2023-2024安徽省宿州市高一上学期11月期中英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版)

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What is the man doing now
A. Packing things. B. Looking for his wallet. C. Going shopping.
2. What gift will the woman give to her mother
A. A handbag. B. A photo album. C. A scarf.
3 What is the man going to do on Tuesday
A. Go climbing. B. Play football. C. Watch a movie.
4. Who is the woman talking to
A. A bus driver. B. A stranger. C. A teacher.
5. What are the speakers talking about
A. A piece of news. B. A terrible hotel. C. A famous newspaper.
6 Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a factory. B. In a hospital. C. In an office.
7. How will the man go home
A. By driving his own car.
B. By taking the woman’s car.
C. By getting a ride from his friend.
8. Why does William want to move
A. He doesn’t like the weather.
B. He gets bored with his job.
C. He wants to stay with his family.
9. Where does William want to move
A. To London. B. To Ottawa. C. To New York.
10. What did Sarah do on Saturday afternoon
A. She cleaned the yard.
B. She worked on the farm.
C. She went to an amusement park.
11. How did Andrew feel about the Space World
A. Excited. B. Scared. C. Bored.
12. Where is Sarah going next
A. To the lab. B. To the library. C. To the classroom.
13. What happened to Tyler Gordon when he was five
A. He lost his hearing.
B. He found a voice in art.
C. He received an operation.
14. Where did Kevin Durant’s mother see Tyler’s picture
A. At the man’s home. B. At a museum. C. On the Internet.
15 What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Classmates. B. Brother and sister. C. Teacher and student.
16. Why does the woman want to meet Tyler Gordon
A. To make friends with him.
B. To have him paint for her.
C. To learn painting from him.
17. When will the students leave on Monday morning
A. At 7 o’clock. B. At 8 o’clock. C. At 9 o’clock.
18. Where will the students go on Wednesday
A. To a wildlife park. B. To a national park. C. To a local farm
19. What will the students do on Thursday afternoon
A. Ride horses. B. Do farm work. C. Go swimming.
20. When is the talk probably given
A. On Monday. B. On Tuesday. C. On Friday.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Road Trip Apps You Need Before You Leave
Best App for Route Planning
Ever wonder how delivery drivers manage to hit so many different places in a relatively short amount of time It’s because they’re using an app like Road Warrior to plan their routes to be as efficient as possible. However, while many other route planning apps only take things like traffic into account, Road Warrior includes lots of other time-sucking details. The subscription (订购) options start at $10 per month.
Best App for Gas Prices
Gas prices have been something of a catastrophe (灾难) recently, so travelers are naturally focused on finding the lowest rates whenever possible. Gas Buddy is one of the most popular apps for locating affordable gas, especially on long road trips. Simply enter the starting point and destination, and then watch as all of the cheapest gas prices along your route appear suddenly. Like many apps, there is a free version (版本), as well as a premium (额外) option with added features.
Best App for Planning Sightseeing
For people who aren’t totally focused on getting from point A to point B in the fastest time possible, the Road Trippers app is a must-have. Users can plan their trip from start to finish with as many as 150 waypoints/stops when using the premium version of the app, which costs $29.99 per year. It won’t let you miss the famous sights along the way. It estimates fuel costs, allows for RV drivers to customize (定制) routes friendly to their particular vehicle and lets the user cooperate with friends who are also on the road.
Best App for Family Games and Entertainment
Sure you could listen to music or watch movies, but sometimes it’s fun to throw it way back with classic travel games. The Plates Family Travel app is a modernized version of the classic license plate (车牌) game. There’s also a map feature that shows you exactly where you saw all the license plates on your road trip. This app is available for Apple or Google devices for free.
1. Which app can help you save time
A. Gas Buddy. B. Road Warrior.
C. Road Trippers. D. Plates Family Travel.
2. Who is more likely to use Gas Buddy
A. Those who like playing games. B. Those who need license plates.
C. Those who prefer an unusual route. D. Those who care about gas prices.
3. What is special about the Road Trippers app
A. It is available for free. B. It provides the shortest route.
C. It recommends tourist attractions. D. It helps its users to make friends.
Giorgio Morandi was one of the greatest artists in the history of Italy. He was the eldest of five children born into a middle-class family in Bologna, Italy. His early love of art upset his father, who wanted his son to work with him in his export business. Morandi attempted the business unsuccessfully in 1906.
After that, Morandi entered the Bologna Academy of Fine Arts in 1907. He continued his study with the support of his mother when his father suddenly passed away in 1908, forcing him to support his mother and younger sisters. During that time, he was introduced to Cubism and Futurism, which influenced his early work.
After he graduated from the Bologna Academy of Fine Arts in 1913, Morandi continued his study by traveling around Italy, especially to the Venice Biennale. Those tours would finally prove important, as Morandi seldom traveled overseas after the 1920s, and much of his future exposure (接触) to painters came from published art works. He was especially interested in the work of Impressionists like Claude Monet, as well as following greats such as Georges Seurat and Paul Cezanne. He also traveled within Italy, especially to see galleries and exhibitions, and was far more well-traveled than some historical sources show him to be.
After Morandi finished his traveling, he returned home and lived with his family. For many years, Morandi kept a peaceful daily routine. And he did most of his work in his workshop, a small room in a flat he shared with his mother and sisters.
Life wasn’t easy for him at first, but he quickly established himself as an important modern artist. His skills of color, light and arrangement began to gain notice, shining in the face of current painting in the manner of abstraction (抽象). And he was named “one of the greatest painters living” by Roberto Longhi in 1934.
4. What did Morandi’s father think of his love of art
A. He was against it. B. He showed a great interest.
C. He had mixed feelings about it. D. He was neither for nor against it.
5. Why did Morandi travel around Italy after graduation
A. He needed to make money in this way.
B. He wanted to learn more about painting.
C. He chose to relax after studying for years.
D. He was looking for works of Impressionists.
6. What did Morandi like doing after returning to live with his family
A. Learning different skills. B. Keeping himself very busy.
C. Working quietly in his workshop. D. Thinking for hours in his workshop.
7. What can we learn about Morandi from the last paragraph
A. He was an important modem artist at first.
B. He didn’t like creating works of abstraction.
C. He was good at color light and arrangement.
D. He didn’t become known until after his death.
As Aristotle said, no one would choose to live without friends, even if he had all other goods. But have you ever made friends online What exactly is an online friend What’s the difference between an online friendship and an offline one
A person you know only through the Internet (which includes social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest) or email and will seldom, if ever, meet is considered an online friend. Online friendships can develop in places like forums (论坛), gaming sites, blogs, online groups or even from websites that help you meet friends.
