重庆市重点中学2023-2024高三上学期高考适应性月考卷(三)英语试题(含答案 含听力音频 无听力原文)

11~15 CAACC
16~20 BBCBB
21~25 CDCBB
26~30 CDCDC
31~35 DCAAA
36-40 GEFAD
41~45 CCDBA
46~50 AADDA 51~55 BBBCC
61.were inspired 62.shooting
63.facts 64.Currently
Dear Henry,
I hope this email finds you well.Given your passion for environmental conservation,I'm
writing to extend an invitation for you to address our program,"Nature is speaking"
The lecture will take place on Friday at 2:00 pm in our school auditorium.Your presentation
will last around 45 minutes,including time for questions and discussion.As for the content of your
talk,we encourage you to share your knowledge and experiences in the field of environmental
activism.Topics such as climate change,pollution,endangered species,and sustainable living
practices would be highly relevant and engaging for our audience.It would also be great if you could
provide practical tips and solutions that individuals can adopt to make a positive impact on the
environment.If you require any assistance with resources or technical support for your presentation,
we will be more than happy to provide them.
Thank you for considering our invitation.We truly believe that your expertise and enthusiasm
will have a profound impact on our school community.We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
英 语
1. 答题前,考生务必用黑色碳素笔将自己的姓名、准考证号、考场号、座位号在答题卡上填写清楚。
2. 每小题选出答案后, 用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。在试题卷上作答无效。
3. 考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。满分150分,考试用时 120分钟。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题; 每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1. What was the problem with the party
A. The decoration. B. The music. C. The meal.
2. What did the woman expect the man to do
A. Go to the hospital.
B. Buy some flowers.
C. Have lunch with her.
3. On which day will the speakers probably meet
A. Tuesday. B. Friday. C. Sunday.
4. What type of clothing does the store sell
A. Cheap, designer clothing.
B. Cheap, low-quality clothing.
C. Expensive, high-quality clothing.
5. Who is the woman likely to be
A. A lawyer. B. A professor. C. A student.
第二节 (共15小题; 每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有2至4个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. Why does the woman want to go home
A. She isn't feeling well.
B. She needs to get something to eat.
C. She doesn't want to attend the meeting.
7. What will the man do for the woman
A. Drive her home.
B. Help her finish her project.
C. Ask for a sick leave for her.
8. What does the man think of Maria now
A. She is fair. B. She is tough. C. She is helpful.
9. How long did it take Maria to get used to her new role according to the man
A. About one week. B. About two weeks. C. About four weeks.
10. What was the woman concerned about
A. Whether Maria liked her job.
B. Whether Maria could handle the new role.
C. Whether the man would leave for a new team.
听下面一段对话,回答第11 至第13题。
11. What does David plan to do this weekend
A. Visit his brother.
B. Hold a dinner parly.
C. Go on a family outing.
12. What are Sophie's neighbors impressed with
A. Her tent. B. Her garden. C. Her house.
13. What is Sophie going to do next
A. Call her sister. B. Wait for David. C. Check the date.
听下面一段对话, 回答第 14 至第16题。
14. Why does the woman interview the man
A. To finish her homework.
B. To promote a newspaper.
C. To save local newspapers.
15. How does the man usually read the newspaper
A. He focuses on pictures.
B. He reads the whole paper.
C. He reads only his favorites.
16. What is bad about newspapers according to the man
A. They vary in quality.
B. There are too many ads.
C. It takes long to sort out information.
听下面一段独白, 回答第 17 至第20题。
17. Where is the talk probably taking place
A. In a big hall.
B. In a parking lot.
C. On the top of a mountain.
18. What is the main purpose of the guidelines
A. To help the park make money.
B. To tell visitors the history of the park.
C. To keep the park clean and safe for visitors.
19. What is the third guideline about
A. No littering. B. No feeding the bears. C. No picking the flowers.
20. What is the entrance fee to the park for a large family in two cars
A. $30. B. $60. C. $90.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
One-to-one English tutoring personalised to you
English Score Tutors is the British Council's one-to-one tutoring platform for 13-to 17-year-olds.
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●Choose a tutor that you would like to study with.
