人教版七年级英语上册Unit5Do you have a soccer ball单元话题语法填空练习(含解析)

Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball
Everyone 1 (know) that exercise is very important(重要的), we all need to exercise. Doctors say it’s 2 (well) for us. It keeps our bodies strong and makes us 3 (feel) great. But do you know how 4 (exercise)
When the daytime(白天) comes, we get up. It is the best time to exercise. We can do a lot of sports. We can run, skate or go 5 (swim). We need to like what we are doing. We need to exercise enough(足够), but it 6 (not be) good to exercise too much. You just need to exercise 7 (one) a week. Thirty minutes each time is enough. Try all 8 (kind) of sports, and then you can find the right one or ones for you.
9 (do) exercise can be fun. Would you like 10 (play) ball games with your friends at a sports centre
It’s good to have healthy eating and sleeping habits. And my 11 (friend) do have some.
Eric doesn’t like fast food because he thinks 12 is unhealthy. Vegetables and meat can help him be smart and strong, so they’re 13 (he) favorites. Cindy drinks lots of water, 14 no coffee. Caffeine(咖啡因) can make her focused(专注的) 15 a short time. But it can also make her sick. “Exercise is 16 (relax). I feel happy and active after that.” Mike says. He runs every morning and 17 (swim) every morning. The twins Sam and Tim are in the 18 (nine) grade now and schoolwork is 19 (real) difficult. However, they have a good bed time and it helps a lot. You know 20 man with good sleep can be more creative(更有创造力) and remember things better.
China has a rising snowboard (滑雪板) star. Su Yiming 21 (win) a championship (冠军) at the International Ski Federation (FIS) Ski and Snowboard World Cup competition. It was held 22 Dec 4, in Colorado, US.
As one of the 23 (young) riders in the snowboard field, 17-year-old Su showed great skills in the competition. He landed perfectly in his first and 24 (two) runs. This made him the first rider to land 1800s in two different 25 (way) in one FIS event. The total score of 155.25 points is enough for him to win the championship 26 (easy).
His talent (天赋) for snowboarding showed up early. Su was born in Jilin Province, and he started 27 (learn) skiing when he was 4 years old. A Hong Kong director saw videos of Su skiing online and let 28 (he) play the role of a skiing boy in his movie. Then he was chosen for the Chinese national team at 29 age of 13.
The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics is coming. If Su takes part in the Winter Olympics, he 30 (work) harder to improve his skills in the future.
I’m Jim. I have three good 31 (friend). We like 32 (sport) very much. My favorite sport is ping-pong . I have three ping-pong balls 33 two ping-pong bats. I think 34 (play) ping-pong is fun. 35 Linda thinks it is boring. 36 (she) favorite sport is baseball. She 37 (play) baseball every afternoon. She has four baseballs. Gina is Linda’s sister. She likes playing tennis. She thinks it’s interesting and she has four tennis balls and four tennis bats. My friend Frank likes playing soccer. He plays it very 38 (good). It’s relaxing 39 him 40 (play) soccer. But he has only one soccer ball.
All over the world people enjoy 41 (sport). They can help one to keep 42 (health), happy, and to live longer. Many people like to watch 43 play games. They buy tickets or turn 44 TVs to watch the games. Often they get very excited when" 45 "(they)players or teams wins(胜利). Some sports are so 46 (interest) that people everywhere like them. For example, more and more young people like playing football.
Some sports or games such as 47 (run)and jumping go back thousands(千)of years. 48 basketball and volleyball are very new.
People 49 different countries may not understand each other, but after a game together they often become good 50 (friend).
Many students like 51 (watch) TV very much.But from Monday to Friday,they must 52 (go) to school.So on Saturday and Sunday they 53 (stay) at home and watch TV from morning to night.They don't know it's bad for their 54 (healthy).Usually children like to eat fish,meat and 55 (chicken).But they don't like vegetables 56 (and) fruit.But 57 (eat) more vegetables and fruit is better than eating meat.
At school the children only do some 58 (minute) of sport or 59 (not do) any sport.The teachers must know it isn't good for 60 (them) health.
Hi,I’m Gina Smith. Gina is my 61 (one) name and Smith is my last name. I’m 62 English girl, but now I’m in China with my parents. My parents are 63 (teacher) and they are at the same middle school. I’m 64 (they) only daughter. I’m 12 years old. They love me very much and I love them, 65 . My parents like sports. My father likes basketball. He often plays basketball and sometimes he 66 (watch) basketball games in the evening. Basketball is fun but difficult 67 me. I can’t play it. I only watch it on TV with my father. My mother loves tennis. She thinks it’s easy 68 fun. But my father doesn’t like it. So my mother wants me 69 (play) with her. Now I can play tennis 70 (good).
Let’s play together if you also like it.