An online friendship begins when two people bond with each other, just like an offline relationship. They may share photos, email each other, or chat on the phone finally. The friendship can become a source of support and provide emotional benefits even though the friends will never meet in real life.
Online friendships can be valuable during times when you lack (缺少) friends or have just moved to a new city or country. But in order for a friendship to be truly real, you need to communicate face to face. That isn’t to say that an online friendship can’t hold a special place in your heart or give you the kind of acceptance and support your desire. What it means is that this type of friendship will be very different. In an online friendship, people can hide their true personality. You’ll never see them lose their temper (脾气) or show you how they act when they’re tired or hungry. They have the choice to always show their best selves, always say the right thing and even avoid upsetting you with subjects they bring up during small talk or a deeper conversation.
An online friendship can feel very real. However, since you can hide behind the computer, it isn’t exactly the same as when you have friends you can meet in person.
8. Why does the author raise the questions in Paragraph 1
A. To express his great doubt.
B. To introduce the topic for discussion.
C. To show the importance of online friends.
D. To get readers to care about the Internet.
9. What does Paragraph 2 tell us
A. What an online friend is. B. Different ways of making friends.
C. Different kinds of social networks D. How to make friends on the Internet.
10. What does the underlined word “bond” in Paragraph 3 probably mean
A. Fight. B. Compare. C. Contact D. Love.
11. How does an online friendship differ from a real-life friendship
A. It can’t become a source of support.
B. It takes more time and effort to keep.
C. It lacks communication with great depth.
D. It can’t tell what a person is really like.
The 187-foot-tall Tower of Pisa is famous all over the world mainly because it leans (倾斜). For many years, people believed that the tower’s designer intended it to lean. As it turns out, though, the tower’s lean is an accident caused by poor planning. The Tower of Pisa was constructed (建造) on a riverbed of sand and clay (黏土) that was not strong enough to support a building so tall and heavy.
Construction of the tower began in 1173. Because Pisa experienced several wars, the tower wasn’t completed until 1350. Only a few years after the construction started, people could see that the first three floors of the tower were already leaning. As the next three floors were added, builders purposefully built them with one side higher than the other to try to correct the lean. This resulted in the tower leaning in the opposite direction
Fortunately for the people of Pisa, the long delays (耽搁) during construction gave the structure time to settle and the ground to become compacted (结实的). This mad the foundation (地基) stronger over time, which is the main reason why the tower never fell over. For hundreds of years, the tower was indeed falling. It would lean one more inch about every 20 years. In the end, in 1990, it was closed to the public for fear that a large group of people at the top would weigh enough to make it fall down.
From 1990 to 2001 engineers from around the world helped balance the tower After several unsuccessful attempts at a solution, engineers finally came up with a plan that worked. They slowly removed ground under the high side of the tower. When they had finished, they had returned it to the position it held in about 1838—the tower had been straightened by nearly 16 inches. Except a sudden great disaster, such as a earthquake, engineers believe the tower is safe for another 300 years now.
12. What does the author try to explain about the Tower of Pisa in Paragraph 1
A. Why it leans. B. Why it was built.
C. Why it is famous. D. Why it stopped leaning.
13. What can we learn about the Tower of Pisa
A. It was completed in 1173. B. It began to be built in 1350.
C. It was seen leaning after 1173. D. It was repaired every 20 years.
14. What kept the Tower of Pisa from falling down according to Paragraph 3
A. The special structure. B. The timely protection.
C. The skill of the builders. D. The long time of building.
15. What would be the best title for the text
A. When does the Tower of Pisa lean
B. Is the leaning Tower of Pisa falling
C. When was the leaning Tower of Pisa built
D. How did the leaning Tower of Pisa get its name
Earhart was an American aviator. ____16____. She had several excellent flights, including becoming the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean in 1928, as well as the first person to fly over both the Atlantic and Pacific. She passed away in 1939.
After seeing wounded soldiers returning from World War I, Earhart volunteered for the Red Cross. ____17____. She developed a strong admiration for aviators, spending much of her free time watching the Royal Flying Corps practicing at the airfield nearby.
At a Long Beach air show in 1920, Earhart took a plane ride that changed her life. When she landed, she knew she had to learn to fly. She finally earned enough money to take flying lessons. ____18____. She read everything she could find on flying and spent much of her time at the airfield. In the summer of 1921, she set out to make a name for herself in aviation.
In 1925, Earhart was forced to abandon her studies in Columbia University and found employment first as a teacher, then as a social worker. ____19____, becoming a member of the American Aeronautical Society’s Boston chapter. She also invested a small amount of money in the Dennison Airport in Massachusetts, and acted as a sales representative for Kinner airplanes in the Boston area.
____20____. In 1929, she entered the first Santa Monica-to-Cleveland Women’s Air Derby, placing third. In 1931, she set a world altitude record of 18,415 feet. Between 1930 and 1935, Earhart set seven women’s speed and distance aviation records in a variety of aircraft.
Earhart’s life and career have been celebrated for the past several decades on “Amelia Earhart Day,” which is held annually on July 24—her birthday.
A. In April 1928, Earhart received a phone call from Captain Hilton
B. Earhart’s public image presented a somewhat shy woman
C. She gradually got back into aviation in 1927
D. Earhart aimed to become a respected pilot
E. She came to know many wounded pilots
F. She was the 16th woman to be issued a pilot’s license
G. She devoted herself to learning to fly
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B. C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
My real research started at the New York Botanical Garden. I met a person who is a paleobotanist (古植物学家), which means that he ____21____ prehistoric plants. My novel centers on Merwin and Louise, two little Sycamore ____22____ who began life during the Cretaceous Period.
Sycamore trees are called fossil species, which means they have been ____23____ since the time of the dinosaurs. They are ____24____ to modern trees we see in forests today. The Sycamore tree also makes those kind of seed balls, a little bit like a nursery (托儿所), like all these ____25____ in there together. In most of my stories. I write about children who get ____26____ from their parents and find their way in the world. That’s kind of what Sycamore seeds and other seeds do. They must ____27____ the plant that made them and go find a place to ____28____.
It was fun trying to ____29____ all the different places these two little seeds could go. I wanted them to go underwater. Drawing pictures underwater is so hard. ____30____ the whole scene with King Seaweed was really fun.