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21. Who might attend English Score Tutors classes
A. A preschool child. B. A university student.
C. A middle-school student. D. A working woman.
22. What can you do to understand how the sessions work
A. Call the information centre.
B. Write a letter of inquiry.
C. Send an email to ask.
D. Buy an introduction session.
23. Which column of a website is this text probably taken from
A. Take an Exam. B. UK-China Youth Exchange Program.
C. Learn English Online. D. Our Work in Arts.
Between flights, as I sat in the Denver airport, a young man approached me. He tilted(倾斜) his head toward the chair next to mine, then toward my suitcase blocking the chair. There were many open seats. Why this one I thought. When he sat, I noticed the markings on his bag and his faded uniform. I asked. He nodded. I bowed my head slightly. Then he asked where I was headed.
Hands on his knees, he told me he was on vacation and was going home to surprise his mother. I asked how long it had been since he'd seen her (five years). I asked what he was looking forward to at home(a shower). He scanned the room cautiously as he talked. When he looked at me, his eyes kept no distance. He seemed to want something from me. I could not tell what it was.
He said it was hard to stop scanning for danger. Yesterday, he'd been in the desert. Fellow soldiers had been blown into pieces around him. Today, he was in an airport trying to understand anger over flight delays and the rush for coffee. He didn't know how to be, here in this place.
I thought maybe I understood. One evening after spending hours with a friend who just lost her son, I went to my daughter's performance. In the crowded lobby, mothers complained about their seats and bemoaned other small slights, but only compassion made sense to me. I felt disoriented, distant. I told the soldier about this. He breathed deeply and showed a small smile.
He'd seen the raw and unbearable. But he did not know how to tell us. This was what he needed from me, I realized. He did not want the seat beside mine. He wanted to sit with me.
I did not know his name, how his surprise would turn out, how long his tour of duty would last. We sat together until our flights were called and then said goodbye, two strangers heading home.
24. How did the author feel when the soldier approached him
A. Angry. B: Confused.
C. Respectful. D. Joyful.
25. Why did the man keep scanning the room
A. He attempted to find a coffee shop.
B. He formed the habit of staying alert.
C. He was distracted
D. He was checking
26. What does the word “bemoaned” mean in paragraph 5
A. Showed respect for. B: Added fuel to.
C. Expressed dissatisfaction with. D. Took pride in.
27. What did the soldier really want
A. My support for the soldiers.
B. My knowledge of the cruelty of war.
C. A chance to get away from the battlefield.
D. A brief sense of security
Since 2001, robotic tools have revolutionized the practice of surgery. They have greatly reduced the stress and physical demands normally placed on surgeons and have made certain procedures possible.
One example is “keyhole surgery”, or minimally invasive(微创) surgery, which normally requires surgeons to stand at awkward angles and make difficult movements with their hands to make a cut inside the patient. But in June 2022, surgeon James Ansell used 3D glasses and two sticks to control four robotic arms to perform a procedure to remove a cancerous tumor. “My colleague said... that this feels like cheating,” Ansell said to The Guardian.
Another area of surgery that has had major technological breakthroughs in recent years is telesurgery. Normally, telesurgery relies on a wired connect ion due to concerns of harming the patient should a wireless connection drop during surgery, but China made several advancements in wireless telesurgery based on 5G technology.
China achieved the first 5G-based remote operation in March 2019 involving a brain surgery procedure between a surgeon in Sanya and a patient in Beijing, a distance totaling nearly 3,000kilometers. More recently, a team of surgeons successfully completed remote micron-level eye surgery on rabbits located in a different city. The rabbits were at the Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhbù, Guangdon g province, whereas the surgical team who (perated on them via. a 5Grobot were at the Hainan Eye Hospital in Haikou, Hainan province.
Looking to the future, people hope that remote surgery could become commonplace to help heal injured soldiers on the battlefield while keeping surgeons at a safe distance. Some even believe that robotic systems, combined with AI, could one day exceed human surgeons.
But; given current technological limitations and the high costs' of these robots which can cost millions of dollars, the complete robot takeover of surgery may still be a while off.
28. What does the “key hole surgery ”example intend to show
A. Great complexity of robotic surgery.
B. Physical challenges surgeons face.
C. Surgical progress enabled by robotic tools.
D. Urgent need for advanced 3D technology.
29. What significant achievement did China make in the field of "telesurgery
A. Achieving remote surgery using a wired connection.
B. Completing successfully remote eye surgery on humans.
C. Conducting a 5G-based remote operation on rabbits overseas.
D. Performing the first wireless brain surgery with 5G technology.
30. What can be inferred from the text about robots in the medical field
A. They are quite affordable.
B. They are currently in high demand.
C. They have not been widely used.
D. They have gone beyond human capabilities.
31. What is a suitable title for the text
A. Robotic Surgery Uses 5G Technology
B. Keyhole Surgery Benefits Human Beings
C. Autonomous Robot Achieves Great Progress
D. Medical Robotics Revolutionizes Surgery Method
2500 years ago, Socrates (苏格拉底) complained that writing would harm students.
