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第I卷(客观题 共50分)
一、单项选择 在A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(本大题共14小题,每小题1分,共14分)
1.— This is _______ India film I’ve introduced to you several times.
— It’s so great. I’ve never watched ________ more attractive one.
A.an; a B.the; a C.an; the D.the; the
2.—I doubt if he _______ to the party with us tonight. What do you think
—I believe if he _______ his homework, he will go with us.
A.will go; will finish B.will go; finishes C.goes; finishes D.goes; will finish
3.It’s known _____ all that Xi’an is famous _________ Terra Cotta Warriors(兵马俑).
A.to; as B.to; for C.for; for D.for; as
4.It is ____ fine weather today _____ there are so many people playing in the park.
A.so; that B./ ; so that C.such; that D./; such that
5._______ people think that Charlie is the perfect person _________ the main role in the film.
A.A number of; for B.A number of; to
C.The number of; for D.The number of; to
6.After a short break, he went on _________ the rest of the text.
A.reading B.to read C.reads D.read
7.The heavy rain _____ for a few days and caused a flood, which influenced people’s life greatly.
A.started B.ended C.lasted D.stopped
8.At that time, my mother was too busy__________ care of me. I felt a bit lonely.
A.work taking B.working to take C.to work to taking D.working take
9.I won’t __________ any more of your time. But would you give me a direct “yes” or “no”
A.give up B.put up C.make up D.take up
10.He seldom stays up late at night, ______ necessary, to keep himself full of energy the next day.
A.if B.unless C.until D.while
11.The manager asked the worker ______ , but he didn’t get any replies.
A.how long he came to the officer B.how could he work out the problem
C.why he was late again D.whether he can help repair the broken machine
12.Be careful! The snake hasn’t ___________ yet. It is still _________
A.died; living B.been died; alive C.dead; alive D.died; alive
13.(2016 无锡市) ---I can't find the magazine I bought this morning.
---Well, Jack is reading ___________ over there. Why not go and see if it is yours
A.it B.that C.one D.some
14.—Do you mind carrying some books for me —___________. I’m glad to help you.
A.It’s a pleasure. B.Of course not
C.Yes, please D.Sorry, I do
An old man lived in a village. He was one of the rudest people in the world. The whole village disliked him. He was always 15 . He was always complaining and was always in a bad mood. When people tried to cheer him up, he would rudely turn them away.
The longer he lived, the more bad-tempered (坏脾气的) he became. People stayed away from him 16 his bad mood was contagious (传染性的). It was unusual to feel happy around him. He also 17 the rest of the village feel unhappy by behaving like this.
But one day, the day he turned 80 years old, an unbelievable thing 18 . The man’s mood changed. He was no longer rude or angry. 19 , he seemed to be calm and kind. The villagers said among themselves, “The old man is very happy today. He hasn’t 20 about anything. He is smiling, and his face looks kind.”
The whole village went to see the old man. They couldn’t believe that his mood could change so 21 . One of the villagers asked the old man, “What happened to you ”
“Nothing special has happened, in fact. I’ve been looking for 22 for 80 years, and it was no use,” the man said. “Then I 23 to live without happiness and just enjoy life. That’s why I’m happy now.”
It is important to 24 that your mood can influence the moods of those around you. Everyone has bad days sometimes. If someone tries to cheer you up, don’t be rude to them. Just try to accept their help.
15.A.lazy B.quiet C.unhappy D.useless
16.A.or B.so C.but D.because
17.A.made B.hoped C.asked D.forced
18.A.shaped B.created C.happened D.remained
19.A.Instead B.Although C.Otherwise D.However
20.A.cared B.talked C.worried D.complained
21.A.badly B.slowly C.suddenly D.clearly
22.A.darkness B.kindness C.carelessness D.happiness
23.A.failed B.decided C.forgot D.seemed
24.A.prove B.realize C.expect D.imagine
三、阅读理解(本大题共 13 小题,每小题 2 分,共 26 分)
Winter sports in China● 347 million people across the country take part in winter sports. ● 46 million of them are under 18.
