Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. Section A 分课时同步练习(含答案)

Unit 9 My favourite subject is science
Section A第一课时同步练习(附答案)
1. The _________ book is very interesting.
2. My favorite subject is _______.
3.―Who is your________ teacher
—Mr. Lin is.
4. Joe doesn't like _______,right
5.I think _____________ is so difficult.
1. ——你最喜欢的科目是什么?
—What’s your
—My is art.
2. ——你为什么喜欢科学?
— do you like
— it’s interesting.
3. ——今天过得怎么样?
— your day
— OK.
4. 我喜欢星期一,因为我上体育课和历史课。
I like because I have P.E. and .
5. ——谁是你们的英语老师?
— your teacher
—Mr. Hu.
Look! This girl is Nancy. She is thirteen years old. She is from Canada. Now she is a student in Shanghai No.1 Junior High School. Her dad is an English teacher in the same school. His name is Eric Smith. His telephone number is 15523728907. He is 40. He is a good teacher. He can speak Chinese(中文), but Nancy can’t. At school, Nancy has two friends. They are Zhang Dan and Liu Yang. All (全部) of them are in the same class. Zhang Dan and Liu Yang can help Nancy with Chinese.
( ) 1.Nancy is in _________now.
A. Canada B. China C. America D. Japan
( ) 2. Eric Smith is Nancy’s__________.
A. teacher B. friend C. dad D. mom
( ) 3.________ telephone number is 15523728907.
A. Nancy’s B. Mr. Smith’s C. Zhang Dan’s D. Liu Yang’s
( ) 4. Which of the following is TRUE (下列哪一个是正确的?)
A. Eric is a Chinese teacher.
B. Nancy can speak Chinese.
C. Eric, Zhang Dan and Liu Yang are friends.
D. Nancy, Zhang Dan and Liu Yang are in the same class.
( ) 5. What is the passage mainly(主要地) about
A. Nancy’s English teacher. B. Nancy’s family.
C. Nancy’s mom. D. Nancy’s dad and her friends.
Unit 9 My favourite subject is science
Section A第二课时同步练习(附答案)
( ) 1.—______is that old man?
—He is my grandpa.
A. Who B. How C. What D. Where
( ) 2. I can’t go to Linda’s birthday party in the evening, _______I have to do my homework.
A. but B. so C. or D. because
( ) 3. Today I have four classes, and the class is geography.
A. one B. second C. three D. fifth
( ) 4.—Why don’t you like English
—Because it’s _________.
A. interesting B. fun C. exciting D. difficult
( ) 5.—What do you like
—I like English.
A. movie B. month C. subject D. sport
( )1.I like ______ art.I think it's_______ interesting subject.
A. an;an B./;/ C./;an
( )2.―What's________ favorite subject
—________ favorite subject is English.
A. Linda;She B. Linda's;Her
C. Linda's;She
( )3.―What's your sister's favorite __ —Purple.
A. sport B. food C. color
( )4. Bill and Ann's favorite subject _______P.E.
A. are B. is C. am
( )5.I like salad,and banana salad is my ___.
A. favorite B. fruit C. vegetable
1. ―What's ________ favorite sport
2. We have seven _______ at school this term.
3. Blue and white _________my favorite colors.
4.―What's his_________ fruit
5. Our __________ teacher is Mr. Wang. He's thirty years old.
一Why do you like Friday Unit 9 Words
一_____ _____ _____ _____is Saturday.
_____ ______ subject is P.E.
_____ is your _______P.E. teacher
She always _____ games _______ us.
I like _____,________ it's_____________.
A:Hi,Sally. How's your day
B:It's OK. Today is Tuesday.I have a music class.
A:1. _____________________
B:My favorite subject is music. What about you
A:I like P.E. best.2.______________________
B:Because it's relaxing.
A:3. _________________________
B:Mrs. Liu. She always teaches us nice songs.
A:That's great.4._______________________
B:No, I don't like math.I think it's difficult for me.
A:5._____________________.I don't like it,either(也).
Unit 9 My favourite subject is science
Section A第三课时同步练习(附答案)
1.—       are her trousers
—They are on the bed.
2.—       is her family name
—It’s Smith.
3.—       is the pen
—It’s orange.
4.—       is your mother
—She is fine, thanks.
