Unit 7 Will people have robots? Section B同步练习(附答案)

Unit 7 Will people have robots
Section B第一课时同步练习(附答案)
1.My brother is in Grade 5, but he can spell and write about 600      (单词).
2.Don’t talk with strangers (陌生人) on the street, because it is very d    .
3.     (在……期间) the winter holiday, I’ll read some famous novels (小说).
4. Yang Liwei is a very famous a    .
5. The game is very easy and e     a 3-year-old child can play it.
apartment, space, rocket, build, astronaut
6.I think people_________ more tall buildings in the future.
7. My family moved into a new_________ yesterday.
8. Yesterday evening Mr. Smith dreamed of flying to the moon by_________.
9.Neil Armstrong became the first_________ to walk on the moon in 1969.
10.-Where will you live in twenty years
-Maybe I will live on a(n) _________ station.
11.-Shall I help you go_________ the street, Grandpa
-No, thanks. I can manage it myself.
A. on B. with C. across D. of
12. Next week my family will move to_________ apartment with four rooms. _________ apartment is very large.
A. an; An B. an; The C. a; A D. the; A
13.I will be an astronaut and I will work on a_________ station.
A. bus B. train C. subway D. space
14. My uncle John_________ Beijing in three days.
A. visit B. visited C. will visit D. visits
15.-How did the students go to school
-_________ the train.
A. By B. Took C. Take D. About
What will life be like in the future I think it will be very different, 16 very interesting.
In the future, all the electrical appliances(电器)will be able to talk to us. Toasters(烤面包机)will tell people the bread is OK. Gas stoves(燃气灶)will tell us to turn off the gas after 17 cooking meals. Fridges(电冰箱) will tell people to buy some food or drinks when there is 18 in it.
There will be many different kinds of robots. House robots will help people 19 the housework. They will cook the meal, 20 the house and wash the clothes. Worker robots will do all the 21 and difficult jobs. Then people won't feel 22 any more and they will have more free time, so 23 will travel more. They won't travel by car or by train. They will 24 their planes to travel everywhere, even into a space station. I am 25 space travel will be very popular in the future.
16.A.if B. but C. because D. so
17.A.practicing B. finishing C. starting D. enjoying
18.A.nobody B. everything C. nothing D. everybody
19.A.with B. at C. in D. on
20.A.read B. open C. leave D. clean
21.A.heavy B. light C. happy D. exciting
22.A.surprised B. lucky C. free D. tired
23.A.you B. they C.I D. we
24.A.turn B. get C. put D. take
25.A.full B. serious C. sure D. bored
Unit 7 Will people have robots
Section B第二课时同步练习
1、太空站 2、实现 3、去滑冰
4、在周末 5、全世界 6、空闲时间
7、活到…… 8、用电脑 9、免费的
10. in college 11. the World Cup 12. be worth nothing
13. the number of 14. Olympic Games 15. the first time
16. different kinds of goldfish 17. agree with sb.
I think that the world will be an easy place to live in. We 1 have machines and robots and they’ll 2 us to do all the 3 jobs and we don’t have to do things 4 washing and 5 the beds though we won’t have any dishes at all. Maybe we’ll just throw the dishes away after each meal. I 6 that doctors will be able to 7 us alive 8 a long time. I hope that when I’m 70 years old, there 9 something and it will keep me 10 for another 70 years, so I’ll live to be 140 years old.
( )1. A. will B. / C. do D. can
( )2. A. teach B. help C. tell D. ask
( )3. A. good B. easy C. same D. boring
( )4. A. like B. as C. for D. to
( )5.A. make B. do C. doing D. making (9)
( )6.A. know B. hope C. see D. listen
( )7.A. let B. keep C. learn D. ask
( )8. A. to B. with C. for D. after
( )9.A. will B. will be C. are D. are going
( )10.A. angry B. busy C. tired D. alive
Let us suppose(假设) it is now AD 2060. People go to the moon every day. It is as easy to take a holiday on the moon today as it was for the people in 1960 to take a holiday in Europe.
