know what might lie ahead of us.
The next day, my mom brought me a few T-shirts and pairs of jeans that had  25  to her by a friend. One pair of jeans was too short and the other pair  26  too long, but I didn’t care. At least I had some clothes again. Meanwhile, my dad returned to our house to see what he could salvage(抢救).The only thing he could find was my mom’s wedding ring, but it was  27  than nothing.
As more summer days came, my dad was able to rent us a dusty old house by the side of the road near our old house. As we moved in, I watched as family, friends, and  28  people in our community donated(捐赠)  29  they could to help us get back on our feet. There were more  30 , furniture, food, money, and even some books for me to read.
Looking back now, I am  31  for everything we went through that summer because it taught me so much about life, love, and people. It showed me that when you have  32  left but love, that can still be enough.
(  )23.A.Luck B.Lucky C.Luckily D.Unluckily
(  )24.A.wait B.waiting C.waited D.to wait
(  )25.A.gave B.given C.giving D.been given
(  )26.A.is B.was C.are D.were
(  )27.A.good B.better C.healthier D.more expensive
(  )28.A.other B.the other C.others D.another
(  )29.A.all B.a few C.a little D.some
(  )30.A.clothes B.cloth C.clothing D.dress
(  )31.A.thank B.thanks C.thankful D.thanking
(  )32.A.everything B.something C.anything D.nothing
  Bill can see well. But he cannot recognize(认出) the faces he sees—not even his own mother. He tells his experience. “Once, at midday, I met my mother while walking down the street. I did not recognize her. We walked towards each other. We passed within a meter of each other. The sidewalk was not busy. The only way I know this happened is I was told about it that night. She was not happy about this incident. And she has never forgiven(原谅) me for it!”
Bill has face blindness(盲). For most people, this situation can be hard to understand. But face blindness may be more common than you think.
So, how does a person get face blindness Well, there are two ways. Some people with face blindness are born with the ability to recognize. But then, their brains are badly hurt. Over thirty years ago, Lincoln Holmes was in a car accident. The accident damaged(损害) his brain. He can still do everything just like before—walk, talk, and work. But since the accident, Lincoln can no longer recognize faces. He cannot even recognize people he knew after the accident happened.
In the past, doctors thought that brain damage was the only way to get face blindness. However, scientists now believe that the most common way people get face blindness is from their parents—they inherit it! Recent studies suggest that face blindness stays in families.
But there are not any treatments(治疗) for face blindness at present.
(  )33.How does the writer start the passage
A.By explaining the meaning.
B.By giving an example.
C.By showing a study.
D.By giving advice.
(  )34.The underlined words “this situation” in the second paragraph refer to “    ”.
A.Bill walked past his mother
B.Bill has face blindness
C.Bill didn’t see his mother
D.Bill didn’t recognize his mother
(  )35.What does the underlined word “inherit” in the fourth paragraph mean in Chinese
A.模仿 B.遗传 C.脱离 D.恢复
(  )36.What does the passage mainly tell us
A.How to protect our brains.
B.What to do if we get face blindness.
C.Why people get face blindness.
D.How to keep away from face blindness.
run, think, person, will, sit,tear, good, I, encourage, what
  One morning I went to work by bus as usual. Beside me 37.    a middle-aged woman. She kept her head down for a long time. It seemed that she was deep in 38.    . But I could see that she was very upset. I wondered 39.     she was thinking about, so I started to talk with her. When she lifted her head, I saw 40.     on her face although she tried to stop them from 41.     down her face.
We talked for about 20 minutes and she gradually became 42.    . As we were leaving each other, she thanked me for talking with her and asked me about 43.     address.
Several weeks later, I received a letter from the woman. In the letter, she said that she wanted to give up her dream that day because some bad things happened. She thought if God really cared about her, he 44.     send someone to help her. In her eyes, I was the person sent by God. She thanked me again for talking with her and 45.     her that day.
I never imagined that a short talk would make such a big difference to a 46.     life.
Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected(含3课时)
Section B第3课时同步练习(附答案)
cancel, give, disappear, block, wait,fool, expect, oversleep, will, burn
  A friend invited me to a costume party. But I 1.     that morning. When I went out with my backpack, it was already 12 o’clock. Then my mother asked me to 2.     her a lift. She wanted to go to a market. The market was two 3.     west of the airport.
By the time we got there, many ladies 4.     in line with some workers. Life is full of the 5.    . Just then, an officer showed up and announced that cream, pie, spaghetti and green beans were all on sale. And they 6.     be sold out quickly. We bought too much of them.
  When I drove to the party, all my friends 7.    . I felt embarrassed when I stared in disbelief at the smoke rising above a 8.     house. Then a friend called me and said the party was 9.     because of the fire. I felt lucky to be alive.
By the end of the day, I met an embarrassing situation. A friend told me that day was April
10.     Day and the party was not believable. The fire was a hoax, too.
11.—The plan for the summer study trip may be     (cancel).
—Really I’m looking forward to it.
12.You told me you had     (deal) with these letters. Why are they still here
13. Yuan Longping, one of the     (great) scientists in the world, is known as “Father of Hybrid Rice”.
14.Life is full of the     (expect). Bad luck may turn into a good thing.
15.We should protect the endangered wild animals, or they will     (appear) in the near future.
His grandfather did his best to keep the tree         but it died in the end.
By the time we arrived at the bookstore, they         Harry Potter.
Every year in New York,         people gather on Times Square to celebrate the arrival of the new year.
Every time she went to see that movie, she ended         her eyes out.
20. 2019年亚洲文明对话大会上个月在北京举行。(take)
Asian Dialogue Conference 2019         in Beijing last month.