5.—       is your brother
—He is 15.
6.—       is your brother’s sweater
—It’s 50 dollars.
7.—       is your sister’s birthday
—It’s on January 1st.
8.—       is your English teacher
—Mr. Read.
9.—       apples do you want
—I want three apples.
10.—       does she like Chinese
—Because she thinks it is relaxing.
(  )11.—     is her favorite subject
—Her favorite subject is art.
A.Why B.When C.Who D.What
(  )12.—     do you go to work every day
—By bike.
A.What B.Who C.How D.When
(  )13.—     is his birthday
—It’s on July 7th.
A.How long B.What
C.When D.How
(  )14.—     does Lucy like math
—Because she thinks it is interesting.
A.When B.Why C.What D.How
15.—W     do you like music
—Because it’s really fun.
16.Tom’s C     name is Zhang Qiang.
17.I like F     because the next day is Saturday.
18.We don’t have classes on Saturday and S    .
19.I like Monday b     I can see my friends again at school.
20.My favorite s     are history and math.
         and music are my         .
         your         teacher
         your brother         to have  
24.“你们什么时候上地理课 ”“星期一和星期五。”
—When is your         
—It’s         Monday and         .
Hi, I’m Alice. I’m a middle school student. I get up  26  7 o’clock and have breakfast at 7:15 a.m. For breakfast, I always have  27  egg and some bread. I don’t like milk. But my mother thinks it’s good for my health.
 28  breakfast, I go to school. I  29  five subjects this term. My favorite subject is math. It’s  30 . I also like music  31  it’s relaxing. And my music teacher is very nice. I  32  history. It’s too boring.
School  33  over at 4:30 p. m. After school, I play basketball  34  my friends. I have 5 basketballs. They’re from  35  father. I play basketball for an hour and then go home.
(  )26.A.at B.in C.on D.for
(  )27.A.a B.an C.the D./
(  )28.A.Before B.After C.For D.At
(  )29.A.have B.has C.having D.to have
(  )30.A.interest B.interests C.interested D.interesting
(  )31.A.then B.but C.so D.because
(  )32.A.like B.likes C.don’t like D.doesn’t like
(  )33.A.are B.is C.am D.be
(  )34.A.with B.after C.to D.in
(  )35.A.my B.me C.I D.myself
Ⅵ. 阅读理解
Dear Jenny,
How are you I go to school five days a week. I have seven subjects—math, English, Chinese, art, history, P. E. and music. I have six classes a day—four in the morning and two in the afternoon. My favorite subject is math. It is very interesting. My math teacher, Mr. Wang, is very kind. He always helps me. He tells(告诉) me some good ways to do the exercises(练习题). I like art, too. I think it is relaxing. I don’t like music. I can’t sing well.
I am very busy at school, but I like my school life(生活). How about you E-mail me at mary@. I want to know your school life and favorite subject.
(  )36.Mary has     classes a day.
A.two B.four C.six D.eight
(  )37.What does Mary think of art
A.Interesting. B.Boring. C.Difficult. D.Relaxing.
(  )38.Which of the following is NOT true
A.Mary goes to school five days a week.
B.Mary’s favorite subject is Chinese.
C.Mr. Wang is Mary’s math teacher.
D.Mary doesn’t like music.