A survey about winter sports China Youth Daily surveyed 1,212 people: ①Cheering for players at the Beijing Winter Games ②Trying out skiing or skating ③Buying winter sports clothes and tools ④Taking winter sports trips around China ⑤Taking part in winter sports training Some important years 1953: China’s first National Ice Sports Games took place in Harbin. 1957: China’s first National Ski Games were held in Tonghua, Jilin. 2002: China won its first gold medal in the Winter Olympics. 2022: China held the Winter Olympics in Beijing and Zhangjiakou for the first time and won 9 gold medals.
25.How many people take part in winter sports in southern China
A.46 million. B.161 million.
C.186 million. D.347 million.
26.According to the survey, the most popular activity among people is to ________.
A.take part in winter sports training
B.buy winter sports clothes and tools
C.take winter sports trips around China
D.cheer for players at the Beijing Winter Games
27.When did China win its first gold medal in the Winter Olympics
A.In 1953. B.In 1957. C.In 2002. D.In 2022.
Growing up in Tanzania, Abdulrazak Gurnah never thought of the possibility that he might one day be a writer. “I never thought about that,” he said in an interview. “It wasn’t something you could say as you were growing up, ‘I want to be a writer.’ “He thought he would become “something useful, like an engineer.”
Then, in 1964, something terrible forced Gurnah, at age 18, to run away to England. But the new life was not as good as he thought. Unhappy, poor, homesick, he began to write down things about home in his diary, and then longer writings, then stories about other people. Those small thoughts, the habit of writing to understand and record his own loneliness, finally became his first novel, then nine more — works that describe the pain of colonialism (殖民) and war. “The key thing that helps the whole experience of writing for me was this idea of losing your place in the world, “he said.
On October 7, 2021, Gurnah was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, widely seen as the most famous literary award in the world. His works talked about refugees(难民) and their living conditions. These books help us learn more about differences in culture and countries.
Gurnah, now 72, is the first black writer to receive the prize since Toni Morrison in 1993, and some people saw. his selection(当选) as a good thing after years of European and American Nobel winners. He is the first African to win the award in more than ten years.
28.How many Gurnah’s works are mentioned in the article
A.Nine. B.Ten. C.Eighteen. D.Seventy-two.
29.What plays the most important role in Gurnah’s writing experience
A.His early thought of being an engineer. B.His unhappy life experiences in England.
C.His habit of writing and recording stories. D.His feeling of losing his place in the world.
30.What can we know about Gurnah’s works
A.They talk about his career. B.They record the Nobel winners.
C.They show cultural differences. D.They introduce different awards.
“Have you ever heard Louis say good morning and good night to us, as the others do ”
“Since you mention it, I never have,” said the husband. “Goodness! What are you getting at Do you wish me to believe that I have a son who is dumb in any way This would worry me. I want everything to go well in my family life. Fatherhood is hard. I do not want the added stress of having a dumb child.”
“Well,” said the wife, “I’ve been watching Louis recently. I think the little guy can’t talk. I’ve never heard him make one sound. I think he came into the world lacking (缺失) a voice. If he had a voice, he’d use it, same as the others do.”
“Why, this is terrible!” said the husband. “This is painful. This is a very serious matter.” His wife looked at him. “It’s not too serious now,” she said. “But it will be serious two or three years from now when Louis falls in love, as he will surely do. A young male swan will be greatly handicapped in finding a mate if he can’t say the usual sweet words to the young female of his choice.”
The husband stood quietly, thinking about what his wife had just told him. He was a brave bird, and already he was beginning to work out a plan for his little son Louis.
“If it’s really true that Louis has no voice,” said the husband to himself, “then I shall provide him with a device (装置) of some kind, to enable him to make a lot of noise. There must be some way out of this difficulty. After all, my son is Trumpeter Swan; he should have a voice like a trumpet (小号). But first I will test him to make certain that what his mother says is true.”
(Taken from The Trumpet of the Swan)
31.How did the husband feel after hearing his wife’s words in Paragraph 2
A.Amazed and excited. B.Curious and serious.
C.Painful and hopeful. D.Surprised and worried.
32.What does the underlined part “be greatly handicapped” in Paragraph 5 mean
A.Have much trouble. B.Have great fun.
