
1.(2023·湖北孝感·统考三模)Outdoor activities can ________ make kids stronger ________ help them get more knowledge.
A.either…or B.not only…but also C.neither…nor D.not…but
考查连词辨析。either…or要么……要么……;not only…but also不仅……而且……;neither…nor既不……也不……;not…but不是……但是……。根据“Outdoor activities can…make kids stronger…help them get more knowledge.”可知,此处指的是“不仅能让孩子们变得更强壮,还能帮助他们获得更多的知识”。故选B。
2.(2023·重庆沙坪坝·重庆南开中学校考二模)—David asked ________ in China.
—I am afraid not. Chinese usually shake hands with a lady as a greeting.
A.why he could greet a lady by kissing her B.why could be greet a lady by kissing her
C.whether could he greet a lady by kissing her D.whether he could greet a lady by kissing her
考查情景交际和宾语从句。根据“I am afraid not.”可知,此空问的是“是否”不是“为什么”,所以排除A选项和B选项;根据宾语从句语序要求为陈述句语序,即“whether+主语+谓语”,C选项不符合,故选D。
3.(2023·辽宁朝阳·校联考二模)Rome is an ancient city ________ full of places of interest.
A.where is B.which is C.which are D.that are
4.(2022·天津红桥·统考模拟预测)The shops were closed ________ I couldn’t buy anything.
A.so B.but C.so that D.after
考查连词辨析。so因此;but但是;so that以便;after在……之后。根据“The shops were closed …I couldn’t buy anything.”可知,此处表因果关系,空后为结果,使用so。故选A。
5.(2023·江苏宿迁·统考二模)Mr Wang often encourages us ________ close to nature and enjoy its beauty.
A.get B.getting C.to get D.gets
考查动词不定式作宾语补足语。encourage sb to do“鼓励某人做某事”,动词不定式在此处作宾语补足语。故选C。
6.(2023·江西吉安·统考一模)—Road safety is very important to teenagers.
—Yes. I think more rules about it ________ in the future.
A.have made B.should be made C.are made D.were made
考查情态动词的被动语态。主语是“rules”,与谓语动词“make”之间是被动关系,因此用被动语态,排除A、C选项;句子的时间状语为“in the future”,因此排除D选项一般过去时。故选B。
7.(2023·安徽合肥·合肥38中校考三模)—My God! I’m nearly lost in Hefei.
—Yeah. The city ________ a lot.
A.changed B.is changing C.has changed D.will change
【详解】句意:—— 我的天啊!我在合肥差点迷路。—— 是的。这个城市变化很大。
考查现在完成时。根据“I’m nearly lost in Hefei”(我在合肥差点迷路。)可知过去发生的动作“变化”对现在造成的影响是“差点迷路”,需用现在完成时。故选C。
8.(2023·甘肃定西·校考模拟预测)—How is your grandmother
—She _______ three years ago. She ________ for three years.
A.died; has been dead B.had died; has been dead
C.has died; had died D.died; died
考查动词时态及延续性动词。根据“three years ago”可知,“She...three years ago.”的时态为一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式died,排除B、C选项;由“for three years”可知,“She...for three years.”用现在完成时,且需用延续性动词,die为非延续性动词,对应的延续性动词为be dead,此空应是has been dead。故选A。
9.(2023·江苏徐州·校考二模)—I haven’t seen your father for a long time.
—He ________ Shanghai on business, and he will be back in three weeks.
A.went to B.has gone to C.goes to D.has been to
考查现在完成时。 went to去了,是一般过去时;has gone to去了某地(未返回);goes to去了,是一般现在时;has been to去过某地(已返回)。根据“I haven’t seen your father for a long time.”和语境可知父亲去了上海出差,句子用现在完成时;再根据“he will be back in three weeks”可知去上海出差了,还没有回来,应用has gone to。故选B。
10.(2023·江苏淮安·校考一模)—I wonder if John ________ next year’s talent show.
—I have no idea. But I think if he ________ his class project, he will.
