2023-2024福建省泉州市高一上学期11月期中英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版)

考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1. When did the man plan to meet the woman
A. At 6: 30. B. At 6: 50. C. At 7: 00.
2. What does the woman mean
A. She spent a lot repairing her car. B. Fixing a plane is expensive. C. She likes riding a bicycle.
3. How can we describe the man
A. Careless. B. Polite. C. Generous.
4. What are the speakers doing
A. Waiting for friends. B. Looking after kids. C. Lining up.
5. What are the speakers discussing
A. How to divide chores. B. What to have for dinner. C. When to create a schedule.
6. What probable relation is Tony to the man
A. His father. B. His classmate. C. His teacher.
7. What does the woman offer to do for the man
A. Give him a lift. B. Make dinner for him. C. Help him with his interview.
8. What is the man unhappy with about his job
A. The benefits. B. The pay. C. The paperwork.
9. Why is the woman going to further her study
A. To get a promotion. B. To manage a business. C. To find a job in the government.
10. Why does the man suggest Majorca as a holiday destination
A. It’s quiet. B. It’s cheap. C. It’s exciting.
11. What attracts the man most about Torquay
A. The weather. B. The coastal scenery. C. The accommodation.
12. What do we know about the man
A. He doesn’t think Majorca was crowded.
B. He doesn’t like adventurous activities.
C. He is fond of walking along the coast.
13. What is the woman probably doing
A. Conducting an interview. B. Advertising a program. C. Introducing an expert.
14. Why did Ann a have an accident
A. She suddenly had a headache. B. She couldn’t control her skis. C. She was hit by someone.
15. How did Anna’s colleagues help her
A. They broke the ice. B. They called the rescue teams. C. They tried to keep her legs warm.
16 How long was Anna trapped in the hole
A. About 13 minutes. B. About 36 minutes. C. About 80 minutes.
17. What is the purpose of World Tai Chi and Qigong Day
A. To educate people to care about others’ health.
B. To encourage people to do Tai Chi and Qigong.
C. To teach more people self-defence.
18. What do organizers do to celebrate the day
A. Organize competitions. B. Hold lectures on health. C. Give some classes.
19. When did World Tai Chi and Qigong Day start
A. In 1999. B. In 1965. C. In 1990.
20. What do traditionalists say about Tai Chi
A. It finds a balance between self-defence and health.
B. It benefits people with heart trouble.
C. It contains 42 movements in total.
第二部分 阅读(共三节,满分40分)
第一节 阅读理解(共10小题,每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
High School Summer Reading List
We studied reading lists from around the country and found the following books. There’s a good chance you will open one of them this summer.
The Joy Luck Club, by Amy Tan
It focuses on four Chinese-American immigrant families who start a club known as “the Joy Luck Club”, playing the Chinese game of mahjong (麻将) for money while feasting on a variety of foods. The four Chinese women have to solve a lot of problems caused by different cultures.
Life of Pi, by Yann Martel
After a ship full of zoo animals sinks at sea, an Indian boy is trapped on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger (孟加拉虎). During the hard period, he suffers a lot. But at last, he arrives at land. The book was the winner of 2002 Booker Prize.
The Secret Life of Bees, by Sue Kidd
During the civil rights (公民权) movement of the mid-1960s, a young white Southern girl goes on the lam (逃走) with her family’s African-American housekeeper, hoping to solve the mystery of her mother who gave her up.
The Book Thief, by Markus Zusak
It’s about a young girl who lives in Nazi Germany during World War II. She steals books and shares them with neighbors as well as with a Jew who hides in her family’s basement.
1. If you want to know the difference between cultures, which book should you choose
A. The Joy Luck Club. B. Life of Pi.
C. The Secret Life of Bees. D. The Book Thief.
2. What is The Secret Life of Bees mainly about
A. A mother who gave up her daughter.
B. The cause of the civil rights movement.
C A runaway African-American housekeeper.
D. A young girl who tried to learn about her mother.
3. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text
A. To explain why these books are popular.
B. To show the importance of reading books.
C. To encourage high school students to read.
D. To introduce some books for high school students.
Nowadays mail delivery is a little different. I still get my mail from my mailbox. Nothing, but my neighbors’ mail. I thought that was curious.
I proceeded to take my neighbors’ mail to them. I was about to put the mail in their mailbox when a tall man came running out shouting about messing with his friend's mail. He snatched (夺过) the mail from my hand, opened the mailbox and pointed to the mail inside.“You were after this.
I shook my head, “No, believe me. I got this mail by mistake in my box today. I was just bringing it to them.” He gave me a funny look and went back into his house.
I got the knock on the door the next morning by two very polite officers. The annoyed tall man had phoned the police and told them I was a crazy old woman going around mixing up everyone's mail. Before I could finish telling them about what was going on, the officers had watched a dog approach my mailbox with mail in his mouth. He took out the mail that was in my box and put letters in. He pushed the door closed with his nose, picked up the new pile of mail he had gotten from my box, and repeated this all the way down the next street. We all started laughing.
The dog had belonged to a mail carrier who had died. No one thought to check (the carrier lived alone) on the man’s dog. The dog had been trained to put mail in and take mail out of the boxes. When he got loose, he assumed his duties.
I went by to talk to the annoyed tall man to fill him in on what had happened. He was very pleased when he realized I was not a mail thief. He did, however, adopt the little guy.
4 Why did the tall man give the author a funny look
A. To show his disbelief. B. To express his curiosity.
C. To contain his annoyance. D. To hide his embarrassment.
5. How did the police officers discover the truth
A. By analyzing the case. B. By witnessing the mix-up.
C. By questioning the author. D. By consulting the tall man.
6. According to the story, the dog
A. was well-trained and devoted B. used to live a lonely and busy life
C. was assigned to replace the carrier D. guarded the mail in the neighborhood
7. What’s the best title for the story
A. A mail service B. A dog’s tale
C. Special delivery D. Noble duties
For decades, the homework standard has been a“10-minute”rule, which suggests a daily maximum of 10 minutes of homework per grade level.
But some schools have begun to give their youngest students a break. A Massachusetts elementary school has announced a no-homework pilot (试点的) program for the coming school year, extending the school day by two hours to provide more in-class instruction. “We really want kids to go home at 4 o’clock,” Kelly Elementary School Principal Jackie Glasheen said. “We want them to enjoy their families. We want them to go to soccer practice or football practice.”
