Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth! Section B同步练习(附答案)

Unit 13 We are trying to save the earth(含3课时)
Section B第1课时同步练习(附答案)
1.Her success is an     (inspire) to us all.
2.We hope teaching can encourage children's     (creative).
3.How many     (work) by Jin Yong have you read
4.Some students don't know the     (important) of studying hard.
5.The door is made of     (metal) and they can't break in.
6.The teacher got angry. Let's stop talk.
7.Going to school by a bike is really convenient.
8.The old man always takes him own bag to go shopping.
9.I think doing chores help to develop teenagers' independence.
10.I stopped have a talk with my friend when I met him in the street.



14.It's a good way to save trees by recycling books and paper.

15.The factory should be told to stop polluting the environment.

Ⅳ.口语交际 情景七选五
A: Can you tell us something about the tigers
B: Sure. 16.   
A: Why Are they endangered
B: Yes. There used to be a lot of tigers. 17.     Since then the government has done something to protect them.
A: 18.   
B: Their favorite habitat(栖息地) is the mountain full of trees.
A: 19.   
B: Many of the trees have been cut down. 20.   
A: I see. Thank you.
A.Where do they live
B.There are lots of them.
C.Why are they endangered
D.We're trying to save them.
E.But now there aren't many of them.
F.So there aren't enough trees for all of them to live among.
G.What is it
  The topic of this program is environmental protection. We human beings have done 21.     lot of things at the cost of the environment to develop economy quickly in the past few years. I do think it is time for us to understand the 22.    (important) of protecting the environment and do something for it. And today I would like 23.    (introduce) some simple but useful ways that we can follow 24.    (easy) in our daily life. Firstly, turn 25.     the lights when you don't use them. Secondly, go out in environment-friendly ways, such as by bus, by subway or by bike. We can even walk to work, 26.     it is really helpful for both of our budget(预算) and health. Thirdly, try our best to 27.    (use) things like books, paper, magazines and so on. And we can also take a cloth bag when we go 28.    (shop). Please don't use plastic ones. Of course the public should raise environmental awareness and realize it is 29.    (everyone) duty to protect the environment. Last but not least, the government should make laws to guide people's 30.    (behave).
Unit 13 We are trying to save the earth(含3课时)
Section B第2课时同步练习(附答案)
1.Please be careful while     (drive) a car on the road.
2.Don't throw away the batteries because they can be     (recycle).
3.People shouldn't use paper     (napkin) in order to protect the environment.
4.The best way     (deal) with the waste paper is recycling it.
5.    (turn) off the shower when you are washing your hair.
6.My grades dropped, so I will put time good use.
7.He is know for using iron and other materials to make art pieces.
8.I bought two bottle of orange juice yesterday.
9.Hard iron can be brought back for life with a little creativity.
10.I hope Chinese can be wide used in the world.



14.Not only does he speak English correctly, but he also speaks it fluently.

15.Several houses were pulled down to make way for the new road.