C.Be quite uninterested. D.Be very successful.
33.What is the swan couple’s talk mainly about
A.The dream about Louis’s future. B.The plan for Louis’s education.
C.The problem with Louis’s health. D.The suggestion on Louis’s growth.
①As the days are getting colder, you might wish you could magically turn into a bear and spend the winter sleeping. But don’t be to jealous (嫉妒的) of the bear, as scientists are looking for ways to let humans hibernate, too.
②Hibernate is a state where an animal’s heart rate, breathing and metabolism (新陈代谢) slow down. Then they can save energy during winter months to survive a shortage of food.
③Japanese researchers have found the secret behind hibernate—the “Q neurons”. These neurons in animals’ brains can put them into a hibernation state. The researchers also did surgeries (手术) on I mice after turning on the mice’s “Q neurons”. It turned out that during hibernation, the surgeries did less damage to the mice’s organs (器官).
④According to the team, humans’ “Q neurons” cannot be turned on and off as easily as the mice’s. But they are confident in copying the mice’s hibernation in humans. That means we could let people “hibernate” when having surgery, causing less damage to their bodies.
⑤In recent years, more scientists are waking up to the benefits of hibernation. For example, US scientist Katherine Grabek found that when the thirteen-lined ground squirrel hibernates, it cleans out harmful brain plaques (斑块) that are related to Alzheimer’s (阿尔兹海默症) in humans. The animal’s blood pressure also goes up and down greatly before and after hibernating. But it doesn’t suffer from any illness related to blood pressure.
⑥Grabek and her team found molecules (分子) from the squirrel that can protect against high blood pressure and heart disease. They hope to find more that may affect human health, and then design medicine.
⑦Some studies in bats and marmots showed that, during hibernation, their bodies age more slowly. This also provides new ideas for making humans live longer in the future, according to New Scientist magazine.
34.What have Japanese researchers found according to the passage
A.Humans don’t have “Q neurons” as mice do.
B.The mice’s hibernation can be easily copied in humans.
C.Doing surgeries during hibernation doesn’t do any harm to organs.
D.It is harder to turn on humans’ “Q neurons” than to turn on the mice’s.
35.What can we infer from the last two paragraphs
A.Eating squirrels helps with high blood pressure.
B.People may hibernate to slow down aging some day.
C.Hibernation is a treatment for many serious diseases.
D.People can hibernate whenever they like in the future.
36.Which of the following shows the structure (结构) of the passage
A.B.C. D.
37.What can be the best title for the passage
A.Sleeping through winter B.The benefits of hibernation
C.The “Q neurons” in brains D.Differences between humans and animals
四、词汇运用 (本大题共8小题,每小题1分,共8分)
38.Have you found that you can climb to the top by (控制) two ropes there
39.Legends of the Fall, by Brad Pitt, is among classic (西部电影).
40.Tom, is the machine still (录音) their conversation now?
41.With the development of (工业),the environment has been polluted.
42.The jazz (music) hoped to give performances around just like before when their country was still there.
43.After starting another company, the young man became even (wealth).
44.Hurry up! We must have everything (plan) since the art festival is coming.
45.Mrs. Curie won the Nobel Prize (two) during her lifetime.
46. (think) about the ending of the drama series, I got up quietly and turned on my computer.
47.Now it’s much easier to shop online. When your order is ready, the things you want to buy (send) to you soon.
48.I want to buy that kind of sweater because I have been told the sweater (wash) well.
49.—Remember how we met for the first time, Dick
—Of course I do. You (walk) to the teachers’ office hurriedly and didn’t notice me.
50.The engineer (repair) the computer that went wrong last week. It looks as good as new now.
51.The little girl thought that her decision (influence) her future study in college and her future job as well.
52.The purpose of new technology is to make life easier, (not make) it harder.
53.Quick action (take) quickly by our government each time an earthquake happens.
The traditional Chinese lunar calendar(阴历) divides the year into 24 solar terms(节气). Lichun, the first of the 24 solar terms, lifts the curtain(窗帘) of spring. After that everything turns green and is filled with energy. People clearly see that the daytime is becoming longer and the weather is becoming warmer. Here are some things you might not know about Lichun.
