Unit 8 When is your birthday?单元测试(含解析) 2023-2024人教版七年级英语上册

2023-2024学年度七年级上册英语人教新版Unit 8 When is your birthday 单元测试参考答案与解析
【解答】根据 Today is my birthday,结合选项,A.新年好 B.非常感谢你 C.你好吗 D.生日快乐 ,可知选项D 符合题意.句意:今天是我的生日.生日快乐!
【解答】考查年龄.A.How many years多少年;B.How怎样;C.How old多大,提问年龄;D.What old什么年龄.根据I'm seventeen.可知问的是年龄,用how old.
【解答】考查情境对话.A.All right好的;B.Thank you谢谢;C.That's all right没关系;D.You're welcome不客气.根据Happy birthday to you,Gina!可知谢谢.
【解答】on用于具体的某一天或具体某一天的上午,下午或晚上;in用在年、月的前面。第一个空,根据November 22nd"11月22日"可知,在具体某一天用介词On。第二个空,in the afternoon"在下午"固定搭配。
【分析】我想向你借《哈利 波特》。 你明天能把它带到这里来吗?
【解答】Yes,pleasure是的,请;Have fun祝你玩得开心;What a good day多么美好的一天啊;Good idea好主意。根据前句句意"这个寒假我将和父母一起去扬州博物馆"可知,要回答"祝你玩得开心",其它选项语意不通。
【解答】(1)C 考查名词辨析.A出生,动词;B日子;C生日,名词;D日期;根据后面说says to me"Happy birthday 生日快乐,可知是我的生日,故答案是C
(2)C 考查介词辨析.根据Happy birthday ___ you,祝你生日快乐,to是固定用法,故答案是C
(3)B 考查短语辨析.A好的;B谢谢;C非常好;D生日快乐;根据前面Happy birthday ___ you,祝你生日快乐祝我生日快乐,我应该是回答谢谢,故答案是B
(4)D 考查形容词辨析.A很多,修饰不可数名词;B许多,名词;C非常,副词;D很多,形容词,根据后面things名词复数,故答案是D
(5)C 考查动词辨析.根据前面的they可知是复数,要用are,故答案是C
(6)B 考查代词辨析.A 一,B…之一;C一些;D…中一些;根据Eric,___ my friends,艾瑞克,我的朋友之一;故答案是B
(7)B 考查动词辨析.根据后面me a bag,前面主语Eric是第三人称单数形式,后面动词要用第三人称单数形式,给我带来 一个包,故答案是B
(8)B 考查短语辨析.A音乐书;B音乐盒子;C美术;D最流行的;根据后面What nice music!多么好的音乐,可知是音乐盒子,故答案是B
(9)C 考查名词辨析.A英国的;B日本的;C中国的;D美国的;根据后面kung fu功夫可知是中国的,故答案是C
(10)A 考查动词辨析.根据题干后面a party for me,have a party举行聚会是固定短语,故答案是A
【解答】1.A 考查细节理解,根据文中的She is twelve可知12岁,故选:A.
2.A 考查细节理解,根据文中的Jim,Kate and Bill are her friends可知有三个朋友,故选:A.
3.C 考查细节理解,根据文中的 They go to the shop near the school们去学校附近的商店,可知商店在学校附近,故选:C.
4.C 考查细节理解,根据文中的 They buy a big cake,two boxes of color pencils,pencil case and some nice exercise books可知他们买一个大蛋糕,两盒彩色铅笔,铅笔盒和一些不错的练习本,故选:C.
5.C 考查细节理解,根据文中的Today is November 8th.It's Gina's birthday.今天是11月8日.这是吉娜的生日.可知11月8日是她生日,故选:C.
