Module7Great books Unit1课时同步练习(含解析共3课时)外研版九年级上册

Module7 Great books Unit 1(含3课时)
1.—What do you think of your trip to Hainan
—Wonderful. We were all ________with the ________trip.
A.pleased; pleasant B.pleasant; pleased
C.pleasing; pleased D.pleasant; pleasing
2.Mo Yan is one of the greatest and oldest __________ writers. C.alive D.a live
3.—I haven’t seen your grandfather for several years. Where has he gone
—Oh, he _____ for two years.
A.has died B.has been dead
C.died D.was died
4.The thief __________ as soon as he saw the policeman yesterday.
A.look after B.took away C.ran across D.ran away
5.Shanghai is my hometown. My sister and I __________ in the city.
A.take up B.grew up C.has taken up D.has grown up
sense; think; discuss; by the way; review
6.The newspaper published a       of her book.
7.The word has several different       .
8.      , we’re going to hold an English party on Saturday afternoon.
9.A       always has more ideas than someone else when facing the social problems.
10.Be prepared to join in a class       , Mike and Tony.
11.influenced, are, traditional, we, still, Chinese, by, culture(我们仍然被中国的传统文化影响着。)

12.make sense of, I, said, what, can’t, you(我不理解你说的话。)

13.Chinese people, well-known, to, Confucius, as, isn’t, Mark Twain, as(对中国人来说,马克·吐温没有孔子有名。)

14.a teacher, he, more, than, was, a dancer(与其说他是一位舞者,不如说他是一名教师。)

15.the, book, do, you, what, of, think(你认为这本书怎么样 )