As a solar term, Lichun entered people’s lives in the Spring and Auturmn period. At that time, there were eight solar terms. According to some experts, the 24 solar terms were used for the first time in books during the Western Han Dynasty, when people set Lichun as the Spring Festival.
Wearing fabric swallows(织成的燕子) is a custom in some areas in Shaanxi. Every Lichun, people like to wear a swallow made of colorful silk on their chests(胸部). The swallow is a sign of spring and a symbol of success, wealth and happiness.
In China, it is said that the egg can be set upright on the first day of Lichun. It is believed that if someone can make the egg stand on the first day of Lichun, he will have good luck in the future.
In many parts of China, people follow the custom of “biting the spring” on the first day of Lichun. They eat spring pancakes, spring rolls(春卷) and so on.
Complete the chart according to the passage with only one word for each blank.
Facts It is the 54 of the 24 solar terms of the year. Everything turns green and is 55 of energy. The daytime is becoming longer and the weather is becoming warmer.
56 It appeared in the Spring and Auturmn period. It was 57 as the Spring Festival during the Western Han Dynasty.
Customs People like to wear a swallow made of colorful silk on their chests. If someone can set the egg upright, he will be 58 . People eat spring pancakes, spring rolls and so on.
The documentary called Every Treasure Tells a Story .
We all wonder .
Through hard work, the Chinese government has novel corona-virus.
for you to achieve success.
Many people for many years, but he is still single.
We all think that the girl stories.
艺术形式 英语电影
喜欢理由 1. 学到英语单词,训练听说技能; 2. 有教育意义(educational),使我更加有自信; 3. 认识一些著名的演员,比如Audrey Hepburn 她被誉为超级巨星,不仅因为……而且因为……; 4. ……(自拟)
存在问题 有作业要做,没时间看电影。 难以处理好学习和爱好的关系。
1. 表达中必须包含所给要点;可以适当发挥, 不要简单翻译。
2. 词数90左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。
I like films best, especially English films. I can learn a lot from them ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
考查冠词。a用于以辅音音素开始的单词前,表示一个;an用于以元音音素开始的单词前,表示一个;the表示特指,定冠词;根据“I’ve introduced to you several times”可知此处是特指,所以第一空用“the”;结合“I’ve never watched ______ more attractive one”可知此处用“a”表示泛指,故选B。
【详解】句意:——我怀疑他今晚是否会和我们一起去聚会。你觉得怎么样 ——我相信如果他完成了作业,他就会和我们一起去。
考查if用法。连词 if 只有在引出宾语从句时才作“是否”,结合“tonight”,可知此处用一般将来时;if 用于条件和假设句中,主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时。结合“he”可知从句用一般现在时的动词三单,故选B。
考查介词。It’s known to all表示“众所周知”,be famous for表示“以……而著名”;be famous as作为……而著名;结合“It’s known _____ all that Xi’an is famous _________ Terra Cotta Warriors”可知第一空是“to”,第二空用“for”表示“以……而著名”,故选B。
考查such的用法。so that表示“以便”;such+名词短语+that“如此……以致”;so+形容词/副词+that“如此……以致”;结合“fine weather”可知此处是名词短语,所以此处用such,故选C。
考查固定词组及介词。A number of大量、很多的,等于a lot of一类,后接可数名词复数或代词,谓语动词用复数形式;The number of……的数字/数目,介词of同其后名词构成介词短语,修饰the number,当它作主语时,谓语动词用单数;结合“people think”可知第一空是“A number of”;再结合“the main role”可知此处用介词“for”,故选A。
