
英 语
1. 全卷满分为90分,考试用时为80分钟。
If you have one easy task to do and one hard task as well, which one will you do first What are your reasons for this There was once a man 1 built his own house. From top 2 bottom, he designed and built every inch (英寸) of his home. It 3 him over a year. But in the end, he had 4 beautiful house of his own. No other house in his neighborhood looked like it and many of his neighbors admired it.
But as time went by, his house started to have some problems. One day, a neighbor said, “Friend, it looks like 5 front yard is a bit overgrown.”
The man replied, “Yes, I know. But it’s okay. I’ll cut the grass tomorrow.”
A few days later, a mailman came by with a letter for the man. The mailman said, “Friend, it looks like your windows are a bit dirty.”
The man replied, “Yes, I know. But it’s okay. I’ll wash them tomorrow.”
Weeks passed by. Finally, the man’s brother came over 6 a visit. He took one look at his brother’s house and 7 believe what he saw. The yard was a mess, the paint on the walls was falling down and the windows 8 with dirt (尘土). The house looked like it could fall apart at any second — all because the man put everything off 9 “tomorrow”.
When we procrastinate (拖延), “tomorrow” can turn into “next week” or even “next year”. It’s much 10 to just take care of things today than to wait until some imaginary “tomorrow” that might not actually come.
1.A.what B.which C.who
2.A.to B.with C.for
3.A.will take B.takes C.took
4.A.a B.an C.the
5.A.you B.yours C.your
6.A.pay B.to pay C.paid
7.A.shouldn’t B.needn’t C.couldn’t
8.A.covered B.were covered C.was covered
9.A.until B.when C.after
10.A.good B.better C.best
Respecting teachers has always been a tradition in China. Yang Shi was a philosopher(哲学家) in the Northern Song Dynasty. One day, he and his schoolmates had different opinions on a question. To get a 11 answer, he went to visit Cheng Yi, the famous philosopher. At Cheng’s house, 12 , the guarding kid told him that Mr. Cheng was meditating(冥想) in his room and asked him to go back. Yang 13 to leave, so the little boy left him alone and went in.
After a while, it began to snow 14 . The little boy came out again and reminded Yang that Mr. Cheng might spend the whole afternoon meditating. He invited Yang to 15 himself in the house to avoid the wind and snow. But Yang kept standing in the snow and waiting outside in order that he could ask Cheng’s 16 on the question.
As soon as Cheng finished meditating, the boy reported that Yang was waiting outside. When 17 this, Cheng came out to see Yang. When the door was opened, everyone was 18 . The snow was more than a foot deep, but Yang stood still, 19 moving his feet. “Young man, why are you so silly You could have come again someday!” Cheng took Yang to the room at once.
“As a student…if I want to learn from the teacher…I should…of course…respectfully wait outside…” said Yang, shaking with cold.
Cheng was very happy and accepted Yang as his student because of Yang’s politeness and effort to learn. He taught Yang all his philosophical thoughts. That made a big 20 to Yang’s life. Later, Yang really learned a lot and made great contributions (贡献) to his country.
11.A.similar B.wrong C.correct D.difficult
12.A.however B.besides C.anyway D.instead
13.A.hoped B.agreed C.refused D.wanted
14.A.heavily B.early C.deeply D.wisely
15.A.hide B.find C.cool D.warm
16.A.method B.rule C.record D.opinion
17.A.seeing B.hearing C.feeling D.receiving
18.A.excited B.relaxed C.shocked D.interested
19.A.by B.with C.on D.without
20.A.choice B.difference C.decision D.plan
Team game has become one of the most popular ways to have fun with your friends. It not only brings sweet memories to you, but also makes you relaxed after busy work and studying. Here is a fun team game called Who is the SPY (卧底). ●Game Players: 7 persons, including a “spy”. ●Items: 7 cards with 2 similar words, such as “girl” and “woman”. 6 cards have the same word on it while the other one has a different word. ●Game Steps: 1. Each person gets a card. None of them knows who the “spy” is at the beginning. 2. Each person takes turns to say something about the word. While talking, no one is allowed to say out the word he has. People guess who the “spy” is during the talk. 3. After one round (回合), people vote for the “spy”. The man with the most votes will be out of the game. If the spy stays, the game will continue to the next round. 4. When the “spy” is out, the game ends and the team wins. If the “spy” stays with three other people, the “spy”will win. ●Tips: 1. Listening carefully for more information during the talk helps you to find out the “spy”. 2. Saying something similar to the others makes you be a smart “spy”. Do you have other fun team games Write and send an e-mail to us. Your ideas may be on tomorrow’s FUNNY DAY. The e-mail address is gamestoday@.