New solutions to homework differ by community. These local debates aren’t easily understood by the fact that even education experts disagree about what’s best for kids.
The most all-round research on homework so far comes from an analysis (分析) by Duke University professor Harris Cooper, who found evidence (证据) of a positive relationship between homework and student achievement, meaning students who did homework performed better in school. Cooper’s analysis focused on how homework influences test scores. The relationship was stronger for older students-in 7th through 12th grade-than for those in younger grades, for whom there was a weak relationship between homework and performance.
Although there is the weak relationship between homework and performance for young children, Cooper argues that a small amount of homework is useful for all students. Second-graders should not be doing two hours of homework each night, he said, but they also shouldn’t be doing no homework.
However, Cathy Vatterott, an education professor at the University Missouri-St. Louis, thinks there is not enough evidence that homework is helpful for students in elementary school, “Relationship is not a root,” she said “Does homework cause achievement, or do high achievers do more homework ” Vatterott thinks there should be more stress on improving the quality of homework tasks, and she supports efforts to ban homework for younger kids.
8. What will Kelly Elementary School have in the new term.
A. No homework. B. Some football practice.
C. “10-minute” homework. D. More physical education classes.
9. Who can perform better according to Cooper’s analysis
A. Younger students in all grades with no homework.
B. Younger students in lower grades with no homework.
C. Older students in lower grades with more homework.
D. Older students in higher grades with more homework.
10. What does the underlined word in paragraph 6 mean
A. 事业 B. 原因 C. 根系 D. 要求
11. What’s the writer’s attitude towards “10-minute” homework
A. Positive. B. Negative. C. Unknown. D. Doubtful.
Searching online has many educational benefits. But spending more time online does not mean better online skills. Instead, a student’s ability to successfully search online increases with guidance and clear instruction. Young people often think they are already skilled searchers. Their teachers and parents often think so too. This belief means much classroom practice centers on searching to learn, hardly on learning to search. Many teachers don’t teach students how to search online. Instead, students often teach themselves. This does not result in students learning the skills they need.
For six years, I studied how young Australians use search engines. Both school students and home-schoolers showed some characteristics (特点) of online searching that aren’t helpful. For example, both groups spent greater time on irrelevant (不相关的) websites than relevant ones and stopped searches before finding their needed information.
Search engines offer endless educational chances, but I find many students typically only search for isolated (孤立) facts, and move on. In one observation, a home-school family type “How many endangered Sumatran Tigers arc there” into Google. They enter a single website where they read a single sentence. They write this “answer” down and they begin the next topic—growing seeds.
The other thing young people should keep in mind to get the full benefits of searching online is to avoid fast search. All too often we believe search can be a fast process. The home-school families in my study spent 90 seconds or less, viewing each website and searched a new topic every four minutes. But searching so quickly can mean students don’t write useful search keywords or get the information they need.
12. What does the author mainly discuss in paragraph 1
A. The importance of teaching online searching skills.
B. The educational benefits of searching online.
C. The classroom practice centering on learning to search.
D. The advantage of teaching oneself about searching online.
13. What did the author’s study find about Australian students
A. They benefited most from using online information.
B. They spent little time on irrelevant websites.
C. They were usually experienced in using search engines.
D. They were often unable to find the needed search results.
14. Why does the author mention the home-school family
A. To compare some popular online searching skills.
B. To show the important role of a print encyclopedia.
C. To give an example of only searching for isolated facts.
D. To explain a basic searching skill used by many students.
15. What is the author’s advice for students in the last paragraph
A. Slow down when searching online. B. Try searching more new topics online.
C. Practice more to better searching skills. D. Change search keywords quickly if possible
What are some things in your life that give you too much stress Find out what you can do about it.
School work and grades
As a student, school work and grades are at the top of your stress list. Even if your results are not so bad, you may still be overcome with stress fearing that you may fail or not do as well as you expect. ____16____. Why not take it easy by leaving extra time to study and take frequent breaks to avoid being so tired Manage your time carefully and do not put things off.
Have you ever been concerned about not having enough friends, or not being in the same class as your best friends These, along with other problems such as peer pressure and interpersonal conflicts(冲突), are other common stress.
It is important to know how to choose your circle of friends wisely. Do not hide in your own world. ____18____. Make plans to meet with your friends from other classes during break time.
Poor diet and lack of sleep
Some students eat too much fast food and junk food, which can lead to mood changes, lack of energy and other negative effects. These food may cause other health problems. ____19____.
Other students suffer from lack of sleep. When that happens, they function poorly in class, getting upset and angry easily. Why not draw up a schedule to go to bed at a set time every night ____20____. Well arrange your daily routine and you will feel better about yourself.
A. Family and support
B. Friendships and relationships
C. Avoid using smart phones before you sleep
D. Eating junk food is really a waste of money
E. Make friends when you join in school activitics
F. Heavy learning burden is another cause for worry
G. So learn to make wise food choices that you can enjoy
第三部分 语言运用(共四节,满分55分)
Linda Munson, 56, has worked a desk job from home since the initial COVID shutdown. At the height of the pandemic, when going to the gym wasn’t an option, millions of people began exploring ____21____ workouts from home. Munson’s never been much of a ____22____ person. “I am very socially awkward. I probably would sign up for a ____23____ and then not go,” she says.
In 2021, she was ____24____ with diabetes (糖尿病) and her doctor told her she needed to ____25____ more on her health. She started walking and ____26____ out junk food. One day, her son brought home a VR headset called an Oculus Quest.
While messing around with it, Munson ____27____ the popular fitness app Supernatural, and she was hooked. Supernatural lets you box, swing your arms at ____28____, meditate (冥想) or stretch with a ____29____ in front of you and in your ear while you’re moving to popular music.
Currently, Supernatural membership ____30____ hundreds of workouts and costs $179 per year, after a two-week free ____31____. The Oculus Quest headset needed to ____32____ it is $299. It’s worth it, Munson says. “When you finish one workout, you’re tired, but you think, “I can do one more.” Moving to the beat is ____33____, she says, and “so much fun.” Also, “there’s nobody ____34____ you. I’m home and I can be weird,” she says.