A.joins; finishes B.joins in; will finish
C.takes part in; finishes D.will take part in; finishes
考查动词时态。“if John ... next year’s talent show”是if引导的宾语从句,主句是一般现在时,从句用所需的任一时态,由“next year’s”可知,从句是一般将来时,且参加表演用take part in,所以第一空填will take part in;“if he ... his class project”是if引导的条件状语从句,符合“主将从现”时态规则,从句用一般现在时,所以第二空填finishes。故选D。
11.(2023·江苏宿迁·校联考一模)—Steve, did you try Beijing Duck during your visit to Beijing
—Sure. ________ delicious food!
A.What a B.How a C.What D.How
12.(2023·江苏淮安·校考一模)—I will not give up my dreams though there are many difficulties.
A.So will I B.Neither will I
C.Neither won’t I D.So won’t I
考查倒装句。“so+谓语(助动词/be动词/情态动词)+主语”意思是“也……”,“neither+谓语(助动词/be动词/情态动词)+主语”,意思是“也不……”,用于说明上文所描述的情况也同样适用于下文的人或物,该结构中谓语动词的选择在形式上要和上文的谓语保持一致,数要由下文的主语来决定。根据“will not”可知,该空表示“我也不会”,用“neither+谓语(助动词/be动词/情态动词)+主语”结构,谓语是will,主语是I。故选B。
13.(2023·重庆沙坪坝·重庆一中校考三模)I have never seen such ________ amazing TV drama like The Knockout(《狂飙》)before.
A.a B.an C.the D./
考查冠词。such a/an adj. n.“一个如此……的……”,amazing以元音音素开头,用不定冠词an。故选B。
14.(2023·河北衡水·校联考二模)Winning in the Olympics is Lucy’s dream. ________ it isn’t easy to make it.
A.As B.But C.Or D.So
考查连词辨析。as因为;but但是;or或者;so因此。根据“Winning in the Olympics is Lucy’s dream.”及“it isn’t easy to make it.”可知前后是转折关系,用but连接,故选B。
15.(2023·江苏镇江·统考一模)The Tomb-Sweeping Day, a traditional Chinese festival, usually falls ________ April 5.
A.on B.at C.in D.by
考查介词辨析。on后接具体到某一天的时间或具体某一天的早晨、下午和晚上;at后接钟点或中午、夜间;in后加没有具体到某一天的时间(世纪、年、季节、月)或者早晨、下午和晚上;by到……之前。根据“April 5”可知,此处指的是具体的某一天,因此应用介词on。 故选A。
16.(2023·四川泸州·统考二模)—Xi’an is a beautiful city with a population of about 13 ________.
—Yes. And every year ________ of tourists visit it.
A.million; million B.millions; million
C.million; millions D.millions; millions
考查数词的特殊用法。million百万,数词;millions数百万。根据“a population of about 13...”和“...of tourists”可知,当million前有具体数字修饰,其后不能加s,排除B和D,当million前无具体数字修饰,且与of连用时,其后要加s,millions of表示“大量的,数以百万计的”。故选C。
17.(2023·江苏镇江·统考一模)After a busy day, ________ is better than enjoying dinner with all my family members.
A.nothing B.anything C.something D.everything
18.(2023·重庆沙坪坝·重庆南开中学校考二模)There will be a ________ music festival next week in Happy Valley where we can enjoy music and fun rides.
A.3 days B.3-day C.3-days D.3 day’s
考查复合形容词的用法。3 days三天;3-day三天的,复合形容词;3-days错误表达;3 day’s错误表达。根据“music festival”可知,此处是复合形容词3-day修饰名词短语music festival,故选B。
19.(2023·甘肃定西·统考模拟预测)You’d better ________ your hands before meals.
A.to wash B.wash C.not wash D.washing
考查情态动词。had better是情态动词,后接动词原形,had better do sth“最好做某事”,故选B。
20.(2023·新疆乌鲁木齐·乌市一中校考模拟预测)—How far is it from your home to school
—It’s about ________ from my home to school.
