
Unit 1-6 阅读理解专项特训-英语六年级上册人教PEP版
Come and look at Jack’s family photos. His father is singing. Is he a singer No, he is an engineer. He works in a car company. He goes to work by bus. He likes music. Jack’s mother is drawing a picture. She is a teacher. She goes to work on foot. Jack’s a student. Every day he and his mother go to school together.
1.What does Jack’s father do ( )
A.He is a singer. B.He’s an engineer.
C.He’s a teacher. D.He’s a doctor.
2.How does Jack’s father go to work ( )
A.By bus. B.By bike. C.On foot. D.By train.
3.What’s Jack’s father’s hobby ( )
A.He likes reading. B.He likes drawing pictures.
C.He likes cars. D.He likes music.
4.What does Jack’s mother do ( )
A.She is an artist. B.She is a teacher.
C.She’s a salesperson. D.She’s a nurse.
5.How does Jack go to school ( )
A.By bus. B.By bike. C.By air. D.On foot.
Some people work in the day. Some people work at night.
Jason is a night worker. He drives an excavator(挖掘机) at night. He fixes the roads at night. Mark drives a police car at night. He is a police office. He helps keep people safe at night. Jessica is a baker. She makes bread for people’s breakfast at night. Dolly works at night, too. She is a nurse. She takes care of sick people in a hospital. Amy is a firefighter. She is a night worker, too. She helps people put out fires at night. Peter is a bus driver. He takes people to work at night.
6.—What does Jason drive at night ( )
—He drives an ______ at night.
A.excavator B.truck C.bus
7.What does the underlined word “baker” mean ( )
A.面包师 B.安全员 C.消防员
8.—Where does Dolly work ( )
—She works in a ______.
A.police station B.hospital C.store
9.What do you think of(有……看法) these people ( )
A.They are funny. B.They are hard-working. C.They don’t like sleeping.
10.Which is the best title(标题) for this passage ( )
A.Different jobs. B.Night workers. C.Hobbies and jobs.
Amy: What are you going to be, Li Fei
Li Fei: I like writing, so I want to be a writer.
Amy: How about you, Jerry
Jerry: I like helping people, so I'm going to be a police officer. What about you, Tom
Tom: I like singing. I want to be a singer. And you, Liu Yun
Liu Yun: Oh, I like science. So I want to be a scientist.
11.How many children are talking ( )
A.Four. B.Five. C.Six.
12.What is Amy going to be ( )
A.A scientist. B.A teacher. C.We don't know.
13.Who wants to be a police officer ( )
A.Li Fei. B.Jerry. C.Amy.
14.Does Tom like writing ( )
A.No, he doesn't. B.Yes, he does. C.Yes, she does.
15.Liu Yun likes _________. ( )
A.writing B.singing C.science
Hello, I’m Peter. It’s summer holiday now. I’m taking a trip with my parents. We go to Shanghai by plane. Shanghai is a beautiful place. We take many photos. First, we go to the Disneyland by subway. We stay there for two days. Then we go to Shanghai Bund (外滩) in the evening. We sit on a big ship and see the bright lights. We also go shopping on Nanjing Road Walk Street. How happy we are!
16.Peter takes a trip to Shanghai with his parents. ( )
17.They go to Disneyland by ship. ( )
18.They stay in Shanghai for two days. ( )
19.They visit Shanghai Bund by ship. ( )
20.They have a good time in Shanghai. ( )
My best friend, Lily, lives in Beijing, China. She is a student. Her father is a teacher. Her mother is a worker. Lily usually goes to school by bus. Her parents go to work by bike. Her brother is a scientist. Her sister is a doctor. They go to work by car. They have their own cars. Lily is ill today. She should see a doctor.
21.Lily lives in Shanghai. ( )
22.Lily’s family has five people. ( )
23.Lily’s father goes to work by car. ( )
24.Lily’s mother is a dancer. ( )
25.Lily’s brother is a scientist. ( )
Bob and Pat are twins. They are from England. They came to China with their parents in 2014. Now they live in Hangzhou. Their father is an IT engineer, and their mother is an English teacher. Bob and Pat are 12 years old. They are in Grade 6, but they are in different classes. Bob is in Class 2 and Pat is in Class 4. They go to school by bike every day. They have many friends in China. They often play basketball with their friends. They like swimming with their friends in summer. They enjoy their life in China.
26.Bob and Pat are American boys. ( )
27.Their mother is an IT engineer. ( )
28.Bob and Pat are in the same class. ( )
29.Bob and Pat like swimming in summer. ( )
30.They live in Suzhou now. ( )
My name is Li Jun. I have a new pen pal. Her name is Amy. She lives in England. Her father is an engineer. He works in a car company. He goes to work by car. He likes playing football and swimming. Her mother is a nurse. She goes to work by subway. She enjoys watching TV and listening to music. Amy is a student. She goes to school on foot, because her home is not far from the school. Amy likes collecting stamps and writing e-mails.