What are people eating now People are still eating food. But many food now comes in pill(药丸) form. Farming , of course, is very highly developed(发达的). Very few people have to work on the farm. People are now largely vegetarians(素食者) and we are healthier both in our bodies and in our minds, and we don’t have any disease. No one will be ill any more.
( )1. The writer thinks in 2060 people can go to the moon .
A. every day B. every hour C. every minute D. every second
( )2. Now people are eating .
A. grass B. flowers C. food D. pills
( )3. Many food now comes in form.
A. water B. pill C. air D. medicine
( )4. In 2060, work on the farm.
A. no people B. no farmers C. many people D. fewer people
( )5. No one has to be ill any more because .
A. there is much medicine B. there are fewer people
C. there are no disease D. there are no doctors
Unit 7 Will people have robots
Section B第三课时同步练习(附答案)
1.Judy usually_________ (play) the violin in the evening.
2.The little girl_________ (watch) a cartoon now.
3.Mom_________ (buy) a beautiful dress yesterday.
4.My father_________ (work) in America next year.
5.In the future, people will be busy and they_________ (have) less free time to visit their friends.
6.I    a picnic with my brother next Saturday.
A.have    B.had
C.will have    D.am having
7.—Did you do anything special on Father’s Day
—Yes. I gave my father a card in the   of a heart to show my love.
A.height    B.shape
C.design    D.model
8. It     Zhang Guimei many years to help about 1,800 girl students in poor areas realize their college dreams.
A.took    B.spent
9.If you want to visit the Palace Museum, I     tickets for you tomorrow.
A.will book    B.booked
C.has booked    D.book
10.—He got an A in last week’s math test.
—It is   ! His math is always the worst.
A.possible    B.simple    C.impossible    D.bored
11.—Can I help you, sir
—Yes. I am     a coat.
A.looking for    B.looking through
C.looking after
12.—We don’t have to wear masks (口罩) in public places.
—I     with you. It’s too dangerous.
A.agree    B.disagree    C.believe    D.talk
13. Our hometown is becoming more and more beautiful.    ______visitors come here on weekends.
A.Hundred    B.Hundreds
C.Hundred of    D.Hundreds of
14.—Her dog died in her room yesterday, but she doesn’t know about it.
—You are wrong. She has     known about it.
A.ready    B.often    C.already    D.maybe
15.  the winter holiday, many people watched the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games (冬奥会).
A.Between    B.From
C.By    D.During
However, they agree it may take         years.
            more and more new technologies in the future. They will make our life more convenient.
You must exercise                     and you will do better.
People will have more robots              .
          about an hour           to the top of the Baiyun Mountain from here.
much change beautifully help thing
  With the development(发展) of science and technology, our lives have  21  a lot. Many  22  that wouldn’t happen before have come into reality now. So, our lives will change as well in the future. Our pace of life will greatly speed up (加速), because many machines will  23  us to finish our work. Many things can be done quickly. So, people will have  24  time for fun. People can travel into outer space freely. Space shuttles (航天飞机) can take people to planets far from the earth. Human beings may live in other planets. Besides, our environment will be much better than now, because some effective measures (有效措施) will be taken to protect the environment. The earth will still be a  25  home for humans.
21.    22.    23.    24.    25.   
Sometimes I dream about life in the future. What will it be like
 26  And some scientists will build cities under the sea to make people live there. We can have a medical examination or do some shopping without leaving our homes, which makes the life more convenient (方便的).  27 
And I’m sure there will be more educational programmes on the radio or TV or over the Internet or videophones, so perhaps some children won’t need to go to school every day.    28 
In the future, all electric equipment (电子设备) at home is in the control of computers. People can learn about the situation of the house by working on the computer at the office.  29  Maybe each family will have a robot. Every day we can tell the robot how to do the shopping, housework and so on.
A.No one likes doing the housework.