What surprised me the most was the idea that ____31____ are really communities. Trees communicate with each other with a mycelial (菌丝) system under the ground that ____32____ everything. It felt like there were interesting parallels (相似之处) with us, because we also live in ____33____, and we try to help each other. However, there are sometimes ____34____ from outside, and we have to find out ways to ____35____. Plants are doing the same thing
A. cooks B. studies C. plants D. keeps
A. animals B. children C. birds D. seeds
A. alone B. away C. around D. abroad
A. familiar B. junior C. unnecessary D. typical
A. teachers B. kids C. parents D. cleaners
A. absent B. safe C. separate D. tired
A. break away from B. go away with C. look after D. get in
A. die B. learn C. sleep D. grow
A. search B. dig C. imagine D. remove
A. Writing B. Enjoying C. Dreaming D. Controlling
A. rivers B. forests C. oceans D. companies
A. expresses B. revises C. improves D. connects
A. communities B. buildings C. systems D. nurseries
A. qualities B. greetings C. difficulties D. comforts
A. lose B. quit C. challenge D. survive
Believe it or not, a group of US teens could perform The Mermaid, a classical Chinese play for children, fully in Chinese. The 15 US teens, ____36____ (age) between 12 and 17, stood out from more than 200 children and spent almost two years ____37____ (practise), according to Chen Suhan, director and producer of the play’s US version. The show’s success is thanks ____38____ the China-US Youth Theater Exchange Program. The program combines theater and Chinese language learning to promote language education and youth ____39____ (exchange) between China and the US. “All the kids ____40____ (work) so hard over the last two years, and I feel so proud to see their amazing performance,” Chen said. For American teens, coming to China to perform a Chinese play is ____41____ unforgettable experience. “Theater for children and young people ____42____ (be) a ‘world language’ that enables children of different countries and race ____43____ (communicate) without words. Theater for children and young people is the seed of innocence, ____44____ (kind) and beauty. It is also the seed of love, culture and friendship _____45_____ brings beauty,” remarked Feng Li, president of China National Theater for Children.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 下周五,你校英语社团将组织主题为“My role model”的交流活动。请你写一篇发言稿参加交流,内容包括:
1. 人物简介;
2. 主要事迹;
3. 成功启示。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
My role model
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Both my parents were good at gardening. Our family of ten depended on the food we grew in our huge vegetable garden. My mother canned (把……装进罐中) much of the produce for winter, and my father sold potatoes and cabbages to the local stores and schools. Our garden was the pride of the neighborhood.
But then, one summer when I was quite young, we had a problem. Someone was stealing our vegetables. My parents were quite surprised. “I don’t get it,” my father said. “If someone wants vegetables from us, all they have to do is ask. If they can’t afford to pay for them, they could just have them.”
Then one of the neighbors tipped us off that a single elderly man who lived a short distance from us was seen selling vegetables in a nearby town. Benny didn’t have a garden, had no regular job and lived in a small, poor house. My parents found out he was taking our vegetables to earn a few extra dollars. And later, they found it was true. My father decided to deal with this situation in his own way.
One day, he told my mother that he’d go to hire (雇用) Benny. My mother was surprised, saying, “We don’t have enough money to hire anyone. Besides, why would we hire the man who’s taking our vegetables ” My father replied that he was going to hire him to guard our garden. My mother was confused and didn’t think it would work.
My father explained, “Here’s what I think. Benny has got himself backed into a corner, and I’m going to give him a way out. I think he can’t refuse me. And he sure can’t take the vegetables that he’s guarding.”
When my father told him about the job, Benny was obviously a bit shocked. But Dad solved it pretty well. “Benny,” he said, “someone, probably some kid, has been taking vegetables out of our garden. I wonder if I could hire you to guard the garden.” Then Dad added that he would also have breakfast with us every day.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Thinking for a moment, he gladly nodded and smiled, “All right.”
Dad then began to create a vegetable garden for Benny.
听力1—5 ABCBA 6—10 CCABB 11—15ABCCB 16—20 ACBAC2023级高一上学期英语11月段考试卷
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What is the man doing now
A. Packing things. B. Looking for his wallet. C. Going shopping.
2. What gift will the woman give to her mother
A. A handbag. B. A photo album. C. A scarf.
3. What is the man going to do on Tuesday
A. Go climbing. B. Play football. C. Watch a movie.
4. Who is the woman talking to
A. A bus driver. B. A stranger. C. A teacher.
5. What are the speakers talking about
A. A piece of news. B. A terrible hotel. C. A famous newspaper.
6. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a factory. B. In a hospital. C. In an office.
7. How will the man go home
A. By driving his own car.
B. By taking the woman’s car.
C. By getting a ride from his friend.
8. Why does William want to move
A. He doesn’t like the weather.
B. He gets bored with his job.
C. He wants to stay with his family.
9. Where does William want to move
A. To London. B. To Ottawa. C. To New York.
10. What did Sarah do on Saturday afternoon
A. She cleaned the yard.
B. She worked on the farm.
C. She went to an amusement park.
11. How did Andrew feel about the Space World
A. Excited. B. Scared. C. Bored.
12. Where is Sarah going next
A. To the lab. B. To the library. C. To the classroom.
13. What happened to Tyler Gordon when he was five
A. He lost his hearing.
B He found a voice in art.
C. He received an operation.
14. Where did Kevin Durant’s mother see Tyler’s picture
A. At the man’s home. B. At a museum. C. On the Internet.
15. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Classmates. B. Brother and sister. C. Teacher and student.
16. Why does the woman want to meet Tyler Gordon
A. To make friends with him.
B. To have him paint for her.
C. To learn painting from him.
17. When will the students leave on Monday morning
A. At 7 o’clock. B. At 8 o’clock. C. At 9 o’clock.
18. Where will the students go on Wednesday
A. To a wildlife park. B. To a national park. C. To a local farm
19. What will the students do on Thursday afternoon
A. Ride horses. B. Do farm work. C. Go swimming.
20. When is the talk probably given
A. On Monday. B. On Tuesday. C. On Friday.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Road Trip Apps You Need Before You Leave
Best App for Route Planning
Ever wonder how delivery drivers manage to hit so many different places in a relatively short amount of time It’s because they’re using an app like Road Warrior to plan their routes to be as efficient as possible. However, while many other route planning apps only take things like traffic into account, Road Warrior includes lots of other time-sucking details. The subscription (订购) options start at $10 per month.
Best App for Gas Prices
Gas prices have been something of a catastrophe (灾难) recently, so travelers are naturally focused on finding the lowest rates whenever possible. Gas Buddy is one of the most popular apps for locating affordable gas, especially on long road trips. Simply enter the starting point and destination, and then watch as all of the cheapest gas prices along your route appear suddenly. Like many apps, there is a free version (版本), as well as a premium (额外) option with added features.
