2023-2024湖南省雅礼教育集团高二上学期期中考试英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版)

时量:120分钟 分值:150分
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1. What will the woman fetch
A. A carrot. B. A hat. C. A rabbit.
2. What does Ann think of biking to work
A. It’s tiring.
B. It’s environment-friendly.
C. It’s comfortable.
3. How will Eddy spend his holiday
A. Going on a trip.
B. Learning to dance.
C. Staying with his grandparents.
4. Where is probably the woman now
A. In the living room. B. In the bedroom. C. In the kitchen.
5. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. The reasons why Juno quit.
B. The woman’s company.
C. The man’s boss.
第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6. How does the woman feel about the ending of the movie
A. Bored. B. Puzzled. C. Satisfied.
7. What does the woman want to do next
A. Dine with the man. B. Play basketball. C. Pick a wedding gift.
8. Who will go to the park with the man
A. The woman. B. Andy. C. George.
9. Why did Jessica go to the airport
A. To pick up her friend.
B. To catch her flight.
C. To see someone off.
10. What is the weather like today
A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Snowy.
11. Where does the conversation take place
A. On the phone. B. In a language center. C. At the woman’s home.
12. How many courses does the woman mention
A. 6. B. 5. C. 4.
13. Which course will Amy take
A. Magic English. B. Magic Growth. C. Magic Conversation.
14. What time is it now
A. 7:30 a.m. B. 8:00 a.m. C. 8:30 a.m.
15. What did Eric do last night
A. He worked overtime.
B. He looked after his nephew.
C. He went to a party.
16. What does the woman ask Eric to buy
A. Candles. B. Chocolate. C. Balloons.
17. How will Eric go to the supermarket
A. By bus. B. On foot. C. By car.
18. How were the elephants prevented from escaping
A. By holding them with chains.
B. By tying a rope to one of their legs.
C. By keeping them in cages.
19. Why did the gentleman talk with a trainer
A. To remove his confusion.
B. To learn how to train animals.
C. To know about the camp.
20. What does the speaker try to tell people
A. It’s important to learn from successful people.
B. The most difficult thing in life is to know oneself.
C. People should believe in themselves in pursuing dreams.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
Monthly educational subscription boxes for students can be a great way to develop an interest in a particular subject. If you want to learn something at home while having fun, you can have educational subscription boxes delivered monthly straight to your house.
Spangler Boxes
Spangler Boxes feature a range of hands-on scientific experiments designed by Steve Spangler, who previously hosted a popular science education program on News for Kids Projects focus on STEM-science, technology, engineering and math Examples of projects include exploring lava (岩浆) science, the sound waves, and physical laws.
Finders Seekers Boxes
After receiving a Finders Seekers Box, you’ll explore characters of a new city and culture every month while solving puzzles. Think of a Finders Seekers Box as an escape room challenge that takes place in your living room. Clues and online research tools are available to help in case you get stuck solving the mystery. Each puzzle takes approximately two to four hours to complete.
Creation Boxes
Creation Boxes teach students electronics, digital tips and high-level problem-solving. Each box teaches a lesson and is progressively more challenging. A sampling of the projects includes a mood lamp, an electronic memory game, and a distance detector using an ultrasonic sensor (超声传感器).
Kiwi Doodle Boxes
Kiwi Doodle Boxes are among the most popular boxes on the market. They feature a variety of themes customized to students aged from 8 to 18 and focus on art and design with projects such as a felt botanic garden,an artificial leather sample set, and a handmade soap. These projects introduce students to new crafting materials and techniques and all craft supplies are included in the box.
1. What did Steve Spangler use to be
A. A scientist. B. An educator. C. A TV host. D. An engineer.
2. Which of the following is included in Finders Seekers Boxes
A. Features of cities. B. Online instructions.
C. Historical mysteries. D. Escape room challenges.
3. If you are interested in handicraft art, which box would you subscribe
A. Creation Boxes. B. Spangler Boxes.
C. Finders Seekers Boxes. D. Kiwi Doodle Boxes.
【答案】1. C 2. A 3. D
细节理解题。根据Spangler Boxes部分的“Steve Spangler, who previously hosted a popular science education program(史蒂夫·斯潘格勒曾主持过一个科普教育节目)”可知,Steve Spangler过去是一个电视节目主持人。故选C。
细节理解题。根据Finders Seekers Boxes部分的“After receiving a Finders Seekers box, you’ll explore characters of a new city and culture every month while solving puzzles.(在收到“Finders Seekers”盒子后,每个月可以一边解开谜题,一边探索新城市的人物和文化。)”可知,Finders Seekers Boxes包括了城市的特点,故选A。
细节理解题。根据Kiwi Doodle Boxes部分的“They feature a variety of themes customized to students aged from 8 to 18 and focus on art and design with projects such as a felt botanic garden, an artificial leather sample set, and a handmade soap. (他们的特色是为8至18岁的学生定制各种主题,并专注于艺术和设计项目,如体验植物园、人造皮革样品集和手工肥皂。)”可知,如果你对手工艺术感兴趣,你会订阅Kiwi Doodle Boxes,故选D。
William Lindesay, well-known Great Wall expert and conservationist, and his wife Wu Qi have traveled across the globe by the back paths, providing their sons Jimmy and Tommy a unique environment for personal growth.
Sunhats backpacks, sneakers and trekking poles—these are the day-to-day must-haves of the family. This East-meets-West couple started traveling while their younger son was still a baby in 2003. Most of their trips are far from the hot spots recommended by travel guidebooks—heritage study in the Mongolian deserts, a 53-kilometer hiking tour of New Zealand, a one-day climb of three English summits and a six-day train ride from Beijing to Moscow.
“Real travel may be hard, uncertain, uncomfortable, but there’s a feel-good factor when you pass a test of some kind,” Lindesay wrote in the family’s newly published travel memoir Pages of Discovery.
Lindesay attaches great importance to learning out of the classroom, saying that children might score well on school tests, but that experience of the world outside, in distant lands, with different languages, scripts, political structures, and religious beliefs, is the real testing ground.
Children in this international family did not have the same pressure to perform on school tests, but they had “homework” on the road. Wu asked her sons to write travel diaries, collect tickets, draw maps and summarize travel tips. She says such habits, though they might not directly improve test scores, will pay dividends in later life.
These experiences certainly shaped their sons’ characters and influenced their chosen study at university. One read world history, the other international relations. The two brothers also share an interest in historical monuments, and the Great Wall in particular. They are now planning to follow in their father’s footsteps with a new 4,500-km hike on the Great Wall.
“My parents view the world as a big classroom, and my brother and I are the biggest beneficiaries,” Jimmy says.