  Each one of us shares this planet with seven billion others. And we all need transportation. People and products need to move from city to city and country to country. However, we all know that most cars, motorcycles, boats and planes cause air pollution. They are also  16 . This is a serious problem in many cities.  17  inventors are coming up with creative ideas to try to reduce the pollution and noise.
In many cities around the world, motorcycles are very  18 . Now Vietnam has around 33 million motorcycles and China has almost 120 million. Motorcycles are a faster and cheaper way to get around a city than cars. Yet air pollution is a growing problem. In large cities, people  19  it is difficult to breathe. To solve these problems, a US company designed an environmentally friendly motorcycle. It uses electricity as fuel(燃料). As a result, there is no pollution. It's also quiet and fast. This makes  20  a good choice for getting around a city.
The Italian city of Venice is a city with only a few roads. There are no cars in the city center.  21  cars, water taxis and buses carry people along the city's canals(运河). However, they cause pollution,  22  to the water. English engineers Dick and Jem designed a solar-powered(太阳能) water taxi. The water taxi  23  run for a day after being recharged(充电).
Planes also cause air and noise pollution. Designing an environmentally friendly airplane is a real  24 . Some airplane companies have  25  to solve the problems. Swiss engineers have gone one step further.They developed a solar airplane. This plane holds the world record for the longest solar-powered flight—1,541 kilometers from Arizona to Texas in America.
(  )16.A.noisy B.dirty C.fast D.expensive
(  )17.A.Since B.So C.Because D.Although
(  )18.A.popular B.valuable C.dangerous D.safe
(  )19.A.explain B.complain C.doubt D.promise
(  )20.A.them B.you C.us D.it
(  )21.A.Instead of B.Thanks to C.Because of D.As for
(  )22.A.probably B.only C.especially D.hardly
(  )23.A.must B.can C.should D.need
(  )24.A.question B.job C.decision D.challenge
(  )25.A.disagreed B.refused C.started D.remembered
Ⅴ. 阅读理解
Once there were many thousands of Gourma Desert(沙漠) elephants in Mali, a country in West Africa. Now, there are fewer than four hundred.
Why did the number of the elephants drop so quickly The elephants' main lake, their only water source(来源), dried up. Besides, the land which the elephants lived on was overused by humans.
To protect the elephants' living environment, the Mali Elephant Project(MEP) was started in 2007. MEP met with local people and helped them make rules of using land and water. As a result, the situation became better and there was more food, forest and grassland.
However, from 2012 to 2016, poaching(偷猎) and illegal(非法的) trade in the elephants increased rapidly. Eighty-three elephants were lost in 2015 alone, and another fifty-one elephants were killed in 2016. “If this situation goes on, all the Gourma elephants will be killed by 2020,” said a member of MEP.
Luckily, the voice of MEP was heard. More organizations(组织) have joined together to educate the local people that trading elephants is against the law. Elephant poaching has dropped to a very low level. The local people have learned to live peacefully with the elephants, one of the wildlife treasures in the world.
(  )26.MEP was started to     .
A.raise more elephants in Mali
B.stop the main lake from drying up
C.discover water source for elephants
D.protect the elephants' living environment
(  )27.Eighty-three elephants were lost     .
A.in 2012 B.in 2015 C.in 2016 D.in 2020
(  )28.We can learn from the last paragraph that     .
A.the number of organizations has dropped
B.there is much less elephant poachingnow
C.the local people keep the elephants at home
D.the whole world live peacefully with elephants
(  )29.This passage is mainly about     .
A.the rules of using land and water
B.the education of the local people
C.the work of Mali Elephant Project
D.the situation of Gourma Desert elephants
  ① Pollution problems are becoming more and more serious. One of them is called “white pollution” caused by plastic, such as shopping bags, boxes and cups. In China, about three billion(十亿) plastic shopping bags are used every day, which results in a great waste of resources(资源) and heavy environ-mental pollution. ②幸运的是,政府已经阻止我们使用免费的塑料袋, telling all stores and supermarkets not to provide customers with free plastic bags since June 1st, 2008. From then on, people have been supposed to use cloth bags and shopping baskets instead of plastic bags in order to protect our environment.
Now, more and more people have realized the importance of using cloth bags and shopping baskets. For one thing, it can protect our environment. For another, it can also save resources. Yet we have more things to do to solve the problem of “white pollution”!
30.Is “white pollution” caused by plastic