Best App for Planning Sightseeing
For people who aren’t totally focused on getting from point A to point B in the fastest time possible the Road Trippers app is a must-have. Users can plan their trip from start to finish with as many as 150 waypoints/stops when using the premium version of the app, which costs $29.99 per year. It won’t let you miss the famous sights along the way. It estimates fuel costs, allows for RV drivers to customize (定制) routes friendly to their particular vehicle and lets the user cooperate with friends who are also on the road.
Best App for Family Games and Entertainment
Sure you could listen to music or watch movies, but sometimes it’s fun to throw it way back with classic travel games. The Plates Family Travel app is a modernized version of the classic license plate (车牌) game. There’s also a map feature that shows you exactly where you saw all the license plates on your road trip. This app is available for Apple or Google devices for free.
1. Which app can help you save time
A. Gas Buddy. B. Road Warrior.
C. Road Trippers. D. Plates Family Travel.
2. Who is more likely to use Gas Buddy
A. Those who like playing games. B. Those who need license plates.
C. Those who prefer an unusual route. D. Those who care about gas prices.
3. What is special about the Road Trippers app
A. It is available for free. B. It provides the shortest route.
C. It recommends tourist attractions. D. It helps its users to make friends.
【答案】1. B 2. D 3. C
细节理解题。根据Best App for Route Planning中“Ever wonder how delivery drivers manage to hit so many different places in a relatively short amount of time It’s because they’re using an app like Road Warrior to plan their routes to be as efficient as possible.(有没有想过送货司机是如何在相对较短的时间内到达这么多不同的地方的?这是因为他们正在使用像“道路勇士”这样的应用程序来规划他们的路线,以尽可能提高效率。)”可知,送货司机会在相对较短的时间到达很多不同的地方,由此可知,Road Warrior这款应用程序可以帮助人们节省时间。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据Best App for Gas Prices中的“Simply enter the starting point and destination, and then watch as all of the cheapest gas prices along your route appear suddenly.(只需输入起点和目的地,然后看着沿途所有最便宜的汽油价格突然出现。)”可知, Gas Buddy可以找到沿途最便宜的汽油,由此可知,关心汽油价格的人会使用Gas Buddy。故选D项。
细节理解题。根据Best App for Planning Sightseeing中的“It won’t let you miss the famous sights along the way.(它不会让你错过沿途的著名景点。)”可知, Road Trippers app不会让你错过沿途的著名景点,由此可知,它会推荐一些旅游景点。故选C项。
Giorgio Morandi was one of the greatest artists in the history of Italy. He was the eldest of five children born into a middle-class family in Bologna, Italy. His early love of art upset his father, who wanted his son to work with him in his export business. Morandi attempted the business unsuccessfully in 1906.
After that, Morandi entered the Bologna Academy of Fine Arts in 1907. He continued his study with the support of his mother when his father suddenly passed away in 1908, forcing him to support his mother and younger sisters. During that time, he was introduced to Cubism and Futurism, which influenced his early work.
After he graduated from the Bologna Academy of Fine Arts in 1913, Morandi continued his study by traveling around Italy, especially to the Venice Biennale. Those tours would finally prove important, as Morandi seldom traveled overseas after the 1920s, and much of his future exposure (接触) to painters came from published art works. He was especially interested in the work of Impressionists like Claude Monet, as well as following greats such as Georges Seurat and Paul Cezanne. He also traveled within Italy, especially to see galleries and exhibitions, and was far more well-traveled than some historical sources show him to be.
After Morandi finished his traveling, he returned home and lived with his family. For many years, Morandi kept a peaceful daily routine. And he did most of his work in his workshop, a small room in a flat he shared with his mother and sisters.
Life wasn’t easy for him at first, but he quickly established himself as an important modern artist. His skills of color, light and arrangement began to gain notice, shining in the face of current painting in the manner of abstraction (抽象). And he was named “one of the greatest painters living” by Roberto Longhi in 1934.
4. What did Morandi’s father think of his love of art
A. He was against it. B. He showed a great interest.
C. He had mixed feelings about it. D. He was neither for nor against it.
5. Why did Morandi travel around Italy after graduation
A. He needed to make money in this way.
B. He wanted to learn more about painting.
C. He chose to relax after studying for years.
D. He was looking for works of Impressionists.
6. What did Morandi like doing after returning to live with his family
A. Learning different skills. B. Keeping himself very busy.
C. Working quietly in his workshop. D. Thinking for hours in his workshop.
7. What can we learn about Morandi from the last paragraph
A. He was an important modem artist at first.
B. He didn’t like creating works of abstraction.
C. He was good at color, light and arrangement.
D. He didn’t become known until after his death.
【答案】4. A 5. B 6. C 7. C
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了意大利著名画家Giorgio Morandi的生平。
推理判断题。根据第一段中的“His early love of art upset his father, who wanted his son to work with him in his export business.(他早年对艺术的热爱让他的父亲很不高兴,他想让儿子和他一起做出口生意)”可推知,Morandi的父亲反对他对艺术的热爱。故选A。
细节理解题。根据第三段“After he graduated from the Bologna Academy of Fine Arts in 1913, Morandi continued his study by traveling around Italy, especially to the Venice Biennale. Those tours would finally prove important, as Morandi seldom traveled overseas after the 1920s, and much of his future exposure (接触) to painters came from published art works. He was especially interested in the work of Impressionists like Claude Monet, as well as following greats such as Georges Seurat and Paul Cezanne. He also traveled within Italy, especially to see galleries and exhibitions, and was far more well-traveled than some historical sources show him to be.(1913年从博洛尼亚美术学院毕业后,Morandi继续在意大利各地旅行,特别是参加威尼斯双年展。这些旅行最终被证明是重要的,因为Morandi在20世纪20年代之后很少出国旅行,他未来接触画家的大部分机会来自出版的艺术作品。他对像克劳德·莫奈这样的印象派画家的作品特别感兴趣,也对像乔治·修拉和保罗·塞尚这样的伟大画家感兴趣。他也在意大利境内旅行,特别是去看画廊和展览,他的旅行远比一些历史资料显示的要多)”可知,毕业后,Morandi周游了意大利,因为他想学习更多的绘画知识。故选B。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“For many years, Morandi kept a peaceful daily routine. And he did most of his work in his workshop, a small room in a flat he shared with his mother and sisters.(多年来,Morandi保持着平静的日常生活。他的大部分作品都是在他的工作室里完成的,那是他与母亲和姐妹们合住的公寓里的一个小房间)”可知,Morandi回到家和家人一起生活后,喜欢在工作室里安静地工作。故选C。
细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“His skills of color, light and arrangement began to gain notice, shining in the face of current painting in the manner of abstraction (抽象).(他在颜色、光线和调配方面的技巧开始受到关注,以抽象的方式在当代绘画中闪闪发光)”可知,Morandi擅长颜色,光线和调配。故选C。
As Aristotle said, no one would choose to live without friends, even if he had all other goods. But have you ever made friends online What exactly is an online friend What’s the difference between an online friendship and an offline one
A person you know only through the Internet (which includes social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest) or email and will seldom, if ever, meet is considered an online friend. Online friendships can develop in places like forums (论坛), gaming sites, blogs, online groups or even from websites that help you meet friends.