【解答】(1)C.细节理解题。根据第一段I'm David.It's my sister Jane's birthday.我是大卫。今天是我妹妹简的生日,可知大卫是简的哥哥。故选C。
(2)B.细节理解题。根据第二段There my mother buys a red sweater for Jane.在那儿我妈妈给简买了一件红色的毛衣,可知大卫的妈妈给她买了红色的毛衣。故选B。
(3)D.细节理解题。根据第三段Anna gives her a dictionary.可知安娜给她一本字典。故选D。
(4)A.细节推理题。根据第三段We play games and eat fruit at the party.我们玩游戏并且在聚会上吃水果,据此推断简下午玩游戏。故选A。
(5)A.细节判断题。根据第二段Jane likes playing basketball with my father after school.放学后简和我父亲喜欢打篮球,据此判断简会打篮球。故选A。
【解答】(1)细节推理题。根据原文Thank you for your present for my fifteenth birthday. (谢谢你送我十五岁生日礼物)以及落款人;可知 Jane15岁。故选D。
(2)细节理解题。根据原文Thank you for your present for my fifteenth birthday.I play it after class every day. (谢谢你送我十五岁生日礼物。我每天课后都打球。)可知礼物应该是球类。故选B。
(3)词义猜测题。根据原文Jenny wants to make a nice card for Mr.Smith(珍妮想给史密斯先生做一张漂亮的卡片。)可知划线处是"制作"。故选C。
(4)细节理解题。根据原文Jenny wants to make a nice card for Mr.Smith(珍妮想给史密斯先生做一张漂亮的卡片。)可知史密斯先生会收到卡片。故选B。
(5)细节判断题。根据原文I play it after class every day(我每天课后都打球)可知作者爱运动,因此A选项表述错误。故选A。
【解答】(1)things.考查名词。根据"We have some interesting and fun (1)_____ for you this term. ",结合给出的英语提示,看过前面的关键词是some,可知此处要用复数名词things来填空。故填things.
(2)trip.考查名词。根据"we have a school(2)_____ in the afternoon.",结合给出的英语提示,可知此处要用trip来填空。故填trip.
(3)month.考查名词。根据"October is a great(3)_____ . ",结合给出的英语提示,可知此处要用month来填空。故填month.
(4)games.考查名词。根据"we have two ball(4)_____ ,",结合给出的英语提示,可知此处要用games来填空。故填games.
(5)on.考查介词。根据"(5)October 22nd. ",结合给出的英语提示,可知此处要用on来填空,在具体的日期前面要用介词on。故填on.
(6)Art.考查名词。根据"we have an(6)_____ Festival.",结合给出的英语提示,可知此处要用Art来填空。故填Art.
(7)November.考查名词。根据"on(7)_____ 30th.",结合给出的英语提示,可知此处要用November来填空。故填November.
(8)library.考查名词。根据"we have a book sale in the school(8)_____ .",结合给出的英语提示,可知此处要用library来填空。故填library.
(9)busy.考查形容词。根据"This is a really(9)_____ term!",结合给出的英语提示,形容词修饰名词,可知此处要用busy来填空。故填busy.
(10)time.考查名词。根据" Have a good(10)_____ !",结合给出的英语提示,形容词修饰名词,可知此处要用time来填空。故填time.
【答案】(1)Is it your birthday today?
(2)Thank you.
(3)Yes,I'd love to.
(4)Do you like T-shirts?
(5)How about a birthday cake?
【解答】(1)Is it your birthday today?根据下文"是的,它是。祝你生日快乐!",可知此处询问:今天是你的生日吗?故答案为Is it your birthday today?
(2)Thank you.根据上文"祝你生日快乐",可知此处回答:谢谢。故答案为Thank you.
(3)Yes,I'd love to.根据上文"你愿意来吗?",可知此处回答:是的,我很乐意。故答案为Yes,I'd love to.
(4)Do you like T-shirts?根据下文"是的,我喜欢。"。可知此处询问:你喜欢T恤吗?故答案为Do you like T-shirts?
(5)How about a birthday cake?根据下文"太好了。我喜欢蛋糕。"。可知此处询问:生日蛋糕怎么样?故答案为How about a birthday cake?
【解答】(1)are.考查动词。句意:我们学校有很多节日。结合设空处后的many festivals可知此处谓语动词用复数。故填are。
(2)sports.考查名词。句意:这个月是十月,有一个运动节。结合下句We have the volleyball game and the basketball game during(在……期间) the festival.可知是运动节,复数sports表达类别。故填sports。
(10)time.考查名词。句意:祝你玩得愉快。Have a good time:玩得开心。为固定表达。故填time。
This Friday we will have a party in our school.此句是一般将来时的陈述句.运用短语this Friday"这个星期五",短语have a party "举行一次晚会",此句可翻译为:"这个星期五在我们学校将举行一次晚会."
