Module 8 Choosing presents Unit 1 I always like birthday parties. 同步练习(3课时含解析)

Module 8 Computers. Unit 1(含3课时)
Ⅰ. 连词成句
1. come, to, would, like, to, my, birthday, you, party ( )
2. we, have, birthday, usually, the, party, cakes, at (.)
3. song, in, can, sing, you, the, English ( )
4. do, lots, of, you, get, usually, birthday, presents ( )
5. you, what, for, your, would, like, birthday ( )
________________________________________________Ⅱ. 根据语境及所给图片提示写出所缺单词。
1. Chinese people usually eat ________ for their birthday.
2. Here is a birthday ________ for you! Happy birthday!
3. Let’s go and buy some ________.
4. Sam gets many ________ on his birthday.
5. Diana ________ songs every day.
Ⅲ. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词(含缩略形式)。
1. 我经常参加生日晚会。
I often go to _______ _______.
2. 你晚上通常做什么?
________ ________ ________ ________ ________ in the evening
3. 让我们用汉语唱这首歌吧。
________ ________ the song ________ ________.
4. 我认为这是个秘密。
I think ________ ________ ________.
5. ——您想喝点什么?
—________ ________ you _______ ________ drink
—A cup of coffee, please.
Ⅳ. 根据对话内容,从方框中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。
A: Hi, Eric! Tomorrow is Tina’s birthday. (1)_______
B: Good idea.
A: I want to buy her a CD. (2)_______
B: That’s great. I’ll buy her some flowers.
A: OK. Tina likes flowers a lot.
B: (3)_______
A: She usually has it at her house, but this time she will have it at a hotel.
B: Oh, I know. (4)_______
A: Yes, of course. 15 people are there, so her mum will make a big birthday cake.
B: Wow! (5)_______
A. Oh, it’s a secret.B. I like birthday cakes!C. Let’s buy something for her.D. She likes listening to music.E. But she doesn’t like noodles.F. Are there many friends this time G. Where does she have the birthday party
Module 8 Computers. Unit 1(含3课时)
Ⅰ. 根据语境及所给汉语提示语写出所缺单词。
1. —Does Linda want the book
—Yes, she ________(一直) likes books.
2. Linda ________(从不) eats carrots.
3. —Let me ________(切) the potato for you.
—Thank you, Mr. Smith.
4. Do you ________(通常) play football in Renmin Park?
5. Look! This dress is very ________(特别的).
II. 补全对话
A: Hello, Jane.
B: Hello, Mike.
A: 1
B: I was born on October 10th, 2008.
A: Oh, tomorrow is October 10th. It’s your birthday. 2
B: My mother wants to have a birthday party for me. Can you come to my party tomorrow
A: Of course. 3
B: I’m glad that you can come to my party.
A: When will the party start
B: 4
A: I know. 5
B: OK, see you then.
A. I’ll get there on time. B. It doesn’t matter.C. How do you plan to celebrate (庆祝) it D. At 7:00 in the evening in my house. E. When were you born F. Thanks a lot for inviting me to your party. G. I’m sorry.
1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________
III. 阅读理解
1. Richard’s birthday party will be _____.
A. in a restaurant B. in a park
C. in his home D. in a garden
2. People can ______ at the party.
A. have a swim B. make a cake
C. ask questions D. buy a swimsuit
3. If you don’t know the way, you can _____ to the party.
A. take a boat B. take a train
C. ask for a ride D. ride a bike
4. The party starts _______.
A. in the morning B. in the afternoon
C. in the evening D. at night
5. We can know some information EXCEPT ______.
A. the telephone number B. the e-mail address
C. the name of the park D. the name of the store
Module 8 Computers. Unit 1(含3课时)
1.This is a    (丝绸) shirt.
2.Daming's mother has got 11    (围巾).
3.—Where are my    (鞋), Mum
—They are under your bed.
4.My sister has a beautiful    (连衣裙) and it is pink.
5. My grandfather listens to    (歌曲) on the radio in the park.
6.I want to buy a new    (T恤衫) for my father.
7.—Would you like to go to the    (音乐会) with me
—Sure, I'd love to. It must be very interesting.
8.He gets up early and    (锻炼) every day. It's a good habit.
9. Since it will be rainy tomorrow, we have to    (选择) a different time to go jogging.
10.—Must we    (穿) school uniforms everywhere
—No, we needn't.
11. Every day, I s   two hours practicing play-ing the piano.
12. The car is too e   for my father. He doesn't have enough money to buy it.
13.I go to work from Monday to Friday. I don't work at w   .
14.—I want to watch a football m   this afternoon. Would you like to go and watch it with me
—Sure, I'd love to.
15.American people often use the word “movie”. It means “f   ” in England.