Today a different heated debate is ongoing about the dangers of another technology —computers ——and the typing people do on them. As primary-school pupils and PhD hopefuls return for a new school year in the northern hemisphere, many will do so with a greater-than-ever reliance on computers to take notes and write papers. Some parents of younger students are frustrated that their children are not just encouraged but required to carry laptops to class. Lot s of teachers complain of uncontrolled distraction in classrooms, with students reading and messaging instead of listening to lectures.
A line of research shows the benefits of an “innovation” pgior to computers: handwriting. Studies have found that writing on paper can improve everything from recalling a random series of words to facilitating a better conceptual grasp of complicated ideas. For learning material by rote, from the shapes of letters to the quirks of English spelling, the benefits of using a pen or pencil lie in how the motor and sensory memory of putting words on paper reinforces that material. The arrangement of squiggles(不规则的曲线) on a page feeds into visual memory: people might remember a word they wrote down in French class as being at the bottom-left on a page, for example.
Another one of the best-demonstrated advantages of . writing by hand seems to be in superior note-taking. In a study from 2014 by Pam Mueller and Danny Oppenheimer,. students typing wrote down almost twice as many words and more passages word for word from lectures, suggesting they were not understanding so much as rapidly copying the material. Handwriting, which takes longer for nearly all university-level students, forces note-takers to synthesis e ideas into their own words. This aids conceptual understanding at the moment of writing. Besides, those taking notes by hand also perform better on tests when students are later able to study from their notes.
Socrates may or may not have had a point about the downsides of writing. But no one would remember, or much less care, if his student Plato had not noted his teachings down for the benefit of later generations.
32. Why do teachers complain
A. Because students carry laptops to class.
B. Because students cause distraction in class.
C. Because students are not focused in class.
D. Because students are suffering from sight loss.
33. How does hand-writing benefit students
A. It makes students understand concepts better.
B. It helps students develop better imagination.
C. It improves students' writing ability.
D. It saves students' note-taking time.
34. What is the author's attitude to hand-writing
A. Supportive. B. Disapproving. C. Neutral. D. Indifferent.
35. What is the main idea of the passage
A. In an age of typing handwriting still matters
B. Handwriting helps students
C. Handwriting has big advantages over typing
D. Making the handwriting
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分 12.5分)
How to Remember the Future
One of the trickiest recall tasks is called prospective memory: remembering what you want or need to do, in time to do it. 36 A thought occurs, we resolve to act on it “soon” and then, when the time comes, the idea's gone.
Diaries and alarms help, but your imagination plays a vital role in holding onto brief thoughts and keeping you in control of your future plans. For example, don't just have an idea about going to the bank. 37 Perhaps you're leaving the bank loaded with shiny gold bars.
But that's only the beginning. This process allows you to do much more than just reminding yourself to do things. 38 Then, create a vivid “memory” of how you'd like it to go, and crucially, how you'd like to feel. Creating “memories” like this gives you time to think about practical arrangements and spot any problems before they arise. A part of your brain will still be processing the details even when you're thinking about other things.
Here are some tips:
●Experiment to see if you prefer viewing this“ mental movie” through your own eyes, or by watching yourself from someone else's point of view.
● 39 Fast forward any parts you find easy, and go in slow motion for the bits that need extra work.
●Use your full range of senses. 40
A. Control the time frame.
B. Minimize all the feelings.
C. You can use it to do them better so try it now.
D. Engaging them all will create a rich, multi-dimensional memory.
E. Paint a mental picture of yourself there and actively make it memorable.
F. Pick an important event around the corner: a driving test or a public speech.
G. The reason it often fails is that we have an idea in mind but don't make it into a memory.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
Scott Macaulay has been cooking Thanksgiving dinner in his hometown, Melrose, Massachusetts, for the past 33 years in a row. “One year, a man who'd just lost his wife put on her apron Macaulay said. “That's what this is all about. It's not about the food. It's about 41 .”
It 42 in 1985, when Macaulay was 43 his first Thanksgiving after his parents' divorce. He was not willing to eat alone and he knew there had to be others in similar 44 .