A.15 minutes walk B.15 minute’s walk
C.15 minutes’ walk D.15-minute-walk
考查名词所有格。15 minutes表示“15分钟”。表示15分钟的步行,在minutes后面加’,15 minutes’ walk表示15分钟的步行。故选C。
In the long-lasting history of China, eating has always been a very important part of people’s life and culture. Just as one old Chinese saying goes, food is the most basic 21 of people. Recently, the special local barbecue(烧烤)in zibo, Shandong has gained much popularity after all the eye-catching videos about it.
Barbecue is not new to Chinese people. 22 , with the special taste and ways of eating, Zibo barbecue still fights its way out and becomes 23 shining star in our food culture. People from all parts of China flock(蜂拥)to the city just to try the delicious dishes. According to the CYN, Zibo has received more than 4.8 million tourists 24 the past 2 months, with nearly 200, 000 during the May Day holiday alone. It’s said that people need to line up for every restaurant 25 they are all very crowded at dinner time. So, arrive a little earlier, or you may end up eating nothing!
The success of Zibo barbecue is not just accidental. The city has been taking follow-up actions to keep the popularity going. “The barbecue is bringing more and more people to our city, so the government 26 many ways to have some improvements.” said Sun Xiaorong, a member of the Department of Tourism. Soon after it got popular in March, the city set special trains and buses to take the tourists directly to the restaurants. To 27 the tourists on May Day, the government built a square that is 28 enough for more than 10 thousand people to eat barbecue at the same time. Local people in Zibo has also been very hospitable(好客的). They try their best to make the tourists feel welcomed. Some volunteer to be the guides, and some 29 let the tourists stay in their house for free.
Food and warmth never fail to attract people, and Zibo city is such a great example for this. Since the summer vacation is just-around the corner, why not try the Zibo barbecue and let 30 become the delicious start of your graduation trip
21.A.need B.decision C.service D.question
22.A.Instead B.However C.Firstly D.Besides
23.A.the other B.others C.other D.another
24.A.by B.at C.over D.on
25.A.although B.because C.so D.before
26.A.turned up B.thought up C.gave up D.sent up
27.A.welcome B.enjoy C.choose D.protect
28.A.small B.short C.big D.long
29.A.never B.yet C.even D.only
30.A.them B.you C.him D.it
21.A 22.B 23.D 24.C 25.B 26.B 27.A 28.C 29.C 30.D
need需要;decision决定;service服务;question问题。根据“food is the most basic”可知食物是基本需求。故选A。
the other两者中的另一个;others其他人或物;other其他的;another多者中的另一个。此处指“又一颗明星”,表示多者中的另一个用another。故选D。
by通过;at在;over在上方;on在上面。over the past 2 months“在过去的两个月里”。故选C。
turned up调大声音;thought up想出;gave up放弃;sent up取笑。根据“many ways”可知是想出了很多方法。故选B。
welcome欢迎;enjoy享受;choose选择;protect保护。根据“the tourists on May Day”可知是为了迎接游客。故选A。
small小的;short短的;big大的;long长的。根据“enough for more than 10 thousand people to eat barbecue”可知广场要足够大,足够一万多人同时吃烧烤。故选C。
never从不;yet还;even甚至;only仅仅。根据“let the tourists stay in their house for free.”可知当地人甚至让游客免费住家里。故选C。
them他们;you你;him他;it它。根据“why not try the Zibo barbecue”可知此处指淄博烧烤,用代词it。故选D。
(2023·重庆沙坪坝·重庆一中校考三模)Recently, David, a professor at Harvard Theological Seminary shared and explained his ideas on Chinese faith(信仰) and belief in a speech. After Professor David’s video of the speech was posted on social networking sites, it got a heated discussion among people abroad, which also reminded us Chinese to be proud of our culture, and pass the great spirits on. This is part of his speech.