Hello, everyone. I’m David. I like soccer very much and I play it every morning. Mr. Black is my teacher. He works in a 71 (sport) club and I learn soccer from 72 (he) every weekend. Now soccer is 73 easy sport for me. I often play it 74 my cousin James after school. He is my 75 (uncle) son and we are in the same school.
James likes sports. He often 76 (play) tennis, soccer and baseball. Baseball is his favorite. He has two baseballs. I don’t play baseball, 77 I often watch baseball games on TV. There is a baseball game on TV this evening. James asks me 78 (watch) it at his home. I think it is 79 (fun) to watch it with him. Do you like sports What sport do you like best Can you tell me something 80 that
Hello! My name is Sara. You can see many ping-pong 81 (ball) and a ping-pong bat in my room. They are all 82 (my). I love ping-pong very much. On my desk is a photo 83 a girl. She is my favorite ping-pong star, Zhang Yining. She 84 (play) ping-pong very well. I want 85 (be) a ping-pong star like her. But 86 can I be a great ping-pong player I ask my father for help. He is 87 P.E. teacher at our school. He says, “First, you must eat well. Have eggs, 88 (vegetable) and fruit every day. They are 89 (health) food. Don’t eat hamburgers or ice-cream. They can make you fat. Then, practice (练习) playing ping-pong every day. You can watch ping-pong games on TV, 90 . It can help you.”
Well, it’s not easy to make it, but I will work hard.
1.knows 2.good 3.feel 4.to exercise 5.swimming 6.isn’t 7.once 8.kinds 9.Doing 10.to play
2.句意:医生说这对我们有好处。be good for sb“对某人有好处”,形容词good作表语,故填good。
3.句意:它使我们的身体强壮,让我们感觉很棒。make sb do sth“使得某人做某事”,故填feel。
4.句意:但是你知道怎么锻炼吗? how to do sth“如何做某事”,疑问词接不定式。故填to exercise。
5.句意:我们可以跑步,滑冰或去游泳。go swimming“去游泳”,故填swimming。
7.句意:你只需要每周锻炼一次。one“一”,once“一次”,once a week“一周一次”,故填once。
8.句意:尝试各种各样的运动,然后你可以找到一个或几个适合你的。kind“种类”,可数名词,all kinds of“各种各样的”,故填kinds。
10.句意:你想和你的朋友在体育中心打球吗?would like to do sth“想要做某事”,故填 to play。
11.friends 12.it 13.his 14.but 15.for 16.relaxing 17.swims 18.ninth 19.really 20.the/a
12.句意:艾瑞克不喜欢快餐,因为他觉得快餐是不健康的。名词短语fast food“快餐”是不可数名词,用it指代。故填it。
14.句意:辛迪喝很多水,但是不喝咖啡。句中“lots of”和“no”是相反的,前后有转折,需用but“但是”。故填but。
20.句意:你知道休息好的人可以更具有创造力以及能够更好的记忆事情。短语with good sleep表示“休息好的”可以作为后置定语修饰man,此时man是特指休息好的一类人,表示特指用定冠词the;也可理解为泛指休息好的人中的某一个,man为辅音音素开头,表示泛指用a。故填the/a。
21.won 22.on 23.youngest 24.second 25.ways 26.easily 27.to learn/learning 28.him 29.the 30.will work
21.句意:苏翊鸣在国际滑雪联合会(FIS)滑雪和世界单板滑雪锦标赛中获得冠军。根据“It was held...Dec 4, in Colorado, US.”可知,本句描述的事情发生在过去,需用一般过去时。故填won。
22.句意:它于12月4日在美国科罗拉多州举行。根据“Dec 4”可知,此处是具体的时间,需用介词on。故填on。
23.句意:作为单板滑雪领域最年轻的选手之一,17岁的苏在比赛中展现了出色的技术。“one of+最高级+名词”表示“……中最……”。故填youngest。
24.句意:他在第一和第二回合中完美着陆。根据“first ”可知,此处and前后连接并列的两个序数词。故填second。
27.句意:苏出生于吉林省,4岁时开始学习滑雪。start to do sth=start doing sth“开始做某事”,是固定短语。故填to learn/learning。
28.句意:一位香港导演在网上看到苏翊鸣滑雪的视频后,让他在自己的电影中扮演一个滑雪男孩的角色。let sb do sth“让某人做某事”,是固定短语。动词后跟代词宾格形式。故填him。
29.句意:随后,他在13岁时入选中国国家队。at the age of“在……岁时”,是固定短语。故填the。
30.句意:如果苏翊鸣参加冬奥会,他将来会更加努力提高自己的技能。根据“If Su takes part in the Winter Olympics,”可知,此处是if引导的条件状语从句,遵循“主将从现”原则,即空处所在句子需用一般将来时(will do)。故填will work。
