
Li Dong is a schoolboy. He is twelve. He lives in Beijing. He studies in No. 5 Middle School. He gets up at half past five every day. He reads English and Chinese in the morning. He has breakfast at seven. After that, he goes to school with his friends. They have four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. In the evening he does his homework at home. But he often watches TV on Saturday evening. Li Dong likes playing football. He also likes reading books. Now he is reading an English book in his room.
1.Li Dong is a __________. (?? ??)
A.student B.teacher C.doctor D.girl
2.Li Dong gets up __________ every morning. (? ???)
A.early B.late C.at seven D.at half past six
3.Li Dong likes __________. (????)
A.playing basketball B.drawing
C.playing football D.shopping
4.Li Dong has __________ classes every day. (? ??)
A.four B.five C.six D.seven
5.Li Dong often watches TV __________. (? ???)
A.every evening B.on Sundays
C.on Sunday evening D.on Saturday evening

Today is Lisa’s birthday. She has a birthday party at home. Peter, Jack and Kate come to Lisa’s home. They are going to celebrate Lisa’s birthday. They give their presents to Lisa. Lisa feels very happy.
The birthday party begins at 5:30 pm. First, they light the candles on the cake. Then they sing the birthday song. Lisa makes a wish. Then she blows out the candles. After that, Lisa cuts the cake. She gives each one a piece of cake. The children also have some candy and jelly. They have a good time!
6.It’s _____ birthday. (?? ?)
A.Peter’s B.Kate’s C.Lisa’s
7._____ come to Lisa's birthday party. (?? ?)
A.Peter, Jack and Kate B.Peter, Gao Wei and Kate C.Lisa, Jack and Kate
8.They _____ first at the birthday party. ( ???)
A.eat the cake B.blow out the candles C.light the candles
9._________make a wish at the birthday party. (??? )
A.Jack B.Lisa C.Peter
10.A:What do the children have at the party? (? ??)
A.Cake, candy and jelly B.Cake, jelly and apple pies C.Cake and ice cream
Tony eats two apples a day and he drinks two glasses of milk. He eats plenty of (许多;大量) vegetables. He goes jogging (慢跑) in the morning and plays football with his friends in the evening. He likes to play computer games sometimes but he doesn’t play every day.
11.How many apples does Tony eat a day? He eats ______. (????)
A.One apple. B.two apples C.three apples
12.How many glasses of milk does Tony drink a day? He drinks milk ______. (????)
A.two glasses of B.three glasses of C.a glass of
13.Tony eats plenty of ______. (????)
A.fruit B.junk food C.vegetables
14.Tony ______ in the morning. (????)
A.goes jogging B.swim C.plays football
15.Tony ______ computer games every day. (????)
A.watches B.doesn’t play C.plays.

Jiaozi is the Chinese name of dumplings. We have all kinds of dumplings with meat or vegetables in it. Jiaozi is very delicious and it is very popular (受人喜爱的) in China, especially (尤其) during Spring Festival. People usually eat jiaozi on the eve of Spring Festival. Why do people like eating jiaozi? Because Spring Festival is Chinese New Year. People eat round jiaozi to show their wishes for good luck. The history of jiaozi is about 2, 000 years. Eating jiaozi is a very happy thing. When all the families make jiaozi together, you'll feel very happy.
16._________ is the Chinese name of dumplings. (?????)
A.Jiao Zi B.jiaozi C.Jiaozi
17.People usually eat jiaozi on the eve of _________.(?????)
A.Christmas B.Easter C.Spring Festival
18.“Delicious” means _________.(?????)
A.美味的 B.苦涩的 C.微辣的
19.People all enjoy _________ dumplings.???(?????)
A.eat B.eating C.to eat
20.The history of dumplings is about _________ years. (?????)
A.three thousand B.four thousand C.two thousand
Robert is talking about rules at home.
We don’t have many rules at home. In my room, for example, I can do what I want. My favorite pop group is Take Four, so I have a lot of their posters (海报) on the wall. Mum thinks it’s okay. I can play their music as loud as I like, but sometimes Mum comes and shuts the door. I’ve got a TV in my room, too. Before I watch TV, I have to do my homework. “Work comes first,” Mum always says. From Monday to Friday, I have to go to school, so I mustn’t watch TV in the evening. At the weekend, I can watch TV till 11 o'clock. Once a week, I have to clean my room. It only takes half an hour, so it’s not too bad. Mum cleans the other rooms, but I don’t have to help her.
21.Robert has many rules at home. ( )
22.Robert can watch TV every evening. ( )
23.Robert has to clean his room every day. ( )
24.Robert can play music as loud as he likes. ( )
25.Robert has too much homework. ( )
Today is Tree- Planting Day. I go to the park with my parents. At about ten o'clock we start to plant trees. We needn't to dig holes because the people in the park dug them before. We just put the young trees into the holes. My father fills the holes with me. My mother carries water for the young trees. We are so tired when we finish the work. All of us hope the trees will grow well. I hope I can plant trees next year.
26.Today is Tree- Planting Day.???( )
27.At about nine o'clock we begin to work.???( )
28.First we dig holes. ( )
29.My mother fills the holes with me. My father carries water for the young trees. ( )
30.All of us are very tired and happy.??( )
In China, spring is usually very short. It usually comes in March and ends in May. Summer is often very hot. It is from June to August. The hottest month is July. The best time to visit China is spring. In summer it is often too hot.