Chinese themselves may not know they have this kind of national spirits, which help to make them stand up till now and lead them to a better future. In American myths(神话), fire is given by God. In Greek myths, fire is stolen by Prometheus but in Chinese myths, fire is made by them. This is the difference. They use such stories like Drilling Wood for Fire to warn future generations to fight against nature! When facing flood, we hid ourselves in the Ark of Noah, but in the stories of the Chinese, their ancestors got over the difficulties and beat the flood back in the story of Dayu and the Flood. See, it is still a struggle(奋斗), a struggle against disasters! If you read Chinese myths, you will find them quite unbelievable. In Chinese culture shown in the stories, you will find that there is only one word-struggle! If there is a mountain in front of your door, do you choose to move the house or dig a tunnel It is clear that moving the house is the best choice. However, in the Chinese story Yu Gong Moves the Mountain, they moved the mountain away! Chinese ancestors used such stories to tell future generations: you can lose, but you can’t give in. Unluckily, our myths tell people to listen to God’s ideas.
These myths, which we Chinese have heard from childhood and passed on to the next generation, are more than just stories. In fact, the speech from David reminds all that it is important for us Chinese to learn about the national spirits and the faith. We dare to fight, are not afraid of losing, and will not accept failure easily.
31.The professor David mainly develops his idea in the speech by _______.
A.raising questions B.explaining reasons
C.giving examples D.listing numbers
32.The story ________ CAN’T express the Chinese faith and belief-struggling and daring to fight.
A.Wolves Are Coming B.Houyi Shoots the Suns
C.The Bird Jingwei Fills Up the Sea D.Kuafu Runs after the Sun
33.According to the passage we can infer that ________.
A.all the Chinese myths are better than those in other countries
B.the national spirits of China are worth learning and keeping
C.Chinese ancestors used the myths to record their life
D.the myths in other countries have nothing to do with struggling
34.The best title for this passage may be ________.
A.Fight for Our Country
B.Learn about Chinese Heroes
C.The Reminder of Chinese Faith
D.Different Myths and Faith in the World
【答案】31.C 32.A 33.B 34.A
31.细节理解题。根据大卫教授演讲稿“They use such stories like Drilling Wood for Fire to warn...their ancestors got over the difficulties and beat the flood back in the story of Dayu and the Flood...in the Chinese story Yu Gong Moves the Mountain...”可知,作者列举了《钻木取火》《大禹治水》和《愚公移山》的故事。故选C。
32.推理判断题。Wolves Are Coming《狼来了》;Houyi Shoots the Suns《后羿射日》;The Bird Jingwei Fills Up the Sea《精卫填海》;Kuafu Runs after the Sun《夸父逐日》。《狼来了》告诉我们做人要诚实,其他三个故事都表达了中国人奋斗、敢于斗争的信念和信念。故选A。
33.推理判断题。根据“...which also reminded us Chinese to be proud of our culture, and pass the great spirits on.”和“...which help to make them stand up till now and lead them to a better future.”可知,这提醒我们中国人要为自己的文化感到骄傲,并将伟大的精神传承下去;这样的民族精神帮助中国人站起来,并带领他们走向更美好的未来。由此推知,中国的民族精神值得学习和保持。故选B。
(2023·河北衡水·校联考三模)Jacky feels different these days. He isn’t as playful as usual and doesn’t like to talk much. Some of us may feel like Jacky sometimes. When unexpected things happen, we can feel like this. There are also some other things that can put us in bad moods. Here are some examples. We might feel bad if we’re not getting along well with our friends, or if we do poorly on an exam. Having bad moods too often can affect our mental (心理的) health. The 4 habits below can harm our mental health.
Sleep too little
A lack of sleep can make us feel bad.
Lack of exercise
For the best result, try to do no less than 30 minutes of exercise three to five times a week.
Bad diets
Studies have shown that eating cakes and bread in large quantities, and low amounts of fruit and vegetables will increase the risk of depression (沮丧) and mood disorders.
Being inside all day
Spending the most of our day indoors can increase our risk for depression.
Don’t be afraid of having bad moods. The tips below can help us overcome them.
