
兰考县 2023 ─ 2024 学年度第一学期期中
一、阅读理解(20小题,每小题 2分,共 40分)
A:1-5 B A A D C B:6-10 B C B D D
C:11-15 A A C A D D:16-20 B D E A C
二、完形填空(15小题,每小题 1分,共 15分)
21-25 C A C D B 26-30 B D A A B 31-35 C B C D A
三、语篇填空(15小题,每小题 1分,共 15分)
36. friend 37. grades 38. round 39. His
40. number 41. Brown 42. is 43. cool
44. not 45. like
46.in 47.his 48.from 49.and 50.other
四、补全对话(5小题,每小题 2分,共 10分)
51. What do you want to buy
52. What color do you like
53. I want to buy a red dress
54. I want a pair of black pants
55. Thanks / Thank you
五、书面表达 ( 共 20 分 )
Qin Hao is my classmate. He is 12 years old. He is from Changsha, Hunan.
He is in Class 5, Grade 7. He is tall. He has short hair and a round face. His
eyes are small, but his nose is big. He likes blue and he likes blue T-shirts.
He has a white cat. He likes his cat, and I like it, too.
{#{QQABDQaAggCIABBAABhCEQWYCEEQkBAACKoGABAEsAIAgANABAA=}#}兰考县 2023 ─ 2024 学年度第一学期期中 ( )1.Who brings four ruler
A. Li Tao. B. Li Ping. C. Sun Ning. D. Wang Jun.
( )2.What's Wang Jun's student ID card number
题号 一 二 三 四 五 总分 等 级
A. BJ-4326832 B. BJ-4326799 C. BJ-4326816 D. BJ-4326841
( )3. How many( 多少 ) books does Sun Ning bring?
一、阅读理解(20小题,每小题 2 分,共 40 分)
A. Two. B. Three. C. Five. D. Seven.
( )4.Only( 只有 ) Li Tao brings .
My class has a Love Corner( 爱心角落 )。We can bring(带来)our pens, A. erasers B. rulers C. toys D. pens
pencils,old books and other things( 东西 ) for other students. Now let's see what ( )5.What can we know from the passage( 文章 )
things the students bring here.
A.The students in the class are very happy.
Name Things Student ID card B.The students bring some old schoolbags.number
Li Ping C.The students in the class like to help others.
D.Their teacher brings some books,too.
Four green pencills, four rulers and two books. BJ-4326841
Wang Jun
We are looking for two girls.One is tall,the other is short.They are not from
Two toy cars and four erasers. BJ-4326832
China.The tall girl is Mary.She's from Cuba.She is twelve years old.She has long
blond hair,a small nose and a wide mouth.Her eyes are big.She is in a white shirt
Sun Ning
and black pants.Her shoes are white.The short one is Jenny.She's from the UK.She
Three yellow pencils, two books and a knife. BJ-4326799 is Mary's friend. She is twelve,too.She has short hair, small eyes,long hands and
a small mouth. She is in a yellow cap,a white T-shirt and a green skirt.Her shoes
Li Tao
are brown. They are students in Suzhou Bowen School. Please help us find the two
Three pens, one eraser and two rulers. BJ-4326816 girls.The school telephone number is 7845-902.The police telephone number is 7845-
- 1 - - 2 -
乡 ( 镇 )         学校       班级       姓名       分数
( )6. What does the underlined phrase( 画线短语)“looking for”mean( 意思是)? Miss Baker.
A.照顾 B. 寻找 C.观察 D. 凝望 ( )11. A man's name is "Sima Luyao". is his family name.
( )7. What does Mary look like A. Sima B. Luyao C. Si D. Yao
A. She's short. B. She has long black hair. ( )12. Linda Susan Baker's given names are .
C. She has big eyes. D. Her mouth is small. A. Linda and Susan
( )8. Mary is Jenny's . B. Linda and Baker
A. Classmate B. friend C. sister D. student C. Susan and Baker
( )9. What clothes is Jenny in D. Linda Susan Baker
A. A black cap. B. A white skirt. C. A red dress. D. Brown shoes. ( )13.William Jafferson Clinton is a teacher.We call him .
( )10. Which of the following is WRONG (下面哪一项是错的?) A. Mr. William B. Mrs. Jafferson
A. Mary and Jenny are 12 years old.
C. Mr. Clinton D. Mrs. Clinton
B. Mary and Jenny are in the same school.
( )14. The underlined phrase( 画线短语)“For example”means(意思是)“ ”
C. Mary and Jenny are not from China.
A. 例如 B. 仿佛 C. 而且 D. 总之
D. 7845-843 is their school telephone number.
( )15. The passage is about( 短文是关于) .
