
My name is Chen Jie. I am in Class 3, Grade 4. My mother buys a new schoolbag for me. It is red and I like it very much. There is a Chinese book, an English book and a maths book in my schoolbag.
1.Which class is Chen Jie in? (????)
A.4. B.3. C.1.
2.Who buys a new schoolbag for her? (????)
A.Father. B.Teacher. C.Mother.
3.What colour is the schoolbag? (????)
A.Purple B.Red C.White
4.She likes the schoolbag. (????)
A.Yes. B.No. C.Not sure.
5.How many books in the schoolbag? (????)
A.2. B.3. C.4.
6.There is a notebook in the schoolbag. (????)
A.Yes. B.No. C.Not sure.

7.This is a ______. (???)
A.bedroom B.study C.kitchen
8.What’s on the desk? (???)
A.Lights. B.A computer and a phone. C.A and B.
9.What’s your father’s job? (???)
A.He is a doctor. B.She is a doctor. C.He is a teacher.
10.Where is the ball? (???)
A.It’s on the desk. B.It’s nice. C.It’s under the desk.
11.Is the book on the chair? (???)
A.Yes, it is. B.No, it isn’t. C.No, they aren’t.

Hello! I’m Liu Dan. I’m a girl. There are four people in my family. My parents, my brother and me. My father is a doctor. He’s tall. My mother is a teacher. She’s pretty. My brother is 11. He’s a student. I’m a student, too.
12.Liu Dan is a _______. (????)
A.boy B.girl C.doctor
13.Liu Dan’s father is a _______. (????)
A.doctor B.teacher C.student
14.Liu Dan’s mother is _______. (????)
A.tall B.strong C.pretty
15.Liu Dan’s brother is _______. (????)
A.a student B.a teacher C.a doctor

