Unit 3 Is this your pencil?单元检测试卷(无答案)

新目标英语七年级(上)Unit 3 检测试卷
姓名:__________ 班级:__________ 得分:____________
1. a set of ________________ 2. in English _____________
3. telephone number_________ 4. ID card ________________
5. pencil case. ____________ 6. a piece of _____________
7. a photo of ______________ 8.the school library ______
9. 我的橡皮擦_____________ 10. 打电话给她 ____________ 
13. 失物招领______________ 14. 学生证 ________________
15.电脑游戏________________ 16. 三块手表_______________
17. 她的笔记本_____________ 18.两本字典________________
19.你的棒球________________ 20. 不用谢_________________
these ____(反义词) 2.it __________(名词性物主代词)
3. are not ______ (缩写形式) 4. we_____________ (代词宾格)
I_______ (代词宾格) 6. you ______(名词性物主代词)
7.that is ________ (缩写形式) 8. her ___________(代词主格)
9.box ___________ (名词复数) 10. dictionary ______(名词复数)
( )1. --- Excuse me, is this your gold ring
--- Yes, ___________.
A. is it B. it’s C. it is D. it isn’t
( )2. – What is this – It is a ______.
A. egg B. orange C. banana D. apple
( )3. ___________ do you spell baseball
--- B-A-S-E-B-A-L-L, baseball.
A. What B. What’s C. How D. How’s
( )4. _ ___________,are you Sonia
__ No, I am Gina .
A. Sorry B. Excuse me C. Thank you D. Goodbye
( )5. ____________ your school ID card
A. This is B. Is this C. Am I D. Are it
( )6. _ What’s this in English _ ________________.
A. Yes, it’s a watch. B. It’s my watch
C. It’s a watch D. No, it’s a watch.
( )7. __Is that ____________ English dictionary
__No, it’s ________ Chinese one.
A. a, a B. an, an C. a, an D. an, a
( )8. –_______ – Yes, it is.
A. What is this in English B. Is it a computer
C. What is ten minus five D. Are you thirteen
( )9. -How do you spell ring
A. It's a ring B. r-i-N-g C. R-I-N-G D. D. a ring
( )10. _____ my book. ____ your book.
A. This is , That’s B. This’s , That’s
C. This is , It’s D. This’s , That is
( )11. Please ____ Mary ____ 687—8068.
A. give, at B. call, to C. call, at D. telephone, for
( )12. _Is this your watch _______ the Lost and Found case, Jack _Yes,__________
A.at , it’s B. in , it is
C. in , this is D. for, this’s
( )13. —Is this your eraser
—No, it isn't. I think ___________.
A. it her eraser B. its her eraser
C. it's her eraser D.it’s him eraser
( )14. Those keys are _____.They are not ________.
A. mine;her B. Hers;your C. hers;mine D. mine;their
( )15. -Is this ________ computer game
-Yes, _______ is _______ computer game.
A. his; it, me B. your; this, his
C. your; it, my D. you; it, my
( ) 16. —Is ________ your pen
—Yes, ________ is.
A. this; it B. that; that
C. this; that D. it ; that
( ) 17. — Is that your ruler
—________. It is his ruler.
A. Yes, it is B. No, it is
C. No, it isn’t D. Yes, it isn’t
( ) 18. — What’s this ________ English
—It’s a book. ________ English book.
A. in; A B. in; An C. in; The D. A ; An
( ) 19. --- What’s this __________ English
--- It’s a backpack.
A. to B. in C. and D. for
( ) 20. A set of keys ______in the school library . Is it ______
A. is ; her B. are ;hers C. Is ;hers D. are ; her
( )21. _____________ do you spell baseball
--- B-A-S-E-B-A-L-L, baseball.
A. What B. What’s C. How D. How’s
( ) 22. _ ________________
_You are welcome .
A.This is your ruler. B. Excuse me ,is this your ruler C. Thank you . D. What’s this
( )23. __________ is a girl, __________ name
is Jill.
A. Her, she B. He, his
C. She, her D. I, my
( ) 24. --- What’s this in English
--- ________________.
A. Yes, it’s a watch. B. It’s my watch
C. It’s a watch D. No, it’s a watch.
( ) 25. --- Is this _____________
--- Yes, it is.
A. backpack B. his backpack
C. a his backpack D. his a backpack
四. 完形填空(10分)
Hello! I’m John. I’m 11 the classroom (教室). 12! This is my desk.13 is nice. What 14 is it It’s orange. My English book and my backpack are on it. 15 backpack is black. What’s in the backpack A book, a pencil case and a watch are in it. What’s in the pencil case There are (有) 16 pencils. One pencil is red and two pencils are yellow. Where (哪里) is my key My key is 17. It isn’t in my backpack. Is it on the desk 18, it isn’t. Oh, it’s on the floor (地板).
( )11. A. at B. in C. to D. of
( )12. A. Thank B. Spell C. Look D. Meet
( )13. A. That B. It C. This D. He
( )14. A. name B. Number C. school D. color
( )15. A. My B. Your C. Her D. His
( )16. A. one B. two C. three D. four
( )17. A. lost B. last C. fine D. first
( )18. A. Not B. No C. Yes D. OK
Things in the Lost and Found Case
Owners(主人) Things (物品) Colors
Alice notebook yellow and green
watch white and red
Ann dictionary red and blue
pencil blue and yellow
Amy school ID card white
Lucy backpack black and white
( )19. The underlined word (画线词) "things" means "______".
A. 货物B. 物品 C. 盒子D. 礼物
( )20. Is the notebook Alice’s
A. No, it isn’t. B. Yes, it is.
C. No, it’s Ann’s. D. We don’t know (不知道).
( )21. What color is Lucy’s backpack
A. Blue and yellow. B. White and red.
C. Red and blue. D. Black and white.
( )22. Amy’s _____ is in the lost and found case.
A. watch B. dictionary C. school ID card D. pencil
( )23. The owner of the dictionary is ______.
A. Ann B. Alice C. Lucy D. Amy

My good friend, Bruce, comes from England. He is twelve years old. His father is a teacher, he is in China now. His mother is a teacher, too. His mother and his sister don’t come to China. His sister is ten years old. She is a student, too.
He has some friends here. They often help him with his Chinese. He can speak a little Chinese now.
( ) 11. Bruce is an English boy.
( ) 12. There are(有) four people(人)in his family.
( ) 13. His mother is in China now.
( ) 14. His sister is twelve years old.
( ) 15. He doesn’t have any friends here.
1.These are their _______( pencil box).
2.This ring is _________(my). It’s from my mother .
3.______(be) these their school bags
4.Those pens are ______(she).
5.Please call ______(I) at 628—319.
1.Is this your dictionary ( 作否定回答)
________, _________ ___________.
2.That is his mother’s computer .(改为一般疑问句)
_______ that ________mother’s computer
3.Your ID card is in your bag .(改为否定句)
You ID card ______in your bag.
4.My ruler is in my schoolbag . (改为一般疑问句)
________ ______ ruler in your schoolbag
5.These are my pencil boxes .( 改为同义句)
These pencil boxes ______ ________.



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