This party will be the biggest and most interesting one,此句是一般将来时的陈述句.运用短语the biggest and most interesting one "最大的和最有趣的一次",此句可翻译为:"这次聚会将是最大的最有趣的一次."
Would you like to join with me?此句是一般疑问句.运用句型Would you like to do +…?"你愿意…吗?",运用短语would like to do sth "愿意做某事",短语with sb "和某人一起",此句可翻译为:"你愿意和我一起去吗?"
I am looking forward to seeing you at the party.此句是现在进行时的陈述句.运用短语look forward to doing sth "期盼做某事",此句可翻译为:"我期盼在这次聚会上见到你."
【解答】Dear Lin Tao,
This Friday we will have a party in our school,(高分句型一)(要点一,说明我们学校将举行一项活动.)
You love music.Like singing songs and dancing.(要点二,朋友喜欢音乐,像唱歌和跳舞.) I'll invite you to the party.This party will be the biggest and most interesting one,(高分句型二)and it will include a huge number of activities,Like singing,dancing,playing cards and so on,(要点三,在我们学校将举行的活动.)we will invite some famous bands,我们会邀请一些著名的乐队,Like Bang
which is your favourite pop band.Would you like to join with me?(高分句型三)If you want to join us,please let me know.(要点四,邀请朋友参加.) The place will be the hall of School,it will start at 8am.(要点五,说明具体的时间和地点.)I am looking forward to seeing you at the party.(高分句型四)
Li Ping2023-2024学年度七年级上册英语人教新版Unit 8 When is your birthday 单元测试
1.Today is my birthday.___________________(  )
A.Happy New Year! B.Thank you very much.
C.How are you? D.Happy birthday!
2.______ he have a racket ?(  )
A.Does B.Do C.Is D.Has
3.-______ are you?-I'm seventeen.(  )
A.How many years B.How
C.How old D.What old
4.There are__months in a year.The__month of a year is December.(  )
A.twelve; twelve B.twelfth; twelfth
C.twelfth; twelve D.twelve; twelfth
5.-Happy birthday to you,Gina!
-_________.(  )
A.All right B.Thank you
C.That's all right D.You're welcome
6.Sunday is the____ day of a week.(  )
A.third B.second C.first D.last
7.____November 22nd,we have an English party_____the afternoon.(  )
A.In;on B.In;in C.On;on D.On;in
8.________Day is on June 1st (6月1日)and _________Day is on September 10th (9月10日).(  )
A.Children's;Teacher's B.Children's;Teachers'
C.Childrens';Teachers' D.Childrens';Teacher's
9.I want to the book Harry Porter from you. Can you it here tomorrow?(  )
A.borrow; take B.borrow; bring
C.lend; take D.lend; bring
10.—I'll go to the Yangzhou Museum with my parents this winter holiday.
—____________(  )
A.Yes,pleasure. B.Have fun!
C.What a good day! D.Good idea.
oday is June 6th.It's my (1) .At 7:00 in the morning,my mum wakes me up(叫醒) and says to me"Happy birthday (2) you!"I say,"(3) ,mum."I get(收到) (4) things from my friends and family.They (5) on my desk.
I get a black and red backpack from my dad and a new book is in it.Eric,(6) my friends,(7) me a bag.What's in it?Wow,it's (a/an) (8) .What nice music!I like it very much.My sister brings me a CD of Bruce Li.I like (9) kung fu(功夫).
In the evening,they also (10) a party for me.How happy I am!
(1) A.birth B.day C.birthday D.date
(2) A.for B.of C.to D.on
(3) A.OK B.Thank you C.Very good D.Happy birthday
(4) A.much B.lot C.a lot D.lots of
(5) A.am B.is C.are D.be
(6) A.one B.one of C.some D.some of
(7) A.bring B.brings C.take D.takes
(8) A.music book B.music box C.art D.festival
(9) A.English B.Japanese C.Chinese D.American
(10) A.have B.take C.buy D.bring
Today is November 8th.It's Gina's birthday.She is twelve.Jim,Kate and Bill are her friends.They want to buy some presents(礼物)for Gina.They go to the shop near the school.There are a lot of things in the shop.They buy a big cake,two boxes of color pencils,pencil case and some nice exercise books.They want to buy two dolls(玩具)for Gina.But all the dolls are too dear (贵的).