A.schools B. clothes C. colors D. names
Do you know names are different in China and England
In China, the first name is the family name. And the first name has one word
Hello,boys and girls!My name is Jack. I'm a boy.I'm a robot( 机器人 ). 16
( 字 ) or two words.The last name is the given name.A man's name is Wang Tao. Wang
These are my hands. 17 I have no hair. This is my face. 18 But I don't have
is his family name and Tao is his given name.A girl's name is Ouyang Xiaoyu.
a nose.Here are my small ears. But they are too small, and you can't see them.I
Ouyang is her family name and Xiaoyu is her given name.
have short legs and two big feet. 19 I can speak English, 20 I'm your good
In England, many( 许多)people have three names:two given names and a family
friend and I can help you.
name.The family name comes last( 在最后 ). For example,a girl's name is Linda
Susan Baker.Linda is her first( 第一) given name.Susan is her given name,too.
Baker comes last and it is her family name.People can call(称呼)her Linda or
- 3 - - 4 -
A.I can walk. (    ) 27. A. boy B. girl C. woman D. man
B.Please have a look at me. (    ) 28. A. long B. old C. new D. young
C.but I can't speak Chinese. (    ) 29. A. looks B. meets C. helps D. knows
D.My arms are long. (    ) 30. A. at B. to C. on D. in
E.I have two big eyes and a wide mouth. (    ) 31. A. teacher B. friend C. color D. actor
(    ) 32. A. classmate B. sister C. teacher D. friend
16. 17. 18 19. 20. (    ) 33. A. new B. nice C. old D. cool
二、完形填空(15小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分) (    ) 34. A. mouth B. nose C. neck D. eyes
先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最 (    ) 35. A. orange B. black C. blue D. yellow
佳答案。 三、语篇填空(15小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分)
I am Jackie's good friend. I 21 a photo of him. Look at the photo.It is a 第一节 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。
22 of Eric's family. 23 people are in it.The woman 24 a red dress is Eric's 每空限填一词,每词限用一次。
mom. 25 has long blond hair.Her eyes 26 big and her nose is small.The 27 round not number brown cool like friend grade he be
next to her is Eric's dad.His legs are 28 .He is tall.His ears are small.He My name is Wang Jun. I am a Chinese boy. I am 12. Peter is my 36 from Cuba.
29 cool.The girl next 30 Jackie's father is Helen. Her favorite 31 is pink.
He is 15.We're in the same school, but we are in different 37 .Peter is short.
She is in a pink skirt.Her shoes are pink, too.She is Jackie's 32 .She is three
He has a 38 face,big eyes and a wide mouth. 39 hair is short and blond.He
years 33 now.Her face is round and her 34 are big.She is very cute( 可爱的 ).
likes Chinese.His telephone 40 is 3652-1876.
Jackie likes playing with her.The boy in an 35 coat in the photo is Jackie.He
41 is his favorite color.Look,he 42 in a brown cap,a brown T-shirt and a
is short and has brown hair.He looks like his father. He's cool,too.
pair of brown shoes.He looks very 43 .But brown is 44 my favorite color. I
(    ) 21. A. am B. do C. have D. has
45 red.And my clothes are red.
(    ) 22. A. photo B. book C. car D. number
36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
(    ) 23. A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five
41. 42. 43. 44. 45.
(    ) 24. A. from B. of C. at D. in
第二节 阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。
(    ) 25. A. He B. She C. They D. You
Look! The man 46 a blue shirt is my teacher Mr.Brown.The blue bag is
(    ) 26. A. am B. are C. is D. /
- 5 - - 6 -
47 , too.Mr.Brown comes 48 Canada.He is my English teacher.And he is my 五、书面表达 (共 20 分 )
favorite teacher.He is tall 49 strong but he is like a big friend to us.He can 假设 Qin Hao 是你的同班同学,请你根据他的信息写一篇短文。
speak Chinese and English very well.I think Mr.Brown is different from 50
teachers.We all like his classes. 1.Qin Hao,12 岁,来自湖南长沙。在七年级(5)班就读。
46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 2. 高个子,短头发,小眼睛,圆脸,大鼻子。
四、补全对话(5 小题,每小题 2 分,共 10 分) 3. 喜欢蓝色,喜欢穿蓝色的 T 恤衫。
根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。 4. 他家里有只白色的小猫,你也很喜欢他。
A: Mom,I want to buy some clothes.
B: 51 要求:1.不少于 60 词;
A: I want to buy a dress and a pair of pants. 2.包含以上所有信息。
B: But you have a new dress.
A: I don't like the color at all.
B: 52
A: I like red. 53 .
B: Do you want red pants, too
A: No. 54 .
B: OK, I see.A red dress and a pair of black pants.
A: Yes, Mom. 55 .
B: Not at all.
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