31.friends 32.sports 33.and 34.playing 35.But 36.Her 37.plays 38.well 39.for 40.to play
37.句意:她每天下午打棒球。根据“every afternoon”可知,句子用一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数形式,动词用三单形式,故填plays。
39.句意:踢足球对他来说很放松。此处是It’s adj for/of sb to do sth的结构,结合relaxing可知,形容词是修饰物的,介词应用for,故填for。
40.句意:踢足球对他来说很放松。此处是It’s adj for sb to do sth的结构,用不定式作主语,故填to play。
41.sports 42.healthy 43.or 44.on 45.their 46.interesting 47.running 48.But 49.from 50.friends
44.句意:他们买票或打开电视观看比赛。根据“ turn ... TVs”及“to watch the games”,可知,打开电视才能看比赛,turn on TV“打开电视”,故填on。
48.句意:但是篮球和排球是非常新的运动。前文“Some sports or games such as running and jumping go back thousands(千)of years”与后文“basketball and volleyball are very new”表转折关系,故填But。
49.句意:来自不同国家的人可能不理解对方,但一场比赛后,他们往往成为好朋友。根据“People ... different countries”,可知,此处表示“来自不同国家的人们”,用介词from表示“来自”,故填from。
51.watching 52.go 53.stay 54.health 55.chicken 56.or 57.eating 58.minutes 59.don't do 60.their
watch动词,看;like doing喜欢做某事。故填watching。
根据后文and watch可知,本处使用一般现在时态,动词使用原形。stay动词,停留。故填stay。
healthy形容词,健康的;health名词,健康。their形容词性物主代词, 后跟名词。故填health。
minute可数名词,分钟; minutes名词复数。some+可数名词复数/不可数名词。故填minutes。
根据语境可知本句为一般现在时态的否定句,主语为the children,谓语动词为do。所以否定形式为don’t do。故填don’t do。
61.first 62.an 63.teachers 64.their 65.too 66.watches 67.for 68.and 69.to play 70.well
61.句意:吉娜是我的名字,史密斯是我的姓。first name“名”,符合句意,故填first。
65.句意:他们非常爱我,我也爱他们。根据“They love me very much and I love them,...”可知,作者自己也爱父母,位于肯定句句尾,应用too表示“也”。故填too。
67.句意:篮球很有趣,但对我来说很难。be difficult for sb“对某人来说很难”,故填for。
69.句意:所以我妈妈想让我和她一起玩。want sb to do sth“想要某人做某事”,是固定搭配。故填to play。
71.sports 72.him 73.an 74.with 75.uncle’s 76.plays 77.but 78.to watch 79.fun 80.about
71.句意:他在一家体育俱乐部上班,我每个周末向他学习踢足球。根据“…club”以及提示词可知,sports club表示“体育俱乐部”,所以此处应该填sport的复数形式sports,名词作定语。故填sports。
73.句意:现在,足球对我来说是一项简单的运动。根据“soccer is…easy sport”可知,此处应该表示足球是一项简单的运动。easy是元音音素开头的单词,因此用an。故填an。
74.句意:我经常放学后和我的堂兄James踢足球。根据“play it…my cousin James”可知,此处表示和我的堂兄James踢足球,play sth with sb表示“和某人玩……”。故填with。
76.句意:他经常打网球、踢足球和打棒球。根据“He often…tennis, soccer and baseball.”以及提示词可知,本句时态为一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数he,因此动词play应该用第三人称单数形式。故填plays。
77.句意:我不打棒球,但我经常在电视上观看棒球比赛。根据“I don’t play baseball, …I often watch baseball games on TV.”可知,前后句表示转折,因此应用连词but表示转折。故填but。
78.句意:James让我在他家里看。根据“James asks me…it”以及提示词可知,此处表示James让我在他家里看,ask sb to do sth表示“要求某人做某事”。故填to watch。
79.句意:我觉得和他一起看比赛很有趣。根据“I think it is…to watch it with him.”以及提示词可知,此处表示我觉得和他一起看比赛很有趣。fun意为“有趣的”,为形容词。故填fun。
80.句意:你能告诉我一些关于它的事吗?根据“tell me something…that”可知,此处表示告诉我一些关于它的事,tell sb sth about sth意为“告诉某人关于……的事”。故填about。
81.balls 82.mine 83.of 84.plays 85.to be 86.how 87.a 88.vegetables 89.healthy 90.too
82.句意:它们都是我的。根据“They are all ...”可知,作表语应用名词性物主代词mine。故填mine。
83.句意:在我的桌子上有一张女孩的照片。根据“a photo ... a girl”可知,一张女孩的照片;of“……的”,表示所属关系,符合语境。故填of。
85.句意:我想成为像她一样的乒乓球明星。根据want to do sth.“想要做某事”可知,应用不定式作宾语。故填to be。
86.句意:但是我怎样才能成为一名伟大的乒乓球运动员呢?根据下文“First, you must eat well. ... Then, practice (练习) playing ping-pong every day.”可知,是如何成为一名伟大的乒乓球运动员,how“如何,怎样”,符合语境。故填how。




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