Munson has lost nearly 50 pounds in a year, has not had to take diabetes ____35____, and can now play with her seven active grandchildren.
21. A. traditional B. free C. virtual D. superior
22. A. gym B. city C. family D. career
23. A. friendship B. championship C. membership D. partnership
24 A. treated B. diagnosed C. equipped D. linked
25. A. carry B. count C. put D. focus
26. A. left B. cut C. tore D. spread
27. A. regained B. developed C. discovered D. understood
28. A. targets B. partners C. paintings D. toys
29. A. doctor B. teammate C. player D. coach
30. A. offers B. expects C. affords D. requests
31. A. success B. trial C. pleasure D. experiment
32. A. open B. submit C. obtain D. access
33. A. tricky B. demanding C. awful D. addictive
34 A. blaming B. approaching C. judging D. affecting
35. A. food B. medicine C. illness D. service
Through the work we do, our goals can ____36____ (realize) and our dreams fulfilled. Wherever our interests may lie and whatever our career choices might be, work allows ____37____ (we) the opportunity to be engaged in something we are fond of, ____38____ gives us a great sense of satisfaction.
Work provides room for personal growth, and helps us to live up to our ____39____ (expect). When we apply ____40____ a new job, we need to make a good impression on our application to show our suitability for the role. In addition, we must be ready to acquire new skills. This can add to our sense of ____41____ (achieve) and improve our working efficiency.
Work is not only ____42____ (benefit) to our personal development, but also contributes to the health of the society. In a successful and stable society, all jobs are ____43____ (equal)important and no one is better than the other, so we should not have prejudice (偏见) against anyone. Work is such ____44____ important part in our daily life and we should take the ____45____ (inspiring) from the knowledge that hard work is important for our individual well-being as well as for the benefit of our society as a whole.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假如你是高中生李华,你的英国朋友Peter开学适应困难,请你给他写一封信,鼓励他勇敢面对困难,内容如下:
1. 新生都会遇到各种困难;
2. 通过制定学习计划、参加体育运动等调整自己适应新学校的学习生活。
注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右:
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Peter,
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Sports Day was getting close in the school. All the children were very excited and were practicing for the big race. John, one of the fast runners of the school, was confident that he would win for he was not doing anything at all. “You have to work hard to come first in the race John. You are not practicing at all,” said John’s mother.
“Mom, you know how fast I am! Why should I waste my time running Only I will win; no one else will win!”said John. “John, you may be right but talent (天赋) without hard work is not good at all. This laziness of yours will cost you greatly,” his mother warned him. John just laughed. He was so confident that he would win the trophy (奖杯) as no one else in his class was as fast as he was!.
Tim, a classmate of John, was also participating (参加) in the running race. He was not a fast runner. However, he practiced till late at night and had developed great endurance (持久力) to run the race.
There were a few days left for the Sports Day but John did not practice at all. On the other hand, Tim practiced day and night.
The Sports Day was almost around the corner but John was confident that no one could beat him and had not practiced at all. But Tim with his hard work had become a very great runner.
At last, the Sports Day arrived. All the students showed up on the ground to cheer their favorites. The coach blew the whistle (口哨) and everyone began to run toward the finishing line. It was so exciting. John and Tim left all the racers far behind. Both of them were neck to neck.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
Suddenly, John went ahead of Tim.
John’s mother came up to Tim and praised him for his hard work.
听力答案: 1-5: AACCA 6-10: BACBB 11-15: CBABB 16-20: CBCAA泉州七中2023-2024学年度上学期高一年期中考
考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1. When did the man plan to meet the woman
A. At 6: 30. B. At 6: 50. C. At 7: 00.
2. What does the woman mean
A. She spent a lot repairing her car. B. Fixing a plane is expensive. C. She likes riding a bicycle.
3. How can we describe the man
A. Careless. B. Polite. C. Generous.
4. What are the speakers doing
A. Waiting for friends. B. Looking after kids. C. Lining up.
5 What are the speakers discussing
A. How to divide chores. B. What to have for dinner. C. When to create a schedule.
6. What probable relation is Tony to the man
A. His father. B. His classmate. C. His teacher.
7. What does the woman offer to do for the man
A. Give him a lift. B. Make dinner for him. C. Help him with his interview.
8. What is the man unhappy with about his job
A. The benefits. B. The pay. C. The paperwork.
9. Why is the woman going to further her study
A. To get a promotion. B. To manage a business. C. To find a job in the government.
10. Why does the man suggest Majorca as a holiday destination
A. It’s quiet. B. It’s cheap. C. It’s exciting.
11. What attracts the man most about Torquay
A. The weather. B. The coastal scenery. C. The accommodation.
12. What do we know about the man
A He doesn’t think Majorca was crowded.
B. He doesn’t like adventurous activities.
C. He is fond of walking along the coast.
13. What is the woman probably doing
A. Conducting an interview. B. Advertising a program. C. Introducing an expert.
14. Why did Ann a have an accident
A. She suddenly had a headache. B. She couldn’t control her skis. C. She was hit by someone.
15. How did Anna’s colleagues help her
A. They broke the ice. B. They called the rescue teams. C. They tried to keep her legs warm.
16. How long was Anna trapped in the hole
A. About 13 minutes. B. About 36 minutes. C. About 80 minutes.
17. What is the purpose of World Tai Chi and Qigong Day
A. To educate people to care about others’ health.
B. To encourage people to do Tai Chi and Qigong.
C. To teach more people self-defence.
18. What do organizers do to celebrate the day
A. Organize competitions. B. Hold lectures on health. C. Give some classes.
19. When did World Tai Chi and Qigong Day start
A. In 1999. B. In 1965. C. In 1990.
20. What do traditionalists say about Tai Chi
A. It finds a balance between self-defence and health.
B. It benefits people with heart trouble.
C. It contains 42 movements in total.
第二部分 阅读(共三节,满分40分)
第一节 阅读理解(共10小题,每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
High School Summer Reading List
We studied reading lists from around the country and found the following books. There’s a good chance you will open one of them this summer.
