
1.When crossing the street, ________ for cars.
A.look after B.look up C.look for D.look out
2.My parents often warn me __________ outside too late at night.
A.don't stay B.to don't stay C.not to stay D.to not stay
3.—________ today in Sanya
—It’s hot and humid.
A.What is the weather like B.What is the temperature
C.How is it going D.What is he like
4.I think winter is the most beautiful season, ________ when it snows.
A.properly B.especially C.mainly D.exactly
5.—I ________ you and Tom in the library just now.
—Oh, we ________ several visitors around the school at that time.
A.was seeing; were showing B.was seeing; showed
C.saw; showed D.saw; were showing
6.She does not eat ________ he.
A.as many food as B.as more food as C.as much food as D.food as much as
7.A team was ________ in the company to look into the problem.
A.set up B.caught up C.taken up D.lighted up
8.What a difference a day makes! My father and I decided ________ to Penang Hill today.
A.to go B.go C.going
9.Jennifer likes the Funny Movie Theater best because she can sit ________ and it has ________ screen in town.
A.the most comfortable; bigger B.most comfortably; the biggest
C.most comfortably; bigger D.the most comfortable; the biggest
10.Peter, remember ________ this story to your sister. She must be interested in it.
A.to read B.reads C.reading D.read
11.— The temperature is 30℃ today. I prefer staying in to going out.
— It will be _________ tomorrow. The temperature will reach 35℃.
A.colder B.hotter C.hottest D.coldest
12.The earthquake made the children in Wenchuan sad, worried and frightened. We’d better do something to ________.
A.cheer up them B.cheer them up C.cheer on them D.cheer them on
13.—Peter, could you please help me ________ this math problem
—OK. Let me have a try.
A.look up B.find out C.work for D.work out
14.Junk food seems delicious, ________, it surely does harm to our bodies.
A.often B.because C.however
15.—Must I clean all the plates after dinner
—No, you ______ . But you ______ finish your homework later.
A.mustn’t ; must B.needn’t ; must
C.can’t ; must D.needn’t ; may
If you feel sad or upset, remember not to watch a happy movie. A sad movie may be better for you.
Some scientists at Ohio State University, the U. S., have found that sad movies can make people 16 . Scientists asked 361 college students to watch a sad movie called Atonement. The movie tells a story of two lovers. They 17 during World War II at the end of the movie. To find out the students’ different feelings, including sadness, scientists asked them questions three times 18 the movie.
According to the 19 of the study, scientists found out that people felt better after watching the sad movie. Scientists believed this was because the movie made them 20 their own lives and relationships(关系). Compared(比较) to those of the unlucky lovers in the movie, their lives were full of 21 .
“I want to live my life to the fullest, and this movie has made me think 22 ,” one student wrote.
Silvia Knobloch-Westerwick, the leader of the study, explained that bad moods would make people more thoughtful. “Good moods are generally a sign that 23 is fine. You don’t have to worry, and you don’t have to think about 24 in your life,” she said. “But bad emotions(情绪), like sadness, make you feel 25 about your situation (情况). So, seeing a sad movie may make you feel bad, but that will cause you to think more about your relationships with your family, friends, and care them more.”
16.A.sadder B.happier C.calmer
17.A.died B.fought C.fell
18.A.from B.between C.during
19.A.experience B.signal C.result
20.A.think about B.look out C.work out
21.A.money B.sadness C.hope
22.A.a few B.a lot C.a little
23.A.something B.anything C.everything
24.A.problems B.directions C.wishes
25.A.lovely B.terrible C.excited
My first home was a beautiful meadow(牧场)with a pond of clear water. There were some large trees near the pond. On one side of the meadow was a field and on the other was the house of our master, Farmer Grey. He was a kind man.
My mother and I had a happy life. She worked during the day. I played with the other young horses and had great fun. At night I lay next to her.
One day, my master sold me to Squire Gordon. He lived with his family in a big house.