B.Maybe we will also work at home.
C.I believe the dream will come true some day.
D.They’ll study at home.
E.Perhaps some people will go to the moon for a holiday or even live on the moon.
26.    27.    28.    29.    30.   
31. There     a concert in our school hall next week.
A.is    B.was
C.will be    D.will have
32.—    do you think we can finish the report
—Perhaps in one more hour.
A.How long    B How much
C.How soon    D.How often
33.—How did you come to Baoying
—By high-speed rail. It   me only 28 minutes to get here.
A.spent    B.paid
C.cost    D.took
34. Mum, could you help me    my toy car I can’t    it anywhere!
A.look for;find    B.find;look for
C.look;find out
35. Yesterday Jim     from the bike and broke his arm.
A.put down    B.took down
C.fell down
36.He played a part in    the meeting.
A.to have    B.having
C.has    D.have
37. It’s said that people throw     plastic(塑料)bags along this street every day.
A.hundred    B.hundreds
C.hundred of    D.hundreds of
Life in the future will be different from today’s life. Many changes will happen. But what will the changes be
 38  There will be many people in the world and most of them will live longer than people do now.
 39 There will be at least one in every home. And computer studies will be one of the most important subjects in school then.
 40 They will have more free time to do sports, watch TV and travel. Traveling will be much cheaper and easier. And more people will go to other countries for holidays.
 41  More land will be used for building new towns and houses for all the people. Then there will be less room for cows or sheep, so meat will be more expensive. Maybe no one will eat meat every day. Instead they will eat more fruit and vegetables. Maybe people will be healthier.
A.People will work fewer hours than they do now.
B.The population(人口) is growing fast.
C.Computers will be much smaller and more useful.
D.There will be changes in our food, too.
38.    39.    40.    41.   
Unit 7 Will people have robots
Section B第一课时同步练习(附答案)
一.1.words 2.dangerous 3.During 4.astronaut 5.even
二、6.will build 7.apartment 8.rocket 9.astronaut 10.space
三、11~15 CBDCB
四、16~20 BBCAD 21~25 ADBDC
Unit 7 Will people have robots
Section B第三课时同步练习(附答案)
I、1.plays 2.is watching 3.bought 4.will work 5.will have
Ⅱ.6.C 根据句中的时间状语next Saturday可知句子时态是一般将来时,故答案选C。
7.B 考查名词词义辨析。句意:——你在父亲节那天做什么特别的事情了吗 ——是的,我为我父亲做了一张心形贺卡来表达我的爱。height高度;shape形状;design设计;model模型。根据句意可知选B。
8.A 句意:张桂梅多年来帮助贫困地区大约1,800名女生实现了她们的大学梦。根据句式结构It took sb. some time to do sth.“做某事花费某人多长时间”可知答案选A。
9.A 考查动词时态。句意:假如你们想去参观故宫博物院,我明天给你们订票。含if引导的条件状语从句的主从复合句遵循“主将从现”原则,故选A。