16.She has lots of books and    (magazine).
17.This is my only    (choose).
18.My sister often spends her money    (buy) clothes.
19.She never    (watch) football matches. She thinks they are boring.
20.He exercises every day because he wants to stay    (health).
21.I want to buy the two toys, but I don't have enough (足够的)    to buy them. I only have 50 yuan.
A.paper   C.bag   D.present
22.My brother wants to    a movie, but I want to stay at home and   a book.; watch; read; read; watch
23.—Do you want to buy the house with a garden
—Yes, I do. But it's too    for me. I don't have much money.   B.expensive   C.high   D.low
24.Lisa likes music very much, so she chooses    the music club.
A.join join   C.joined   D.joins
25. Roy works in London. It    him about half an hour to get to work by bus every day.
A.costs   B.spends   C.takes
26.It's very cold today. You'd better    your coat (外套) when you go out. It's on the sofa.
A.put   B.put on   C.wear   D.dress
A:Hi, Li Ming.
B:Hello, Zhang Tao. Why are you here
A: 27
B:Why do you buy him a soccer ball
A:It's for his birthday.  28
B:Oh, I see. How old is he
A:Erm.  29
B:I know your cousin likes basketball. What about a basketball
A: 30
B:Well, do you like soccer, too
A:Yes, I do.  31
A.He is fifteen.
B.His birthday is next week.
C.I always play soccer after class.
D.No, soccer is his favorite sport now.
E.I want to buy a soccer ball for my cousin.
27.    28.    29.    30.    31.  
Module 8 Computers. Unit 1(含3课时)
1. Would you like to come to my birthday party
2. We usually have birthday cakes at the party.
3. Can you sing the song in English
4. Do you usually get lots of birthday presents
5. What would you like for your birthday
Ⅱ. 1. noodles 2. card 3. cakes 4. presents 5. sings
Ⅲ. 1. birthday parties
2. What do you usually do
3. Let’s sing; in Chinese
4. it’s a secret
5. What would; like to
Ⅳ. 1-5 CDGFB
Module 8 Computers. Unit 1(含3课时)
Ⅰ. 1. always 2. never 3. cut 4. usually 5. special
II.答案 1. E 根据下文“我出生于2008年10月10日”可知,所缺的句子是E。
2. C 根据上下文可知,此处所缺的句子是C,该句的含义是“你打算怎么庆祝生日 ”。
3. F 根据上下文可知,此处所缺的句子是F,该句的含义是“非常感谢你邀请我参加你的聚会”。
4. D 根据问句“聚会什么时候开始 ”可知,所缺的答语是D。
5. A 根据上下文可知,所缺的句子是A,该句的含义是“我会按时到那里的”。
III. 答案 [语篇解读] 本文是一个生日聚会的邀请函。
1. B 细节理解题。由图片中的“at Golden Sun Park”可知答案为B。
2. A 推理判断题。由图片中的“Remember to bring your swimsuit and swimming goggles.”可推断,人们可以在聚会上游泳。故答案为A。
3. C 细节理解题。由图片中的“Call or e-mail us for the way to the park or to ask for a ride.”可知答案为C。
4. B 细节理解题。由图片中的“from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm”可知,聚会在下午开始。
5. D 推理判断题。图片中提到了电话号码、电子邮件地址、公园的名字,但没有提到商店的名字,故答案为D。
Module 8 Computers. Unit 1(含3课时)
第3课时同步练习(附答案) 2.scarves 4.dress 5.songs 6.T-shirt 7.concert
 8.exercises 9.choose 10.wear
11.spend 12.expensive 13.weekends 14.match
16.magazines 根据空前的lots of可知,此处要用magazine的复数形式,即 magazines。
17.choice 本题考查choose的名词形式。choice是名词,意为“选择”。
18.buying 本题考查spend...doing sth.的搭配。故所缺的词是buying。 根据never和本题语境可知,时态是一般现在时,主语是She,故所缺的词是watches。
20.healthy stay healthy是固定搭配,意为“保持健康”,故所缺的词是healthy。
21答案 B 根据题干中的“我想买两个玩具”以及“我只有50元”可推断,我没有足够的“钱”,所缺的词是money。
22.答案 C 和movie搭配的词是watch,和book搭配的词是read,故答案为C。
23.答案 B 根据本题语境可知,带花园的房子对我来说太“昂贵”了,我 没有很多钱,所缺的词是expensive。
24.答案 B choose to do sth.是固定搭配,意为“选择做某事”,故答案为B。
25.答案 C 本题考查cost, spend和take的区别。句意:Roy在伦敦工作。他每天花大约半个小时乘公共汽车去上班。根据“It takes sb. some time to do sth.”的句式结构可知,所缺的词是takes。
26.答案 B 根据本题语境可知,今天天气很冷,当你出去的时候,你最好“穿上”外套,它就在沙发上,表示“穿上”要用put on。
27.E 根据问句“你为什么在这里 ”以及下文中的“你为什么给他买一个足球 ”可推断,所缺的句子是E,该句的含义是“我想给我表哥买一个足球”。
28.B 根据设空前的“是为了他的生日”可推断,他的生日在下周,所缺
29.A 根据问句“他多大了 ”可知,所缺的句子是A。
30.D 根据问句“买个篮球怎么样 ”可推断,所缺的句子是D,该句的含
31.C 根据问句“嗯,你也喜欢足球吗 ”可推断,我放学后总是踢足球,



上一篇:人教版九年级物理全一册 第十九章 生活用电(原卷版+解析版)
