Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 单元测试题 2023-2024人教版英语九年级全一册(无答案)

( )1.----Can drive their cars to school
----No,they shouldn't to drive because they are not serious enough.
A.16-years-old;allowed B.16-year-olds;be allowed
C.16-year-olds;allow D.16-years-old;be allowed
( )2.The boy needs to the barber shop because his hair needs .
A.to go;cutting B.going;to cut C.going;cutting D.to go;to cut
( )3.Linda always looks over her exercises carefully enough to there are no mistakes.
A.make sure B.find out C.care about D.think about
( )4.----Maria isn't allowed to get her ears .
----l agree.I think it's important for her the rule.
A.pierce;to follow B.pierce;follow C.pierced;to follow D.pierced;follow
( )5.It's a wise to stay at home on such a rainy day.
A.poem B.support C.chance D.choice
( )6.I think spending too much time on computer games will get of your study.
A.on the way B.by the way C.in the way D.in this way
( )7.Sleeping is a good thing,but some people sleep .
A.easily B.badly C.quickly D.well
( )8.I am crazy about playing soccer,but my parents always think about if I don't_______in the end.
A.what will happen;succeed B.what happens;succeed
C.what I will happen;success D.what will I happen;success
( )9.----How I regret ___________when my father told me not to play computer games!
----You'd better say sorry to him.
A.talked back B.talking back C.to talk back D.to talking back
( )10.----What's the matter
----They said I was not allowed here.They don't allow in the waiting room.
A.smoking;to smoke B.to smoke;smoke C.to smoke;smoking D.smoke;smoke
China has changed a lot in the years since I first moved here.One of the developments is cashless payment(无现金支付),which has 11. the way we live and shop.China is 12. the first country to have cashless payment.I used a debit card (借记卡)to 13. things without cash for years in the US.But now that I can use my phone instead,it's super easy and 14. .
One of the things I like most is that I can send and receive money directly 15. my friends.It makes it so much easier to share the bill when we eat out together.But like all technology,cashless payment has some 16. as well.What happens if your phone gets lost or stolen There are also times when your phone's mobile internet connection,17. the store's internet connection,might not work.
Not long ago,I went to a nearby convenience store(便利店)to buy some snacks.But when I got there,I found that the store's cashless payments didn't work and they could only 18. cash.I didn't have any cash with me,so I had to 19. and leave without any snacks.So 20. cashless payments are convenient, you should always carry a bit of cash in order to avoid any possible inconvenience.
( )11.A.covered B.realized C.challenged D.changed
( )12.A.hardly B.exactly C.nearly D.fairly
( )13.A.take over B.spend on C.pay for D.depend on
( )14.A.convenient B.relaxing C.different D.correct
( )15.A.in front of B.to and from C.at D.between
( )16.A.experiences B.secrets C.problems D.causes
( )17.A.and B.but C.for D.or
( )18.A.get B.accept C.need D.ask
( )19.A.turn over B.make up C.pass on D.give up
( )20.A.only if B.whether C.even though D.since
When you think of the sea,you may not think of Xinjiang or Inner Mongolia.But recently,the "seafood" produced in these places has become popular,especially after Japan put nuclear-contaminated water (核污染水)into the sea,reported China Daily.
In Nilka county(尼勒克县)in Xinjiang,about 6,000 tons of rainbow trout(虹鳟鱼)will be produced this year.Rainbow trout belongs to the same family as salmon(鲑鱼),which is akind of well-known seafood.It tastes like salmon too.
Why do farmers there choose to grow fish The weather in some parts of Xinjiang is seldom hot,and the rivers are fed by meltwater (融水)from the Tianshan Mountains.Water deeper than 6 meters always stays at 10℃.As the meltwater is very clean and cold,it's a "comfortable"home for fish,Li Chunyu,a worker at a fish company(公司)in Xinjiang,told China Daily.
To make sure the river stays clean,the company uses machines to clean fish waste in the water.They also use net cages(网箱)that are good for the environment.The nets are about 51 meters wide and lie 25 meters deep in the river.
Meanwhile,in Inner Mongolia,whiteleg shrimp (南美白对虾)grows well.Saline soil (盐碱土)covers a large part of the desert where few plants are able to grow.Farmers used to put water from the Yellow River onto the farmland to wash away the salt.This was a waste of salty water.
Scientists then decided to create “seawater”with the salty water by adding in some other components (成分). Whiteleg shrimps can live well in this kind of water.They taste no different from the same kind of shrimp that grows in the sea.
( )21.Rainbow trout comfortably live in .