The Joy Luck Club, by Amy Tan
It focuses on four Chinese-American immigrant families who start a club known as “the Joy Luck Club”, playing the Chinese game of mahjong (麻将) for money while feasting on a variety of foods. The four Chinese women have to solve a lot of problems caused by different cultures.
Life of Pi, by Yann Martel
After a ship full of zoo animals sinks at sea, an Indian boy is trapped on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger (孟加拉虎). During the hard period, he suffers a lot. But at last, he arrives at land. The book was the winner of 2002 Booker Prize.
The Secret Life of Bees, by Sue Kidd
During the civil rights (公民权) movement of the mid-1960s, a young white Southern girl goes on the lam (逃走) with her family’s African-American housekeeper, hoping to solve the mystery of her mother who gave her up.
The Book Thief, by Markus Zusak
It’s about a young girl who lives in Nazi Germany during World War II. She steals books and shares them with neighbors as well as with a Jew who hides in her family’s basement.
1. If you want to know the difference between cultures, which book should you choose
A. The Joy Luck Club. B. Life of Pi.
C. The Secret Life of Bees. D. The Book Thief.
2. What is The Secret Life of Bees mainly about
A. A mother who gave up her daughter.
B. The cause of the civil rights movement.
C. A runaway African-American housekeeper.
D. A young girl who tried to learn about her mother.
3. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text
A. To explain why these books are popular.
B. To show the importance of reading books.
C. To encourage high school students to read.
D. To introduce some books for high school students.
【答案】1. A 2. D 3. D
推理判断题。根据“The Joy Luck Club, by Amy Tan”下面的“The four Chinese women have to solve a lot of problems caused by different cultures.(四位中国女性必须解决由不同文化造成的许多问题。)”可知,The Joy Luck Club讲述了四位中国女性解决不同文化造成的问题,由此可推测出,读者可以从这本书中了解文化差异。故选A。
细节理解题。根据“The Secret Life of Bees, by Sue Kidd”下面“During the civil rights(公民权) movement of the mid-1960s, a young white Southern girl goes on the lam(逃走) with her family’s African-American housekeeper, hoping to solve the mystery of her mother who gave her up.(在20世纪60年代中期的民权运动中,一个年轻的南方白人女孩和她家的非裔美国管家一起逃亡,希望解开她母亲抛弃她的谜团。)”可知,The Secret Life of Bees主要讲述了一个年轻女孩试图了解关于母亲抛弃她的原因的故事。故选D。
写作目的题。根据文章首段“We studied reading lists from around the country and found the following books. There’s a good chance you will open one of them this summer.(我们研究了全国各地的阅读清单,发现了以下书籍。今年夏天你很有可能打开它们其中一本。)”并结合下文分别介绍的书籍信息可知,本篇文章旨在给高中生介绍一些适合暑期阅读的书籍。故答案为D。
Nowadays mail delivery is a little different. I still get my mail from my mailbox. Nothing, but my neighbors’ mail. I thought that was curious.
I proceeded to take my neighbors’ mail to them. I was about to put the mail in their mailbox when a tall man came running out shouting about messing with his friend's mail. He snatched (夺过) the mail from my hand, opened the mailbox and pointed to the mail inside.“You were after this.
I shook my head, “No, believe me. I got this mail by mistake in my box today. I was just bringing it to them.” He gave me a funny look and went back into his house.
I got the knock on the door the next morning by two very polite officers. The annoyed tall man had phoned the police and told them I was a crazy old woman going around mixing up everyone's mail. Before I could finish telling them about what was going on, the officers had watched a dog approach my mailbox with mail in his mouth. He took out the mail that was in my box and put letters in. He pushed the door closed with his nose, picked up the new pile of mail he had gotten from my box, and repeated this all the way down the next street. We all started laughing.
The dog had belonged to a mail carrier who had died. No one thought to check (the carrier lived alone) on the man’s dog. The dog had been trained to put mail in and take mail out of the boxes. When he got loose, he assumed his duties.
I went by to talk to the annoyed tall man to fill him in on what had happened. He was very pleased when he realized I was not a mail thief. He did, however, adopt the little guy.
4. Why did the tall man give the author a funny look
A. To show his disbelief. B. To express his curiosity.
C. To contain his annoyance. D. To hide his embarrassment.
5. How did the police officers discover the truth
A. By analyzing the case. B. By witnessing the mix-up.
C. By questioning the author. D. By consulting the tall man.
6. According to the story, the dog
A. was well-trained and devoted B. used to live a lonely and busy life
C. was assigned to replace the carrier D. guarded the mail in the neighborhood
7. What’s the best title for the story
A. A mail service B. A dog’s tale
C. Special delivery D. Noble duties
【答案】4. A 5. B 6. A 7. C
推理判断题。根据第三段第一句“I shook my head, ‘No, believe me. I got this mail by mistake in my box today. I was just bringing it to them.’(我摇摇头,‘不,相信我。我今天不小心在邮箱里收到了这封邮件。我只是把它带给他们’)”,以及第四段第一、二句“I got the knock on the door the next morning by two very polite officers. The annoyed tall man had phoned the police and told them I was a crazy old woman going around mixing up everyone's mail.(第二天早上,我被两个非常有礼貌的警察敲了敲门。那个生气的高个子男人打电话给警察,说我是个疯婆)”,可知,那位男子不相信作者的解释,选择了报警。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据第四段第三句“Before I could finish telling them about what was going on, the officers had watched a dog approach my mailbox with mail in his mouth. He took out the mail that was in my box and put letters in. He pushed the door closed with his nose, picked up the new pile of mail he had gotten from my box, and repeated this all the way down the next street. (我还没来得及告诉他们发生了什么事,警察们就看到一只嘴里叼着邮件的狗走近了我的邮箱。它把我信箱里的信拿出来,把它带来的放了进去。它用鼻子把门关上,拿起从我的信箱里新收来的一堆信件,这样重复着这个做法,走到下一条街)”可知,警察在上门调查时撞见并亲眼目睹了那只狗取信件和放信件的全过程,由此发现了真相,故选B项。
推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段“The dog had belonged to a mail carrier who had died. No one thought to check (the carrier lived alone) on the man’s dog. The dog had been trained to put mail in and take mail out of the boxes. When he got loose, he assumed his duties.(这只狗的主人是一个已经去世的邮递员。没有人想到要检查一下这个人的狗。这条狗经过训练,能把邮件放进盒子里,把邮件取出来。当它未拴住的时候,它就履行自己的职责)”可知,这只狗受过训练会取放信件。在邮递员去世后,它依旧履行职责,可见它是一只训练有素且忠诚的狗,故选A项。
For decades, the homework standard has been a“10-minute”rule, which suggests a daily maximum of 10 minutes of homework per grade level.