4. Which of the following best describes their trips across the world
A. Complicated and dangerous. B. Unique yet stressful.
C. Challenging yet educational. D. Entertaining and rewarding.
5. What can we infer about the couple from the text
A. They think little of school education.
B. They believe travel provides real education.
C. They require their sons to follow their career path.
D. They don’t expect their sons to perform well on school tests.
6. What do the underlined words “pay dividends” mean in paragraph 5
A. Bring advantages. B. Pay a price.
C. Improve scores. D. Make mistakes.
7. What does the family’s story tell us
A. Roads were made for journeys not destination.
B. No road is long with good company.
C. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
D. It is better to travel 10,000 miles than to read 10,000 books.
【答案】4. C 5. B 6. A 7. D
【导语】本文是记叙文,文章主要讲述了著名的长城专家和自然环境保护主义者William Lindesay和妻子带着孩子环球旅行,这对夫妇相信旅行能提供真正的教育,他们用实际行动践行了“读万卷书不如行万里路”,并对两个孩子产生了深远的影响。
推理判断题。根据第二段中“Most of their trips, most of which are far from the hot spots recommended by travel guidebooks, seem more rigorous than leisurely — heritage study in the Mongolian deserts, a 53-kilometer hiking tour of New Zealand, a one-day climb of three English summits and a six-day train ride from Beijing to Moscow.(他们的大部分旅行都远离旅游指南推荐的热门景点,似乎比在蒙古沙漠中学习遗产、在新西兰徒步旅行53公里、在英国攀登三座山峰一天以及从北京到莫斯科的六天火车旅行等悠闲的旅行要严格得多)”和第三段中“Real travel may be hard, uncertain, uncomfortable(真正的旅行可能是艰难的、不确定的、不舒服的)”可推知,他们的旅行是具有挑战性的;根据倒数第二段中“These experiences certainly shaped their sons’ characters and influenced their chosen study at university. One read world history, the other international relations. The two brothers also share an interest in historical monuments, and the Great Wall in particular.(这些经历无疑塑造了他们儿子的性格,并影响了他们选择在大学学习。一个读世界历史,另一个读国际关系。这两兄弟还对历史遗迹,尤其是长城很感兴趣)”可推知,这些旅行对孩子来说有教育意义,由此可知,他们的环球旅行是有挑战性,但很有教育意义。故选C。
推理判断题。根据第四段“Lindesay attaches great importance to learning out of the classroom, saying that children might score well on school tests, but that experience of the world outside, in distant lands, with different languages, scripts, political structures, and religious beliefs, is the real testing ground.(Lindesay非常重视课堂外的学习,他说,孩子们可能在学校考试中取得好成绩,但在遥远的地方,在不同的语言、文字、政治结构和宗教信仰的外部世界的经历,才是真正的试验场)”和第五段中“Wu asked her sons to write travel diaries, collect tickets, draw maps and summarize travel tips. She says such habits, though they might not directly improve test scores, will pay dividends in later life.(Wu让她的儿子们写旅行日记,收集车票,绘制地图,总结旅行小贴士。她说,这样的习惯虽然可能不会直接提高考试成绩,但会在以后的生活中带来好处)”可推知,这对夫妇相信旅行能提供真正的教育。故选B。
词句猜测题。根据第五段中“Wu asked her sons to write travel diaries, collect tickets, draw maps and summarize travel tips.(Wu让她的儿子们写旅行日记,收集车票,绘制地图,总结旅行小贴士)”可知,Wu让儿子这样做应是对他们有好处,结合画线词所在句中“She says such habits, though they might not directly improve test scores (她说,这样的习惯虽然可能不会直接提高考试成绩)”中though表达的让步关系可知,Wu让她的儿子们写旅行日记,收集车票,绘制地图,总结旅行小贴士,这说明这些习惯是有好处的,由此可知,划线句子意为:虽然这样的习惯可能不会直接提高考试成绩,但会在以后的生活中带来好处,pay dividends意为“带来好处”,故选A。
推理判断题。根据第四段“Lindesay attaches great importance to learning out of the classroom, saying that children might score well on school tests, but that experience of the world outside, in distant lands, with different languages, scripts, political structures, and religious beliefs, is the real testing ground.(Lindesay非常重视课堂外的学习,他说,孩子们可能在学校考试中取得好成绩,但在遥远的地方,在不同的语言、文字、政治结构和宗教信仰的外部世界的经历,才是真正的试验场)”和最后一段中“My parents view the world as a big classroom, and my brother and I are the biggest beneficiaries(我的父母把世界看作一个大教室,我和哥哥是最大的受益者)”可知,Lindesay非常重视课堂外的学习,通过环球旅行,孩子们受益很多,他们认为旅途能提供真正的教育,由此可推知,这家人的故事告诉我们“读万卷书不如行万里路”,故选D。
There should be no doubt in anyone’s mind that the influence of media is growing stronger and stronger as time passes by. If you have noticed, the speed at which news travels around the world has become faster with the development and advancement in technology. Media are actually influencing people in different ways.
Whether you admit it or not, watching movies and programs on the television or our laptop, ipad and other mobile devices as we relax takes us away into this different kingdom—that is, there are parts in our being that feel we are the ones in the movie and sometimes we even feel what they are feeling as we get caught in the emotional excitement. The effect of media does not stop when the movie or program ends. And this effect might just be the cause of behavioral changes in people.
With action films, children tend to follow the movie hero, leading them to violent (暴力的) acts, thinking that it is acceptable because his hero became successful in the end. There are cartoon programs that show acts of violence and dishonest acts against others. In return, children tend to copy the characters and think that cheating other people is a way to deal with their problems. They learn to transfer these ill behaviors to friends.
There are some television shows and movies that attempt to create an atmosphere to change the view of people towards social issues such as racial discrimination (种族歧视). In the minds of other people, the effect can be for the better, but some unfortunately for the worse.
There had been instances in the past that young people drunk drive copying their favorite actress. There was also a case where somebody set a subway ticket booth on fire because he saw it in his favorite film. These are just a few examples of the disturbing influence of media on people’s behavior.
An explanation to these acts is that these people could not distinguish fantasy from reality. They get caught up in the kingdom of what they had been watching and the images and scenes become deeply rooted in their minds.
So the media is largely responsible for giving people false ideas and unhealthy pictures, which lead to misbehavior against other people, and can create a dangerous cycle among individuals as they attempt to do the same or even worse things to others. The sad reality is that no one is turning off their televisions or disconnecting from these influences. The only way to change is when people no longer buy into it, demand it, and watch it.