An online friendship begins when two people bond with each other, just like an offline relationship. They may share photos, email each other, or chat on the phone finally. The friendship can become a source of support and provide emotional benefits even though the friends will never meet in real life.
Online friendships can be valuable during times when you lack (缺少) friends or have just moved to a new city or country. But in order for a friendship to be truly real, you need to communicate face to face. That isn’t to say that an online friendship can’t hold a special place in your heart or give you the kind of acceptance and support your desire. What it means is that this type of friendship will be very different. In an online friendship, people can hide their true personality. You’ll never see them lose their temper (脾气) or show you how they act when they’re tired or hungry. They have the choice to always show their best selves, always say the right thing and even avoid upsetting you with subjects they bring up during small talk or a deeper conversation.
An online friendship can feel very real. However, since you can hide behind the computer, it isn’t exactly the same as when you have friends you can meet in person.
8. Why does the author raise the questions in Paragraph 1
A. To express his great doubt.
B. To introduce the topic for discussion.
C. To show the importance of online friends.
D. To get readers to care about the Internet.
9. What does Paragraph 2 tell us
A. What an online friend is. B. Different ways of making friends.
C. Different kinds of social networks D. How to make friends on the Internet.
10. What does the underlined word “bond” in Paragraph 3 probably mean
A. Fight. B. Compare. C. Contact D. Love.
11. How does an online friendship differ from a real-life friendship
A. It can’t become a source of support.
B. It takes more time and effort to keep.
C. It lacks communication with great depth.
D. It can’t tell what a person is really like.
【答案】8. B 9. A 10. C 11. D
推理判断题。根据第一段“As Aristotle said, no one would choose to live without friends, even if he had all other goods. But have you ever made friends online What exactly is an online friend What’s the difference between an online friendship and an offline one (正如亚里士多德所说,没有人会选择没有朋友的生活,即使他拥有所有其他的东西。但是你在网上交过朋友吗?什么是网友?线上友谊和线下友谊有什么区别?)”可知,第一段先引用亚里士多德的话来说明友谊的重要性,并提出了一些问题,接下来的段落介绍了网友的定义及意义等。由此可推知,作者在第一段提出这些问题是为了引出本文要讨论的话题。故选B。
细节理解题。根据第二段中的“A person you know only through the Internet (which includes social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest) or email and will seldom, if ever, meet is considered an online friend. (你只通过互联网——包括Facebook、Instagram和Pinterest等社交网站——或电子邮件认识的人,如果很少见面,就会被视为网友。)”可知,本段告诉了我们网友的定义。故选A。
词义猜测题。画线部分后一句的“They may share photos, email each other, or chat on the phone finally.(他们可能会分享照片,互相发送电子邮件,或者最后通过电话聊天。)”是对上一句的解释说明,解释了具体的交流方式。由此可推知,画线词所在的句子意为“网上友谊始于两个人彼此建立联系,就像线下关系一样”,bond意为“培养特殊关系”,与contact(联系)意思最接近。故选C。
推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“In an online friendship, people can hide their true personality. You’ll never see them lose their temper (脾气) or show you how they act when they’re tired or hungry. They have the choice to always show their best selves, always say the right thing and even avoid upsetting you with subjects they bring up during small talk or a deeper conversation.(在网络友谊中,人们可以隐藏自己的真实个性。你永远不会看到他们发脾气,也不会向你展示他们在疲惫或饥饿时的行为。他们可以选择总是展示最好的自己,总是说正确的话,甚至避免在闲聊或更深入的对话中提到的话题让你感到不安。)”可推知,网络友谊有别于真实生活中的友谊,因为网络友谊具有片面性和欺骗性,不能完全展示对方的真实面目。故选D。
The 187-foot-tall Tower of Pisa is famous all over the world mainly because it leans (倾斜). For many years, people believed that the tower’s designer intended it to lean. As it turns out, though, the tower’s lean is an accident caused by poor planning. The Tower of Pisa was constructed (建造) on a riverbed of sand and clay (黏土) that was not strong enough to support a building so tall and heavy.
Construction of the tower began in 1173. Because Pisa experienced several wars, the tower wasn’t completed until 1350. Only a few years after the construction started, people could see that the first three floors of the tower were already leaning. As the next three floors were added, builders purposefully built them with one side higher than the other to try to correct the lean. This resulted in the tower leaning in the opposite direction
Fortunately for the people of Pisa, the long delays (耽搁) during construction gave the structure time to settle and the ground to become compacted (结实的). This mad the foundation (地基) stronger over time, which is the main reason why the tower never fell over. For hundreds of years, the tower was indeed falling. It would lean one more inch about every 20 years. In the end, in 1990, it was closed to the public for fear that a large group of people at the top would weigh enough to make it fall down.
From 1990 to 2001, engineers from around the world helped balance the tower After several unsuccessful attempts at a solution, engineers finally came up with a plan that worked. They slowly removed ground under the high side of the tower. When they had finished, they had returned it to the position it held in about 1838—the tower had been straightened by nearly 16 inches. Except a sudden great disaster, such as a earthquake, engineers believe the tower is safe for another 300 years now.