21.There are _________ reasons for playing team games that the writer mentions in Paragraph 1.
A.two B.three C.four D.five
22.What items are needed for the game
A.7 cards.
B.2 similar words.
C.7 cards with the same word.
D.6 cards with the same word and 1 card with a different one.
23.The team will lose the game unless ________.
A.the “spy” stays with three other people
B.three of the team members are out of the game
C.the “spy” is voted out of the game
D.the “spy” doesn’t get the most votes at the end of the game
24.The way to be a clever “spy” is _________.
A.to listen carelessly during the talk B.to say out the word he or she has
C.to say something about the word he or she has D.to say something similar to the others
25.This passage is most probably from _________.
A.a storybook B.a game website
C.a science magazine D.an English-Chinese dictionary
Most of us have three meals a day. We take food for granted(理所当然). And we don’t think about it. But experts argue that a food crisis is coming. This crisis is going to make us change the way we think about food.
Food is in great need because of the growing world population. By 1960, the population was three billion(十亿). It doubled to six billion by 1999. By 2050, food prices will get higher and higher.
So, what can a hungry, crowded world do One suggestion is to eat less meat. Meat uses more natural resources(资源). It requires more land to produce one pound of meat than to produce one pound of grain(谷物). It also requires between 5 and 10 times more water than vegetables. So, eating less meat will provide more land for farming.
To eat less meat, people will need to change their eating habits. That will not be easy. The Americans, for example, they eat twice as much meat as people in other countries. At the same time in developing countries like China and Brazil, demanding(需要)for meat will continue to put pressure on natural resources.
World population is increasing, resources are becoming fewer, and food prices are rising. Therefore(所以), we don’t need to give up meat completely. But we need to eat more grains and less meat.
26.The underlined word “crisis” probably means “________”.
A.plant B.production C.shortage D.improvement
27.Food is in great need because ________ according to the passage.
A.the world’s population is bigger B.the world’s population is smaller
C.people have no land to plant food D.people don t want to plant food
28.Eating less meat will use ________.
A.more land and more water B.less land and less water
C.less land but more water D.more land but less water
29.The Americans eat ________ as much meat as people in other countries.
A.once B.twice C.five times D.ten times
30.This passage is mainly talking about ________.
A.what a food crisis is B.how the world’s population increases
C.how much meat people eat D.how to deal with the food crisis
31 . Mary’s new year’s resolution is to win in the sports meeting this year. She runs very fast, but she is afraid to tie her shoelaces(鞋带)during the race. 32 . Lucas is a pet lover and he really hopes to have a lovely pet one day. But his mother doesn’t allow him to have a real pet at home. He feels sad. 33 . Emily’s new year’s resolution is that she could play the piano well one day. She wants to join the school talent show to share the beautiful music with more people. 34 . James wants to invent something useful to help his father who is a delivery man. He is always on his way to send food to other people. He doesn’t have time to have a good rest. 35 . Kate is a big fan of the newest technology. She would like to use the computer and the Internet anywhere. But she thinks her desktop computer is too heavy to carry. A.My Pet is an interesting phone app(应用程序). It can turn your phone screen(屏幕)into the cartoon face of a cat or a dog. You can feed it by touching the screen. This pet can even talk with people. B.Best Gloves are not just for wearing. They can help people with many things, such as moving the heavy bag or helping you perform a magic show. C. Magic Glasses are like a small computer. They have a 2 cm screen on the left side of your glasses. While wearing this kind of glasses, you can surf the Internet, chat with your friends on WeChat and even take photos. D.Button Shoes can tie shoelaces themselves. You just need to press the button on the top of the shoe. They could help make things easier for sports players when they are in competitions. E. Magic Hands help you play a musical instrument. Tie it around your arm. Then it will help to move your fingers to play beautiful music. F. Fast Helpers are robots who can do some hard work for you. They have four wheels, so they can walk fast. They can carry things more than 20 kg each time. G. Computer Boxes include every part that you need to build a computer. You just need to follow the instructions and put everything together. They can help to improve your hands-on skills.
way difference also spend so look by it kind because what take
Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know 36 you’re going to get. Not only life, so are the mystery boxes from a museum in Zhengzhou, Henan Province.
The museum catches visitors’ eyes with many 37 of archaeological mystery boxes (考古盲盒). These boxes allow visitors to dig up the ground to 38 for replicas of cultural relics (文物复制品).
If you want a mystery box, you just need to 39 about 40 yuan on it. Then you can take your chance to dig and find your own treasure. The mystery boxes come in 40 sizes and shapes. Some are small or big. Some are round or square. The museum’s first mystery boxes were sold out soon 41 many people were interested in them. And many visitors asked the museum to produce more online.