8. What does the author want to tell us in paragraph 2
A. What it is that changes our emotion.
B. How media affect people’s behavior.
C. Why we are attracted by movies and programs.
D. Whether people feel being taken away from the reality.
9. Why do some people act badly, according to the author
A. They are just the violent people.
B. They hope to solve social problems.
C. They actually can’t tell fantasy from reality.
D. They want to change people’s attitudes towards media.
10. What’s the author’s attitude towards media
A. Puzzled. B. Critical. C. Supportive. D. Cautious.
11. The author supports his ideas mainly by _______.
A. making comparisons and giving examples
B. listing facts and giving research results
C. raising problems and providing solutions
D. showing facts and presenting explanations
【答案】8. B 9. C 10. B 11. D
推理判断题。根据文章第二段“The effect of media does not stop when the movie or program ends. And this effect might just be the cause of behavioral changes in people.”(当电影或者节目结束时,媒体的效应也没有停止。并且这种效应也就是人们行为发生变化的原因。)可知,此处总结了上文媒体对人类的影响的解释,由此可推知,作者在第二段想告诉我们:媒体是如何影响人们行为的,故选B。
细节理解题。根据文章第六段“An explanation to these bad acts is that these people could not distinguish fantasy from reality.”(产生这些不良行为的解释之一就是,这些人无法区分幻想与现实。)可知,作者认为,一些人行为恶劣,是因为他们无法区分幻想与现实,故选C。
推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“So the media is largely responsible for giving people false ideas and unhealthy pictures, which lead to misbehavior against other people, and can create a dangerous cycle among individuals as they attempt to do the same or even worse things to others. The sad reality is, no one is tuning off their televisions or disconnecting from these influences.”(因此,媒体在很大程度上要为给人们错误的想法和不健康的图片负责,这导致了对他人的不当行为,并可能在个人之间创造一个危险的循环,因为他们试图对别人做同样的事情,甚至更糟糕的事情。可悲的现实是,没有人关掉电视或脱离这些影响。)可知,作者认为媒体带来了人们不正当的行为,创造了危险的社会环境,由此可推知,作者对媒体的态度是批判的,故选B。
推理判断题。根据文章第三段列举的“With action films, children tend to follow the movie hero, engaging them to violent acts thinking that it is acceptable because his hero became successful in the end. ”(在动作片中,孩子们倾向于追随电影中的英雄,结果他们参与暴力行为,认为这是可以接受的,因为他的英雄最终成功了。)可知,一些孩子们模仿电视里面的暴力行为并改变了对于社会问题的态度,和第五段“There had been instances in the past that young people drunk driving imitating their favorite actress.”(曾经有一些例子,年轻人模仿他们最喜欢的演员酒驾。),“There was also a case…”(曾经有一个案例……),“These are just a few examples…”(有几个例子……),以及第六段中“An explanation to these bad acts is that these people could not distinguish fantasy from reality.”(产生这些坏行为的解释之一就是,这些人无法分清幻想与现实。)可推知,作者主要是通过列举事实和解释来支撑他的观点的。故选D。
Within the next 30 years, urban expansion (城市扩张) is due to result in up to 1.53 million square kilometers of new urbanized land, directly threatening 855 species, according to the findings of a new Yale-led study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
The study identified hotspot cities that are expected to have particularly large impacts on species habitats. Many of these cities are in equatorial (赤道的) regions where urban growth is in line with biodiverse habitats. The cities that present the greatest threat to species due to expansion are mostly located in the developing regions of sub-Saharan Africa, South America, Mesoamerica, and Southeast Asia.
The study relied on data from Yale’s Map of Life—a collection of species distribution (分布) data used to monitor, research, and create policies that protect species worldwide. It also used recently developed land-use plans to estimate future habitat loss from urban land expansion for more than 30,000 species globally. It found that urban land expansion is a significant driver of habitat loss for about one-third of these.
This study throws light on the need for global protection efforts to include policies to preserve species in urban lands. “Cities are actually part of the solution,” said co-author Karen Seto. “We can build cities differently than we have in the past. They can be biodiversity centers and save land for nature.”
“We are at a vital moment when the world’s governments are reconsidering their commitments to the Convention on Biological Diversity. This study is important since it lets us quantify (量化), for the first time, which specific species are most threatened by urban growth and where urban protected areas are needed to preserve them,” said co-author Robert McDonald.
Despite the risk of species loss from land expansion, the study highlights how cities can proactively protect biodiversity, Seto said. “The majority of these places have yet to be built. Science-driven policies that guide how the cities of tomorrow get built will have an enormous effect.”
12. What does the new study do
A. It suggests the greatest threat to species.
B. It identifies hotspot cities that need to stop urban expansion.
C. It demonstrates how future urban expansion will impact species.
D. It estimates how much new urbanized land will be in developing regions.
13. What role does Yale’s Map of Life play in this study
A. A policy maker. B. A data provider. C. A land-use planner. D. A publishing platform.
14. What can we learn from the text
A. Karen Seto is optimistic about dealing with urban expansion.
B. A lot of cities have already been built as biodiversity centers.
C. The Convention on Biological Diversity is key to solving the problem.
D. The world’s governments have taken measures to prevent urban land expansion.
15. What is a suitable title for this text
A. Urban expansion cannot be avoided
B. Species habitats should be brought under control
C. Cities can be part of the solutions to preserving species
D. The risk of species loss from land expansion is terrifying
【答案】12. C 13. A 14. A 15. C
细节理解题。根据第一段“Within the next 30 years, urban expansion (城市扩张) is due to result in up to 1.53 million square kilometers of new urbanized land, directly threatening 855 species, according to the findings of a new Yale-led study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.(根据耶鲁大学领导的一项发表在《美国国家科学院院刊》上的新研究结果,在未来30年内,城市扩张将导致多达153万平方公里的新城市化土地,直接威胁到855种物种)”可知,这项新研究展示了未来城市扩张将如何影响物种。故选C。
细节理解题。根据第三段“The study relied on data from Yale’s Map of Life—a collection of species distribution (分布) data used to monitor, research, and create policies that protect species worldwide.(这项研究依赖于耶鲁大学生命地图的数据,这是一个物种分布数据的集合,用于监测、研究和制定保护全球物种的政策)”可知,耶鲁大学的生命地图在这项研究中扮演了政策制定者角色。故选A。
推理判断题。根据第四段““Cities are actually part of the solution,” said co-author Karen Seto. “We can build cities differently than we have in the past. They can be biodiversity centers and save land for nature. ”(“城市实际上是解决方案的一部分,”合著者Karen Seto说。“我们可以以不同于过去的方式建设城市。它们可以成为生物多样性中心,为自然保存土地。”)”可知,Karen Seto对应对城市扩张持乐观态度。故选A。
主旨大意题。通读全文,并根据第四段““Cities are actually part of the solution,” said co-author Karen Seto. “We can build cities differently than we have in the past. They can be biodiversity centers and save land for nature. ”(“城市实际上是解决方案的一部分,”合著者Karen Seto说。“我们可以以不同于过去的方式建设城市。它们可以成为生物多样性中心,为自然保存土地。”)”可知,文章主要提出了可以让城市的扩张成为保护动物的解决方案之一。可知,C选项“城市可以成为保护物种解决方案的一部分”最符合文章标题。故选C。
24 Solar Terms: 4 things you should know about Grain Buds
The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms, which reflect changes in weather, scenery, and even people’s lives. In China, the 24 solar terms were created thousands of years ago to guide agricultural production. ____16____ Grain Buds (小满), the 8th solar term of a year, begins on May 21 this year, and ends on June 6. Next, let’s see what we can do during the “Grain Buds” period today.
A good season for eating fish
During the Grain Buds period, the summer harvest is about to begin. A saying about rain during this time mentions, “A heavy rainfall makes the river full.” Because of the great increase in rainfall, rivers are full of water, which gives rise to great tasting fish and shrimp. This is a good time to enjoy them. ____17____
Eating herb of common sow thistle
Grain Buds is a season for eating the herb of the common sow thistle (苦菜), which tastes a little bitter and sour, but also sweet. It has the function of cooling the blood and detoxifying (解毒) the body. It can be made into different types of dishes. ____18____ People in some other places boil the herb with water and then squeeze out the juice, which can be used to make soup.
Tips on health preserving in Grain Buds
____19____ The increase in temperature over this season may also give rise to all sorts of skin diseases. It is also important to exercise to keep healthy during the hot summer days. Walking, jogging and practicing tai chi are popular.
Key period for flower management
This time is a good period of the quick growth of flowers. It is also a season when plant diseases and pests are at an all-time high, which makes caring for your garden even more critical.____20____ Also, a systematic water system should be carried out.