(  )16.His question was so difficult that I could hardly make any     of it at all.
A.idea B.sense C.meaning
(  )17. With the development of China, Chinese     by more and more people in the world.
A.speaks spoken C.speak
(  )18.You are     to type quickly when talking to each other on QQ so that the other person doesn’t get bored.
A.suggested B.supported C.supposed
(  )19.—    , how is your grandfather now
—He is fine. He always exercises in the park.
A.In the way B.On the way C.By the way
(  )20.—    , Betty
—I lost my keys on my way to school this morning.
A.What’s going B.What’s up C.How are you
(  )21.Confucius is well-known not only     his books but also     a great thinker.
A. as; for; as C.for; as
(  )22.It is so cold outside.     put on your coat
A. Do you mind     
B.How about
C.Why don’t you
(  )23.Each of us     a computer in our new classroom.
A.have B.has C.having
(  )24.I have a lot of     to do, so I have no time to read the     by some famous writers.; work; works; works
(  )25.—    
—I can’t find my bike.Can you help me look for it
A.What’s up
B.Can I help you
C.How can we do that
A: Hi, Alice! 26.    
B: I’m writing my book report.
A: Really 27.    
B: Little Women.
A: 28.    
B: Louisa May Alcott.She’s one of the greatest American writers.
A: 29.    
B: No, but some of her books are very popular.
A: 30.    
B: Yes, I have read her Little Man and Jo’s Boys.If you have free time, you can read them.They’re really great.
A: OK.Thank you for your advice.
A.What are you doing
B.Who is it written by
C.When and where was she born
D.Have you read her other books
E.Is she more famous than Mark Twain
F.Which book have you chosen to write about
Confucius is the greatest teacher in Chinese history. He was born on September 28, 551 BC in the Kingdom of Lu, in today’s Shandong Province. When he was young, he and his mother had a hard life. At the age of fifteen, he began to learn music, and he did well in it. Then he went on learning other subjects. When he was thirty, he became a teacher. He started his own school. He believed everyone should have a chance to get an education whether they were rich or poor. He had about 3,000 students and many of them became famous.
Chinese see Confucius as the greatest thinker and also the greatest teacher. His most important ideas are about kindness and good manners. He said young people should take care of the old. People should stop thinking of themselves and work for others. His ideas are around in people’s everyday life. Today people can still hear them, and they go far into East and South Asia.
(  )31.Confucius is the greatest teacher in Chinese history.
(  )32.Confucius and his mother had a comfortable life when he was young.
(  )33.Confucius was good at music when he was fifteen.
(  )34.As a teacher, Confucius thought that only the rich could get an education.
(  )35.Being kind and having good manners are Confucius’s most important ideas.
Min Sun, with another name of Ziqian, was a famous man in the State of Min Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period. 36.     Among all students of Confucius, he was compared with Yan Yuan.
Min Sun’s mother died very early.Later his father took another wife, who gave birth to two sons. 37.     In winter, while two young brothers wore warm clothes made of cotton, Min Sun only wore clothes made of reed catkins(芦花).
One day, he followed his father to go out.When pulling the chariot(马车), Min Sun felt so cold that he dropped the rope onto the ground.Then his father beat him.Just then the reed catkins flew out from the broken clothes and his father knew that Min Sun was mistreated. 38.    
After the father returned home, he wanted to divorce(与……离婚) his wife. 39.     He said, “If Mother stays at home, only I myself have to stand cold.But if you divorce Mother, all three children have to suffer from cold.”
40.     The stepmother heard of this, felt sorry and knew her mistakes.From then on, she treated Min Sun as her own son.
A.Min Sun was a good teacher.
B.The stepmother mistreated Min Sun.
C.He was very angry.
D.He was a student of Confucius.
E.He beat his wife because she beat his son.
F.Min Sun fell on his knees and begged his father to forgive his stepmother.
G.His father was deeply moved and took Min Sun’s advice.
Module7 Great books Unit 1(含3课时)
1.My uncle is a very     (明智的) man.He can always make a right choice.
2.Before we make a decision, we should     (讨论) it carefully together.
3.I don’t     (认为) that he is honest, is he
4.It’s a     (众所周知的) fact that smoking can cause lung cancer.
5.Young people are fast     (影响) by new ideas.
6.The little boy was very lucky to be a_____ after the earthquake.
7.I asked my n_____ to look after my cat while I went on holiday.
8.The man broke the locked door down and e_____.
9.Listen to the d_____ and choose the right answer.
10.The computers play a necessary part in our e_____ life.
【基础语法 理解】
11.Jin Yong is a famous ______(write) of the time.
12.No student in this class is from the______(south) part of China.
13.Who was the most famous scientist in the ______(nineteen) century
14.His grandfather ________________(die) for nearly 10 years.
15.We were all surprised ____________(hear) the news that they lost the game.
16.Jack lives with his family. (改为否定句)
Jack ________ ________ with his family.
17.Mark Twain wrote the book in 1978. (改为一般疑问句)
________ Mark Twain ________ the book in 1978
18.It's a great book. (改为感叹句)
________ ________ great book it is!
19.This song is popular around the world. (改为同义句)