But some schools have begun to give their youngest students a break. A Massachusetts elementary school has announced a no-homework pilot (试点的) program for the coming school year, extending the school day by two hours to provide more in-class instruction. “We really want kids to go home at 4 o’clock,” Kelly Elementary School Principal Jackie Glasheen said. “We want them to enjoy their families. We want them to go to soccer practice or football practice.”
New solutions to homework differ by community. These local debates aren’t easily understood by the fact that even education experts disagree about what’s best for kids.
The most all-round research on homework so far comes from an analysis (分析) by Duke University professor Harris Cooper, who found evidence (证据) of a positive relationship between homework and student achievement, meaning students who did homework performed better in school. Cooper’s analysis focused on how homework influences test scores. The relationship was stronger for older students-in 7th through 12th grade-than for those in younger grades, for whom there was a weak relationship between homework and performance.
Although there is the weak relationship between homework and performance for young children, Cooper argues that a small amount of homework is useful for all students. Second-graders should not be doing two hours of homework each night, he said, but they also shouldn’t be doing no homework.
However, Cathy Vatterott, an education professor at the University Missouri-St. Louis, thinks there is not enough evidence that homework is helpful for students in elementary school, “Relationship is not a root,” she said “Does homework cause achievement, or do high achievers do more homework ” Vatterott thinks there should be more stress on improving the quality of homework tasks, and she supports efforts to ban homework for younger kids.
8. What will Kelly Elementary School have in the new term.
A. No homework. B. Some football practice.
C. “10-minute” homework. D. More physical education classes.
9. Who can perform better according to Cooper’s analysis
A. Younger students in all grades with no homework.
B. Younger students in lower grades with no homework.
C. Older students in lower grades with more homework.
D. Older students in higher grades with more homework.
10. What does the underlined word in paragraph 6 mean
A. 事业 B. 原因 C. 根系 D. 要求
11. What’s the writer’s attitude towards “10-minute” homework
A. Positive. B. Negative. C. Unknown. D. Doubtful.
【答案】8. A 9. D 10. B 11. C
细节理解题。根据第二段“A Massachusetts elementary school has announced a no-homework pilot (试点的) program for the coming school year(麻省的一个小学已经宣布了一个在即将到来的这个学年没有作业的试点项目)”可知,Kelly Elementary School在新学期将没有作业。故选A。
推理判断题。根据第四段“meaning students who did homework performed better in school. Cooper’s analysis focused on how homework influences test scores. The relationship was stronger for older students-in 7th through 12th grade-than for those in younger grades, for whom there was a weak relationship between homework and performance.(这意味着做家庭作业的学生在学校表现更好。库珀的分析侧重于家庭作业如何影响考试成绩。在七年级到十二年级的高年级学生中,这种关系比低年级学生更强,低年级学生的家庭作业和成绩之间的关系较弱。)”可知,年龄大些的高年级作业多的学生表现会更好。故选D。
词义猜测题。根据划线处上句“there is not enough evidence that homework is helpful for students in elementary school (没有足够的证据表明家庭作业对小学生有帮助)”以及后句“she said “Does homework cause achievement, or do high achievers do more homework ”(她说:“是家庭作业带来成就,还是成就高的人做的家庭作业更多 ”)”可知, Cathy Vatterott认为家庭作业对小学生的帮助并不大,两者之间的关系并不是根本原因。划线处和B项含义一致。故选B。
推理判断题。文章只是在第一段“For decades, the homework standard has been a“10-minute”rule, which suggests a daily maximum of 10 minutes of homework per grade level.(几十年来,家庭作业标准一直是“10分钟”规则,即每个年级每天最多10分钟的家庭作业。)”和第二段“But some schools have begun to give their youngest students a break(但是有一些学校已经开始让小年龄的学生们打破这个规则了。)”阐述了一下“10分钟”原则,但是作者并没有对它表示任何的看法。故选C。
Searching online has many educational benefits. But spending more time online does not mean better online skills. Instead, a student’s ability to successfully search online increases with guidance and clear instruction. Young people often think they are already skilled searchers. Their teachers and parents often think so too. This belief means much classroom practice centers on searching to learn, hardly on learning to search. Many teachers don’t teach students how to search online. Instead, students often teach themselves. This does not result in students learning the skills they need.
For six years, I studied how young Australians use search engines. Both school students and home-schoolers showed some characteristics (特点) of online searching that aren’t helpful. For example, both groups spent greater time on irrelevant (不相关的) websites than relevant ones and stopped searches before finding their needed information.
Search engines offer endless educational chances, but I find many students typically only search for isolated (孤立) facts, and move on. In one observation, a home-school family type “How many endangered Sumatran Tigers arc there” into Google. They enter a single website where they read a single sentence. They write this “answer” down and they begin the next topic—growing seeds.
The other thing young people should keep in mind to get the full benefits of searching online is to avoid fast search. All too often we believe search can be a fast process. The home-school families in my study spent 90 seconds or less, viewing each website and searched a new topic every four minutes. But searching so quickly can mean students don’t write useful search keywords or get the information they need.