A. It is also a harvest season for fishermen.
B. A lot of water and extra care for wild flowers.
C. High temperatures are common during the Grain Buds period.
D. Therefore, flower trimming and clipping (修剪) is important.
E. However, the solar term traditional culture is still useful today.
F. It means that the seeds from the grain are becoming full but are not ripe.
G. People in Ningxia like to eat it mixed with salt, vinegar, peppers or garlic.
【答案】16. E 17. A 18. G 19. C 20. D
上文“In China, the 24 solar terms were created thousands of years ago to guide agricultural production. (在中国,24节气是几千年前创造出来指导农业生产的)”指出在24节气是很久之前被创造出来的,根据下文“Grain Buds (小满), the 8th solar term of a year, begins on May 21 this year, and ends on June 6. Next, let’s see what we can do during the “Grain Buds” period today. (小满是一年中的第八个节气,今年五月二十一日开始,六月六日结束。接下来看看我们在今天的“小满”期间能够做些什么)”以及下面每段小标题“A good season for eating fish (吃鱼的好时节)”“Eating herb of common sow thistle (吃苦菜)”“Tips on health preserving in Grain Buds (小满期间的保健贴士)”和“Key period for flower management (花卉管理的关键时期)”可知,下文介绍了小满期间我们需要注意的一些传统和建议,这说明24节气如今对人们仍有指导作用,E项“然而,节气传统文化在今天仍然有用”符合,和上文是转折关系,同时引起下文。故选E。
上文“Because of the great increase in rainfall, rivers are full of water, which gives rise to great tasting fish and shrimp. This is a good time to enjoy them. (由于降雨量的大量增加,河流充满了水,这就产生了美味的鱼和虾。现在正是享受的好时机)”指出小满节气时是享受鱼虾的好时机,A项“这也是渔民的收获季节”和上文是递进关系,切合本段主题“A good season for eating fish (吃鱼的好季节)”。故选A。
上文“It can be made into different types of dishes. (它可以做成不同类型的菜肴)”指出苦菜可以用来做菜,空处应承接上文,具体指出可以做成什么样的菜肴,G项“宁夏人喜欢把它和盐、醋、辣椒或大蒜混在一起吃”符合,it代指上文提到的the common sow thistle。故选G。
下文“The increase in temperature over this season may also give rise to all sorts of skin diseases. (这个季节气温的升高也可能引起各种皮肤病)”指出小满节气时,气温升高带来的健康问题,C项“在小满期间,高温是很常见的”符合,引出下文。故选C。
上文“This time is a good period of the quick growth of flowers. It is also a season when plant diseases and pests are at an all-time high, which makes caring for your garden even more critical. (这个时期是花朵快速生长的好时期。这也是一个植物病虫害达到空前的高度的季节,这使得照顾你的花园变得更加重要)”指出小满时节需要关注植物的病虫害,去照顾花园,D项“因此,修剪花卉是很重要的”符合,承接上文。故选D。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分45分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
When studying at the University of Pittsburgh, I went home to Virginia to see my family one weekend. “Look, I got a best sportsman’s jacket!” I said. Dad ___21___ took his eyes off the TV. I had wanted Dad to ___22___ me all my life, but nothing ever seemed ___23___ enough. I got rid of my ___24___ and went back to Pittsburgh. A month later, Mom called and said that Dad’s diabetes (糖尿病) had gotten worse. “I’m coming home,” I said. “You’re going to need help.”
I moved to a/an ___25___ near home. Every Sunday, with all schoolwork finished, I went home and helped Dad. To my sadness, he ___26___ everything I did. “It’s not you,” Mom explained to me. “What ___27___ him makes him feel bad about himself. His anger was masking his frustration (挫败).” I was so ___28___ to hear that. Now I saw his pain went beyond the ___29___ pain, and that made me try harder to ___30___ him.
One day we were watching a football game. “I’ll bet you $2 million that Dallas wins,” I said: Dad looked at me. “You don’t have $2 million,” he ___31___. After that, every time we watched the game, we made the same bets. Dad laughed more easily and accepted my help more ___32___. Our relationship was ___33___.
That spring, a week before the National Football League draft (选拔), we had a party at our house. After everyone had gone, Dad and I were sitting in the living room. He caught my eye. “Whether you make it or not doesn’t ___34___,” he said. “I’m proud of you.” Maybe our relationship would never be perfect, but I would never ___35___ that he wanted the best for me.
21. A. roughly B. barely C. instantly D. ultimately
22. A. make allowance for B. live up to C. make up for D. take pride in
23. A. great B. necessary C. proper D. unforgettable
24. A. excitement B. confusion C. disappointment D. embarrassment
25. A. company B. office C. hospital D. college
26. A. criticized B. examined C. expected D. declined
27 A. frightened B. bothered C. attacked D. injured
28. A. surprised B. anxious C. relieved D. glad
29. A. needless B. sharp C. bodily D. imaginary
30. A. praise B. refuse C. appreciate D. understand
31. A. repeated B. exploded C. laughed D. hesitated
32. A. reluctantly B. willingly C. cautiously D. rigidly
33. A. improving B. continuing C. deepening D. worsening
34. A. help B. matter C. appear D. predict
35. A. feel B. believe C. doubt D. refuse
【答案】21 B 22. D 23. A 24. C 25. D 26. A 27. B 28. A 29. C 30. D 31. C 32. B 33. A 34. B 35. C
考查副词词义辨析。句意:爸爸的眼睛几乎没有离开电视。A. roughly粗暴地;B. barely几乎不;C. instantly立即地; D. ultimately最终。根据下文“I had wanted Dad to 2 me all my life, but nothing ever seemed 3 enough.”可知,作者一直都希望父亲能以作者为荣,但似乎什么都不够恰当,故父亲似乎不在乎作者,所以作者的父亲眼睛几乎没有离开电视。故选B。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:我一直都希望父亲能以我为荣,但似乎做什么都不够优秀。A. make allowance for考虑到;B. live up to不辜负;C. make up for弥补;D. take pride in以……自豪。根据下文““Whether you make it or not doesn’t 14,” he said. “I’m proud of you.””可知,文章最后,作者终于如愿以偿,父亲表达了对作者感到骄傲的心情,故此处引出作者希望父亲能够为作者感到自豪。故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我一直都希望父亲能以我为荣,但似乎做什么都不够优秀。A. great伟大的,极好的,优秀的;B. necessary必要的;C. proper合适的;D. unforgettable难忘的。根据上文“I had wanted Dad to 2 me all my life,”和转折词but可知,无论作者做什么,作者的爸爸都没正眼看他,似乎他所做的一切都不够优秀。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我摆脱了失望的情绪,回到了匹兹堡。A. excitement激动;B. confusion惶惑;C. disappointment失望;D. embarrassment尴尬。根据上文““Look, I got a best sportsman’s jacket!” I said. Dad 1 took his eyes off the TV.”可知,作者起初的心情是很激动的,然而父亲的反映让作者很失望,所以作者摆脱了失望的情绪,回到学校。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我搬到离家很近的一所大学。A. company公司;B. office办公室;C. hospital医院;D. college大学。根据上文“When studying at the University of Pittsburgh”和““I’m coming home,” I said. “You’re going to need help.””可知,作者搬到离家很近的一所大学,以方便帮助母亲照顾父亲。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:令我难过的是,他挑剔我所做的一切。A. criticized挑剔;B. examined检查;C. expected期待;D. declined下降。