考查非谓语动词。reading动名词,现在分词;to read动词不定式;reads动词三单;read动词原形;根据go on to do sth 表示“做完一件事之后,继续做另一件事”;go on doing sth 表示“继续做原来的事情”,结合“the rest of the text”剩余的课文,可知句意为继续读课文,此处缺doing,故选A。
考查动词。started开始;ended结束;lasted持续;stopped停止;根据“for a few days”可知此处用延续性动词,所以此处用“lasted”,故选C。
考查非谓语动词及too…to。be busy doing sth表示“忙于做什么”,too…to表示“太……而不能”,结合“I felt a bit lonely”可知妈妈忙于工作,所以是working;再结合“ too busy”可知是没有时间照顾,所以此处是“working to take”,故选B。
考查动词短语辨析。give up放弃;put up张贴;make up编造,组成;take up占据(时间或空间)。根据“But would you give me a direct ‘yes’ or ‘no’ ”可知,让对方简单回答,不想占据对方的时间。故选D。
【详解】句意:除非必要,否则他很少熬夜,以便第二天保持充沛的精力。考查连词辨析题。if如果,表条件;B. unless除非,表条件;C. until直到……才,表时间;D. while当……的时候,表时间。本句表条件,根据句意语境,可知if不合句意,故选B。
考查宾语从句。宾语从句中从句要用陈述句语序,所以排除B;根据“The manager asked”主语时态是一般过去时,所以此句也应是对应的过去时态,所以排除D;根据“how long”可知此句不能用“came to”,所以排除A;故选C。
考查时态及形容词。died过去式、过去分词;living现存的,形容词(作定语);been died ; alive活着的,形容词(作表语);dead死的,形容词;根据“yet”可知是现在完成时,所以用“hasn’t died”,第一空是“died”;根据“It is still”可知此处缺形容词,作表语,所以此处用“alive”,故选D。
【详解】试题分析:句意:--我找不到我今天上午买的那本字典了。--嗯,杰克在那边正在读一本。问什么不去看看是否是你的? it 指代上文提到的唯一的事物,说话人都是清楚说话的内容, that指代上文提到的某样物品,one是指同类物品中的任何一个。Some,一些或是某一个。在本题中Tom 正在读的一本,是同类物品的中的任一个,没有进行特指。所以选C.
【详解】句意:——你介意带一些书给我吗 ——当然不介意,我很高兴帮助你。
Would (Do) you mind ...?是一个非常重要的交际用语,用来表示委婉的请求,或用来表示希望得到对方的许可。若表示“不介意”或“同意”时,常用否定形式。① No, of course not. ② No, certainly not.根据“I’m glad to help you.”可知,接受对方副请求,故选B。
15.C 16.D 17.A 18.C 19.A 20.D 21.C 22.D 23.B 24.B
lazy懒惰;quiet安静;unhappy不高兴;useless无用的。根据“He was always complaining and was always in a bad mood”可知,他总是抱怨,总是心情不好,所以他是不高兴的,故选C。
or或者;so所以;but但是;because因为。根据“People stayed away from him…his bad mood was contagious”可知,空后的句子“他的坏情绪具有传染性”是空前句子“人们远离他”的原因,使用because连接两个句子,故选D。
made使,让;hoped希望;asked询问;forced强迫。make sb do sth“让某人做某事”,此处表示让其他村里人不高兴,故选A。
shaped形成;created创造;happened发生;remained保留。根据空前的“an unbelievable thing”可知,一件不可思议的事发生了,故选C。
Instead相反;Although尽管;Otherwise否则;However然而。根据“he seemed to be calm and kind”可知,之前这个人脾气很差,现在却冷静又善良,所以是完全相反的状态,故选A。
cared关心;talked讨论;worried担心;complained抱怨。根据“He was always complaining”可知,之前他总是抱怨,但是现在不抱怨了,故选D。
badly严重地;slowly慢慢地;suddenly突然;clearly清楚地。根据“But one day, the day he turned 80 years old, an unbelievable thing ...”可知,他的转变是突然发生的,故选C。
darkness黑暗;kindness善良;carelessness粗心;happiness幸福。根据后文“live without happiness”可知,这个老人找了80年的幸福都没找到,才决定过没有幸福的生活,故选D。
failed失败;decided决定;forgot忘记;seemed似乎。根据“I’ve been looking for... for 80 years, and it was no use”可知,这个老人没有找到幸福,所以决定过没有幸福的生活,故选B。
prove证明;realize意识到;expect期待;imagine想象。根据“Everyone has bad days sometimes. If someone tries to cheer you up, don’t be rude to them. Just try to accept their help.”可知,根据前文可知,这个老人情绪总是不好,也影响到了其他人,所以重要的是要意识到自己的情绪会影响到其他人,然后尝试在情绪糟糕的时候努力振作起来,故选B。
三、阅读理解(本大题共 13 小题,每小题 2 分,共 26 分)
25.B 26.D 27.C
25.细节理解题。根据饼状图“Southern China 161 million people”可知中国南方有1.61亿人参加冬季运动。故选B。
26.细节理解题。根据“Cheering for players at the Beijing Winter Games”可知为北京奥运会选手加油的人数最多。故选D。
27.细节理解题。根据“2002: China won its first gold medal in the Winter Olympics”可知2002年,中国在冬奥会上获得了第一枚金牌。故选C。