However, the museum in Henan is not the first to sell archaeological mystery boxes in China. The Shaanxi History Museum in Xi’an has created 42 own mystery box models. And the mystery boxes from the Sanxingdui Museum in Sichuan are 43 popular with people.
The museums are trying to tell ancient Chinese stories 44 creative products.
It’s a great 45 for young people to get to know about Chinese history and culture, too. If you re interested, come and get one!
A British man has learned the skills needed to perform Beijing Opera. He has made it possible for people to enjoy his lovely performance of the Monkey King.
Ghaffar Pourazar said he had been a big fan of Bruce Lee since he was a child and took interest in China. In 1993, he happened to watch Beijing Opera performed in London by professionals from Beijing. Ghaffar said he fell in love with Beijing Opera at once. So one year later, he arrived in China alone and learned Beijing Opera at a Beijing school.
At the age of 32, he had to learn with teenage students every day, starting from the most basic training of the legs and waist. At that time, he was most troubled by the dialogue in Beijing Opera. For him, it was the greatest dificulty. But he tried his best to overcome it.
Four years later, he began to learn to perform the Monkey King, a traditional character from the Chinese classic story Journey to the West. He said he often arrived at the workroom an hour earlier and also bought books and CDs to help him better understand the character. He made rapid progress in performing Beijing Opera. Later, he began to perform on the stage. In the past ten years, he has performed in more than 400 shows in different countries.
To help more people enjoy Beijing Opera, Ghaffar often teaches in schools in the United States, Britain and other countries. When he found that the Beijing Opera song lyrics were difficult to understand, he started to translate them into English.
Ghaffar today is good at speaking Beijing dialect (方言), and becomes famous for performing Beijing Opera. He even got a top international prize for performing the Monkey King.
46.Where does Ghaffa come from
47.When did Ghaffar begin to learn Beijing Opera in Beijing
48.Why did Ghaffar buy books and CDs about Journey to the West
49.How many shows has he performed in the last ten years
50.How does he help more people enjoy Beijing Opera
B.书面表达 根据要求完成短文写作,请将作文写在答题卡指定的位置。
Dear Editor,
My name is Li Hua.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
1.C 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.B
what什么;which哪一个;who谁。分析句子成分可知,空格处为定语从句的引导词,“a man”为先行词,从句缺主语,故应用who或that。故选C。
to到;with和,有;for为了。根据“he designed and built every inch of his home”可知,从上到下,他设计和建造了他的房子的每一寸,由“From top”和“bottom”可知,from...to...“从……到……”。故选A。
will take将花费,一般将来时;takes花费,一般现在时的三单形式;took花费,一般过去时。根据“designed and built”和“But in the end, he had”可知,句子应为一般过去时。故选C。
a一,不定冠词,后接以辅音音素开头的单词;an一,不定冠词,后接以元音音素开头的单词;the定冠词;/零冠词。结合语境和“beautiful house of his own”可知,此处表泛指“一”,且空格后的beautiful以辅音音素开头,故应用a。故选A。
you你;yours你的,名词性物主代词;your你的,形容词性物主代词。结合语境和“front yard”可知,空格处应用形容词性物主代词。故选C。
pay支付,动词原形;to pay支付,动词不定式;paid支付,过去式或过去分词。根据“come over”可知,come over to do sth.“过来做某事”。故选B。
shouldn’t不应该;needn’t不需要;couldn’t不能,无法。根据“The yard was a mess, the paint on the walls was falling down...with dirt”可推测出,他简直不敢相信他所看到的。故选C。
covered覆盖;were covered被覆盖;was covered被覆盖。根据“The yard was a mess, the paint on the walls was falling down and the windows”和“with dirt”可知,空格处应用谓语动词,且主语“窗户”和谓语动词“覆盖”为被动关系,故应用“be done”结构,由于主语“windows”为复数,故应用were covered。故选B。
until直到;when当……时候;after在……之后。根据“all because the man put everything off”和“‘tomorrow’”可知,是把所有事拖到了“明天”,故此处应用“直到”until。故选A。
11.C 12.A 13.C 14.A 15.D 16.D 17.B 18.C 19.D 20.B