·Accept our moods
No one can be happy all the time. Our friends and parents can also have bad moods sometimes. Bad moods are normal. Accept this first and then we can find ways to deal with them.
·Let our bad feelings out
When we feel unhappy or upset, don’t hide our feelings or pretend nothing is wrong. We can find a comfortable way to let them out.
·We can talk to our parents or friends.
·We can write about our feelings in our diary.
·We can read our favorite books.
·We can play sports or do some other kinds of activities.
·Set a new goal
Messing up (搞砸) something can put us in a bad mood, too. But we can just try harder next time. For example:
·We didn’t win a soccer game. Try to score a goal next time.
·We didn’t do well on an exam. Try to get five more points next time.
·We had an argument with our friend. Next time, try to talk to him or her in a nice way.
·Remember that bad things will end
No matter what makes us feel bad, it will end at last. Remembering this will help us feel better.
35.What can affect our mental health
A.Feeling different sometimes. B.Doing well on exams.
C.Getting along well with our friends. D.Having bad moods too often.
36.For the best result, we should exercise ________.
A.at least 30 minutes three to five times a week B.no more than 30 minutes three to four times a week
C.no less than 30 minutes twice a week D.at least 30 minutes twice a week
37.How many examples does the writer give on messing up something
A.Three. B.Four. C.Seven. D.Eight.
38.What does the passage mainly talk about
A.How to be different. B.How to exercise.
C.How to get rid of bad moods. D.How to get rid of bad diets.
39.If Jacky reads about the article, what will he probably do to make himself playful again
A.He will probably have a talk with his parents.
B.He will probably argue with his friend.
C.He will probably remember his bad feelings.
D.He will probably mess up something.
【答案】35.D 36.A 37.A 38.C 39.A
35.细节理解题。根据第一段“Having bad moods too often can affect our mental (心理) health.”可知,经常有坏情绪会影响心理健康。故选D。
36.细节理解题。根据“For the best result, try to do no less than 30 minutes of exercise three to five times a week.”可知,每周要锻炼三到五次,每次至少30分钟。故选A。
37.细节理解题。根据“For example... in a nice way.”可知一共举了三个例子。故选A。
38.主旨大意题。文章前面主要讲了坏情绪对我们生理健康的影响,再根据“When we feel unhappy or upset, don’t hide our feelings or pretend nothing is wrong. We can find a comfortable way to let them out.”可知,文章主要讲述如何摆脱坏情绪。故选C。
39.推理判断题。根据“We can talk to our parents or friends.”可知,Jack会和父母聊天。故选A。
(2023·江苏镇江·统考一模)Every morning at dog parks, you can find many people sitting and chatting with one another as their dogs run and chase each other around. Dog parks have become quite hot since 2009.
Dog parks sound like a good idea. According to a survey, 91 percent of Americans believe dog parks give dogs safe places to exercise. These parks, they say, also allow dogs to socialize(交际). However, are dog parks as good for dogs as people think Many dog experts(专家), including myself, have a different voice to offer.
To start with, “dog socialization” isn’t just dogs “socializing” with other dogs. Instead, it is the process of puppies(小狗) under 20 weeks going through new experiences. This process helps them to have more confidence. Dog parks are not safe places to “socialize” a young dog. An energetic, noisy greeter at the park may be enough to cause it to be afraid of everything. A park setting also allows dogs to pick up bad habits from one another.
Yet one of the biggest dangers of dog parks is that most dogs there don’t receive vaccines(疫苗). Some dog parks look clean, but it is still easy for dogs to spread diseases to each other. Moreover, dog parks often allow large and small dogs to be together. Sometimes, a large dog may easily hurt a smaller one seriously.
To conclude, it is far safer and more fun for your dog to keep away from dog parks and spend that time with you. You can also take your puppy to puppy classes. They are much better places for dogs to socialize than dog parks. There, your dog can meet playmates of similar ages.
40.What does the underlined word it refer to in Paragraph 3
A.A noisy dog. B.A young dog. C.An energetic dog. D.A sick dog.
