
Module 1-3 阅读理解专项特训-英语五年级上册沪教牛津版(深圳用)
One day, Sam sees a little girl fall over. He wants to help the girl up, but his mother stops him and says, “Don’t do that. Others will think it was you who knocked her down (把她撞倒).” Another day, his mother finds an oil bottle (油瓶) on the floor, but Sam does nothing about it. She says to him, “Can’t you see the fallen (倒下的) oil bottle Why don’t you pick it up ” Sam says to his mother, “If I pick the bottle up, you will think that I knocked it down.” Parents should set a good example to their children. They should let their children know that it is a pleasure to help others who are in trouble. (他们应该让他们的孩子知道,帮助有困难的人是一种快乐。)
1.Sam sees _____ fall over one day. ( )
A.a little boy B.a little girl C.his mother
2.—Does Sam help the little girl up ( )
A.Yes, he does. B.No, he doesn’t. C.Yes, she does.
3.Sam’s mother finds ______ on the floor. ( ) oil bottle oil glass C.a juice bottle
4.—What does Sam do when he sees the fallen oil bottle ( )
A.He doesn’t pick it up. B.He picks it up. C.He kicks it.
5.Sam’s mother is _________. ( )
A.helpful B.proud (骄傲) C.unfeeling (冷漠的)
Dear Amy,
Our school has a new building and a park. The building is next to the gate. It's tall and white. There are flowers and trees. The statue is in the middle of the park. Now our hospital is so beautiful. Welcome to our school. It's near the flower shop. We can play together.
6.The building is _______ the gate. ( ) front of to
7.Where is the statue ( )
A.In front of the park. B.In the middle of the park.
8.Where is Ben's school ( )
A.It's near the flower shop. B.It's near the library.
9.Is the building new or old ( )
A.It's new. B.It's old.
10.Are there any flowers and trees in the park ( )
A.Yes, there are. B.No, there aren't.
Aunt Judy’s birthday is coming. She will be 38 years old. Dad and Mum are going to take me to her house. She lives in Guangzhou. We are going to go there by train. Her birthday party will be on Saturday. We are leaving on Friday afternoon. And we are coming back on Sunday evening. I am going to give my dear Aunt Judy a picture. I am drawing it now. I am drawing some beautiful flowers. I am drawing a small dog, too. That’s because she likes dogs. The picture will be very nice.
11.Aunt Judy’s birthday party will be on______.( )
A.Friday B.Saturday C.Sunday.
12.This is Aunt Judy’s ______ birthday. ( )
A.thirty-eighth B.fortieth C.thirtieth
13.She lives in ______, so we are going there by_____.( )
A.Shanghai; train B.Guangzhou; plane C.Guangzhou; train
14.I am drawing ______.( )
A.some dogs and a flower B.some flowers and a dog C.a dog and a flower
Carl is a 12-year-old boy. He lives in a small town in Syria (叙利亚). Carl lost his home because of war (战争). Now he lives in a camp with his family.
Carl is short but strong. He is good at sports. He can play football very well. Carl’s father is his football coach (教练). He is strict (严格的) with Carl. He always says, “No pleasure without pain. ”So Carl practices and practices. He hopes he will be a famous football star like his idol Cristiano Ronaldo (C罗).
Today is November 10th. Carl will have his thirteenth birthday next Friday. He has many wishes (愿望) for his birthday. He wishes he would have a new football. He wishes he would be a good football player. He wishes his family would have a new house. But his greatest wish is that the war in his country would end soon.
15.Where does Carl live now ( )
A.In a house. B.In a camp. C.In a hotel.
16.Who teaches Carl to play football ( )
A.His father. B.His mother. C.His PE teacher.
17.When is Carl’s birthday ( )
A.It’s in October. B.It’s in November. C.It’s in December.
18.The passage (文章) doesn’t tell us about______. ( )
A.Carl’s hobbies B.Carl’s wishes C.Carl’s friends
19.The underlined sentence (划线句子) means ______. ( )
A.活到老,学到老 B.没有苦就没有乐 C.患难见真情
A: Welcome to my home.