So, Macaulay put up a(n) 45 for Thanksgiving 46 . “I knew I couldn't be the only one,” he said. “There had to be at least a dozen people out there who didn't want to 47 Thanksgiving alone.”
And he was 48 .
“I purchased all the stuff and made everything myself at my church,” he said. “And it was such a 49 Thanksgiving that I made a decision right there to 50 .”
Since those 12 strangers 51 around the table for turkey 33 years ago, Macaulay has made his Thanksgiving feast an 52 event, 53 those in need to make a reservation by calling his office phone number that's printed in the local paper.
Macaulay, now 57, says he 54 around 70 people every year, from year 1 as strangers, to year 33 as family. He organizes, pays for, cooks, and serves, almost all of it 55 .
41. A. tiredness B. openness -C. togetherness D. mindfulness
42. A. grew B. worked C. began D. ran
43. A. deprived of B. opposed to C. accustomed to D. faced with
44. A. activities B. circumstances C. areas D. categories
45. A. advertisement B. sign C. list D. notice
46. A. invitations B. details C. donations D. suggestions
47. A. observe B. plan C. host D. witness
48. A. sorry B. sad C. rich D. right
49. A. real B. delicious C. traditional D. great
50. A. keep it up B. do it up C. pack it up D. tidy it up
51. A. walked B. gathered C. lived D. looked
52. A. affordable B. annual C. international D. upcoming
53. A. teaching B. encouraging C. persuading D. warning
54. A. finds B. follows C. feeds D. represents
55. A. secretly B. randomly C. independently D. indirectly
第二节 (共 10 小题; 每小题1.5 分, 满分 15 分)
A video series named Escape from the British Museum was released on Wednesday, sparking a lot of discussion in China's social media recently. 56 (Direct) by two Chines vloggers, the three episode series tells the story of 57 a. Chinese cultural relic escapes from the British Museum and finds 58 (it) way back to China.
In 59 video series, a female vlogger plays the role of an ancient Chinese jade teapot, while her male partner is a journalist 60 helps the artifact return to China.
The videos 61 (inspire) by a netizen who suggested making a video about Chinese cultural relics returning home from the UK. The duo went to the UK in June and spent three months 62 (shoot) the video. They said the story is based on documented 63 (fact)and aims to draw attention to the Chinese cultural relics held abroad.
64 (Current), the museum has a total of 23,000 Chinese relics, while about 2,000Chinese relics are 65 display. It appears to have struck a chord in China after first being released by independent vloggers on Douyin, China's equivalent to TikTok.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节(满分15 分)
假定你是国际学校广播站英语栏目“Nature is speaking”负责人李华。你的英国朋友Henry 是一个环保主义者,请用英文给他写封邮件邀请他做一次宣讲。内容包括:
1. 宣讲时间、地点;
注意: 1. 词数80左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Henry,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
In the heart of a forest, a nature photographer named Daniel discovered his heaven. This forest was a special place where the trees reached up high, their leaves forming a natural screen that. lets speckles of sunlight filter through, creating a magic al play of light and shadow.
Daniel was famous for his wonderful wildlife photos, and he loved to spend time with the animals that called this forest home. He was fascinated by their daily lives and habits, pressing the shutter button and capturing those special moments in his photos.
He would often sit quietly, observing the animals in their natural setting.
The squirrels were some of his favorites. They'd dart around, scampering from tree to tree, busily gathering acorns (橡子) for the winter ahead. Sometimes, they'd take breaks to play games. In their spirited games of chase, they'd chase each other through the branches, their fluffy tails bouncing with excitement.
The deer, elegant and graceful, would graze in the lawn, their gentle eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger. Sometimes, they would leap and bound, displaying their beauty in every jump. Birds of all colors and sizes would fill the forest with music, their songs echoing through the trees. Daniel loved to capture them mid-flight, their wings outstretched, as they soared above the treetops. Sometimes, he'd watch the raccoons (浣熊) as they washed their food by the stream, their nimble paws dipping into the water.
One crisp autumn day, he came across a young squirrel in great pain. He noticed the squirrel's delicate pa w caught in a tangle of thorns (荆棘). The squirrel's eyes, which were usually bright and full of curiosity, now held a different story, glistened with a mixture of pain and fear.
注意: 1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Daniel's heart sank when he saw the scene.
Months later, Daniel once again went back to the forest.



上一篇:3.3 盐类的水解 同步练习题 (含解析)2023-2024高二上学期化学人教版(2019)选择性必修1