Unit 9 My favourite subject is science
Section A第一课时同步练习(附答案)
1. science
2. music
4. history
1. favorite subject; favorite subject 2. Why; science; Because 3. How’s; It’s 4. Monday; history 5. Who’s; English
1. B 根据文中句子“Now she is a student in Shanghai No.1 Junior High School.”可知现在她在上海,故选B。
2. C 根据文中句子“Her dad is an English teacher in the same school. His name is Eric Smith.”可知Eric Smith是Nancy的爸爸。
3. B 根据文中句子“His name is Eric Smith. His telephone number is 15523728907.”可知这是史密斯先生的电话号码。
4. D 根据文中句子“At school, Nancy has two friends. They are Zhang Dan and Liu Yang. All (全部)of them are in the same class.”可知她们三人在同一个班。 D项表述正确。
5. D 纵观全文,短文的前半部分介绍的是Nancy的爸爸,后半部分介绍的是Nancy的朋友。故选D。
Section A第二课时同步练习(附答案)
1.A 句意:——那个老人是谁?——他是我爷爷。根据“He is my grandpa.”可知,对人提问用Who。故选A。
2.D 句意:我晚上不能去参加琳达的生日派对,因为我必须写作业。根据题干可知“我”晚上不能去参加琳达的生日派对是因为“我”必须写作业,前后是因果关系且是前果后因,应用because引导原因状语从句。故选D。
3.B 考查数词。the+序数词表示顺序。总共有四节课,故只能选 B,不能选D。
4.D A项“有趣的”;B项“好玩的”;C项“令人兴奋的”;D项“困难的”。由句意可知不喜欢英语是因为英语太难了,故选D。
5.C 根据答语可知问句是问对方喜欢什么学科,用句型“What subject do you like ”。故选C。二、单项填空。
4. B
5.A. favorite
2. subjects
3. are
4. favorite
5. Chinese
1.Because the next day
2. Tom's favorite
3. Who sister's
4. plays with
5.because interesting
1. What's your favorite subject
2. Why do you like music
3. Who is your music teacher
4.Do you like math
5. That's for sure/You're right
Section A第三课时同步练习(附答案)
Ⅰ.1.Where 2.What 3.What color
4.How 5.How old 6.How much
7.When 8.Who 9.How many 10.Why
Ⅱ.11—14 DCCB
Ⅲ.15.Why 16.Chinese 17.Friday
18.Sunday 19.because 20.subjects
Ⅳ.21.Math; favorite subjects
22.Who’s; science 
23.What class does; like
24.geography class; on; Friday
25.How is your day
Ⅴ.26.A 句意:我在早上7点钟起床, 7点15分吃早饭。at后接具体时刻;in后接世纪、年、月份、季节等或早晨、下午和晚上;on常用来表示“在某天或星期几”或某一天的早晨、下午和晚上;for后接时间段。根据空后的“7 o’clock”可知是具体的时刻。故选A。
27.B 句意:早饭我总是吃一个鸡蛋和一些面包。根据句意可知,此处是泛指,用不定冠词;空后的egg以元音音素开头,所以用an。故选B。
28.B 句意:吃完早饭, 我去上学。before意为“在……之前”;after意为“在……之后”;for意为“为了, 对于”;at意为“在”。根据句意及空后的breakfast可知,是说早饭后去上学。故选B。
29.A 句意:这学期我有五门课。本句主语是I,后面用动词原形have。故选A。
30.D 句意:我最喜欢的科目是数学。它很有趣。interest意为“兴趣;使感兴趣”;interested意为“感兴趣的”, 一般形容人; interesting意为“有趣的”, 一般形容物。主语是物,所以用interesting。故选D。
31.D 句意:我也喜欢音乐,因为它令人放松。then意为“然后”;but意为“但是”;so意为“所以”;because意为“因为”。空前的“I also like music”与空后的“it’s relaxing”是因果关系,空后表示原因,所以用because。故选D。
32.C 句意:我不喜欢历史, 它很无聊。根据空后的“It’s too boring.”可知它很无聊,所以空处表示“不喜欢”;主语是I,所以应该用don’t like。故选C。
33.B 句意:下午4点半放学。主语是school,是第三人称单数,系动词用is。故选B。
34.A 句意:放学后我和我的朋友们打篮球。with意为“和”;after意为“在……之后”;to意为“到, 及”;in意为“在……里面”。根据空后的“my friends”可知,是表达“和朋友们打篮球”, 应该用介词with。故选A。
35.A 句意:我有5个篮球。它们是我父亲送的。根据空后的father可知,是表达“我的父亲”, 形容词性物主代词后面接名词。故选A。
Ⅵ.36.C 细节理解题。根据“I have six classes a day—four in the morning and two in the afternoon.” 可知,Mary一天上六节课,四节在上午,两节在下午。故选C。
37.D 细节理解题。根据“I like art, too. I think it is relaxing.”可知选D。
38.B 细节理解题。根据“I go to school five days a week.”可知,Mary一周上学五天,选项A正确;根据“My favorite subject is math.”可知,Mary最喜欢的科目是数学,选项B错误;根据“My math teacher, Mr. Wang, is very kind.”可知,Mary的数学老师是王老师,选项C正确;根据“I don’t like music.”可知,Mary不喜欢音乐,选项D正确。故选B。




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