A.any open water area B.warm and clean rivers
C.salty and warm oceans D.cold and clean rivers
( )22.People turn their eyes from Japan's seafood to Xinjiang's because .
A.Xinjiang's seafood is much tastier B.the ocean environment is polluted
C.people find a new ocean in Xinjiang D.Xinjiang produces all kinds of seafood
( )23.To avoid water pollution caused by growing fish,the company.
①cleans the water with machines ②grows fish in fixed water areas
③grows one kind of fish once a year ④cuts down the fish production.
A.①② B.③④ C.①②③ D.②③④
( )24.Why is whiteleg shrimp introduced in the story
A.To show the importance of rivers to a country.
B.To introduce the safety of eating seafood.
C.To compare it with common whiteleg shrimp.
D.To show another “seafood”grown without using the sea.
( )25.What is the hidden message of the story
A.Life will not be different without seafood. B.Japan shouldn't let out nuclear-contaminated water.
C.China won't be short of fishery products. D.Xinjiang is rich in natural resources.
Usually schools and teachers set the class rules for students.But a school in Wuhan recently tried a different way.This year,the rules of Class 12,Grade 7 in No.6 High School have been made by themselves----all 46 class students.
During the first days of this school year,the teacher allowed his students to make their own classroom rules,and asked each student to give a list of rules to help make their class a good learning environment. The whole class shared and discussed the lists.Later they added or took out some rules.The rule making activity lasted about a month.Finally the class had 30 rules.
Then,rule-makers were asked to sign on the rule list —their promise to follow the rules.A poster with all the rules was put up beside the blackboard.
Most of the rules are about the way students should do."No cellphone calls and text messages in class."and “No loud noise in the classroom."are two examples.But there are also some for teachers."No lessons should overrun.”is one rule.Also some rules are strict with the students who break the rules.If a person is late for class above a certain number of times,he or she will lose the chance to be an honor student.
Students say the rules work well in the classroom."We are the rule-makers.So we have to obey the rules that we agree to,"said one of the students.
( )26.By whom are the class rules for students usually made
A.Teachers. B.Students. C.Parents. D.Officers.
( )27.There would be about the lists after each student gave a list of rules.
A.a discussion B.a lesson C.a speech D.a party
( )28.Each student was asked to sign on the rule list
A.to share the class rules B.to be an honor student
C.to make their promise to follow the rules
D.to help make their class a good learning environment
( )29.What does the underlined word "overrun"in Paragraph 4 probably mean in Chinese
A.跑步 B.运行 C.教学 D.拖延
( )30.The whole class won't obey the student making rules until they them.
A.agree to B.share C.discuss D.add
Every school has some rules for students to follow.But what will happen when students break the rules In the UK,when students don't behave well at school,they will be given a warning.But if they go on behaving badly --like talking back to teachers --they'll be punished.31. Generally speaking, there are five punishments in UK schools:detention(课后留校),isolation(隔离)education unit (IEU),supervision(监管), suspension(停学)and exclusion(开除).
If you receive a detention,you'll find yourself sitting in a room with your teacher during break,lunch or even worse,after school.32. Depending on how naughty you've been,you can get two detentions in one day!If you get an IEU,you're isolated from other students.33.
Supervision means that you cannot take part in P.E.lessons.34. In this way,all the teachers can always see you.It can make you really uncomfortable and without freedom.
Suspension means you cannot go to school for some time.The most serious punishment you can ever receive is exclusion.You can't go to the school any more.35. Obviously,there is no total freedom
in the world,no matter in the UK or in China.Punishments may be a good way to discipline(管教)students
somehow. If you don't want to get punished,do behave well!
A.And there are a lot of ways for students to be punished!
B.You'll have to find another school to go to and it will be on your school record.
C.In other classes,you have to sit at the front of the class.
D.The longest time for a detention is two hours.
E.You have to stay in a room all day to complete your lessons.
F.You have no chance to stay in any school to get education forever.
31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
36.----Listen!Who in the next room ----It must be Lucy's mother.
37.The animals won't be looked after well unless we the city zoo.
38.When I realized my mistake,I not taking my teacher's advice and valuing your time.
39.----Why is your brother so excited ----He a good university successfully.
40.Children should on how to take care of themselves when they are young.
41.I wrote my first (诗歌)at the age of ten.
42.I feel (很坏的)about forgetting her birthday.
43.Jimmy finished the speech (成功地)and everyone stood up and cheered.
44.I think I should be allowed to make (选择)by myself.
45.Lin Tao played table tennis (差)of the three boys.He felt sorry and unhappy.