12. What does the author mainly discuss in paragraph 1
A. The importance of teaching online searching skills.
B. The educational benefits of searching online.
C. The classroom practice centering on learning to search.
D. The advantage of teaching oneself about searching online.
13. What did the author’s study find about Australian students
A. They benefited most from using online information.
B. They spent little time on irrelevant websites.
C. They were usually experienced in using search engines.
D. They were often unable to find the needed search results.
14. Why does the author mention the home-school family
A. To compare some popular online searching skills.
B. To show the important role of a print encyclopedia.
C. To give an example of only searching for isolated facts.
D. To explain a basic searching skill used by many students.
15. What is the author’s advice for students in the last paragraph
A. Slow down when searching online. B. Try searching more new topics online.
C. Practice more to better searching skills. D. Change search keywords quickly if possible
【答案】12. A 13. D 14. C 15. A
主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“Searching online has many educational benefits.(网上搜索有很多教育上的好处)”以及“But spending more time online does not mean better online skills. Instead, a student’s ability to successfully search online increases with guidance and clear instruction.(但是花更多的时间上网并不意味着更好的上网技能。相反,通过明确清晰的指导,学生的网上搜索能力会得到提高)”和“Many teachers don’t teach students how to search online(许多老师不教学生如何在线搜索)”可知,文章第一段指出许多学生不能很有效地搜索,老师也不教,但老师的指导会使学生的网上搜索得到提高,可得出第一段主要讨论教授网上搜索技巧的重要性。故选A。
细节理解题。根据文章第二段“For six years, I studied how young Australians use search engines. Both school students and home-schoolers showed some characteristics (特点) of online searching that aren’t helpful. For example, both groups spent greater time on irrelevant (不相关的) websites than relevant ones and stopped searches before finding their needed information. (六年以来,我一直在研究澳大利亚年轻人如何使用搜索引擎。无论是在校学生还是在家学习的学生,都表现出了一些不利于在线学习的特点。例如,两组人在不相关网站上花费的时间都比相关网站多,并且在找到所需信息之前都停止了搜索)”可知,作者认为澳大利亚学生经常找不到需要的搜索结果。故选D。
推理判断题。根据文章第三段“Search engines offer endless educational chances, but I find many students typically only search for isolated (孤立) facts, and move on.(搜索引擎提供了无穷无尽的教育机会,但我发现许多学生通常只搜索孤立的事实,然后继续前进)”可知,作者提到了“家庭—学校家庭”来举例说明学生只寻找孤立的事实。故选C。
细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“The other thing young people should keep in mind to get the full benefits of searching online is to avoid fast search.(为了充分利用网络搜索的好处,年轻人应该记住的另一件事是避免快速搜索)”可知,作者在最后一段给学生的建议是放慢上网搜索的速度。故选A。
What are some things in your life that give you too much stress Find out what you can do about it.
School work and grades
As a student, school work and grades are at the top of your stress list. Even if your results are not so bad, you may still be overcome with stress fearing that you may fail or not do as well as you expect. ____16____. Why not take it easy by leaving extra time to study and take frequent breaks to avoid being so tired Manage your time carefully and do not put things off.
Have you ever been concerned about not having enough friends, or not being in the same class as your best friends These, along with other problems such as peer pressure and interpersonal conflicts(冲突), are other common stress.
It is important to know how to choose your circle of friends wisely. Do not hide in your own world. ____18____. Make plans to meet with your friends from other classes during break time.
Poor diet and lack of sleep
Some students eat too much fast food and junk food, which can lead to mood changes, lack of energy and other negative effects. These food may cause other health problems. ____19____.
Other students suffer from lack of sleep. When that happens, they function poorly in class, getting upset and angry easily. Why not draw up a schedule to go to bed at a set time every night ____20____. Well arrange your daily routine and you will feel better about yourself.
A. Family and support
B. Friendships and relationships
C. Avoid using smart phones before you sleep
D. Eating junk food is really a waste of money
E. Make friends when you join in school activitics
F. Heavy learning burden is another cause for worry
G. So learn to make wise food choices that you can enjoy
【答案】16 F 17. B 18. E 19. G 20. C
根据上文“As a student, school work and grades are at the top of your stress list. Even if your results are not so bad, you may still be overcome with stress fearing that you may fail or not do as well as you expect.(作为一名学生,学业和成绩位于你压力清单上的榜首。即使你的结果不是那么糟糕,你可能仍然会被压力所压倒,害怕你可能会失败或做得不如你预期的那么好。)”可知,本段主要讲述了学生的主要压力来自学业和成绩。选项F“Heavy learning burden is another cause for worry(沉重的学习负担是另一个担心的原因)”承接上文,认为学习负担也是压力的来源。内容上与上文一致。故选F。
空处为小标题,为本段主要内容。根据下文“Have you ever been concerned about not having enough friends, or not being in the same class as your best friends These, along with other problems such as peer pressure and interpersonal conflicts(冲突), are other common stress. (你是否曾经担心没有足够的朋友,或者和你最好的朋友不在同一个班级?这些,连同其他问题,如同伴压力和人际冲突,是其他常见的压力。)”可知,本段主要讲述的是友谊和人际关系也是压力的源泉。选项B“Friendships and relationships (友谊和关系)”与下文内容一致,是下文内容的概括与总结。故选B。
根据上文“It is important to know how to choose your circle of friends wisely. Do not hide in your own world.(知道如何明智地选择朋友圈是很重要的。不要躲在自己的世界里。)”可知,上文建议读者学会交朋友。选项E“Make friends when you join in school activities(参加学校活动时交朋友)”与上文“Do not hide in your own world.”一致,建议读者参加学校活动从而结交朋友。故选E。
根据上文“Some students eat too much fast food and junk food, which can lead to mood changes, lack of energy and other negative effects. These food may cause other health problems.(一些学生吃太多快餐和垃圾食品,这可能会导致情绪变化,缺乏精力和其他负面影响。这些食物可能会导致其他健康问题。)”可知,学生食物的选择很重要,会影响自己的心情和身体。选项G“So learn to make wise food choices that you can enjoy(所以要学会明智地选择你喜欢的食物)”是根据学生存在的饮食问题提出的建议,与上文内容一致。故选G。
根据上文“Other students suffer from lack of sleep. When that happens, they function poorly in class, getting upset and angry easily. Why not draw up a schedule to go to bed at a set time every night (其他学生睡眠不足。当这种情况发生时,他们在课堂上表现很差,很容易心烦和生气。为什么不制定一个时间表,每晚在固定的时间上床睡觉呢?)”可知,作者认为学生睡眠不足会导致课堂表现差,所以建议学生每晚在固定时间睡觉,即对学生的睡眠给出了改善的方法。选项C“Avoid using smart phones before you sleep(睡觉前避免使用智能手机)”也是改善睡眠的方法,与上文内容一致。故选C。
第三部分 语言运用(共四节,满分55分)
Linda Munson, 56, has worked a desk job from home since the initial COVID shutdown. At the height of the pandemic, when going to the gym wasn’t an option, millions of people began exploring ____21____ workouts from home. Munson’s never been much of a ____22____ person. “I am very socially awkward. I probably would sign up for a ____23____ and then not go,” she says.