根据上文“To my sadness”可知,作者父亲挑剔作者所做的一切。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:困扰他的是他对自己的感觉不好。A. frightened害怕;B. bothered困扰;C. attacked袭击、(疾病)侵袭;D. injured受伤。根据下文“His anger was masking his frustration (挫败).”可知,他的愤怒掩盖了他的沮丧,父亲觉得自己很糟糕,所以困扰着自己。故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:听到这个消息我很惊讶。A. surprised惊讶的;B. anxious焦虑的;C. relieved放心的;D. glad高兴的。根据上文“To my sadness, he 6 everything I did.”和“What 7 him makes him feel bad about himself. His anger was masking his frustration (挫败).”可知,作者以为父亲挑剔作者所做的一切,却得知作者父亲经常生气,是因为他用生气掩盖了他的沮丧,故作者很吃惊。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:现在我看到他的痛苦超出了身体上的痛苦,这让我更加努力地尽力理解他。A. needless不必要的;B. sharp锋利的;C. bodily身体的;D. imaginary想象中的。根据上文“What 7 him makes him feel bad about himself. His anger was masking his frustration (挫败).”可知,作者父亲的痛苦超出了身体上的痛苦。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:现在我看到他的痛苦超出了身体上的痛苦,这让我更加努力地尽力理解他。A. praise赞扬;B. refuse拒绝;C. appreciate欣赏;D. understand理解。根据上文“To my sadness, he 6 everything I did.”及“Now I saw his pain went beyond the 9 pain”可知,以前作者误会父亲,现在看到父亲的痛苦去努力地理解父亲。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:“你没有200万美元,”他笑着。A. repeated重复;B. exploded爆炸;C. laughed大笑;D. hesitated犹豫。根据下文“Dad laughed more easily and accepted my help more 12”可知,父亲是笑着对作者说的。故选C。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:爸爸笑得更轻松了,也更乐意接受我的帮助。A. reluctantly勉强;B. willingly乐意地;C. cautiously谨慎地;D. rigidly严格。根据空前“Dad laughed more easily and accepted my help more”可知,父亲笑了,故父亲更乐意接受作者的帮助。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们的关系在改善。A. improving改善;B. continuing继续;C. deepening加深;D. worsening恶化。根据上文“Dad laughed more easily and accepted my help more12”可知,作者和父亲的关系在改善。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:“你能不能成功并不重要,”他说,“我为你感到骄傲。”A. help帮助;B. matter要紧,重要;C. appear出现;D. predict预测。根据空后“I’m proud of you.”可知,父亲认为作者是否能够成功并不重要,他总为作者感到骄傲。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:也许我们的关系永远不会完美,但我从不怀疑他想要给我最好的。 A. feel感觉;B. believe相信;C. doubt怀疑;D. refuse拒绝。根据前文“Maybe our relationship would never be perfect”和转折词but可知,作者不怀疑父亲想给作者最好的。故选C。
Yingge Dance, a traditional folk art combining dancing, Chinese martial arts, and Chinese opera, is popular in the Chaoshan area of Guangdong province in South China. Yingge, ___36___(write) with the characters for “hero” and “song”, means heroic song in Chinese and Yingge dancers, as their name implies, are the avatars (化身) of ___37___ (hero). The dancers each hold a pair of short sticks and strike the sticks with force ___38___ (create) strong beats — an artistic display of masculinity (男子气概). In 2006, the Puning Yingge Dance ___39___ (list) among the first national intangible cultural heritages in China.
However, just as young people move out of the villages, so are local folk arts ___40___(gradual) disappearing all around China. In Puning, Yingge is still danced during holidays such as the Lunar New Year and ___41___ (it) performers are generally amateurs—farmers ___42___ have put down their tools and put on costumes. Some of the parts are passed ___43___ in the family, from father to son, and so far some villages have started giving performers a basic salary.
Dressed in colorful clothes and ___44___ (wear) heavy makeup, ordinary villagers have created a song of cultural confidence. The performance, ___45___ must-watch for the local people, graces the village square one more time.
【答案】36. written
37. heroes 38. to create
39. was listed
40. gradually
41. its 42. who##that
43. down##on
44. wearing
45 a
考查非谓语动词。句意:舞者每人手持一对短棍,用力敲击棍子,创造出强有力的节拍,这是一种男子气概的艺术展示。此处是非谓语动词作状语,表示目的,应用不定式作目的状语,故填to create。
考查时态和语态。句意:2006年,普宁英歌舞被列入中国第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。此处在句中作谓语,描述过去发生的事,应用一般过去时,主语the Puning Yingge Dance 和动词list是被动关系,应用一般过去时的被动语态,主语是单数,be动词应用was,故填was listed。
考查副词。句意: 然而,就像年轻人离开农村一样,当地的民间艺术也在逐渐消失。此处应用副词gradually作状语,修饰动词disappearing,故填gradually。
考查固定搭配。句意:有些地方在家族中传承下来,从父亲传给儿子,到目前为止,一些村庄已经开始给表演者基本工资。此处表示“传递下去”,为短语pass down/on,故填down/on。
考查非谓语动词。句意:穿着五颜六色的衣服,化着浓妆,普通的村民们创造了一首充满文化自信的歌曲。此处是非谓语动词作状语,和dressed是并列关系,wear和主语ordinary villagers是主动关系,应用现在分词形式作状语,故填wearing。
46. _______ (house) in an old railway building, this world-famous art museum features some of the best-known paintings from the Impressionist movement of the 19th century.(所给词的适当形式填空)
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:这座世界著名的艺术博物馆坐落在一座古老的铁路大楼里,以19世纪印象派运动中一些最著名的画作为特色。分析句子结构可知house与逻辑主语 this world-famous art构成被动关系,故用过去分词作状语,首字母大写。故填Housed。
47. Nothing could have prepared me for the wonder I felt when I finally _______ (lay) eyes on the real thing. (所给词的适当形式填空)
【详解】考查时态。句意:当我终于看到真实的东西时,我所感受到的惊奇是没有任何准备的。lay eyes on固定搭配,意为“看到”;空处为从句谓语动词,由主句谓语felt可知,句子描述过去发生的事,应用一般过去时,故填laid。
48. The combination of these three sections gives the viewer an idea of _______ life was like for the people of Bianjing.(用适当的词填空)
49. You might need to abandon logical thinking to discover a poem’s inner ________ (beautiful). (所给词的适当形式填空)
50. During his travels, Li Bai visited famous mountains and great rivers,________ (encounter) different customs and practices. (所给词适当形式填空)
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:在他的旅行中,李白参观了名山大川,遇到了不同的风俗习惯。分析句子结构可知,句中谓语是visited,空格处用非谓语动词,Li Bai和encounter之间是主动关系,且encounter与谓语动词visited同时发生,因此用现在分词encountering作伴随状语,表主动和同时发生,故填encountering。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
51. 假定你是李华,上周六下午你校组织大家参观了李子健美术馆举办的齐白石书画展。请你写一篇报道,并分享在校英文网站上。
【答案】One possible version:
Last week, our school organized us to visit an art exhibition. The exhibition was held in Li Zijian Art Museum last Saturday afternoon, which lasted two hours.
The exhibition whose theme was “Qi Baishi’s artworks” appealed to crowds of visitors. Hundreds of his artworks including his flower-and-bird painting, landscape painting and handwriting were on display. Additionally, his biography could be viewed. The host explained every artwork in detail on the spot.
The exhibition left a deep impression on us. It not only helped us gain a better understanding of Qi Baishi’s art, but also broadened our horizons.