similar相似的;wrong错误的;correct正确的;difficult困难的。根据“he and his schoolmates had different opinions on a question.”可知,意见不同所以是想要得到正确的答案,故选C。
however然而;besides此外;anyway无论如何;instead代替。根据“the guarding kid told him that Mr. Cheng was meditating in his room and asked him to go back.”可知,此处表示转折,来到程颐的家,然而他却在家冥想,故选A。
hoped希望;agreed同意;refused拒绝;wanted想要。根据“so the little boy left him alone and went in.”以及下文可知,杨时没有离开。故选C。
heavily大量地;early早地;deeply深地;wisely明智地。根据“The little boy came out again and reminded Yang that Mr. Cheng might spend the whole afternoon meditating”可知,雪下大了,snow heavily“下大雪”。故选A。
hide隐藏;find发现;cool(使)冷却;warm(使)温暖。根据“He invited Yang to...himself in the house”可知,此处是指在屋子里暖和一下。warm oneself“取暖”。故选D。
method方法;rule规则;record记录;opinion看法。根据“ask Cheng’s...on the question.”可知,此处是指程对这个问题的看法。故选D。
seeing看见;hearing听到;feeling感觉;receiving收到。根据“the boy reported that Yang was waiting outside.”可知,此处是指程颐一听到这个消息。故选B。
excited激动的;relaxed轻松的;shocked震惊的;interested感兴趣的。根据“The snow was more than a foot deep, but Yang stood still”可知,雪很深了但是杨时一动不动,这让所有人很震惊。故选C。
by借助;with和;on在上面;without没有。根据“Yang stood still”可知,杨时不一动不动,所以双脚也没动。故选D。
choice选择;difference不同;decision决定;plan计划。根据“Later, Yang really learned a lot and made great contributions to his country.”可知,此处是指对杨时生活产生了很大影响,make a difference to意为“对……产生影响”,故选B。
21.B 22.D 23.C 24.D 25.B
21.推理判断题。根据“Team game has become one of the most popular ways to have fun with your friends. It not only brings sweet memories to you, but also makes you relaxed after busy work and studying.”可知团队游戏是和朋友一起娱乐的最流行方式之一,可以给你带来美好的回忆、让你工作和学习之余进行放松。作者总共提到三个玩团队游戏的原因,故选B。
22.细节理解题。根据“6 cards have the same word on it while the other one has a different word.”可知这个游戏需要6张带有同样字的牌和1张带有不同字的牌,故选D。
23.细节理解题。根据“When the ‘spy’ is out, the game ends and the team wins.”可知当“卧底”出局的时候,游戏结束,团队获胜,也就是说除非“卧底”出局,否则团队就输了,故选C。
24.细节理解题。根据“Saying something similar to the others makes you be a smart ‘spy’.”可知,聪明的“卧底”就是要说一些跟其他人类似的话,故选D。
25.推理判断题。根据“Write and send an e-mail to us. Your ideas may be on tomorrow’s FUNNY DAY. The e-mail address is gamestoday@.”可知这篇文章可能来自一个游戏网站,故选B。
26.C 27.A 28.B 29.B 30.D
26.词句猜测题。根据下文“Food is in great need because of the growing world population...By 2050, the food prices will get higher and higher”可知,粮食危机即将到来,划线单词crisis表示“危机”,与shortage同义。故选C。
27.推理判断题。根据第二段“Food is in great need because of the growing world population. By 1960, the population was three billion. It doubled to six billion by 1999”可知,急需粮食是因为世界人口越来越多。故选A。
28.细节理解题。根据第三段“eating less meat will provide more land for farming, and it will save water”,可知少吃肉就会提供更多的土地和节省用水。故选B。
29.细节理解题。根据第四段“Americans, for example, they eat twice as much meat as people in other countries”,可知美国人吃的肉是别国人的两倍。故选B。
30.主旨大意题。通读全文,结合“So, what can a hungry, crowded world do”可知短文介绍了如何应对粮食危机的建议。选项D“how to deal with the food crisis”符合文意,故选D。
31.D 32.A 33.E 34.F 35.C
31.根据“She runs very fast, but she is afraid to tie her shoelaces(鞋带)during the race.”可知,Mary跑得非常快,但是她害怕比赛途中系鞋带,选项D“纽扣鞋可以自己系鞋带,你只需按下鞋子顶部的按钮,它们可以帮助体育运动员在比赛中变得更容易。”与之对应。故选D。
32.根据“Lucas is a pet lover and he really hopes to have a lovely pet one day. But his mother doesn’t allow him to have a real pet at home. He feels sad.”可知,Lucas非常喜欢宠物,但是他的妈妈不允许他在家养宠物,选项A“我的宠物是一个有趣的手机应用程序,你可以通过触摸屏幕来喂养它,这只宠物甚至可以和人说话。”与之对应。故选A。
33.根据“Emily’s new year’s resolution is that she could play the piano well one day. She wants to join the school talent show to share the beautiful music with more people.”可知,Emily的新年愿望是能弹好钢琴,她想参加学校的才艺表演,与更多的人分享美丽的音乐,选项E“魔手可以帮助你演奏乐器。”与之对应。故选E。
34.根据“James wants to invent something useful to help his father who is a delivery man. He is always on his way to send food to other people. He doesn’t have time to have a good rest.”可知,James想发明一些东西来帮助他当送货员的父亲,选项F“快速助手是可以为你做一些艰苦工作的机器人。它们有四个轮子,所以走得很快。他们每次可以携带20公斤以上的东西。”与之对应。故选F。