The seasons of the year in England and America are nearly(几乎)the same. But the weather in England never gets too hot or too cold. The seasons in Australia are different. Its summer is from December to February, and winter(冬天) is in June, July and August. So when it is spring in China, it is autumn(秋天) in Australia.
31.Summer is from September to November in China. ( )
32.The hottest month in China is June. ( )
33.The best time to visit China is spring. ( )
34.When China is in spring, Australia is in winter. ( )
35.America’s weather is most like China’s. ( )
Tom is seven. He goes to school every day. The school is near his home. So he goes there on foot and comes back home on time (准时). But today he is late. His mother asks him, “Why are you late today?” “I was in the teachers’ office.’’ “Why did you go to the teachers’ office?” “Because my teacher asked us a question in class, and nobody (没有人) could answer it, but me.” “It’s good to answer the teacher’s questions.” “But the question was ‘Who put the ink (墨水)on my chair?’”
36.Tom lives near his school. ( )
37.He goes to school and comes back home by bike every day. ( )
38.Today Tom went to school late. ( )
39.Tom put some ink on the teacher’s chair. ( )
40.The boy is very naughty(调皮). ( )
1.A 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.D
1.句意:李东是一个____。A学生,B老师,C医生,D女孩,由句子Li Dong is a schoolboy.可知他是一个男学生。故选A。
2.句意:李东每天早上_______起床。A早的,B晚的,C医生,D女孩,由句子He gets up at half past five every day. 可知他每天5点半起床,所以起床很早。故选A。
3.句意:李东喜欢_____。A打篮球,B画画,C踢足球,D购物,由句子 Li Dong likes playing football.可知李东喜欢踢足球,故选C。
4.句意:李东每天有____课。A4,B5,C6,D7,由句子They have four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. 可知上午由四节,下午有两节,一共是6节,故选C。
5.句意:李东经常____看电视。A每天晚上,B在星期天,C在星期天的晚上,D在星期六的晚上,由句子But he often watches TV on Saturday evening. 可知在周六晚上看电视,故选D。
6.C 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.A
11.B 12.A 13.C 14.A 15.B
11.句意:托尼一天吃多少苹果?他吃________。A一个,B两个,C三个,根据文章“Tony eats two apples a day and he drinks two glasses of milk. ”得知托尼一天吃两个苹果,故选B。
12.句意:托尼一天喝多少牛奶?他喝_______。A两杯,B三杯,C一杯,根据文章“Tony eats two apples a day and he drinks two glasses of milk. ”得知他一天喝两杯牛奶,故选A。
13.句意:托尼一天吃大量的_______。A水果,B垃圾食物,C蔬菜,根据文章“He eats plenty of (许多;大量) vegetables. ”得知托尼吃大量的蔬菜。故选C。
14.句意:托尼在早上__________。A慢跑,B游泳,C踢足球,根据文章“ He goes jogging (慢跑) in the morning and plays football with his friends in the evening. ”得知上午托尼慢跑,故选A。
15.句意:托尼每天_________电子游戏。A观看,B不玩,C玩,根据文章“He likes to play computer games sometimes but he doesn’t play every day.”得知托尼他有时喜欢玩电脑游戏,但他不是每天都玩。故选B。
16.C 17.C 18.A 19.B 20.C
21.F 22.F 23.F 24.T 25.F
21.句意:罗伯特在家里有很多规矩。根据We don’t have many rules at home. 我们在家里没有很多规矩。可知题干与原文不相符,故答案为F。
22.句意:罗伯特可以每晚看电视。根据From Monday to Friday, I have to go to school, so I mustn’t watch TV in the evening. 从星期一到星期五,我必须上学,所以我晚上不能看电视。可知题干与原文不相符,故答案为F。
23.句意:罗伯特必须每天打扫房间。根据Once a week, I have to clean my room. 我必须每周打扫一次房间。可知题干与原文不相符,故答案为F。
24.句意:罗伯特喜欢放多大声音乐就放多大声。根据I can play their music as loud as I like, but sometimes Mum comes and shuts the door. 我可以把喜欢放多大声音乐就放多大声,但有时妈妈会来关上门。可知题干与原文相符,故答案为T。
25.句意:罗伯特有太多作业。根据Before I watch TV, I have to do my homework. “Work comes first,” Mum always says. 在我看电视之前,我必须做家庭作业。“功课第一,”妈妈总是说。可知文中并没有提及作业的多少。题干与原文不相符,故答案为F。
26.T 27.F 28.F 29.F 30.T
29.本句意思是我的妈妈和我一起填坑,爸爸为小树浇水。根据短文第三行可知,是爸爸和我一起填坑,妈妈浇水, 故答案为F。
31.F 32.F 33.T 34.F 35.F
36.T 37.F 38.T 39.T 40.T
【分析】36.句意:汤姆住在学校附近。The school is near his home.学校在他家附近。可知句子与短文相符,故答案为T。
37.句意:他每天骑自行车去上学,然后回家。根据So he goes there on foot and comes back home on time .所以他步行去那里,并准时回家。可知句子与短文不符,故答案为F。
38.句意:今天汤姆上学迟到了。根据But today he is late.但是今天他迟到了。可知句子与短文相符,故答案为T。
39.句意:汤姆在老师的椅子上放了一些墨水。Because my teacher asked us a question in class, and nobody could answer it, but me.” “It’s good to answer the teacher’s questions.” “But the question was ‘Who put the ink on my chair?’”因为老师在课堂上问了我们一个问题,除了我,没有人能回答。”“回答老师的问题很好。 “但问题是‘谁把墨水放在我椅子上的?’”可知句子与短文相符,故答案为T。