28.B 29.D 30.C
【分析】本文主要讲述了作家Abdulrazak Gurnah的创作及其成名历程。
28.细节理解题。根据“...finally became his first novel, then nine more...”可知,一共提到了10个作品。故选B。
29.细节理解题。根据“The key thing that helps the whole experience of writing for me was this idea of losing your place in the world”可知,帮助他完成写作的关键是失去自己在这个世界上的地位的想法。故选D。
30.细节理解题。根据“These books help us learn more about differences in culture and countries.”可知,这些书帮助我们更多地了解文化和国家的差异。故选C。
31.D 32.A 33.C
31.细节理解题。根据“Goodness! What are you getting at Do you wish me to believe that I have a son who is dumb in any way This would worry me.”可知丈夫听到妻子的话觉得Louis不能发声这件事让人难以置信,这令他很担心。他感到惊讶和担心。故选D。
32.词义猜测题。根据“if he can’t say the usual sweet words to the young female of his choice”可知无法对心仪的雌天鹅说寻常的甜言蜜语,会很难找到配偶,be greatly handicapped意为“有很多麻烦”。故选A。
33.主旨大意题。根据“Have you ever heard Louis say good morning and good night to us, as the others do ”可知文章由Louis不能发声引出话题,天鹅夫妇主要在讨论Louis的健康问题。故选C。
34.D 35.B 36.A 37.A
34.细节理解题。根据“According to the team, humans’ ‘Q neurons’ cannot be turned on and off as easily as the mice’s.”可知,打开人类的“Q神经元”比老鼠的“Q神经元”更难。故选D。
35.推理判断题。根据“Grabek and her team found molecules (分子) from the squirrel that can protect against high blood pressure and heart disease. They hope to find more that may affect human health, and then design medicine.”以及“Some studies in bats and marmots showed that, during hibernation, their bodies age more slowly. This also provides new ideas for making humans live longer in the future, according to New Scientist magazine.”可知,科学家在冬眠的动物身上找到了抵御疾病和衰老的方法,因此可以推断,有一天,人们可能会通过冬眠延缓衰老。故选B。
四、词汇运用 (本大题共8小题,每小题1分,共8分)
38.controlling 39.westerns 40.recording 41.industry 42.musicians 43.wealthier 44.planned 45.twice
“工业”在英文中表达为“industry”,the development of表示“……发展”;with引导名词短语,故答案为industry。
根据“The jazz _____ (music) hoped”可知此处是“音乐家”,结合“their country was still there”可知此处缺名词复数,结合所给单词,故答案为musicians。
根据have+sth+done,结合“We must have everything _____ (plan) ”可知此处缺过去分词,结合所给单词,故答案为planned。
分析句子“Mrs. Curie won the Nobel Prize ______ (two) during her lifetime”可知此处是表示“次数”,结合所给单词,故答案为twice。
46.Thinking 47.will be sent 48.washes 49.were walking 50.has repaired 51.would influence 52.not to make 53.is taken
根据“_____(think) about the ending of the drama series, I got up quietly and turned on my computer”可知此处缺分词作状语,我和想之间为主动关系,用现在分词,结合所给单词,放句首,需大写。故答案为Thinking。
根据“soon”可知此处是一般将来时,结合“the things”及“send”之间是被动关系,结合所给单词,故答案为will be sent。
根据“the sweater ______(wash) well”可知此处是主动表被动,结合“the sweater”,所以此处用“washes”,故答案为washes。
根据“how we met”可知此处是表示“那时在做什么”,所以此处用过去进行时,结合主语是“You”,结合所给单词,故答案为were walking。
根据“It looks as good as new now”可知修电脑对现在产生影响,所以此处用现在完成时,再结合主语是“The engineer”,所以此处用“has done”;结合所给单词,故答案为has repaired。
根据“her future study in college”可知此处用将来时,再结合主句主语是“thought”,所以宾语从句的时态是过去将来时,结合所给单词,故答案为would influence。
根据“…new technology is to make life easier”可知此处是动词不定式作表语,所以此处也是动词不定式作表语,结合所给单词,故答案为not to make。
根据“an earthquake happens”可知此处用一般现在时,结合“action”和“take”之间是被动关系,所以此处是一般现在时的被动语态,结合所给单词,故答案为is taken。
