2023年外研三起版四年上册英语 Module6 阅读培优检测卷(含答案)

2023年外研三起版四年上册英语 Module6 阅读培优检测卷
Lingling: Welcome(欢迎) to my home.
Amy: Happy birthday, Lingling.
Lingling: Thank you. Do you want some drinks
Amy: Yes. I want some orange juice.
Lingling: Here you are.
Amy: Thank you. Can I have some sweets
Lingling: Yes, of course.
Amy: They’ re nice. Oh, what’s that
Lingling: It’s a picture book. My sister gives it to me.
Amy: Can I have a look
Lingling: Yes. You can read it here.
( )1.It is Lingling’s birthday.
( )2.Amy wants some apple juice.
( )3.Amy doesn’t like sweets.
( )4.Lingling has a picture book from her sister.
Sam: Mum, I’m hungry. Can I have some bread
Mum: Sorry, you can’t.
Sam: Can I have some sweets
Mum: Sorry, you can’t. We haven’t got any sweets.
Sam: But Mum, I’m very hungry.
Mum: You can have some soup.
( )1.Sam is very hungry.
( )2.Sam can have some bread.
( )3.They have got some sweets.
( )4.Sam can’t have any sweets.
( )5.Sam can have some soup.
Lingling: Mum, I’m hungry.
Mum: Do you want some rice
Lingling: No, thanks. Can I have some sweets
Mum: Sorry, you can’t.
Lingling: Can I have some bread
Mum: Yes, you can. And you can have some milk.
Lingling: Thank you, Mum.
Today is my birthday. I can have some fruit. I can also have some birthday cake, sweets, soup and juice. Juice with ice is very nice. I like it very much. My friends give me lots of flowers. They’re very beautiful. My mother is making dumplings for me. I like dumplings very much.
( )1.Today is my birthday.
( )2.I like juice with milk.
( )3.My friends give me lots of eggs.
( )4.My mother is making noodles for me.
( )5.I like dumplings very much.
Christmas is an important festival in Western countries. Children are very excited at the festival. Because they can receive(收到)many gifts(礼物). On Christmas Eve, small children always put stockings(长筒袜)at the end of their bed. They think Father Christmas will give gifts in the stockings. Children usually wake up(醒来)early on Christmas morning. Because they want to open the gifts early.
( )1.Christmas is an important festival in ____________countries.
A.Eastern B.Western C.UK
( )2.The children get excited for____________.
A.festival B.countries C.presents
( )3.Small children believe the presents are from____________.
A.their parents B.Father Christmas C.bed
( )4.On Christmas Eve,they hang stockings____________.
A.on the desk B.under the bed C.at the end of their bed
( )5.Children usually wake up early on____________.
A.Christmas Eve B.the night C.Christmas morning
Mary: Mum, I’m hungry. Can I have some peanuts
Mum: Sorry, you can’t.
Mary: Can I have some bananas
Mum: Sorry, you can’t.
Mary: Can I have some sweets
Mum: Sorry, you can’t.
Mary: But I’m very hungry. What can I have
Mum: You can have some soup, some meat, some fish and a big birthday cake.
Mary: A big birthday cake
Mum: Yes. Happy birthday to you!
Mary: Ha, thank you, Mum.
( )1.
( )2.
( )3.
( )4.
Lingling: Dad, I’m hungry. Can I have an apple
Dad: Sorry, you can’t.
Lingling: Can I have some biscuits
Dad: Sorry you can’t.
Lingling: But Dad, I’m very hungry.
Dad: OK! Come here.
Dad & Mum: Happy birthday, Lingling. Now you can have some cake and vegetables.
Lingling: Thank you!
( )1.Lingling is hungry.
( )2.Lingling wants to have an apple.
( )3.Dad wants Lingling to have some biscuits.
( )4.Today is Lingling’s birthday.
( )5.Lingling can have some cake and vegetables.
Hi! I’m Mary. Today is my birthday. I’m ten now. Look! There is a big cake on the table. There are some sweets, biscuits(饼), peanuts (花生)and fruit on it, too. My mother makes the big cake for me. Helen and Dick are here. Helen gives me a book. It’s about animals. Dick gives me a kite. It’s very beautiful. We are going to(将要)eat the nice food. I am very happy.
( )1.Mary is 11.
( )2.Today is Mary’s birthday.
( )3.Her father makes the big cake.
( )4.Helen gives Mary a book about animals.
( )5.Dick gives Mary a beautiful kite.
Mr. Li is our English teacher. His home is near the school. Sometimes we go to his house. He has two sons. They are only five years old. They look like their father. They often wear the same clothes. We love to see them and play with them. Mr. Li calls them Dabao and Xiaobao.
( )1.Mr. Li is the father of ________.
A.the two girls B.the twins C.us and the two boys D.us
( )2.Mr. Li’s home is ________.
A.in the school B.near the school
C.far away from the school D.I don’t know
( )3.The twins are ________ years old.
A.ten B.four C.five D.six
( )4.The twins often wear ________.
A.the same clothes B.the blue shirts
C.the same shirts D.the green clothes
( )5.The twins often play with ________.
A.their students B.their sister C.Mr. Li’s students D.Mr. Li
Lingling: Mum, I'm hungry. Can I have some soup
Mum: Sorry, you can't.
Lingling: But I'm hungry. Can I have some sweets, please
Mum: Sorry, you can't.
Lingling: Can I have some bread
Mum: Sorry, you can't.
Lingling: But Mum, I'm very hungry. Can I have some milk
Mum: Sorry, you can't. Come here. Now you can have some cake.
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