Hello,my name is Alice Brown.I am thirty years old and I'm an English teacher in a middle school.I have a great mother.She is sixty years old now.She has stopped 46. (work)in a hospital.She helps me to do some housework and takes care of my little son.She was very 47. (严厉的)with me when I was a child.She thought 48. (安全)was very important,so she 49. (warn)me not to smoke or drive a car.She didn't allow me to get my ears 50. (刺破).When I 51. (cry),she always tried her best to make me happy.She 52. (hug)me and gave me warm arms to sleep in.When I had a bad cold and 53. (咳嗽)seriously,she didn't let me eat ice-cream.When I was a teenager and wanted to go out with my friends,she told me to come back early,but I talked back 54. (angry).I told her I had grown up,so I shouldn't be told what to do.That made her sad.She always told me to take care of 55. (my)when I was in the university.
Now I have my own son.I'll say to my mother:Thank you,Mom.You're a great mother.
46. 47. 48. 49. 50.
51. 52. 53. 54. 55.
I went through some difficult times,dealing with the pressure of growing up.I found it hard to communicate with my mother.The relation between us became bad.
One day,I ran away from home and stayed away for many hours.When I returned home at night,I saw all the pain,anger and disappointment (失望)on my mother's face①________We agreed to have breakfast together the next morning.It was a turning point in both of our lives and our relationship.We decided to go to a restaurant.On our way to the table I noticed my mother had two notebooks.I asked her what they were for.She explained to me that sometimes it was easier to write down our feelings rather than talk about (A)them.We would write down our feelings in the form of a letter.It could be as long or as short as we wanted.
Our first topic was "Why I'm so angry "I wrote a half page,and my mom filled up nearly three pages.(B)I watched tears run down her face as she wrote.I never realized anyone could hide so much anger.After we finished writing,we exchanged our notebooks.As soon as I started reading my mother's words,I began to cry and so did she.When we finished reading,we discussed our feelings.② Our talk helped me realize so many things I had never thought of before,not only about my mother but also about other people.
My mother and I continue to use our notebooks as a way of communicating our anger and worries,and our happiness as well.We know that no matter how we feel about each other,our notebooks are a safe place to express our feelings.We have come to an agreement(一致)that at the end of each letter we write,“I love you.”
56.选择最佳句子补全文章,将字母代号填写在横线上。其中有一多余的。(2分)① ②
A.We knew that we were in great need of talk. B.I just wish you would help a little more with the family.
C.Amazingly enough,it felt like all the anger inside me went away from my body.
58.将(B)处句子I watched tears run down her face as she wrote.译为汉语(2分)。
( )59.选择文章的最佳标题。(1分)
A.I Love You,Mom B.The Difficult Times in My Life C.The Notebooks Filled with Love
The relationship between my mother and me used to be .One morning,we had a talk in a___________. After the talk,we wrote down our feelings in the form of a letter.Now we continue to use our ____________to communicate because they are a safe place to express our feelings.
Are you tired of hearing such sentences:“When I was your age…”"Back in my day…" Those of the older generations(一代人)you know,always like to tell us how lucky we are.Today,we have the Internet,smartphones,a good education,and other things.When they were young,they "weren't so lucky".Their lives were much,much poorer.
Perhaps every generation has experienced this.As time goes by,it seems the older generations can not help but be “jealous (忌妒的)”of the younger generations.
I'm a millennial(千禧一代).My generation(Generation Y)was born between 1980 and 1995.When I was young,the Internet moved as slowly as a snail (蜗牛).Cellphones (not smartphones)were all black and white. Yet,every time my parents caught me playing computer games,they told me how lucky I was and I should do something more responsible(负责任的)with my life.But little did they know that only ten years later,some people could make a living by playing video games.
You are most likely members of Generation Z(born between 1996 and 2010).Most of you have been growing up in even better conditions.You have been receiving a better education.You have also been exposed to(接触)many new technologies.The video Rising Waves(《后浪》)inspired (激励)a great number of new generations.The message is clear.We are the products of our times.Hug our lives and bravely choose the road we would like to take.Our futures are not determined (决定)by what someone from an older generation says.Our futures are what we choose to make them.Just work hard to achieve your dreams.
①Perhaps the older generations felt when they were young.
②Our futures should be the of our own rather than what an older generation says.
62.请找出与“The Internet ran not even faster than a snail as I was a kid”意思相同或相近的句子。(2分)
63.列举Generation Z拥有的好条件。(2分)
① ②
64.Can you guess what the age of the writer is now Write it down.(2分)
65.Translate the underlined sentence.(2分)
在你的成长经历中,你是否与父母在学习或生活上发生过争执 你们是如何解决问题的 请根据提示和要求,用英语写一篇80-100词的短文。