12. What does the author try to explain about the Tower of Pisa in Paragraph 1
A. Why it leans. B. Why it was built.
C. Why it is famous. D. Why it stopped leaning.
13. What can we learn about the Tower of Pisa
A. It was completed in 1173. B. It began to be built in 1350.
C. It was seen leaning after 1173. D. It was repaired every 20 years.
14. What kept the Tower of Pisa from falling down according to Paragraph 3
A. The special structure. B. The timely protection.
C. The skill of the builders. D. The long time of building.
15. What would be the best title for the text
A. When does the Tower of Pisa lean
B. Is the leaning Tower of Pisa falling
C. When was the leaning Tower of Pisa built
D. How did the leaning Tower of Pisa get its name
【答案】12. A 13. C 14. D 15. B
推理判断题。根据第一段中“As it turns out, though, the tower’s lean is an accident caused by poor planning. The Tower of Pisa was constructed (建造) on a riverbed of sand and clay (黏土) that was not strong enough to support a building so tall and heavy.”(然而,事实证明,这座塔的倾斜是由于规划不当造成的意外。比萨斜塔是建在沙土河床上的,河床不够坚固,支撑不了这么高这么重的建筑。)可推知,在第一段中,作者试图解释比萨斜塔为什么会倾斜——地基不够牢固,无法支撑那么高的建筑。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据第二段中“Construction of the tower began in 1173. Because Pisa experienced several wars, the tower wasn’t completed until 1350. Only a few years after the construction started, people could see that the first three floors of the tower were already leaning.”(这座塔始建于1173年。由于比萨经历了几次战争,这座塔直到1350年才完工。在开始建设的几年后,人们可以看到塔的前三层已经倾斜了。)可知,比萨斜塔在1173年建造开始后的头几年里就被发现有倾斜的迹象。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据第三段中“Fortunately for the people of Pisa, the long delays (耽搁) during construction gave the structure time to settle and the ground to become compacted (结实的). This mad the foundation (地基) stronger over time, which is the main reason why the tower never fell over.”(对比萨人来说幸运的是,施工过程中的长时间延误使结构有时间稳定下来,地面也变得密实。随着时间的推移,这使得基础更加坚固,这就是塔从未倒塌的主要原因。)可知,比萨斜塔之所以在这种情况下屹然不倒是因为它的建造时间较长,使得地基夯实得较为坚固。故选D项。
主旨大意题。根据文章大意以及第一段“The 187-foot-tall Tower of Pisa is famous all over the world mainly because it leans (倾斜). For many years, people believed that the tower’s designer intended it to lean. As it turns out, though, the tower’s lean is an accident caused by poor planning. The Tower of Pisa was constructed (建造) on a riverbed of sand and clay (黏土) that was not strong enough to support a building so tall and heavy.”(187英尺高的比萨斜塔因其倾斜而闻名于世。多年来,人们认为这座塔的设计者有意让它倾斜。然而,事实证明,这座塔的倾斜是由于规划不当造成的意外。比萨斜塔是建在沙土河床上的,河床不够坚固,支撑不了这么高这么重的建筑。)综合分析文章可知,本文主要围绕着比萨斜塔为什么会倾斜以及人们怎么确保它不会倒下而进行说明的。故B项Is the leaning Tower of Pisa falling “比萨斜塔要倒了吗?”作文章标题最合适。故选B项。
Earhart was an American aviator. ____16____. She had several excellent flights, including becoming the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean in 1928, as well as the first person to fly over both the Atlantic and Pacific. She passed away in 1939.
After seeing wounded soldiers returning from World War I, Earhart volunteered for the Red Cross. ____17____. She developed a strong admiration for aviators, spending much of her free time watching the Royal Flying Corps practicing at the airfield nearby.
At a Long Beach air show in 1920, Earhart took a plane ride that changed her life. When she landed, she knew she had to learn to fly. She finally earned enough money to take flying lessons. ____18____. She read everything she could find on flying and spent much of her time at the airfield. In the summer of 1921, she set out to make a name for herself in aviation.
In 1925, Earhart was forced to abandon her studies in Columbia University and found employment first as a teacher, then as a social worker. ____19____, becoming a member of the American Aeronautical Society’s Boston chapter. She also invested a small amount of money in the Dennison Airport in Massachusetts, and acted as a sales representative for Kinner airplanes in the Boston area.
____20____. In 1929, she entered the first Santa Monica-to-Cleveland Women’s Air Derby, placing third. In 1931, she set a world altitude record of 18,415 feet. Between 1930 and 1935, Earhart set seven women’s speed and distance aviation records in a variety of aircraft.
Earhart’s life and career have been celebrated for the past several decades on “Amelia Earhart Day,” which is held annually on July 24—her birthday.
A. In April 1928, Earhart received a phone call from Captain Hilton
B. Earhart’s public image presented a somewhat shy woman
C. She gradually got back into aviation in 1927
D. Earhart aimed to become a respected pilot
E. She came to know many wounded pilots
F. She was the 16th woman to be issued a pilot’s license
G. She devoted herself to learning to fly
【答案】16. F 17. E 18. G 19. C 20. D
根据上文“Earhart was an American aviator.(埃尔哈特是一名美国飞行员)”以及后文“She had several excellent flights, including becoming the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean in 1928, as well as the first person to fly over both the Atlantic and Pacific. She passed away in 1939.(她有几次出色的飞行,包括在1928年成为第一位飞越大西洋的女性,以及第一个飞越大西洋和太平洋的人。她于1939年去世)”可知,本句承接上文继续介绍她作为飞行员所取得的成就。故F选项“她是第16位获得飞行员执照的女性”符合语境,故选F。
根据上文“After seeing wounded soldiers returning from World War I, Earhart volunteered for the Red Cross.(埃尔哈特看到从第一次世界大战归来的受伤士兵后,自愿加入红十字会)”可知,本句承接上文说明她在红十字会的见闻。故E选项“她认识了许多受伤的飞行员”符合语境,故选E。
根据上文“At a Long Beach air show in 1920, Earhart took a plane ride that changed her life. When she landed, she knew she had to learn to fly. She finally earned enough money to take flying lessons.(在1920年的长滩航空展上,埃尔哈特乘坐飞机改变了她的生活。当她降落时,她知道她必须学会飞行。她终于挣够了钱去上飞行课)” 可知,埃尔哈特挣到了足够的钱来上飞行课之后,故本句说明她开始专心学习飞行。故G选项“她致力于学习飞行”符合语境,故选G。
根据上文“In 1925, Earhart was forced to abandon her studies in Columbia University and found employment first as a teacher, then as a social worker.(1925年,埃尔哈特被迫放弃了她在哥伦比亚大学的学业,起初是一名教师,然后是一名社会工作者)”以及后文“becoming a member of the American Aeronautical Society’s Boston chapter(成为美国航空学会波士顿分会的成员)”可知,空前面说埃尔哈特被迫放弃了在哥伦比亚大学的学业,先是找到了一份教师的工作,然后是一名社会工作者,后文提到了成为航空学会的成员,故本句是在说明她“逐渐重返航空业”。故C选项“1927年,她逐渐回到了航空业”符合语境,故选C。
根据后文“In 1929, she entered the first Santa Monica-to-Cleveland Women’s Air Derby, placing third. In 1931, she set a world altitude record of 18,415 feet. Between 1930 and 1935, Earhart set seven women’s speed and distance aviation records in a variety of aircraft.(1929年,她参加了第一届圣莫尼卡至克利夫兰女子空中德比比赛,获得第三名。1931年,她创造了海拔18415英尺的世界纪录。1930年至1935年间,埃尔哈特驾驶各种飞机创造了七项女子飞行速度和距离记录)”可知,后文她取得的成就可知,埃尔哈特的目标是成为一名受人尊敬的飞行员。故D选项“埃尔哈特立志成为一名受人尊敬的飞行员”符合语境,故选D。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B. C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
My real research started at the New York Botanical Garden. I met a person who is a paleobotanist (古植物学家), which means that he ____21____ prehistoric plants. My novel centers on Merwin and Louise, two little Sycamore ____22____ who began life during the Cretaceous Period.