吸引:appeal to→attract
展览:on display→on show
原句:Hundreds of his artworks including his flower-and-bird painting, landscape painting and handwriting were on display.
拓展句:Hundreds of his artworks which includ his flower-and-bird painting, landscape painting and handwriting were on display.
【点睛】【高分句型1】The exhibition was held in Li Zijian Art Museum last Saturday afternoon, which lasted two hours .(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
【高分句型2】The exhibition whose theme was “Qi Baishi’s artworks” appealed to crowds of visitors.(运用了whose引导的限制性定语从句)
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
52. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
A young person who was academically excellent applied for a manager’s post in an international company. He passed the written exam with ease, and in the group interview that followed, he impressed the interviewers with willy remarks, passion for work, and creative plans for the company’s future. After that, this young man had to face the final interview by the company’s director.
The young man walked into the manager’s office, feeling he could conquer the whole world with just one hand. The director shook hands with the young man and noticed the excitement and pride in his eyes. He looked into the young man’s resume(简历)and saw that the young person did exceptionally well throughout his study life. With a satisfied smile, the director started questioning him.
“Did you ever obtain any scholarship in your school or college ”
”No,“ replied the young man. ”Then who paid for your education “
“My father passed away when I was three. It was my mother who paid for my tuition fees. She’s a farmer and works all day in the fields,”said the young man.
The director nodded and asked the young man to show his hands. Though confused, the young man held out his hands hesitantly, which were smooth and soft. Then the director asked if the young man had ever helped his mother with farm work. The young man said:"No, she always wanted me to focus on my academic work. Besides, she knows her work well and could do everything much faster than I could.”
Learning the reply, the director told the young man that when he returned to his home that day,he should clean his mother’s hands,and after that, he could come back and see him and report what he learned. Feeling there was a chance for him to get the job, the young man was delighted. When he returned home with a spring in his feel, he cheerfully requested his mother to let him clean her hands. Listening to this strange request, his mother felt astonished but happy. With mixed emotions, she showed her hands to him.
注意1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Now this young man started lo clean his mother’s hands gently.
The following day he went to the director’s office again.
【答案】Possible version:
Now this young man started to clean his mother’s hand gently. For the first time, he noticed his mother’s hands were rough with cuts and calluses. Some of the cuts were so deep that she shivered with pain when they were cleaned. It was not until that moment that the young man started to understand the sacrifice his mother had made to ensure he could get a good education. Stroking his mother’s hands with both affection and guilt, he felt a lump in his throat, tears of admiration and sorrow streaming down his face.
The following day he went to the director’s office again. His face was calm, and the excitement and pride in his eyes were replaced by sincerity and gratitude. “Thank you for this valuable lesson,” said the young man with tears glittering in his eyes. Then he continued to tell the manager that he was regretful about being an insensitive son who had been obsessed with grades and career opportunities, neglecting how his mother had suffered all these years. The manager listened attentively and finally said with a smile curving his lips, “I’m glad you’ve gained the power of appreciation, which is an essential quality in a manager. You are hired. ”
②确保:ensure/guarantee/make sure
【点睛】[高分句型1]It was not until that moment that the young man started to understand the sacrifice his mother had made to ensure he could get a good education.(It is/was +被强调部分 +that/who引导的强调句型)
[高分句型2]Then he continued to tell the manager that he was regretful about being an insensitive son who had been obsessed with grades and career opportunities, neglecting how his mother had suffered all these years. (that引导的宾语从句以及who引导的定语从句)
听力答案:1—5 ABACA 6—10 CAACB 11—15 BCBCB 16—20 ABBAC雅礼中学2023年下学期期中考试试卷
时量:120分钟 分值:150分
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1. What will the woman fetch
A. A carrot. B. A hat. C. A rabbit.
2. What does Ann think of biking to work
A. It’s tiring.
B. It’s environment-friendly.
C. It’s comfortable.
3. How will Eddy spend his holiday
A. Going on a trip.
B. Learning to dance.
C. Staying with his grandparents.
4. Where is probably the woman now
A. In the living room. B. In the bedroom. C. In the kitchen.
5. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. The reasons why Juno quit.
B. The woman’s company.
C. The man’s boss.
第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6. How does the woman feel about the ending of the movie
A. Bored. B. Puzzled. C. Satisfied.
7. What does the woman want to do next
A. Dine with the man. B. Play basketball. C. Pick a wedding gift.
8. Who will go to the park with the man
A. The woman. B. Andy. C. George.
9. Why did Jessica go to the airport
A. To pick up her friend.
B. To catch her flight.
C. To see someone off.
10. What is the weather like today
A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Snowy.
11 Where does the conversation take place
A. On the phone. B. In a language center. C. At the woman’s home.
12. How many courses does the woman mention
A. 6. B. 5. C. 4.
13. Which course will Amy take
A. Magic English. B. Magic Growth. C. Magic Conversation.
14. What time is it now
A. 7:30 a.m. B. 8:00 a.m. C. 8:30 a.m.
15. What did Eric do last night
A. He worked overtime.
B. He looked after his nephew.
C. He went to a party.
16. What does the woman ask Eric to buy
A. Candles. B. Chocolate. C. Balloons.
17. How will Eric go to the supermarket
A. By bus. B. On foot. C. By car.
18. How were the elephants prevented from escaping
A. By holding them with chains.
B. By tying a rope to one of their legs.
C. By keeping them in cages.
19. Why did the gentleman talk with a trainer
A. To remove his confusion.
B. To learn how to train animals.
C. To know about the camp.
20. What does the speaker try to tell people
A. It’s important to learn from successful people.
B. The most difficult thing in life is to know oneself.
C. People should believe in themselves in pursuing dreams.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
Monthly educational subscription boxes for students can be a great way to develop an interest in a particular subject. If you want to learn something at home while having fun, you can have educational subscription boxes delivered monthly straight to your house.
Spangler Boxes
Spangler Boxes feature a range of hands-on scientific experiments designed by Steve Spangler, who previously hosted a popular science education program on News for Kids Projects focus on STEM-science, technology, engineering and math Examples of projects include exploring lava (岩浆) science, the sound waves, and physical laws.
Finders Seekers Boxes
After receiving a Finders Seekers Box, you’ll explore characters of a new city and culture every month while solving puzzles. Think of a Finders Seekers Box as an escape room challenge that takes place in your living room. Clues and online research tools are available to help in case you get stuck solving the mystery. Each puzzle takes approximately two to four hours to complete.
Creation Boxes
Creation Boxes teach students electronics, digital tips and high-level problem-solving. Each box teaches a lesson and is progressively more challenging. A sampling of the projects includes a mood lamp, an electronic memory game, and a distance detector using an ultrasonic sensor (超声传感器).
Kiwi Doodle Boxes
Kiwi Doodle Boxes are among the most popular boxes on the market. They feature a variety of themes customized to students aged from 8 to 18 and focus on art and design with projects such as a felt botanic garden,an artificial leather sample set, and a handmade soap. These projects introduce students to new crafting materials and techniques and all craft supplies are included in the box.
1. What did Steve Spangler use to be
A. A scientist. B. An educator. C. A TV host. D. An engineer.
2. Which of the following is included in Finders Seekers Boxes
A. Features of cities. B. Online instructions.
C. Historical mysteries. D. Escape room challenges.
3. If you are interested in handicraft art, which box would you subscribe
A. Creation Boxes. B. Spangler Boxes.
C. Finders Seekers Boxes. D. Kiwi Doodle Boxes.
William Lindesay, well-known Great Wall expert and conservationist, and his wife Wu Qi have traveled across the globe by the back paths, providing their sons Jimmy and Tommy a unique environment for personal growth.