“You are a beautiful horse,” he said. “You have a beautiful coat. I shall call you Black Beauty.”
I learned to carry my master on my back and pull a coach. I leaned to wear reins(疆绳)and a bit in my mouse. I did not like them, but all the horses had to wear them.
My master had two horses. One of them was Merrylegs. He was very friendly. The other was Ginger. She was not friendly. She bit and kicked people.
Ginger told me about her life when she was young. She told me. “My master was not kind to me. My reins and bit hurt me. My master did not care.”
Squire Gordon went on a long journey. John went with him and I pulled the coach. The weather was rainy and windy. Mr. Gordon and John could not see well in the rain. We came to a bridge. I stopped. “Something is wrong.” I thought. I did not want to go on to the bridge. Mr. Gordon and John wanted me to go on to the bridge. I did not move. Just then a man saw us. “Hey there! stop! ” he cried.
“What is it ” shouted Squire.
“The bridge is broken in the middle, ” he answered. “If you go on to it, you are going to drown in the river.”
“Thank God!” said Squire. “Thank you, Beauty!” said John. We turned around and went along the road by the river. For a long time no one said anything. Then John said, “Black Beauty saved our lives. He knew the bridge was dangerous.”
When we returned home. Squire told Mrs. Gordon, “We are all safe thanks to Black Beauty!”
That night, I was glad, though I was very tired.
26.Who named the horse Black Beauty
A.Farmer Grey. B.Squire Gordon. C.Mrs Gordon. D.John.
27.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.Black Beauty lived a hard life with Mum.
B.Ginger was unhappy when she was young.
C.Some horses did not wear reins or bits.
D.Mr. Gordon went on a long journey alone.
28.How did Black Beauty save his master’s life
A.By fixing the bridge. B.By asking other horses for help.
C.By crossing the bridge. D.By refusing to step onto the bridge.
29.What might happen that night from the passage
A.Black Beauty was sent away from home.
B.Mr. Gordon sold Black Beauty to others.
C.Black Beauty got good food and a nice bed.
D.Mr. Gordon had Black Beauty do some more work.
82-year-old Luo Yingjiu works at a zoo on Fenghuang Mountain in Enshi, Hubei. 30 He started working there about 30 years ago.
Every day Luo gets up very early and cleans the houses of the animals. 31 After they have breakfast, the zoo opens at 9:00 am. Then Luo sits near the gate to wait for visitors. There are more than 20 kinds of animals at the zoo. And there are usually hundreds of visitors on weekends. 32
In 1989, Luo started the zoo. He saved most of the animals from markets and other places. The tickets were cheap, but few visitors wanted to see the animals because most of them were old, weak or ill. The Asian black bear Guaiguai is already 19 years old now. 33 Luo paid the restaurant 3,000 yuan for the bear and took it back to the zoo.
“ 34 They would like to stay quietly with me,” Luo said. “I will keep saving and taking in animals if they need help.”
From: https://www.
A.Then Luo travels downhill to get food for the animals.
B.Animals know who is friendly.
C.He saved it 17 years ago in a restaurant.
D.Because his dreams came true.
E.And he is the only worker in the zoo.
F.The four workers have a lot of work to do.
G.However, things were quite different in the past.
Have you ever seen a dog or a cat make strange noises and move its body while it is asleep That’s because it is 35 (dream). Researchers suggest that many different kinds of animals do dream. Maybe they dream about the things they 36 (experience)during their everyday lives or they want. So, dogs may dream about getting bones, young cats may dream about the 37 (skill) they want to practice, such as hunting or fighting. It’s interesting that animals dream as we do!
(David is talking with his Chinese net friend, Li Ming, on the computer.)
D: I'll go to Beijing as an exchange student(交换生) next week.
L: Wonderful! Welcome to China!
D: I'll live in a Chinese family for a month. 38
L: Don' t worry. I can help you. When you arrive at a Chinese house, you must knock at the door first.