Sycamore trees are called fossil species, which means they have been ____23____ since the time of the dinosaurs. They are ____24____ to modern trees we see in forests today. The Sycamore tree also makes those kind of seed balls, a little bit like a nursery (托儿所), like all these ____25____ in there together. In most of my stories. I write about children who get ____26____ from their parents and find their way in the world. That’s kind of what Sycamore seeds and other seeds do. They must ____27____ the plant that made them and go find a place to ____28____.
It was fun trying to ____29____ all the different places these two little seeds could go. I wanted them to go underwater. Drawing pictures underwater is so hard. ____30____ the whole scene with King Seaweed was really fun.
What surprised me the most was the idea that ____31____ are really communities. Trees communicate with each other with a mycelial (菌丝) system under the ground that ____32____ everything. It felt like there were interesting parallels (相似之处) with us, because we also live in ____33____, and we try to help each other. However, there are sometimes ____34____ from outside, and we have to find out ways to ____35____. Plants are doing the same thing
A. cooks B. studies C. plants D. keeps
A. animals B. children C. birds D. seeds
A. alone B. away C. around D. abroad
A. familiar B. junior C. unnecessary D. typical
A. teachers B. kids C. parents D. cleaners
A. absent B. safe C. separate D. tired
A. break away from B. go away with C. look after D. get in
A. die B. learn C. sleep D. grow
A. search B. dig C. imagine D. remove
A. Writing B. Enjoying C. Dreaming D. Controlling
A. rivers B. forests C. oceans D. companies
A. expresses B. revises C. improves D. connects
A. communities B. buildings C. systems D. nurseries
A. qualities B. greetings C. difficulties D. comforts
A. lose B. quit C. challenge D. survive
【答案】21. B 22. D 23. C 24. A 25. B 26. C 27. A 28. D 29. C 30. A 31. B 32. D 33. A 34. C 35. D
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我遇到一个人,他是古植物学家,意思是他研究史前植物。A. cooks烹饪;B. studies研究,学习;C. plants种植;D. keeps保持。根据上文“a person who is a paleobotanist”可知,古植物学家即研究史前植物的人,故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的小说以默文和露易丝为中心,他们是两只小梧桐树的种子,生活在白垩纪时期。A. animals动物;B. children孩子;C. birds鸟;D. seeds种子。呼应后文“these two little seeds could go”可知,默文和露易丝是两颗种子。故选D。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:梧桐树被称为化石物种,这意味着它们从恐龙时代就存在了。A. alone独自;B. away远离;C. around在周围;D. abroad在国外。根据上文“Sycamore trees are called fossil species”可知,梧桐树是化石物种,这意味着它们从恐龙时代就存在了,短语be around表示“存在”。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:它们和我们今天在森林里看到的现代树木很相似。A. familiar熟悉的;B. junior年龄较小的;C. unnecessary不必要的;D. typical典型的。根据后文“to modern trees we see in forests today”并结合常识可知,远古梧桐树和现代的梧桐树相似,即它们被现代的梧桐树所熟悉,短语be familiar to表示“为……所熟悉”。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:梧桐树也会结出那种种子球,有点像托儿所,就像所有的孩子在一起。A. teachers老师;B. kids孩子;C. parents父母;D. cleaners清洁工。根据上文“a little bit like a nursery”把种子球比喻成托儿所,即所有的孩子在一起。故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在我的大部分故事里,我写的是那些与父母分离并在这个世界上找到出路的孩子。A. absent缺席的;B. safe安全的;C. separate分开的;D. tired疲惫的。根据后文“find their way in the world”可知,种子要离开大树,在世界是找到出路。故选C。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:它们必须脱离制造它们的植物,去找一个生长的地方。A. break away from摆脱;B. go away with携带某物离开;C. look after照顾;D. get in进入。根据后文“ go find a place to”可知,此处指脱离制造他们的植物,去找一个生长的地方。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:它们必须脱离制造它们的植物,去找一个生长的地方。A. die死亡;B. learn学习;C. sleep睡觉;D. grow成长,生长。结合上文“the plant”以及常识,植物需要找到生长的地方。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:试着想象这两颗小种子可能去的所有不同的地方是很有趣的。A. search研究;B. dig挖掘;C. imagine想象;D. remove去除。根据后文“I wanted them to go underwater. Drawing pictures underwater is so hard.(我想让他们去水下。在水下画画太难了)”可知,此处指想象种子可能去不同的地方。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:写西维德王的整个场景真的很有趣。A. Writing写;B. Enjoying欣赏;C. Dreaming梦想;D. Controlling控制。呼应上文“I write about”可知,此处是指写作场景。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:最让我惊讶的是森林实际上是社区的想法。A. rivers河流;B. forests森林;C. oceans海洋;D. companies公司。根据后文“Trees”可知,此处指的是森林是一个社区。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:树木通过地下的菌丝系统相互交流,菌丝系统连接着一切。A. expresses表达;B. revises修改;C. improves改善;D. connects连接。根据上文“Trees communicate with each other with a mycelial system”可知,树木之所以可以沟通是因为菌丝系统连接着一切。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我觉得我们之间有一些有趣的相似之处,因为我们也生活在社区里,我们试图互相帮助。A. communities社区;B. buildings建筑;C. systems系统;D. nurseries托儿所。呼应上文“are really communities”指我们和树木一样,也生活在社区里。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,有时会有来自外界的困难,我们必须找到生存的方法。A. qualities品质;B. greetings问候;C. difficulties困难;D. comforts安慰。后文“we have to find out ways to”提到必须找到生存的方法,说明是遇到了困难。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,有时会有来自外界的困难,我们必须找到生存的方法。A. lose失去;B. quit停止;C. challenge挑战;D. survive幸存,活下去。根据上文可知,我们和树木相似,遇到困难要找到生存下来的方法。故选D。
Believe it or not, a group of US teens could perform The Mermaid, a classical Chinese play for children, fully in Chinese. The 15 US teens, ____36____ (age) between 12 and 17, stood out from more than 200 children and spent almost two years ____37____ (practise), according to Chen Suhan, director and producer of the play’s US version. The show’s success is thanks ____38____ the China-US Youth Theater Exchange Program. The program combines theater and Chinese language learning to promote language education and youth ____39____ (exchange) between China and the US. “All the kids ____40____ (work) so hard over the last two years, and I feel so proud to see their amazing performance,” Chen said. For American teens, coming to China to perform a Chinese play is ____41____ unforgettable experience. “Theater for children and young people ____42____ (be) a ‘world language’ that enables children of different countries and race ____43____ (communicate) without words. Theater for children and young people is the seed of innocence, ____44____ (kind) and beauty. It is also the seed of love, culture and friendship _____45_____ brings beauty,” remarked Feng Li, president of China National Theater for Children.