In 2021, she was ____24____ with diabetes (糖尿病) and her doctor told her she needed to ____25____ more on her health. She started walking and ____26____ out junk food. One day, her son brought home a VR headset called an Oculus Quest.
While messing around with it, Munson ____27____ the popular fitness app Supernatural, and she was hooked. Supernatural lets you box, swing your arms at ____28____, meditate (冥想) or stretch with a ____29____ in front of you and in your ear while you’re moving to popular music.
Currently, Supernatural membership ____30____ hundreds of workouts and costs $179 per year, after a two-week free ____31____. The Oculus Quest headset needed to ____32____ it is $299. It’s worth it, Munson says. “When you finish one workout, you’re tired, but you think, “I can do one more.” Moving to the beat is ____33____, she says, and “so much fun.” Also, “there’s nobody ____34____ you. I’m home and I can be weird,” she says.
Munson has lost nearly 50 pounds in a year, has not had to take diabetes ____35____, and can now play with her seven active grandchildren.
21. A. traditional B. free C. virtual D. superior
22. A. gym B. city C. family D. career
23. A. friendship B. championship C. membership D. partnership
24. A. treated B. diagnosed C. equipped D. linked
25. A. carry B. count C. put D. focus
26. A. left B. cut C. tore D. spread
27. A. regained B. developed C. discovered D. understood
28. A. targets B. partners C. paintings D. toys
29. A. doctor B. teammate C. player D. coach
30. A. offers B. expects C. affords D. requests
31. A. success B. trial C. pleasure D. experiment
32. A. open B. submit C. obtain D. access
33. A. tricky B. demanding C. awful D. addictive
34. A. blaming B. approaching C. judging D. affecting
35. A. food B. medicine C. illness D. service
【答案】21. C 22. A 23. C 24. B 25. D 26. B 27. C 28. A 29. D 30. A 31. B 32. D 33. D 34. C 35. B
【导语】本篇为记叙文。介绍了 Linda Munson 在疫情期间爱上在家做虚拟锻炼运动。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在疫情最严重的时候,去健身房不是一个选择,数百万人开始在家里探索虚拟健身。A. traditional传统的;B. free免费的;C. virtual虚拟的;D. superior优质的。根据后文提到“VR headset”以及“popular fitness app Supernatural”可知,是虚拟锻炼。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:曼森从来不喜欢去健身房。“我在社交方面非常笨拙。我可能会注册成为会员,然后不去,”她说。A. gym健身房;B. city城市;C. family家庭;D. career事业。根据“when going to the gym wasn’t an option”和“I am very socially awkward.”可知, Munson 说她不是一个善于社交的人,即使申请成为健身俱乐部的会员,她也不会去健身房。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:曼森从来不喜欢去健身房。“我在社交方面非常笨拙。我可能会注册成为会员,然后不去,”她说。A. friendship友谊;B. championship冠军;C. membership会员;D. partnership伙伴。结合常识可知,去健身房通常需要办会员。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:2021年,她被诊断出患有糖尿病,她的医生告诉她,她需要更多地关注自己的健康。A. treated治疗;B. diagnosed诊断;C. equipped 配备;D. linked连接。根据“and her doctor told her”可知,她被诊断患有糖尿病,be diagnosed with“诊断患有”。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:2021年,她被诊断出患有糖尿病,她的医生告诉她,她需要更多地关注自己的健康。A. carry携带;B. count数数;C. put放置;D. focus关注。根据 “In 2021, she was    4  with diabetes(糖尿病)and her doctor told her ”她被诊断患有糖尿病,推知医生告诉她要更加关注自己的健康。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:她开始走路,不吃垃圾食品。A. left 离开;B. cut 切下;C. tore撕开;D. spread展开。cut out 停止;根据“In 2021, she was   4  with diabetes(糖尿病)and her doctor told her she needed to    5  more on her health.”推知,她决定停止吃垃圾食品。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:在摆弄它的时候,曼森发现了流行的健身应用程序Supernatural,她就被迷住了。A. regained重新获得;B. developed发展;C. discovered发现;D. understood理解。根据“and she was hooked.”可知,她发现一款受欢迎的app Supernatural,然后被迷住了。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:Supernatural可以让你在听着流行音乐的同时,在你前面的教练的指导下练习拳击、挥舞手臂瞄准目标、冥想或伸展身体。A. targets目标;B. partners搭档;C. paintings绘画;D. toys玩具。根据“swing your arms at ”可知,与教练一起拳击、挥舞双臂瞄准目标、冥想或做伸展运动。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:Supernatural可以让你在听着流行音乐的同时,在你前面的教练的指导下练习拳击、挥舞手臂瞄准目标、冥想或伸展身体。A. doctor医生;B. teammate队友;C. player选手;D. coach教练。根据“ with a  9   in front of you”可知,与教练一起练习。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。目前,Supernatural的会员提供数百种锻炼方式,在为期两周的免费锻炼后,每年的会员费为179美元。 A. offers提供;B. expects期待;C. affords买得起,承担得起;D. requests请求。根据“hundreds of workouts and costs $179 per year”可知,Supernatural为会员提供数百项训练。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:目前,超自然的会员提供数百种锻炼方式,在为期两周的免费锻炼后,每年的会员费为179美元。A. success成功;B. trial试用;C. pleasure乐趣;D. experiment试验。根据“costs $179 per year”以及常识可知,先提供免费试用,然后收费。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:它所需的Oculus Quest头盔售价为299美元。 A. open打开;B. submit上交;C. obtain得到;D. access通向,访问。根据常识可知此处是指可以与该app连接的头盔。故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:随着节奏移动会让人上瘾,而且“非常有趣”。A. tricky诡计多端的;B. demanding苛刻的; C. awful可怕的;D. addictive上瘾的。根据“so much fun.”可知,跟着节拍动起来会让人上瘾,而且太有趣了。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:此外,“没有人会评判你。我在家,我可以很奇怪,”她说。 A. blaming责备;B. approaching接近;C. judging判断;D. affecting影响。根据“ I’m home and I can be weird,”可知,没人评判,做奇怪的动作也是可以的。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:曼森在一年内瘦了近50磅,不用吃糖尿病药,现在可以和七个活泼的孙子孙女一起玩了。A. food食物;B. medicine药物;C. illness疾病; D. service服务。根据“In 2021, she was   4   with diabetes(糖尿病)”2021 年,她被诊断患有糖尿病。 她在一年内减掉了近 50 磅,不用服用糖尿病药物,并且现在可以和七个孙子一起玩耍了。故选B。
Through the work we do, our goals can ____36____ (realize) and our dreams fulfilled. Wherever our interests may lie and whatever our career choices might be, work allows ____37____ (we) the opportunity to be engaged in something we are fond of, ____38____ gives us a great sense of satisfaction.