(1)How old is Gina today?
(2)Gina has friends.
D.only one
(3) is near the school.
A.Their home
B.A factory
C.The shop
D.The farm
(4)They buy for Gina.
A.a big cake
B.two boxes of color pencils
C.a pencil case and some nice exercise books
D.A,B and C
(5)When is Gina's birthday?
B.It's Gina's birthday.
C.November 8th.
D.Sorry,I don't know.
I'm David.Today is December 20th.It's my sister Jane's birthday.
In the morning,my parents take us to Lucky Clothes Store first.There my mother buys a red sweater for Jane and a blue jacket for me.Then we go to Green Bookstore.There I buy an art book for Jane.In another (另一个) store,my father buys a basketball for her.Jane likes playing basketball with my father after school.
In the afternoon,my parents have a birthday party for Jane at home.Jane's friends,Nick and Anna,come to the party.Nick gives Jane a nice pencil box.Anna gives her a dictionary.Jane likes them very much.We play games and eat fruit at the party.We are very happy today.
(1)David is Jane's .
A .father
B .uncle.
C .brother
D .friend
(2)Jane's mother buys her .
A .a red skirt
B .a red sweater
C .a blue jacket
D .a blue T-shirt
(3)Who gives Jane a dictionary?
A .Her father.
B .Her brother.
C .Nick.
D .Anna.
(4)In the afternoon,Jane .
A .plays games
B .buys some fruit
C .goes to a library
D .goes to a bookstore
A .Jane can play basketball.
B .David buys Jane a pencil box.
C .Nick and Anna are Jane's cousins.
D .The birthday party is on December 21st.
Dear Jack,
Thank you for your present for my fifteenth birthday.I play it after class every day.I have three good friends this term.The first one is a nice girl.Her name is Jenny.Her birthday is on October 28th.The second is Alan.He is a fat boy,but he is fun.His birthday is on July 16th.The last one is our English teacher Mr.Smith.He always helps me with my English.His birthday is on December 5th.Teachers' Day is next month.Jenny wants to make a nice card for Mr.Smith.Mr.Smith likes basketball,so Alan wants to buy a basketball for him.How about me?Mr.Smith likes white.I think a white T-shirt is a good present for him.
Yours, Jane
(1)How old is Jane?
(2)Jack may give Jane a for her birthday.
B.soccer ball
D.pencil box
(4)Mr.Smith can get on Teachers' Day.
A.a black T-shirt
B.a card
C.a baseball
D.a ping-pong bat
A.Jenny is a fat girl.
B.Alan's birthday is on July 16th.
C.Mr.Smith is an English teacher.
D.Mr.Smith likes white.
trip thing busy month November art library time game on year in
We have some interesting and fun (1) for you this term.On September 21st,we have a school(2) in the afternoon.
October is a great(3) .On the 15th,we have two ball(4) ,School Day is(5) October 22nd.Your parents can come to our school.Next month,we have an(6) Festival.It 's on November 3rd.We have an English party on(7) 30th.And on December 3rd.we have a book sale in the school(8) .
This is a really(9) term!Have a good(10) !
Diana;Hello,Elena! (1)
Elena:Yes,it is.
Diana:Happy birthday to you!
Elena: (2) I'll have a birthday party at home tonight.Would you like to come?
Diana: (3) I want to give you a present. (4)
Elena:Yes,I do.But my mother buys a white T-shirt for me.
Diana: (5)
Elena:Great.I love cakes.
There (1) (be) many festivals at our school.This month is October,there is a (2) festival.We have the volleyball game and the basketball game during(在……期间) the festival.
On October 15th,there is (3) English festival.(4) that day we have an English speech (演讲比赛).On October (5) (twenty),we have a school trip.We go to Beijing (6) the teachers.On the last day (7) this month,there is a music festival.On that day we can enjoy (8) (beauty) music.It's really wonderful.Next month,there is an art festival.Students often display(展示) (9) (they) pictures in December.
Have a good (10) .
1.What is your friends name?
2.What does your friend like to do?
3.What activity do you have in your school?
4.When is the activity?