This song is popular ________ ________ the world.
20.The story is set in a small town. (对划线部分提问)
________ ________ the story ________
Module7 Great books Unit 1(含3课时)
3.respect→    4.influence→   
5.make→    6.take→   
7.know→    8.grow→   
13.cut→    14.put→   
15.rise→    16.write→   
turn the situation round; laugh at;in return; for free; grow up
17.Jenny sent me a new book, and       I sent her a film ticket.
18.When people are in trouble, you shouldn’t       them.
19.The players have       . Now they become winners.
20.You can eat the food in the basket       .
21.Lingling wants to become a doctor when she       .
22.They sing an English song before class every day.(改为被动语态)
An English song         by them before class every day.
23.My father repairs the car by himself.(改为被动语态)
The car         by my father himself.
24.People use knives for cutting things.(改为被动语态)
Knives         for cutting things by people.
25.Chinese is spoken by the largest number of people.(改为一般疑问句)
             by the largest number of people
26.The desk is made by him in this factory.(对画线部分提问)
         the desk     by him
(  )27.—Wow! What a tidy and bright classroom!
—Yes. It     every day. cleaned B.cleans C.cleaned
(  )28.—Can you go to the movies with me tonight
—I have to ask my mum. If I    , I will go with you. allowed B.allowed C.allow
(  )29.[2020·安顺] —Krystal, do you know how tea is produced
—Yes.When tea leaves are ready, they are picked by hand and then     for processing.
A.send B.are sent C.were sent
(  )30.—What do you think of Jim
—He is a serious boy. If he     the tasks, he will try his best to finish them well.
A.will be given given
(  )31.—Why does the earth look blue in space
—Because most of the earth’s surface     by water.
A.cover covered C.covered
work; marry; really; die; newspaper
Jin Yong is a famous wuxia writer in China. Jin Yong is his pen name. His 32.     name is Zha Liangyong. Jin Yong was born on 10 March, 1924. He loved reading when he was a child. After he finished school, he first worked for a 33.    .
Later he started writing wuxia stories and became famous. Jin Yong 34.     three times and had four children. In October, 2018, he 35.     at the age of 94. He left us a lot of great 36.    . We can read them in Chinese, English and many other languages. And many of them were made into films and TV plays.
Module7 Great books Unit 1(含3课时)
be pleased with表示“对……满意”,是固定短语,另外pleased一般修饰人,此处修饰we;pleasant“令人愉快的”一般用来修饰事物,此处修饰trip。所以本题选A。
根据句意和句子结构可知是“仍在世的”,形容词修饰名词writers作定语,根据writers复数,不能用a live,排除D;living“活着的”,形容词(人/物共用,可做表语和定语); live“活着的”,形容词(一般指动物),alive“活着的”,形容词(作表语和后置定语),故选A。
Die死亡,是一个非延续性动词;dead 死的,是一个形容词。根据“for two years”可知该用现在完成时,而且谓语动词必须是延续性动词,所以选B。
根据“The thief”和“as soon as he saw the policeman”可知是贼要逃跑;look after 照顾;took away 拿走;ran across 跑着穿过;ran away 逃跑;故选D。
根据主语“My sister and I ”复数,不能用has,排除C、D;根据“Shanghai is my hometown. My sister and I...”可知是长大;take up 占据;grew up 长大;故选B。
Ⅱ 7.senses 8.By the way
9.thinker 10.discussion
Ⅲ.11.We are still influenced by traditional Chinese culture.
12.I can’t make sense of what you said.
13.To Chinese people, Mark Twain isn’t as well-known as Confucius.
14.He was more a teacher than a dancer.
15.What do you think of the book
17.B 考查被动语态。句意:随着中国的发展,世界上越来越多的人说汉语。根据句意可知汉语是“被说”,故应用被动语态,故选B。
18.C 19.C 20.B 21.C 22.C 
23.B 24.B 25.A
Ⅴ.26—30 AFBED
Ⅵ.31—35 ABABA
Ⅶ.[主旨大意] 本文讲述了孔子的弟子闵损小时候的故事。闵损幼年时遭后母虐待。他父亲知道以后,非常愤怒,要和后妻离婚。闵损反而为后母求情。他说:“母在一子寒,母去三子单。”他的孝行感动了父母,也深得人们的赞赏。
36.D 由后句“在孔子的所有弟子中,(闵损)他可以和颜渊相提并论”可知,他是孔子的弟子。
37.B 由下文“在冬天,另外两个弟弟穿着棉花做的暖和衣服,而他穿着芦花做的衣服”可知,继母虐待他。
38.C 由前文“父亲发现继母虐待闵损”可推知,父亲很生气。
39.F 由后文可知闵损为继母求情了,F项与此意义一致。
Module7 Great books Unit 1(含3课时)
Ⅰ.1.wise 2.discuss 3.suppose/think
4.well-known 5.influenced
根据“The man broke the locked door down”和首字母,可知是escape“逃跑”,根据broke可知是过去时态;故填escaped。
14.has been dead hear
12.句意:这个班没有来自中国南方的学生。part地区,名词需用形容词修饰;southern part of China中国南方,根据句意结构和所给单词提示,可知填southern。
13.句意:19世纪最著名的科学家是谁 定冠词the修饰序数词;“in + the +序数词+ century”表示在某世纪,根据句意结构和所给单词提示,可知填nineteenth。
14.句意:他的祖父已经死了将近10年了。for nearly 10 years是一段持续的时间,用于现在完成时;主语His grandfather是单数第三人称,助动词需用has。die死,终止性动词,不可和持续的时间连用,需用be dead表状态;根据句意结构和所给单词提示,可知填has been dead。
15.句意:听到他们输了比赛的消息,我们都很惊讶。be surprised to do惊讶于做某事,固定结构;根据句意结构和所给单词提示,可知填to hear。
16. doesn't live
17. Did write
18. What a
19. all over
20. Where is set
16.lives是动词作谓语,Jack是单数,因此用助动词does加not即doesn’t构成否定句;动词恢复原形live。故答案为(1). doesn't (2). live
17.wrote是动词的过去式,因此其一般疑问句用助动词did来完成,再把wrote改为动词原形write。别忘了首字母要大写。所以答案为:(1). Did (2). write
18.本题为感叹句,用what或how引导,因为该题的中心词为book,是名词,因此用what来引导。故本题的答案为:(1). What (2). a
19.around the world是“全世界”的意思,其同义短语为all over the world。所以答案填: (1). all (2). over a small town是表示地点的介词短语,因此用特殊疑问词where引导,然后再加上一般疑问句结构。故本题的答案为:(1). Where (2). is (3). set
Module7 Great books Unit 1(含3课时)
Ⅰ.1.been 2.done 3.respected
4.influenced 5.made 6.taken
7.known 8.grown 9.thought
10.bought 11.come 13.cut 14.put
15.risen 16.written
Ⅱ return 18.laugh at
19.turned the situation round
20.for free 21.grows up
Ⅲ sung repaired 24.are used
25.Is Chinese spoken 
26.Where is; made
Ⅳ.27.A 考査动词的时态和语态。句意:“今晚你可以和我去看电影吗 ”“我得问问我的妈妈。如果我被允许,我会和你去。”该句为if引导的条件状语从句,遵循“主将从现”的原则,排除B项;又结合句意应为被动语态。故选A。
28.A 考查被动语态。句意:“在加拿大说什么语言 ”“英语和法语。”句子主语language与谓语动词speak之间是动宾关系,用被动语态,故选A。
29.B 考查动词的时态和语态。句意: “Krystal,你知道茶叶是怎样生产的吗 ”“知道。当茶叶好了,用手把他们摘下来然后送去加工。”根据第二句中and连接两个谓语动词,前后时态应一致;且茶叶应该是被送去加工,应用被动语态。故选B。
30.C 31.B
Ⅴ.32.real 33.newspaper 34.married



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