Sunhats, backpacks, sneakers and trekking poles—these are the day-to-day must-haves of the family. This East-meets-West couple started traveling while their younger son was still a baby in 2003. Most of their trips are far from the hot spots recommended by travel guidebooks—heritage study in the Mongolian deserts, a 53-kilometer hiking tour of New Zealand, a one-day climb of three English summits and a six-day train ride from Beijing to Moscow.
“Real travel may be hard, uncertain, uncomfortable, but there’s a feel-good factor when you pass a test of some kind,” Lindesay wrote in the family’s newly published travel memoir Pages of Discovery.
Lindesay attaches great importance to learning out of the classroom, saying that children might score well on school tests, but that experience of the world outside, in distant lands, with different languages, scripts, political structures, and religious beliefs, is the real testing ground.
Children in this international family did not have the same pressure to perform on school tests, but they had “homework” on the road. Wu asked her sons to write travel diaries, collect tickets, draw maps and summarize travel tips. She says such habits, though they might not directly improve test scores, will pay dividends in later life.
These experiences certainly shaped their sons’ characters and influenced their chosen study at university. One read world history the other international relations. The two brothers also share an interest in historical monuments, and the Great Wall in particular. They are now planning to follow in their father’s footsteps with a new 4,500-km hike on the Great Wall.
“My parents view the world as a big classroom, and my brother and I are the biggest beneficiaries,” Jimmy says.
4. Which of the following best describes their trips across the world
A. Complicated and dangerous. B. Unique yet stressful.
C. Challenging yet educational. D. Entertaining and rewarding.
5. What can we infer about the couple from the text
A. They think little of school education.
B. They believe travel provides real education.
C. They require their sons to follow their career path.
D. They don’t expect their sons to perform well on school tests.
6. What do the underlined words “pay dividends” mean in paragraph 5
A. Bring advantages. B. Pay a price.
C. Improve scores. D. Make mistakes.
7. What does the family’s story tell us
A. Roads were made for journeys not destination.
B. No road is long with good company.
C. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
D. It is better to travel 10,000 miles than to read 10,000 books.
There should be no doubt in anyone’s mind that the influence of media is growing stronger and stronger as time passes by. If you have noticed, the speed at which news travels around the world has become faster with the development and advancement in technology. Media are actually influencing people in different ways.
Whether you admit it or not, watching movies and programs on the television or our laptop, ipad and other mobile devices as we relax takes us away into this different kingdom—that is, there are parts in our being that feel we are the ones in the movie and sometimes we even feel what they are feeling as we get caught in the emotional excitement. The effect of media does not stop when the movie or program ends. And this effect might just be the cause of behavioral changes in people.
With action films, children tend to follow the movie hero, leading them to violent (暴力的) acts, thinking that it is acceptable because his hero became successful in the end. There are cartoon programs that show acts of violence and dishonest acts against others. In return, children tend to copy the characters and think that cheating other people is a way to deal with their problems. They learn to transfer these ill behaviors to friends.
There are some television shows and movies that attempt to create an atmosphere to change the view of people towards social issues such as racial discrimination (种族歧视). In the minds of other people, the effect can be for the better, but some unfortunately for the worse.
There had been instances in the past that young people drunk drive copying their favorite actress. There was also a case where somebody set a subway ticket booth on fire because he saw it in his favorite film. These are just a few examples of the disturbing influence of media on people’s behavior.
An explanation to these acts is that these people could not distinguish fantasy from reality. They get caught up in the kingdom of what they had been watching and the images and scenes become deeply rooted in their minds.
So the media is largely responsible for giving people false ideas and unhealthy pictures, which lead to misbehavior against other people, and can create a dangerous cycle among individuals as they attempt to do the same or even worse things to others. The sad reality is that no one is turning off their televisions or disconnecting from these influences. The only way to change is when people no longer buy into it, demand it, and watch it.
8. What does the author want to tell us in paragraph 2
A. What it is that changes our emotion.
B. How media affect people’s behavior.
C. Why we are attracted by movies and programs.
D. Whether people feel being taken away from the reality.
9. Why do some people act badly, according to the author
A. They are just the violent people.
B. They hope to solve social problems.
C. They actually can’t tell fantasy from reality.
D. They want to change people’s attitudes towards media.
10. What’s the author’s attitude towards media
A. Puzzled. B. Critical. C. Supportive. D. Cautious.
11. The author supports his ideas mainly by _______.
A. making comparisons and giving examples
B. listing facts and giving research results
C. raising problems and providing solutions
D. showing facts and presenting explanations
Within the next 30 years, urban expansion (城市扩张) is due to result in up to 1.53 million square kilometers of new urbanized land, directly threatening 855 species, according to the findings of a new Yale-led study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
The study identified hotspot cities that are expected to have particularly large impacts on species habitats. Many of these cities are in equatorial (赤道的) regions where urban growth is in line with biodiverse habitats. The cities that present the greatest threat to species due to expansion are mostly located in the developing regions of sub-Saharan Africa, South America, Mesoamerica, and Southeast Asia.
The study relied on data from Yale’s Map of Life—a collection of species distribution (分布) data used to monitor, research, and create policies that protect species worldwide. It also used recently developed land-use plans to estimate future habitat loss from urban land expansion for more than 30,000 species globally. It found that urban land expansion is a significant driver of habitat loss for about one-third of these.
This study throws light on the need for global protection efforts to include policies to preserve species in urban lands. “Cities are actually part of the solution,” said co-author Karen Seto. “We can build cities differently than we have in the past. They can be biodiversity centers and save land for nature.”
“We are at a vital moment when the world’s governments are reconsidering their commitments to the Convention on Biological Diversity. This study is important since it lets us quantify (量化), for the first time, which specific species are most threatened by urban growth and where urban protected areas are needed to preserve them,” said co-author Robert McDonald.
Despite the risk of species loss from land expansion, the study highlights how cities can proactively protect biodiversity, Seto said. “The majority of these places have yet to be built. Science-driven policies that guide how the cities of tomorrow get built will have an enormous effect.”
12. What does the new study do
A. It suggests the greatest threat to species.
B. It identifies hotspot cities that need to stop urban expansion.
C. It demonstrates how future urban expansion will impact species.
D. It estimates how much new urbanized land will be in developing regions.
13. What role does Yale’s Map of Life play in this study
A. A policy maker. B. A data provider. C. A land-use planner. D. A publishing platform.
14. What can we learn from the text
A. Karen Seto is optimistic about dealing with urban expansion.
B. A lot of cities have already been built as biodiversity centers.
C. The Convention on Biological Diversity is key to solving the problem.
D. The world’s governments have taken measures to prevent urban land expansion.
15. What is a suitable title for this text
A. Urban expansion cannot be avoided
B. Species habitats should be brought under control
C. Cities can be part of the solutions to preserving species
D. The risk of species loss from land expansion is terrifying
24 Solar Terms: 4 things you should know about Grain Buds
The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms, which reflect changes in weather, scenery, and even people’s lives. In China, the 24 solar terms were created thousands of years ago to guide agricultural production. ____16____ Grain Buds (小满), the 8th solar term of a year, begins on May 21 this year, and ends on June 6. Next, let’s see what we can do during the “Grain Buds” period today.