B: Thank you. Ben, is that your family photo
A: Yes, it is. It’s a new photo.
B: Who’s that man
A: He’s my father. He’s a writer. He’s forty now.
B: Is the woman in white your mother
A: No. She is my aunt. She is a good driver. She’s about thirty.
B: Is she your mother
A: Yes. She is my mother. She’s a policewoman. She’s thirty five.
B: Is that girl your sister
A: Yes. She is in our school. She’s six. I’m five years older than (比……大)her.
B: She’s pretty(漂亮的).
A: Thank you.
20.It’s a photo of Ben’s family. ( )
21.The photo is old but nice. ( )
22.Ben’s father is a writer. ( )
23.Ben’s mother is a good driver. ( )
24.Ben’s sister is eleven. ( )
Frank works in a five-star hotel, the Beach Hotel. The hotel is near a beach. Many people go to visit the beach during the holidays.
Frank usually tells them:
First, you cannot go to the beach at noon. It is very hot then. You can go to the beach in the morning or late in the afternoon.
Second, you cannot stay in the sun for too long. It is bad for your skin (皮肤).
Third, you cannot swim right after meals.
Last, do not take too much money with you.
25.The Beach Hotel is a five-star hotel. ( )
26.You can’t go to the beach at noon because it is very hot then. ( )
27.The beach is far away from the hotel. ( )
28.People can only go to the beach in the evening. ( )
29.People cannot swim when they are full. ( )
David and Jessica are good friends. They are both thirteen years old. They go to the same school. They don’t take the school bus. They go to school by bike. Kids over(超过)12 years old can ride their bikes on the street. From Monday to Friday, they leave(离开) home at 7:00. They put on helmets(头盔). They carry everything in their schoolbags. They ride to school together. David’s bike is orange. It’s his favourite colour. Jessica likes red, so she has a red one. They usually get to school at 7: 30. Sometimes they get to school before the school bus! They ride very fast. David and Jessica both like riding to school. They see interesting things on the way to school. “Riding to school is fun,” says Jessica. “We are going green!” David says proudly. How do you go to school
30.David and Jessica are in the same school. ( )
31.They go to school by school bus on Monday and Friday. ( )
32.Jessica’s brother is eight years old. He can ride to school. ( )
33.It usually takes David and Jessica half an hour from home to school by bike. ( )
34.The colour of their bike is different. ( )
1.B 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.C
1.句意:有一天,山姆看到_____摔倒了。A一个小男孩,B一个小女孩,C他的妈妈,根据“One day, Sam sees a little girl fall over.”可知是一个小女孩。故选B。
2.句意:萨姆扶小女孩起来了吗?根据“He wants to help the girl up, but his mother stops him and says, “Don’t do that.”可知他妈妈没让他扶起小女孩。故选B。
3.句意:山姆的妈妈发现______在地板上。A一个油瓶,B一个油杯,C一个果汁瓶,根据“Another day, his mother finds an oil bottle (油瓶) on the floor, but Sam does nothing about it.”可知是一个油瓶。故选A。