35.根据“She would like to use the computer and the Internet anywhere. But she thinks her desktop computer is too heavy to carry.”可知,Kate想在任何地方使用电脑和互联网,但她的台式电脑太重了,选项C“魔眼镜就像一台小电脑。它们在你眼镜的左侧有一个2厘米的屏幕。戴上这种眼镜,你可以上网,在微信上和朋友聊天,甚至拍照。”与之对应。故选C。
36.what 37.kinds 38.look 39.spend 40.different 41.because 42.its 43.also 44.by 45.way
38.句意:这些盒子让游客可以在地上挖掘寻找文物的复制品。根据“dig up the ground to ... for replicas of cultural relics”可知,在地上挖掘寻找文物复制品,look for“寻找”,设空处前有不定式符号to,所以使用动词原形。故填look。
39.句意:如果你想要一个盲盒,你只需要花费大约40元。根据“you just need to ... about 40 yuan”可知,是花费40元,spend“花费”,动词,spend some money on sth.“在某物上花钱”,need to do sth.“需要做某事”,所以设空处使用动词原形。故填spend。
40.句意:盲盒有不同的大小和形状。根据“Some are small or big. Some are round or square.”结合备选词汇可知,difference符合语境,设空处需填写其形容词形式作定语,different“不同的”。故填different。
42.句意:位于西安的陕西历史博物馆创造了自己的盲盒模型。设空处指代“陕西博物馆”,为第三人称单数,所以使用it的形容词性物主代词its修饰名词mystery box models。故填its。
45.句意:这也是年轻人了解中国历史和文化的好方法。根据“It’s a great ... for young people to get to know about Chinese history and culture”可知,是是年轻人了解中国历史和文化的好方法,way“方法”,可数名词,因其前有不定冠词a限定,所以使用单数形式。故填way。
46.Britain. / He comes from Britain. 47.In 1994. / He began to learn Beijing Opera in 1994. 48.Because he wanted to better understand the character. / To help him better understand the character. 49.More than 400. / More than 400 shows. / He has performed more than 400 shows in the past ten years. 50.He often teaches in schools in the United States, Britain and other countries. / By teachingin schools in the United States, Britain and other countries 51.例文
Dear Editor,
My name is Li Hua. I would like to share my dream and the reasons behind it. I have always had a dream of becoming a successful writer. I love English and literature deeply. I want to use my writing to make a difference to the world.
An example of someone who achieved their dream through their passion is J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series. Rowling had a deep love for writing and storytelling from a young age. Despite facing many rejections, she never gave up. Rowling’s success story reminds us that with determination and a true love for what we do, we can overcome any challenges and achieve our dreams.
I believe everyone should have dreams. Dreams give us the drive to work hard and become the best version of ourselves.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
46.根据“A British man has learned the skills needed to perform Beijing Opera.”可知,他来自于英国。故填Britain. / He comes from Britain.
47.根据“In 1993, he happened to watch Beijing Opera”和“So one year later, he arrived in China alone and learned Beijing Opera at a Beijing school.”可知,他1993年看了京剧并爱上了,一年后,1994年开始学京剧。故填In 1994. / He began to learn Beijing Opera in 1994.
48.根据“bought books and CDs to help him better understand the character”可知,他买了书和CD,是为了帮助他更好地理解这个角色。故填Because he wanted to better understand the character. / To help him better understand the character.
49.根据“In the past ten years, he has performed in more than 400 shows in different countries.”可知,超过400场。故填More than 400. / More than 400 shows. / He has performed more than 400 shows in the past ten years.
50.根据“To help more people enjoy Beijing Opera, Ghaffar often teaches in schools in the United States, Britain and other countries.”可知,他通过在学校教书形式来帮助人们欣赏京剧。故填He often teaches in schools in the United States, Britain and other countries./ By teachingin schools in the United States, Britain and other countries.
②make a difference to对……有影响
① I want to use my writing to make a difference to the world.(不定式表目的)
② Rowling’s success story reminds us that with determination and a true love for what we do, we can overcome any challenges and achieve our dreams.(宾语从句)
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