D: OK. 39
L: You should not sit down till the host(主人) asks you to take a seat.
D: 40
L: When the host passes a cup of tea to you, you must accept it with your two hands, not one hand.
D: 41
L: While you are eating, you should eat as much as you can. 42
D: I remember. Thank you!
A.Then, next
B.When I go into the room, what should I do
C.Because the more you eat or drink, the happier the host will be.
D.You can't be serious!
E.But I know few ways of life in China.
F.What should I do during the meal
G.What a surprise!
A: Hello, this is Starlight Cinema. What can I do for you
B: 43 My booking card number is 879623059.
A: Could you tell me which movie you’d like to watch
B: The Green Book.
A: OK. We have The Green Book at 1:00, 3:00 and 5:00. 44
B: I’d like the movie beginning at 3:00.
A: All right. 45
B: Two.
A: We have only 10 seats left now. They are in Row One and Row Four.
B: Let me see. 46 What are the numbers
A: They are No.3 Row Four and No.5 Row Four.
B: OK. That’s it.
A: So, we’ll leave the two tickets for you. Please remember to take the tickets half an hour before the movie begins.
B: No problem.
A: 47 See you.
B: See you.
A.What time would you choose
B.I’d like the seats in Row Four.
C.Thanks for calling.
D.How many tickets do you want
E.Yes, sure.
F.I’d like to book movie tickets for tomorrow afternoon.
G.How much are they
48.This is the (good) CD I have ever got. Where did you buy it
49.Look! The window is (break). Let’s go and see what is happening.
50.You don’t need (tell) the truth to everyone around you.
51. (look) at people when you talk. This is a polite way of communication in China.
52.When it started to rain, I was (mail) an important letter to somebody.
53.This passage is too long. Please (删除) some words.
54.The snow will (消失)when the weather gets warm.
55.Jack’s father likes eating fruit very much, (尤其)watermelons.
56.Please come in and (就坐).
57. (检查) the answers after you finish the paper.
Time Place Activity
7:30 a.m. Yancheng High-Speed Train Station—Meet everyone
by high-speed train
8:10 a.m.—8:30 a.m. Donghai High-Speed Train Station—Get off and see the beautiful station
by bus
9:00 a.m.—10:30 a.m. Donghai Crystal City—See the biggest crystal market in the world
on foot
10:40 a.m.—11:30 a.m. Donghai Crystal Museum—Visit the museum
on foot
12:00 p.m.—3:30 p.m. Xishuanghu Lake—Have a picnic and boat on the lake
Hello, guys! Donghai is a wonderful place for you to have a visit. Here is your visiting plan.
First, you shall meet at Yancheng High-Speed Train Station at 7:30 a.m. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I am sure it will be a great day for you all.
16.B 17.A 18.C 19.C 20.A 21.C 22.B 23.C 24.A 25.B
26.B 27.B 28.D 29.C
30.E 31.A 32.G 33.C 34.B
35.dreaming 36.have experienced 37.skills
38.E 39.B 40.A 41.F 42.C
43.F 44.A 45.D 46.B 47.C
50.to tell
56. have/take a seat
Hello, guys! Donghai is a wonderful place for you to have a visit. Here is your visiting plan.
First, you shall meet at Yancheng High-Speed Train Station at 7:30 a.m. Then we will go to Donghai High-Speed Train station by high-speed train. After we get there at 8:10 to 8:30 am, we will get off the train and see the beautiful station. From 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., we will go to Donghai Crystal City by bus and go to visit the biggest crystal market in the world since it is the cheapest way to get there. We will see lots of beautiful crystals there, but you shouldn’t touch anything because everything is very expensive. From 10:40 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., we will go to the Donghai Crystal Museum and Xishuanghu Lake on foot. At the Donghai Crystal Museum, we will look at beautiful artifacts and old crystals. From 12:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., we are going to have a picnic at Xishuanghu Lake and go boating on the lake.
I am sure it will be a great day for you all.



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