When the best singer in our class           , everyone shouted with excitement.
22.“飞机什么时候起飞 ”
—When will the plane         
—At 2:00 this afternoon.
  A girl was working as a nurse in a private hospital. One day, a patient with serious disease was brought to the hospital, but had to be transferred(转移) to another hospital at once for an operation(手术). 23.     The patient’s family was very poor. They had no choice but to ask if they could pay the bill after the operation because the patient was close to death. 24.    
The nurse, who had just arrived to work, heard about the situation and made a decision. She took off her gold ring, took it to the cashier’s desk(收银台) and said she would use it to pay the patient’s bill. 25.     Thanks to her help, the patient was at once transferred to another hospital and his life was saved. Though the patient was a stranger, the nurse gave so much to him.
26.     The doctor saw everything in the hospital and he was deeply moved by the nurse. He later fell in love with the nurse and they finally got married. The patient attended their wedding as well and returned the ring.
Things like this happen every day in our life. 27.     As Mother Teresa once said, “In our life, it is not how much you do, but how much love you put into what you do.”
A.The nurse’s action caught the attention of the doctor on duty that day.
B.However, the director of the hospital said the patient couldn’t be transferred unless he paid his bill first.
C.Although the ring was the only valuable gift her parents gave her, the nurse gave it away to save the patient.
D.No one could save the patient’s life.
E.But their request(请求) was refused.
F.Sometimes, giving can bring you something that you have never expected before.
G.If we help others, we can always get something in return.
The world’s oldest message bottle(漂流瓶) has been found on a beach in Western Australia by a couple who thought it might look good on a bookshelf.
Tonya Illman found the 132-year-old bottle in the sand near Wedge Island in January. Her husband, Kym Illman, told reporters she first thought it was rubbish, but picked it up because it had clear words and would be at home on their bookshelf. Inside she found a roll(卷) of paper printed in German and dated to 12 June, 1886, which was proven by the Western Australian Museum. “It was a kind of luck. It won’t get better than this,” said Kym Illman.
The bottle had been thrown into the sea from the German sailing ship Paula in 1886 as it crossed the Indian Ocean. It was 950 km from the Australian coast, according to Ross Anderson, a museum’s researcher.
  At the time, German ships were doing a 69-year experiment to find the traveling road of ocean currents(洋流) by throwing thousands of bottles into the sea. Each message was marked with the ship’s place, the date, and the name of the ship, which Anderson used to prove the message.
His finding was confirmed(证实) by scientists of Germany. Of the thousands of thrown bottles, 662 other messages from the same German experiment have been found. The most recent was found in 1934.
28.Where was the world’s oldest message bottle found
The world’s oldest message bottle was found         in Western Australia.
29.What language were the words on the paper printed in
The words on the paper were printed in         .
30.When was the bottle thrown into the sea
The bottle was thrown into the sea         .
31.Why were the bottles thrown into the sea
The Germans wanted to find         of ocean currents.
32.What is the passage mainly about
The passage mainly tells us about           .
Ⅵ 补全对话
A: Good morning, Jack. You don’t look well. 33.              
B: Yes. I have got a cold. But it’s not serious. Hey, Tom. Did you see the movie on CCTV-6 last night
A: No, I didn’t. 34.            
B: Harry Potter Ⅲ. It was so exciting. So, what were you doing at that time
A: 35.            . I’m not good at English, you know.
B: But English is not very hard to learn. You are supposed to take notes and study grammar.
A: You’re right. 36.            
B: You should also ask the teacher for help if necessary.
A: Thank you for your advice. 37.            
B: It’s nearly 7:30. Hurry up, or we’ll be late for school.
Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected(含3课时)
Section B第1课时同步练习(附答案)
一.1.discovery 2.Ladies 3.officer 4.cancel 5.disappear
1. found out
2. went off
3. invited to climb
4. got dressed
5. stay up
Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected(含3课时)
Section B第2课时同步练习(附答案)
1. fool
2. embarrassed
3. showed
4. costume
5. realized
Ⅱ.6.celebration 7.hoaxes  8.believable 9.to give  10.announced
Ⅲ.11.run out of 12.found out 13.ran away 14.By the time 15.lose weight
Ⅳ.16.end up 17.sold out 18.play jokes on 19.Thousands of
20.as many; as 21.get married 22.had learnt/learned
Ⅴ.23.C 24.B 25.D 26.B 27.B 28.A 29.A 30.A 31.C 32.D
Ⅵ.33.B 34.B 35.B 36.C 
Ⅶ.37.sat 38.thought 39.what 40.tears
41.running 42.better 43.my 44.would
45.encouraging 46.person’s
Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected(含3课时)
Section B第3课时同步练习(附答案)
Ⅰ.1.overslept 2.give 3.blocks 4.had waited 5.unexpected 6.would
7.had disappeared 8.burning 9.canceled 10.Fool’s
Ⅱ.11.canceled 12.dealt 13.greatest 14.unexpected 15.disappear
Ⅲ.16.alive 17.had sold out  18.thousands of 19.up crying 
20.took place 21.showed up 22.take off
Ⅳ.23—27 BECAF
Ⅴ.28.on a beach 29.German 30.in 1886 31.the traveling road
32.the world’s oldest message bottle
Ⅵ.33.Are you ill/Do you feel bad/Do you get a cold/…
34.What movie did you see/What movie was it 
35.I was learning English
36.Anything else/What else should I do/Could you give me more advice/…
37.What time is it now/What’s the time



上一篇:Unit11 Section A基础知识精练(共3课时附答案)