41.What does Paragraph 4 mainly tell us
A.The rules of the dog parks. B.The risks of the dog parks.
C.The safety tips from the dog parks. D.The new experiences in the dog parks.
42.The purpose of this passage is to ________.
A.expect dog parks to have a stronger and better management
B.call on dog parks to offer different classes to different dogs
C.encourage more dog owners to take their dogs to dog parks
D.advise dog owners to find other ways to help dogs socialize
【答案】40.B 41.B 42.D
40.词义猜测题。根据第三段“ Dog parks are not safe places to“socialize”a young dog. An energetic, noisy greeter at the park may be enough to cause it to be afraid of everything. ”可知,狗狗公园不是让小狗“社交”的安全场所,公园里一个充满活力、吵闹的迎宾员可能会让它害怕一切。此处it指代的是前句提到的young dog。故选B。
41.主旨大意题。根据第四段“Yet one of the biggest dangers of dog parks is that most dogs there don’t receive vaccines”可知,然而狗狗公园最大的危险是大部分狗都没有接种疫苗。选项B“狗公园的风险”符合段落大意。故选B。
42.推理判断题。根据最后一段“To conclude, it is far safer and more fun...similar ages.”可知,总而言之,远离狗狗公园,和你在一起对你的狗来说是更安全更有趣的,你可以带它去小狗班,在那里你的狗可能会遇到年龄相仿的玩伴。所以作者不建议主人带狗去狗公园,而是建议他们用其他方法帮助狗狗社交。选项D表述符合写作目的。故选D。
(江苏盐城·模拟预测)Find and keep your friendship
  Every one of us,rich or poor,should at least have one or two good friends. Your friends will listen to you when you speak,will take care of you when you are sick,and will be together with you in your journey through life.
Everyone needs friends. Friendship can make us happier. How can we find a good friend and get on well with each other Here is some advice.
★Make friends with a person who is easy to get along with.
★You should make friends with a person who has something in common with you.
★Give your friend a hand when he or she is in trouble. Friends should always be ready to help each other.
★Believe in each other. This is the most important thing in a friendship.
★Even the best friends may have a quarrel sometimes. If this happens,don’t let your quarrel last too long. Try to make up with your friends soon.
  Friendship is a kind of treasure in our life. It is like a bottle of wine,the longer it is kept,the better it will be.
43.Rich people don’t need friends.
44.If your friends are in trouble,you should help them.
45.Make friends with people who are not difficult to get along with.
46.Don’t believe in your friends.
47.Best friends don’t have a quarrel.
【答案】43.F 44.T 45.T 46.F 47.F
43.细节理解题。本句是说富人不需要朋友。根据Every one of us,rich or poor,should at least have one or two good friends.描述,可知无论穷富都需要朋友。故本句描述错误.
44.细节理解题。本句是说如果你的朋友有麻烦,你应该帮助他们。根据Give your friend a hand when he or she is in trouble. 可知本句描述正确。
45.细节理解题。本句是说和不太难相处的人交朋友。根据Make friends with a person who is easy to get along with. 可知本句描述正确。
46.细节理解题。本句是说不要相信你的朋友。根据Believe in each other.描述,可知作为朋友彼此要相互信任。故本句描述错误。
47.细节理解题。本句是说好朋友不会吵架。根据Even the best friends may have a quarrel sometimes.描述,可知即使好朋友之间也会吵架。故本句描述错误。
A: Hi. Jack! Where are you going
B: 48
A: But we don’t have any lessons on Saturdays. 49
B: Because I’ m going to practice playing football.
A: 50
B: At 10 a.m. We all arrive as early as we can so that we have time to warm up.
A: How about your training
B: We’re training harder than usual, and we want to do better.
A: Great! By the way, I hear you’re going to have a big match next week. 51
B: New Stars.
A: It’s also my favorite team. They always try hard to win.
B: Yes. I agree with you. But we’re playing better as a team now.
A: Good luck! 52
B: Thank you very much.
A.What’s the score
B.I’m going to school.
C.I do hope you will win!