31.Li Jun’s pen pal lives in England. ( )
32.Amy’s father works in a computer company. ( )
33.Li Jun’s father’s hobby is playing football. ( )
34.Amy’s mother goes to work by car. ( )
35.Amy’s hobby is collecting stamps and writing e-mails. ( )
1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.D
1.句意:杰克的爸爸是干什么的?A选项是他是一名歌手。B选项是他是一名工程师。C选项是他是一名教师。D选项是他是一名医生。根据文中句子His father is singing. Is he a singer No, he is an engineer.可知杰克的爸爸是一名工程师,故选B。
2.句意:杰克的爸爸怎样去上班?A选项是坐公交车。B选项是骑自行车。C选项是步行。D选项是坐火车。根据文中句子He goes to work by bus.可知他坐公交车去上班。故选A。
3.句意:杰克的爸爸的爱好是什么?A选项是他喜欢读书。B选项是他喜欢画画。C选项是他喜欢汽车。D选项是他喜欢音乐。根据文中句子He likes music.可知爸爸喜欢音乐,故选D。
4.句意:杰克的妈妈是干什么的?A选项是她是一名艺术家。B选项是她是一名教师。C选项是她是一名推销员。D选项是她是一名护士。根据文中句子She is a teacher. 可知她是一名教师。故选B。
5.句意:杰克怎样去学校?A选项是坐公交车。B选项是骑自行车。C选项是坐飞机。D选项是步行。根据文中句子She goes to work on foot. Every day he and his mother go to school together.可知杰克和他的妈妈一起步行去学校。故选D。
6.A 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.B
6.句意:—杰森晚上开什么车?—他在晚上开一辆_____。A挖掘机,B卡车,C公共汽车,根据“He drives an excavator(挖掘机) at night.”可知是挖掘机。故选A。
7.句意:划线单词“baker”的意思是什么?根据“Jessica is a baker. She makes bread for people’s breakfast at night. ”杰西卡是一位面包师。她在晚上为人们做早餐。故选A。
8.句意:—多莉在哪里工作?—她在一家_____工作。A警察局,B医院,C商店,根据“She takes care of sick people in a hospital.”可知她在医院工作。故选B。
11.B 12.C 13.B 14.A 15.C
13.句意:谁想成为警察?根据Jerry: I like helping people, so I'm going to be a police officer.可知是杰瑞。故选B。
14.句意:汤姆喜欢写作吗?根据Tom: I like singing.可知他喜欢唱歌。故做否定回答,故选A。
15.句意:刘芸喜欢______。A写作,B唱歌,C科学,根据Liu Yun: Oh, I like science. 可知是科学。故选C。
16.T 17.F 18.T 19.T 20.T
16.句意:彼得和父母一起去上海旅行。根据“I’m Peter. It’s summer holiday now.I’m taking a trip with my parents. We go to Shanghai by plane.”我是彼得。现在是暑假。我要和父母一起旅行。我们乘飞机去上海。可知题干描述正确,故答案为T。
17.句意:他们乘船去迪斯尼乐园。根据“we go to the Disneyland by subway. ”我们乘地铁去迪斯尼乐园。可知题干描述不正确,故答案为F。
18.句意:他们在上海呆了两天。根据“We stay there for two days.”我们在那里住了两天。可知题干描述正确,故答案为T。
19.句意:他们乘船游览上海外滩。根据“Then we go to Shanghai Bund (外滩) in the evening. We sit on a big ship and see the bright lights.”然后我们晚上去上海外滩。我们坐在一艘大船上,看到明亮的灯光。可知题干描述正确,故答案为T。
20.句意:他们在上海玩得很开心。根据“How happy we are!”我们多开心啊!可知题干描述正确,故答案为T。
21.F 22.T 23.F 24.F 25.T
26.F 27.F 28.F 29.T 30.F
26.题干句意:鲍勃和派特是美国男孩。根据Bob and Pat are twins. They are from England.可知他们来自英国。故题干错误,故答案为F。
27.题干句意:他们的妈妈是IT工程师。根据Their father is an IT engineer.可知他们的爸爸是IT工程师。故题干错误,故答案为F。
28.题干句意:鲍勃和派特在同一个班。根据They are in Grade 6, but they are in different classes. 可知他们在不同的班。故题干错误,故答案为F。
29.题干句意:鲍勃和派特喜欢在夏天游泳。根据They like swimming with their friends in summer. 可知题干正确,故答案为T。
30.题干句意:现在他们住在苏州。根据Now they live in Hangzhou.可知是杭州。故题干错误,故答案为F。
31.T 32.F 33.T 34.F 35.T
31.句意:李军的笔友住在英国。根据I have a new pen pal. Her name is Amy. She lives in England. 可知李军的笔友住在英国。句子与短文内容相符,故答案为T。
32.句意:艾米的父亲在一家电脑公司工作。根据 Her father is an engineer. He works in a car company.可知米的父亲在一家汽车公司工作。句子与短文内容不符,故答案为F。
33.句意:李军的父亲的爱好是踢足球。根据 He likes playing football and swimming. 李军的父亲的爱好是踢足球。句子与短文内容相符,故答案为T。
34.句意:艾米的妈妈开车去上班。根据Her mother is a nurse. She goes to work by subway.可知艾米的妈妈乘地铁去上班。句子与短文内容不符,故答案为F。
35.句意:艾米的爱好是集邮和写电子邮件。根据Amy likes collecting stamps and writing e-mails.艾米的爱好是集邮和写电子邮件。句子与短文内容相符,故答案为T。
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