【答案】36. aged
37. practising
38. to 39. exchanges
40. have worked
41. an 42. is
43. to communicate
44. kindness
45. which##that
考查非谓语动词。句意:据该剧美国版导演兼制片人陈苏涵介绍,这15名年龄在12岁至17岁之间的美国青少年从200多名孩子中脱颖而出,花了近两年时间练习。固定搭配spend time doing sth.“花时间做某事”。故填practising。
考查介词。句意:这次演出的成功要归功于中美青少年戏剧交流项目。固定搭配thanks to“因为(表示某事发生或某人取得成功是由于某种帮助或原因)”,to是介词。故填to。
考查名词复数。句意:该项目将戏剧和汉语学习结合起来,以促进中美语言教育和青年交流。此处作宾语,应用名词,由空前后的定语language education and youth和between China and the US可知,此处表多种或多次交流,应用名词复数形式。故填exchanges。
考查动词时态。句意:“在过去的两年里,所有的孩子都非常努力,看到他们惊人的表现,我感到非常自豪,”陈说。根据时间状语over the last two years可知,此处应用现在完成时,主语是复数,助动词使用have。故填have worked。
考查非谓语动词。句意:对于儿童和青少年来说,戏剧是一种“世界语言”,它使不同国家和种族的儿童能够不用语言进行交流。固定搭配enable sb. to do sth.“使某人能做某事”。故填to communicate。
考查定语从句。句意:“这也是爱、文化和友谊的种子,带来了美丽,”中国国家儿童剧院院长冯丽说。此处是限定性定语从句,修饰先行词the seed,指物,关系词在从句中作主语,应用关系代词which或that引导。故填which或that。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 下周五,你校英语社团将组织主题为“My role model”的交流活动。请你写一篇发言稿参加交流,内容包括:
1. 人物简介;
2. 主要事迹;
3. 成功启示。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡相应位置作答。
My role model
【答案】My role model
Good afternoon, everyone,
I’m delighted to be here to share my role model with you. A disabled painter called Huang Guofu from Chongqing is my role model.
Losing both arms as a result of an electric shock at 4, Huang Guofu began practising painting with his mouth and feet at 12 years old. After hard practice, Huang Guofu’s legs and feet are now very flexible and his paintings are so well-known that they have already been sold at home and abroad.
It is he who inspires me to be brave to face all the challenges in my life.
【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生以主题为“My role model”写一篇发言稿参加英语社团组织的交流活动,内容包括人物简介、主要事迹以及成功启示。
高兴的:delighted →glad
由于:as a result of →in view of
著名的:well-known →famous
面对:face →be faced with
原句:A disabled painter called Huang Guofu from Chongqing is my role model.
拓展句:A disabled painter who is called Huang Guofu from Chongqing is my role model.
【点睛】【高分句型1】Losing both arms as a result of an electric shock at 4, Huang Guofu began practising painting with his mouth and feet at 12 years old.(运用了现在分词短语作状语)
【高分句型2】After hard practice, Huang Guofu’s legs and feet are now very flexible and his paintings are so well-known that they have already been sold at home and abroad.(运用了“so…that…”句型,其中that 引导的为结果状语从句)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Both my parents were good at gardening. Our family of ten depended on the food we grew in our huge vegetable garden. My mother canned (把……装进罐中) much of the produce for winter, and my father sold potatoes and cabbages to the local stores and schools. Our garden was the pride of the neighborhood.
But then, one summer when I was quite young, we had a problem. Someone was stealing our vegetables. My parents were quite surprised. “I don’t get it,” my father said. “If someone wants vegetables from us, all they have to do is ask. If they can’t afford to pay for them, they could just have them.”
Then one of the neighbors tipped us off that a single elderly man who lived a short distance from us was seen selling vegetables in a nearby town. Benny didn’t have a garden, had no regular job and lived in a small, poor house. My parents found out he was taking our vegetables to earn a few extra dollars. And later, they found it was true. My father decided to deal with this situation in his own way.
One day, he told my mother that he’d go to hire (雇用) Benny. My mother was surprised, saying, “We don’t have enough money to hire anyone. Besides, why would we hire the man who’s taking our vegetables ” My father replied that he was going to hire him to guard our garden. My mother was confused and didn’t think it would work.
My father explained, “Here’s what I think. Benny has got himself backed into a corner, and I’m going to give him a way out. I think he can’t refuse me. And he sure can’t take the vegetables that he’s guarding.”
When my father told him about the job, Benny was obviously a bit shocked. But Dad solved it pretty well. “Benny,” he said, “someone, probably some kid, has been taking vegetables out of our garden. I wonder if I could hire you to guard the garden.” Then Dad added that he would also have breakfast with us every day.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Thinking for a moment, he gladly nodded and smiled, “All right.”
Dad then began to create a vegetable garden for Benny.
【答案】Thinking for a moment, he gladly nodded and smiled. “All right.” Whether Benny slept most of the night wasn’t important. After that day, we didn’t miss vegetables anymore. And each morning, after breakfast, Benny followed us around in the garden and gradually fell in love with gardening. He’d ask questions like: “Why do you plant these carrots here Why are peas here growing faster than those over there ” My parents patiently answered. One day, Dad suggested helping him create a vegetable garden, which made him glad and grateful.
Dad then began to create a vegetable garden for Benny. By the following spring, he had his garden spot, which was ready for planting. Then, my parents gave him various seeds and he began his gardening. One day when passing by, we found the vegetables in his garden were growing very well. And he was so busy tending them that he didn’t have time to guard our garden anymore. I was proud of the new gardener and proud of my remarkable father.
①跟随:follow/go after
②忙于:be busy doing/be occupied in
【点睛】[高分句型1] One day, Dad suggested helping him create a vegetable garden, which made him glad and grateful. (由which引导的非限制性定语从句)
[高分句型2] By the following spring, he had his garden spot, which was ready for planting. (由which引导的非限制性定语从句)
听力1—5 ABCBA 6—10 CCABB 11—15ABCCB 16—20 ACBAC




下一篇:人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Sports and fitness 能力提升素养练习(含解析)