A good season for eating fish
During the Grain Buds period, the summer harvest is about to begin. A saying about rain during this time mentions, “A heavy rainfall makes the river full.” Because of the great increase in rainfall, rivers are full of water, which gives rise to great tasting fish and shrimp. This is a good time to enjoy them. ____17____
Eating herb of common sow thistle
Grain Buds is a season for eating the herb of the common sow thistle (苦菜), which tastes a little bitter and sour, but also sweet. It has the function of cooling the blood and detoxifying (解毒) the body. It can be made into different types of dishes. ____18____ People in some other places boil the herb with water and then squeeze out the juice, which can be used to make soup.
Tips on health preserving in Grain Buds
____19____ The increase in temperature over this season may also give rise to all sorts of skin diseases. It is also important to exercise to keep healthy during the hot summer days. Walking, jogging and practicing tai chi are popular.
Key period for flower management
This time is a good period of the quick growth of flowers. It is also a season when plant diseases and pests are at an all-time high which makes caring for your garden even more critical.____20____ Also, a systematic water system should be carried out.
A. It is also a harvest season for fishermen.
B. A lot of water and extra care for wild flowers.
C. High temperatures are common during the Grain Buds period.
D. Therefore, flower trimming and clipping (修剪) is important.
E. However, the solar term traditional culture is still useful today.
F. It means that the seeds from the grain are becoming full but are not ripe.
G. People in Ningxia like to eat it mixed with salt, vinegar, peppers or garlic.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分45分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
When studying at the University of Pittsburgh, I went home to Virginia to see my family one weekend. “Look, I got a best sportsman’s jacket!” I said. Dad ___21___ took his eyes off the TV. I had wanted Dad to ___22___ me all my life, but nothing ever seemed ___23___ enough. I got rid of my ___24___ and went back to Pittsburgh. A month later, Mom called and said that Dad’s diabetes (糖尿病) had gotten worse. “I’m coming home,” I said. “You’re going to need help.”
I moved to a/an ___25___ near home. Every Sunday, with all schoolwork finished, I went home and helped Dad. To my sadness, he ___26___ everything I did. “It’s not you,” Mom explained to me. “What ___27___ him makes him feel bad about himself. His anger was masking his frustration (挫败).” I was so ___28___ to hear that. Now I saw his pain went beyond the ___29___ pain, and that made me try harder to ___30___ him.
One day we were watching a football game. “I’ll bet you $2 million that Dallas wins,” I said: Dad looked at me. “You don’t have $2 million,” he ___31___. After that, every time we watched the game, we made the same bets. Dad laughed more easily and accepted my help more ___32___. Our relationship was ___33___.
That spring, a week before the National Football League draft (选拔), we had a party at our house. After everyone had gone, Dad and I were sitting in the living room. He caught my eye. “Whether you make it or not doesn’t ___34___,” he said. “I’m proud of you.” Maybe our relationship would never be perfect, but I would never ___35___ that he wanted the best for me.
21. A. roughly B. barely C. instantly D. ultimately
22. A. make allowance for B. live up to C. make up for D. take pride in
23. A. great B. necessary C. proper D. unforgettable
24. A. excitement B. confusion C. disappointment D. embarrassment
25. A. company B. office C. hospital D. college
26. A. criticized B. examined C. expected D. declined
27. A. frightened B. bothered C. attacked D. injured
28. A. surprised B. anxious C. relieved D. glad
29. A. needless B. sharp C. bodily D. imaginary
30. A. praise B. refuse C. appreciate D. understand
31. A. repeated B. exploded C. laughed D. hesitated
32. A. reluctantly B. willingly C. cautiously D. rigidly
33. A. improving B. continuing C. deepening D. worsening
34. A. help B. matter C. appear D. predict
35. A. feel B. believe C. doubt D. refuse
Yingge Dance a traditional folk art combining dancing, Chinese martial arts, and Chinese opera, is popular in the Chaoshan area of Guangdong province in South China. Yingge, ___36___(write) with the characters for “hero” and “song”, means heroic song in Chinese and Yingge dancers, as their name implies, are the avatars (化身) of ___37___ (hero). The dancers each hold a pair of short sticks and strike the sticks with force ___38___ (create) strong beats — an artistic display of masculinity (男子气概). In 2006, the Puning Yingge Dance ___39___ (list) among the first national intangible cultural heritages in China.
However, just as young people move out of the villages, so are local folk arts ___40___(gradual) disappearing all around China. In Puning, Yingge is still danced during holidays such as the Lunar New Year and ___41___ (it) performers are generally amateurs—farmers ___42___ have put down their tools and put on costumes. Some of the parts are passed ___43___ in the family, from father to son, and so far some villages have started giving performers a basic salary.
Dressed in colorful clothes and ___44___ (wear) heavy makeup, ordinary villagers have created a song of cultural confidence. The performance, ___45___ must-watch for the local people, graces the village square one more time.
46. _______ (house) in an old railway building, this world-famous art museum features some of the best-known paintings from the Impressionist movement of the 19th century.(所给词的适当形式填空)
47. Nothing could have prepared me for the wonder I felt when I finally _______ (lay) eyes on the real thing. (所给词的适当形式填空)
48. The combination of these three sections gives the viewer an idea of _______ life was like for the people of Bianjing.(用适当的词填空)
49. You might need to abandon logical thinking to discover a poem’s inner ________ (beautiful). (所给词的适当形式填空)
50. During his travels, Li Bai visited famous mountains and great rivers,________ (encounter) different customs and practices. (所给词的适当形式填空)
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
51. 假定你是李华,上周六下午你校组织大家参观了李子健美术馆举办的齐白石书画展。请你写一篇报道,并分享在校英文网站上。
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
52. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
A young person who was academically excellent applied for a manager’s post in an international company. He passed the written exam with ease, and in the group interview that followed, he impressed the interviewers with willy remarks, passion for work, and creative plans for the company’s future. After that, this young man had to face the final interview by the company’s director.
The young man walked into the manager’s office, feeling he could conquer the whole world with just one hand. The director shook hands with the young man and noticed the excitement and pride in his eyes. He looked into the young man’s resume(简历)and saw that the young person did exceptionally well throughout his study life. With a satisfied smile, the director started questioning him.
“Did you ever obtain any scholarship in your school or college ”
”No“ replied the young man. ”Then who paid for your education “
“My father passed away when I was three. It was my mother who paid for my tuition fees. She’s a farmer and works all day in the fields,”said the young man.
The director nodded and asked the young man to show his hands. Though confused, the young man held out his hands hesitantly, which were smooth and soft. Then the director asked if the young man had ever helped his mother with farm work. The young man said:"No, she always wanted me to focus on my academic work. Besides, she knows her work well and could do everything much faster than I could.”
Learning the reply, the director told the young man that when he returned to his home that day,he should clean his mother’s hands,and after that, he could come back and see him and report what he learned. Feeling there was a chance for him to get the job, the young man was delighted. When he returned home with a spring in his feel, he cheerfully requested his mother to let him clean her hands. Listening to this strange request, his mother felt astonished but happy. With mixed emotions, she showed her hands to him.
注意1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Now this young man started lo clean his mother’s hands gently.
The following day he went to the director’s office again.
听力答案:1—5 ABACA 6—10 CAACB 11—15 BCBCB 16—20 ABBAC



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