D.Why are you going there
E.Who are you going to play against
F.When do you start the practice
G.Will Mr. White come to watch your match
【答案】48.B 49.D 50.F 51.E 52.C
48.根据上句“Where are you going ”可知,对方在询问要去做什么。选项B“我要去上学。”符合情景。故选B。
49.根据下句“Because I’ m going to practice playing football.”可知,此处回答的是原因。选项D“你为什么要去那里?”符合情景。故选D。
50.根据下句“At 10 a.m.”可知,回答的是时间。选项F“你什么时候开始练习?”符合情景。故选F。
51.根据下句“New Stars.”可知,此处回答的是队名。选项E“你们要和谁比赛?”符合情景。故选E。
52.根据下句“Thank you very much.”可知,此处是表达祝愿。选项C“我真心希望你们能赢!”符合情景。故选C。
Seeing changes in China
It was a warm spring day in 2021. Chen Beier, a reporter and TV presenter from Hong Kong, was on her way to a small village called Atule’er. The small village sits at the top of an 800-meter-high cliff(悬崖). People can only get up to it by climbing a 2,556-step steel ladder(钢梯). It is very dangerous.
So, was Chen looking for adventure there The answer is no. The famous presenter was, instead, making a documentary.
In February 2021, China reached an important goal. It got rid of poverty(贫困). Many people couldn’t believe this. After all, China has a large number of poor villages. In order to show the truth to people, Chen set out to make No Poverty Land.
The trip turned out to be hard. When she was halfway up the ladder to Atule’er. For example, Chen felt so tired that she could hardly go any further. She was also afraid of heights. The villagers advised her to stop the climb, but the woman continued her climb.
This steel ladder, in fact, is only six years old. Before it was built, the villagers had to face even bigger danger and use a rattan(藤条制成的) ladder. The government has also built houses for the villagers at the foot of the mountain. Through No Poverty Land, people can easily see how life in poor areas of China has been improved.
We can do about that: Don’t just tell people about the great changes; show them when you can.
53.Who is Chen Beier
54.Where is the small village Atule’er
55.Why did Chen make the documentary No Poverty Land
56.How did Chen feel about climbing up the ladder
57.Through No Poverty Land, what changes can be seen in Atule’er (Give one example)
【答案】53.She is a reporter and TV presenter from Hong Kong. 54.It sits at the top of an 800-meter-high cliff. 55.In order to show the truth to people. 56.She felt very tired. 57.Life in it has been improved. For example, the government has built houses for the villagers at the foot of the mountain.
53.根据“Chen Beier, a reporter and TV presenter from Hong Kong”可知陈贝尔是香港记者兼电视节目主持人,故填She is a reporter and TV presenter from Hong Kong.
54.根据“The small village sits at the top of an 800-meter-high cliff”可知这个小村庄坐落在800米高的悬崖顶上。故填It sits at the top of an 800-meter-high cliff.
55.根据“In order to show the truth to people, Chen set out to make No Poverty Land.”可知陈要拍纪录片是为了向人们展示真相,故填In order to show the truth to people.
56.根据“When she was halfway up the ladder to Atule’er. For example, Chen felt so tired that she could hardly go any further.”可知陈觉得爬梯子很累,故填She felt very tired.
57.根据“Through No Poverty Land, people can easily see how life in poor areas of China has been improved.”及“The government has also built houses for the villagers at the foot of the mountain.”可知通过《无穷之路》,在阿土勒尔人们可以很容易地看到中国贫困地区的生活得到了改善,例如政府在山脚下为村民建造了房屋,故填Life in it has been improved. For example, the government has built houses for the villagers at the foot of the mountain.
training successful although other younger giving finally tried born success another country’s
How long can a person work for his or her dream The following person can give you the answers.
After being a backup crew member(备份乘组成员)for about 25 years, Chinese astronaut Deng Qingming has 58 achieved his space dream. He carried out his first space mission(任务)with two 59 astronauts on the Shenzhou 15 spaceship.