31.How many plastic shopping bags are used every day in China

32.What are the advantages of using cloth bags and shopping baskets



Unit 13 We are trying to save the earth(含3课时)
Section B第3课时同步练习(附答案)
1. What else can we do (help)save the planet
2. While you ( wash) your hair, you’d better turn off the shower.
3. We have already stopped (use) plastic bags when shopping.
4. It's easy for him (finish) his homework.
5. The small house ( build)out of metal and wood.
( ) 1.—Have you ever been to Beijing
—Yes, .
A.I was B.I do C.I am D.I have
( ) 2.It took my sister three hours reading this interesting story.
A.to finish B.finished C.finishing D.finish
( ) 3.—Do you know the boy is helping the old man
—Oh,that's my brother.
A.whom B.whose C.who D.where
( ) 4.Lily 30 yuan for the album. It was not expensive.
A. paid B. cost C. took D. spent
( ) 5. —What do you think of the 5G mobile phone
—I really like it,but I can't it.
A. refuse B. stand C. pay D. afford
You may have heard the saying “The Yangtze River is China’s mother river.” The main route of the Yangtze is almost 6,400 km long. As the world’s third-longest river, its valley (流域) covers one-fifth of China’s land area. The Yangtze River Economic Zone (长江经济带) covers 11 provinces and cities, making up about 40 percent of China’s total population and GDP.
The “mother river” is in great need of protection because something is wrong with it. For example, because of overfishing and water pollution, the river’s Chinese paddlefish (白鲟) has died out after surviving for 150 million years. There’re also desertified (荒漠化的) land and soil pollution near the upstream part of the river in Qinghai province, Xinhua reported.
The Yangtze River Protection Law which took effect last year includes bans (禁止) on activity that could damage the river. It also includes heavier punishments for those who don’t follow the law.
According to the law, fishing will be banned in all of the Yangtze’s natural waterways, including its major tributaries (支流) and lakes. Those who are caught fishing will be fined 50,000 to 500,000 yuan.
Sand mining (采沙) will be strictly limited in the river valley. Many companies are mining sand along the river, as sand is a rare resource. However, this has led to lower water levels on the river, which has caused the river’s water quality to decline.
Companies operating along the river will need to focus on green panies that produce pollution will be moved to other places, the law says.
1.What is Paragraph 2 mainly about
A.Why the river needs protection.
B.How the river is being polluted.
C.How Chinese paddlefish died out.
D.How the river will be protected.
2.What does the underlined word “decline” in the second-to-last paragraph mean
A.disappear B.become worse
C.be hard to test D.be easy to control
3.What do we know from the story
A.People can’t fish only in the river’s major lakes.
B.Sand mining will not be allowed in the river valley.
C.All the companies along the river will be moved to other places.
D.Anyone who are caught fishing will be fined at least 50,000 yuan.
4.Which is Not true about the Yangtze River
A.The main route of the Yangtze River is almost 6,400 km long.
B.Its Economic Zone makes up about 40 percent of China’s total population and GDP.
C.It is in great need of protection because its valley covers one-fifth of China’s land area.
D.A law was taken effect to protect it.
5.Which can be the best title for the passage
A.The Protection of Chinese Paddlefish
B.The Protection of The Yangtze River
C.The Protection of The Yangtze River Economic Zone
D.The Protection of the Companies Along the River
I think it’s really very good to be a doctor. Besides saving the lives of patients, you can talk with many people. They share their life experiences with you.
One of my patients ___1___ (succeed) in his business. Cancer has ____2____ (change) his attitude towards life. “Happiness is like a cookie in a boy’s hand,” he said. “If a young kid ____3____ (get) the cookie, everything will be good. With no cookie, life loses its color.” He ____4___ (continue) to say, “When a boy becomes a man, the cookie may ___5____ (turn) into money, a new car, or a beautiful house.”
“It took me many years ___6___ (understand) that the cookie never makes you happy for long. If the cookie is in front of you, it may be paid attention to. Sometimes, you may not get a chance to eat it, but you are busy ____7___ (try) to get it. However, having the cookie is not what life is about. After having cancer, ___8____ me, the cookie starts to lose its importance. The most important thing is that you can live a happy life with ____9____ without the cookie,” he said.
