Unit 6 I'm going to study computer science. Section A易错题专练(3课时含答案)

Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science
Section A第一课时同步练习(附答案)
1.The Smiths are moving to (伦敦) next year.
2.Alice is reading a(n) (文章) by Mark Twain.
3.The poor children can get free (教育) with the help of a trader.
1.To be an ______ (act) is my brother's dream.
2.Kelly's dream is to be a _________ (violin).
3.I want to be a ________ (piano) like him.
4.Jack is studying computer science. He wants to be a computer _____________ (program).
5.My father is a _______ and he _______ me to school every day.(drive)
1.— ________ are you going to be a soccer player
— I'm going to practice harder than before.
A.What    B.How C.When D.Where
2.These kids from America are practicing ________ Chinese.
A.to speak B.speaking C.speak D.speaks
3.— What do you plan to do tomorrow
— I am not ________ it, because my cousin may visit me tomorrow.
A.afraid of B.busy with C.similar to D.sure about
4.— What are you going to do after dinner
— We ________ a plan for our family trip next month.
A.make B.made C.making D.are going to make
I want to be a ___________ ____________.
_____ ___________ knows what they want to be.
No one can be _____ _________ their future, but you can work hard for it.
What does he want to be when he ______ ____
I wonder why you're so _____ ___ ________ stories.
A:Are you going to the party on Saturday, Linda
B:1.____ Are you going there
A:Of course I am. It's going to be a lot of fun.
A:I heard the party was going to have lots of food, drinks, interesting games and nice music.
B:Sounds great! 3.____
A:It will start at 8: 00 p.m. and I really think you should go.
B:I'm thinking about it. Who is going to the party
B:Really So I can see Jack, Lucy and Julia.
A:Sure. 5.____
B:Yeah! I'd love to go to the party.
A.Where is it B.I'm not sure yet.C.When will it start D.Where are you going E.How do you know that F.Everybody in our class.G.So am I going to see you at the party
Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science
Section A第二课时同步练习(附答案)
1.My parents work as (厨师) at a five- star restaurant.
2.She is so talented in math that she wants to be a(n) (工程师).
3.She is a famous p . She plays the piano very well.
4.Zhong Nanshan and Li Lanjuan are both famous d .
5.—Is your father a p
—Yes. I also want to fly a plane like him.
1.My aunt ___________ (move) to Hangzhou next year.
2.There _______________ (be) a talk on education in our school tomorrow.
3.Teachers' Day is coming. I ________________ (give) my teachers some flowers.
4.The Smiths ________________ (move) to Beijing, so they plan to learn Chinese first.
5.Look at the black clouds. It ________________ (rain).
sing, science, cook, college, educational
1.Are you going to a(n) _________ school
2.Li Hua is studying __________ to be a teacher.
3.Some ________ in our country have strict rules for students.
4.Both Einstein and Newton are great _________.
5.The young ________ surprised us all with her wonderful song.
1.Mary wants to be a dentist when she grows up.(对画线部分提问)
Mary when she grows up
2.The boy is going to wash his clothes tomorrow. (改为否定句)
The boy wash his clothes tomorrow.
3.The family are going to have a picnic tomorrow.(改为一般疑问句)
the family have a picnic tomorrow
4.Nana is going to take a music lesson this afternoon.(对画线部分提问)
Nana take a music lesson
5.We are going to have a school trip next Friday.(改为同义句)
There a school trip next Friday.
college, though, engineer, article, London, medicine, fly, education, enough, doctor
I'm going to tell you about my sister Mary and her son. She studied 1.___________ at a famous university. Now she's a(n) 2.________ and works in one of the best hospitals in our city. She loves her job 3.________ it is hard work. To improve (提升) herself, she spends years reading 4._________ and keeping up to date (与时俱进). She keeps on studying for further 5.__________. She practices English every day because she plans to study in 6._________ some day. At the same time (同时), she does some teaching at a(n) 7._________, too.
The only problem is that she doesn't have 8._________ time for her son, Nick. He's only seven years old and he likes math very much. Mary wants him to be a(n) 9.__________ when he grows up. Nick's father wants him to be a pilot like a bird 10.________ in the sky freely. But Nick is so young that they are not sure about his future.
Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science
Section A第三课时同步练习(附答案)
1. cook 厨师(名词) 烹饪(动词)
His father is a great cool.
Could you cook meat for us tonight
2. violinist 小提琴手 pianist 钢琴家 scientist 科学家 dentist 牙医
3. 1)grow 生长,成长 grow up 成长,长大
These plants grow quickly in spring.
2)grow 种植 (及物动词)
My father lies growing flowers.
3)grow 渐渐变得 (系动词+形容词)
The girl grew thinner and thinner.
4. practice 练习(不可数名词)
We should do a lot of listening practice.
practice + Ving 练习(动词)
Jim often practices swimming.
1. My mother is a good c_________. She often make many kinds of food for us.
2. Li Ming’s father is an e__________. He designs bridges.
3. Liu Chuanjian is one of the most outstanding p_________.
4. Tom is a computer p_________. He is good at computer.
5. What are you going to be when you g________up
1. Tom’s father is a bus ________(drive).
2. His dream is to be a _________(science).
3. Lang Lang is one of the most famous_________(piano)in the world.
4. She plays the violin very well. She wants to be a _________(violin).
5. Dad, making my own decision is part of ________(grow)up.
1. David_________really________.
2. Most plants can’t________ ________without sunshine.
3. I ________ ________every day.
4. Are you________ ________ ________Mr.Li this afternoon
5. She________ ________ _______ ________ ________when she was young.
( )1. ---Do you want to be ______engineer when you grow up
---No, I want to be _________player.
A.a, a B.an, a C.a, an D.an, an
( )2. He is a ________. He works in Renming Hospital.
A.doctor B.teacher C.postman D.policeman
( )3. ---_____are you going to be a writer, Tom
---I’m going to keep on reading more storybooks.
A.What B.Why C.How D.Where
( )4. My parents want me_______a movie actor.
A.be B.to be C.going to be D.being
( )5. He is going to buy a new computer when he______more money.
A.have B.is going to have C.has D.will have
Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science
Section A第一课时同步练习(附答案)
1. London
2. article
3. education
1. actor
2. violinist
3. pianist
4. programmer
5. driver drives
1-4 BBDD
1. computer programmer
2. Not everyone
3. sure about/of
4. grows up
5. good at writing
Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science
Section A第二课时同步练习(附答案)
1. cooks
2. engineer
3. ianist
4. octors
5. ilot
1. is moving
2. is going to be
3. am going to give
4. are going to move
5. is going to rain
1. cooking
2. education
3. colleges
4. scientists
5. singer
1. What does want to be
2. isn't going to
3. Are going to
4. When is going to
5. is going to be
1. medicine
2. doctor
3. though
4. articles
5. education
6. London
7. college
8. enough
9. engineer
10. flying