10.C 考查形容词词义辨析。A项意为“可能的”;B项意为“简单的”;C项意为“不可能的”;D项意为“烦闷的”。根据后一句“他的数学总是最差的”可知他得到A是不可能的。故选C。
11.A 句意:——先生,有什么可以帮助您的吗 ——是的,我在找一件大衣。look for“寻找”;look through“浏览”;look after“照顾”。根据句意可知答案选A。
12.B 句意:——我们没有必要在公共场所戴口罩。——我不同意你(说的话)。那样太危险了。A项“同意”;B项“不同意”;C项“相信”;D项“交谈”。根据答语中的“It’s too dangerous.”可知是不同意对方说的话。
13.D 考查数词的用法。当hundred前有具体的数字时,表示确数,hundred后不加-s,其后也不加of;当hundred前没有具体数字时,表示约数,hundred后加-s,也要加of。故选D。
14.C 句意:——昨天她的狗死在她的房间里了,但她还不知道呢。——你错了,她已经知道此事了。根据前面的“You are wrong.”可知她已经知道了。副词already意为“已经”,符合题意,故选C。
15.D during意为“在……期间”,后跟一段时间,根据句中的“the winter holiday(寒假)”可知答案选D。
Ⅲ.16.hundreds of 17.There will be 18.over and over again 19.in the future 20.It takes; to walk
Ⅳ.[语篇解读] 本文讲述了在科技的飞速发展下未来的生活情况。
21.changed 我们的生活已经改变很多,have后跟过去分词changed。
22.things many修饰可数名词的复数,故此处填写things。
23.help will后跟动词原形,故此处填写help。
24.more 根据上文内容可知很多工作都可以由机器来完成,故人们会有更多的时间来娱乐。故此处填写much的比较级more。
25.beautiful 此处是形容词修饰名词home,故此处填写beautiful。
Ⅴ.[语篇解读] 本文是作者对未来生活的畅想。作者认为未来的居住场所、医疗设备、日常生活等方面都会变得不一样。
26.E 根据后一句“And some scientists will build cities under the sea to make people live there.”可推断此处谈论的应是居住地点,故答案选E。
27.B 根据前面的“...or do some shopping without leaving our homes, which makes the life more convenient.”可推断此处谈论的应是未来的工作情况,故选B。
28.D 根据“so perhaps some children won’t need to go to school every day”可知,在未来孩子们不用每天都去上学,故可猜测孩子们将会在家里学习。D项符合语境。
29.A 根据后一句“Maybe each family will have a robot.”可知,人们不想做家务时可以让机器人来做。故A项符合语境。
30.C 根据短文开头的“Sometimes I dream about life in the future.”可知,此处指相信自己的梦想终有一天会实现,故答案选C。
Ⅵ.31.C 由时间状语next week可知要用一般将来时,there be句型的一般将来时是there is/are going to be或there will be。故选C。
32.C how long“多长”;how much“多少;……多少钱”;how soon“多久”;how often“多久一次”。根据答语可知答案选C。
33.D 句意:——你怎样来宝应的 ——乘高铁来的,到达这儿仅花了我28分钟。本题考查固定句型It took sb. some time to do sth.“做某事花费某人多少时间”。故选D。
34.A 句意:妈妈,你能帮我寻找我的玩具车吗 我哪儿都找不到!look for“寻找”;find“发现;找到”;look“看”;find out“找出;查明”。由句意可知第一个空格表示“寻找”,第二个空格表示“找到”,故答案选A。
35.C 句意:昨天吉姆从自行车上摔下来,弄伤了胳膊。A项“放下”;B项“记下;记录”;C项“跌倒;倒塌”。根据句意可知答案选C。
36.B play a part in sth./doing sth.意为“参与某事/参与做某事;在……中起作用”,是固定搭配。
37.D 考查数词的用法。当hundred前有具体的数字时,表示确数,hundred后不加-s,其后也不加of;当hundred前没有具体数字时,表示约数,hundred后加-s,也要加of。故选D。
Ⅶ.[语篇解读] 未来生活和现在的生活相比是有所不同的,作者从几个方面进行了讲述。
38.B 根据后面的“There will be many people in the world and...”可知此处谈论的是人口增长问题,故答案选B。
39.C 根据后面的“And computer studies will be one of the most important subjects in school then.”可知,此处提及的是有关电脑的话题,故答案选C。
40.A 根据后一句“They will have more free time to do sports, watch TV and travel.”可知人们将会有更多的闲暇时间,说明人们的工作时间会减少,故答案选A。
41.D 根据后面的内容可知未来人们可能会多吃水果和蔬菜,少吃肉,是饮食方面的变化,故答案选D。



上一篇:2023-2024人教版数学九年级上册24.3 正多边形和圆 同步练习(含答案)

下一篇:14.1整式的乘法 同步练习(含答案)-2023_2024人教版数学八年级上册