Dear Daddy,
How’s everything going It has been so many days since you went to Wuhan. Do you remember the day before you left You looked worried. and I saw the luggage(行李) in your bedroom, I asked you, “Are you going to leave on business ” You smiled and put your hand on my head, saying, “I’m just tidying up some clothes.”
Later that night, I learned about you and Mom had asked to be sent to Wuhan, and were waiting for a call. At that moment, I really hoped that neither of you would get the call. However, your phone still rang I almost cried out in fear as if I were going to Wuhan myself. The next morning, I got up very early. During the breakfast, you smiled and asked me if I would miss you, I pretended(假装) it was no big deal and said, “I can send you a message whenever I miss you.”
You left even before the sun rose. I waved to you until I couldn’t see you any more. And my eyes were filled with tears. I wrote down “Waiting for you to come back” in my notebook. I knew the people of Wuhan needed you more than I did.
At night, Mom sent me some photos from Wuhan. I found both of you in the photos at once, “Hey, this is my daddy!” I was proud of you!”
Daddy, we miss you. I love you, forever and ever.
1.m______ a written or spoken piece of information.
2.r______ to reach a higher level.
3.I can send you a message whenever I miss you.
I can send you a message ______ ______ when I miss you.
5.When did Kathy’s father leave the next day
6.Does Kathy miss her father
【答案】1.(m)essage 2.(r)ise 3. no matter 4.She really hoped that neither of her parents would get the call. 5.Before the sun rose. 6.Yes, she does.
Unit 13 We are trying to save the earth(含3课时)
Section B第1课时同步练习(附答案)
Ⅰ.1.inspiration 2.creativity 3.works
4.importance 5.metal
Ⅱ.6.The teacher got angry. Let's stop .
7.Going to school by bike is really convenient.
8.The old man always takes own bag to go shopping.
9.I think doing chores to develop teenagers' independence.
10.I stopped have a talk with my friend when I met him in the street.
Ⅲ.11.Let's ride bikes to school instead of driving cars.
12.I stopped using plastic bags last year.
13.It takes me half an hour to go to school on foot.
Ⅳ.16—20 DEACF
Ⅴ.21.a 22.importance 
23.to introduce 24.easily 
25.off 26.because
27.reuse 28.shopping 
29.everyone's 30.behavior
Unit 13 We are trying to save the earth(含3课时)
Section B第2课时同步练习(附答案)
Ⅰ.1.driving 2.recycled 
3.napkins 4.to deal 
Ⅱ.6.My grades dropped, so I will put time good use.
7.He is for using iron and other materials to make art pieces.
8.I bought two of orange juice yesterday.
9.Hard iron can be brought back life with a little creativity.
10.I hope Chinese can be used in the world.
Ⅲ.11.Old magazines are also useful, and you'd better not throw them away.
12.These old photos always bring back my memories of my schooldays.
13.The company wants to set up a school for the poor children.
Ⅳ.16—20 ABABD 21—25 ACBDC
Ⅴ.【主旨大意】 本文主要介绍了Gourma沙漠大象的生存状况以及MEP为拯救这些大象所做的努力。如今,当地人已学会了与这些大象和平共处。
26.D 细节理解题。由第三段中“To protect the elephants' living environment, the Mali Elephant Project(MEP) was started in 2007.”可知选D。
27.B 细节理解题。由第四段中“Eighty-three elephants were lost in 2015 alone…”可知选B。
28.B 细节理解题。由最后一段中“Elephant poaching has dropped to a very low level.”可知,B项表述正确。A项与“More organizations have joined together…”相矛盾;C项文中未提及;D项与“The local people have learned to live peacefully with the elephants…”相矛盾。故选B。
29.D 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章主要介绍了Gourma沙漠大象的生存状况以及MEP为拯救这些大象所做的努力,故选D。
Ⅵ.30.Yes, it is.
31.About 3(three) billion./About 3(three) billion plastic shopping bags are used every day in China.
32.It can not only protect our environment but also save resources./For one thing, it can protect our environment. For another, it can also save resources.
34.Luckily, the government has stopped/kept/prevented us from using free plastic bags
Unit 13 We are trying to save the earth(含3课时)
Section B第3课时同步练习(附答案)
一、1. bottom 2. litter 3.fishermen 4.wooden5.plastic
二、1. to help 2. are washing 3. using 4. to finish5. is/was built
四、1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.B
五、1.succeeds 2.changed 3.gets 4.continued 5.turn
6.to understand 7.trying 8.for 9.or



上一篇:Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected Section A同步练习(附答案)

下一篇:Unit 3 Is this your pencil?单元检测试卷(无答案)