4.句意:当萨姆看到掉落的油瓶时,他做了什么?A他没有捡起它。B他把它捡起来。C他踢它。根据“Another day, his mother finds an oil bottle (油瓶) on the floor, but Sam does nothing about it.”可知他什么也没有做。故选A。
6.B 7.B 8.A 9.A 10.A
【解析】6.题干句意:这座大楼就在大门_____。A在……前面,B在……旁边,根据The building is next to the gate.可知在大门旁边,故选B。
7.题干句意:雕像在哪里?根据The statue is in the middle of the park. 可知雕像在公园中央,A在公园前面。B在公园中央。故选B。
8.题干句意:本的学校在哪里?A在花店附近。B在图书馆附近。根据Welcome to our school. It's near the flower shop.可知本的学校在花店附近,故选A。
9.题干句意:这座大楼是新的还是旧的?A它是新的。B它是旧的。根据Our school has a new building and a park.可知大楼是新的,故选A。
10.题干句意:公园里有花和树吗?根据There are flowers and trees.可知有,肯定回答,故选A。
11.B 12.A 13.C 14.B
15.B 16.A 17.B 18.C 19.B
15.句意:卡尔现在住在哪里?A在一个房子里,B在一个营地里,C在一个旅馆里。根据“Now he lives in a camp with his family.”可知他现在和家人住在营地里,故选B。
16.句意:谁教卡尔踢足球?A他的爸爸,B他的妈妈,C他的体育老师。根据“Carl’s father is his football coach (教练).”可知卡尔的爸爸教他踢足球,故选A。
17.句意:什么时候是卡尔的生日?A它在十月,B它在十一月,C它在十二月。根据“Today is November 10th. Carl will have his thirteenth birthday next Friday.”可知今天是11月10日,下周五是卡尔的生日,卡尔的生日应该在十一月,故选B。
18.句意:这篇文章没有告诉我们__。A卡尔的爱好,B卡尔的愿望,C卡尔的朋友。根据“He is good at sports. He can play football very well. ”可知卡尔的爱好是踢足球。根据“He has many wishes (愿望) for his birthday. ”可知文章提到了卡尔的愿望,没有提到卡尔的朋友,故选C。
19.句意:划线的句中意思是___。pleasure是名词,快乐,pain是名词,痛苦,without是介词,没有,结合句子“So Carl practices and practices. ”可知卡尔练习了又练习,划线句子的意思应该是没有苦就没有乐,故选B。
20.T 21.F 22.T 23.F 24.F
【分析】20.题干句意:这是本的家人的照片。根据B: Thank you. Ben, is that your family photo A: Yes, it is. 可知题干与对话内容相符,故答案为T。
21.题干句意:这张照片是旧的,但很好。根据It’s a new photo.可知,题干与对话内容不符,故答案为F。
22.题干句意:本的父亲是一位作家。根据He’s my father. He’s a writer. 可知题干与对话内容相符,故答案为T。
23.题干句意:本的妈妈是个好司机。根据She is my aunt. She is a good driver. 可知题干与对话内容不符,故答案为F。
24.题干句意:本的妹妹十一岁。根据She’s six. 可知题干与对话内容不符,故答案为F。
25.T 26.T 27.F 28.F 29.T
25.句意:海滩酒店是一家五星级酒店。根据“Frank works in a five-star hotel, the Beach Hotel.”可知海滩酒店是一家五星级酒店,故答案为T。
26.句意:中午你不能去海滩,因为那时很热。根据“First, you cannot go to the beach at noon. It is very hot then.”可知中午不能去海滩,那时很热,故答案为T。
27.句意:海滩离酒店很远。根据“The hotel is near a beach.”可知海滩离酒店很近,故答案为F。
28.句意:人们只能在晚上去海滩。根据“You can go to the beach in the morning or late in the afternoon.”可知早上和下午晚些时候都可以去海滩,故答案为F。
29.句意:当他们吃饱时不能去游泳。根据“Third, you cannot swim right after meals.”可知句子描述正确,故答案为T。
30.T 31.F 32.F 33.T 34.T
30.句意:David和Jessica在同一所学校。根据“They go to the same school.”可知David和Jessica在同一个学校。故答案为T。
31.句意:他们星期一和星期五坐校车去学校。根据“They don’t take the school bus.”可知David和Jessica不坐校车去学校,故答案为F。
32.句意:Jessica的弟弟八岁,他可以骑自行车去上学。根据“Kids over12 years old can ride their bikes on the street.”可知超过12岁的孩子可以骑自行车,Jessica的弟弟八岁,他不可以骑自行车,故答案为F。
33.句意:David和Jessica骑自行车从家到学校通常需要半个小时。根据“From Monday to Friday, they leave home at 7:00. ”以及“They usually get to school at 7:30.”可知他们骑自行车从家到学校通常需要半个小时,故答案为T。
34.句意:他们的自行车颜色不同。根据“David’s bike is orange. It’s his favourite colour. Jessica likes red,so she has a red one.”可知David的自行车是橙色的,而Jessica的是红色的,所以他们的自行车颜色不同。故答案为T。
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