Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.单元巩固(无答案)

九年级 Unit 7 单元巩固
1. Our parents won’t allow us __________ in the river alone.
A. swim B. to swim C. swimming
2. —That machine is broken. It ___________ tomorrow.
A. was repaired B. will repair C. will be repaired
3. It is ______ to work out this problem. You needn’t go to the teacher.
A. enough easy B. very easily C. easy enough
4. It started to rain, so we had to stop ______.
A. to work B. working C. worked
5.Jason________his stress by doing some activities ,such as listening to music and exercising.
A.improves B.manages C.hides D.pushes
6.Tom coughed for a long time after ______ an ice﹣cream.
A.eat B.eating C.to ear D.eaten
7.The students were very ________ seeing the famous medical professor.
A.worried about B.excited about
C.thinking about D.talking about
8.Get your hair ________,Tom.It's too long.
A.cut B.Cutting C.to cut D.to cutting
9.—How often do I need to feed the dog
—It ________ food every day,or it will be hungry.
A.must give B.must be given C.must be giving D.must be gave
10.—I don't think sixteen year olds should be allowed to drive.
—________!They are too young.
A.I agree B.It's a pity C.Good luck D.My pleasure
Dear Mom and Dad,
I will go to Alice's home with her after school,and I will have supper and sleep there.Don't __1__ about me.You know that Alice is one of my best friends.If you want to talk with me,you can __2__ 68610598 after 6:00 p.m.
Please forgive (原谅) me for not telling you first.I don't think you will __3__ me to do so if I tell you first.But I think teenagers should be allowed to stay at their friends' houses sometimes.I am sixteen years old and I'm not a little kid __4__.I hope I can make decisions for __5__.
At home,there are too many rules for me to 6__:Don't stay out so late;don't have meals before _7__ hands;don't watch TV without finishing homework,etc.Parents should be 8__ teenagers,but we need freedom,too.
I don't like doing my homework _9__ at home.I'd love to study with Alice.We can learn a lot from each other.__10__ please allow me to stay at Alice's house once a week.If you agree,Alice can stay at our house with me,too.
( )1.A.care B.think C.talk D.worry
( )2.A.look B.call C.write D.play
( )3.A.warn B.take C.allow D.cause
( )4.A.anymore B.either C.neither D.no longer
( )5.A.himself B.herself C.yourself D.myself
( )6.A.break B.volunteer C.make D.obey
( )7.A.giving B.washing C.putting D.holding
( )8.A.afraid of B.interested in C.strict with D.angry with
( )9.A.along B.alone C.lonely D.own
( )10.A.Or B.Although C.So D.Because
Teenagers should be allowed to develop a hobby.A hobby can give you different types of challenges.You' ll need to find different interests and decide which hobby really interests you.You can take up a hobby that can challenge you physically,such as rock climbing or kayaking.While,this may be hard to do
Hobbies help build a teen's confidence.By finding an area of interest,a teen can learn new skills.This produces positive results and builds teenagers' confidence.
A hobby helps teens have a sense of personal identity.Our likes and dislikes help us know who we are as a human.Hobbies help by sending a signal,"I like doing this.This makes me feel good.Therefore,this is a part of who I am."
Hobbies keep teens from getting bored.Bored teens look for things to do and are more likely to do something bad.Helping teens develop a hobby is helping them stay out of trouble.
Hobbies will help teens to get on well with their parents.When a teen is busy with a hobby,his parents have easy access(机会)to something to praise him about.They can communicate with each other easily.
(1)According to the passage,hobbies can make teens    .
A.be sure something they want will happen in the future
B.know they are different from their parents
C.feel a little bad about themselves
D.not be a good student at school
(2)If Jim has a hobby,he will    in his free time.
A.be bored
B.be in trouble
C.make a lot of money
D.feel happy
(3)Hobbies will help teens to get on well with their parents because    .
A.teens are busy and have no time to fight with parents
B.parents never praise them about their hobbies
C.parents have an interesting topic to talk about with children
D.teens have to ask their parents for some money
(4)The passage is mainly about    .
A.why it's not easy to find a hobby
B.how to develop a hobby
C.who we are as people
D.why teens need a hobby
1. The boy did _______(bad) in the physics test. He felt really sad.
2. We are not allowed ________ (play) soccer here.
3. No matter how difficult the work is, we will manage
(complete) it on time.
4.My father often ______ (lift) me up when I was young.
5.I'm allowed _______ (go) to the movies with my friends on the weekend.
Teachers taught us some knowledge about safety to _____ us _____ ________.
That poem makes me ______ _____ ____ my childhood.
My old neighbor felt very lonely after his children .
Do you think teenagers should the Internet
Health is more important than wealth, so we must
假如你叫李明,最近你和你的父母就 “周末学生该不该与同学外出活动”进行了讨论。现在请你以 “Should Teenagers Go Out with Their Friends on Weekends?”为题,参照以下表格所提供的信息,写一篇英语短文。
Your parents' ideas Your ideas
1.Go over lessons …
2.Have a good sleep …
3.Help parents do housework …
短文的开头:Recently I've had a discussion with my parents about whether teenagers should go out with their friends on weekends.
Should Teenagers Go Out with Their Friends on Weekends
Recently I've had a discussion with my parents about whether teenagers should go out with their friends on weekends. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




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