Hi, my name is Steven. I'm ten. I'm a boy. My father is a doctor. He is tall. My mother is a nurse. She has long hair. My sister is a teacher. She is quiet. She has glasses. My grandfather and grandmother have no job. I am a student. I'm tall and strong. I love my family.
16.There are ________ people in Steven's family. (  )
A.five B.six C.four
17.Steven's father is ________. (  )
A.tall B.a teacher C.quiet
18.________ has long hair. (  )
A.His father B.His mother C.His sister
19.________ has no job. (  )
A.His sister B.His parent C.His grandma
20.Steven is ________. (  )
A.a boy B.a student C.both A and B
Hello, my name is Peter. I’m a new student. I am a cool boy. I’m tall. I have a black cap. I have three new friends.
Meet my friends
Fred is from the USA.He is ten years old. He is very strong. He has big eyes. He likes sports. Ken is from China. He is ten years old. He is friendly. He has black glasses. He likes maths very much.
Anna is from the UK. She is eleven years old. She’s short and thin. She has long hair. She’s quiet. She likes English. She is a new student, too. And her mother is a new teacher here.
21.Peter has a white cap. ( )
22.Fred is 11 years old. ( )
23.Ken likes maths very much. ( )
24.Anna’s mother is a doctor. ( )
25.Ken, Anna and Fred are Peter’s new friends. ( )
Hello, I’m Jack. It’s time for lunch. We are hungry and we go to a restaurant. My father would like some beef and vegetables. They are fifteen yuan. My mother would like some rice, vegetables and soup. They are twelve yuan. My brother Tom would like some chicken and milk. They are sixteen yuan. I would like some fish and orange juice. They are thirteen yuan. The food is delicious.
26.Jack has lunch at home. ( )
27.Jack’s father would like some beef and rice. ( )
28.They have the same food. ( )
29.Jack’s mother would like some rice, vegetables and soup. ( )
30.They spend 56 yuan for lunch. ( )
Hello, I am Amy. My friends all go to school with their schoolbags. And their schoolbags are heavy. What are in their schoolbags? Tom has three storybooks and five maths books. Lucy has eleven pencils and two pens. Mike has five pens and eight notebooks. Lily has twelve picture books and one pencil box. I have seven erasers and two keys in my schoolbag.
31.Tom is Amy’s friend. ( )
32.Amy has 3 storybooks and 5 maths books. ( )
33.Mike has 5 pens and 8 notebooks. ( )
34.Amy’s friends’ schoolbags are not heavy. ( )
35.Lily has 20 picture books and 1 pencil box. ( )
Hi, I’m Lily. Look! They’re my friends. James has short hair and a big green bag. Do you see him? Look, who is near the window? His name is Ben. He is short and thin. He has glasses. Ann has long hair. She has orange shoes. Who is near the teacher’s desk? That is Kate. She is tall. She is friendly. She has a blue hat. They’re very nice.
36.James has a green bag. ( )
37.Ben is short and strong. ( )
38.Ann has red shoes. ( )
39.Kate is friendly. ( )
40.Ben is near the door. ( )
1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.B
7.B 8.C 9.A 10.C 11.B
12.B 13.A 14.C 15.A
16.B 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.C
17.句意:斯蒂文的爸爸是______。A高的,B一名老师,C安静的,根据My father is a doctor. He is tall.,可知斯蒂文的爸爸个子高,故选A。
18.句意:______有长发。A他的爸爸,B他的妈妈,C他的姐姐,根据My mother is a nurse. She has long hair.,可知斯蒂文的妈妈有长发,故选B。
19.句意:_____没有工作。A他的姐姐,B他的父亲(母亲),C他的奶奶,根据My grandfather and grandmother have no job.,可知斯蒂文的爷爷奶奶没有工作,故选C。
20.句意:斯蒂文是______。A一个男孩,B一名学生,根据I'm a boy. I am a student.,可知斯蒂文是一个男孩,也是一名学生,故选C。
21.F 22.F 23.T 24.F 25.T
21.句意:彼得有一顶白色的帽子。根据“I have a black cap.”,可知彼得有一顶黑色的帽子,故答案为F。
22.句意:弗雷德今年11岁。根据“Fred is from the USA. He is ten years old.”,可知弗雷德10岁,故答案为F。
23.句意:肯非常喜欢数学。根据“Ken is from China. He is ten years old. He is friendly. He has black glasses. He likes maths very much.”,可知题干描述正确,故答案为T。
24.句意:安娜的母亲是一名医生。根据“And her mother is a new teacher here.”,可知安娜的母亲是一名老师,故答案为F。
26.F 27.F 28.F 29.T 30.T
26.句意:杰克在家吃午饭。根据“Hello, I’m Jack. It’s time for lunch. We are hungry and we go to a restaurant.”,可知杰克去餐馆吃午饭,故答案为F。
27.句意:杰克的父亲想要一些牛肉和米饭。根据“My father would like some beef and vegetables.”,可知杰克的父亲想要一些牛肉和蔬菜,故答案为F。
29.句意:杰克的妈妈想要一些米饭、蔬菜和汤。根据“My mother would like some rice, vegetables and soup.”,可知题干描述正确,故答案为T。
30.句意:他们午餐花了56元。根据“They are fifteen yuan. They are twelve yuan. They are sixteen yuan. They are thirteen yuan.”,可知题干描述正确,故答案为T。
31.T 32.F 33.T 34.F 35.F
32.句意:艾米有3本故事书和5本数学书。根据“Tom has three storybooks and five maths books.”可知汤姆有3本故事书和5本数学书,句子不符合原文,故答案为F。
33.句意:迈克有5支钢笔和8本笔记本。根据“Mike has five pens and eight notebooks. ”可知句子符合原文,故答案为T。
34.句意:艾米朋友的书包不重。根据“And their schoolbags are heavy. ”可知艾米朋友们的书包都很重,句子不符合原文,故答案为F。
35.句意:莉莉有20本图画书和一个铅笔盒。根据“Lily has twelve picture books and one pencil box. ”可知莉莉有12本图画书和一个铅笔盒,句子不符合原文,故答案为F。
36.句意:詹姆斯有一个绿色的包。根据文章“James has short hair and a big green bag.”得知詹姆斯有一个绿色的包。句意与原文意思相符,故答案为T。
37.句意:本又矮又胖。根据文章“ He is short and thin. ”得知本又矮又瘦。句意与原文意思不符,故答案为F。
38.句意:安有红色的鞋子。根据文章“Ann has long hair. She has orange shoes.”得知安又橙色的鞋子。句意与原文意思不符,故答案为F。
39.句意:凯特很友好。根据文章“That is Kate. She is tall. She is friendly. ”得知凯特很友好。句意与原文意思相符,故答案为T。
40.句意:本挨着门。根据文章“Look, who is near the window? His name is Ben. ”得知an挨着窗户。句意与原文意思不符,故答案为F。



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