Work provides room for personal growth, and helps us to live up to our ____39____ (expect). When we apply ____40____ a new job, we need to make a good impression on our application to show our suitability for the role. In addition, we must be ready to acquire new skills. This can add to our sense of ____41____ (achieve) and improve our working efficiency.
Work is not only ____42____ (benefit) to our personal development, but also contributes to the health of the society. In a successful and stable society, all jobs are ____43____ (equal)important and no one is better than the other, so we should not have prejudice (偏见) against anyone. Work is such ____44____ important part in our daily life and we should take the ____45____ (inspiring) from the knowledge that hard work is important for our individual well-being as well as for the benefit of our society as a whole.
【答案】36. be realized
37. us 38. which
39. expectations
40. for 41. achievement
42. beneficial
43. equally
44. an 45. inspiration
考查谓语动词。句意:通过我们所做的工作,我们的目标可以实现,我们的梦想可以实现。设空处在句中作谓语,和句子的主语为被动关系,空前为can,设空处应用be done的形式。故填be realized。
考查介词。句意:当申请一份新工作时,我们需要在申请表上留下一个好印象,以表明我们适合这个角色。apply for“申请”是固定短语。故填for。
考查名词。句意:这增加了我们的成就感,也提高了我我们的工作效率。空处应填名词作宾语,achievement“成就”符合题意,a sense of achievement“成就感”是固定搭配。故填achievement。
考查形容词。句意:工作不仅有利于我们个人的发展,也有助于社会的健康发展。设空处应用形容词作表语,be beneficial to“对……有利”是固定搭配。故填beneficial。
考查名词。句意见上题解析。设空处应用名词作宾语,根据同位语从句“that hard work is important for our individual well-being as well as for the benefit of our society as a whole.(这种努力工作对我们个人的幸福和整个社会的利益都很重要。)”启发的内容可知,设空处应用名词单数的形式。故填inspiration。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假如你是高中生李华,你的英国朋友Peter开学适应困难,请你给他写一封信,鼓励他勇敢面对困难,内容如下:
1. 新生都会遇到各种困难;
2. 通过制定学习计划、参加体育运动等调整自己适应新学校的学习生活。
注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右:
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Peter,
【答案】Dear Peter,
I heard that you are having a hard time adjusting to the new school. Please don’t worry too much as it is normal for freshmen to face various difficulties.
To adapt to the new learning and living environment, I suggest you make a study plan and participate in some sports activities. This will help you balance your academic workload and physical health, which are both important for your overall well-being.
Remember, challenges are opportunities for growth. Don’t be afraid of them, but embrace them with courage and perseverance. I believe you can overcome any difficulties and enjoy your high school life.
Best regards,
Li Hua
克服:overcome→get over
原句:Remember, challenges are opportunities for growth.
拓展句:Remember, challenges are opportunities that are beneficial to your growth.
I heard that you are having a hard time adjusting to the new school.(运用了that引导宾语从句)
This will help you balance your academic workload and physical health, which are both important for your overall well-being.(运用了which引导非限制性定语从句)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Sports Day was getting close in the school. All the children were very excited and were practicing for the big race. John, one of the fast runners of the school, was confident that he would win for he was not doing anything at all. “You have to work hard to come first in the race John. You are not practicing at all,” said John’s mother.
“Mom, you know how fast I am! Why should I waste my time running Only I will win; no one else will win!”said John. “John, you may be right but talent (天赋) without hard work is not good at all. This laziness of yours will cost you greatly,” his mother warned him. John just laughed. He was so confident that he would win the trophy (奖杯) as no one else in his class was as fast as he was!.
Tim, a classmate of John, was also participating (参加) in the running race. He was not a fast runner. However, he practiced till late at night and had developed great endurance (持久力) to run the race.
There were a few days left for the Sports Day but John did not practice at all. On the other hand, Tim practiced day and night.
The Sports Day was almost around the corner but John was confident that no one could beat him and had not practiced at all. But Tim with his hard work had become a very great runner.
At last, the Sports Day arrived. All the students showed up on the ground to cheer their favorites. The coach blew the whistle (口哨) and everyone began to run toward the finishing line. It was so exciting. John and Tim left all the racers far behind. Both of them were neck to neck.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
Suddenly, John went ahead of Tim.
John’s mother came up to Tim and praised him for his hard work.
Suddenly, John went ahead of Tim. The crowd watched in astonishment as John sprinted past his competitor and crossed the finish line first. “I won! I won!” John exclaimed, his face beaming with pride. However, as he stood on the podium, a hand suddenly reached out to stop him. It was Tim, who had managed to catch up to him just before the finish line. “No one can beat you if you work hard,” Tim said, handing the trophy back to John.
John’s mother came up to Tim and praised him for his hard work. “You are truly an inspiration, my son,” she said. “I never thought you could be so talented, but your dedication and perseverance have paid off. You have shown that talent alone is not enough; it takes hard work and determination to achieve success.” As they hugged each other, the crowd erupted into applause. Talent without hard work is nothing.
①呼喊:exclaim/ call out
②取得:achieve / acquire
①表扬:praise/applaud sb for
②吃惊地:in astonishment / in amazement
【点睛】[高分句型1] As they hugged each other, the crowd erupted into applause(运用了as引导的时间状语从句).
[高分句型2]You have shown that talent alone is not enough(运用了that引导的宾语从句)
听力答案: 1-5: AACCA 6-10: BACBB 11-15: CBABB 16-20: CBCAA