54.first 55.full 56.History 57.set 58.lucky
54.根据“Lichun, the first of the 24 solar terms, lifts the curtain(窗帘) of spring.”可知,立春是二十四节气中的第一个节气,故填first。
55.根据“After that everything turns green and is filled with energy.”可知,在那之后,一切都变成了绿色,充满了能量。be filled with=be full of“充满”,故填full。
57.根据“According to some experts, the 24 solar terms were used for the first time in books during the Western Han Dynasty, when people set Lichun as the Spring Festival.”可知,据一些专家介绍,24节气首次出现在书籍中是在西汉时期,当时人们将立春定为春节。be set as“被设置为”,故填set。
58.根据“It is believed that if someone can make the egg stand on the first day of Lichun, he will have good luck in the future.”可知,人们相信,如果有人能在立春第一天把鸡蛋立起来,他就会有好运。在句中作表语,用形容词,故填lucky。
59.is well worth watching
【详解】由语境和英语翻译可知,“非常值得做某事”译成:be well worth doing sth.;“看”译成:watch。此处的主语The documentary是单数,因此be动词用is。故填is well worth watching。
60.how he made such great progress/how he made so much progress/how he has made such great progress/how he has made so much progress
【详解】“他”为he,主格代词;“怎么样”为how;“取得这么大的进步”为make such great/so much progress。结合语境可知,宾语从句应用一般过去时或现在完成时。故填how he (has) made such great/so much progress。
61.succeeded in guarding against/successfully guarded against/managed to guard against
【详解】succeed in doing sth“成功做某事”,successfully“成功地”;manage to do sth“设法成功做某事”;guard against“防范”,has与过去分词构成现在完成时结构,故填succeeded in guarding against/successfully guarded against/managed to guard against。
62.Getting on well with others makes it easier/Getting along well with others makes it easier.
【详解】“与某人和谐相处”可用get on well with sb或者get along well with sb;“他人”可用others;“成功”可用make it;“更容易”可用easier。这里动词短语作主语,可知应该用ing形式,谓语动词用三单形式,故填Getting on well with others makes it easier/Getting along well with others makes it easier。
63.of his age have been married
【详解】和他同龄的:of his age,介词短语,作定语,修饰people;由语境可知,句子使用现在完成时have/has done,且和时间段连用用延续性动词be married“已婚”,主语是“Many people”,助动词用have。故填of his age have been married。
64.has a real gift for making up/has a real talent for making up
【详解】根据中英文对照可知,缺少“很有编故事的天赋”。have a real gift/talent for“在……方面很有天赋”,make up“编造”;for为介词,后接动名词,故填has a real gift/talent for making up。
I like films best, especially English films. I can learn a lot from them.
Firstly, I can learn many English words and practice listening and speaking through watching English films. Secondly, most of the English films are educational. Some of them make you more confident. Thirdly, I can know some famous actors, such as Audrey Hepburn. She was considered by many people as a superstar, not only for her acting in the films but also for her efforts in charity work. Finally, I can also learn about the culture of England and America.
However, there is a problem. I have no time to watch films because of too much homework now. I hope to deal with the relationship between study and hobbies.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)




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