The name of Deng, 56 years old, was not known to many people until China sent the Shenzhou 13 spaceship in October last year. 60 he was a backup for many years, he still followed his space dream. His story touched many people.
Deng was 61 in a farming family in East China’s Jiangxi Province. He has four 62 brothers and sisters. As a hard-working student, he joined the People’s Liberation Ammy Air Force(中国人民解放军空军)in June 1984. Then he got into a fighter jet regiment(战斗机团)in Jilin Province in November 1987. He became one of our 63 first group of 14 astronauts in 1998.
In the following years, Deng spent almost all of his time 64 . He 65 very hard to take every chance to fly into space. No matter how difficult road to space was, Deng never thought of 66 up.
“Be it a crew member or a backup, it is the job. And the 67 of the mission comes before my personal wishes,” Deng once said.
58.finally 59.other 60.Although 61.born 62.younger 63.country’s 64.training 65.tried 66.giving 67.success
58.句意:在成为一名备份乘组成员25年后,中国宇航员邓清明最终实现了他的太空梦。此处应填副词,结合“After being a backup crew member(备份乘组成员)for about 25 years,”及备选词汇可知,此处表达经过多年努力终于实现梦想,故选finally。
59.句意:他和另外两名宇航员在神舟十五航天飞船上第一次实施太空任务。此处应填形容词,结合“with two... astronauts on the Shenzhou 15 spaceship.”及备选词汇可知,此处表达另外两位,故选other。
60.句意:虽然他做了很多年的备份,但他仍然追随自己的太空梦想。“he was a backup for many years,”与“he still followed his space dream”是让步关系,用although引导让步状语从句,故填Although。
61.句意:邓出生在中国东部江西省的一个农民家庭。根据“in a farming family”可知,此处指出生于一个农民家庭,be born“出生”,故填born。
63.句意:他在1998年成为我国第一批的14个宇航员之一。此处应填所有格表达限定,根据“first group of 14 astronauts in 1998.”及备选词汇可知,应是我国第一批,故选country’s。
64.句意:在接下来的数年里,邓几乎所有的时间都在训练。此处应填动名词,根据“Deng spent almost all of his time ”及“very hard to take every chance to fly into space”可知,应是花大量时间训练,故选training。
65.句意:他非常努力地抓住每一个飞向太空的机会。根据“very hard to take every chance to fly into space”及备选词可知,非常努力专注每一个机会,备选词tried“努力”符合,故填tried。
66.句意:无论通往太空的道路多么艰难,邓从来没有想过放弃。根据“Deng never thought of… up”可知,从没想过放弃,give up“放弃”,of后接动名词作宾语,故填giving。
68.(2023·浙江湖州·校考三模)每个人都是独一无二的,都会发出自身特有的光芒。相信自己,你就会变得了不起;做自己,你就是最棒的!请结合自己的性格、爱好、生活习惯等方面,以“I like myself”为话题写一篇短文向校刊的英语专栏投稿,谈谈你眼中的自己。
*What do you like about yourself (character, hobby, lifestyle...)
*Why do you like yourself (give an example/examples)
I believe that a person who loves himself can love his life well. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I believe that a person who loves himself can love his life well. Everyone is special. So am I. What I like about myself is mainly about my healthy life habit as well as good character. First, never stay up late so that I can listen attentively in class. l am outgoing, so l can get on well with others. Besides, jogging for half an hour everyday helps me keep in excellent condition. Finally, it’s my character that enables me to live happily. What I own has brought me lots of benefits and I will keep on working hard to perfect myself.
① 题材:本文是一篇话题作文;
② 时态:时态为“一般现在时”;
③ 提示:写作要点已给出,可适当添加细节,并突出写作重点。
①as well as也
②lots of许多
③stay up late熬夜
①First, never stay up late so that I can listen attentively in class.(so that引导的结果状语从句)
②Besides, jogging for half an hour everyday helps me keep in excellent condition.(动名词作主语)




下一篇:浙江省余姚名校2023-2024高二上学期期中考试 物理(学考)(答案)